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Yoga and Meditation

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Sep 18, 2012, 4:30:17 AM9/18/12
The Yoga and meditation is a profound exploration of the immense potential of the human mind. Meditation is a mind-body practice in complementary and alternative medicine. There are many types of meditation, most of which originated in ancient religious and spiritual traditions. Generally, a person who is meditating uses certain techniques, such as a specific posture, focused attention, and an open attitude toward distractions.
Yoga is not a religion, but an aidto practice of basic spiritual truths in all religions. Conscious and sustained effort towards self perfection. Art of right living. System of integral education of mind, body and spirit for purification of soul and attaining oneness with the cosmic energy
Meditation will bring you peace of mind, calmness, and a sense of well being Better relationships, better health, and a better life .Personal, philosophical, and spiritual insights. The benefits of meditation are your birthright, whether you are Buddhist, Christian, Hindu, Jain, Muslim, Sikh, and Taoist, follow some other religion, or none at all.
Pranayama is the art of breath manipulation and energy balance. Pranayama involves breathing techniques practiced thousands of different ways. One of the most common and fundamental breathing techniques is Ujjayi. Pranayama involves sitting for long periods of time and performing breathing.
Principles of Yoga help to regain health and vitality well into the old age. Yoga preserves the mental health and clear thinking well into old age without fear of disease and loneliness. Yoga can make you look younger by years.
Asanas are effectively stretching the posterior muscles which support the abdomen, hips and waist, thus increasing the tone of the abdominal and pelvic organs.
Yoga is used for health treatments such as reducing anxiety and depression Yoga also helps to relieve Arthritis, Headaches, Backaches, Menstrual disorders, Sciatica, Dyspepsia, Urinary disorders, Sexual dysfunction, Rheumatism, Acidity
For more details visit

Matt Winchester

Oct 17, 2012, 12:03:56 PM10/17/12

Matt Winchester

Oct 17, 2012, 12:04:16 PM10/17/12
On Tuesday, September 18, 2012 1:30:18 AM UTC-7, wrote:
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