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bill page

Jul 30, 2012, 4:05:24 PM7/30/12
wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

bill page

Aug 8, 2012, 3:42:08 PM8/8/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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David Icke- Who Built the Moon..interesting interview pt.1
Added: 1 year ago
From: joemozzone
Views: 139,227
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Interesting vid but the delivery is soooooooooooooo slow! 15 minutes with about 5 bits of information... and 14 minutes of stuttering, pauses, build-ups, dramatic words... = waffle

iain399 6 minutes ago

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Stanley Barton 5 hours ago

Sorry but the "stars" were built. Haven't you noticed there are more every year? Dude it's hard to explain but "this world is not what it seems". Just like what our "idols" say! Ya feel?

mattmp04 9 hours ago

No moon no tide. Hollow moon no mass no gravitational pull . I suppose the stars were built too ? God I wonder what they will dream up next ?

Dhonnghaile 18 hours ago

implying that something hollow has no mass? they are not saying that. what they mean is the moon is less dence than it should be, Meaning that below the surface it is ether hollow or less dence than the surface rocks. "hollow moon no mass no gravitaqtional pull" is just a retarded comment.

kal9001 in reply to Dhonnghaile (Show the comment) 6 hours ago

The gravitational pull or g on the moon is measured as 5.4m/sec squared if my memory from my mechanics lectures serves me correctly. This is consistent with a planet ( sphere ) of the size of the moon made with a similar matrix of matter. If it was hollow then it would not have this centre of mass and thus would not have the measured g.

Dhonnghaile in reply to kal9001 (Show the comment) 2 hours ago

Thanks from the retard

Dhonnghaile in reply to Dhonnghaile (Show the comment) 2 hours ago

The g on the moon is in fact 1.8m/sec squared. I needed to check. But the physics stays the same , The value of g is consistent with the mass of the moon as expected.

Dhonnghaile in reply to Dhonnghaile (Show the comment) 1 hour ago

A spherical shell will have very little mass compared to a dense sphere and this was the basis of my retarded comment. I knew I should have done better in my maths degree level module . I only managed a 2.1 . By the way dence is spelled dense.

Dhonnghaile in reply to kal9001 (Show the comment) 2 hours ago

So someone built the moon. Why ? If the moon was gone what would happen ? Would we suddenly wake up ? no evidence or answers as usual .

Dhonnghaile 18 hours ago

0:33 is he talking about how he got a spiritual revelation of some sort?

Thaodean 20 hours ago

I'd like to say this that gentleman isn't well ....I'd like to ...., but he's cleary fucking barking !!!

varnishman 20 hours ago

I can't believe this guy quotes Carl Sagan. Sagan warned us about this kind of psudo science in his book "the demon haunted world".

Jeffrey Powell 1 day ago

Part 2? The vibrations were out of sync and it was misrouted to the hollow computer moon. Or maybe the matrix screwed up. Who knows? Ohh I forgot, like his stupid books maybe we have to BUY it.

Jeffrey Powell 1 day ago

wheres part 2??

fluxbunny1 1 day ago

2:51was placed there by the swiss watch maker. ok yeah cooincidence no way, but they're jerking off about numbers, you want numbers Icke? how about there's more mass energy in the vaccum of a single hydrogen atom than all the stars and planets out to 20 billion light years! just cause I can think curiously about a person one day and then run into them half an hour later at a shop, doesn't mean an alien was involved in the process, story of the moon doesn't mean it's a fucken space ship hahahaha

jsaqrs8716 2 days ago

Why don't NASA just gives this stupid ass piece of shit a flight to the moon?

6streetnb14 2 days ago

Icke is a nut...the demonic entities that he channels has him by the balls...and the brain...he does nothing but spew occult lies mixed with a little truth so people looking for the truth will jump on board, I caution anyone who trusts those who claim they channel spirits or are in contact with aliens. They are all demonic in nature, all of their philosophy is the same occult teachings of the mysteries....

SuperCodeman23 3 days ago

It is you who is full of shit History shows its always the crazy or odd balls whom sees or tells the truth.

krystalcamron in reply to SuperCodeman23 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

ahahaha depends on what they're talking do I know your not a reptile...

SuperCodeman23 in reply to krystalcamron (Show the comment) 2 days ago

This guy produces too much saliva when he speakers disgusting

crazylegs373 3 days ago

When he speaks

crazylegs373 in reply to crazylegs373 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

01:50 Lemmiwinks

nikmak 3 days ago

8:06 - 8:12 doesnt it looks a bit like a human or lions face engraved on the surface... innit ? ...or else I ought to change my specs! Love the way you explain David Icke , big fan of you !

elargentino1810 3 days ago

I was a big fan of his aswell, he's been around and he's learnt a lot and I would believe him at this point but i've learnt far too much to genuinely support him at this point, and it saddens me. He speaks about this as though everything he's learned in the past has just gone right over his head and he's forgotten everything that's important, especially about consciousness. He was a good source for me when I was just a seed... but now he's gone of subject, very sad..

jsaqrs8716 in reply to elargentino1810 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

what about all the other planets that have moons? Its not like we are the only planet with a moon or moons.

LiamborninDC 4 days ago

PROOF.................. pot rots your brain

will2order 4 days ago


terriblefart in reply to will2order (Show the comment) 3 days ago

go eat your moms hole

will2order in reply to terriblefart (Show the comment) 3 days ago
for one thing everything in this world or realm is effected by linear time which mean everything grows old, fades, deteriorates etc... and the idea or concept of 'god' is an eternal everprescence , the circle no begining or end so we cant even begin to comprehend the idea of god so you cant say shit! that makes you ignorant! true wisdom sees beyond and recognizes the one who created all and is all and once you realize your human then you can overcome limitations of this world(building

yeshua yhwh 4 days ago

there is only one creator

from that spawned everything else

the fallen angels, annunaki, aliens, etc

are here to thwart truth

you are a seed from the creator

we are the only being in the cosmos that can communicate with the creator on a spiritual level, but you have to be pure of heart and mind, by that i mean not having macabre though patterns,

then you can take on the attributes of the creator,

yeshua yhwh 4 days ago

i still say the moon is fossiliced cheese.

icametorock1 4 days ago


1467rat 5 days ago 2

The moon is computer?

Mad as a hatter.

banjojobby 6 days ago

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun  to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

Shut up you are stupid how did you find a computer?

LilPunKid in reply to billpage 6 days ago

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

God Created the stars the moon and all the cool pretty planets in the solor system and then seven day God rested phew he done a lot of hard work inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun

billpage in reply to billpage 5 days ago

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God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

How old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 5 days ago 3

ps my birthday is june 10 1965 ps how c9ome your youtube channel is like area 51? no offense

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 1 second ago


billpage in reply to billpage 1 second ago

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

How old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 5 days ago 3

i tryied to anser your question on your youtube channel but it says you dont exzest? like area51 top secret unde4r ground bases ps im a slow learner but i lie to learn how things work Jesus made me this way he makes everyone u neek evey bodys special in there own u neek way:) Jesus doesnt make robots God makes every thing even in the invisible realm too he Jesus God IN the flash spoke everything into exzestance Jesus new what your going to look like and be and all

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 4 days ago

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

How old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 5 days ago 3

he Jesus God in the flesh knows the very number of your hair on your head thats just shows how much he cares for mankind to receave his free very best gift ever and thats by saying to Jesus please forgive me of my sins i cometed and come into my heart and save me ps you gota really realy mean it cause Jesus knows mankinds heart look up wilds Christian camp camdeeer lake Christian camp the bill rice ranch Christian camp good news baptist church in chesapke virginia

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 4 days ago

he Jesus God in the flesh knows the very number of your hair on your head thats just shows how much he cares for mankind to receave his free very best gift ever and thats by saying to Jesus please forgive me of my sins i cometed and come into my heart and save me ps you gota really realy mean it cause Jesus knows mankinds heart look up wilds Christian camp camdeeer lake Christian camp the bill rice ranch Christian camp good news baptist church in chesapke virginia

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 (Show the comment) 4 days ago

How old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 4 days ago

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

How old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 5 days ago 3

im a slow learner but hey Jesus dont make no robots ps Jesus lets everyone be special in cool talents for good in everyones own you neek way:) doug henning illusionist cool magician saved magic and cool david seth kotkin Christian ilusionist perseved the magic:) your friendly spiderman billpage illusionist magician in fun in Christ allways ps the schools i swent to that i know of is nortth school inlanaster ohio then in portsmouth virginia west taven then harry hunt then ilc idevedu

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 36 minutes ago

im a slow learner but hey Jesus dont make no robots ps Jesus lets everyone be special in cool talents for good in everyones own you neek way:) doug henning illusionist cool magician saved magic and cool david seth kotkin Christian ilusionist perseved the magic:) your friendly spiderman billpage illusionist magician in fun in Christ allways ps the schools i swent  to that i know of is nortth school inlanaster ohio then in portsmouth virginia west taven then harry hunt then ilc idevedu

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 (Show the comment) 47 minutes ago

neek way:) d seth kotkin Christian ilusionist perseved the magic:) your friendly spiderman billpage illusionist magician in fun in Christ allways ps the schools i swent to that i know of is nortth school inlanaster ohio then in portsmouth virginia west taven then harry hunt then ilc idevedual learning center then sec secoundary eduacation scool then sec moved to clark scoool then at the age of 20 years old june 10 i graduated cause they have to do that i cant stay in school for ever

billpage in reply to billpage 36 minutes ago

neek way:) d seth kotkin Christian ilusionist perseved the magic:) your friendly spiderman billpage illusionist magician in fun in Christ allways ps the schools i swent to that i know of is nortth school inlanaster ohio then in portsmouth virginia west taven then harry hunt then ilc idevedual learning center then sec secoundary eduacation scool then sec moved to clark scoool  then at the age of 20 years old june 10 i graduated cause they have to do that i cant stay in school for ever

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 46 minutes ago

tricks books jokes boofles ridles and jokes books illusion stage illusion books close up magic books the libariens notced i was the main teen boy who allways checked thesse cool books out even libarien mrs queeman bought new magic book just to help me out or anyone else who into this cool art:) and mrs dean the music teacher every year had a talent contest in1970s on up and in my mind i just thought music talent or acrobats stuff like that so i never tried out so on the speake

billpage in reply to billpage 30 minutes ago

neek way:) d seth kotkin Christian ilusionist perseved the magic:) your friendly spiderman billpage illusionist magician in fun in Christ allways ps the schools i swent to that i know of is nortth school inlanaster ohio then in portsmouth virginia west taven then harry hunt then ilc idevedual learning center then sec secoundary eduacation scool then sec moved to clark scoool then at the age of 20 years old june 10 i graduated cause they have to do that i cant stay in school for ever

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 45 minutes ago

tricks books jokes boofles ridles and jokes books illusion stage illusion books close up magic books the libariens notced i was the main teen boy who allways checked thesse cool books out even libarien mrs queeman bought new magic book just to help me out or anyone else who into this cool art:) and mrs dean the music teacher every year had a talent contest in1970s on up and in my mind i just thought music talent or acrobats  stuff like that so i never tried out so on the speake

billpage in reply to billpage 40 minutes ago

so on the school speakers as i was getting dress for gym class in mr lowerys gym glass the principal said billpage get tothe principals office now ps everyone even children and teens was thinking in ther exprsion faces what could bill page have done? hes a cool Christian:) ps i was woundering to? so i got my normal close back on after tying my shoes magically i open the door to the princapals office and there was mrs dean and saying william noble page we called you down here caus

billpage in reply to billpage 25 minutes ago

so on the school speakers as i was getting dress for gym class in mr lowerys gym glass the principal said billpage get tothe principals office now ps everyone even children and teens was thinking in ther exprsion faces what could bill page have done? hes a cool Christian:)  ps i was woundering to? so i got my normal close back on after tying my shoes magically i open the door to the princapals office and there was mrs dean and saying william noble page we called you down here caus

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 35 minutes ago

part 3 of part 1 we called you down here cause we want you to do a magic show for the talent contest we thought when we first started this talent contest every year you would of jumped to the chance? how come you never even tried to do any of your talent you soo good at? you allways like to entertain the kids and staff here billl page how come you havent trued for the talent contest? ps i told them what im about to you you that i told illusionist magicians allready years ago ps i

billpage in reply to billpage 13 minutes ago

part 3 of part 1 we called you down here cause we want you to do a magic show for the talent contest we thought when we first started this talent contest every year you would of jumped to the chance? how come you never even tried to do any of your talent you soo good at? you allways like to entertain the kids and staff here billl page how come you havent trued for the talent contest? ps i told them what im about to you you that i told illusionist magicians allready years ago ps i

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 22 minutes ago

part4 of part1 ps they need to make unlinted posting every where so no one has to keep talking in sections

billpage in reply to billpage 12 minutes ago

part 3 of part 1 we called you down here cause we want you to do a magic show for the talent contest we thought when we first started this talent contest every year you would of jumped to the chance? how come you never even tried to do any of your talent you soo good at? you allways like to entertain the kids and staff here billl page how come you havent trued for the talent contest?  ps i told them what im about to you you that i told illusionist magicians allready years ago ps i

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 22 minutes ago

part4 of part1 ps they need to make unlinted posting every where so no one has to keep talking in sections

billpage in reply to billpage 21 minutes ago

me and richajuspretentend i was david coperfield doing cool illusions on stage and in the adidience ps evetyone enjoyed it i did water lotta hanker chif vanish linkking rings egg bag invisible deck three diifernt size tubes magically make a can of string beans vanish and appear in other tube idea i used the cool black stone jr magic set plus water lotta from fred stoll at my church at good news baptist church he and his wife flo stall now do tent soul winining for Jesus minisistries

billpage in reply to billpage 9 minutes ago

me and richajuspretentend i was david coperfield doing cool illusions on stage and in the adidience ps evetyone enjoyed it i did water lotta hanker chif vanish linkking rings egg bag invisible deck three diifernt size tubes magically make a can of string beans vanish and appear in other tube idea i used the cool black stone jr magic set plus water lotta from fred stoll at my church at good news baptist church he and his wife flo stall now do tent soul winining for Jesus minisistries

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 18 minutes ago

unlimtented posting ideas

billpage in reply to billpage 8 minutes ago

part 3 of part 1 we called you down here cause we want you to do a magic show for the talent contest we thought when we first started this talent contest every year you would of jumped to the chance? how come you never even tried to do any of your talent you soo good at? you allways like to entertain the kids and staff here billl page how come you havent trued for the talent contest? ps i told them what im about to you you that i told illusionist magicians allready years ago ps i

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 22 minutes ago

part4 of part1 ps they need to make unlinted posting every where so no one has to keep talking in sections

billpage in reply to billpage 21 minutes ago

me and richajuspretentend i was david coperfield doing cool illusions on stage and in the adidience ps evetyone enjoyed it i did water lotta hanker chif vanish linkking rings egg bag invisible deck three diifernt size tubes magically make a can of string beans vanish and appear in other tube idea i used the cool black stone jr magic set plus water lotta from fred stoll at my church at good news baptist church he and his wife flo stall now do tent soul winining for Jesus minisistries

billpage in reply to billpage 18 minutes ago

part5 of part1 part 3 of part 1 we called you down here cause we want you to do a magic show for the talent contest we thought when we first started this talent contest every year you would of jumped to the chance? how come you never even tried to do any of your talent you soo good at? you allways like to entertain the kids and staff here billl page how come you havent trued for the talent contest? ps i told them what im about to you you that i told illusionist magicians allready y

billpage in reply to billpage 4 minutes ago

This comment has received too many negative votes

God Jesus In The flesh made The Sun to help everyone to see in day time and at night everyone even as children need nite lights so he creayed the Moon to have a nite light for everyone for nite time

billpage 6 days ago

How old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 5 days ago 3

im a slow learner but hey Jesus dont make no robots ps Jesus lets everyone be special in cool talents for good in everyones own you neek way:) doug henning illusionist cool magician saved magic and cool david seth kotkin Christian ilusionist perseved the magic:) your friendly spiderman billpage illusionist magician in fun in Christ allways ps the schools i swent to that i know of is nortth school inlanaster ohio then in portsmouth virginia west taven then harry hunt then ilc idevedu

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 42 minutes ago

Again, how old are you?

andyrooney12 in reply to billpage 34 minutes ago

my birthday is june 10 1965  ps no offense friend but how come your youtube channel is non exzestent like area 51 its like invisible to a point with tv sets say this channel is unavalible thats a cool stage illusion how do you do that magical illusioniof science trick?

billpage in reply to andyrooney12 1 second ago

who built the 'HOLLOW HEAD' or the 'HOLLOW MIND'? Bla, bla, bla...David Icke:Great Scientist...Come and fuck our brains deeper and deeper...

Βαγγέλης Κατσούλας 1 week ago

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Stanley Barton 1 week ago

Listen to TOM LEYKIS and learn real lessons!!!......Dont spend $ on women!!!! Fuck the moon.

MrLongduckdoong 1 week ago

Right, a graduate of Fordham University.... an illuminati sponsored school with secret societies... Oh, yes, listen to him and forget about the fact the moon is bigger than Pluto... ah huh, yeah, sure. LOL

Prophit0 in reply to MrLongduckdoong (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Seems like the Hollow Earth nuts have switched to the moon now.

lordpoee 1 week ago

I like how these people say science is wrong and then they use various scientific sources to back their own theory. huh?

Seems to me we are in an age where every natural phenomenon is now part of alien control. With less people raising kids with religion, Kids are turning to science which doesn't have life's answers and so aliens are becoming the new Gods.

jdbohdan 1 week ago

That is so true, and you can find that written up as planned in the protocols written back in 1897.....There is a document called "The Lawful Path:  Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars. Using technology to socially engineer our society was included in that document written in 1958 and revised in 1979 to catch up with the technology as it was advancing. Ipods ring a bell? That does not negate what observations have been made about the moon. It is bigger than a planet. How is that?

Prophit0 in reply to jdbohdan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Who knows? The point is unique situations exist or happen. Intentions to make a better future or use more science to make the world better, etc would make sense. Does it automatically mean an epic conspiracy?

jdbohdan in reply to Prophit0 (Show the comment) 1 week ago


viapanisperna89A 1 week ago

Ideas are useless unless you make them useful

suckywhitedrummer 1 week ago

Every element came from the stars. We created technology. Technology originates from the stars. The moon is.... To complex

suckywhitedrummer 1 week ago

This dude watches too much Star Wars (The Death Star)

DaBeav420 1 week ago

Balderdash, do you have any idea of the things that simply exist that we as humans can't understand yet. We have to understand that we will never understand everything. Physics always defies it's self somehow

Lava rocks float - how does the weight of a rock hold enough air to be buoyant? It simply does. And that's fact but it defies physics.

DaBeav420 1 week ago

Icke has no original material,this is just another glaring example-icke is king plagerize-the greedy reptilian

TheIlluminatiAwards 1 week ago

Icke has never given one free speech or lecture in 20 years.He makes millions,its fact and acts like he lives humbly...he prolly has 3 houses and vacation properties.

TheIlluminatiAwards 1 week ago

You can keep debating whether the moon is real but I guarantee you icke is a fraud.

TheIlluminatiAwards 1 week ago

he touches on some perfect subjects though, yeah maybe the moon things abit far fetched, things like mass poverty and minority leadership is true.. we as the "mass" pay corporations monthly to feed kids who are starving but yet the rich take THIS money and other dirty money to fund wars which cost more than feeding the world 10 times over. explain why that is a fraud! icke just exposes this to people with little faith left. learn to LOVE not HATE...

GrimReapaMan in reply to TheIlluminatiAwards (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Jeez, we know how the moon was formed...Dipstick!

rrdab1 1 week ago

Why is this nonce given air time? More interestingly, why has he not been sectioned?

rrdab1 1 week ago

hes a scientist and all science shows us that most things questioning space are only theory. thats why hes got air time.

GrimReapaMan in reply to rrdab1 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Icke was a sports presenter. failed at everything, and you say he was a scientist? Get the facts straight before you post.

rrdab1 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

well hes got good knowledge of science so yeah, pretty much scientist. just because im not a professional football player doesnt me im not good at football. your too quick to judge, that doesnt make you smart it makes you dumb.

GrimReapaMan in reply to rrdab1 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Please, quit whilst you're behind. Each additional comment you make, compounds your stupidity. You have a computer, with access to myriad pieces of information, therefore you have no excuse. I'm done...

rrdab1 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

David Icke is a philosopher, not a scientist.

KijiruX in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

i just meant he had a good knowledge of science i didnt mean that was hes feild , my bad

GrimReapaMan in reply to KijiruX (Show the comment) 1 week ago

oh no not a philosopher a guru always wanted to be one since he claimed to be jesus christ and dress in turquoise the guy want a following sadly he made it there is about nothing right in what he say

a hollow moon would drive all number from all astronome on earth to be wrong since the beginning of science

no orbit would stand

the gravity on the moon would be so low that nothing would even stand on it

satelitte from wave in the ocean would not react the way it is

pseudoscience paranoia

lapmarty in reply to KijiruX (Show the comment) 1 week ago


garvary159 in reply to lapmarty (Show the comment) 1 week ago


KijiruX in reply to lapmarty (Show the comment) 1 week ago

ICKE:- "firstof all I get this, if you like, insight.....' Its called a paranoid episode david!

Icke, and all those others who believe this sort of thing have a very basic personality disorder. ; they are faced with something, like the moon, and thing '"Hang on here......those bastards are keeping it from us, its NOT REAL!!" now, i am actually very open minded and love SCI-fi but these people dont understand the 'occams razor' approach. simplest answer, is the likely one. boring butsane

terryperring104 1 week ago

No description available here. Maybe cut & paste this: David Icke, the self-proclaimed second coming of Jesus Christ, now believes that the moon is a hollow spaceship from Saturn, relaying a signal from Saturn to broadcast to the earth.

Car1Sagan 1 week ago

Come to think of it though, maybe he's not mad. I mean he sells shedloads of books -probably very rich.....

terryperring104 1 week ago

For every new concept presented in this world, for its majority, the words are the same: "That's crazy. Its not real or true". The words of Ghandi come to mind: "First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win". What this man is saying is the TRUTH. The fact that there are those who ignore, laugh and fight, will no more stop this truth from becoming fully apparent in time than the fact that the world is round. Be very grateful for those who dare to see.

bingletork 1 week ago

Oh dont be so bloody ridiculous! What this man says is the truth? Ok, how about this- George W Bush, Bobby charlton and John Cleese are all the same entity; a shape changing robot from Venus made by clockwork ants.

Why is that not 'true' then?

Look, Icke is ILL, and if you believe the moon is fake too, you are ill as well. Its all to do with giving things 'magical' attributes, suspecting there is more to things than ther reall is. Magical thinking. Ever heard of 'TAUTOLOGY'????

terryperring104 in reply to bingletork (Show the comment) 1 week ago

and your brainwashed when will you wake up? its not about giving something a "magical" meaning . its about being deep and open minded enough to see through lies and search for truth. you believe evolution right? well done illuminati have work their "magic" on you lol. you call yourself normal right? normal statistic of a brainwashed mass more like. i bet you hate everything, and are super ignorant, One Love

GrimReapaMan in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Sod you smeghead. I'm not going to try to argue the toss with the likes of you- there is no point, I would never win an argument with you, you cant really argue.

'Deep and open minded'? JOKE!!! I dont hate everything, I'm certainly not super ignorant, I have a degree and an IQ of 145.

We.Are.talking.about.the.moon.­not.being.real. !!!!! (Now, go and talk to some fairys.)

terryperring104 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

haha by your comment it seems like your already hating. you fool . the likes of me? is that your ignorant shallow brain judging again? yes you will not win an argument because there is NO argument. im not saying i believe this or that, im saying OPEN YOUR MIND you shallow fuck dont believe everything you see because you dont see everything. which obviously you dont understand . and degree and I.Q means nothing let me guess your degree is in biology or something boring along those lines.

GrimReapaMan in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

No it wasnt biology but if you find that fascinating subject boring- that says a lot for your mind. Too hard for you no doubt.

terryperring104 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

yes i stand by my comment, biology to me is very boring. yes its amazing how things like eyes work. but thats about it. id rather have a degree in astrology or ancient archaeology, something where you can gain useful and INTERESTING theorys/answers. because you have a degree in a minor subject doesnt mean your smarter than for example, a man with hardly any oppertunity whos had to use USEFUL knowledge to survive and take care of hes family. you chose to get your degree , not everybody can!

GrimReapaMan in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

who are you to say the moon is real or not though? your just a shallow minded ignorant fuck whos never going to learn anything USEFUL , yes you have a degree , pretty much anybody in the world could if they chose to waste their time.

GrimReapaMan in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

You show true ignorance to say that getting a degree is a waste of time. My daughter studied hard for hers, and then even harder for her PhD. After all that hard work, she earns a good living doing what she enjoys, which is teaching people that the moon is real, ie, Astro physics.

rrdab1 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

i know it sounded like i meant all degree's are waste of time but that wasnt my point lol my point was getting a degree in something that has no real importance to you as a person,is a waste of time. I actually would love a degree in astro physics. and im not here because i think the moon is fake lol obviously its mass, but its purpose for being here could something other than we already assume. to be certain of something is ignorance.

GrimReapaMan in reply to rrdab1 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Well, I'm certain my ex-wife is a cow. But, then again, she always thought I was ignorant..:)

rrdab1 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

haha well those things we can be certain about :)

GrimReapaMan in reply to rrdab1 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I don't agree with everything the guy is saying. I know he has some 'issues'. However, this is not the first I've heard of this. All I am saying is this, everything you know, you learned from a human being. You just took it as fact. You didn't go up and check out the moon. You were told what reality is. Just be aware of the fact that you just accepted it without question. If you were told what Icke is saying as a child, you would have just accepted it. Don't close down.

bingletork in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Yes and it all makes sense! The moon-life-less rock, made from a planetory collision between Earth and mars size planet. It orbits us and causes tides. The assumption that its not this and is something sinister/covert and high tech beyond imagination, sneding signals is utterly stupid and retarded. Its like beleiving your normal seeming next door neighbours are alien spies made out of plastic! Why not believe the mundane?

terryperring104 in reply to bingletork (Show the comment) 1 week ago

What is important is that you are safe and secure in your perceptions of reality, right? Someone proved something to you that you truly believe, so defend it. But, did they prove it? You 'learned' something, absorbed it, and owned it. Just like those you rebel against.

Who do you rebel against? Why? They are SURE they are right, why don't you just go along?

Retarded is a word you like. Why? You shouldn't fear freedom from limitation. The greatest scientists accept possibility.

bingletork in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I accept the possibility of anything. But, I usually go along with the most probable and plausable explanations and not the 'fantastical' like the moon not being natural.

The 'drop of a hat' belief in the fantastical and magical/evil shows a personality disorder and a weakened mind.

terryperring104 in reply to bingletork (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I see you equate magical with 'evil'. That explains a lot. The bottom line is that you have a right to your beliefs about this guy and everything else. Be it far from me to try and 'convince' you, as I hate it when people try and convince someone to follow their beliefs, rather than honor their own. I have always rebelled against traditional views of reality. You obviously value traditional views of good and evil, and rely a great deal on your idea of rationality. That's cool. Take care.

bingletork in reply to terryperring104 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Thanks- I like your fair-mindedness. I dont equate magic with evil, I mean Magical as in when people see a cloud that looks slightly like an Angel and assume it really is a sign from God, and evil such as silly conspiracy theories about evil deeds such as 9/11.

terryperring104 in reply to bingletork (Show the comment) 1 week ago

My friend, I only close down to stupidity. No, I didn't go up and "check the moon," neither did I jump off the roof to "check gravity," or step in front of a train to "check inertia," or set myself on fire to "check combustion." Jeez, we accept what parents/teachers tell us as children because if we didn't, we'd be dead.

rrdab1 in reply to bingletork (Show the comment) 1 week ago

another brother or sister that is awake . good work. most people chose not to believe anything other than what they were previously tought . which is a mind control mindstate, . very dangerous to our personalities. illuminati have done so much damage which CAN be undone. ive been running down the devils street before into bad times like most of us but found my soul and peace love for my brother instead of hate. weed helped me open my mind ,i know more people awake who smoke than people who dnt.

GrimReapaMan in reply to bingletork (Show the comment) 1 week ago

If you're using weed, then you are still going down the wrong street. People don't need it to keep an open mind and it takes away their sense of normalcy.

jamesgrey13 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

please dont even try to judge me and the use of cannabis. im not saying people need weed to have open mind you retard. i said it helped me open my mind because the circumstances i was in , i smoke weed everyday and im more awake and more on point than most "normal" people. you say ive lost sense of being normal? what is normal.. doing as your told and carring on your materialistic life? lol 2pac smoked weed, bob marley, and about a 1000 other great people in history so go back to sleep lol

GrimReapaMan in reply to jamesgrey13 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

What I mean by normalcy is being able to feel good without needing weed. The more someone becomes dependant on it the more they feel like shit when they don't have it. I find it more of a burden than a "mind opener".

jamesgrey13 in reply to GrimReapaMan (Show the comment) 1 week ago

not everyone acts dependent on it that all depends on how you handle things. im really not going to have this debate with a non smoker. carry on judging.

GrimReapaMan in reply to jamesgrey13 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

example say i feel better than you while im not high, and when i am high , i feel even better. does that compute.

GrimReapaMan in reply to jamesgrey13 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Basically what I got from watching this was: 1 crazy person thinks the moon is fake, does some research and finds other crazy people thinking the same thing, and therefore believe it to be fact. No doubt that things are being hidden from us, but really? The moon being a space-ship... Where does ridiculous banter become fact? Scientists know very little about space and how we are here. I cant wait to hear what David Icke has to say about the "God Particle"...

Orzlar 1 week ago

three cheers for a rational mind, thanks!

terryperring104 in reply to Orzlar (Show the comment) 1 week ago

i like the baby picture

Fil1PinoguyAnIm 1 week ago

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Stanley Barton 1 week ago

I built the moon suckers!!!

Jalil Moad 1 week ago


BMXUnitedRN2 2 weeks ago

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ThePGeraFuckingSucks 2 weeks ago

maybe mars was harvested of all it's water and resources that's why it's the way it is

chisseltooth 2 weeks ago


twiznip in reply to chisseltooth (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

Mars is the way it is because they tried a experiment with consciousness but it went out of control and it blew up.

xDCCXVIIIx in reply to chisseltooth (Show the comment) 1 week ago

1.52 wtf?.

chisseltooth 2 weeks ago

Who remember Jim Carey moving the moon in Bruce Almighty...Interesting

Jacaryel 2 weeks ago

Awesome movie.

idan111 in reply to Jacaryel (Show the comment) 1 week ago

yep and andrekole thought of 7 ways to make the real moon dississapear ps sesnse 19990s he and david seth kotkin Christians been working out the kinks on vanishin the real moon he wants to also make a island disssapear make a girls face appear on munt rush more strighten the tower of pisa and somthing with a aircraft carrier plus hes helpin in war times like masklyn the war illusionist done years ago

billpage in reply to Jacaryel (Show the comment) 2 days ago

sense 1990s

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 2 days ago

what you wrote had no correlation with the point i was making....please don't stupefy my comment...MAKE YOUR OWN.

Jacaryel in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

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Stanley Barton 2 weeks ago

Bullshit. And not even original bullshit.

Mogpiano1 2 weeks ago

@nootaramus you do Know I watch David Ickes videos for comedy right?

Germania1911 2 weeks ago

@nootaramus Your kidding right?

Germania1911 2 weeks ago

I have to say....David is either creative or his time is running out and he need to get some shit out that we need to hear....I can't accept the reptilian stuff at this point in time and this moon thing...I like it but I need a little the photopped pic at 3:20 doesn't add credence to this message.

JinBambino28 2 weeks ago

this man it a total fraud he makes money lots n lots n lots of money ?from this nonsense there is not one fact the moon is a space ship

tatnscrap 2 weeks ago

there are a lot of things on this earth that we dont know or will ever know. dosent mean there is a bigger meaning be hind it. we as humans must know so we will feel safer and sleep better at night. i can understand the need to know certain thing but the earth has been turning in the same way since the beganing. we need to leave it at that.

fab med 3 weeks ago

Obiwan: "That's no moon... It's a space station!"

Jetwo1f 3 weeks ago

Scientific theory is an idea which has a lot of supporting evidence the usage of the word theory in common usage is different to its use by scientists.

apocalyptic fail 3 weeks ago

the moon is an anomaly - just because we cannot comprehend the construction of a large planetoid object certainly does not mean it is not artificial.

so with an open mind I say it is plausible- I am sure many who believe their god is watching on high and sharing a naughty and nice list with santa.

I myself think god is a gene splicing alien who can think circle around albert einstein.

nootaramus 3 weeks ago 2

Made me laugh from beginning to end. It is amazing how far these guys (I say guys because I can't call them scientist or anything even closer to that) can go.

alvilcas 3 weeks ago

Comment removed

Author withheld

whats with all these retarded pictures.

I love how the fools supporting this bullshit already redicule them selfes without me having to do that for them.

Sennith 3 weeks ago

i feel like i cant step out of my room

lilly8891 3 weeks ago

i am shitting now... y did i started seeing david... he gets me every time

lilly8891 3 weeks ago

I use to love David Icke. Then I came to the realization that he's a complete fraud. His information has no basis or any kind of simple fundamental proof. He bases a lot of his beliefs off other losers and the "supernatural experiences" he only seems to have. He capitalizes on most people being fed up with this life and wanting to believe they're something more. Wake up people, live a simple life, do good deeds, believe in god and keep your vibes positive. You will be rewarded. Just my 2 cents.

M4x4p4c 3 weeks ago 2

LOVE that! :)

thesmiling666 in reply to M4x4p4c (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You were doing ok until the god bit, then you lost your credibility. Believe in yourself.

terrypussypower in reply to M4x4p4c (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

cool inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun:)

billpage in reply to M4x4p4c (Show the comment) 2 days ago

And why should I listen to you over David Icke? I came here to listen to David Icke not read your stupid comment biased by a 1% ruling class that has told you your whole life what to your 2 cents, your probably gonna need it!!!

Jacaryel in reply to M4x4p4c (Show the comment) 1 day ago

Also, by all means listen to David Icke. However, take it from me. There's no awakening. Nothing will happen in 2012. There's not great awakening. This is life. Live it the right way and hope for the best in the afterlife.

M4x4p4c in reply to Jacaryel (Show the comment) 1 day ago

It's people like you why Mr.Icke and these "losers" are not credible...yet you the wise takes so much of your time to disprove these the People. And if you like the above comment it just proves my point NONE of you think for yourselves!

