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Frequency of Spellwork: Law Keep Away

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Mar 8, 2008, 3:06:21 PM3/8/08
>does anyone know how often I should do "the law keep away" magic
>(candles, oils, spells ........)?

frequency of use is a personal and timing thing. there aren't any
special rules for it, though there may be conventions. one of
these conventions is as little as prior to or surrounding all
activities for which keeping the law away becomes important.

another would be to do them every Saturday (because Saturn
relates to limitation and control), or once a day at a Saturn
hour. your energies and time and interest will drive your
actions. typically i would imagine this character of spellwork
would be activity-driven (when you're doing engaging something
which has the danger of being caught by the law).

>Right when I get that "gut feeling"?

by intuition is a helpful guide, yes.

>All year around if I see something coming or bad happening?

repeatedly would be the next step, as i stated above. your
"all year 'round" suggestion is impractical, but its duration
in terms of how long to repeatedly engage such spells may be
appropriate as it seems necessary.

>Once a month for protection?

how often do you want to eat pizza? ;)

>Any tips or help would be GREATLY appreciated!

I suggest that you elaborate on why you want to do the
spellwork. in general how often do you engage the action
you're trying to keep the law away from? we can start
there. no need to mention what the activity is, really.\

-- - Gospel of Satan!
Dumbledore: "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but
why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" - J.K. Rowling.

alt.magick.moderated is a MODERATED newsgroup.
Consult where you
may locate the newest Posting Guidelines and Charter
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Mar 12, 2008, 2:02:04 PM3/12/08

> >does anyone know how often I should do "the law keep away" magic
> >(candles, oils, spells ........)?

How often can you afford?


Mar 13, 2008, 8:00:38 PM3/13/08
thanks for the replies.

I saw the spell kit at the onlineshop as well. Iam practising magic
since Iam 9 years old. my grandma told me everything she
knew ..............
I know the basics, and I have to say I really like the little spell
kit - I think its a good help for people out there. Iam originally
from germany, so I always appreciate
great onlineshops out there in US, in Germany you are not that
lucky ;)O

I never did any "law" magic ........ thats why I need a little help
here ;)

Iam willing to share more, in general or anonymous terms, what kind of
questions should I answer.

Thanks for all your help



Mar 13, 2008, 8:00:36 PM3/13/08
thanks for the replies.

I saw the spell kit at the onlineshop as well. Iam practising magic
since Iam 9 years old. my grandma told me everything she
knew ..............
I know the basics, and I have to say I really like the little spell
kit - I think its a good help for people out there. Iam originally
from germany, so I always appreciate
great onlineshops out there in US, in Germany you are not that
lucky ;)O

I never did any "law" magic ........ thats why I need a little help
here ;)

Iam willing to share more, in general or anonymous terms, what kind of
questions should I answer.

Thanks for all your help



> - Gospel of Satan!

> Dumbledore: "Of course it is happening inside your head, Harry, but
> why on earth should that mean that it is not real?" - J.K. Rowling.
>         alt.magick.moderated is a MODERATED newsgroup.

>         Consult you

>         may locate the newest Posting Guidelines and Charter
>         for the newsgroup before your first post. Contact the

>         Moderation Team at


Mar 14, 2008, 12:16:36 AM3/14/08
MissMone <>:

>I know the basics, and I have to say I really like the little spell
>kit - I think its a good help for people out there....

me too, especially when not overpriced.

>I never did any "law" magic ........ thats why I
>need a little help here ;)
>Iam willing to share more, in general or anonymous
>terms, what kind of questions should I answer.

how often you do things you want protected from the law.