Jacaryel in reply to M4x4p4c (Show the comment) 1 day ago

Actually I want you to think for yourself and not let "Mr. Icke" think for you.For a period of time try living a simple life and doing good deeds. Stay away from negative places/people/acts. Then ponder life and its meaning. I guarantee you will come to the realization that any and everything has a creation point aka Allah/ God/etc. Take it from somebody who has no idea who you are and couldn't care less if you live or die. Try it, I promise you life will change dramatically for you. God bless.

M4x4p4c in reply to Jacaryel (Show the comment) 1 day ago

As you said you have no idea who i am...what if i already live a simple life and has done good deeds my whole life?? Does that explain how we came into existence, or can that explain how we have evolved from such a simple society into one swarmed with technology and control?? or maybe that's just the way things are...forget about free have some nerves telling me to live a simple life and to think for myself, when you most likely have been brainwashed your whole life.

Jacaryel in reply to M4x4p4c (Show the comment) 22 hours ago

Just the title made me laugh out loud. He gets his deranged ideas from other idiots books. And then more idiots buy his books and get their ideas from them. Science is about testing theories, over and over, not just saying something and then it must be true. David does not understand maths, any more than he understands science. He is an ignorant simpleton, but big on arrogance, so HIS view is worth more than millions of highly trained scientists with good minds. Did he even get to university?

fantambantam 3 weeks ago

the moon is artificial.

it is in exactly the right orbit and the right size to positively influence the earth. it is hollow. and was manufactured.

nootaramus 3 weeks ago

That's too stupid even for bad science fiction.

Mozart1220 in reply to nootaramus (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

@martyn347 and MegaSanbu.......of all the comments I have read on YT those are the most ridiculous! Congratulations, you are beyond stupid xD

sejlali1 3 weeks ago

When you realize that there are so many scenarios in the universe, you then realize that every kind of situation will eventually present itself. Therefore it's not that strange that we exist due to an overly large satelite. Mentioning the matrix as a valid comparison is extremely stupid as well. If our solar syestem was the only one in existence, than our situation would be lucky. people need to look outside of themselves

Christopher Crash 3 weeks ago

exactly my thoughts! of course we have perfect conditions on earth but only because of these we exist as humans, not as monads in the sea (or nothing at all)! It's not that earth, the moon and the solar system is made for us, we evolved "perfectly" into the existing system. sorry for bad english

Glasamanda in reply to Christopher Crash (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

i have a radio in my car

robgeorge1987 4 weeks ago

This has got to be the dumbest fucking thing I ever heard.....

donnyaldridge 4 weeks ago

Why do you say that?

ZiyusTV in reply to donnyaldridge (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

yes we are lucky to have the moon, but otherwise we wouldnt exist! life is so rare (yet we did not find another civilization or a planet where life as we know is possible) in the universe, because you need perfect conditions, like we have on earth - with OUR sun in the center of the solar system, a moon that protects us from asteroids etc, we have an atmosphere etc. i could go on but i hope i made it clear! no one built the moon. maybe it's uncommon but that's a reason we life here not on mars

Glasamanda 4 weeks ago

we have no idea if there is or was life on Mars....yes, we know alot about the observable universe(yet, we really dont know anything in regards to dark matter and energy which compose 97% of the entire universe), but we know NOTHING of what other planets may have in terms of "life". The only life we know is here on earth, so we have no idea where life could or would exist elsewhere in the universe.

63Bueno in reply to Glasamanda (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

theres also the fact that Mars at one time had water, ALOT of water covering the planet. They could have had a civilization there more advanced than ours currently is. we have no idea, literally, no idea. We are going to find out alot more in our lifetimes which is exciting.

63Bueno in reply to Glasamanda (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

1st: I agree! but there's nothing special about water on a planet, nearly every massive planet, moon, asteroid has water on it's surface, or is made of it completely! maybe there once was life on mars but i think if there was, it was not as intellegent as on earth, the iron core is too weak, it's moons are too small so there are "often" meteroids hitting mars etc.who knows if it's atmosphere was once stronger so that life was possible at all. the universe is so mysterious it's indeed exciting :D

Glasamanda in reply to 63Bueno (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Nobody built the moon and a SPOILER ---- SPOILER ALERT : -------- There is no God , sorry Dude.

Rueckenmech 1 month ago

So if there is no God, then the moon just magically appeared?

Xen Orac in reply to Rueckenmech (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Research moon gods and goddesses

nfoltegum 1 month ago

Rubbish. The Moon isn't the supercomputer, Earth is! Run by mice to discern the very question of life, the universe and everything.

I've looked very carefully at the facts of The Moon and have come up with a theory...

The Moon is just a large mass of rock orbiting our planet.

We do have another, much smaller, natural satellite which might better hide secret conspiratorial matrices of power and control seeing as most people are unaware of its existence?!?

LucidEnigma1st 1 month ago

"You don't know, do you?!" No. They don't. That's how science works. You guess, you consider the implications and requirements for that guess, and see if your guess fits new information as it comes in. Excuse me if we can't all pull perfect answers out of our butts like this schizophrenic loon apparently can.

Mindbleach 1 month ago

@GHChain He's not real dumb fuck

Canadianboii1918 1 month ago

OH here we go with all the ignorant christian "GOD DID" nonsense. You cant even prove the existence off your invisible, absent creator but you want to blindly attribute everything to him.. I guess water doesn't evaporate and re-condense then fall as rain.. God comes along with a water can and waters the earth.. STUPID CHRISTIANS..!

biffinum 1 month ago


GHChain 1 month ago

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TEATUMCHNL2 1 month ago

I could be wrong, but exactly what the Bible says in Revelation is happening. It says there will be a one-world bank, a one-world government, and eventually a one-world religion. It says do not trust this government at all. There will be one man at the top, a dictator. He will cause all, small and great, rich and poor, to receive a mark on their right hand or they could not buy or sell. THIS IS JUST A TEST OF LOYALTY..Either I belong to the corrupt system of this world or Jesus Christ...

jdmcpoker 1 month ago

According to the Bible the "Mark of the Beast" is Satan's final attempt to mislead man. Perfection and completion are real concepts that humans understand, and for God to bring perfect balance to heaven and Earth, the Earth has to be's a process...and the tribulation and the mark of the beast are a FINAL POLARIZATION...The Bible says this is all a test of we pledge allegiance to Jesus Christ and love people or belong to the corrupt system of this world?

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Having said that, many Christians believe that if you love God and love people and accept Christ before these things happen, God will deliver believers from this time though an event called the rapture and it only people who wait til the end to repent and get saved who will have to go through the tribulation, a 7 year period of this one-world government, a terrible time, that comes just before the return of Christ...

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The chip you are talking about may only be a predecessor to "the mark of the beast",but the actual mark of the beast is actually a symbol of allegiance to Satan and the corrupt system of this world. The Bible actually says that Satan is the prince of this world at the present time and the reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the works of the devil...and there is no rest day or night for those that worship the beast and receive the mark of his image...a test of loyalty and character...

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Don't worship Jesus, who was a prophet, not god. Worship god alone, the all powerful and merciful. Read the Qu'ran brother, the only other religion that gives great importance to Isa/Jesus (Peace be upon him), along with the belief of his return after the Dajjal (antichrist) rules the world. What we see today is due to satanists, who believe they will remain in this world to enjoy its pleasures for eternity, but they have been deceived, and work only to bring their leader, the Dajjal.

warriorofpeace786 in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

its trumans world as i always suspected

jimandot 1 month ago

It's lucky he had this mysterious feeling and sudden insight about the moon while writing another book BEFORE he read all these other people's theories and material otherwise he'd be up for plagiarism. Though I rather suspect there was no 'feeling' though, he just read some other books and then adapted the material into his own lectures to cash in on it. At least he does acknowledge them and doesn't completely claim it's all his own ideas and 'research.'

tropicalcatdetective 1 month ago

He's not making this up, it's all from actual quotes and documentation. Do the research for yourself if you think that this is just the far fetched ramblings of a crazy person. Have fun :)

Puppetfucker13 1 month ago

are you saying that humans are being farmed by aliens ,and once the crop is full and the harvesting time arrives , they will come for harvesting ?? just like a maggot farm with artificial light??

Raptor2860 1 month ago

Where is the evidence of the moon being from aliens, and not being layered over ancient time by different rocks? All we have is some mysteries surrounding the Moon's consitution, and we somehow end up with Aliens making the moon and communicating to Earth? Sounds like an aweful lot of crazy.

Futureplanet 1 month ago

If the moon wasn't there, life would be perfect for a world without a moon. If the moon was twice as large, life would be perfectly suited with a moon twice as large.

Natural selection always gives life that is suitable for the environment, because unsuitable life goes extinct!! This is biology 101.

This guy and the interviewer has no clue.

Futureplanet 1 month ago

This guy Icke should start a religion. Sounds as crazy as Mormons or scientology and no doubt people will flock to it, because sheep love to be flocked.

Futureplanet 1 month ago

Wipe your ass with his books and more shit comes off the paper.

rtjd24680 1 month ago


MrDixiedog1 1 month ago

LOL ahahahahahaha OH my!! david icke.... ahahaha sorry this is so terrible.. and people believe him?? ahahahah... hmmm well this age is just about idiots jiggling words and millions of small minded idiots will consider this clown a genius.. good luck being free! ahahahahahahah

Bellus Deus 1 month ago

How can humans be that technologically advanced to make a hollow moon with a lot of "activity" going on inside hundreds and hundreds of years ago?

candyyycanesz 1 month ago

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itummy18 1 month ago

God created the moon, sized perfectly, positioned perfectly. David is an idiot!

MrJambeaux 1 month ago

You must have spent a nice few years of research to come to that brilliant conclusion hahaha.

TheT33g in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Of course not only a few minutes listening to this fool I came to that conclusion, he's an idiot. We caint figur the moon, so it must be dem outer space people dat made it. Atheist are dumber than hillbillies.

MrJambeaux in reply to TheT33g (Show the comment) 1 month ago

You understand the irony of calling atheists dumb when you can't even spell?.

TheT33g in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

You understand I meant to misspell for effect? Or maybe YOUR and atheist and you didn't.

MrJambeaux in reply to TheT33g (Show the comment) 1 month ago

it is you're not YOUR and it should have been an not and

TheT33g in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Why are you calling all atheists dumb? I am an atheist I do not believe some god created the moon but I also agree this guy is an idiot.I think that most believers are dumb doesn't mean you are though key word is most but to include us all means your just ignorant.We can't figure out how life started so god did it duh!!! how dumb is that? EH!

Gate4201 in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

You are right, I did inappropriately lump all atheist into the dumb category, but what really gets me is the logic here. Scientist can't explain the moon so the next logical step is that aliens made it. how dumb is that? That is dumb to me. and now Im laughing at myself for using the the wrong word YOUR! you got me there Thet33g.

MrJambeaux in reply to Gate4201 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

That is the same with me and I don't believe all scientist can't explain the moon I think we have a pretty good understanding of the moon these days maybe some scientist say they can't explain it but I am not sure.You see how you feel about how we can't explain the moon so aliens did it is dumb that's how I feel about god we can't explain something so god did it that logic to me is baffling.Man made the sun a god logic for me says that if man did that then he did it for all gods god is man made

Gate4201 in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

But I do appreciate you admitting that you inappropriately lumped all atheists together thanks for that cause I know I am not dumb myself and I have studied a lot I want people to make their own minds up when it comes to god and not have it brainwashed into them I was born into a Catholic family I had no choice but to believe in god I wasn't taught any other way I was never taught about evolution It wasn't until I got out of the household that I learned there was even other gods cont

Gate4201 in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

cont this is the type of believer that I feel needs help and need to really look at it to really read about science and not just except that they are lying to us.You see I grew up thinking that my mom was going to hell and there was nothing I could do to change that she never believed but my father did and we did church private Catholic schools and what not and I was brainwashed into belief after I discovered what I believe to be the truth I felt so much better why you might ask cont

Gate4201 in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Well because my mom isn't going to hell and people like Jeffery dahmer aren't going to heaven while a good person like my mom is going to hell.The only unforgivable sin according to Jesus is not believing in him and you now what sucks about this is Jeffery Dahmer died with thoughts of him going to heaven because he was saved and he was forgiven.I now believe that is not so and we all end up in the same place dead to me this was a great relief and a weight lifted now I live for today

Gate4201 in reply to MrJambeaux (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I wrestle w this everyday. I believe the prophets and Jesus really make a lot of sense about love, relationships, accountability, managing one's life, everything... but the Hell part is so extremely disturbing I've been upset and consumed by this...I may have my answer soon...Numerous sources say the fed. govt. has plans to require all citizens to receive an implantation device in their right hand (r.f.i.d.)radio frequency identification just like the book of Revelation says...mark of the beast

jdmcpoker in reply to Gate4201 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I don't see how your connecting the mark of the beast to a radio device that is to help you if what I hard about that device is true it will hold all your information medical records etc. To me I think that device would be beneficial to people like my wife who has a brain disease and often forgets where she lives forgets her wallet etc. If some one could just scan a device get all her info it would make things much safer for her.I don't see a device like this as evil so how is it you do?

Gate4201 in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Yeah, if this device was administered and used by people by you, it would be a safeguard against information fraud and the like...but if we keep doing research we will find that elites, (spec. heads of oil companies, military industrial complex, pharmaceutical industry, especially the international banking cartel) have instigated world war 1, 2, the Vietnam war, etc. AND THEY FINANCE BOTH SIDES OF THE WAR. The Bush family (especially Prescott Bush) and the Rockefeller made a fortune...

jdmcpoker in reply to Gate4201 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The Bush family and the Rockefellers heavily funded Hitler and supplied the Nazis with oil. Prescott Bush was busted holding 300,000 dollars worth of Nazi gold in a New York. The truth is so disturbing I know it sounds crazy at 1st, but my point is that many elites are socialists and they have an INCREDIBLE amount of documentation about population control, reducing the population, how to use "fear of the unknown" and "false flag attacks" to get people to surrender their liberties...

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Once these people install a barcode in you, you are like digital property. You have no freedom or privacy anymore. When we look at history, we see that the international banking cartel takes countries though a cycle. Many countries that start out capitalist evolve into socialist and then even some into communist countries...The people Obama works for have LOTS of documentation that they want a socialist one-world government, and to end the United States as we know it...

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

What is happening in America is nothing new. Russia, China, Germany, and other countries had governments that promised the ordinary person a socialist paradise and instead betrayed them, took away their rights, and in many cases killed incredible amounts of people. Hilter is allegedly responsible for 6 million deaths, but STALIN IS RESPONSIBLE FOR 400 MILLION DEATHS. Obama and his administration are not hiding the fact they are socialist...

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

HERE'S THE MOST IMPORTANT THING I'VE SAID YET: On Decemeber 31st, 2011 while the ball was dropping and everyone was distracted, Barrack Obama passed the most socialist, Anti-constitutional law in American history...the NDAA act. National Defense Authorization Act. "Under the pretense of terrorism, the entire U.S. is now considered a battlefield and the Fed. Govt. reserves the right to arrest any American citizen without warrant, without trial, and hold them indefintiely...

jdmcpoker in reply to jdmcpoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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trianni123 1 month ago

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Arguing does u people no good. This is a video that u watched. If ur so much better, u write a damn book and make videos. Cussing on a youtube comment isnt gonna further the world in any positive way. Do the predominantly-tight-ass-anglo-­empire-educated-arguers sit well with that? Anger clouds the mind.

nsthompson1234 1 month ago

Thank u Seeds Are Us!

nsthompson1234 1 month ago

I think that David Ike snorts to much coke. listen to him stutter and stammer and sniff when he talks.

digger89784 1 month ago

Without the moon life on earth is not possible. Without, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, mercury, Neptune & Pluto humans would not exist. Our solar system is perfectly designed. The moon is not an evil instrument. David icke doesn't realise that he himself lives in a dream world.

creativebeing1 1 month ago

If aliens in the moon control human thought, why didn't they prevent revelations about them and criticism of them before it even started? Why allow us to invent the paper, printing press, the computer so the "great thinkers" like Icke could alert us to their shennaigans?

The ability to convince others by using language that sounds intellectual but is very simple to understand is a powerful and dangerous tool. It allows the speaker/writer to establish belief in absolutely anything.

Mogpiano1 1 month ago

Pretty far out?!?!?!? If it's a spaceship I guess it broke down!! Lol wacko!!

sgriffin981 1 month ago

what does imao mean anyone?

GORDYATHOME 1 month ago

I believe imao is supposed to be LMAO. That would be laugh my arse off.

Hire Skilledtrades in reply to GORDYATHOME (Show the comment) 1 month ago

THE MOON IS CHEESE! nobody wanted to fucking believe me, thanks David Icke lmao

DocHavoc0512 1 month ago

Well it'd like to say, just like Ike: "First of all" you use the word theory wrong, all the time. In science, we call it a hypothesis, not a theory. What you call a "whack theory" is actually a hypothesis, that is yes, not waterproof. Hence calling it a hypothesis not a theory.

Anyways, you're kind of crazy and I'd like to move on now... To the next related video ;-)

MyZk089 1 month ago

The size of it? Seriously??? IIRC Titan, one of Saturn's MANY moons is about twice the mass of Earths moon. I guess someone must have built that too... ffs.

FacepalmTube00 1 month ago

Compared to the size of the planet.

Kave1847 in reply to FacepalmTube00 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Stop smokin the crack David Ike. Even Alex Jones thinks you're a full of shit haha.

Ernster86 1 month ago

who built the moon ? George Lucas or Steven Spielberg 

hollywoodozz 1 month ago

hahahaha....hahahaha....what a joke...hahahaha

KatherinVII 1 month ago

that swiss watchmaker better get a new job,  the moons drifting away from us everyday

desfletcable 1 month ago

keep taking your pills David, but ide double up on the dose

desfletcable 1 month ago

I like to dream also.But every day I wake up and smell the roses.Peace and sorry 4 the dont and do not thing below.Peace out

mychoicesgoodnbad 1 month ago

dont do not - sorry

mychoicesgoodnbad 1 month ago

You dont not back up any things you state just a lot of crazy talking.You seem to have a rapid flight of ideas.Wow and I wasted the tpme and watched and listened to this guy rambiling for 7 minutes.Sorry but you sound confused.The part about the moon being hollow sounds good but I am not Jesus so I dont think Jesus God was making it simple when he placed the moon as man calls it.Love,peace and understanding through Jesua the Christ.Dont corupt your wisdom like the guy in the bible.peace out.

mychoicesgoodnbad 1 month ago

Who says there isn't a logical and consistent explanation for the moon's existence???? Where has this lunatic got his information???? There's barely a single thing he says that's anywhere near correct, and THEN he bases his paranoid rants on his spurious, cynical misinterpretations. Nonsense from start to finish. DIMENSIONS -wrong, MASS -wrong RESEARCH - wrong CONCLUSIONS - deluded and borderline insane.

AshamedOfTheUSA 1 month ago

I think it's foolish not to open your mind to information like this. David Icke is a very important person in voicing out these ideas and theories.

SeedsAreUs 1 month ago

No he's not. He's nuts. Sorry, it's just that simple.

jaggasman in reply to SeedsAreUs (Show the comment) 1 month ago

only your ignorance is nuts

heratiq in reply to jaggasman (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Only on youtube could someone this deluded be taken seriously!

jaggasman in reply to heratiq (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Ya he is. No he's not nuts. Sorry, it's just that simple.

Ya see dumb ass, it's just that simple!

Evan Shively in reply to jaggasman (Show the comment) 1 month ago

well that was a waste of a valuable 15 minutes of time, time i could have spent doing something infinately more watching the moon! lol

markfleming1972 1 month ago

oh no could earth and moon really be sirus a and b?

Jusplais 1 month ago

The moon is made of cheese, this man is an idiot.

123backinyerface 1 month ago

Its tasty as well, i was lucky to have the privilege to have a bit

Biebs00 in reply to 123backinyerface (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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what about the nano particles they just found on the moon?

JBGrimey 1 month ago

How do you mean by that? Sorry Im unfamiliar with Nano Particles so not sure what they mean in reference to the moon :)

1BassJohn in reply to JBGrimey (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I'm just saying that the nanoparticles they found is kind of helpin David Icke's argument and this TIME magazine article about the find "The Moon's Peculiar Dust Gets More Peculiar Still" not sayin I agree or disagree I just keep a open mind and do my own fact finding and research

JBGrimey in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Wow that's really interesting, I'll have to do some reading up on that too. Really is fascinating, and it's great you have an open mind. Either way we look at it, there have been some real peculiarities there :)

1BassJohn in reply to JBGrimey (Show the comment) 1 month ago

What a massive douchebag this cunt is.. Reads a bunch of shite about the Moon in some gay book, then starts spouting it like it's some great revelation when it's just some lame drivel he read in a book by a pair of divs. Uber-douche or what...

Brad Lummis 1 month ago

We are such a primitive species, there is no way we really know what is what.

Icke does have a documented IQ of 168 so I do keep an open mind when listening.

KymaticaHealth 1 month ago

that means nothing my iq is above 120 and Im telling u the moon is real..fuckin idiots beleive this idiot he used his IQ to get on tv and fool people

ReNiUIT in reply to KymaticaHealth (Show the comment) 1 month ago

This is hilarious, he starts off by saying that; he had a thought he found interesting, so he did a Google search for exactly what he wanted to read, found a book on the subject, read it and then has this crazy idea that it's somehow a coincidence that it was saying the same things he was thinking. Don't get me wrong I love a good conspiracy like, but this guy is just nuts. To paraphrase someone much wiser than me 'If you open your mind too much your brain will fall out.'

burnsy182 1 month ago

This guy is INSANE!!!!

1949kf 1 month ago

He speaks alot of sense but lets himself down with stuff like this.

rewind12354 in reply to 1949kf (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I dont think he lets himself down, he doesn't sound like a crackpot one bit with what he is talking about. He is talking about ACTUAL things, and real evidence, for example about the sound of the moon during the blasts etc. I have utmost respect for him that he puts his nuts on the line like that. Of course it doesnt Prove it completely, but it sure makes you question a lot of things!

1BassJohn in reply to rewind12354 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

More the reptilian idea i was talking about.

rewind12354 in reply to 1BassJohn (Show the comment) 1 month ago


Gate4201 in reply to 1949kf (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Unsubscribe to KOMORUSAN and subscribe to THANKYOUWHITEKNIGHTS. KOMORUSAN has lost his way. He is no longer of the light, he is with the dark. Do not listen to his LIES.

cwcowling77 1 month ago

Great upload! great job.Thank you to posted on you tube.

colourufo 1 month ago

OMG!!!! the death star AAAAAHHHHHHHHH

swordkill7 1 month ago

@ITheFlawless Yes, I could but I have put considerable effort into things like flying to Mexico where I was able to get one of the clearest shots. Then enlarging and enhancing made for very large files. As I stated I'm not out to prove anything to the sleepers. I plan to do and post a video based on my pictures soon, I will also post some stills and include links on my YT channel.

Wayworld01 1 month ago

What is hilarious is the comments from the brainwashed sleepers. I have taken pictures with my own telephoto camera and enhanced them, they clearly show cities everywhere. Anyone with decent equipment and enhancement software can try it for themselves. Lighting and contrast adjustments along with added colour saturation will make a believer out of you. Just don't try to show anyone else, most people don't want to know the truth it seems. It's like teaching ants to sing.

Wayworld01 1 month ago

can you send me the pictures youve taken?

Luke March in reply to Wayworld01 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

ick is so good now i now what my cock does when i watch porn it shapshift,s

tunastrike11 1 month ago

Deary me.

flowercleaner 1 month ago


AVALONZ74 1 month ago

Hes out there alright, but I wouldnt call him an idiot. The quotes he refers to are real, so you may come to a different conclusion to his, but its interesting all the same. If you have nothing to add but insults because you never question or take the time to investigate anything, then youre just sheeple who probably swallows everything the mainstream media spoonfeeds you. Thats idiotic. At least Ickes entertaining! Peace

thesouluniversal in reply to AVALONZ74 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

'' Hes out there alright, but I wouldnt call him an idiot ''

He is an idiot.

'' The quotes he refers to are real ''

Quotes from where ? How are they real ? Prove it to me.

'' If you have nothing to add but insults because you never question or take the time to investigate anything ''

He thinks the moon is a spaceship. Sorry but I don't need to investigate anything.

AVALONZ74 in reply to thesouluniversal (Show the comment) 1 month ago

'' then youre just sheeple who probably swallows everything the mainstream media spoonfeeds you ''

Wrong, I don't believe what the mainstream media says.

'' Thats idiotic. At least Ickes entertaining! ''

I see you've accepted Icke as your lord and savior lmao, maybe one day you two will kidnap the reptilian queen, get into the moon-spaceship and enjoy flying to Atlantis and Lemuria (he says these places are real).

AVALONZ74 in reply to thesouluniversal (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Who built theoon? Simple; God did! ✨

roldans99 1 month ago

What if we were the alines and we used the moon to get from are real homeworld to here mabey we are millions of years old and we dont even know it? i say kill us all then we have no problem :)

vandamage0 1 month ago

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FormsInSpace 1 month ago

Its also interesting how the moon due to its distance appears to us to be EXACTLY the same size as the sun.

JimBowie1133 1 month ago

All the buzz word super magic lingo. This is all non sense. Man's imagination is spectacular however many are unable to process real reality from that which one wishes or hopes is their reality. Most of the time like evangelists everywhere the truth is it makes "special" and "unique" out of the insecure and mediocre people.

Icke and many many of our modern "holy" shamans are nothing more than verbal sewers rushing and full of crap.

TR5T 1 month ago

GOD DID IT ...........

ebay4dave 1 month ago

......God...... who's that....

bobthechipmonk in reply to ebay4dave (Show the comment) 1 month ago

@eonorez3 just because u see yourself as powerless doesn't make u or any other person more powerful than the next person. Having money a big house nice car is part of the illusion. Powerful people are only powerful as long as the people under their power believe it! Thats why 'majority' rules!

CodeRedInstrumentals 1 month ago

LoL so the moon is a fake? XDDD

It's not impossible^^

Need a more facts very interesting thing.

SlowmotionDim 1 month ago

What is real or what is not? real world? i tell you the only think is real death, yes you gonna die we all gonna die, what's the point? let fuck the elite because they already fuck us even if you are millionaire this is like monopoly game when you die the game is over and all your own is back to the box so yes, get back to the real world.

KillorbeDeath 2 months ago

is astronomy real?? i think that moon and sun are fake maybe there are unlimited supplies of gold in space but government doesn t want us to know about that so they invented astronomy as something that should keep us away from going to space!

martyn347 2 months ago

RU for real mate?

188basstrom in reply to martyn347 (Show the comment) 1 month ago


papapardal1 2 months ago

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DeesideBeats 2 months ago

David Icke is the funniest comedian around. Absolutely hillarious!

Sammerkona 2 months ago

the moon is actually an imperial death star, david icke is luke skywalker and alex jones is bill hicks.

alfred hitchner 2 months ago

My baby book said my first word was moon.

Guess I've been thinking about this for a while.

streetmachine1984 2 months ago

The moon is a alien or even human base. inside is a massive civilization monitoring earth, human or E.T, i don't know.

We are an experiment, or a game.

I could be schizophrenic.

acejacko23 2 months ago

you are

GanEdenVideo in reply to acejacko23 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

:) prove to me there isn't?

acejacko23 in reply to GanEdenVideo (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Here is something i have never understood. If space really exists, including planets and moons and these poeple classed as astronauts are able to get to them then why can't we. Give me an explanation other than the usual "lack of money" bullshit! I keep thinking of the Truman show.

TommyDunlopWalters 2 months ago

I've seen some shit, but holy shit you people who believe this is so stupid it's painful. 

Steelioss 2 months ago

and to insult and degrade a person for not believing in what you see as fact is ignorance, whether you agree or not

auezrus 2 months ago

If anything, whether you agree with the information offered by this person or another, is discrediting the ideology and belief of another person any better than insulting a person of an alternate than religion. Most of his references are from texts of religion and ideology predating christianity, which even today dictates the findings of respected scholars that you and i learn about on school, whats worse is theory is taught to us as fact. All there are is theories

auezrus 2 months ago

Breaker 242, Archangel Gabriel said in the 70s through a messenger (see that Pluto is an artificial station designed to control mind. It's the work of the space Luciferian fallen angels.

christinepreston48 2 months ago

When the lizzies took over Earth as in the Pleiadian version, they may have put the moon in orbit to control mankind. Earth was host to souls from Maldek and its core may have been used to build the Moon. We are being liberated from this ET control by the forces from the Great Central Sun and beings of the upper realms sharing Earth with us.

christinepreston48 2 months ago

what a load of tripe...people are really nutters believing this guy.....

eonorez3 2 months ago


xXdwebbXx in reply to eonorez3 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

people not believing him are completely stupid.

juicyjohnbox in reply to eonorez3 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

stfu noob n go back to jacking off on david icke..get back to the real world.

eonorez3 in reply to juicyjohnbox (Show the comment) 2 months ago

You must be one of those shills.

HeticScorpion in reply to eonorez3 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

What real world? Do you even know what is real and what's not? Just keep doing what your leaders tell you to do right? Because it's the right thing to do right? If this is the right way to live and think then i don't want to know the wrong way.

mikek1305 in reply to eonorez3 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

so what way do u live mr? are u bill gates? u are powerless..we cant change the system nor can we create a new u really think that they are dumb enough to let muppets like david icke ruin their plans? dream on..david has become a millionaire just like alex jones simply by taking away money from poor folk much like the "elite" that they hate..

eonorez3 in reply to mikek1305 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

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David Icke, what a money hungry charlatan.

MacabreHeritage 2 months ago

Money hungry? I am getting a little sick of people mentioning how much money Icke is making. Simply type 'David Icke books' into the Company Check website. Considering how long he's been going and writing books, the amount in his business account aint that much, all things considered.

Bewdley02 in reply to MacabreHeritage (Show the comment) 2 months ago

The account in his business account aint that much? I'm getting a little sick of people mentioning how little money Icke is making. Simply type 'David Icke Wembley' into your preferred search engine. When you look into the numbers you'll see the event has sold out meaning Icke has already taken £62,000,00, even if he takes half he'll take at least £30,000,00. Not inc' book/t-shirt/dvd/poster revenue. David Icke is a money hungry charlatan, all things considered.

MacabreHeritage in reply to Bewdley02 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I doubt he will make 50% profit on his Wembley talk mate. And so what if he does? If I had to talk for 7+ hours and arrange everything myself, I'd probably want more than £30K! Especially when you go and compare him to REAL charlatans like Tony Quinn who charges his followers £45,000 to do a week's course in the Baharmas. We'll see how much he makes after his year-end 2013 figures are published by Companies House shall we? Until then - do us all a favour and keep your opinions to yourself

Bewdley02 in reply to MacabreHeritage (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Oh i do apologise, did i insult your messiah?

The moon is a hollow spaceship full of blood drinking tongue flicking multidimentional shapeshifting walking crocodiles from the unknown and unseen planet nibiru who broadcast a hologram we percieve as reality so don't eat any salt as a high level of biological salinity makes us more receptive to their pychological restructuring programme.

Good grief, you may as well listen to a witchdoctor ramble on about dragons eggs and misty swirling froth.

MacabreHeritage in reply to Bewdley02 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

What makes you estimate £30k? Do you know how much it costs to hire Wembley? Ticket production, staff costs etc? Or did you just make an uninformed, random guess?

explorer2101 in reply to MacabreHeritage (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Tickets are retailing for between £42.00 – £62.00. Wembley has a seating capacity of exactly 12,500. Working on a mean average of £50.00 per seat, the event will make a grand total of £625,000-00.

I don’t know yet how much it costs to hire Wembley Arena and what sort of facilities are thrown in for the hire cost i.e. PA etc. Anyway, even at a conservative estimate, I reckon Icke has still got to pocket at least 50% of this £625,000-00.

The moon's a hollow spaceship full of walking crocodiles

MacabreHeritage in reply to explorer2101 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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JohnWhitesideParsons 2 months ago

My neighbour

NorskIsbjorn 2 months ago

How does David explain the fact that Pluto has a moon that is similarily big in relation to its size?

Breaker242 2 months ago 9

Answer, Pluto's moon is also a giant space ship disguised as a moon.

Bewdley02 in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

super cool story bro

Breaker242 in reply to Bewdley02 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

and all the other moons?

eddiemetal1 in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Well the main "evidence" Icke uses for this theory is the extra ordinary size of the Moon in relation to Earth and how this proves that the Moon has got to be hollow, because otherwise the mass that would come with that size would be too heavy for it to form a functional planet-satellite system with the Earth. However, the size of Charon (Pluto satellite) is similarily big in relation to the mass of Pluto. So according to Davids logic, Charon must also be hollow.

Breaker242 in reply to eddiemetal1 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Very true, but what I am thinking is that this guy does not understand the vast number of moons out there. I know it's just a simple assumption on my part, but i wont be surprised that he does not know that moons are not unique to earth. 

eddiemetal1 in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

maybe it is, i'm not saying i believe it but i wont rule anything out as fact just because i can't prove it or fathom it, If you had said 2000 years ago to someone that the earth was a sphere and that the sun was the center of our solar system you would have been met with the same disbelief that everyone is showing toward individuals now a days are shown for thinking of other explanations.

david bird in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Again, I'M NOT SAYING I BELIEVE THESE THEORIES, all i'm saying is don't be so closed minded. Don't swallow everything that people tell you as fact, use your own brain and make up your own mind based on what you observe.

david bird in reply to david bird (Show the comment) 2 months ago 5

True, We don't know anything for sure. It would be wrong to completely accept this as truth, but it would be even worse to shut it out absolutely as false

Biebs00 in reply to david bird (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The Greeks knew the earth was spherical (or rather an oblate spheroid) dating back as far as the 6th century BC and the heliocetric solar sytem had been proposed by Aristarchus of Samos as early as the 3rd century BC.

Icke is just a conspiricy theorist crank, he present's no evidence of his assertions and to quote CH “That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.”

RolandSxxx1 in reply to david bird (Show the comment) 2 months ago

maybe pluto doesnt exist o_0

migslive92 in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

What does Pluto have to do with our moon? Science, even now, has not even come close to finding this relationship with any planet. Our moon should not be here, it is too big, yet does not have the mass to back its size and only ever shows us one side. All other moons in our solar system are falling toward their planets yet ours is moving away at a rate which should have already releast it from our gravitational pull. Almost every religion states it was brought here and made to stay in orbit.

TheLingrush in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

It has something to do with this because Charons and Plutos mass/size relationship is similar to Moons and Earths mass/size relationship.