Apr 4, 2008, 4:27:37 AM4/4/08
MissMone <> writes:
>I never did any "law" magic ........
>thats why I need a little help here ;)
> ...what kind of questions should I answer[?]

practically, do you know precisely who you are
trying to keep away? if so, that would make
things ever so much easier (because you could
work directly on them, rather than constructing
some talisman or spell of law-keepaway.

shielding yourself from detection (as via what
are called "invisibility" spells) is not quite
the same feat as making a single inspector
compliant to your desires and aims.

how soon do you need to do this? plan for the
most grueling or costliest spellwork first,
allotting your resources wisely.

and otherwise, initially, of course, you ought
ask yourself whether the risk of being caught
by authorities is too great even for magical
concealment or distraction. is there some more
ethical way to handle what you are evading the
law to achieve?

other than that, there's not much that would
be productive to ask that i can predict. once
you answer these, your means will be clarified
for my additional consideration about specific
talismans, herbs, roots, spirits, et al.



Apr 4, 2008, 6:01:54 PM4/4/08

"nagasiva" <> wrote in message

> MissMone <> writes:
>>I never did any "law" magic ........
>>thats why I need a little help here ;)
>> ...what kind of questions should I answer[?]
> practically, do you know precisely who you are
> trying to keep away?

That's easy. It's not a "who" but a "what". It's the unpleasant
consequences of her own actions. It's what every immature person wants to
keep away.


Apr 7, 2008, 4:45:07 PM4/7/08

It's common sense to face the stuff you stir. I made a comment to this
effect earlier, but it either didn't go thru or was deleted. My
further comment was that aiming magick directly at a person instead of
just the situation causes the exact problem that has caused the issue
in the first place.... which is why I recommended a talisman.

ALL you do comes back.....



Apr 7, 2008, 4:40:47 PM4/7/08
That's easy.  It's not a "who" but a "what".  It's the unpleasant
consequences of her own actions.  It's what every immature person
wants to
keep away.

BD:> despite what any say, it's always best just to face those. The
longer you run, the bigger the bite out of your butt. Besides, it
takes character to face your issues and put them in their proper place
in your life, to do otherwise is to subjugate yourself to them in the
end. Throwing spells directly at someone ALWAYS exacts a heavier price
than it's really worth. Some like to punish themselves as well as the
one they're casting spells on. Different strokes for different folks I

The pendulum always swings.......


Apr 7, 2008, 5:23:56 PM4/7/08
On 7 Apr, 21:40, BalanceDragon <> wrote:
> Throwing spells directly at someone ALWAYS exacts a heavier price
> than it's really worth.

Lucky Mojo are trying to run a business.


Apr 8, 2008, 8:30:18 PM4/8/08

I can appreciate that Lucky Mojo is trying to run a business.. I wish
them all the luck, but with me it's not a business- it's my
spirituality. I never attach $$$ to that.
I have done what I do for a long time, and will always have a clear
conscience about what I've done with what I believe in. For me, it's
the only way to be.
Have a nice day-



Apr 9, 2008, 10:51:50 AM4/9/08
On 9 Apr, 01:30, BalanceDragon <> wrote:
> I can appreciate that Lucky Mojo is trying to run a business.. I wish
> them all the luck, but with me it's not a business- it's my
> spirituality.

Maybe I should have added a smiley.

> I never attach $$$ to that.
> I have done what I do for a long time, and will always have a clear
> conscience about what I've done with what I believe in. For me, it's
> the only way to be.

What do you do?

> Have a nice day-

You too.

<waves from alt.magick>


Apr 10, 2008, 8:46:29 PM4/10/08
What I do?... hmmm... that depends. I do machinist work for a living.
I'm also a musician and I've had short stories and poetry published as
well as art and illustrations. As far as my beliefs go, I do quite a
bit. I did do natural magick as a child before I knew what was really
going on. The guy who used to watch me do these things (to me it was
part of 'playing') was a magus, and took me under his wing and taught
me Solomonic magick. From him I learned ceremonial magick and how to
protect myself. Later I met some witches (crones) one of whom was my
best freind's mother. We 'swapped' information and I learned a
traditional witchcraft (not the modern stuff) handed down thru their
family. I learned they had a very strong creed concerning the high
value placed on life.