Breaker242 in reply to TheLingrush (Show the comment) 2 months ago

And so there are two possibilities:

1) Charon is a natural satellite of Plutos and Ickes argument falls flat on its face because this would prove that the moon would not have to be hollow in order to be able to orbit Earth, just as Charon doesn't have to be hollow in order to orbit Pluto

2) Charon is also actually a space ship built to... well yeah, why? Is there any point in building a mass mind control satellite orbiting a planet with no life whatsoever?

Breaker242 in reply to TheLingrush (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Most planets also have multiple moons which causes intersatellitory pull and causes them to stay stronger together.

Breaker242 in reply to TheLingrush (Show the comment) 2 months ago

But how do you explain that the moon has a circular traslation movement an all the others bodys in the universe has it eliptical, and is always showing us the same face, if there a natural saltellite it would show different faces, but is ALWAYS the same face, and the moon was placed just in the place to look just the same size of the sun, and not to mention that is to far of the magnetic earth s field, of course pluto has a expetion, but is small that is more like binary space bodys than anythin

KamuiAyami02 in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Easy, Pluto is way out in deep space, as opposed to us (Earth) were the sun plays a role in gravitational pull also :)

jacobucs69 in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

that's a good point, but it doesn't extinguish the topic.

dirtyhappiness in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

We have been told it has a moon ! weve only seen picture's unless you go up there and look with your own eyes , why would you beleive it ?

the whole thing is about them " the goverment" getting you to beleive what they want you to lol ! open your mind ;)

grimepoker in reply to Breaker242 (Show the comment) 1 month ago 3

The government hasn't said that... scientists have... You people are all so stupid with your anti government conspiracies. They have no reasons to do things like this, it's just stupid. They have bigger problems than making up fake Pluto moons.

FlamingBrad25 in reply to grimepoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Actually the have taken pictures of 4 moons that orbit pluto

Gate4201 in reply to grimepoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

lol did you not read ? i already said that

unless you have been there and seen them with your own eyes what does a picture prove in this day and age ?

you can make pictures from nothing now with all the programs LOL

grimepoker in reply to Gate4201 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

No I guess I only glanced at it and not really read it but even still why lie about it this is what drives me crazy people act like 1000 years ago or whenever astronomy was born wrote this secret code saying anyone who studies astronomy from this day forth will lie about it I mean come on get with it open your minds you say why is yours so closed h ave you ever even looked through a high powered scope yourself cause I have and I haven't found anything different other then what I should see

Gate4201 in reply to grimepoker (Show the comment) 1 month ago

well unless your recording with that 24/7 there will be alot your going to miss lol , also you'd never be able to view everything you record because time is against you on that , my mind is by far closed , all im saying is , if there really was alien lifeforms and other things we cant explain

do you really think they would release it to the public ? thatts just asking for people to go crazy they hide things they cant explain ..simple as that

grimepoker in reply to Gate4201 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

And all I am asking is why would astronomers all over the world through out all time lie to us about what they have seen or discovered?These conspiracy theories are ridicules to say astronomers and scientist over the last say 100 years have all signed an agreement to lie to the public about what they see in the sky and anyone who buy a telescope must also sign this agreement in order to get the scope. How ludicrous is that? The moon is their cause nature (or universe) put it there

Gate4201 in reply to grimepoker (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Oh btw, for does calling this a theory it is not.

eddiemetal1 2 months ago

Man I dislike how I some how always end up on this damn conspiracy videos. I was just looking up telescope videos.

eddiemetal1 2 months ago

Who Built the Moon?...SEA MONKEYS!!!

ghostwarrior1289 2 months ago

what do you know of moon bases?

parkerpzfosheez 2 months ago

The moon is David Icke's Mom.... on a stick.

SirThunderPants 2 months ago

This theory reminds me very much of The Truman Show, lol!! He may sound crazy with what he's saying, but if you actually listen to him with an open mind, he does raise a lot of good points! Still cant help but think that is a bit "conspiracy theory gone mad" though, lol!

Ldowney83 2 months ago

this guy is batshit insane.

kingcrimson234 2 months ago

Whys that ?

Peaceinlifenowar in reply to kingcrimson234 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

uh, well maybe because he *doesn't think the moon is a natural satellite*

kingcrimson234 in reply to Peaceinlifenowar (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I really dislike this man. His words are absolute rubbish and, are proving to be toxic - people believe him...

SpecialRelativaFunk 2 months ago

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where did this dude get his smoke??who built the moon??he's stoned....

keepittidy94 2 months ago

i agree this guys loosing his acorns or running out of things to conspire against.




deathmortiz13 2 months ago


kano8506 2 months ago

Icke is nut job lol. Moon might have some alien base built on it but moon is a computer lol? hollow? yea makes sense haha.

KottLoom 2 months ago

even if this aint true its still very interesting

Discombolulatedone 2 months ago

I can literally feel the stupid being emitted from my computer monitor.

eyeAMtwinkEE 2 months ago

The moon is more likley to be a holograph then a solid build object.

MegaSanbu 2 months ago

why who would project it

Discombolulatedone in reply to MegaSanbu (Show the comment) 2 months ago

The illuminati

MegaSanbu in reply to Discombolulatedone (Show the comment) 2 months ago

from thousands of years ago!??

Discombolulatedone in reply to MegaSanbu (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Spose that is kinda dumb, although I saw this thing on nat geo(not that i trust mainstream nat geo) talking about acneint nuclear explotions and such maby aleins control the moon or something? I donno i don't trust the moon. NASA never went their, someone paid Mythbusters alot of money to prove otherwise. Illuminati maby? aliens? i donno.

MegaSanbu in reply to Discombolulatedone (Show the comment) 2 months ago

watch ancient aliens if you havnt already!

Discombolulatedone in reply to MegaSanbu (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Their really is no 100% proof that the moon existed before our time, I mean theirs no photos no video evidence, sure their are paintings. Wouldn't be hard to fake a painting if you have bottomless pockets. Who truly knows exactly what happened before your time. I sure don't. Winston Churchill once said "History is written by the victors" Last time i checked the ILLUMINATI have been winning for well over 200 years.

MegaSanbu in reply to Discombolulatedone (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I dont beleive that there's too many paintings! too many tribes, that if there wasnt a moon 5000+ years ago you would hear about it in storys and writing's from the past. even though library's have been burnt down you can never get rid of word of mouth. There has to be a real moon, what about the gravity pull of the moon waves/weather. mathematically there has to be a object made of matter there.

Discombolulatedone in reply to MegaSanbu (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Pyramid's where made before jesus was said to have lived, not by hand.

xXdwebbXx in reply to Discombolulatedone (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I donno man, show me the proof. I think the moon is an imposter i don't trust him! How come when you see the moon durying the day the dark spots appear blue not some darker shade of white? hummm ?? moons fake no question about it.

MegaSanbu in reply to Discombolulatedone (Show the comment) 2 months ago

cant see it myself, seems totally irrational to beleive that based on "gut feeling" though this video is interseting further reading may be intersting for the imaginnation but i think that's as far as it goes for me.

Discombolulatedone in reply to MegaSanbu (Show the comment) 1 month ago


peerlesslondin 2 months ago

The big bang was not an explosion it was more of an expansion. Also not all galaxies are not moving inward however this is a theory about the end of universe (the big crunch).

apocalyptic fail in reply to peerlesslondin (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Terrence Mckenna must be right then he said that the universe is calling everything back to over come its dissipation

2Crystalight in reply to peerlesslondin (Show the comment) 2 months ago

yes it doesnt makes sense ive just been reading this on pathlights. com

do you know of any other theorys to replace the bigbang theory??

Discombolulatedone in reply to peerlesslondin (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Who Built the Moon??? NATURE obviously, LOL K not everything is a conspiracy.

GsBBoyDan 2 months ago

The Matrix.......LOLOLOLOL

MexicacasSuckMyCock 2 months ago

Patrick Moore is a shape shifting lizard

188basstrom 2 months ago

No, you are.

GsBBoyDan in reply to 188basstrom (Show the comment) 2 months ago 5


peerlesslondin 2 months ago

because that shaping takes a long long time, and not all asteroids were formed at the same time.

David Icke is neither a prophet nor a scientist. Note the part at the beginning where he clearly states that what he`s saying `comes from nowhere` and he `doesn`t understand it` anyway. (that means he`s making it up)

miketv in reply to peerlesslondin (Show the comment) 2 months ago


MexicacasSuckMyCock in reply to peerlesslondin (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I think planets are round because of the orbits spins and gravity!? kinda like when you have a cup coffee and stir it when it has bits on they surface they tend to cluster together!? in short inertia makes planets spherical

Discombolulatedone in reply to peerlesslondin (Show the comment) 2 months ago

amazing video, very very very informative, thank you

tron6050 2 months ago in playlist David Icke- Who Built the Moon

*Wow - what a joyfull reality - so ressonate with this:) now I know why I have not been in the moon-love- relationship, not comfortable at all:) thanks for revealing this knews and I love you ***

lamond57 2 months ago

If the moon were made of ribs...would Ya eat it?

EGushue 2 months ago

I want my baby back....LOL

MexicacasSuckMyCock in reply to EGushue (Show the comment) 2 months ago

He should have stuck with being a sportscaster or selling used appliances on TV

gettheleadoutasshole 2 months ago

david icke always seemed crazy to me, reminded me of a kid named gragory, thought his dog was an alien........

chocolatecrud 2 months ago

What a legacy Icke has left! The son of god has discovered that the queen is a shapeshifting interdimensional reptilian and that the moon is fake, what next? Are the crab people conspiring with the lizards to kill us?

kensei85 2 months ago 2

The moon is cheese

Lousypenguin 2 months ago

god did havent you heard or are u deaf dam

raquel herrera 2 months ago

David icke you better stop talking before the people in the moon do a drive by on your ass man !!!

bryan mathis 2 months ago

Who built the moon?? Allah says in the Qur'an:

"Allah is He, who created the sun, the moon, and the stars (all) governed by laws under His commandment." (7:54)

"They ask you about the waxing and waning phases of the crescent moons, say they are to mark fixed times for mankind and Hajj." (2:189)

Just the fact that the moon is at EXACTLY the right distance from the earth so that it fits EXACTLY over the disk of the sun during a total eclipse is PROOF of its creation?!!

alan6502 2 months ago

Take a physics lesson, learn diffraction, the moon could probably deviate in size 25% and still appear to fit perfectly...

GenericName543 in reply to alan6502 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

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GenericName543 in reply to alan6502 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

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PeacefulSage7 in reply to alan6502 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

so if its not real. then what am i looking at right now?

devinead94 2 months ago

He didn't say it doesn't exist, he said it was easier to explain it not existing, then explaining that it does exist. Since its so improbable in its cosmic proportions etc...

NeutralExistence in reply to devinead94 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

THANK YOU!!!! Finally A SMART ONE!!! People are asleep arent they my friend?? Come one the perfect eclipse is the biggest damn obvious!!! Like WHOAA

PeacefulSage7 in reply to NeutralExistence (Show the comment) 2 months ago

One could imagine that the perfect eclipse is certainly good grounds for proving the artificial nature of the moon. Unless we can find another example of this in the Universe, it seems like it existing in such a fashion is paradoxical to it being randomly created. However, one cant ever say 100%, since reality is subjective.

NeutralExistence in reply to PeacefulSage7 (Show the comment) 2 months ago


jak4chan 2 months ago

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flossy26 2 months ago

'Interesting' interview? You spelt 'hilarious' wrong.

ozena52 2 months ago

built the moon? okay.

HaobProductions 2 months ago

This guy has no formal education past 15yo, yet is able to convince people he knows what the hell the is talking about.

Then the loon trys to equate the whole of Langley AFB, VA to the CIA. Two totally different operations centers.

userdenied58 2 months ago

i Own a Reflector Telescope it Cost me Just Over $3.000 Dollars and i Use it Every Nite To Look at the Moon for 3 Yrs, i Studied The Moon and i Always Seen Shadows of Something Flying Over The Surface i Tried to Capture One of These Objects That Were Flying But i never Could But They Sure Had To be Really Big Because the shadows Were very dark and pronounced at First i Thought They Were Asteroids But it was Always At The Same Spot of The Moon So i Knew it Had To Be Something Else But What?~O:"

55painterman 2 months ago

i've seen streaks across the surface.

RocketRadioShow1 in reply to 55painterman (Show the comment) 2 months ago


peerlesslondin in reply to RocketRadioShow1 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

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The Moon is Kingu and once orbited Tiamat before one of the planets of Nibiru crashed into Tiamat and together moved to the orbit of earth and became Earth and Kingu followed and is the Moon today. The asteroid belt is what is left of that collision of two planets. This happened 24 million years ago. Just a record from the Babylonian texts.

spellbinder00 2 months ago

You get texts from Babylonians?!!

Mogpiano1 in reply to spellbinder00 (Show the comment) 2 months ago


in fact



CrystalResonator 2 months ago

Icke's conclusions are based on his research. His conclusions are personal ideas which are a part of theories. He was exposed to other researcher's theories and ideas. It is fact, these researchers are scientists and technicians of their field who get involved to find answers - "what, why, how" is the moon?". Think of the idea they are spending or spend billions of dollars and lots of brains for the reasearch. This is not your game if you have no idea.

cass2chk 2 months ago

The Moon is associated with lunacy and this case it seems to maintain the pattern - Dark Side of the Moon.,..

nicknameSGB 2 months ago

The moon like many examples in biological evolution is actually an example of "dumb" design as dawkins put it. To a moron it may look staggeringly perfect, BUT IT'S NOT. It may confuse the layman that the moon orbits the ecliptic plane, crossing the equatorial along with the sun. and not, say the poles. But it does not confuse the scientist. But again, the sun and moon and earth are not perfectly synced, this is why our calendar is all fucked up.

MrBaldurthegood 2 months ago

The Moon is the Death Star!

TJD005 2 months ago 18

I think the truth is still far from ever being discovered. We are still in the early phases of figuring things out. Our bombing of the moon is basically like poking a dead animal with a stick as a preliminary check to see if it is dead or not.

IlI63BRAVOIIl 2 months ago

I don't buy it but Icke's views make more sense than any religion I've ever heard of.

violentjvieira2 2 months ago 2

i was uner the impression the moon was part of a destroyed planet.

sartte 2 months ago

@bukm2001 yes! God FTW!!!!

shelib123 2 months ago

this guy is a fucking nutter

hunkydorey2 2 months ago

i like david icke but i'm not sure if i can believe this. i wish sources would be cited so someone like me could go and research this myself.

MysticxRaven 3 months ago

Hmmmm...just a suggestion.

Go outside and look at it.........

dopplereffeckt675 in reply to MysticxRaven (Show the comment) 2 months ago

lol are you serious? i am pagan darling, i am under the moon, in all its phases, all the time. when someone says 'citing resources' it usually means books, studies, articles etc. any nimrod can go look at something and come up with an OPINION but it doesnt make it fact.

MysticxRaven in reply to dopplereffeckt675 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

So........Newton's Law's of Motion is just an "opinion"? The studies of Galileo and Archimedes,Hawkins, Einstien et al are just some good old boys having a fireside chat?

In science and other academic works, you have to come up with a little more than an idea and an 'open mind'- you have to provide emperical evidence.

Any fool can come up with the notion that the moon is a space ship, you don't even have to study to come up with that-five year old's do it all the time.....

dopplereffeckt675 in reply to MysticxRaven (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Icke what a fuck up - Fictions Wikipedia...

azoo121 3 months ago

God Made the Moon.

bukm2001 3 months ago

Ok, but why from Cheese ??

azoo121 in reply to bukm2001 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

hell yeah bruther!

trevorporrata in reply to bukm2001 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

lol @ the fact your ridiculing someone for saying the moon is not what it appears to be and then saying open yor mind to god what your saying is the moon is what it is but,theres a guy in the sky who made the universe in a week created us in his image from clay and made women from our ribs, wow youve sussed it all out .......

daviewales in reply to carmenalmonte (Show the comment) 3 months ago

no, big bang where a controlled demolition.

sheytan1 in reply to daviewales (Show the comment) 3 months ago

batshit crazy.

Ali74 3 months ago

Read this book " Revelations of humanity origins" of FORTI MASSIMILIANO, available on AMAZON.COM

Expalin origins of universe, of Earth planet, Bermuda triangle, fallen angels, alien civilisations, Israel secret history, cosmic people of Hebrews, ancient Egypt, Mars civilisation and other argoments.

it's very interesting !!

massimilianof91 3 months ago

wont watch this video, but David Icke is a self admitted LSD head who even admits that his views are only his reality, not REALITY, reading just one of his books told me not to pay much attention to him

officialMSE 3 months ago

No he is not a self admitted LSD head. He admitted taking magic mushrooms once, hardly an LSD head..

How do I know this, I went to one of his seminars and thats what came from his mouth.

usewhenrequired in reply to officialMSE (Show the comment) 3 months ago

well i read his book Children Of The Matrix and he said he did LSD in there, also at the end he said that reality is ones perception, and that his reality is different from yours. smh, that says enough for his views right there

officialMSE in reply to usewhenrequired (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Answer: God. (Genesis 1:16)


cheagan 3 months ago

brain washed thats all you are.  i feel bad for you

TheTotalreason in reply to cheagan (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Then we're even. I feel bad for those who have nothing but a certain judgment to look forward to. You are dead in your sins and trespasses. Repent and believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

cheagan in reply to TheTotalreason (Show the comment) 3 months ago

i have no judgment to fear my brother. that would be like fearing santa clause putting me on the naughty list. its a great way to control young or uneducated minds into being "good" but any real intellectual knows its all a hoax to explain the unknown. us humans dont like not knowing answers to our questions. but we have science now and no longer need fairy tales to lead a "good" life. i am able to believe in myself instead of having to believe in a mythical person/being. real freedom

TheTotalreason in reply to cheagan (Show the comment) 3 months ago

anyway your jesus christ and religion related to that story, isnt even an old one. there were like 10 religions before it all with followers willing to die for it.. why is your Jesus more real than lets say Buddha or Zeus ?

TheTotalreason in reply to TheTotalreason (Show the comment) 3 months ago

both of which are older than your religion. yet you so blindly think urs is the one true answer. look at Mormons. they believe a total lie so obvious we laugh at it. your right there with that. you look silly to people who have a grasp on reality. word of mouth doesn't hold up in court so why should it hold up for religion. you have no real proof of any gods. yet you believe it without needing any proof what so ever. you religious people are the biggest hypocrites on earth.

TheTotalreason in reply to TheTotalreason (Show the comment) 3 months ago

you preach love but only spread hate twords those who dont follow you. that is a cult. that is brainwashing. you need to be stronger than this, and see life for what it really is, instead of letting others TELL YOU a lie and let you grow up believing it to be the truth. when in fact you have never been presented with any real proof. you turn a blind eye to the fact you are alone on earth. you live for your life after death. not the life your in now...

TheTotalreason in reply to TheTotalreason (Show the comment) 3 months ago

its sad. your sad. and i wish you the best and i hope you see thru this sham before your lost forever in the lies made to control whole populations during a time with no technology or set laws

TheTotalreason in reply to TheTotalreason (Show the comment) 3 months ago

You do know that internet is global media and not everyone comes from the states or UK. I come from a none english speaking european country and yes my english is not perfect but i bet my second language (english) is probably way better then yours if u even speak any second language at all. Have a nice day sir.

TheAleksf2007 in reply to p4eugeot (Show the comment) 3 months ago

It's a quarter the size of earth yet with only 1/81 the earths' mass. That is a bizarre fact.

Guess we'll know soon, or will we.

The $496 million Grail mission will closely study the interior of the moon, from crust to core, and will map the moon's gravitational field in unprecedented detail. The three-month mission is expected to help scientists better understand the composition of Earth's natural satellite and how it has evolved since its formation

Armahx 3 months ago

There are myths that talk about an Earth without Moon, the Gods brought it and put it there later... Other cultures talk about Lunar and Solar races of human beings...

And the Moon is very interesting: at the perfect distance to make crops grow, so we can eat and agriculture can exists; fertility of women, plants and oceans are related to the Moon...

sunshine7018c 3 months ago

David Icke is a lunatic. (See what I did there?)

Eddiesilence 3 months ago 19


BLastyboW in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 3 months ago


tgm5150 in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 3 months ago

I had to give you the thumbs up,,are you controlling my mind using the cheese satellite ?

azoo121 in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 3 months ago

I am constantly generating lizard waves, and projecting them out of the front of my brain with a special secret mad reptilian mind technique that humans can't do. Then I amplify it via cheese. Mwahahaha. Also, hahaha. Ha.

Eddiesilence in reply to azoo121 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Nanoo Nanoo !!

azoo121 in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 2 months ago


mepizzasmangled in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 2 months ago


TheDiegollanes in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Yeah and your...........a douche?? Yeah sounds about right.....

PeacefulSage7 in reply to Eddiesilence (Show the comment) 2 months ago

It's 'you're', not 'your'. Douche.

Eddiesilence in reply to PeacefulSage7 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

I believe goverment does a lot of shaddy things like overthrowing goverments, assasinating foreigh leaders (sometimes their own (JFK)), starting wars for economic purpuses, 9/11, UFO (not likely but possibly),......but that moon is a spaceship? FCKING ALIEN SPACESHIP????? Are u shitting me?

Theres the problem. Those loons usually go to far.

Like his Reptile/Human hybrids? I guess if he got away with that he said to himself; i wonder what else can i get away with.

Icke lives in fantasy world.

TheAleksf2007 3 months ago

I'm extremely open minded but this is taking things waaaaaaay too far. This is just too stupid. SSSSSSSSSTTTTTTTTTTUUUUUUUUUUU­UUPPPPPPPPPPPPPIIIIIIIIIIIIIII­IIIIDDDDDDDDDDDD

pascha11eleven 3 months ago

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Ytherenonamesleft138 3 months ago

fucking total nutjob

celticbobb 3 months ago 2

314 people think moon is cheese

aychingao 3 months ago

That's ridiculous, cheese doesn't ring like a gong when struck

JCBitB in reply to aychingao (Show the comment) 3 months ago 13

Ok, So if earth also ring like a bell when struck, you are going to say earth is fake too?

aychingao in reply to JCBitB (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Actually I was being facetious. But I'd have a hard time calling anything fake that I was standing on, and I'm not sure anyone is saying the moon is fake either. If the earth rang like a gong when struck, it would HAVE to exist to be struck, but it would indicate that there really was no molten rock center, and that most of what we know about it's construction is wrong.

I am curious to find out if what they say about the moon is true tho, that'd be intriguing

JCBitB in reply to aychingao (Show the comment) 3 months ago

can we smell the moon, I like wensleydale....

azoo121 in reply to JCBitB (Show the comment) 3 months ago

No shit.....your joking rrrright?? CHEESE???? You think the moon is cheese?!? OK NOW IVE HEARD EVERYTHING......WHOAAA.....

PeacefulSage7 in reply to JCBitB (Show the comment) 2 months ago

What about babybell?

peski73 in reply to JCBitB (Show the comment) 2 months ago

The part that has always given me the creeps,is that our moon does not rotate with respect to our Earth.

How is that when our oceans and crust tectonics albeit very weakly do work, which would slow our rotation, such that over time even a syncronous moon would begin to appear to rotate.

centurion180ad 3 months ago

There is no god.

witchyvictoria 3 months ago

työpäs ette ymmärrä miun kieltä läl läl läää xD

Tuholainen86 3 months ago

and who made god?

THE2012FAILURE 3 months ago

God is beyond our concept of creation. He always existed.

TexasAaron99 in reply to THE2012FAILURE (Show the comment) 3 months ago

i like your answer, because i strongly believe that time doesn't exist.

THE2012FAILURE in reply to TexasAaron99 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

There is only a perceived difference away from synchronicity, of events as observed between 2 inertial frames. Time is a mathematical construction that is very useful for recording observations, but it is no more real than “gallon” or “inch,” which is to say that strictly speaking “time” is not real in a scientific sense.

centurion180ad in reply to THE2012FAILURE (Show the comment) 3 months ago


Refiedx 3 months ago

obviously go mad it

Refiedx 3 months ago

No wonder Tina Turner fkd him off, everyone knew Icke was a crazy bastard..

zippoloko 3 months ago

You don't really have to listen to this guy long to realize that he is a professional bullshitter.

7tnorris 3 months ago

Matrix meets Truman Show = this video.

TheIbroxPreacher 3 months ago

The guy had a bad acid trip...

n3ff 3 months ago

nobody knows how the earth the moon or any part of the univerese for that matter was created , the only offered explanion is in the bible which in it self has been a contrervercy for thousands of years as it is so , will we ever know umm probely not, is the moon a ship well anything is possible i suppose .. it sure looks fake in a telescope and i have viewed the moon at 675x in my refractor telescope and it looks pretty dam fake but who knows for sure umm no one iam sure knows for sure

KevinMillard68 3 months ago

people do know but there are only a select few who are smart enought to gather enough information to know the real truth. You cannot just go off of youtube videos either.

WizzardManchild in reply to KevinMillard68 (Show the comment) 3 months ago in playlist David Icke on the Artificial moon

if you think any one knows how or when the universe was created then think again ,aint no one or no species for that matter that knows that auctual answer. as for the moon its possible it could be fake, but there is no proof of this any where that can be accesed on the net thats for sure. and to not get proof off the net some where means you have to have gone there in which case i doubt you have been to the moon your self, keep guessing ,

KevinMillard68 in reply to WizzardManchild (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Everything is just FAKE!!! Its disapointing to realize that everything were told is a load of SHIT!......thankfully some peoples eyes are open....and we can open are minds to REALITY and not live like a bunch of zombies!

francesca allevato 3 months ago

you need to visit aquarianknights.wordpress

WizzardManchild in reply to francesca allevato (Show the comment) 3 months ago in playlist David Icke on the Artificial moon

How can they hear the moon "ring like a bell".. if they are in space!!! Sound waves cant travel through empty space!!!!

maggie10283 3 months ago

If you were sitting on the moon on a spaceship the sound wouldn't need to travel through air.. the sound would travel through the two solid objects.. the spaceship and the moon.

Like listening to something by putting your ear up to it directly things are actually louder through denser matter.

JoeyRec in reply to maggie10283 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

ok.. so then what tells you that what they heard was the moon and not the spaceship vibrating from the landing? how did they know it was the moon if the vibrations they hear were from inside the module? The module is also hollow and its medal can also emit a bell like sound. and it's fair to think that the sound they heard was upon their landing. I'm not sure the "rang like a bell" part convinces me. I'm not saying it isnt an intersting theory. But that part in specific isn't convincing enough.

maggie10283 in reply to JoeyRec (Show the comment) 3 months ago

metal* sorry XD

maggie10283 in reply to maggie10283 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

It can thru an electromagnetic receiver which is attached to every NASA satelite. Your concept of empty space is incorrent, there is no empty space in the cosmos. Cross reference russian and american airspace programs, and you learn there is no empty space just immaterial fluctuation of energy invisible to the eye, however visible to touch and humanoid form of ESP

timetobroadcastnow in reply to maggie10283 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Once you open your eyes that everything is designed, there are only 2 things you have to speculate.

1. What is the purpose of the built object, and...

2. Who built it.

Blades11c 3 months ago

not all planets have moons.just saying

Justin Courter in reply to JohanBomholt (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Yeah but they're not planets then ^^ or they had until it got destroyed or something

JohanBomholt in reply to Justin Courter (Show the comment) 3 months ago

i really see now..this is why nasa bombed the moon

Justin Courter 3 months ago

the moons not real ? o.k time to take some drugs and do a painting.

EdwardFitzallen 3 months ago

I think he's gone too far out in left field on this one! LOL!

Bug Stomper 3 months ago

no anger, i'm just curious why do you think that David Icke lies? I watched some of his videos, his talks seem very true and against illuminati, i ve always agreed with what he said. I'm curious about your opinion.

batkamillan in reply to StoptheEvilNWO (Show the comment) 3 months ago

I think he's lying because he's said some pagan things himself and in all honesty if you're a pagan then you're on the same team as the Illuminati. Plus he has been seen to make masonic/pagan hand signs. Plus some of the things he says are just plain ridiculous like this crap about the moon being a space ship which isn't even remotely plausible and just used to distract people.

StoptheEvilNWO in reply to batkamillan (Show the comment) 3 months ago

well, as i know, many things were taken from russian scientific experiments, but there is so much out there, u dont know whom to trust

batkamillan in reply to StoptheEvilNWO (Show the comment) 3 months ago

yea i understand where you are coming does he make a living?he is already rich somehow?

Justin Courter in reply to StoptheEvilNWO (Show the comment) 3 months ago

The same with me, you simply have to set your mind to a right frequency and then it all comes to you) one scientist told me about this book that David was talking about here. That scientist came into my life right when I was craving for information

batkamillan in reply to Alliedtonone (Show the comment) 3 months ago in playlist Favorite videos

From 2:17 to 2:24, look at the face staring out from the middle of the Moon. There really is a man in the Moon.

xander7ful 3 months ago

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Aug 10, 2012, 11:44:29 AM8/10/12
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A David Copperfield's Act in 1979

This act is done with Barry Manilow's song - ' Weekend in New England ' as the background music to sychronize the plot of a romance story. The act ...

1 year ago | 1,774 views

by conjurorHK
The Attic 1979

David Copperfield Attic illusion, then called memories in 1979's David Copperfield 2 song by Barry Manilow:weekend in new england.

4 years ago | 11,533 views

David Copperfield - Volo dell'Anello (Ring Flight, 1979)


1 week ago | 198 views

by The99Ra
The Magic of David Copperfield II (1979) - Part 1/4


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - Il Detective (The Detective, 1979)


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by The99Ra
The Magic of David Copperfield II (1979) - Part 2/4


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - Gli Anni Cinquanta (The 50's, 1979)


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by The99Ra
The Magic of David Copperfield II (1979) - Part 3/4


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - Arancia, Limone, Uovo e Canarino (Orange, Lemon, Egg and Canary, 1979)


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by The99Ra
John Scarne on the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder 1/5/1979 Part 1

Scarne appeared on this show in 1979 with David Copperfield and Ricky Jay. Please visit my website: I just published an ...

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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - Sigaretta Attraverso Moneta (Cigarette Through Quarter, 1979)


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield- Il Ladro di Gioielli (The Jewel Thief, 1979)


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by The99Ra
John Scarne on the Tomorrow Show with Tom Snyder 1/5/1979 Part 2

Scarne appeared on this show in 1979 with David Copperfield and Ricky Jay. Please visit my website: I just published an ...

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by lump450
David Copperfield - Palla a Specchio Fluttuante (Floating Mirror Ball, 1979)


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David Copperfield - Illusione della Torre (Tower Illusion, 1979)


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - Poster di Loni (Loni's Poster, 1979)


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - Gobbo Spezzato e Ricostruito (Torn and Restored Cue Card, 1979)


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by The99Ra
David Copperfield - L'uomo impossibile - Parte 1/6

"The Magic of David Copperfield XVII: The Tornado of Fire" è il ventesimo e (finora) ultimo speciale televisivo di David Copperfield, trasmesso ...

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Osmond Family Show - Winter Carnival Park City 10

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Osmond Family Show - Park City Winter Carnival 2

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bill page

Aug 13, 2012, 9:52:45 AM8/13/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams (1945 - 2012)
Guest Book

"We are so sorry for your loss. Trish was a wonderful woman..."
- Kristy & David Harvell

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Patricia A. Williams
Chesapeake - Patricia Anne Williams, "My Baby", 66 of the 3200 block of Morningside Dr., went to be with her Lord Jesus Christ and Savior on Saturday, August 11, 2012. She was a native of Port Rush, Northern Ireland and was a naturalized U.S. citizen. She was a member of Westhaven Baptist Church. She was the daughter of the late Bobby and Margie McNabb. She was also predeceased by her brother Harry McNabb; and a nephew Robert McNabb.
She is survived by her husband Thomas Lynn Williams; two sons, Christopher R. Williams and wife Brooke of Suffolk, Mark D. Williams and wife Angie of Chesapeake; one sister, Maureen Stone and husband Maury of Chesapeake; aunt, Faye Walls; three nephews, Andrew, Steven and Jeffrey; five treasured grandchildren, "Awsum 5 " Colby, Drew, Lily, Maggie and Molly.
A funeral service will be held at 11AM Wednesday, August 15, in Sturtevant Funeral Home, Portsmouth Blvd. Chapel by the Rev. Bruce Powers and the Rev. Tom Potter. Burial will follow at Meadowbrook Memorial Gardens. The family will receive friends at the funeral home on Tuesday from 7-8:30PM .In lieu of flowers memorials may be made to the Children's Hospital of the Kings Daughters. A reception for family and friends will follow the burial at Westhaven Baptist Church.

Published in The Virginian Pilot on August 13, 2012
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bill page

Aug 13, 2012, 9:54:31 AM8/13/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
This Guest Book will remain online until 9/12/2012. Learn More

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August 13, 2012
We are so sorry for your loss. Trish was a wonderful woman and will be greatly missed. May God comfort and bless you.
Kristy & David Harvell,
Portsmouth, Virginia
August 13, 2012
I had the pleasure of knowing Trish over the years and always enjoyed her infectious laugh and sense of humor. I Am so sorry for your loss L inn and boys. may God comfort you in the days to come. From Marcia & George Evancho, Suffolk,Va.
August 13, 2012
So very sorry for your loss. Praying for your family! I never know the right words to say during times like this, just know that we love your family and will be praying for comfort for each of you.. Sherry Hicks
Sherry Hicks,
chesapeake, Virginia
August 12, 2012
Tricia will always live in our hearts. We will recognize her voice and feel her presence whenever she knows that we need her. Her influence on our lives and that of so many others will leave a mosaic of treasured memories for all of us to enjoy. Lynn and family, as we prepare for the celebration of Tricia's life, please know that we are here for you, and we love you.
Barbara and JoJo Ardagna,
Chesapeake, Virginia
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bill page

Aug 15, 2012, 1:48:50 AM8/15/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

thats ok friendinChrist also:) ps barry web puppet soul winning for Jesus started out as a Christian illusionist then do to everyone saying your lieing when you say this box is empty when really its just a illusion its empy cayse theres a mirror in trhe box to make it look empty at a 45 degree angle so barrry web said ok i will do ventraquest and puppets and preacher all in one setting ideas with his wife mrs web but his farther whos a precher in Christ is still doing magic object lesson to get his message acrooss to everyone like Jesus used objects to make a point like draw in the dirt or say parabile riddles and jesters that Jesus enjoyed this kind of cool entertainment there called the wize men and as long as you did it for entertainment Jesus diudnt mind this cool magical illusionideas of science class ideas:) and even one of the jesters is one of cool Jesus decipales too how cool is that:) ps extra howard chappel said if you think about it bill page and bob scofield ventriquest use miss direction to and throw there vice misdirection illusions to give the illusion the puppet really is talking when really its not and i added cool never thought of it that way howard chappel ventquest illusonist magician:) andre kole cool Christian illusionist magician helped doug henning out and david seth kotkin Christian illusionist magician ps andre kole Christian illusionist thought of 7 ways to vanish the real moon and coperfield wants to do this soon ontv on CBS channel andrekole said hes very excited that david is gonna breath life into his illusion and make it a reality:) jonahthen pendragon and mitch leary john black boob scofield howard chahapeland me fat billpage im a illusionist in fun are cool Christian magicians too

bill page

Aug 17, 2012, 9:43:08 AM8/17/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Carol Burnett Show- No Frills Airline

Uploaded by Tabstarkin on Dec 16, 2007

Tim is put through the ringer by Carol because he's in the No-Frills section of the airplane while Harvey gets special treatment one seat ahead in First Class.

2,858 likes, 80 dislikes

Top Comments

We don't have this kind of wonderful entertainment any longer, it's such a shame. Now all they give us are idiotic reality shows, and dopey situtation comedies filled with sexual innuendos (that are getting more risque by the minute), bad language, etc. I guess these are the "fillers" because they can't write intelligently like the shows of long ago could.

Car555ly 4 months ago 43

Saturday night on CBS was comedy heaven--Mary Tyler Moore, Bob Newheart & Carol Burnette. I didn't care for the song & dance, I always knew there comedy was on the way and it'd be worth the wait.

BrinsonMHarris 4 months ago 15

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SUICIDE HOTLINE10:24 SUICIDE HOTLINEby flp92103159 views
Gran Hotel on the cheap!.mov2:02 Gran Hotel on the cheap!.movby nikmcoleman73 views

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hey cool wilds Christian camp uses basicly same lines on airplane skitt with willie being tim conway idea and the cool other guy too plays harvey corman idea

billpage 8 hours ago

Carol Burnett Show programe qu'ont regardaient papa,moi et man.

SbireC 1 week ago

Wow awesome

Jeff G Greg 1 week ago

This is awesome.

bjb29407 2 weeks ago

What's your point?

polarphilately in reply to 23Skellytone (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

Really? You people must not know comedy.. Ill bet if this sort of humor continued you all would be sick of it. Entertainment evolves and you people only see what you want to see. I totally get the humor, but at the same time you got to appreciate the creativity that stemmed from this. Most of you watch TV shows with

morals shoved so far up your ass, you forget the point of tv is primarily for entertainment. Not to mention theres more to life if you would try to look at things differently.

23Skellytone 2 weeks ago

a thousand thumbs up for that comment!

Paul Birza in reply to cj8manx2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Sad thing is every airline today is no frills and yet you pay the frills price. @_@

cj8manx2 3 weeks ago

OMG I almost peed myself at 6:57 - 7:17!!!!!!

Ashivi Alpha 3 weeks ago

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bill page

Aug 17, 2012, 10:26:06 AM8/17/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube

October 9, 2011
How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube
More articles by Jon Chew »
Written by: Jon Chew
Tags: cubes, difficult, fun, games, hard, hobbies, puzzles, rubiks cube, thinking

One of the world’s greatest mysteries lies in solving a Rubik’s Cube. Warning, this pseudo-guide is not for the faint of heart. I will now instruct the world on how to solve a Rubik’s Cube by sharing a collection of instructions that can explain it 100x better than I ever could. Either way, this elusive mystery just hit a dead end… or your masterful fingers.

So you must be asking yourself, “How the heck do I solve that twisty-turny monstrosity?” OK, maybe you didn’t ask yourself that, but I sure did. And I struggled for 5 whole minutes trying to figure it out till I realized the internet exists. It’s the internet today that makes the world go round. It’s a place to share and cultivate ideas. But if anyone in real life asks you how you solved the Rubik’s Cube, tell them you figured it out yourself. Forget Youtube and forget Google. YOU’RE THE ALL-STAR!

How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube in Six-Seconds Flat (by Gizmodo)

All jokes aside, let’s show that Rubik’s Cube who’s boss! Here are a list of excellent guides that will teach you.’s-Cube-(Easy-Move-Notation) (World records if you want to time yourself)

And now here’s my summed up experience:

1: Find the green center square.
2: Make a green cross.
3: Make the green bottom.
4: Make the middle row match.
5: Make the blue cross.
6: Find the corner blues.
7: Make the rubik’s cube perfect.

To be honest, I learned how to solve a Rubik’s Cube from Youtube. Here is the instructional video with the algorithms used. Learn and memorize them well, for they will save your life.


1: Fi U Li Ui
2: Ri Di R D
3: U R Ui Ri Ui Fi U F
4: Ui Li U L U F Ui Fi
5: F R U Ri Ui Fi
6: R U Ri U R U U Ri
7: U R Ui Li U Ri Ui L
8: Ri Di R D

Happy learning! Rubik’s Cubes are neat little devices that you can use to impress your friends. They’ll be shocked and in awe! So what are you waiting for? Get cracking!

If you don’t own a rubik’s cube, they’re available on eBay and Amazon. You can also purchase them in-store at your local hobby shop.

About the Author
Jon Chew
Jon Chew
Jon Chew is a marketing student at the University of British Columbia. He is an avid video gamer with over 10 years experience playing games and also serves as a pseudo-amateur graphic designer. Currently, Jon works with Invoke Media, the creators of Hootsuite and Eat.St App, to develop and market a new service called Jon is also a co-founder and co-editor-in-chief of Recultured Online Magazine.

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How to Solve a Rubik’s Cube

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William Noble Page

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William Noble Page

On Friday, August 17, 2012 7:46:59 AM UTC-4, MarloFan wrote:
> On Thursday, August 2, 2012 11:03:30 AM UTC+1, mitchell_leary wrote:
> > Because I don't have the e-mail addresses of any of the people who could make this happen, this is a blanket request.
> >
> >
> >
> > Will a knowledgable person PLEASE do a book or DVD on the SPRONG SHIFT aka the HINGE PASS. It's only briefly touched upon in Dai Vernon's ULTIMATE CARD SECRETS.
> >
> >
> >
> > For the uninitiated, this is unlike any pass you've ever performed. Instead of inserting the pinky into the deck, the THIRD RING FINGER is inserted.
> >
> >
> >
> > And instead of transposing the halves from this position, the deck is turned face up by the right hand (3rd finger still in deck).
> >
> >
> >
> > THEN, from this face up position, as the deck is once again turned face down, the halves are transposed.
> >
> >
> >
> > Performed correctly the transposition of the two halves of the deck is completely invisible.
> >
> >
> >
> > Everytime I watch myself do this in the mirror I actually fool myself. It's one of the cleanest passes you'll ever learn.
> >
> >
> >
> > From what zI read in a 1993 article from the New Yorker magazine, Ricky Jay can perform it flawlessly (and supposedly he is the only one who can do this).
> >
> >
> >
> > Well, I've had twenty years of practice and I can perform a pretty mean Sprong Shift. But nevertheless, I'd like to know if I'm doing it correctly.
> >
> >
> >
> > I'm calling on the great card mechanics of my generation, Alan Ackerman, Daryl, Darwin Ortiz, Steve Forte, somebody, anybody! Please make a DVD and put this highly under-rated sleight on the map.
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > -Leary-
> I've been revisiting the Sprong Shift ever since I read this post a couple of weeks ago (it's been several years since I last toyed with it). Due to the need to turn the deck face up at the start, it's a rare occasion when it can be used in preference for other styles of pass, but it's almost tailor-made for use in a sequence of Cavorting Aces...
> Mitch, have you tried using the action as a cop? Get the break under however many cards you like from the top of the deck and then in the turning action, steal them into the left hand cop - the right hand's thumb is nicely situated to help press them firmly into place... works a treat!
> Cheers
> MarloFan

cool huys im trying to learn how to juggle 4 balls and 5 balls maybe six ball juggling but so fr im only able too do three ball juggling with tennis balls and two ball jugglin in one hand on my righ hand its the stronger hand my left hand is weaker hand so i cant do one hand 2 balls juggling in left hand that good ps my left eye is the weaker eye too my right is is stronger eye ps teen and adults got back from saint kitts and Jesus won 59 people including children and teens plus two got baptiized look up on my you tube channel i video taped the whole soulwining saint kits testamonies plus video slides with some comedy thrown it gota love are teens and adults too at good news baptist chuch in cheapkea virginia on taylor road inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun
0 minutes ago
William Noble Page

i learn how to allways get two sides of rubick cube done as a teenager seat desk soo have time i solved the whol rubiks cube not knowing howi just done that? and mr lowery gym teacher looked at the books i later on bought in differnt stoors simlus solution to rubikcs cube and ideal soltuion to the rubiks cube and mastering the rubiks cube and he took all thois books home and he made copies and brought books back to me in school:) and mr lowery said out of all those books the simple solution to the rubiks cube was more under standble so while in school i took what mr lowery cool gym teach said on how to solve it in this book and its allready suimmer time in june by this time so i had more time to have fun solving the rubiks cube in school so the minute i solved it with the book i got soo exciyed i jmeber my school daysumedp out of my seat desk so happy:) ps has anyone noticed nomatter how you type if not watching the cuser thing it has allways has amind of its own that what your writing you think is at the bottom each time but you look up its over earsing over as you type this info in the middle or top of your other info you just typed up? i wish the cuser would be have 24/7 and stay on the write path all the time ps notce im tuping this and its doing just that? but more inportant writing it over writes over it why it allwaysdoes this is a magic mystery that must be do to robots reading my typing and they dont what me to write what i know and rem seegoverment douing this area 51? it i mention school days and i look up and its over writing in the middle of my wroiting again it make my typing look like a puzzle to try to read why are robots spying on peopels post? email inter net is this inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun
0 minutes ago
Solve Rubik

Hello! I recommend the website:
5 months ago
1 Like
Diana Chan

Time to get a rubiks cube! * Runs out to Walmart*
10 months ago

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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:19:17 PM8/18/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
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August 18, 2012
Mark and the entire Williams Family,May Our Lord Give You Comfort Peace and Love
Brenda Crowther,
Virginia Beach, Virginia
August 17, 2012
Her smile was contagious, her heart was so big... I have sweet memories growing up of Mrs. Williams that I will treasure. We are so incredibly saddened by your loss. You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Katherine Osborne,
Chesapeake, Virginia
August 17, 2012
Lynn & Family, Our love and prayers are with you and your family !!!!!!!Benny & Carolyn Renfrow
Benny Renfrow,
Tyner, North Carolina
August 14, 2012
Mark and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. Let your memories warm your heart and talk about your memories to keep her happy spirit and love alive in your sweet girls. I will send a prayer up to my Daddy for him to greet her and take her to a baseball game. You know Coach Wade has found baseball in Heaven.
Dayna Wade-Johnson,
Suffolk, Virginia
Contact Me
August 14, 2012
We were so very sorry to hear of the passing of Pat, our hearts are so saddened by this news. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Williams family and also to her beloved sister Maureen and her family. Pat's cheerful ways and smiles will be greatly missed, God has a beautiful angel that he has called home. God Bless each of you and am sorry that we could not be ther this evening for the viewing.

Ralph and Dianne S. Ferebee
Class of '63
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:26:16 PM8/18/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
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August 14, 2012
Our thoughts and prayers are with you in your time of grief. May your memories bring you comfort.
selwyn francis,
virginia beach, Virginia
Contact Me
August 14, 2012
So sorry for your loss. Wyann and Connie Kaiser
August 14, 2012
Mrs. Williams was always so caring and thoughtful. I know she will be missed by so many. Our families prayers are with you.
Heather Phillips,
Indianapolis, Indiana
August 13, 2012
God called one of his angels home. Words seem so inadequate at this time. Tricia was such a beautiful person with a laugh that will never be forgotten. We wish to express our deepest sympathy to the entire Williams family and Maureen and her family. Here is a quote from a headstone in Tricia's beloved Ireland."Death leaves a heartache no one can heal,love leaves a memory no one can steal." Tricia will forever be remembered.
Jeryl and Joe Howell
Jeryl Howell,
Prince George, Virginia
August 13, 2012
We are so very sorry for your loss. You all are in are thoughts and prayers. Linda and Monty Mitchell
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:33:26 PM8/18/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
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August 13, 2012
Lynn, Chris, Mark, Brooke,& Angie,
Words are incapable of expressing our sorrow and grief. And so, we offer all we are able in the form of prayers of peace for you all as you say farewell.
You are loved.
Bryan Rex,
Virginia Beach, Virginia
August 13, 2012
Mr.Williams, Chris, Brooke, Mark and Angie
I am so sorry for your loss. I have such wonderful memories of your mom growing up. She was such a lovely person. Please know my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Jennifer (Pearson) Hrubiec,
Berlin, Connecticut
August 13, 2012
Lynn, Mark, Chris, Maureen and family, I am so sorry for your loss. Tricia was an amazing woman and touched the lives of many. I am grateful that I was able to know her through my mom and Maureen's friendship. Thoughts, prayers, and lots of love being sent your way.
Kristin Root,
Ashburn, Virginia
August 13, 2012
My thoughts are with your famiily. Tricia loved you all so much and shared many loving stories with me. She will be missed but would be proud to live on through each of you.
Sarah Claassen Simoncini (CHKD),
Norfolk, Virginia
August 13, 2012
Lynn, Chris and Mark, Our Thoughts and Prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time....With Kindest Regards and Sympathy...Terry and Tom Pearson, Virginia Beach, Va.
Tom Pearson,
Virginia Beach, Virginia
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:36:05 PM8/18/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
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August 13, 2012
Lynn, Mark and Chris, I am so very sorry for your loss. If I can be of any help during this time please call me. Love yall.
Bethany Berry,
Norfolk, Virginia
August 13, 2012
Lynn, Mark, Chris and Maureen, You are all in my thoughts and prayers at this difficult time. Pat was a very special person and loved by everyone.
August 13, 2012
I am so sorry Lynn, you and your family will be in our prayers through this difficult time. You have my deepest sympathy. Trish will be missed!
Charlotte & Mike White,
Suffolk, Virginia
August 13, 2012
she was a nice person she was glad i put on weight:) ps inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun:)
bill page,
portsmouth, Virginia
August 13, 2012
We are so sorry for your loss. Trish was a wonderful woman and will be greatly missed. May God comfort and bless you.
Kristy & David Harvell,
Portsmouth, Virginia
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:28:56 PM8/18/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
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August 18, 2012
Mark and the entire Williams Family,May Our Lord Give You Comfort Peace and Love
Brenda Crowther,
Virginia Beach, Virginia
August 17, 2012
Her smile was contagious, her heart was so big... I have sweet memories growing up of Mrs. Williams that I will treasure. We are so incredibly saddened by your loss. You are all in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time.
Katherine Osborne,
Chesapeake, Virginia
August 17, 2012
Lynn & Family, Our love and prayers are with you and your family !!!!!!!Benny & Carolyn Renfrow
Benny Renfrow,
Tyner, North Carolina
August 14, 2012
Mark and family,
Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this sad time. Let your memories warm your heart and talk about your memories to keep her happy spirit and love alive in your sweet girls. I will send a prayer up to my Daddy for him to greet her and take her to a baseball game. You know Coach Wade has found baseball in Heaven.
Dayna Wade-Johnson,
Suffolk, Virginia
Contact Me
August 14, 2012
We were so very sorry to hear of the passing of Pat, our hearts are so saddened by this news. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Williams family and also to her beloved sister Maureen and her family. Pat's cheerful ways and smiles will be greatly missed, God has a beautiful angel that he has called home. God Bless each of you and am sorry that we could not be ther this evening for the viewing.

Ralph and Dianne S. Ferebee
Class of '63
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:40:18 PM8/18/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Patricia A. Williams
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August 13, 2012
I had the pleasure of knowing Trish over the years and always enjoyed her infectious laugh and sense of humor. I Am so sorry for your loss L inn and boys. may God comfort you in the days to come. From Marcia & George Evancho, Suffolk,Va.
August 13, 2012
Tricia will always be remembered by her signature voice and her overwhelming love for her family and friends! She was so proud of each family member and was always so glad to share stories of love and warmth about each of you. As each of you experience grief at your loss, just focus on her super gain, being now present with her "heavenly family!"
Our sincere sympathy and love,
Dr and Mrs John M Robertson
Birdsnest, VA
August 13, 2012
So very sorry for your loss. Praying for your family! I never know the right words to say during times like this, just know that we love your family and will be praying for comfort for each of you.. Sherry Hicks
Sherry Hicks,
chesapeake, Virginia
August 12, 2012
Tricia will always live in our hearts. We will recognize her voice and feel her presence whenever she knows that we need her. Her influence on our lives and that of so many others will leave a mosaic of treasured memories for all of us to enjoy. Lynn and family, as we prepare for the celebration of Tricia's life, please know that we are here for you, and we love you.
Barbara and JoJo Ardagna,
Chesapeake, Virginia
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:42:10 PM8/18/12
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bill page

Aug 18, 2012, 9:59:19 PM8/18/12
trade places with i think dand akgroyd in movie called trading places both eddie morhy and the other actor is vey gpood ps born lagcy movie not bad at all i pray they all team up togeather win agaisnt bad guys in the goverment info that way they will have cool good Christian govermet 24/7 we need Jesus for presdent etleast we know what he says is honest and True inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun:)

bill page

Aug 22, 2012, 12:25:57 PM8/22/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Reply to your comment on: Lewis Black reacts to Kirk Cameron remarks
And that's another thing: Christians NEVER shut up.

"Blah blah blah, God, angels, demons, hell, the devil, Jesus Jesus Jesus!"

None of that crap you spewed out is stuff you actually KNOW. Its stuff you THINK is true. Maybe you HOPE its true. But you don't know. Only God knows, right? Are you saying you are as intelligent as God? Are you saying you KNOW what his plan is? How can you presume something like that?

Show some humility. Jesus would like that.
Lewis Black reacts to Kirk Cameron remarks
Comedian Lewis Black and Piers Morgan discuss recent controversial remarks made by Kirk Cameron.
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bill page

Aug 22, 2012, 12:43:57 PM8/22/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Lewis Black reacts to Kirk Cameron remarks
Added: 5 months ago
From: CNN
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He never even said HATE…

Martha Ashine 6 hours ago

Who is more likely to ruin civilization -

- Religous Fannatics?


- Gay People?

My vote is for Religious Fanatics to ruin the world.

blueboyblue 17 hours ago 5

If you ever made a choice to be straight, then you're probably not straight. You're either born straight or not.

TheodoreMcFail 21 hours ago

to read and i pray she found Jesus inher heart my dad too i tried to witness to my dad bill green but he did not want to hear it? there both dead now i pray they both found Jesus in there hearts and all my family tree and eveyone on planet earth outer space nasa univer space staion too inChrist all ways friendly spiderman who really cares for everyone to get saved

billpage 1 day ago

to read and i pray she found Jesus inher heart my dad too i tried to witness to my dad bill green  but he did not want to hear it? there both dead now i pray they both found Jesus in there hearts and all my family tree and eveyone on planet earth outer space nasa univer space staion too inChrist all ways friendly spiderman who really cares for everyone to get saved

billpage 1 day ago

maybe god can help you figure out exactly what the fuck it is you're talking about.

saferseas in reply to billpage 1 day ago

to read and i pray she found Jesus inher heart my dad too i tried to witness to my dad bill green but he did not want to hear it? there both dead now i pray they both found Jesus in there hearts and all my family tree and eveyone on planet earth outer space nasa univer space staion too inChrist all ways friendly spiderman who really cares for everyone to get saved

billpage 1 day ago

That makes more sense than any other argument for god I've ever heard.

I mean, don't get me wrong; it still makes no sense.

jimbrown257 in reply to billpage 1 day ago

how your dad bill green all of a sudden stoped his akol haul drinking problem? he trued everything to stop drinking akol not even AA helped ps i said to my mom i know how he stoped his habbot akol problem and my mom said how bill how bill? easy mom i prayed to Jesus that my dad bill green stop his akol drinking problem:) thanks Jesus for answering my prayers:) then my mom said that musta been it cause nothing else worked? ps i handed a good news baptost church soul wining track

billpage 1 day ago

ps my dad bill green years apon years years years drinking akolhaul problem and even though im in portsmouth virgina and my parntes and basiccaly whole famly trre lives in lancaster ohio anways every day 24/7 i prayedto Jesus to help himquit his aklo haul drinking problem and in the 1980s my aunt darlene page and uncle marcel franklin page jr and my two now sisters cheryl teal stacey smith we wernt to vist in lacaster ohio and mom mom charlot altman said we cant fiqure out how your dad

billpage 1 day ago

that guy was on reading rain bow as a medium zize boy now hes a teen adult

billpage 1 day ago

ps extra i even pryed for kids on reading rain bow tv show get saved if there not saved yet and one of the guys in the Christian drame team came to good news baptist church and said somone musta realy prayed in Jesus na,me for me and my family to get saved cause none of us wasnt saved? ps in my mind i said Thanks Jesus for answering my prayers:)

billpage 1 day ago

so God had a plan in the futuire set up send his only begtenon son to planet earth as a baby:) to later on die on the cross for man kinds sin so now all mankind has to do is receave the true cool free gift im glad i plrayed in Jesus name that kirk cameran get saved by saying Jesus please for gove me of my sins i commetted and come into my heart and save me

billpage 1 day ago

angels in heaven that trwanted to be the most high over power the person who created him ps and God made lucifer the head of eveything but he wanted more power and God said no you dont out you go so luciver is mad and said i know i will make God really mad by making his human creation man and woman after Gods image fail and sin i will be in deskized as a serpentin the garden of eden and fool eve and adam will feel soory for eve and eat the foddden friout God said not tyo eat on

billpage 1 day ago

thanks Jesus for answering my prayers im now fat and happy i hatted being skin and bones plus everyone calling me just about every skinny name in the book ps look i9n google search engines in groups section look up bill page gets fat look up bill page and friends get fat look up billpage and copperfield get fat look up toni page illusion look up dc secrets in a nutshell

billpage 1 day ago

cool inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun

billpage 1 day ago

Strong religious values should not be respected. No religious values should be respected. Respect the peoples right to believe it but belief in the imaginary should NEVER be respected. It's about time the human race grew up and stop pretending religion is anything other than bullshit.

magicpet 2 days ago

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Gay sex should be respected just like incest. I mean we need to respect all kinds of love right whose to say the love between a man and man is greater than the love between a brother and a sister, And no incest is not unnatural just like gay sex I means whose to define what is natural and what is love. If gays have the right to a legal marriage so should brothers and sisters and if we are to respect gay love then we should respect incest love as well.

tangwei777 2 days ago

Hey you two see ya at the Motel Hell!

John Cognito 2 days ago

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2:12 Piers: Kirk NEVER said he hated gay people. Why do you put words in his mouth? You know that we can watch the interview again.....don´t you?

walterygor 3 days ago

But he does worhsip the guy who hates them and will burn them FOREVER!!

Eg, "I dont hate jews but I really think hitler was a lovely guy?" Do you respect my position?

rossini55 in reply to walterygor (Show the comment) 3 days ago

If you are referring to God, you are wrong about that. God does not hate gays, and being gay does not grantee that someone would go to hell.

But, homosexuality is not inborn, (NO SCIENTIST IN THE WORLD could prove it) it´s the sign of something that went wrong somewhere along the line, so to change the definition of marriage just to accommodate those who live with this condition is detrimental to society. We should work together to better understand what causes homosexuality.

walterygor in reply to rossini55 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

Okay, so, homosexuality is choice, that's the stock argument you're making. So.... can you walk me through the events that led to your decision to become heterosexual? If you're saying that sexual orientation is something that an individual chooses then that implies that you made a choice regarding your own sexuality, so share your testimony as it relates to your heterosexuality.

jtatsiue in reply to walterygor (Show the comment) 2 days ago

"it´s the sign of something that went wrong somewhere along the line, so to change the definition of marriage just to accommodate those who live with this condition is detrimental to society"

According to your "logic", we need to jackhammer out all the wheelchair ramps, the automatic door openers, and demolish the "accessible" restrooms. After all, a large percentage of wheelchair bound people are because "something went wrong"...

kaysandesses in reply to walterygor (Show the comment) 1 day ago

Christians NEVER say that they "hate" anyone. They just hate everything about them...

And they have no problem telling anyone that will listen their opinions on what is wrong with that person, how they need to fix it, and what will happen if they don't.

Christians are such good people...

JVIPER88 in reply to walterygor (Show the comment) 2 days ago

no Christians care fore eberyone to get saved its the sin God hates thats why Jesus bore our sins on a TREE Cross meaning men woman teenagers juniours aunts auncls grandparents mankinds sins he cares that soo much so we could have the best ever cool to the neat o max Chriistmas present:) its free just recieve it im glad i found Jesus in my heart as a 11 year old thin boy inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun

billpage in reply to JVIPER88 (Show the comment) 1 day ago

If God hates the sin, then God will punish accordingly.

I don't think he needs his little minions running around pretending to know what God is actually thinking. Christians have this horrible habit of presuming they know things that others don't.

JVIPER88 in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

no offemse friend but Jesus wants all to be savedf the fiorey pitt is really for the falling angels in heaven that try to over through God seat throne in heaven and mucifer wanted to be the most high over power the person who creayed him ps and God made lucifer the head of eveything but he wanted more power and God said no you dont out you go so luciver is mad and said i know i will make God really mad by making his human creating after Gods image fail and sin i wil

billpage in reply to JVIPER88 (Show the comment) 1 day ago

And that's another thing: Christians NEVER shut up.

"Blah blah blah, God, angels, demons, hell, the devil, Jesus Jesus Jesus!"

None of that crap you spewed out is stuff you actually KNOW. Its stuff you THINK is true. Maybe you HOPE its true. But you don't know. Only God knows, right? Are you saying you are as intelligent as God? Are you saying you KNOW what his plan is? How can you presume something like that?

Show some humility. Jesus would like that.

JVIPER88 in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

"Are you saying you KNOW what his plan is?"

check the Bible or online, Daniel 2:28.

mike plettori in reply to JVIPER88 (Show the comment) 19 hours ago

You can't use the bible you made up to prove that the God you made up exists. That's circular logic.

I could say, "Well, my bible told me that your bible was wrong." So does that mean that I know the truth now?

JVIPER88 in reply to mike plettori (Show the comment) 19 hours ago

Well, the fact you used the word "christians" granted the foundation for my argument to be built upon. The argument I posed must be, and can only be challenged on a maximum shallow ground (Christianity).That is to say- the christian God must be acknowledged first, and then your argument would have scientific validity. Now, I didn't use the bible to prove its own validity, nor God's. That is a different argument. In simple terms, my argument is according to the Bible whether it be T or F to you

mike plettori in reply to JVIPER88 (Show the comment) 17 hours ago

And yes, you have all the right to reject my argument, but therefore you must reject the whole thing and assert that God does not exist, or the God of Christianity does not exist, or is a false god. Obviously and rightfully so, you are the only one with the responsibility to chose and no one else.

mike plettori in reply to mike plettori (Show the comment) 17 hours ago

i dont really agree with what they say. If you feel it's okay for him to have those beliefs, then there should be no problem hearing them from his mouth. How else would ya know? Dude is bat shit crazy, so what? let him be

mcshair21 4 days ago

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mike plettori 5 days ago

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Lewis Black is one of the sharpest & funniest Americans it has been my pleasure to watch on TV! It's nice when you're reminded that America is indeed a large & diverse country & not chock full of them ind of nutters that are endlessly paraded on networks like Fox.Thanks for the laughs Lewis, 'cos otherwise you really would be crying!

redstart67 5 days ago

Comedians... trying to sound intelligent is like a child trying to tell us about science. this guy says so many idiotic things it's comical. For example, he says why is Kirk Cameron working so hard if they are already going to hell? LOL< who said it's a done deal they are going to hell doofus?


wellsjdan 6 days ago

Piers and Lewis are intolerant haters

MrDes1964 6 days ago

It takes one to know one.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to MrDes1964 (Show the comment) 6 days ago

And you are a hater just for saying that

MrDes1964 in reply to ElzoSmid1 (Show the comment) 6 days ago

Hey Piers, you said you respect people's religious beliefs, so you have to respect Kirk Camerons beliefs about gay people. You can't have it both ways mate.

rossini55 6 days ago

There is a difference between 'respect' and 'agree with'. Go Wiki it.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to rossini55 (Show the comment) 6 days ago

Are there no 'beliefs' that you dont disrespect? Or is it only religious ones you respect no matter how sick they are? What about Nazis, racism, homophobia and the suggestion that gays should be killed? Do you 'respect' these beliefs just not 'agree with them' or that adherents of religion X should be tortured forever by god Y? What about Godhatesfags and the WBC? Do you 'respect' those too, just not 'agree'

This is relativism to absurd degrees.

rossini55 in reply to ElzoSmid1 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Ah, so you agree that 'respect' and 'agree with' are two differtent things.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to rossini55 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

Cameron "said it so calmly, in the moment" because he is a homosexual who has had a lot of time to thing about it.

sanfrancisco89 1 week ago

Piers Morgan is one helluva person to be going on about rationality. What nerve that douche has.

sanfrancisco89 1 week ago

"He answered: 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind'; and, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'" Luke 10:27 (NIT) seems like that sums it up pretty easily. You don't have to agree with your neighbor, but as a Christian you have to love them. Luke 10:28 does not read "Unless they are gay, the Lord your God hates the gays and they shall burn in hell fire." The bible is very clear about this stop bringing God into politics.

kalinthir 1 week ago

If you think it's wrong then don't do it.

But don't tell other people what they should or should not do in their bedrooms.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to BigBodySlam (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I have to say, the whole "born that way" thing really irks me. Ultimately, even if it was a choice, why would it be anyone else's fucking business? Choice, not a choice, who gives a shit. It's two consenting adults. Fucking deal with it.

drboogersnot 1 week ago

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camilo11315 1 week ago

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camilo11315 1 week ago

I bet you're still in the closet.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to BigBodySlam (Show the comment) 1 week ago

funny. davidthomassoule

86entish 1 week ago

"How would you like it if metallica and snoop came out tomorrow singing songs about sucking cocks and giving rim jobs? Is that natural for you?"

I would care for all of about 5 seconds, because I really don't care what others do with their lives, and I don't understand why anyone does. It's none of my business. It's none of your business. My place isn't to judge who consenting adults have sex with.

Seriously, you want to get government out of our lives and into our bedrooms. What the hell?

acuyra in reply to BigBodySlam (Show the comment) 1 week ago

There is no limitation when it is God's Word. It's by God's grace we are saved and what God wants is living through us. That's what Kirk Cameron is saying... I disagree with piers, there is no contradiction when God is involved because it is not our will but HIS!! Amen!

1089aef 1 week ago

No it's not, you're lying.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 1 week ago

No I'm not, God's way is the ONLY WAY! It's not Kirk Cameron's will. Now Kirk Cameron wants to be like Christ that's why He is against all these social issues.

1089aef in reply to ElzoSmid1 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

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ElzoSmid1 in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 1 week ago

You have no way knowing that it is god's word. It might as well be Camerons rotten mind or the devil.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 6 days ago

I know Jesus is THE WAY. ( : If Kirk Cameron was of the Devil he wouldn't be doing all these good things and giving God glory for it. His mind is on Christ.

1089aef in reply to ElzoSmid1 (Show the comment) 6 days ago

What 'all these good things'? Appearing on tv and blurting out these medieaval ideas?

ElzoSmid1 in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 6 days ago

Everyone else is allowed to blurt out things, why not Kirk Cameron? He wants what God wants, he is speaking out against gay rights and abortion and wanting to live right and glorify God. He is a good man that wants to please the Lord.

1089aef in reply to ElzoSmid1 (Show the comment) 6 days ago

Don't be stupid, I never wrote he can't say what he said. It's a free country, any delusional idiot can say whatever he likes. But it is that same free country where you and I can't forbid others to marry or have sex or force underaged girs that have been raped by their uncle to carry the child for 9 months.

And by the way, how do you know 'He wants what God wants'? Why do you keep switching between 'God' and 'Jesus'? Because Cameron doesn't sound very 'christian', but more a fanatic?

ElzoSmid1 in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 6 days ago

Yes, his mind is on christ. Brainwashed and empty.

downpgh in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 5 days ago

How do you know Camerons words are Gods words???

Personally I think he is a false prophet or maybe the anti-christ if he wasn't so stupid.

ElzoSmid1 in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 1 week ago

We arent in th future duh, we are in th present.

ouddy5000 1 week ago

It always amuses me to see people completely loose their minds on the comments section. They're having a discussion about the hypocrisy of SOME Christians, and people go batty over that. Lewis Black also talks about the hypocrisy of Democrats and Muslims. If their comments don't apply to you then why are you so bent out of shape by it? If it does apply to you how does arguing about it with total strangers on the comments page do you any good? What do you think you're proving? What a laugh.

myrtlepalmwasher 1 week ago

Kirk Cameron just gave his opinion to a question he was asked and he answered it honestly.

captainawesome830 1 week ago

Piers is such an asshole. He is so sweet to any guests that agree with everything he thinks, but tears apart anyone who disagrees with him. What a total prick.

mikeybarratt 1 week ago

Thank You I thought I was the only one who felt that way smh.

makesa1993 in reply to mikeybarratt (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Most people do not choose to be gay. Why would someone choose to be something when they know they will be ostracized, ridiculed, and persecuted for the rest of their lives?

GBev2K 1 week ago

If I were Mike Sulivan (executive producer for Growing Pains) I would have kicked Kirt off the show as soon as he started with his bible thumping shit. Apparently he had constant objections to the episode plots due to the content. Example: A scene in his bedroom with a potential love interest that would have resulted with nothing more than a kiss. But Oh no Kirt and his fundy ways would not stand for that. So now Growing Pains's story can't develop because of his fucking views. ASS.

Maxipad44142 1 week ago

"there is no scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is 'condoned' or widespread in the animal kingdom"

Try using these things called YOUR EYES and search Youtube for 'gay animal videos', dumbass hater...

artguy42 2 weeks ago

Lewis is a cum sucking faggot, fuck all Dick sucking queer homo Faggots

kimbothebimbo805 2 weeks ago

Go to the doctor and check yourself for rabies.

dmoneytron in reply to kimbothebimbo805 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

F Kirk, judgmental bigot. If he wants to take freedoms away from people that makes him anti-American, anti-freedom and anti-patriotic.

tybrady64 2 weeks ago

U must be one sick fuck that sucks cock u fucken sick minded faggot

kimbothebimbo805 in reply to tybrady64 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

Boo-hoo, the troll "Kimbo The Bimbo" called me names on the internet and now my feelings are hurt, boo-hoo-hoo. Please get out of your moms basement and get a job so you can contribute to society.

tybrady64 in reply to kimbothebimbo805 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

How do you get internet access in a trailer's dial up right?