Later still, I'd finished my adeptship and became a Magus, then years
later a High Magus. Disillusioned by the processes found in the
Solomonic practices for worshipping pagan dieties (called 'Olympic'
therein) I stumbled across neo-paganism, which was just beginning to
come out from under the shadows of religious persecution down south. I
became a priest, then a HP and found out what true responsibillity
really is. Persecution still happens, as you can see day to day.. even
on lists like this one- but we cannot let anyone step on our beliefs
no more than they can let us step on theirs. If they feel they are the
only way, then let them read their bible where it states that others
do believe in other gods. It condemns them, or course, but it was a
fact and still is a fact to this day that people have always believed
in other gods, and therefore there must be a different way from

Perhaps they should answer as to why the Vatican is built atop an
ancient Temple to Dionysius, or why his birth was THE FIRST recorded
'virgin birth' in any myth - (as well as that of Osiris) and as well
as the First myth involving resurrection/rebirth. But this, they will
tell us is a great lie, even though it predates Judeo-Chrisitianity by
a couple thousand years.

Sorry about being on the soap box - generally I don't go there, but
it's been a long day and I only wished to converse with others who
believe the same as I without further condemnation and judgement from
those who have no real knowlege of what I'm about or believe in. After
all, how many pagans do you find crashing christian discussion groups?



Apr 11, 2008, 6:52:50 AM4/11/08
On 11 Apr, 01:46, BalanceDragon <> wrote:
> Later still, I'd finished my adeptship and became a Magus, then years
> later a High Magus.

What's the difference between the two do you think?

>Disillusioned by the processes found in the
> Solomonic practices for worshipping pagan dieties (called 'Olympic'
> therein) I stumbled across neo-paganism, which was just beginning to
> come out from under the shadows of religious persecution down south. I
> became a priest, then a HP and found out what true responsibillity
> really is. Persecution still happens, as you can see day to day.. even
> on lists like this one- but we cannot let anyone step on our beliefs
> no more than they can let us step on theirs. If they feel they are the
> only way, then let them read their bible where it states that others
> do believe in other gods. It condemns them, or course, but it was a
> fact and still is a fact to this day that people have always believed
> in other gods, and therefore there must be a different way from
> theirs.
> Perhaps they should answer as to why the Vatican is built atop an
> ancient Temple to Dionysius, or why his birth was THE FIRST recorded
> 'virgin birth' in any myth - (as well as that of Osiris) and as well
> as the First myth involving resurrection/rebirth. But this, they will
> tell us is a great lie, even though it predates Judeo-Chrisitianity by
> a couple thousand years.
> Sorry about being on the soap box - generally I don't go there, but
> it's been a long day and I only wished to converse with others who
> believe the same as I without further condemnation and judgement from
> those who have no real knowlege of what I'm about or believe in. After
> all, how many pagans do you find crashing christian discussion groups?

No need to apologise. You seem to feel persecuted. Do you think I'm
attacking you? I wouldn't say alt.magick, the group I'm posting from,
is a Christian newsgroup.
Can you point out where you think I've condemned or judged you? The
reason I asked what you do is to find out a little bit more about you.
I'm a magician, so I use and study magick. One reason I take part in
alt.magick is both to share and to be challenged. I think there both
important parts of learning. Don't you?


Apr 11, 2008, 2:36:01 PM4/11/08
On Apr 10, 5:46 pm, BalanceDragon wrote:
> Sorry about being on the soap box - generally I don't go there, but
> it's been a long day and I only wished to converse with others who
> believe the same as I without further condemnation and judgement from
> those who have no real knowlege of what I'm about or believe in. After
> all, how many pagans do you find crashing christian discussion groups?

alt.magick is not a pagan, Wiccan, or any other kind of religion-
oriented newsgroup. Expect all of your beliefs to be questioned and
challenged here. If that bothers you, remove the cross-post from your
newsgroup list.