Franel'd Rug in reply to kimbothebimbo805 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

You're a good Little Eichmann.

thomaserossi in reply to Franel'd Rug (Show the comment) 6 days ago

They are acting like Cameron's opinions are out of the ordinary. Millions of people believe the same crap. He never said he hated gay people, he said he thought it was a sin.

acidstars9 2 weeks ago 3

ask a christian what his favorite sexual position is. ask him what he absolutely loves his wife to do to him. when he says its none of your business, slap him in the fucking face and tell him gay peoples sex lives are none of his business either.

kenny corndog 2 weeks ago 51

that's funny, i'll have to try it

kalackninja in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

ok you're a liberal nut

aces12279 in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 1 week ago

That is such a good point. It reminds me of how George W. Bush told reporters that his drug use history is nobody else's business, but he supported and even led the war on drugs! Right wingers understand the concept of personal business only as it pertains to themselves.

HooptieHamburger in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Wow are you not the most brilliant person ever !!! PULL UP AND QUIT ACTING LIKE MEN ON MEN IS OK, ITS DISGUSTING

the1705crew in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 1 week ago

YES IT IS....if you are....STRAIGHT! I am straight, and actually I would say I am pretty damn turned off by the concept, just as I am of old people having sex...but you and me are NOT the ones HAVING SAID SEX, and just like I probably would find your wife gross and don't concern myself with your sexlife but respect your freedom to do so, so it is with people of a different orientation, who probably think straight sex is gross too. Digest that without bias and..ENLIGHTENMENT!

polarnj in reply to the1705crew (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Spoken like a true fascist!

Liberal Fascism 101: hate, attack, blame, lie, deny

thomaserossi in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 6 days ago

The same could be said of Conservatives... Also get it right; Liberals=Socialist Conservatives=Fascists. Either side's extremists are crazy. However when it comes to this topic, how about if it doesn't affect you butt the hell out. Does it actually hurt you if gays get married. Not unless they release a bill along with the legalization that all gay couples are legally permitted to smack a hetero with a bat as a wedding present. Remember Jesus was that peace, love, and turn the other cheek guy.

willburkett in reply to thomaserossi (Show the comment) 5 days ago

Your argument is flawed. You' re comparing apples and bananas. don't quit your day job and become a lawyer. don't do it. You will be hungry. Thank you for your understanding.

mike plettori in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 5 days ago

"You' re comparing apples and bananas"

They are both fruits!

rossini55 in reply to mike plettori (Show the comment) 3 days ago

go back to church ;)

kenny corndog in reply to mike plettori (Show the comment) 2 days ago

It's not sunday yet...gotta wait a few days..

mike plettori in reply to kenny corndog (Show the comment) 20 hours ago

Another idiot, animals don't have consciences, nor souls, they don't reason like we do, you three need to get a life.

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

Contention, Argument, Hatred, this will grow the little girl's mind! Why didn't you respond to another man's post? Are you passing notes in science class, young lady? IS IT BECAUSE YOUR OVULATING? Hey moron, if there is a clear ascent of man from austrolopithecines and one can imagine spirit hovering it over it as it learned, did some dead monkeys get taken up? Raptured, wee willy wonka? Growth? We are all animals, we lack souls, shove that worthless shit up your ass.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

REASON? Did some shithead Baptist moron use the word REASON?

berflaTetoffensive in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

The POINT, if you read it again, is that animals (lions) don't *need* consciences, they are really responsible for much, they likely have some send of conscience over their individual lives based on the power that lust has over them, but yes, the new male lion destroys the young lions if he's pissed off enough,there is a social relationship, the female accedes, not caring, being a predator,knowing that more meat is over that hill for breeding's sake.You see, SHE COULD BE FUCKING A SON, A COUSIN.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

@ artguy..both you and Harry are idiots, there is no scientific evidence to prove that homosexuality is 'condoned' or widespread in the animal kingdom, you might see an animal of the same sex try having relations with another of the same sex, but it usually doesn't go any further, one might say they are confused, much like yourselves. Harry I bid you adieu dude.

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to artguy42 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

You're the confused one, If you're not gay, then homosexuality has not got a thing to do with you. Otherwise, nobody has to give a shit what you think about other people's mutually consensual sex lives. Keep your nasty thoughts about other people to yourself. If you refuse to take that advice, then don't get pissy when you catch flack for not minding your own goddamned business. And now you're welcome to fuck off.

HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

I watched the video and Kirk Cameron was asked for his opinion. If you can't accept someone has an opinion that differs from you, then why ask in the first place? I think it's so interesting how we argue about freedom of speech and acceptance but the moment someone says, 'I don't agree' you jump on the guy like rats on crumbs.

watcher4234 2 weeks ago

I generally hate that 'you are far too homophobic, therefore you must be a closeted gay' line. It's trite pre-undergrad faux Freudianism. But I have to admit Kirkie-boy does send my gaydar spinning, so I'd like him to do us all a favour, get of the way of the dickhead, get some cock and leave the talking for the grownups.

monkeyglute 2 weeks ago

Shit, even Black can see Cameron is wrong here. Kurt Cameron is a nice kid, but he's just an idiot out on an idiot mission, as idiots are prone to do from time to time. It's nothing against him personally, but you get the feeling of an almost bigotry like attitude. I saw his video and he's just calmly stating all these nasty things as if they're true by way of him saying them. This is the problem Christians, you can't stuff your ideals down people's throats, that's not how it works.

heynous24 2 weeks ago


davidthomassoule 3 weeks ago 81

Wow.That comment may be one of the wisest things I have ever heard.Ladies and gentlemen.Shakespear has been reincarnated! xD

florenmage in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago


Fucking hillarious

Maddmardiggan in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

religion is like a penis? thats the most absurd, offensive comment i've ever heard. Since when is it wrong to be proud of your religion? no reason to be ashamed of it

aces12279 in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

You aren't proud of your penis? I'm sorry to hear that.

sdlrakhanreturns in reply to aces12279 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

He actually said it's OK to be proud of it. You totally missed the point there.

ElectrumShiv in reply to aces12279 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

did u even read beyond penis?....i said it IS OKAY to be proud of your religion. if the comment offends you then that means you are insecure. please focus on building your reading comprehension abilities. maybe then you'll understand what the bible actually says.

davidthomassoule in reply to aces12279 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

sorry but i'm not insecure. Also my reading skills are fine so I don't need any tips from you. I have read a large portion of the bible so please don't make stupid comments to me about not understanding it. You don't know me

aces12279 in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

i can make an educated opinion on your lack of intelligence based on the evidence you provided me... you read a short comment that i wrote, and argued the exact opposite of what I stated. If you can't even comprehend a small sentence i doubt you have any understanding of reality.

davidthomassoule in reply to aces12279 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

if you just insult everyone's intelligence who you debate with you aren't going to get anywhere.

aces12279 in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

"It is an act of futility sharing fundamental truths with those possessing too narrow a concept of reality."

davidthomassoule in reply to aces12279 (Show the comment) 1 week ago

you have no truths on your side. You can't stand anyone with morals/values thats the problem..does what kirk cameron say bother u that much?

aces12279 in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Hahah awesome comment!!

floydyes in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I think my penis should be shoved down other people's throats. Jesus said I should, and so I will do whatever I must. I am indeed proud of my penis, even though I've found no evidence for it, and I will show it off in public so that other people can join me in showing off their penis.

MegaWarsaw in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

bravo sir.. your comment made me lol

davidthomassoule in reply to MegaWarsaw (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I don't believe in Religion. I believe in being a christian, religion will get you nowhere. BTW, that is the most horrible, sickening example I have ever heard. It's close to blasphemy. God won't forgive that!!

1089aef in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Christianity is a religion...

StevenJonesMusic in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 1 week ago

ROFL. if you're serious your such an ignorant fool but, if you're trolling (being sarcastic in this case) your funny. Either way your comment is hilarious.

davidthomassoule in reply to 1089aef (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I hope more and more people like Kirk Cameron step up and take a stand for what they believe. God bless them!

1089aef in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

That made me laugh and cringe at the same time.

Charioteer13 in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Best Motherfucking Analogy I've Ever Heard.

DelgadoLHM1 in reply to davidthomassoule (Show the comment) 1 week ago

I have to say, as objectively as I can, some of you on here really need to get a sense of humor. If you're a believer, look around at creation and you can see it's obvious God has a sense of humor. If you're a non-believer, look at a believer and have a laugh. Both sides would do better to be less bitter and have more fun. Yes, it's frustrating that a believer denies logical fact. Yes, it's frustrating that non-believers can't understand faith. Now, everyone laugh.

JohnsonSocrates 3 weeks ago

What makes you think atheists don't understand faith? I have faith every time I get my car that I won't get in a horrible accident and suffer a serious injury, death or kill someone else. I don't know that won't happen, but it helps to have faith that it won't. I'm not frustrated by Christians having faith in their religion. I'm just annoyed at the hypocrisy of some-- and let me repeat that, SOME-- of these people who treat gay people in a manner that would have them screaming persecution...

HumbleHarry in reply to JohnsonSocrates (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

...if the shoe were on the other foot. Gays, by and large, are not telling Christians how to live or how to observe their religion. If gays were that forward, I wouldn't blame Christians for coming down hard on gays. But gays are not doing anything to these people, except living their lives. When they're attacked by Christians, some Christians won't even acknowledge it as attack and then project on to gays that gays are the aggressors. I'm sorry but that's far more frustrating than it is funny.

HumbleHarry in reply to JohnsonSocrates (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Well said. A sense of humor about ourselves is an extremely important thing. It takes the viciousness out of debate and turns it into sharing. I know what I believe, and I know that what I believe is rather arbitrary; it suits what I am able to comprehend. As my comprehension grows so do my beliefs. As does my sense of humor. "The most dangerous kind of person is one who believes their own propaganda." Don't know who to attribute that quote to, but I keep it in mind.

myrtlepalmwasher in reply to JohnsonSocrates (Show the comment) 1 week ago

Thanks. I appreciate that. And I like that quote, too. Here's another quote you may like, once again I cannot recall who said it, but it goes something like, "laughter is the language of the soul." So, to speak to each other's soul, we need to laugh together. Nice thought, anyway. Eh, so be it.

JohnsonSocrates in reply to myrtlepalmwasher (Show the comment) 1 week ago

You're not going to go have sex with something else in the universe, are you? If so, send some tentacle for my dope-ass homebody Xtian pussy.

berflaTetoffensive 3 weeks ago


berflaTetoffensive 3 weeks ago

The established class of Xtian and other religious people manufacture government and society so that we have to produce every more children while not preparing for crunch-times like these, disclaim about other people not fucking like monkeys like them and being poor and not founding a family, then pronounce themselves God in their faggoty little fairy tales and depend on a poor man's cock to get them into heaven.

berflaTetoffensive 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to NEOTHR (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And what will happen if I don't? We're on the internet. You comment, and I am free to respond to your comment, unless CNN decides they don't want me to.

HumbleHarry in reply to NEOTHR (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Black is a fucking moron. Freedom without limitations is anarchy. Freedom doesn't ensure civil rights. If everyone was straight history wouldn't be much different. If everyone was gay we wouldn't exist. Our genitalia is designed very specifically to carry out procreation, but oh no Kirk Cameron answered a question, what an asshole Kirk is!

EdwardMarshall1982 3 weeks ago

Indeed. Who cares?

HumbleHarry in reply to NEOTHR (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

"Yea so quit fucking replying me if you don't care because you are the one commenting on me

NEOTHR in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 hour ago"

See what I mean you carry on like some sort of molester?

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

God molested monkeys sexually, made fallen angels to depend on human semen for their existence, BELIEVE....

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Believe what you ignorant ass fucker. I'm talking about examining you fags minds. You just become my poster child for sick fags.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago


berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm not gay, you moron, I'm destroying religion.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Are you even aware of the technical definition of a mental illness? Homosexuality was taken off the list of mental illnesses because it does not fit the criteria

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That is what most people have been fooled into thinking. There are a lot psychologists that agree with me, but that decision was made for a couple of reasons. Homosexuals at that time were being locked and abused and science didn't have the answers that we have available to us today. So they over reacted and came up with the conclusions that it was, "NORMAL, but for them". That industry isn't interested in curing, it's an industry of coping. Now that we mad that mistake in the past.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And basically forgotten them it gave them time to place themselves in positions of power to effect changes contrary to the will of the majority. The latest example with be California the most gayest state banning SSM, to having it turned around to no those people weren't serious what they really meant to say is they supported it, thus throw out 17 million votes illegally. You'll find that the APA is also deciding rather or not to declassify pedos, because they have the same story.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Are you really worried that pedophiles are going to gain the legal right to molest children , or are you just being an obstreperous asshole, seeking in vain, to connect pedophilia to mutually consenting sexual behaviors between ADULTS? You do know that pedophilia has NOTHING to do with sexual orientation and that some heterosexual adults molest children, don't you? Give up. dude. You lost this argument long ago.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

They song the same swan song as the homo, can't be treated, aren't ill, can't help themselves and that FACT is supported by B4U-ACT. Even if you were to get me to beli4eve that they are not psychologically similar, you still keep them as company. Here is way if everyone else thi9nks you are perverts it stands to reason they think so too and flow to you, because they view you as a pervert. And we all know birds of a feather... any way that is another reason your dangerous.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm not trying to get you to believe anything, just challenging the paranoid bullshit you're spewing. If you're of a mind to believe that all homosexuals kill puppies and kittens, I can't stop you from believing that. Obviously,you're heavily invested in separating yourself from gay people, so no amount of demonizing them is enough for you. I have my suspicions about what would lead to a paranoid obsession of the type you exhibiting here but, ultimately, I can't know why you're so crazy-acting.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

"cartoon b4u-act" Google those terms click on cartoons by Henry.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

It's more based on not hurting peoples feelings rather than real science, not that we have the science to determine the causes. Homosexuals have fooled people that have picked on in any way that they are the same and should have empathy for the homosexuals. If you don't believe me tell people you want to do more research to determine if anything can be done to treat them. I bet you get falsely called a homophobe, and marked as hate filled and evil. They don't want to be treated.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Maybe somebody should fund research to help cure you of your non-religious based obsession with homosexuals. It seems to have blown into full-fledged paranoia. And, apparently, you don't have any empathy, so nobody is asking for something of you that you don't have to give. If you must, you can continue to stew in your own dishonest, hateful and paranoid juices, but it's doubtful that's going to be of any assistance to you in battling your unfounded fears.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

The same is said about your selfishness, because you are gay you can't stand the thought of anyone getting past that sickness, because if they do then you lose your excuse. You would rather scare children into being confused and maybe killing themselves, rather than have your little fetish fall apart. Also look up Nambla's pretty women just look at all the comments by homosexuals not to much unlike yourself only they not only are gay, but want to drag kids down with you.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You're indulging one absurd, baseless assertion after another, as if saying it makes it true. It doesn't. And I'm too busy looking at your bizarre comments right now. Fortunately, I have enough experience and sense not to judge all self-professed heterosexuals by what you're posting here.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You should view a few channels where homosexuals say they gotten past it, or overcome their homosexuality. If you think homosexuals get abused by straights you should see how they work over their own that left their fold. A lot of them can get past especially the ones that get molested by homosexuals, but they won't if we buy into the story that nothing can be done for them.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

First of all, any reputable psychologist or psychiatrist will tell you that sexuality cannot be changed at will. These "ex gays" have just been shamed into hiding their true selves by homophobes, who harass them at every turn. Ever wonder why conversion centers have long histories of suicides? This pseudopsychology is not helping people, it's killing them.

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You are just taught to believe that, because in your mind it's rude, or hateful to believe any other way. Nope, not at, because there is no one route to being gay and people like yourself claim unrealistically there is only one way possible and no return. So some of the deaths are attributed to the false beliefs there is only one way and those home are molested and engage in homosexuality feel doomed by that.. Let's see what homosexuals have to say that have been put in the situation.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Reps of the National Association for Research & Therapy of Homosexuality on Tues called the bill a piece of social engineering masquerading as a solution to a clinical problem.

David Pickup, who is registered with the California Board of Psychology, said a ban would prevent people from recovering from trauma of sexual abuse. "Any therapist worth his salt knows that homosexual feelings commonly occur in victims as a result of abuses," he said. "I ought to know because I was one of those boys."

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That was his assessment of banning the therapy for teens and can found under "California may ban gay teen 'conversion' therapy would be harmful" and that is only if you look hard enough, because after he told the truth that article started dropping from web site after website, fortunately I know how recover things like that. Gays constantly go around and try to make sure the truth doesn't come out. People like yourself get tricked into believing a certain side without both sides of the story.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

First of all, homosexuality is not a mental illness, so any therapy would just be fixing something that isn't broken. Every reputable psychiatric group in the world takes a stance against this therapy, for one simple reason. It does not work. Apart from that, it can increase the risk of anxiety, low self-esteem, depression and even suicide. I know the facts don't support what you say, so it's convenient to point to a conspiracy.

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

In your non professional opinion it isn't there are opinions that says it is and it isn't. Since it is reasonable to believe that psychologist have a lot of empathy for those they treat they are human just like the rest of us and I would say more capable of forming opinion based from emotion rather than science. The only reason it was declassified was by popular opinion not that the other side was wrong, but simple there were more swayed the other way then a dry scientific way.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Oh these people care do they? George Reker of NARTH was a saint when he ordered a young boy beaten whenever he showed feminine behavior? BTW that young boy went on to kill himself. Homosexuality is not something that needs to be treated. There is not one single study that proves the effectiveness of treatment anyways. Finally mental disorders are not matters of opinion, there are clear criteria that define them. Homosexuality did not fit those criteria, plain and simple.

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

No conspiracy to it it's factual based on history. You take a group of people and oppress them long enough they feel they have something to prove and work collectively to overcome it. The black race did that very thing in at least 3 of our wars. You know that movie red tails was based on that very face. The Gay community even have image consultants to spoon feed you what your supposed to to say and think.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Oh noes is this the radical gay agenda?!?!? Please provide proof of the gay's plans, given that they are factual. You'll take any opportunity to slander gays won't you?

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

History proves there isn't anyone group you can pin down on that they all collectively have a common goal. The whole group doesn't sit down and have meetings, but then again neither did the blacks they didn't have to. They all have the same common goal to prove themselves. They want to prove that two of the same sex is just as beneficial and the same as a straight one and it's not. You are taking a couple men, or women trying to act like a normal biological family.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

The children being adopted are from at-risk families, where they might face abuse and poverty. All gay parents are concerned with doing is providing them with a loving home. By biological families I assume you mean families that can reproduce. Should we ban infertile couples from adopting then?

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That's not me saying that they can't it's the biology of the thing. Their stable relations particularly the men is a minority within a minority. Even in the straight community loyalty is harder to come by and the men are generally the problem and if you put to males together you have twice the problem. They admit that is a problem in that segment of their group. If they want to make their own marriages and not screw with our have at it, but don't expect me, or others to call it normal.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm reading a very interesting story about George Rekers of NARTH and his "vacation" with the male prostitute. Clearly they're doing a bang-up job there. Now, I know that this proves nothing about gay conversion therapy, but it is hilarious. It also shows that Rekers is clearly gay, yet is content attempting to force others to "convert"

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You are right you know it means nothing than you brought up it to deflect attention away from what trucks had said and attempting to create doubt that any treatments will work. No obviously he does have to be around gays to sway them back, you know the media and how others serve as rumor mills. doesn't make it factual. Just like I have a genetic predisposition to alcohol, yet I own a it doesn't mean I drink. It's more of testament to will.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

While people should never be forced to covert the option should never be removed from the table as truck's statement shows there is no one route to homosexual feelings and tendencies. If you are convinced that there is no way out and it's impossible it will remain so for people like yourself. I enjoyed drinking so much I thought it was impossible to be like a councilor would that said they wouldn't drink if you paid them. I couldn't envision that ever being true for me.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

The only reason I didn't believe them was one I didn't want to quit, was in denial and felt I had it controlled. No I can say I'll never drink again if you paid me and have proven it each day. I don't think about and as time past I don't care about it. Part of that predisposition was acting on it, the more I drank the worse it got. The same with homosexuals once they go so far, it's turn back or die that. To me when I see a homosexual I see them as I would see any drunk in denial.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I don't have them, but it does disgust me when I see people shrug their shoulders and act like duhh I don't know what to do... I'm stuck that way. I get your point some gays can't come back, some alcoholics the desire is so strong they trade their lives for their genetic disposition. It doesn't have to be that way if taken serious early on. If you're telling them it's impossible, that is just as bad as if I told people it's possible in every case, because it isn't always possible either.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Most homosexuals are happy being gay. Almost all of them would be as well, were it not for the constant ridicule and discrimination many of them face. Alcoholism is different. It's immensely damaging to a person's health. Although I know gays are more likely to engage in risky and unhealthy activities, it's better to address those problems directly, rather than forcing them into unsafe therapy. By that logic, all straights who use drugs should turn gay,

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

No what I was saying is that if they don't believe they could change and have normal biological paired family they won't. By saying that isn't possible you're condemning them in to a sense that there is never any way out they're trapped & that's all there is to it. That is just as dangerous is me taking someone like chaz bono & forcing "it" change. No, because the comparison is made to illustrate that their there is a way out of most predisposition, not that gays are dunks, or drunks are gay.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

What I am saying is that this "way out" has no proof behind it, and can likely cause great harm to those involved. I know that there are people who are gay and want to change, but these therapies are not the answer. In several prominent cases, people have been forced into the therapy. I'm not criticizing the idea of someone wanting to change their sexuality, but it needs to be done in a safe, consensual manner.

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Yes, I'm in total agreement with that. I realize you vary on how you would proceed. Therapy should be an option for those that would like to have the traditional option, but I also think more study is needed to see if medical options are feasible as well. I think the gay community should be open to the exploration of that and not trashing their own that leave the fold.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Well, I'm glad we can agree on something. As it stands though, there is no evidence to suggest this therapy works, and there is evidence of the harm that can result. For that reason, I can't support it, much like I can't support homeopathy. If gay people truly wish to change their sexuality, we need a safe alternative, and need to ensure that they do it fully on their own will

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That is agreed too, only I think there is evidence that it does work. However I could entertain that is genetic predispositions are related that some homosexuals would still have the homosexual tendency and still be classed as homosexual. The reason I could entertain that is though I don't drink, I am still an alcoholic, yet I live a sober life now. I believe a gay can be gay still, but live a straight life. And we do that had been done in the past a gay would be married w/ kids but still be gay

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

As far as homosexuals killing themselves yes some of them do, sure. I can believe that part of the community is very sensitive. It's part of what makes them gay, they fall apart easy. Those types take flack by their own group. You take a guy like y2krashman who gay via molest by clergy, he is very angry at these flaming whimpy gays out there & yes they are a major part of the communities trouble. Normal people see half naked people dressed like clowns if front of their kids they don't like it.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Typical. Blame the victim rather than discuss the cause. So all gays are wimps who are prone to suicide huh? And we should make no effort to help? Not every gay is a wimpy little drama queen, and the fact that you're writing off their suicides as something wrong with them is frankly appalling.

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

No and if you would have went to Krashes channel you would have know I don''t believe they are all wimps, but yes gays most often have other related issues and yes I think some are prone to suicide no matter what anyone does. Some people are more prone to self-destruct than others. In some cases yes it's a flaw within them. I'm not blaming them for it. I would say eli lilly has a hand is some of the suicides, gay or not. There does seem to be a high rate of deaths near their facilities.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

But someone being prone to suicide is why we help them. We need to give them therapy that raises their self esteem and improved their mental health, the exact opposite of what reparative therapy does. Again, I point to discrimination as a reason why they might be more prone to low self-esteem and self destruction. No one is a lost cause. We need to address the root causes of these problems, rather than dismissing them

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm saying therapy needs to be left open as an option as was as further study. I don't expect them to leave they earth, or change if they don't want to and they need to give that respect to others. Straights do have kids and the ought to be able to raise them in an environment that doesn't compromise what they believe is good for their kids.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Which means in places where they do get marriage, not to be running to the school armed with the ACLU and threatening the schools and forcing them to teach gay validity. These are school ages children that haven't even had sex-ed and to be talking to them about the wonders of gay life isn't necessary. Neither are any classes, or gay curriculum. Hey we all get picked on in life we don't need special classes for every damn instance. The anti-bulling curriculum means not to do it for any reason.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

When did i suggest anything about gay class? I would hardly think that describing sexuality of any type to unprepared children is appropriate. I would also firmly be against censoring opinions of others. I disagree with you, yet I still respect your opinion, and would not report you for it. We can't send a man to prison for yelling gay slurs, but we can help people deal with the discrimination.

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You never did I mentioned that. That is one of the things that does put a lot of people off is when someone has a son, or daughter that is gay.Tthey rush right to the school like they just invented the wheel & want special provision to be made on their behalf. Gays make they claim they are the same as others, except they are gay. Well then there is no need to treat them differently when it comes to being picked on. It's all bullying no matter why & need not be treated differently, only stopped.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm just in favor of equal rights, as long as no one infringes on the rights of others. You shouldn't be denied or given a job based on your sexuality, only your merits

phdan123 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Yes I believe that to, however I don't think we can have true marriage equality. To do so you have to include everyone and for certain legal reasons that would never be obtainable particularly in fringe cases of incest, what is now minor attracted persons, and bestiality. The world is a nutty place once you give to one you have to give to all and some pairings are just in most peoples minds to unhealthy. That is leaving out half and halfs, tyannies, two gender reversed.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

It was real good talking to you. I hope to again. Take Care... have a good one It's time to eat.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to phdan123 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Kirk never said he hated homosexuals. This is slander. Kirk has been consistent in the fact that he does not hate gays but opposes sexual immorality. Piers should not have made this comment.

beliefpictures 3 weeks ago

Did it ever occur to you that folks like Piers Morgan and Lewis Blak might find the collective behavior of folks like you and Kirk Cameron repellent and "immoral?" I know. It's inconceiveable that anybody could view you in a way that is different from how you view yourselves. right? And would you kindly name me ONE person who is critical of conservative, fundamentalist Christians that you are thoroughly convinced loves you? Does Bill Maher love you? Does Richard Dawkins?

HumbleHarry in reply to beliefpictures (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Then spend your time controlling sex rather than having intellectual pursuits like science. Be the Vatican. Enjoy the power of stories. Attempt to defeat complicated thinking. Who gives a rat's ass what Kirk hates, he's an insufficiently educated child tv actor, bitchcakes.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to beliefpictures (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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kdash64 3 weeks ago

The ancient greeks learned the earth was round but it took centuries before Columbus and Magellan finally made it impossible for religion to deny it. We've known the earth was going around the sun for a long time but RELIGION locked Galileo's ass up for proving it. Alan Turing cracked Enigma, and invented modern computation and RELIGION forced the government to chemically castrate him for his private affairs. If we didn't have religion we'd be in flying cars and spaceships by now.

DracoSuave 3 weeks ago

I love how non-Christians try to explain true Christianity based on very little information they gather from the media.

Wuxia007 3 weeks ago

Christianity is Emperor cock worship.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to Wuxia007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

We have access to the same versions of the Bible that you do. Not to mention that there is no shortage of you Christians preaching on the Internet, on TV and elsewhere. One would have to live in a cave to experience a lack of information about Christianity in its staggeringly varied forms.

HumbleHarry in reply to Wuxia007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Yes, you have access to the Bible, but have you actually read the Bible or do you simply cherry pick verses you find on google or merely accept what other non-Christians claim they've read about in the Bible? Unfortunately, most of the Christians you see in the media tend to be misguided or misbehaving. If the media were to choose either a Christian who follows the bible, the Westboro Church, or a Church that makes empty promises, who do you think will be picked last to be on TV?

Wuxia007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I've read the Bible. All of it. I was baptised. And, like a lot of other Americans, I went to church every Sunday with my family while I was growing up. In addition, I attended Sunday school and choir practice and even went to a Christian themed camp in the summers. Also, I've befriended and listened to numerous Christians from various other denominations. Even today, I'm surrounded by Christians. Christianity is not in the least alien to me, even though I've never actually been a believer of it

HumbleHarry in reply to Wuxia007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And I really don't seeany substantive difference between the majority of Christians posting here and the Westboro Baptist clan when it comes to their attitude and your attitude toward gay people. The Westboro Baptist folk don't say that THEY hate gays. They say "GOD hates fags." That's a lot more direct and strident than the average conservative Christian tends to be, but the message is pretty much the same: You believe that, as we are, gays are a detriment to you and an offense to your god.

HumbleHarry in reply to Wuxia007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And "we" love how you twist calling others a detriment to society into an endearment. It fits your agenda, doesn't it?

HumbleHarry in reply to NEOTHR (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That is how it works homosexuals do that to garner favor. The cry and whine and play hurt vagina in hopes people will feel sorry them.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to NEOTHR (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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For once all the comments are over 100 letters.

Forbayn 3 weeks ago

Well except for yours =)

Seeley667 in reply to Forbayn (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago


Forbayn in reply to Seeley667 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

In this video Mr. Lewis Black states " One thing he doesn't understand is why Christians don't just let them go to hell. The answer to that is because God wishes no one to go and if you are a born again believer and yearn to truly serve the LORD you will do all you can while God has you on this earth to see that no man renders evil for evil even though the world can care less about themselves. Christians care for there souls because they were was sinners going to hell, but now they see.

doneandonly18 3 weeks ago

I think the real answer is you don't want other people to have control of their owns lives. Apparently, you feel it would be too dangerous for you-- in the here and now --to allow them to have that. So while they still exercise the control you don't want them to have, you're going to malign and badger them-- while you exalt yourself-- until they relent. It all sounds very self-serving and wicked to me.

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Mr or Miss. I am as wicked as the next man or female the only different is I know who my father is and I choose to live for him now. I fear no man, but God I believe in his power to convict the souls of the lost because he did it to me. I live to serve him not myself . If you knew people were in danger would you not warn them? I don't hold on to them or put a gun to there head.I just them who God is and what he has done and still doing for us and pray that they accept him some do some don't.

doneandonly18 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

What if I knew you personally and your family. One night you all have a big party then soon after you all go to sleep. All of a sudden your house is on fire and everyone is still sleep. Then I drive up to your house knowing you and your family are in the fire asleep, look at it and drive off. How would you feel if I just let you burn.Knowing I probably could have help save you all or at least tried? Well believe it or not that's what I'm here for whether you like it or not Sir/ Ma am.

doneandonly18 in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Thes:KJV514-17 14 Now we exhort you, brethren, warn them that are unruly, comfort the feebleminded, support the weak, be patient toward all men.15 See that none render evil for evil unto any man; but ever follow that which is good, both among yourselves, and to all men.16 Rejoice evermore.17 Pray without ceasing.18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.

In short my life life use to be self service not caring if one even knew God.cont..

doneandonly18 in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

But now my life is Gods service and he is the light to my pathway. We are all bad people Sir/Ma am just some bad people are save and some people are not. At the end of the day we will all meet our father who is in heaven and stand in front of him giving an account on the way we lived are lives for those who never accepted him they will have no excuse because the bible says they knew but, refuse to accept him and will be cast in the lake of fire. I want that for no one. I'll be praying for you.

doneandonly18 in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

The Bible said people wouldn't believe it. Odd, seems like EVERYBODY with an agenda says the same thing to critics. And sorry, but what father makes you suffer for an eternity for his mistake in creating us?

DarthCadeous501 in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And maybe a Muslim will pray for you. Do you care?

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

We went from an unknowable pillar of fire God to a humble man made to be celibate and anti-christ devil so that we could be pagan again and fuck God itself, which is us, we don't believe in anything outside of us, God is one of us, he is our Father, of course this nonsense should be flushed down the fucking goddamned toilet immediatamente. When you make God into a man you live in a collapsing reality, *must find that one special celibate man* says the insane woman.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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I'd say your life is still about serving YOU if you're going to insist you don't have to pay heed to those who tell you to bug off after they've heard your spiel of faith. You're entitled to live your faith, but you have no authority to insist that others follow you in that endeavor. Not in the U.S. anyway.

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I would not be so presumptuous as to think I had any right to impose my FAITH on other people. And how arrogant to assume those who don't follow my FAITH are lost. Are you the least bit aware that your FAITH is about what you BELIEVE as opposed to what you can demonstrate to incredulous others as actual? Would it be fair for a Muslim, Hindu or Scientologist to judge you based on what he believes? What makes you better than these other sincerely religious people that I and other skeptics...

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

...should have to tolerate from you and other sincere Christians a presumptuous behavior that you would NEVER dream of tolerating were it imposed upon you by a sincere Muslim, Hinudu or Scientologist? Unless one seeks your guidance on personal matters, such as their mutually consenual sex lives, you should not be imposing your religious values on them. You're entitled to THINK they're going to hell for not bowing down to you, but that's where you rights end when it comes to the unpersuaded.

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You don't KNOW I'm in danger; you merely BELIEVE I am. But in the U.S., it's still none of your damned business, just like it's not a Muslim's business to try and save you. You wouldn't like it if he tried to "save" you and those who don't share your FAITH don't like it when you take it upon yourself to try to "save" them. You are to them as that Muslim is to you, an unwanted intrusion at best. Yes, some people will accept what you have to offer, as others will accept what the Muslim...

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

... is offering, or what the Scientologist is offering (there is no shortage of religions in the world and new ones are introduced all the time). Like you, they'll swear they're right and that others are blind to what they see, but none of you can produce an actual god. All you can do is goad, cajole and attempt to persuade others to indulge the same FAITH you indulge. But once they tell you to "get lost," you should. If you don't listen after that, you're intruding, which is rude.

HumbleHarry in reply to doneandonly18 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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One doesn't have to be part of a racial group to experience the collective malevolence of those belonging to a larger and/or more powerful group of human beings. Nor is the cruelty of bigots limited to enslaving others and denying them the right to vote. As a black, gay man, I know what I'm talking about, as I've experienced the sting of both and there is no appreciable difference in being targeted for mistreatment either is black or one is gay. Mistreatment is mistreatment.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And we as Christians ARE supposed to speak up and spread God's word, NOT JUST THINK IT!!!!!!

hika74017 3 weeks ago

He didnt say hate the people piers and ur NOT born that way theres many many people who are "fixed" straight" all the time. We are not born as sinners(gay) we are born INTO sin and the idiots who influence people to be gay....

kissdrumr 3 weeks ago

Humble Harry don't seem so humble

MrManhattan987 4 weeks ago

No, not to the terminally arrogant, I don't, but that's only because the terminally arrogant don't recognize genuine humility. They have one set of rules for themselves and separate rules for everybody who won't tow their line. None of you so-called Christians seems to like criticism directed at you, but you're fine with dishing it out. What gives with that?