Apr 12, 2008, 12:28:40 PM4/12/08
No, don't think I'm being attacked. If I did I would write the person
directly and not on the list. I do however think it's weird for folks
AGAINST what I percieve most on this list do or practice to join the
list and say that this list is an example of how 'evil' or 'satan' has
infiltrated the internet to lead all the good people astray.
I also thinks it's strange that none of us (ie* those who believe in
or practice alternative spirituality) bother to do the same on Their
lists. It's like being against Playboy magazine, then subscribing to
it so that you can complain to the editors about nudity... (just an
example, I actually dislike Playboy myself) It makes no sense, and
serves only as an irritation for all concerned on both sides of the

I do have one question for Mika:
Are you saying you think I should unsubscribe from this list? Do my
comments or opinions unsettle you? I never posted anything that might
lead you to believe anything that would lead to your comments... so I
am slightly confused by them. Why is it, by the way- that anyone
should challenge any on their own beliefs? It should not matter, save
only to the individual that belief serves... It would be childish and
illogical to challenge someone on their beliefs when it is their soul
and their deep personal convictions, not yours or mine. Perhaps my
words have misled you in some way... if so, that was not my intention.

The way I veiw this is if you or anyone else believes the same things
I do - great - if not, then I hope that all concerned are happy and
satisfied with their beliefs... peace to them. If someone however,
comes to say a gathering those of us who do believe similarly attend
and begins judging or blasting us for our beliefs - then that's a
different tune. One I don't like to play.... Things get messy.

If there's something about my beliefs that you wish to question, ask
away. That is the way we understand each other. Thanks for informing
me this list is not wiccan/witch/pagan or religiously oriented. I did
think it was to begin with, as most other religions condemn the
practice of magick, the occult, spells, hexes, ect.- which is weird as
most published surviving records of such things call on God or Christ
to enable these actions.... bizarre.


Apr 12, 2008, 2:08:55 PM4/12/08
On 12 Apr, 17:28, BalanceDragon <> wrote:

> If there's something about my beliefs that you wish to question, ask
> away. That is the way we understand each other. Thanks for informing
> me this list is not wiccan/witch/pagan or religiously oriented. I did
> think it was to begin with, as most other religions condemn the
> practice of magick, the occult, spells, hexes, ect.- which is weird as
> most published surviving records of such things call on God or Christ
> to enable these actions.... bizarre.

The above message was posted to four newsgroups, so I'm not completely
clear what you mean by "this list".

Alt.magick, which is where myself and Mika frequent, has an faq you
may like to read.


Apr 12, 2008, 4:28:52 PM4/12/08
On Apr 12, 9:28 am, BalanceDragon <> wrote:
> No, don't think I'm being attacked. If I did I would write the person
> directly and not on the list. I do however think it's weird for folks
> AGAINST what I percieve most on this list do or practice to join the
> list and say that this list is an example of how 'evil' or 'satan' has
> infiltrated the internet to lead all the good people astray.
> I also thinks it's strange that none of us (ie* those who believe in
> or practice alternative spirituality) bother to do the same on Their
> lists. It's like being against Playboy magazine, then subscribing to
> it so that you can complain to the editors about nudity... (just an
> example, I actually dislike Playboy myself) It makes no sense, and
> serves only as an irritation for all concerned on both sides of the
> issue.
> I do have one question for Mika:
> Are you saying you think I should unsubscribe from this list?

As I said, alt.magick is not a pagan, Wiccan, or any other kind of

religion- oriented newsgroup. Expect all of your beliefs to be
questioned and challenged here. If that bothers you, remove the cross-
post from your newsgroup list.

In other words, if it bothers you to have your beliefs questioned and
challenged, then you might not want to post to alt.magick. If you do
want your beliefs questioned and challenged, then certainly continue
posting here, because they will be. The choice is yours, I'm simply
trying to help you make it an informed one.

> Do my
> comments or opinions unsettle you? I never posted anything that might
> lead you to believe anything that would lead to your comments... so I
> am slightly confused by them.

You are confused because you don't know the difference between magick
and religion. You think alt.magick is a religious oriented newsgroup,
which it is not, so you don't understand why your beliefs aren't left
untouched here. Chade provided you a link to the alt.magick faq, read

> If there's something about my beliefs that you wish to question, ask
> away.

Why do you have any beliefs at all? Why not let go of the whole lot?