HumbleHarry in reply to MrManhattan987 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Amen easy

MrManhattan987 4 weeks ago

For the people who want to know why we christians care so much about the people goin to hell its because thats what we are put on this earth to do, win souls for our Lord Jesus. Belive it or not hell wasn't ment for us it was men for fallen angels

ezay8 4 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to ezay8 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

free to be a pervert?gay is a choice stupid,its sciencefiction to say gays are born.offensive only to liberals and perverts,these are the same people that are asleep to the fact that 32 states voted and all said no to perverts getting married.these same people think pedophiles and zoophilacs are born

namtesyalp 4 weeks ago

you dnt respect anything

april flynn 4 weeks ago

I grew up in a liberal household and it was chaos. People shouldn't bash Christians so much as they should just bash the Bible, because we didn't write the doctrince. We simply put our faith in it. And we believe that homosexuality is a sin, but we are all sinners. I don't hate people that are gay, and I'm aware that they have feelings and all. But when it comes down to it, we're talking about lust and a perverted act. It's perverted. If it were natural we wouldn't be arguing about it.

Sean Showalter 4 weeks ago

So, you should be free to bash gay people (and not call it bashing) because you're a Christian and not a pervert. However, non-Christians and perverts should refrain from bashing you because you're a Christian and not a pervert. But you're not special. You're a sinner too, only you're not a perverted sinner, just a decent Christian sinner that non-Christians and perverted sinners should aspire to emulate, not because you're special, but bcause you're a Christian and unperverted. Got it..

HumbleHarry in reply to Sean Showalter (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You've seen one Piers Morgan show, you've seen them all. Politics, religion, homosexuality, right vs left. Every show is the same. Booooooring.

TaoOfOkada 4 weeks ago

And Democrats do the same damn thing. Everyone is free to have sex with men and animals, but you have to follow all the governments rules and pay half your income in taxes.

ericclaptonismygod31 4 weeks ago


Ihat etwitter 4 weeks ago

For as much as I hear Christians saying, "Come to know the truth," I haven't come across many being able to demostrate it. In America, if you're going to tell people they can't do something, you'd better be able to demonstrate why it is harmful, not appeal to your religion. That is why this kind of talk is ridiculed. Christianity has no place in dictating social laws in the USA. For that I am thankful.

JesusNinja69 4 weeks ago

Did Kirk Cameron say he "hated" homosexuals?

tmmemories 1 month ago

My mom told me when I was young that when you loose your cool, you loose your credibility. Doesnt it seem foolish to expect a Bible believing Christian to give up the values and denounce his God just because he talks to reporter and a out of control vulger comedian.,I can say that God used Kirk that day to spread the word about Gods love for all .

firerycarmen 1 month ago

You can say whatever you like, but you're not going to get everybody to buy what you're peddling. The issue here is not about others trying to rob Kirk Cameron of his beliefs. Who cares? Kirk was criticized for being a bigot, not for being a Christian. Christians of a certain ilk are entitled to think that their beliefs are sacrosanct, but it doesn't mean that others are required to buy into that. If said Christian is peddling bigotry, he's going to have detractors and It's not persecution.

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The word of God is not peddled . It is spoken . And Christianity is not a popularity contest. 105,000 people are killed every year for their faith. And the numbers are growing. Sin is abound in this confused and wicked world. Kirk speaks the Word of God and he's called a bigot. Look into your own heart. Do you want the truth. CNN is not looking out for you. They are looking for ratings. Kirk and I hate noone .

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

You're peddling your religion, and Christians aren't the only theists who are killed for subscribing to the "wrong" religion in the "wrong" societies. Baha'is, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists and those who don't even subscribe to a faith are also persecuted and killed around the world for not towing the party line. So Christians are not special in that regard. Christians have also been known to kill each other over sectarian differences. At the the end of the day, Christians are just people...

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

...with a particular religious viewpoint. There are thousands of religious viewpoints in the world. Yours is just one, apparently shared by Kirk Cameron. There is no evidence that either of you speaks for a god, And, yes, Kirk Cameron is a bigot for assuming he's a better and more deserving human being than gay people. His religion does not absolve him of that charge. Also, I do not look to Christians for the so-called "truth." I am not nearly as enamored of Christians as "some" of them ...

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

He never said he was better and neither do I.

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

...appear to be enamored of themselves and what they think they know. In addition, I never said CNN was looking out for me, nor are you and neither are other Christians who believe as you do. And, of course, CNN was looking for ratings when it booked Kirk Cameron on Piers Morgan's show. Likewise, Kirk Cameron was looking for publicity for his cause and to boost his own public profile. It's a symbiotic relationship between a TV network talk show looking for viewers and guests seeking publicity.

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

He is not self promoting. In the Christian faith we are called to preach the gospel (good news) thoughout all the nations. I do the same as do some of my friends but Im not a public figure. If you get a chance see the movie Monumental. Historical produced by Kirk Cameron.

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Finally, you can keep telling me that yours and Kirk Cameron's shit doesn't stink, but I know shit stinks. I don't care what reason you offer or what religion you subscribe to, branding a broad group of people as a detriment to society merely for offending your sensibilities when they are otherwise causing you no direct harm or inconvenience is a hateful act. I'm sure you'd know that if you and your ilk were on the receiving end of that charge.

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Again, kirk did not say that and neither did I.As far us not being stinky. That is what you think you heard . My sensibilities are not offended. We all struggle with sin. When we are in sin we dont think clearly.But we certainly think we do. Sin is selfishness. It puts our own needs and desires above another person or group. It wounds the soul. And ultimately destroys the person.

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Neither you nor Kirk referred to yourselves or your Christian ilk using such terms as "unnatural" or "detrimental" to society, Why not? I'll tell you. It's because that's usually the kind of talk one indulges when they're juding from on high those whom they think are beneath them. I don't see Christians embracing that kind of talk from their non-Christian critics. Do you? Of course not. Because YOUR critics are persecutors in your mind, while you and your ilk are "truth-tellers" and. ..

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

...knowing anything more about us as individuals (beyond the fact that we don't share your sexual sensibilities), you have determined that we are all not thinking as clearly as you, apparently; that we are selfish and putting our needs above your own. What do you think we owe you and other Christians like you? Are we, in reality, doing anything more than offending your sensibilities and the dictates of your religion by following our own consciences when it comes to living our own private lives?

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You dont offend me.and you are free to live your life any way you want. I believe as Kirk does that sin offends God. (that you dont believe in) I have faith in what God tells me about what happens to a nation that embraces sin. We are seeing the evidence of our nations demise. The sin of homosexuality is just one of them. The list goes on. greed, covetisness, lieing. adultery, not honoring your parents....In the end we wiil see what awaits us.

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

I have serious doubts that I'll be seeing anyone or anything after I'm dead. Meanwhile, as long as we're both alive, I guess our differences will go unresolved. Otherwise, I have no real problem with you being hopeful that I will go to a fiery hell one day. That's not what bothers me about people like you. It's the intrusion on other people's lives and the hypocrisy (yes, that's the word I mean) you indulge. That's what I'm compelled to battle when it infringes on my right to not be you.

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

If I wanted you to go to hell I wouldnt say anything to you about it. You have called Kirk and I suppose me too that we are bigots. I could say to you that you are a bigot because you mock OUR God and our right to believe in the tenets of our faith, and live by them. But I dont say that and I dont think that. Im not intruding in your life, You exposed your life and are angry because we have not and wont affirm that life style.I hope you get to meet Jesus somedayI Jesus loves you .

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

If your religion requires you to hate gays, by all means, adhere to your religion. I'm only responding to what you put out there when you make gay people's business your business.. Otherwise, I seek neither love nor affirmation from you. I don't expect to get blood from a stone..You seek to impose your religion on people who want no part of it and you're angry because we won't affirm and conform to your beliefs. Again, we don't ask for you love. As you seem to understand love, it has no...

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Im not angry. Its as simple as you have one view and I have another. You have the right to believe what ever you want. Lets remember where this started. A conservative Christian man was invided to express his views on homosexuality or gay maggaige. on a very liberal program. They certainly knew what he would say and they jumped on the wagon to stir up hate.

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

If you honestly believe that I have the same right to my views as you have to yours, why are you bitching about me and others criticizing Kirk Cameron and you, by extension? And didn't Kirk Cameron know he was on "a very liberal program?" What, was Pat Robertson on vacation when Kirk Cameron booked himself onto Piers Morgan's show?. Look, you call ANY group of people a detriment to society-- it doesn't matter who you are-- you should expect negative reaction, unless you seriously think ..

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

...your shit doesn't stink. Nobody is obliged to silently take that bullshit from Kirk Cameron, you or anybody else dishing it out. Surely, this is not news to you. Politically conservative Christians don't like it when they're singled out for blanket criticism and neither do other people, especially when they think their critics are being unfair, in which case they balk. Now, if we all just minded our own damn business, a lot of the bullshit flinging could be avoided is all I'm trying to say.

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

It took alot of courage for Kirk to go on that program knowing that he would get slammed by the left and by the alternative life style people. He had peace because he knew God was with him. Maybe you could get invited to go on TBN, I guarantee you will be treated better than Kirk

firerycarmen in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

...value to us. Please keep it. You don't have to love us in order to mind your own damned business. Gays, on the whole, don't really care what you think of them, but we could all do without the harassment and slander from folks of your ilk.You claim to be sinners? Well, focus on your own sins. That ought to keep you busy enough and out of our business. Otherwise, we're not interested in yours. And I've already met your Jesus in the various incarnations in which this allegation has been...

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

I don't belong to any theist group and I know it's a detriment. Explain that away. We treat entire segments of society differently each day when they impede on the majority. If we did not there would be no need for short buses. If we did not we wouldn't lock away pedophiles, we wouldn't ban incestuous unions. Both of which has to be excepted for their to be totally equality and that I hope you do not support. While you might say that isn't the same. Gays through B4U-ACT say that it is.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Why don't you explain to me how gay people are a detriment to you if they're not otherwise keeping you from sticking your dick in the orifice of your choosing? Maybe society needs to treat people on your short bus with a little disdain and, perhaps, start comparing bigots like you to worst society has to offer. Who knows? You might be a little humbled by the experience.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

No, I won't be at all humbled Harry, because I'm going to tell you what you'll do next. You want to give me a famous gay men of history lesson, to which my answer is they all came from whom? Straight Parents. Let's have a look and see how well homosexuality is working out in modern times shall we? 1. Penis removal not needed for man to become woman Ontario tribunal 2 The little boy who started a sex change aged eight because he (and his lesbian parents) knew he always wanted to be a girl

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

I have no intention of giving you a history lesson when I'm limited to 500 characters per post and it's apparent you can't even parse the difference between sexual orientation and gender identification.You may not understand this, but I am not trying to get you to like or accept gay people.I don't expect either to be forthcoming and neither is required from you for gays to get on with their own lives. I'm just challenging you to support your outrageous claims; you're not doing a very good job.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You're just throwing all manner of sexual misbehavior and gender discordance out there and suggesting there's an inherent link between those behaviors (and states of being) and homosexuality, as if there are no straight pedophiles or straight people who watch porn, indulge in sexual misadventure or are at odds with their own physical gender. You and I both know that's bullshit. Try a new tack.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You're just throwing all manner of sexual misbehavior and gender discordance out there .

You must not know what the word equality means?

I left a bunch out like the guy and his doll, car and a horse. I'm sure I don't need to define equality for you and I don't have to tell you that every sickness under the sun is flocking to that colored rag. The links I showed you was only from the last few months and you asked for it's detriment and all of that shit is coming to roost now.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

So, is it your claim that gay people are causing you and other heterosexuals to become sexually licentious? How? And what are they forcing you to do that you would otherwise avoid?

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You call mutilating, molesting, children sexual hi-jinx? The point is you wanted to see the detriment and of course there wasn't much before, because they are a small group and up until now they were someone elses problem. No all the problems that were said would happen are now happening, From the adoptive meals using the kid as a toy, to the parents warping their kid and changing his sex to ol Harry being considered a chick in Canada now. The world you want is a whole lot sicker than what "is"

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You're saddling all gays with mutilating and molesting children? When you indulge baseless slander like that, it sounds to me like you are gays' problem, not the other way around.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Harry what is marriage equality to you? Does it include everyone? or just your particular brand of lust?

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

No, it also includes what I presume to be your particular brand of lust, provided it does not involve minors or other non-consenting individuals.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Harry what is marriage equality to you? Does it include everyone? or just your particular brand of lust? Since you dodge the question I'll answer it for you. Through B4U-ACT pedos with the help of gays are seeking to declassify themselves as the gays did and rape isn't an act of passion, you are also leaving out the incestuous whom gays are also seeking them relief as well. Then there is the polygamist, poly amorous, transgen, half & halves and other variety of circus acts that can consent.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You're lying again. I didn't dodge your question. I said it would also include YOUR particular brand of lust, which the law already accommodates, As for your dispicable attempts to tie marriage equality for consenting, adult same-sex couples to that of pedophiles seeking to marry children, you don't seem to be aware that children are minors. They can't vote and have no legal authority to consent to marry anyone. Obviously, children are not campaigning to marry pedophiles, so what's your point?.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

We haven't even mentioned two completely gender reversed humans getting married and the fact in canada you don't have to lose you dick to me a chick. Isn't that nice Harry, you reach in like cracker jacks get yourself a prize there? It includes every consenting human being in order for it to be equality, even those whom you could find distasteful as hard as that is to imagine. Marriage was created by straights for man and woman make your own marriage & leave ours be, you don't need our approval.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

There are only two sexes. Those of the opposite sex-- whether they're poly amorous, transgender, third cousins or frigid-- are already allowed to marry, and I'm not seeking to stop them. I find you quite distasteful, but I wouldn't seek to abridge your right to marry another distatesful bigot. What would that have to do with me anyway? And marriage is a civil institution. You don't own it. All you can own is your own marriage.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

I think you better tell that to Chaz Bono, while their may be only two sexes. Gays seek to water down sexuality & remove gender as a requirement in any marriage. I'm not seeking from preventing you from marrying as you so falsely paint myself and others as bigots to gain sympathy. Straights created the union for a man a woman way before any bible & it isn't necessary to fuck with it, just because you have a problem suddenly. You don't own it either leave it the fuck alone,you don't the approval

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I think Chaz Bono already knows that there are only two sexes. And you are, unequivocally, a bigot, and quite a prolific liar, too..Trust me, nboody is seeking your sympathy (a commodity I'm convinced you don't possess anyway) nor your stamp approval. They're not vital to anyone. Nor am I or other gay pleople inclined to give a fuck about what you think is necessary when it comes to marriage equality for gay couples. You're just another bigot spouting the same, tired tripe we've heard before.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Chaz wants to try them all out, which makes it the poster child of gay mental illness, Men going around as chicks with no operations an it going from a beautiful little girl to a near monster, just because mom said yes to often. From lesbian relations, to an alleged tub of a man in a supposed straight relation, to now homosexual relation. You are a poster child of mental illness spewing around false bigotry, oh your feeling are hurt, wipe you, you little pussy, be a man you weak little slob.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Chaz has tried them BOTH, and there are still only two sexes for him to have tried. And my feelings are not hurt by you. I'd have to hold you in some regard as a fair-minded and decent human being in order to be rattled by anything you have to say. I don't, so I'm not. Also, likening me to a woman packs no sting. I'm gay but I'm not a misogynist who has to prove his manhood by belittling women's genitalia. Nor am I weak. I eat bigots like you for lunch. 

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You haven't heard anything, because you so sick in the dead you can't. Go talk gay suicide or use whatever other tactic will work to garner false sympathy. If ever occur to you teens commit suicide, because of poor family structure and you assholes keep telling them they are gay, and then pulling treatments out from under them? You are a far more dangerous fool than first thought.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I've read everything you've posted here and absorbed your spew for the mean-spirited lies and impotent threats they are. You've been challenged to defend them as anything other than bigotry, but you can't. It would surely be a waste of time discussing gay teens and suicide with an ignorant and insensitive clod, like you, so I'll avoid the specter. But I will say that nobody has to be told they are gay. If they are, they already know.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

What you said was gibberish you asked for proof homosexuality was detrimental to society I have you 6 articles all recently dated ranging from homosexual and lesbian abuse to Canada creating an environment of circus clowns and told you what you gays are up too and all you do is make accusations not points. You'll avoid it, because you can't face the truth of it teens are screwed up by weak families and you can't strengthening a family by family by quantity over quality parents.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Wow. Six articles? Did you look for any detailing abuse by heterosexuals? With very little effort, I'm sure you could find quite a lot..Would that then be proof enough to you that heterosexuals are also a part of the circus. Again, try a new tack, because the one you're using is played out. There's no truth in your claim that gay children are products of weak families. It's just another baseless assertion, since there are solid families with gay children and many weak one with no gay kids. 

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

everything you do is a big mess and all cobbled. From circumventing how your body truly works, twisting a good friendship into something horrid, to the jury rigged sex and your cobbled idea of family two men parading around acting as women, that is totally fucked up at it's best and at it's world paramount to child abuse. If I had a car with as many inherent problems as a gay relationship I'd junk the fucker and get one that works.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

This sounds like a lot of projection, Hunky. Did you once have a good friendship with some guy that turned into something horrid for you? Personally, I've never had that experience. You know, I'm struck by the intensity of your disdain for gays which, frankly, goes above and beyond that which I've seen expressed by most guys who claim to be straight. Most straight guys I know are squeamish about homosexuality-- which is understandable-- but they're not, generally, preoccupied with it...

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

...In my experience, the ones who are preoccupied with the graphic details of what they perceive to be gay men's sexuality are usually hiding something. And what sort of straight guy refers to himself as "hunky," anyway? I mean no disrespect, but it sounds gay. And I should know, shouldn't I?

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

as far as lies you're the biggest liar, or the worst case of denial I've seen. Every article was true and if wasn't you would have disputed it. You are trying to say every homosexual is gay for one reason only and that is an impossible claim. You also claim you can't overcome your fault and you can, you would just rather pretty it up and sell it to normal people. You are just a group of untreated and genetically damages people. If it were purely genetic we could shut it off at the source.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

It sure sounds to me like somebody else here is in denial. I'm certainly not denying that I'm gay. Nor have I denied the veracity of the articles you're alluding to, but I fail to see what they have to do with homosexuality as an orientation. I've also read many articles in my lifetime about straight serial rapists, but it never occurred to me to consider it as an indictment against straight men. It's certainly not news to me that there are evil gay and straight people in the world.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You homosexuals have made you own infrastructure so far and have done quite well with it, make your own copy of marriage like you copy everything else. You aren't going to get societies stamp of approval no matter what you do. You are not the same as a man and woman and you never will be. Stop telling people the sky is pink and expecting us to buy it. watch?v=p8N2nGavCKA How about you take a page out of this guys book.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

We don't need society's approval any more than black people needed it when they finally stood up for themselves. Like blacks, we have the Constitution to protect us from the malevolence of people like you. In the end, we'll prevail and you can continue to stew in your own hateful juices which, I'm sure, you will find delicious.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

3 Patrick Rieder Pleads Not Guilty To Charges Of Raping Boy With Adoptive Father 4. California may ban gay teen 'conversion' therapy so now they have no way out. 5. Jennifer Mahoney Admits Making, Streaming Child Porn Of 5-Year-Old girl She Babysat. 6. Sandusky 7. Gay support of B4U-ACT, because the gays had to do the same 8 The seeking of removal of bans on incest, because with the other circus acts involved it isn't an equal circus now is it? More? pick up your newspaper next month.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

If you are a true Atheist then you should have better sense. They are a group of miswired people that lie to your face telling you the sky is pink when it isn't. They are not the same, nor are they just like us, or normal. You might say science doesn't agree well is had, until popular opinion changed it, not science, popular opinion. I don't know about you, but I don't measure detriment to society on what Lady GaGa, Rosie,Chaz Bono has to say. You are better off reading Dr. Spitzer's work.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

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Really? Gays routinely tell you that the sky is pink? I'd say you're indulging a bit of self-serving lying yourself with that bogus claim. And FYI: It was nearly 40 years ago when the American Psychiatric Association declared that homosexuality was not a psychiatric disorder. Gays were not "popular" 40 years ago, and we're only marginally popular 40 years hence. So you're telling another self-serving lie when you claim that popular opinion had any influence on science where gays are concerned .

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You knew what was meant by that, so quit telling lies of your own. You have better sense than that I would hope. By telling us that a two men, or two women are the same one man & one women that is false, and if you do not believe me than take a look at my clip of Ellen saying that over and over and if that don't work then they are the same as blacks, or women, or what ever word of the week you want to plug in there.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

I know what you said, and it was a lie. Period. And, yes, gays are human, just like other people. Some of them are men, some are women and some are even black, like me. Like all other human beings we're whatever word of the week you want to plug in there: Christians, Muslims,doctors, drug addicts, bank robbers, football players, beauty pageant contestants, and on and on. We're the same as everybody else, except we're gay. And, no, I'm not going to tell you that a gay couple is "the same as..."

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

...a man and a woman. A gay couple is composed of either two men or two women. But they're still two human beings capable of loving each other, building a life together, raising children together, fighting with each other and, perhaps, divorcing, just like heterosexual couples do. I didn't see your clip (I don't need to), but I'm sure that's what Ellen meant. Now, it may not comport with the way you think the world should operate, but that's the way it is. You can waste your time...

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

...lamenting that fact, but why would you? Surely, you have better and more important things to attend to in your own life than getting yourself in a snit about other people's relationships that don't even concern you, don't you?.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Yes they did based on little to no science and tat the time it wads the right thing to do as at that time to didn't know what we know now and treated them like animals and since then when we try to revisit the topis of reclassification it's meant by being falsely painted as bigotry, when it is merely science. There has be no real scientific gathered since Spitzer, because of of the hell the aclu and the gays puts them through to come up with the gay is good answer.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

You're wrong. Public opinion played no role in the American Psychiatric Association's nearly 40-year-old decision. And unless you've got some irrefutable scientific evidence of your own to support your contention that homosexuality is a mental illness, you are indulging bigotry. Science hasn't declared us "sane," nor has it declared that about you and other heterosexuals. It just hasn't established an inherent link between homosexuality and mental illness. Nor has it established a link...

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

...between apparent sanity and heterosexuality. As far as we can now at this time, gays have a different sexual orientation than heterosexuals. That's about it. We don't know why, definitively. We don't even know that the world is composed of largely straight people and gay people. There's all that stuff in between that popular opinion barely even acknowledges when it comes to human sexuality, which science suggests operates along a continuum rather than some binary straight/gay paradigm.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

And you can continue to insist that what Kirk Cameron is spreading is love, but there are always going to be people, like Piers Morgan and Lewis Black, who can see through that lie. You can try to fool yourself, but you're not going to fool them. Kirk Cameron has a right to spew his bigotry and call it love, and decent people have a right to call it what it is: Hatred.

HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Piers Morgan... LIED... Kirk Cameron NEVER SAID that he hated homosexuals..

He has listened from his heart to his soul..and READ GOD'S WORD.. I am sure that Kirk and his wife.. teach their kids.. what God's Word says... and how to live according to what GOD SAYS IS TRUE AND RIGHT..


Winterrain44 1 month ago

Since when is criticizing a bigot who hides behind his religion a negation of his right to speak? What makes people like you think that OTHER people don't also have a right to speak when a religious bigot shares his negative views of a whole group people?

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 1 month ago


Winterrain44 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

oops.. that message was meant for Huckleberry Hound.. in here.. I, myself have no problem with anyone making their choice.. And if someone who is gay.. came to me.. and wanted to know what the Holy Bible says against Homosexuality. I would show them in Romans 1:24 - 32. What I do have a problem with are those who CHOOSE to flaunt their sexuality..IT IS ONE'S PERSONAL BUSINESS. I DON'T WANT TO KNOW... what someone does.. when they have sex..!! Some things are better left unsaid..

Winterrain44 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I am not offended by your comments. Because YOU CHOSE to respond to my comment.. that's your perogative.. don't damn me for having my own opinion.. As far as people who are attracted to the same sex. I go about my merry way just like they do. When a woman (she is a lesbian) asked me to be her friend on Facebook.I accepted her request. I sent her a message.. she did not respond. The next morning I see on my wall bragging and professing of her sexual orientation. I immediately blocked her.

Winterrain44 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You sound offended. How is responding to your opinion by expressing my own damning you for expressing yours? And so what if somebody on the internet "bragged" on your Facebook page that they're gay? You blocked her and went on your merry way, as you said. Were you otherwise harmed by the experience? Did she put down your sexuality while exalting her own? And if she did, are you going to hold every gay person who isn't even thinking about you responsible for what one lesbian did?

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You are a grotesque person for thinking such garbage that you are posting on this forum.

You must be a very lonely person to love the attention that you are getting here..

But that is how people who love power in any form that they can get it..

By insulting others for merely being human with their own individual lives, personalities, opinions, faiths, and beliefs.

The only satisfaction you can get is *kicking them* for not jumping on your band-wagon to agree with you..

I am just calling you out

Winterrain44 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm grotesque for expressing that I don't want to think about your sexuality but you're somehow not grotesque for expressing that you don't want to think about mine and other gay people's? My, you must think very highly of yourself. Too bad I don't think that highly of you. But, yeah, it is kind of off-putting to have somebody accuse you of flaunting your sexuality when you're basically just being you. It's a nasty thing to do and I'm glad you realize that.

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

"NO OFFENSE!!!!".. Are You Serious??!! I Did Not Speak Of Myself In a Sexual Way..!! YOU ARE THE ONE WHO JUST POSTED THAT..NO ONE has the power to make someone think. what to think.. or what not to think.. If your mind goes there..YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT. So You Can't Blame Me!! If You Don't Have Control Over Your Own Mind.. lol You Are A Very Gullible underestimate the seduction of temptation whether sex, drugs, alcohol.. and worse yet to murder someone..

Winterrain44 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Again, thank you for making my point for me.

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

"Do yourself a favor and stop thinking about gay people and their private business."

Tell old Harry you will we he will. Gays always say that, yet they seek to enter our bedrooms in the military and raid our showers. One gay in the military might be fine, but you get two butt pumpers in the same unit getting a love affair going then there is trouble. Harry is mentally ill so don't take much stock in what he has to say, after all he expects you to honer his privacy while violating yours.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I don't worry, think, or ponder about ANYONE'S PRIVATE LIVES. *Damn!! what part of that do you 2 guys don't get? As far as you posting TO ME here about your problem with homosexuals, I don't give a damn!! Do Me A Favor and STOP BASHING HOMOSEXUALS.I am heterosexual.I don't brag about it. I am very happy about my choice or preference to be a heterosexual. If they choose to they can brag, they can boast, they can speak out or whatever they want to do. Don't Accuse Me Of Insulting People, LIKE YOU

Winterrain44 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I never said you did, I was quoting him. Do you have trouble reading English? I didn't excuse you of anything like you just falsely excused me. Get yourself a pair of glasses, or remove head from ass and maybe old Harry can come along and have access to your shit hole.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Your Freudian slip is showing, Hunky. What's with your obsession with other guys' shitholes? I thought you claimed to be straight.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I'm just talking to you in terms you can relate. Since you aren't the same as others, I just put it in terms you can better understand. I noticed you weren't offended all though you should be, but that's not surprising that you aren't.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Uh-huh. What would you know about relating to me, Hunky? More importantly, why would you even be trying to relate to a gay man if you're straight?

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Gays, like a caveman if you want to to talk to him you need to use cave pictures.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago


Winterrain44 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

No, just harry, but I'm not just taking the word of just some mentally ill unfit mother than needs her tubes tied so you don't serve as a cum dump for those sick bastards like yourselves.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

So go f yourself lady Harry is a sick fag that runs by the name of mattframe and you got rick-rolled by him. What a dumb cunt you are. Close you mouth and your legs lady you're drawing flies to it and pay more attention to what you are doing and saying, but even if you do I vote you have them tubes tied still.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HunkyMunky007 in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

If that's how you feel, why are you putting yourself in the middle of it? I didn't invite you here. All I did was respond to your expressed opinions on a topic (homosexuality) you now claim to have no issue with. It would appear that you are female, no? As a woman, you seek to protect yourself against Hunky's slander of your sex. Well, gay people (men and women) are compelled to do the same when you slander them with your opinions.

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

What's the trouble to YOU if two butt pumpers in the same unit have a love affair if you're not, otherwise, a part of the triangle? Could the trouble be that you're not part of the triangle? I'm really not trying to get into your business, but you are, perhaps, inadvertently, putting a lot of information out there, cryptic as it is. If you've ever been in the military, I'm sure you know gays have to be very discreet. Why would they trust you with their "troubles?"

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Why do you have a problem with people who don't believe in a god or a Jesus? Is anyone paying you to rant in all caps against those people? If you have no sympathy for them, you shouldn't expect them to have any for you. That's reciprocity in action. And be aware that you don't have exclusive rights to America. So you don''t get to banish other Americans to Cuba just because you don't like their opinions. If you don't like that, well, it's just too damned bad.There's nothing you can do about it.

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

LOL!! I didn't banish you.. You seem to enjoy what you are doing here..I am I enjoying this *DEBATE* with a reprobate..?? sure I am.. lol I didn't say that I didn't like your opinions... I don't have a problem with homosexuals. They are who THEY CHOOSE TO BE.. that is a fact.. on the mental.. and physical level.. it is NOT POSSIBLE TO BE BORN GAY.. Babies.. were NOT CREATED to CHOOSE WHO TO HAVE SEX WITH.. When One is old enough to make ANY CHOICE OR DECISION.. 8yrs old and up..

Winterrain44 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Emotionally, Mentally, and Physically a human being (teenager to adulthood.make CHOICES BASED ON THOSE feelings, needs and wants.. What children 5 yrs. to 17yrs their minds are shaped by what they see *on the internet, TV, Movies, or exposed to a way that they know someone who are homosexuals..* I am NOT saying that there is anything wrong with this. And NO YOU DON'T HAVE TO AGREE WITH ME. If anyone agrees with this would someone speak about this? f I am wrong.. please point this out for me.

Winterrain44 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Surely, you are not preaching to me about being gay? Are you gay, yourself? If not, what do you think you could know about it that isn't abject speculation? It just so happens that I was the first gay person I ever encountered. There was no internet or openly gay people in the movies or on TV to influence me. What do you think a kid would find so compelling about purposely adopting a sexual orientation that would subject him to constant ridicule from bigots if they found out?

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

He doesn't have to be gay to understand it. No more than a brain surgeon has to experience a tumor to know to get rid of the cancer.

Btw are you having an identity crisis Matt?

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Have either of you been successful in getting rid of gay people?

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Yes, It wasn't my intention to try, however I can claim credit for bringing some back to reality. Some of them write me due to my understanding that there plenty of ways of falling in that trap. Most of you are in a weak state to begin with and so you don't even consider trying to be in a way compatible with your bodies. You have you lists of rationalizations and excuses and just give up. If you start out in your mind you're going to fail, then you fail. To others you're like untreated drunks.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

If I did then why did you remove your post?

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You realize it wasn't what you thought it was?

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

On occasion, I remove my posts and re-post them to correct typos and misspellings. That's all.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Oh.. that is a good idea, perhaps when you repost them you could edit in some real truth about your homosexuality too.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You're boring, closet case.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You see even you know your vile you try to smear righteous men with your homosexuality as it is a dirty weapon.

The main thing you is you learned that how vile it is.


HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

What idiotic language are you speaking you shit head? LOL.

JhonathanFree in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Well I'm trying my best to talk down to your level and I certainly don't speak cock sucker like yourself.

Just how ignorant are you? Maybe I can find something in Google to covert what I say into ignorant ass fucker for you.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to JhonathanFree (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Oh, btw just how many puppet accounts you need to fake support? Every time time you log in on here you're are running another hidden account like you have something to hide, like some pedophile.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to JhonathanFree (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

For someone who claims to revile homosexuality, you're certainly reveling in it. Again, that's not typical, male heterosexual behavior. Unless they're religious zealots-- which you announced right off the bat that you're not-- the only other guys I know spending as much emotional capital on homosexuality as you are, of course, out gays and closet cases who are afraid of their own sexuality. So they lash out at other gays and women, as you've been doing here. You're not a righteous man...

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

...By all appearances, you are an angry, misogynisitc, closeted gay man. And get it straight: It's the modifiers of "gay" in that sentence that make YOU vile, not the "gay" part..

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Not angry at all I find gays very annoying, much like flies in need a fly strip. As far as you saying I'm closet is totally failed in your case, because you've compared yourself to the black race many times and had I said the claims you made toward a black man it would be impossible for me to be a closet black. Freud said, "a banana is sometimes just a banana." I'm trying to reach you to end your denial that you can change, you can you are just to lazy, or too weak.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I've met your type many times. Sometimes they eventually come out of closet, or they just stew in their own self-hating juices until they die.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You must really hate yourself to attempt to use it as a weapon against others, between get you a check up from the neck up there homo. This closet issue of yours is a failed issue, because I could no more a closet homo than I could be a closet black, in you mind, because you think you're equivalent to a race and we both know that is impossible. You are merely angry that I call attention to the face you are are willingly sick and you have something to hide since you make all these invisible names

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I am so interested in everyone's sexuality, everyone has to be the same, but I must go seek someone that is different somewhat. Big, fat, sticking, f*cking EXCUSE.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

There is more that just genetics as reasons for a person engaging in gay behavior and none of them any good. From yes a genetic predisposition causing a defect in you so you don't process affection correctly. We see that in the case of men loving objects like a car, mannequins, fences, children and in you case other men. You all have the same stories yet, you claim the others are all ill but you. No one buys that, or that their is only one sole reason.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Homosexuality is a very easy thing to avoid if you're actually straight. Keep trying to convince yourself that gays are somehow harming you.The truth is, you're only doing it to yourself, man.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Nope wrong again homo, but you're used to being on the wrong end of the stick. ahahah get it homo? You are just angry at the fact every one has by average 3 to 5 defective genes and everyone else overcomes theirs, but gays are to weak, or lazy to overcome theirs. I just want to keep the lot of you from basically buggering our children and their minds. You are supposed to look out for the welfare of children, not fuck them up by telling them they are gay when they are in formative years.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Gays control the media. I secretly attend Bilderburg meetings, I know gays tell them what to do with the media, gays own the media, I learned this while watching the O'Reilly Factor. Gays are the richest people in the world. There are regular meetings wherein small children are allowed to be in the temporary trust of gay Jews who own the media and are questioned about their blossoming sexuality, it isn't just the media using sex to sell things, gays are secretly responsible. Defective genes?

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Did somebody tell you you were gay during your formative years? Is that why you're angry now? Only you know whether or not you're gay. I'm just speculating about you based on my past encounters with other virulently "homo-hating" guys who also claimed to be straight. Most of them turned out to be gay themselves, ironic as that is. In my experience, straight guys who are comfortable in their sexuality don't waste much time thinking about gay people. There are too many women for them to focus on,

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That is how a study is done with a cross section of varied subjects. Oh course that might be to scientific for you. You can pick anyone you feel is sane that has something I can do an assessment on. Again you try wiping the your dirt on others as you swear your like the black race, yet claim people against your illness absolutely have to be gay and that isn't realistic, or the case.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Dude, I AM black. And I'm gay. I've always been both. I've given you no reason to be hostile toward me for being either. All I've done is to challenge the source of your hostility..

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

And all I've done is exposed you for painting things as hate, just to suit your cause.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Really? How'd you do that?

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

by giving you a check up from the neck up.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You are merely disgust others, much as alcoholics insist going untreated. It's no more than that you are sick and we are trying to get you in a clinic. You should be thanking moral people like ourselves. If that were the case you absolutely are a pedophile, you seem to spend a good deal time denying it. You'll probably deny you interest in little boys along with your homosexuality. See how that works Harry, you are a fool.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I called you a pedophile, I verify that gayness absolutely leads to pedophilia, no break down and do a cock-miracle for me, gay man.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago


Since there is no scientific evidence that homosexuality leads to pedophilia, the only way for you to verify that is if you are giving a personal testimonial based on your own life's experiences.

MrFungus420 in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Learn to read. Who accused who of pedophilia? It's as if every straight man is in fear of being pounded by any gay man he could labor hard and long to locate. I was making fun of HunkyMunky. Christianity is based on controlling a Jew's cock, defacing his God, reducing godhood to the human form, very, very female in its basic nature.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to MrFungus420 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I verify that Christianity in the form of Catholicism leads to pedophilia. How did I "verify" that, you may ask. Well, I looked up the dozens and dozens of news stories and evidence of priests who have sexually molested pre-pubescent teens. And I found it's not only Catholics, but other Christian sects, too. Gay? No. Simply religious.

JohnsonSocrates in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Fail...what about teachers, coaches, every day Joe's etc that are NOT christians. Since you seem to be so educated in this area, read Romans speaks to ALL peoples not just those you cite.

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to JohnsonSocrates (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

JohnsonSocrates was being sarcastic, ironically in response to berfla Tetoffensives' sarcasm. Pedophilia has nothing to do with religion or homosexuality. Pedophiles, who come from all walks of life, are sexually attracted to children. Period. Some pedophiles are same-sex oriented and some are heterosexual. What connects them all is their involuntary sexual attraction to children. And Christian biblical passages "speak" ostensibly to CHRISTIANS, just like verses from the Qu'ran speak to MUSLIMS.

HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

As a Christians, you are, of course, free to JUDGE anyone you want based on Romans 1, but that would be YOU speaking for yourself and what YOU believe. Non-Christians would have every right to ignore you and your beliefs, just as you would have the right to pay no heed to texts subscribed to by Muslims, Hindus, Baha'is, Buddhists, Mormons, etc., if any of their adherents sought to impose their religious beliefs on you.

HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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You sir are an idiot, I've bored myself scanning your diatribes on here, do you not have a life? I don't care what or who you are, I made a post in response to someone else's post, I stated what I, as well as other christians believe in, you can call it a fairy tale or a nice story if you like...

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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totallygonegearhead2 in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Who told you your shit doesn't stink?. Do you give a rat's ass what somebody else's religious text has to say about you? I don't have AIDS. Lots of gay people don't, but some straight people do, including children and infants.Would you like to claim that they also received something they were justly due?.As for gay folks not being happy, I could say the same for a lot of miserable acting Christians, some of whom.are also obnoxious, loud, secretively promiscuous and offensive. And very hateful.

HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

They're not diatribes. And, really, how much time do you think it takes to read posts like yours and then respond to them? Let me assure, if you're worried about the quality of my life, that it leaves me plenty of time to do other things. And I don't care if I'm boring you. You don't have to read a thing I post, but I'm going to respond to whatever I feel like responding to for as long as CNN allows me to.

HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Actually at this point I could care less about your life, which I believe at this point is one of a very miserable person, who in contrast to MOST of the posts in here seems very, very angry and hostile, once again...I DO NOT care what you do or any of your ilk does, this debate has been a platform for the gay agenda since it was posted, likewise for the hating Christians, I agree with Kirk for standing on his beliefs and right to freedom of speech.

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

As usual Harry, you take all comments as a criticism and condemnation, I feel sorry for you. Me? Oblivious to MY own hostility and misery? I'm virtually homeless, I live very meagerly, I am content and happy for the most part, so please do not assume anything about me. "...many others challenging my agenda"? Whom? Where? Last, I DID NOT say gays deserve're really a very sad person.

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

You are a very sad person in that you feel you have to respond to EVERY single comment/poster on here and come across as very angry in doing so. In response to "they will get their just due" I can't believe that you cannot see the validity of that comment, was said once that "Jesus could start walking from Hawaii to San Diego, CNN filming it, and no one would believe it". Yes, despite "lobbing negative assertions..." I am content and happy. Sorry that you are not.

totallygonegearhead2 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

Christians like you come across as angry to me. That's why I respond to nearly every one of their angry comments. Why so angry? You all say a lot of nasty things about gays and then project your anger onto those who defend them. It's bizarre. And no, I don't see any validity in your comment that AIDS victims are getting their just due. It's as mean and ugly as suggesting ovarian cancer is someone else's just due. Again, you don't seem at all like a happy person to me. Why are you so mean?

HumbleHarry in reply to totallygonegearhead2 (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

So is there a point of contention 2 make as 2 actual practicing gay men(I note none bother 2 accost lesbians,if any worry abt gay men as if they have no control publicly when they've been forced 2 for centuries it means you need to install a beaver to then get close to them)& whether or not the Catholic priesthood has always been full of homosexuals,because I would posit *it wasn't*.American Evangelicals now both attack the Papacy but also demand Rev. miracles way beyond what it would,confused?

berflaTetoffensive in reply to JohnsonSocrates (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Yes. Your comment is utterly confusing. I was making a joke. Please just laugh. I was being a bit of a comedian, and my humor tends toward the dark and sardonic. Religion, like any sacred cow, deserves no more or less consideration to that attitude than any other individual or group. What do I believe? I think it's pathetic that any "religious" person would have such a hyper-focus on other peoples' lives. Freud would say Kirk is repressing some seriously homosexual tendencies. I'd likely agree.

JohnsonSocrates in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

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berflaTetoffensive in reply to JohnsonSocrates (Show the comment) 2 weeks ago

And based on some of your comments here, you don't seem to hold women in high regard, either. Your misogynistic comments to Winterrain were graphically vile and hateful. While I challenged her on her religious claims, you went right for the jugular and started virtually bashing her for being a woman. Why would a man who claims to be attracted to women do that? Do you honestly think women find that kind of behavior attractive in a man?

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

They do plenty to harm society it's just not in your interest to be honest about it. I'll give you a challenge you take any popular gay you tuber on here and I'll honestly access him, or here and tell you what their mental problem is related to their gayness, or led to their gayhood. I'll make it easy. use the Were gay butt video.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

That reincarnated female born as a man that wants to fuck another just like him needs to have the hole I regularly put my sausage in, circumcision, you know.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

If you want judge all homosexuals based on some openly gay people with YouTube accounts, have at it. But why would you expect me to indulge you in such folly unless you're also going to judge all heterosexuals based on the many eccentric straight people who upload personal videos on YouTube? Since you're claiming expertise in mental illness, maybe you can diagnose what caused them to be heterosexual. 

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

How about we start with you an old tired worn out old man, no partner so likely you have to be desperate enough to join the gays. You go to great links to hide your channel and create many others so you suffer from multiple personality disorder and paranoia. You try to introduce you way of thinking to others and if they don't agree then they have to be sick like you, or bigoted. You do that as a sort of protection to keep your fragile world together. You are also self loathing.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

It's a determinant to society, because the fact you are so similar psychologically to the pedos and the rest it's a gamble letting you around children. Some of you have been molested and could act just like the molester, but even if that is not the came. Your moral bar is set lower, because of who you are. We don't really need you teaching our kids, and they are ours and filling their heads with your confusion when they are already confused.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

TRASHCAN THE FRESHMAN!!! (can I put it in him now?)

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

Why do you think these little suppose some of these confused teens do what they do? You fill there head with ideas they are gay just because they group with the same sex as we all tend to do as kids and then tell them they are "differently born gay and there is no way out." They the run out crazy thinking "OMG they are gay and trapped" and then snuff themselves. If they are confused that is one thing, thats not their fault, but you helping confuse them thats pretty creepy.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago


We can start with this gem here, hey he could be a teacher, or boy scout leader ay? Nope, not on our watch he won't.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

I feel better when I bully a smaller boy during our pubescence. Our mutual square-dancing show me your nads in gym class I'm butch middle-school pubescence. I know religion. Religion knows me. 2nd amendment says I am a one-man militia. It all makes sense now.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

No.. I am not gay.. HumbleHarry.... Let's Just Agree On One Thing.. You have your opinion.. I am NOT TRYING TO CORRECT YOU ON YOUR BELIEFS and for the human being that you want to be... Go Ahead!! Be Gay.. if that is what you choose.. BE LOUD.. BE PROUD.. that you are gay.. I don't care.. There is NO POINT DEBATING THIS ISSUE WITH YOU.. You Have An Argumentive..and Defensive Attitude with others who are not gay. You Are The Aggressor..!! I am not instigating one thing about YOUR ISSUES!!

Winterrain44 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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You're here expressing your negative opinions about gays and homosexuality, but you don't think there's anything aggressive about that? You obviously think you have some issue where gay people are concerned or you wouldn't be sharing your opinion on gay people. There are hundreds of other issues you could be attending to, some of which might actually have something to do with a professed heterosexual. But you're here weighing in on gay people's issues, aren't you?

HumbleHarry in reply to Winterrain44 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

See how I handled that Harry? I slapped the bitch around a bit and she shut right up and she sat up took noticed and give up some respect around here. That's you first man lesson Matt, or Harry or which ever you want to claim to be.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 3 weeks ago

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Urfullobull in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to Candimk2 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I'm christian, but I believe in gay marriage. I'm not gay either, but some others are.

legotech101 1 month ago

what you're saying is so contradictory you know that?

Jairus James in reply to legotech101 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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I give Kirk Cameron credit for being honest and he has every right to express those ideas but i also have the right to think and say he's a complete fucking moron

afterburyner 1 month ago 17

we don't mock what doesn't exist. we just mock you guys lol

NoName NoFame in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 1 month ago

and the spaghetti monster thinks that is horrible blame-shifting logic. Not me.

squirrelywrath2 in reply to firerycarmen (Show the comment) 1 month ago

That's why I thank GOD everyday I'm an atheist..... Christians are sad people...period...

MsDeandrea 1 month ago 12

To the contrary, Christians are peaceful, joyful people. We just have things that we believe in that others don't, which is ok. We are called to stand for what God says and be persecuted if we must, but we are the better for it.

Candimk2 in reply to MsDeandrea (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to Candimk2 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Where is your science to support that?

HunkyMunky007 in reply to MsDeandrea (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago


satanlaffing in reply to MsDeandrea (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

I disagree. Not all Christians are that bad, they're all wrong though.

alexke1234 in reply to MsDeandrea (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

What is sad is you have so little in your life you felt compelled to put his life down in order to feel better about how you life yours.

HunkyMunky007 in reply to MsDeandrea (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Glass houses.

HumbleHarry in reply to HunkyMunky007 (Show the comment) 4 weeks ago

Kirk never said he hated gays.

firerycarmen 1 month ago

If ignorance was funny this guy would be hilarious.

Tony Armour 1 month ago

If you have problems understanding english just let me know. never said i had problems with people sharing opinions, i said both sides of this argument bash each other with the opinion that the other side is wrong. The problem is, there's no discussion. Just people with agendas. No one listens to what the other sides says,and that was my point.

batlizard37 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I understood you and stand by my response. I have only one agenda as a gay man and that is to exercise my lawful rights, the same as other people do, and to be left alone by those whom I am not personally bothering.

HumbleHarry in reply to batlizard37 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

k...if u say so

nigel tufnel in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I do.

HumbleHarry in reply to nigel tufnel (Show the comment) 1 month ago

mafan you are a total idiot. religion and GOD have NOTHING in common. STUPID

singlos1 1 month ago

Every one has freedom of speech gosh I agree with everything kirk Cameron said and if I was a celebrity I would say it straight up that gay people are aids spreaders and sickos and unnatural, good on u Cameron for speaking your mind

mafaneh45 1 month ago

Feel free to say what you want, but don't back off or complain when somebody demands evidence for your claims, or sticks you with your nose into the bullshit you just produced.

MyReligionIs2DoGood in reply to mafaneh45 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

And OTHER people who disagree with you and Kirk Cameron ALSO have freedom of speech. THEY'RE free to say that you both speak with a hateful mind. Isn't America great?

HumbleHarry in reply to mafaneh45 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The shell (qliphah) that lives above us and desires more suitors. Not even real, demands your belief.

berflaTetoffensive 1 month ago

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Then again, after hearing his interview again, it was probably better to not have someone there to defend the gay community. His comments on it being detrimental to society are completely idiotic. He does a pretty good job of making himself out to be the bad guy.

enjay12 1 month ago

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HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Well then Piers is letting his own views get in the way of his interviews which is also wrong. I just felt like it was 1 against 1 with Piers and Kirk and then 2 against 0 with Piers and Black.

enjay12 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

It would be "wrong" if Piers Morgan was presenting himself as a journalist, but he's not. Believe it or not, Piers Morgan is an entertainer (like Oprah or Ellen), who has an interview/talk show on CNN. In that respect, he's no different than Bill O'Reilly on Fox, who also is not acting in the capacity of a journalist, like a Charlie Rose, for instance, who is more circumspect about sharing his own opinions during interviews.

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Yea, I suppose it is more of a talk show.

enjay12 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

So, then it is a valid point of contention to argue over, as if a talk show had some legal precedent it could establish. This means every person who argued "the actual words" in a few moments of banter, while avoiding the depth of what they are proposing. Sexual dependency. Bible might as well be Joy of Sex, the nun that argued her ovaries out of existence.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

The Bible is whatever it is to YOU and others who might value it. In a "free" country, no one is required to. The "depth" of what I am proposing is very simple: If it's not impeding you from living your life how you want to live it (within the confines of what the U.S. Constitution says is lawful), mind your own business..Don't exalt yourself by putting others down. "Live" your own personal morals for others to see. If they are, indeed, so much better than other people's, it'll be apparent.

HumbleHarry in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 1 month ago

BORE ME. MISSSING THE LITTLE MISS POINT. The Bible is about nothing but sexual domination to create belief to live in a fantasy for all time UNTIL THIS PLACE BITES THE DUST.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Sorry. I didn't mean to bore you. I'm just trying to follow your interesting style of verbal communication. It's very "stream of consciousness" and difficult to parse sometimes, but intriguing, none the less.

HumbleHarry in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Basic as can be. Everything I am saying is plain, no way to avoid it. Ignorance is underhandedness. Stack up human myth, Adam and Eve comes below pagan gods, Jewish god allows it, chose his own descendants, just tear this wasteful shit apart.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Howcum there is never any connection made between a messed-up nascent God asking for evil like Abraham sacrifice your son and then Jesus' sacrifice. Blind God, just liars. Worship cock.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago


berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I hear you. But Christianity is a predominant belief system in the western world, and even if we don't want to deal with the belief system itself, we have no choice but to deal with the people who adhere to it. Fortunately, they don't all adhere to it the same way, or you and I might actually be living in a theocracy.

HumbleHarry in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 1 month ago


berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Well, I don't know any gay people who look favorably upon Kirk Cameron and his views, but Mr. Cameron does not indulge his views in a vacuum. He has plenty of company. That is, folks who genuinely think Kirk is a good guy for sticking it to the gays and for superficially comporting himself like a gentleman as he does it. Kirk Cameron is polite in his demeanor which is why, I think, his defenders get so angry when others can see through the ruse.

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Completely. It's almost scary how calm and sure he is about something that is usually such a hard topic for people to talk about. Such a stubborn outlook like his, being on either side of the issue, won't help anything.

enjay12 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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I have to disagree. I'm gay and I will stubbornly defend MYSELF against people who slander me. If I don't, who will? I don't automatically expect heterosexuals to be as invested in defending us as we have to be, but I still welcome straight people's support when they're willing to offer it. I'm also there for them when they need it.

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I understand why you would. And you should. I'm heterosexual, and will defend the rights of others to believe in what they want. But no matter what, the understanding that other beliefs exist seems to get away from everyone, don't you think? He needs to understand that his Creator is not involved in everyone's life path and people will think he is wrong about his God. No reason he shouldn't go on believing. But just like he assumes he is correct, another group will assume they are correct.

enjay12 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Seed is important, Book of Life, live in the stories of the Mahabharata. Guy ejaculates spontaneously, thinks of how he is promised to a certain woman, calls on a bird to deliver the ejaculate to his bride wrapped in a leaf, bird drops it into a stream or lake, fish eats it and has twins, laugh-riot. Take a look at yourselves, rapturists.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Human seed is actually very plentiful and "cheap." Eggs, not so much..

HumbleHarry in reply to berflaTetoffensive (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Look at the myth, worldwide, that's what it implies. Sexual argument about sitting around pleasing women, laziness, until you reach this point, greed, endless destruction, hateful people taking charge of everything, owning and charging for the land you stand on, insistence on endless birth, just idiocy.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I do not accept anybody's excuses for tarring a broad group of people with one big brush, whether the targets are gay, Christian, Muslim, fat, physically disabled, outrageously attractive, or whatever. None of these states of being is an inherent harm to anyone else. Law-abiding people should not be harassed for minding their own business while just being who they are.

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Most religious people ARE bigots. That is a FACT, not an opinion.

mrlihang in reply to mrfrogbutt1 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Bad ejaculation, you mean. Just didn't measure up.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to mrfrogbutt1 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

I don't think Piers should be claiming Kirk said he "hates" gays. Kirk isn't even there to defend that statement. Coward move. I like the way he interviews, he asks great questions and doesn't seem scared or intimidated by any subject. It's a little weird to me that after everything that went on with Kirk that he would just sit there with Lewis Black and just turn down everything that Cameron had talked about like it's all nonsense. They might as well have set up a decent discussion/debate.

enjay12 1 month ago

Might as well say "I listen to certain types of parareflections and "para"phrase them. I do that 2. Honor move. He likes subjects really well. It's his personal nonsense, God is the world. You should self-Satan, dipshit.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Gay people weren't on the set to defend themselves against Kirk's claims, either. If Kirk was compelled to bash a broad group of people with his religious OPINION that they are, collectively, a harm to society, the least he could have done would've been to stand by his announced convictions that gays are "detrimental" and not protest criticisms that his observation was spurred by a genuine disdain for said group based purely on the fact that they are indeed gay. Now that's a coward move.

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

OK, I see what you're saying. I, in no way agree with Cameron's views, but Piers was there to give a different side to the argument, saying that he would support a child in their lifestyle. That interview was a discussion of one man's views who happened to be sitting right there. These two continued that discussion without him giving their OPINIONS, and laughing at what Kirk said.

enjay12 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

And, again, Kirk was giving his views on gays without any gays being present on the set to rebut what Kirk said, Gays were not there to give THEIR opinions when Kirk sneered that gays' sexual nature was unnatural and that they were a detriment to the foundations of civilization. Let's keep in mind that this one man's opinion was about a broad group of people who were not there to give their opinions on that one man, Kirk Cameron, who was judging them. Some of them spoke up later and Kirk...

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

...availed himself to as many broadcast outlets as would have him to continue justifying his views on gays and homosexuality. And he was able to do that without Piers Morgan and Lewis Black interrupting his thoughts. Kirk Cameron also had ample opportunities to continue painting himself as righteous man who was only speaking for the alleged creator of the universe who, conveniently, abhors what Kirk abhors.

HumbleHarry in reply to enjay12 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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johnh25007 in reply to HumbleHarry (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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johnh25007 in reply to mrfrogbutt1 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

i think kirk protests a little too much. come out of the closet kirk..

Joxxer36 1 month ago

"Is it better to serve Satan?"

It is better to acknowledge that 'satan' is just as imaginary and pathetically laughable as 'god' is...

artguy42 1 month ago

satan is just the scare tactic part of RELIGION, like hell. heaven, hell, god, satan, a bunch of opposites.

mrlihang in reply to artguy42 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

someone should bother to argue this, to benefit the weak.

berflaTetoffensive in reply to mrlihang (Show the comment) 1 month ago

"Unnatural" and "detrimental" to society are not terms of endearment.

HumbleHarry 1 month ago

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By the way, Kirk Cameron doesnt hate these people.

william white 1 month ago

Doesn't matter if he hates them or not. He views them as 2nd-class citizens and fights to restrict their rights and "freedom", ironically.

YepYepItsTeddy in reply to william white (Show the comment) 1 month ago 2

let them make thier "choice"?

DoctorChibi740 1 month ago

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Aug 24, 2012, 9:59:35 AM8/24/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Heros of Magic 1

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Uploaded by shaunlee88 on Aug 24, 2007

Our younger generation has rarely seen magicians other than david copperfield, david blaine or chris angel. So i'd like to share with everyone the many greats of magic, past and present from the documentary, Heros of Magic.

Included in this clip are:
harry blackstone senior
channing pollock


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80 likes, 3 dislikes

Uploader Comments ( shaunlee88 )

im sorry but they shouldn't have showed channing pollock in slow motion u can see the sleigts

illusionDeception 5 years ago

hmmm... i thought they would still be pretty deceptive to non magicians...

shaunlee88 in reply to illusionDeception 5 years ago

Top Comments

thats not funny!!! he was twice, probably three times the magician you could be !!!!!!!

RichieBees in reply to Bikolanongastig (Show the comment) 4 years ago 5

im sorry but they shouldn't have showed channing pollock in slow motion u can see the sleigts

illusionDeception 5 years ago

i kinda agree too, but at the same time, nowadays, who doesnt know what a backpalm is, what really important is the skill

dookiekong007 in reply to illusionDeception 4 years ago 4

see all
All Comments (28)
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cool inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps stage spring trap doors angled mirror ideas wires haul train airpolane out the back stage scrim netting  photo realisc of space shutlle and back ground ideas flip upside down like green horner car idea locked inplace franz harary raise platform higher up sun meeets the horizin ideas to make buildings and airplanes vanish and reappear or use cloaking ideas goverment are ususing now days even invisible tank baey s

billpage 1 day ago

@IllusionDeception if your'e talknig about the card production/vanish it wasn't put in slow mo. that's how slow he was actually doing it.

wildcat31772 1 month ago

Does anybody know who the magician in a segment from this show (that isnt up here) who made a woman reappear and then thew a cloth over a template of a painting and quickly removed it to reveal a full painting? It was set to oepratic music. The talking heads on the show never discussed it. I didn't catch the name of the magician

PomBare 6 months ago

im sorry but they shouldn't have showed channing pollock in slow motion u can see the sleigts

illusionDeception 5 years ago

channing polloc was in eiether cool tv seris daneil boon or movie coool movie davey croket coone hats walt disney magic:) psphes parker played both charcters ps and jimmy dean who males jimmy deanm sauses food extc is in daniel boon tv seris too then there isreal and his mom to and indian kinda like grizzly adams with mad jack flap jacls and number seven and ben the bear and lacomma and indian boy and magician poped up there too and used ben the bear and number seven

billpage in reply to illusionDeception 1 second ago

and nomber seven the donkey and all the humans were impressed like how? did that magician do that illusion magic trick? come on ben number seven you guys know come on tell us:) hhehehehehe

billpage in reply to billpage 1 second ago

i kinda agree too, but at the same time, nowadays, who doesnt know what a backpalm is, what really important is the skill

dookiekong007 in reply to illusionDeception 4 years ago 4

Not amongst layman 

killazerg1 in reply to dookiekong007 11 months ago

"who"="layman". Almost everyone knows the card goes behind the hand, it's the difficulty that impresses them.

dookiekong007 in reply to killazerg1 11 months ago

Not if you shuffle the card to the front when you show the back. Doing that makes the effect sort of a sucker routine where it makes the spectator believe and then question his reasoning. With that said, I ask, do you perform? I don;t think you perform this because laymen do not know, they guess. The shuffle makes then think twice about guessing your technique

killazerg1 in reply to dookiekong007 11 months ago

You so funny! ok, you want proof, send me a camcorder than I'll post it on YT. With that said, I ask, do you know ";" does not replace an apostrophe? I don't think so. I guess you are so old school because nowadays I bet 90% of people from developed nations know when you do manipulations, the cards pretty much go behind the hands, that has become a standard in this society. Once again, it's the skill that sets magicians from laymen.

dookiekong007 in reply to killazerg1 11 months ago

You aren't a performer. You may do tricks for your friends or family, but you don't understand the psychology behind magic. Everybody knows that magic isn't real - a manipulation is taking place, but laymen guess what the manipulation is. People aren't stupid so they can make possibilities in their head. Your job is to take away those possibilities with sleights and sucker moves. Look at 6:06 to see how Channing does it

killazerg1 in reply to dookiekong007 11 months ago

You so funny! ok, you want proof, send me a camcorder than I'll post it on YT. With that said, I ask, do you know ";" does not replace an apostrophe? I don't think so. I guess you are so old school because nowadays I bet 90% of people from developed nations know when you do manipulations, the cards pretty much go behind the hands, that has become a standard in this society.  Once again, it's the skill that sets magicians from laymen.

dookiekong007 in reply to killazerg1 (Show the comment) 11 months ago

Not if you shuffle the card to the front when you show the back. Doing that makes the effect sort of a sucker routine where it makes the spectator believe and then question his reasoning. With that said, I ask, do you perform? I don;t think you perform this because laymen do not know, they guess. The shuffle makes then think twice about guessing your technique

killazerg1 in reply to dookiekong007 (Show the comment) 11 months ago

"who"="layman". Almost everyone knows the card goes behind the hand, it's the difficulty that impresses them.

dookiekong007 in reply to killazerg1 (Show the comment) 11 months ago

Not amongst layman

killazerg1 in reply to dookiekong007 (Show the comment) 11 months ago

Seeing the footage of these awe inspiring masters is amazing. When I was growing up as a young magician, I could only see some of this footage by kowing people that had access to it. Most could only see photos in books. In that regard, the internet and youtube are brilliant.

sherlockian100 11 months ago

Where can I see this whole documentary? Or buy it?

4Skeptik4 1 year ago

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bill page

Aug 25, 2012, 10:47:38 AM8/25/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A


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Reducing Heat Inside the PC
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This document pertains to HP Notebook PCs.
The electrical components in a PC generate heat, and fans inside the PC help move the air to keep the components cooled to normal operating temperatures. Inadequate cooling can cause excess heat which forces the fan to run constantly, can damage components, and limit the speed of the CPU. All of these problems with high power and high heat will cause applications to work slower than normal.
The sound of the fan running all the time may the first clue that your PC is not running as efficiently as possible and that you may have a problem with accumulated dust clogging air vents.
View a video on Reducing Heat Inside the PC
Symptoms of heat issues and causes of excessive heat
The following list describes some of the issues caused by too much heat in the computer:

Games stop responding during play.
Windows stops responding during use.
Fans inside the computer become louder because they are spinning faster to remove the heat.
When starting the computer, it sometimes stops at a black screen and does not open into Windows. Windows usually stops responding when it does open.
Mouse and keyboard stop responding.
Windows 7, Vista, XP - Computer unexpectedly restarts or displays a blue fault message.
Windows 95, 98, and Me - Frequent Fatal Exception, Illegal Operation, or General Protection Fault error messages occur in several software programs.
NOTE:These errors are not predictable. If these errors occur only in one software program, the issue is probably related to that software program and is not heat related.

The following list describes some causes of excessive heat:

Dust inside the computer.
A new component, such as a hard drive, is added. The extra component causes the power supply to work harder and generate more heat. Extra heat also radiates off the new component and adds to the temperature inside the case.
Over time, some cooling fans might slow down and wear out, depending on the usage of the computer.
High ambient room temperature.

Step 1: Remove dust and lint by cleaning vents
Notebook PCs have vents located around the case to allow air to flow through the case. If these vents become clogged or heat generating parts become covered with dust, the fan cannot cool the components properly. Lint and dust accumulation prevents air from flowing around the cooling fins and causes the fan to work harder. If there is dust in the vents, you should clean the computer by blowing out the dust from around the fan and heat shield. This prevents dust from accumulating.
Figure 1: Dust accumulation
Image of dusty component
Figure 2: Dust accumulation around fan
Image of dust accumulation around fan
CAUTION:Ensure that the computer is turned off and the AC adapter is disconnected before spraying with compressed air to prevent damage to the notebook PC.
Use a can of compressed air (a vacuum cleaner on blow function or a hair dryer in cool air mode can also be used, though the can of compressed air is better suited for this task) to remove dust from the computer's vents and prevent overheating. Removing the dust increases the air flow to improve cooling and allows the fan to run quieter.
The cooling vents are located in various places depending on the PC model. You can identify the vents by looking for the copper or black fins inside the vents. You should also blow the compressed air into other openings such as the fan intake vent to help keep the air circulating and prevent dust from accumulating on components.
Figure 3: Side vent
Image of a side vent
Figure 4: Rear vent
Image of a rear vent
By taking this action periodically as a preventive measure, you can greatly reduce the possibility of component damage and prevent the slowdown of the computer's performance.
Step 2: Ensure proper space for ventilation
Proper ventilation for the system is important for workstation operation. Follow these guidelines to ensure adequate ventilation:

Keep the computer upright and on a sturdy, level surface.
Provide at least 15.25 centimeters (6 inches) of clearance around each vent.
If the computer is being used at very high altitudes, above 1500 meters (5000 feet), take extra care to keep the computer cool. The maximum limit of 35 degrees Celsius (95 degrees Fahrenheit) drops 1 degree Celsius (~34 degrees Fahrenheit) every ~300 meters (1000 feet) of altitude.

Step 3: Place the computer in a cooler room
A small difference in temperature might be all that is needed to prevent a component from failing. Move the computer to a cooler room in the house or office. If this is not an option, continue with the next step.
Step 4: Test for hardware failure
If issues persist after cleaning the vents and moving the computer to a cooler room, a hardware component might be damaged. Test the computer to see if any hardware, such as memory, the processor, or the graphics hardware, have failed. Most HP and Compaq notebook computers have diagnostic software to verify hardware failures. For more information, see Testing for Hardware Failures (Windows 7 and Windows Vista) or Checking Your Notebook PC Using the HP System Health Scan (Windows XP) .
If hardware has failed, either replace the bad component or Contact HP for further assistance.
See also
Fan Runs Constantly, the PC Operates Slower than Expected and Generates Heat
Tips for Using, Carrying, and Protecting your Notebook
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HP Notebook PCs
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bill page

Aug 25, 2012, 11:01:32 AM8/25/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thankful to Jesus to be able to do all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A
ps bob scofield said a couple days ago to me thats his 2 cents orth is that if copperfield stage illusions hes went on tour tons of times and did a tv special made a nuff money on theese illusions then its ok for david copperfield or any stage illusionist with masked on or with out masked on to reveal it cause we seen it all ready we are very amazed and very impressed on this nice illusions even out side large scale illusions now its time to reveal it so we can see how amazing we are fooled by it:) and say wow that copperfield is sure smart thats so amazing i wish i could of thought of that he so clever ps now if a illusions like david copperfield for example ,did a amazing never been seen illusion and a nother magician reveals it then i agree dont reveal it untill its been done a nuff times to evenchually let everyone know how the illusions works and made a nuff money on it:)

bill page

Aug 29, 2012, 7:43:00 PM8/29/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

hi friends:) my cool friend bob scofield on the phone a around 5pm today said halloween around the corner and you send email on same idea halloween:) now thats magic:) inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps check out cool youtube channels

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bill page

Aug 30, 2012, 11:22:53 PM8/30/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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William Noble Page
August 9
William Noble Page

and i said to come home at 9pm it is now 9:01pm your late sorry but you staying out side plus your grounded for a month billpage dont you ever learn your listen you like being grounded all the time and your room is allways a mess and i shuldnt have to wakeyou up for school orto tell you to mow the lawn and i shouldnt have to tell you totake out the trash and why is all your friends helping you rake the leaves up tell them to leave its your job not theres and also if i said can i go bike riding:) and my dad said yes:) ps as im riding my bike i see one of my buddies i think it was rayan smith and im talking a nice friendly conversation while im stil on my bike here comes my dad marcel franklin page jr with my mom dralene page and my sisters cheryl lynn page and stacey elesbeth page and my dad said we drioved all along the streets and roads evey where look for you you said your going bike riding? thats not bike riding bill your talking to your friend go put your bike up stay in the house we are going to the drive in movies you dont get to go and your grounded for a month again havent you learn yet billpage?
William Noble Page
2 minutes ago
William Noble Page

ask my friends here are there cool youutube channels and my cool chubby nephew william marcel page at
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bill page

Aug 31, 2012, 12:51:57 AM8/31/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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bill page

Aug 31, 2012, 1:41:17 AM8/31/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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William Noble Page easy have paper towl handy see now do a get a oreo cookie:) hehehehe
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Canale di The99Ra
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William Noble Page
I'm a huge fan of Magic shows shown on TV, from Doug Henning and David Copperfie
ld to The World's Greatest Magic specials. I would love to share some of my own as well as for others to share theirs so we can build a network where our magic video libraries are stacked full. My internet is slow w...
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alhastings's channel
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lookatthis9990's channel
I do magic live constantly now i made a youtube channel for my tricks.
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Good News Baptist Church
You will enjoy the strong forceful preaching of the Word of God and the Bible ce
ntered Sunday school classes for all ages. A well-equipped nursery with expertly trained workers can care for your little ones while you fellowship with us in the services. May God bless you.
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The Wilds
The Wilds is a Christian organization that owns and operates two campsites, one in Brevard, North Carolina and one in Deering, New Hampshire.
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The Bill Rice Ranch is a revival and camping ministry centered on the preaching
of God's Word. It was begun in 1953 for the deaf and now ministers to thousands of hearing and deaf people each year through camps, retreats, regional events and local church revival services.
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William Noble Page look up camp deer lake Christian camp look up the wilds Christian camp look up the bill rice ranch Christian camp look up the wilds Christian music look up the wilds Christian skits
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TV Magic Guide - An up-to-the-minute guide to magic on TV
An up-to-the-minute guide to magic on TV
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David Copperfield
David Copperfield
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Magic & Illusion
A channel dedicated to the wonders of Magic and Illusion. All advertising reven
ue profit goes directly to Project Magic, a charity set up by David Copperfield himself to help the lives of disabled children. ============================== All comments regarding the exposure of Magic and Illusions ...
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The Generation XXL Video Zone
Generation XXL represents the cool, fun, and happy fat kidz in today's world!
IT's COOL TO BE FAT!!! I'm FAT and I love it! I like watching FAT vids!! Be sure to check out ALL of my PLAYLISTS to see all the cool fat vids I have found so far!!
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Andre Kole - Master Illusionist
André Kole is considered one of the top master illusionist in the world.
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William Noble Page inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun:)
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Discussions - alt.magic.secrets | Google Groups
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bill page

Aug 31, 2012, 1:47:34 AM8/31/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

Magic Times Spotlight News
Tuesday, April 11, 2000


DAVID COPPERFIELD: THE GREAT ESCAPES, a new entertainment special, brings Emmy Award-winning world renowned illusionist David Copperfield back to the CBS Television Network, Wednesday, April 26 (8:00-9:00 PM, ET/PT), undertaking the most dangerous escapes he has ever attempted.