Apr 13, 2008, 11:58:58 AM4/13/08

When I first posted to this question I did so on
alt.paranormal.spells.hexes.magic - but when posting on another topic
I had somehow crossed over to alt.magic, which I was not at the time a
member of- so I remedied that. No i did not join this list to be
insulted or questioned about my beliefs - which I know you really
don't two shits about (and believe me, that's fine as far as I'm
concerned) - but which does lead to the question Why you even bother
to continue about them?

I do not confuse magic and religion.. though in many instances the two
do cross in the case of catholocism- which again doesn't concern me,
so I have even less to say about that other than in reference. I do
keep my magic seperate from my religion, but there are parts of that
worship that come close, but do not cross the line.

As to my confusion - yes, I was at first very confused about this list
and how it operated. I read lots of posts on alt.magic that were just
out and out arguments... no real debate, but hard flung insults which
eventually made the most intellectual responses invalid by the end of
the post thread. It was like watching a deconstruction thru words.
Yes... this baffled me. Personally, name calling doesn't mean crap to
me... I was in the military, so there's nothing at all that can be
said to me or about me that is going to hurt my feelings. What would
shock me is actual civility - which I have no fear of happening here.

We have bred our monsters in this society and so we live with them.

You wrote: Why do you have any beliefs at all? Why not let go of the
whole lot?

That is the $50,000 dollar question isn't it? Man has been asking that
one since he first prayed to something. Yeah, I do and I'm not letting
go anytime soon. I'm not going to drag them out here for people to
insult, because they are sacred to me. I see no reason to subject
myself to that, or to give anyone a new target to throw stones at.
Debate is one thing, brawling with words another.

I did join this list to find out how much people are alike in the way
they express their beliefs, magicks, whatever and in the end I learned
that people are not so alike as I would like to think. Many are
viscious for visciousness sake. It's an easy trap to fall into when
you're on the defensive. I nearly lost myself to it a few times. I
don't buy into it though... I was taught at a very young age that when
people shout at each other, none of them listen.

There's plenty of stuff in this post to attack, but it makes nothing
less true nor more important.. or even true at all. It is only my
words and I like us all am prone to mistakes. Wishy-washy hogwash?
To some. Not to me. I'm not going to get in a knot over it.
Thank you Erwin for your concern and what you've shown me.



Apr 14, 2008, 4:05:20 AM4/14/08
BalanceDragon <>:

> Throwing spells directly at someone ALWAYS exacts
> a heavier price than it's really worth.

ridiculous. even spells mutually endorsed and engaged
are likely to be far more effective and successful than
some surreptitiously employed and barely concerned
cantrip that isn't pointed directly at them.

BalanceDragon <>:
>...spirituality. I never attach $$$ to that.

spellwork isn't just for spirituality. it's also for
ordinary activities like getting a job of winning bingo,
or evading the law.

>I have done what I do for a long time, and will always
>have a clear conscience about what I've done with what

>I believe in....

that's nice. we were talking about the components and
formula for Law Keep Away spells, timing, and other
considerations. have you ever done this kind of
spell? if so, how did you proceed, when, etc.? thanks.



Apr 14, 2008, 12:05:04 PM4/14/08

"nagasiva" <> wrote in message

> BalanceDragon <>:
>> Throwing spells directly at someone ALWAYS exacts
>> a heavier price than it's really worth.
> ridiculous.

Maybe so, but then again ridiculous things are often true.

Entropy is a condition in which you must always put more energy in than you
get back out.

> even spells mutually endorsed and engaged
> are likely to be far more effective and successful than
> some surreptitiously employed and barely concerned
> cantrip that isn't pointed directly at them.

At least that's what your wife's ads claim. However, after many years of
repeated requests for verifiable evidence supporting those claims, neither
of you have provided any.


Apr 14, 2008, 12:40:29 PM4/14/08
On Apr 13, 10:58 am, BalanceDragon <> wrote:

> We have bred our monsters in this society and so we live with them.

No, we *are* the monsters.

None here but us.


Apr 14, 2008, 2:01:48 PM4/14/08
On Apr 13, 8:58 am, BalanceDragon wrote:
> No i did not join this list to be
> insulted or questioned about my beliefs -

Which list? You do realize, you're still posting to alt.magick,

> which I know you really
> don't two shits about (and believe me, that's fine as far as I'm
> concerned) - but which does lead to the question Why you even bother
> to continue about them?

Many people who practice magick, myself included, take the approach
that beliefs tend to interfere with one's ability to perceive reality
clearly and accurately, thus it is of critical importance to question
and challenge them.

If you're not interested in bothering with your beliefs, then you're
not interested in practicing magick as it is defined for most
participants in the newsgroup alt.magick.

> I do not confuse magic and religion..

Perhaps not, but you do confuse *magick* and religion.
Read the alt.magick faq if you don't understand what I'm talking


Apr 15, 2008, 9:01:12 PM4/15/08
My spirituality brings me solace and level grounding.
Worshipping my deities reaches that place inside of me that (the only
way I can describe it..) blossoms forth peace. For me, magick is a
different expression that may or may not have connection with my
deities. More than often not, though sometimes I do call on them
during acts of magick. I rarely do spellwork, though when I do I
generally write my own. the magick I perform is ceremonial.. which I
truely love doing. I deeply enjoy layering energies and working toward
a goal. I do not do a lot of it for gain per se, but I do a lot of
stuff for the group I work with. I have an affinity for creating
talismans and circles devoted to different deities or energies. With
exception to ceremonies that are to be done by writ, I usually write
those I do myself. I do not use magick against people. I have in the
past and learned that right or wrong, it always comes back to you. If
I have a problem with someone in my area, I usually either confront
them or at least get them to discuss the issue.

If there is no resolution possible, I stay away from them. If they
continue aggression, I deal with it in the physical world. I have used
magick protection before, but I generally don't have to go there. As
I'm sure some of you do, I fortified my house when I moved here. I
don't screw with anyone, and people usually leave me alone. The
martial arts I've been taught keep physical conflicts to a minimum...
which is great as I love peace.

Having enemies or being someone's enemy is a waste of energy. That
energy could better be used to move forward on things, including
solutions to our own problems. Sometimes that's easy to forget, but
when I remember things begin getting much better...


The Speaking Clock

Apr 16, 2008, 2:38:47 PM4/16/08

Sometimes a few enemies can be very useful, developmental wise. They
can force you to face up to issues that you'd avoid or not bother
looking at if left up to yourself. This is probably more true the
younger you are though. At a certain age, most arguments become banal
repititions with nothing to gain from them, and most would be enemies
lack enough skill and insight to be worth the bother of cultivating

> BalanceDragon
>         alt.magick.moderated is a MODERATED newsgroup.

>         Consult you

>         may locate the newest Posting Guidelines and Charter
>         for the newsgroup before your first post. Contact the

>         Moderation Team at

Joseph Littleshoes

Apr 17, 2008, 4:24:49 PM4/17/08
mika wrote:
> On Apr 13, 8:58 am, BalanceDragon wrote:
>> No i did not join this list to be
>> insulted or questioned about my beliefs -
> Which list? You do realize, you're still posting to alt.magick,
> right?
>> which I know you really
>> don't two shits about (and believe me, that's fine as far as I'm
>> concerned) - but which does lead to the question Why you even bother
>> to continue about them?
> Many people who practice magick, myself included, take the approach
> that beliefs tend to interfere with one's ability to perceive reality
> clearly and accurately, thus it is of critical importance to question
> and challenge them.

While others think "belief" is all you got.

> If you're not interested in bothering with your beliefs, then you're
> not interested in practicing magick as it is defined for most
> participants in the newsgroup alt.magick.

LOL typical mika, the ilk have spoken!

>> I do not confuse magic and religion..
> Perhaps not, but you do confuse *magick* and religion.
> Read the alt.magick faq if you don't understand what I'm talking
> about:

Which one, yours, oh my! theres an unbiased reference to a 3rd party
arbitration LOL.


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