Copperfield will also provide a behind-the-scenes look at the process he experiences as he attempts to conquer the great escapes.

Escapes included:

· Fires of Passion -- Copperfield recreates an ancient Amazon ritual when he dangles upside-down, 10 stories high, and must free himself from a straight jacket before fire burns through the ropes and he plunges the 10 stories into a pit of raging flames and razor sharp stakes. This escape is witnessed by an audience of 12,000 people.

· Niagara Falls Challenge -- Copperfield challenges Niagara Falls, confronting one of the most powerful forces of nature in the world, as he is chained to a burning raft and dropped into the perilous rapids where he has 90 seconds to free himself or plummet nearly 200 feet over the falls onto the rocks below. Many have perished trying to survive this deadly plunge.

· Imploding Building -- Trapped and shackled inside a locked safe, Copperfield must escape not only the iron compartment around him, but the building the safe is in before the entire structure is imploded with hundreds of pounds of explosive devices.

· Escape from Death -- Copperfield, taking a cue from Harry Houdini’s famous Water Torture Cell, is chained and bound then immersed in 3,000 pounds of water and has three minutes to escape before a huge, 500 pound spike pierces the tank and, possibly, David.

· Alcatraz -- Escaping Alcatraz, Copperfield encounters a series of dangerous and deadly challenges, including timed explosions and ferocious attack dogs, as he makes a break from the infamous prison, a feat attempted by many -- including Al Capone and Machine Gun Kelly -- but never successfully achieved.

DAVID COPPERFIELD: THE GREAT ESCAPES is a Clorox Diamond Presentation produced by Planet Grande Productions. David Copperfield is the executive producer. John Watkin and Eamon Harrington produced and directed. The escapes were directed by Michael Dimich, Gary Halvorson, Jeff Margolis, David Kotkin and David Copperfield.

RATING: To Be Announced.

Supplied to MagicTimes by: CBS-TV's Press Office.

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bill page

Aug 31, 2012, 9:16:29 PM8/31/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

wow cool guys cool:) hey a few days ago i was thinking of my helper teacher at s e c secounday education center mrs hall and just a few minutes ago while tommy story driving his silver suv with t lexor on his lasisine plase for him to remmber he and david drew duncan been at las veagas stayed in the lexor paramid ps anways while tommy drive and im on the passger side in his suv car he went to the food lion close to the church in cheaspeak but before you go that way anways as i was watching the supermooon out i see its the man and the moon jef hoy told me about years ago as a teenager while jeff kick a soda can on the street area that use to have mail box there but mail box not there no more anways we were in the check out area in food lion i had my back turn and i heard oh bill and i turned around it was my helper cool mrshall:) she waved at me and i waved at her i wanted to so badly to let her know what ive been doing extc and tell her my face book channel and youtube channel but tommy story had places to go and his mind is racing a mile a minute while im wishin i had more time to talk to mrs hall she likedmy record i brought in school it was pinkpanter cool music even barry malo song i write the songs she liked that song alot:) she never knew that barry manalo sang it but she knows now anways a few days ago was thing of mrs hall and how she liked music and read her king james bibble secrelty while were at lunch room ps now days you can even have bible in schools you cant even say a prayer its deffinly geting close to Jesus god in the fleshh comming back ps wars and romuors of wars one world goiverment children get smart everyings atomatic high teck helocopters that decobed in bibble king james real biible he descibed it a big huge locus so if thats the case how about the firy chaiirots could that mean ufo fire rocket jets tesalas free energy antigravity tesalas ufos ideas governt has and every top secret basses have ps i also was hoping to video recoder the super moon i have two thousand times zoom on video camera ive record the real moon when its higher up in te sky but no super moon the moon setting that cool syeven spilburg use with the et movie with eliout flying on bicycle across the moon idea ps i got back to the stores house where the super moon? ps i know copperfield working on making the reall moon dissiappear is he praticing? hes also thing on making a island dissppear streien the twoer of missa and make a girls face appear on munt rush more andre kole cool Christian illusionist thought of 7 ways to make the real moon vanish hes very excited that davids taking his idea and breath life into it and make it a reality

bill page

Sep 3, 2012, 12:25:49 AM9/3/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A look at the cool videos and photos and listen to the cool samples of cool soul w8ining message that gets teen boys and teen girls and moms and dads and junior boys junior girls saved at the cool wilds Christian camp listen to dr. tom farrell dr. jim binney dr. carl herbster dr. greg mazzak rand hummel look up in cool video search engines youtube channel tom farrel rand hummel dr. pete rice ron confort pastor walt coles look also in cool search engines

bill page

Sep 3, 2012, 4:20:05 PM9/3/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)
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magictvfan uploaded a video 1 month ago
Thumbnail 1:45
David Copperfield - Arm Twist
magictvfan uploaded a video 1 month ago
Thumbnail 1:26:46
World's Greatest Magic I

Without the use of camera trickery, one of the world's master magician, Franz Harary will bend the laws of physics and accomplish the impossible. H...
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 8:04
David Copperfield TOF Interview
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 1:57
Bermuda Triangle Beginning

I created this video with the YouTube Video Editor (­)

This is the beginning portion of the Bermuda Triangle special wi...
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 4:35
David Copperfield on Christmas Special 2002

Performing Squeezebox.
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 5:50
David Copperfield on a Hidden Camera Show

No magic performed, but a very funny show with David Copperfield.
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 40:11
The Magic of David Copperfield 10: The Bermuda Triangle (1988)

This is the tenth Copperfield special. It has the full beginning introduction by Lisa Hartman and the speech by David Copperfield preceding the Dea...
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 49:22
The Magic of David Copperfield VI - Floating Over the Grand Canyon (1984)

This special is very blurry. If anyone has a better quality one, please share it. We would appreciate it! Thanks in advance.
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 48:19
The Magic of ABC Starring David Copperfield (1977)
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 47:55
The Magic of David Copperfield IV: The Vanishing Airplane (1981)
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 48:01
The Magic of David Copperfield XVI - Unexplained Forces (1995)
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 49:08
The Magic of David Copperfield VIII - Walking Through the Great Wall of China (1986)
magictvfan uploaded a video 2 months ago
Thumbnail 8:34
Lance Burton - Buried Alive

Filmed at the Valley of Death, California in 1996 for the special The Hidden Secrets of Magic.

About magictvfan

I'm a huge fan of Magic shows shown on TV, from Doug Henning and David Copperfield to The World's Greatest Magic specials.

I would love to share some of my own as well as for others to share theirs so we can build a network where our magic video ...
by magictvfan
Latest Activity
Jul 5, 2012
Date Joined
Jun 29, 2012
United States
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bill page

Sep 5, 2012, 10:03:35 PM9/5/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

On Sunday, September 2, 2012 9:46:10 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> august 6, 2012 thursday bob scofield is leaving for the airport here at 4:00am in the morining to be ready for airplane 757 flight to taxi off the runway in the air by 5:20am in the morining and land in pheenix aroazona airport then take another airplane flight into calaforna where has cuzings and dad family live burbank where half his cuzins use to work in walt disney studios steam boat willie extc and bob said when he was a young boy the guy said you can get in free if you can name all the the chacters here ps i then said the seven dawrfs:) ps bob still can sing the song to the cool orgina cartoon disney movie caled the jungle book he was sining it like the back of his hand im the king of the jungle i wont to be like you ps bob scofield knows it better then me mitch leary:) bob scofield said to pray to Jesus that he will be a good witness to his faimly that they get saved inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps cool goodnews baptist church mention this info in church bulitin flyier:) sunday september 9, 2012 a call to faith and family and freedom simulcast will gather Christians across the country on sunday september 9, 2012 for a nationwide live simulcast cohosted by family research council and american famiily association the event features tony perkins senator rick santorum bishop harry jackson Christian kirk cameron and other key Christian leaders for an event celebrating Christian citizenship and exhorting Christians to rise up on election day to make our voices heard the goal is to mobilize Christians across our land to pledge to: pray for the upcoming election prepare by registering themselves and others participate by voting on november 6 speakers will address the major issues we face as a nation- religious liberty life marriage and the economy never in our history has there been a greater need for engaged informed Christians citizens to stand up for the true Faith Family and Freedom the event will be held nationwide on sunday september 9 2012 at 7pm

bill page

Sep 7, 2012, 8:54:44 PM9/7/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

My son told me that he wanted to be a magician when he grew up. I looked at him sadly and said, Son, I'm sorry...You can't do BOTH.
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[Today, 08:04 PM] billpage: im fine and you friend? ps i have my own youtube video channel too i upload using the cool dvd vhs plus pinickle dazzle
[Today, 08:03 PM] billpage: lol you guys hehehehe
[Today, 06:20 PM] sgtgrey: "Get over here!"
[Today, 06:20 PM] sgtgrey: Scorpion
[Today, 05:57 PM] jjj: Sub zero
[Today, 03:30 PM] Q: Howya doin' Bill Page?
[Today, 03:29 PM] goodwinmagic501: haha fair enough biggrin.gif
[Today, 02:48 PM] Mike: He's bill, don't mind him, hes known in a lot of the old magic groups and stuff, good guy haha
[Today, 02:47 PM] goodwinmagic501: can anyone else decypher this or am i just confused ? (bill)
[Today, 02:26 PM] billpage: cool inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun
[Today, 11:42 AM] rigiddigits: Wonderful.
[Today, 10:47 AM] bomber13420: Nothing wrong with that tongue.gif I'll PM you the info...
[Today, 10:43 AM] rigiddigits: Earlier than usual.(Wank keyboard)
[Today, 10:42 AM] rigiddigits: Cool!I've just got back from working away for a couple of days.The thought of that pepper,after a 200 mile drive,has made me want to hit the fridge a bit esar
[Today, 10:40 AM] bomber13420: Hey Dale I made it to the post office Tuesday - it's on its way to you yes.gif
[Today, 08:58 AM] MattTheGreat2008: Okay without giving it away, there was another way it could have ended by eliminating all of them except for the correct one?
[Today, 08:20 AM] Haroon Sader: nope Matt love haven't heard of
[Today, 06:58 AM] MattTheGreat2008: Nice one haroon, Is that the same as Max Maven's Kurotsuke?
[Today, 05:59 AM] goodwinmagic501: haha i wasnt wondering i just love to be fooled! smile.gif... i would like it but i thnk i am going to do a bit of research before i ask i like to work to work them out haha
[Today, 05:56 AM] Haroon Sader:,,no devices, normal bag, and normal chips, and no is fun,, end of the day, ill give the method to who wants it,..i'll give a clue,It's similar to mcleod's serial prevaricator,but i used to miss with it...

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bill page

Sep 7, 2012, 10:45:12 PM9/7/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

ok cool friend:) yeah i remember youtube was care free fun but no offense to youtube or anyone somone complained about its there music or there vvideo they made and eveything went down hill ever sesnse like sega cd video game nite trap live action video game one mother complaned and everything went poof! vanish offthe selves and tommy story he said where it go it was in videogame stores every where? even in electronick video game store? ps now its called game stop everywhere in store malls:) anways tommy thought he will never ge5 that game then i guy working in the mal said psst psst sir i over heard you wanted nite trap video sega game here it is i go9t one for you under the table then tommy said hold it for me i will go get money for it soo tommy tokk me and we wernt inthe chesaqpeke mall in virginia tomy gave hiom the money and tommy got his wish to play note trap live action video game ps nite trap i like watching a B movie its really cool but the parent and other people agreeing did not even play the video game they were only agreeing to somones madness with out veifying if it true or not? like harrp potter same thing in churches world wide same info they never watched the movie only read the book agsint jk rolling and her book plus a dvd thats not for harry potter to back up the book with that info but i seen both sides and i know the truth harry potter is a cool Christian he forced the hatt to say griffin dore even though the hat essne he shoul be in slithern and harry potter going out of his way to help a cool friend like the amazing spiderman cause other boy molvoy threw that ball in the air even though ladies said stay putt harry flew off on his broom 2000 to save the day like acool super hero Christian:) but the dvd in the church made it look like harry in the wrong talk about illusion to sell there side only with out watching the movie there self why cant any one watch both sides then make there conclusions? ps bob scofield and roy justice like harry potter movies they wished they had a invisible cloak just like harry potter does and bob scofield has extra books by jk roling he reads and enjoys one of them is quditch through the ages ps the lord of the rings i noticed is same idea simluar concepts by a guy not a lady and the guy is a cool Christian no i find this very intresting dont you?:) ps every kid in town went to our church with parents to watch one side of the story for the against hary potter books ps bob scofield said dont worry wizard of oz was same idea and now ever church in town watches the wizard of oz ps bob scofield said he can do a gioid wicket witch voice and he did hes good:) and are cool Christian youth director does a very good cowardly lion very cool good:) in 1980s i bet mark taylor can still do it:) ps bob scofield said every militray people that comes home from war is going to say huh? what? i fought for my country for freedom to onlycome home to find out eveyone fighting over a book and movie? then bob scofioeld said how can any9one get saved even jk rolling if there yelling at her complaing about a book she made with help from friends and latter movies ps you have cool very good points bob scofield cool Christian illusionist magician ktm motorcross hinda biker you won that race by a wing and a prayer:)

bill page

Sep 9, 2012, 3:58:27 PM9/9/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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$1 into $100 revealed
Added: 2 years ago
From: dshlayen
Views: 250,857
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You're awesome. Great video.

Agahd Le'Sape 17 hours ago

my cool nephew william marcel pages very good at lazer tag and bb shotting gun ideas and at video games like call of duty video games onplaystaion 3 his cool friend sakate border body ryan and williams xbox360 video game unit ususing head phone set to talk all over planet earth outer space nasa  to them who play same call of duty video games even girls ps tommy story next to oldest nieace gave the head phone set for free to william marcel page i hande it to him in virginia beach virgina

billpage 1 day ago

then he called up donna story on the phone to thank her:) and then donna story said your welcome william:) ps this is the cool perfect example of Jesus giving his life freely on the cross so the whole world can be saved you just have to reciave his cool free best gift ever of life forvever never ending circle by saying Jesus plase come into my heart and save me ps if you really really meant it your now in the book of life

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

cool you guys are good at air soft shooting fun:) my cool Christian youth driectoir from 1980s on up 2010 and now 2012 has the teens boys and teens girls and every church member either go to sonny hearings farm and have a paint ball shoot out or go to a be be shotting place or go to lazer tag inside buiklding ideas outing fun with the jounr boys and girls too  and to the cam deer lake Christian camp bill rice ranch Christian camp and the wilds Christian camp and teens helping in the

billpage 1 day ago

teens and jounrs helpin at vaction bible school and on misionary feilds trips saint kitss or arubba soul wining for Jesus 24/7 even teens in boot camp or in the police force extc

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

teens and jounrs helpin at vaction bible school and on misionary feilds trips saint kitss or arubba soul wining for Jesus 24/7 even teens in boot camp or in the police force extc

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

and teens that are now on the battle feld for Jesus while making our usa america free 24/7 non stop until Jesus comes

billpage in reply to billpage 1 day ago

cool you guys are good at air soft shooting fun:) my cool Christian youth driectoir from 1980s on up 2010 and now 2012 has the teens boys and teens girls and every church member either go to sonny hearings farm and have a paint ball shoot out or go to a be be shotting place or go to lazer tag inside buiklding ideas outing fun with the jounr boys and girls too and to the cam deer lake Christian camp bill rice ranch Christian camp and the wilds Christian camp and teens helping in the

billpage 1 day ago

Let's have gay cowboy butt sex.

onenutmonkey234 in reply to billpage 1 day ago

look in google cool search engines

billpage 2 days ago

wwwdotgroupsdotgoogledotcom/gr­oup/alt.magicdotsecrets/topics look up dc secrets in a nutshell look up toni page illusion look up mitch leary look up tilman hauser look up rayhaydad look up johnn black

billpage 2 days ago

I saw what u did there

devanbuescher 2 days ago

Fold once twice then kaboom u have a thousand dollar bill.

rayjay1975 2 weeks ago

how the fake money printer i sold you working?

iguana5678 3 weeks ago

Fold It ONCE... Fold It TWICE... And Go Boom!

TheOfficialDJTech 3 weeks ago 9

you can see the dollars stacked together o.o

ProjectWarfare1 3 weeks ago

Who has a $100 bill to play arround with?Cause I don't.

RookRaptor 3 weeks ago 3

Id beat your ass for that 100 dollar bill

DizzyOfficial1 3 weeks ago 4

100 fold once fold twice im broke

123Riptides 4 weeks ago

Great trick. Show us're good!

earthlingdad 4 weeks ago

not awesome

tracy12364 4 weeks ago

Hi there, have you seen the Zerlux Cash Code (do a google search)? There are these amazing methods that teach you how to make plenty of cash from home.

monjur hossain 4 weeks ago

i knoee that treick

micah vasser 4 weeks ago

im totally going to have a 100 dollar bill

anuglyperson89 4 weeks ago

Damn first world kids, playing with 100$ dollar bills like its a toy

ThaswasupRecords 1 month ago

great now where do i get a 100 dollar bill?

oTsJamesy 1 month ago 2

Imma go and find yo ass lil nigga u gunna work for me

KHENOMARTIAN 1 month ago

Do you even know how rude you are? Get your own money!

Savvybuggles in reply to KHENOMARTIAN (Show the comment) 1 month ago

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khaled hedi 1 month ago

yea but hes holing 103$

anthony bazell 1 month ago

I got folding it once, then twice, but what happens when you go BOOM!? What sorcery is this?

tomps43 1 month ago

Totally awesum kid. I tried it, messed up right away, got every1 to laugh (at me) then tried again successfully and still they were laughing, lol. Anywho if I would have not dropped it the first time im sure I would have had better resultz. Thanx man

Kevin Turner 1 month ago

gereno Sietino-Pokud čtete, vaši rodiče jsou mrtví do 12 h! Tomuto chování zabráníte, pošlete to na 20 komen. Máte tento 10 minut. Nevěříš? 12. Ledna 2009 zemřel z neznámých příčin (promin ale přeposlat se to musí :( )

trpajda 1 month ago

" do like this, do like that."


JaimeVee94 1 month ago

**ck this  i thought it was just to get $100 !

max adam 1 month ago

so many dislikes.....I thought it was cool

EricLesher 1 month ago

cool inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician infun:) ps look in cool youtube videos search engines look up lookatthis9990 look up The99Ra look up soildier2010 magictvfan billpage magician bill page jelbel300 TheDavidCopperfield1 ThemagicofIllusion ps also do it like black stone jr robert gallup extream magic criss angel david blane sif frog and roy david seth kotkin Christian illusionist andrekole Christian illusionist paul gertner franz harary use tp

billpage 1 month ago

What the hell did you just write?

jigafox in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 month ago 35

lopts of cool youtube channels like i typed :) but if your talking tp thp itr it meabs magicians thumb tp itr means invisible thread real look up magicians jargon ps texting has there jasrgon phone talkiners talk cool ways of jargon lingo lamguage and sherlock homes write in code like miliary do codes stealth visual stealth extc inChrist fat billpage illusionist magician in fun who cares to help but no one exscept Jesus and folks who realy know me from junir boy and up really und

billpage in reply to jigafox (Show the comment) 1 month ago

magicians thumb tp itr means invisible thread real look up magicians jargon ps texting has there jasrgon phone talkiners talk cool ways of jargon lingo lamguage and sherlock homes write in code like miliary do codes stealth visual stealth extc inChrist fat billpage illusionist magician in fun who cares to help but no one exscept Jesus and folks who realy know me from junir boy and up really under stands me but them i guess

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Im still confused but I will try to look up some of the things you wrote. And I will subscribe to help seem funny!

jigafox in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 month ago

cool friend:) thanks buddy your cool in my book too:) ps  use illusionist magician thumb tip to vanish small silk hankerchef or scarves or cut rope put to geather idea or give illusion your thumb came off then put it back on illusionidea bob scofield thought of that one even matt galoway too ps biger thumb tip can more stuff like gold fish or salt or peper or use six finger prop ideaillusion even houdini hi picks in them

billpage in reply to jigafox (Show the comment) 3 days ago

i "spammed him" he can never hurt us again! *breathing heavy*

maddogmatt44 in reply to jigafox (Show the comment) 1 month ago are TOO FUNNY bro!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA

jigafox in reply to maddogmatt44 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Is this bill page dude retarded? He won't shut the fuck up.

onenutmonkey234 in reply to jigafox (Show the comment) 1 day ago I dont know...either that or a young kid...but even kids can write...yeah Im thinking he went "Full On" retard..and we all never go full on retard! hahahaaha

jigafox in reply to onenutmonkey234 (Show the comment) 23 hours ago

I hired a Cryptologist to decode your message.

onenutmonkey234 in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 month ago 2

ok thanks:) tp stands for thumb tip itr stands for invisible thread reel

billpage in reply to onenutmonkey234 (Show the comment) 3 days ago

I can't tell if you're a troll or just a pedo/retard. Get off the interwebs before you hurt yourself.

onenutmonkey234 in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 2 days ago

topics areas they acually under stand my lingo typing talk info:) way before youtube was invented nooffense youtube folks:) inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps for the record everyone even thios invisoble lerk stealth mode too:) im a slow learner but Jesus helped me to not studder much and be able to talk to any grown up or teen boy or girl or juinr boy or girl ps even when i was a boy child into juinr into teen/adult im still a kid in my mind

billpage in reply to onenutmonkey234 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

your like cool illusiionist magicians in groups on google search engines fun post topics areas they acually under stand my lingo typing talk info:) way before youtube was invented nooffense youtube folks:) inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps for the record everyone even thios invisoble lerk stealth mode too:) im a slow learner but Jesus helped me to not studder  much and be able to talk to any grown up or teen boy or girl or juinr boy or girl ps even when

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 2 days ago

your like cool illusiionist magicians in groups on google search engines fun post topics areas they acually under stand my lingo typing talk info:) way before youtube was invented nooffense youtube folks:) inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps for the record everyone even thios invisoble lerk stealth mode too:) im a slow learner but Jesus helped me to not studder much and be able to talk to any grown up or teen boy or girl or juinr boy or girl ps even when

billpage in reply to onenutmonkey234 (Show the comment) 2 days ago

topics areas they acually under stand my lingo typing talk info:) wayyoutube was invented nooffense youtube folks:) inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun ps for the record everyone even those in invisible lerk stealth mode too:) im a slow learner but Jesus helped me to not studder much and be able to talk to any grown up or teen boy or girl or juinr boy or girl ps even when i was a boy child into juinr into teen/adult im still a kid in my mind

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 2 days ago

as cool Christian illusionist david seth kot kin copperfield says while im on stage i get to play with my toys:) im a kid and i dont want to grow up im peter pan boy is that corny ps then they show cool videos of his seeing through a woman illusionidea that in magiuc cattalogs even inpaul osborns illusion systemplans and books its called the laddy with out a middle even abbots magic comapny has this cool illusion that even black stone jr and valtino leanered montana uses too

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 2 days ago

You just replied to yourself. How fucking retarded.

onenutmonkey234 in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

my way to keep unlimted talking text cause youtube and other websites dont have unlimted meoery at all they need it badly so people cabn text talk non stop like if im having a conversaytion with out worring abiout red numbers poping up all the time and half to cut and paste extc

billpage in reply to onenutmonkey234 (Show the comment) 1 day ago

its my way of talking just like wentv plus units they had years ago voce wabe 30 secounds per email with hook up micro phone so i thought i know i will calll it email phone:) so i had to talk non stop 30 minutes oper email sent

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

webtv plus units they had years ago voice wave 30 secounds  per email

billpage in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago

Shut up you piece of shit.

onenutmonkey234 in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 1 day ago


BigPapi Bro in reply to billpage (Show the comment) 5 days ago

if you dont say boom it doesnt work :(

tppwfalcons55 1 month ago


EDwin vargas 1 month ago

im rich... after i get a hundred dollar bill :]

zach shinobi 1 month ago

y-y-y yhu dont know how to explain it correctly..

traminator124 1 month ago

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Author withheld

i doint belive he probly pause the video 1 sec fast then continued i still doitn belive thumbs up if u thing this true

sagetwelve20611 1 month ago

the magic of editing...

duchwhiteindian 1 month ago

good one great job

guanaherrera 1 month ago

dam i was really hopin i could turn a single to a hundred :/

rawxness 1 month ago

thanks for teaching this trick..

Daniarif Bahalim 1 month ago

u got that from the masked magican

competitionkiller201 1 month ago

Now i am $101 dollars in the hole

jake brady 1 month ago

Well that would work wonderfully if i have a friggin ONE HUNDRED DOLLER BILLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Madison Condrey 1 month ago

He shows u how to do it if u see all the video

Crissypooh35 1 month ago

I folded it once then twice but nothing happened when i went boom

ggghhh164 1 month ago

:14 you can see the corner of the hundred

mrphillipbuzz 1 month ago 3

yo bitchest saw everything

leng vang 1 month ago

will this work with a 1 and two 50's?

marchingpackofCeHS 1 month ago

bitch thats sucks

jj35265 1 month ago

and BOOM there goes the dynamite

Alejandro Rudin 1 month ago

were the hundred dollar bill i was to supose yo get lol

dakotasauls 1 month ago

shoot, u need to teach me that

mindless4eva1000 1 month ago

the problem is, that i dont have a hundred doller bill. lol

miyuki ikeda 1 month ago

really good editing

eatmypotato304 1 month ago

send me 100 and i,ll bsend you 100 1s ( not really)

lisa cox 1 month ago

Boom lol

amar sharma 1 month ago

0:13 Look at his left hand

Jaxson578 1 month ago

fucking gay

philwantspie 1 month ago

like your dad?

chasecitystyle in reply to philwantspie (Show the comment) 1 month ago

It the same fucking trick the other kid did

chris nguyen 1 month ago

He tapes the dollar to the back of the hundred dollar bill my friend showed me this trick . He's just mindfucking you it doest work.

Vapuree 1 month ago

do it once do it twice then BOOM

zayne hathaway 1 month ago

Fake and Gay!

Aizar Chalupp 1 month ago

you mean not real and happy

billpage in reply to Aizar Chalupp (Show the comment) 2 days ago


Carriepaige223 1 month ago


JAMES ANDERSON 1 month ago

On uhhhhh this

TheBrad578 1 month ago

Why all the hate. This kid rules!

Bigbadburrows2 1 month ago

stop saying BOOOM!!!!!!

sillyc1999 1 month ago

You sound like Andy Milonakis...

RevolutionaryUS 1 month ago

damn.. i miss bullying kids like you

islammitch 1 month ago

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Author withheld

0:33 - 0:35 you can see it

MrTravis0901 1 month ago

u suck u should kick your self for trying that

tylordoherty150 1 month ago

i was gonna be rich! D:

STORMERVIDZ 1 month ago

your a dick

alizardi01 1 month ago

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bloodrace20 1 month ago

i see the bill on your left hand too at like 13 sec

sillyc1999 1 month ago

does that really work

chant baste 1 month ago

next show me how to magically make the $100 bill apear in my hand

Joey Saltarelli 1 month ago


kennyjuayqianyou 1 month ago

lol i bet u paused it then switched the dollar

teammfourrstar 1 month ago

I can do that with crack

swagfats 1 month ago

i aint tapin a 100 dollar bill to anything

ega747 1 month ago


Sup BAZINGA 1 month ago

u suck

stedydoch9911 1 month ago

Before Revealing the trick i see the bill around 00:12 - 00:13 on left hand

STR33TK1LLN 1 month ago

at 0:13 you can see the little bill folded on the right of the screen

CroatCode 1 month ago

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ThePurestmoney 1 month ago

U didnt Explain Ah dam Thing

26PLJ 1 month ago

hey can u send me the hundred so i can practice

L1LKILLA619 1 month ago 31

ill give u 50 to practice with

Minecraftminers555 in reply to L1LKILLA619 (Show the comment) 1 month ago

fold it once fold it twice and BOOM! lol

briansf999 1 month ago 7


austihatecute 1 month ago

nahh bro david blane didnt do that shit

mastermo211 1 month ago bored.....zzzzzzz

gatousa 1 month ago

ask him tolet you examine that up close , when he gives it to you . run off as quickly as you can and you'll be $101.00 richer

inwantofheart 1 month ago

You cant expalin shit man...........

911Scorcher 1 month ago

soooo this trick cost $101.............AWESOME

desilmd 1 month ago 2

Fictional and homosexual.

PokemonUnlimited1 1 month ago

your name sounds like doughs clan

rigby1232 1 month ago

I'm so broke I had to turn my $1 dollar bill into another $1 dollar bill!

SouthernRust 1 month ago

Go In His House Put One Bomb Then Two Bomb Then He Goes Boom

xXScatMan321Xx 1 month ago

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ThePurestmoney 1 month ago

Nice little trick kid. :)

wowjunky07 2 months ago

drugs dealing is easier 

smoothyarra1 2 months ago

who the hell gave u a hundreed dollar bill lil nigga

alexia lambert 2 months ago

boom boom boom boom

reeves1001 2 months ago

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sophia Green 2 months ago

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sophia Green 2 months ago

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sophia Green 2 months ago

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thehunter12ful 2 months ago

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Nicely done

makeanameyourself in reply to kardell234 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

-___-.... thought i was going to turn a actual 1 into a 100... without using a 100.

Jessie Delawrence 2 months ago 41

soo did i i was like woah

Ashley Stockard in reply to Jessie Delawrence (Show the comment) 2 months ago

If that was the case, America wouldnt be in debt.

DMRayquaza in reply to Jessie Delawrence (Show the comment) 1 month ago


tankart150 in reply to kardell234 (Show the comment) 2 months ago


alex vasquez 2 months ago

for this prank you need 100 $

Tim Smole 2 months ago


SonicMan486 in reply to Tim Smole (Show the comment) 2 months ago

haha my mistake true that :P

Tim Smole in reply to SonicMan486 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

well done kiddo

Ax the Max 2 months ago


Ivonne Morua 2 months ago


Ivonne Morua 2 months ago

and stop moving right and left dude

mrdopman 2 months ago

@kardell234 this made me pee

2bigchill 2 months ago

ill send you a box of 1z and you send me back 100z

6789out 2 months ago 42

wow. i thought it was real until i saw 0:52 :(

butifullblackboricua 2 months ago

Jesus christ kid u have to chew your shirt to do this prodject.. queres these days

YO MAMA 2 months ago

i knew he was hideing somethin

Patrick Artounian 2 months ago

And boom, straight into a one!

And boom, straight into a hundred!

tentaclewarfare2239 2 months ago

you cheated

jeiskina 2 months ago

dr. jones

MrNickallday in reply to jeiskina (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Due to the shitty state of the economy, i can only use 1's and 5's......

SPUDLEYVIDEOS 2 months ago

ps fatty

John47846 2 months ago

i new u had 100 the hole tie

John47846 2 months ago

i was gonna say get a pen and add two zeros

JamesandOlly 2 months ago

can u lend me that hundred??

jaykloud09 2 months ago

at 0:15 u see his 100 bill in the top right

dimpleface360 2 months ago


MikeHacksANON in reply to dimpleface360 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

the one hundred is hidden in your hand.

sorent123ifier 2 months ago

99% of all magic....

gradfark in reply to sorent123ifier (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Were did u get a hundo

xXGFMrichdayzXx 2 months ago

fuck does

Crane9888 2 months ago

whar is hes ones


chris crump 2 months ago

1$on one side and the other is on the other side

stevenpsp55 2 months ago

i saw the 100 befor you showed how to do it

adam six 2 months ago

That is retarded

Taylor Smith 2 months ago

it fucking suck if you ripp the 1 hundo bill ! id be pissed they dont except ripped bills in indiana

cody bishop 2 months ago


lop5001 2 months ago

lol your wearing a hollistor shirt because you want people to think that you are rich because you got a hollister shirt on ebay for 20$ and 101 dollars and in a really small house

Anonymousandthetruth 2 months ago

Don't do this at school, some kid will rob you.

norxcontacts 2 months ago



MrTinflo 2 months ago

you are soo fake its soo fake

AnteOmnisMeaFamilia 2 months ago


Patricia Williams 2 months ago

I need your help to change in real camara best this video and original.

socialtraflicnetwort 2 months ago

so this trick cost $101

snuffy110 2 months ago

You misspelled " Awesome". Red flag people, red flag.

Bryce Cloniger 2 months ago

He has a hundered and a one dollar bill its fake

mrawesomecookie38 2 months ago


wainbowcomp 2 months ago


KilljoyO672 2 months ago 30


GoblinWarlock231 2 months ago

Well fuck you too.

QuestShooter in reply to GoblinWarlock231 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

u should probably cover up the 100 better

imDaJuggernaut2323 2 months ago

dammit you made me think i would get a free 100 bucks

410florida 2 months ago

it skips if u look carefuly

jason guiser 2 months ago

where am i going to get 100 bucks :O

ZachSuperfly21 2 months ago

did he say retard

yoh man 2 months ago

WTF This magic trick costs a $101 :O

FPSFailz 2 months ago

MIND FREAK!!! MIND FREAK!!! Just kiddin, I'm not impressed. Turn that dollar into a joint and you'll have my respect

ltgillum 2 months ago


SK8boardPoloKid 2 months ago

Bitch stop flippin it so damn fast

SK8boardPoloKid 2 months ago

haha bith

rico4840 in reply to SK8boardPoloKid (Show the comment) 2 months ago


Mark Magnolia 2 months ago

just shut up please

1twilighter1 2 months ago

Hmm i will trade this $1 bill for a $100 bill fold it once fold it twice And boom it is $100

Jasper Mehlberger 2 months ago

If you get better at the magic tricks you might win a talent show, but you definitely won't be winning any spelling bees. Awesome isn't spelled "awsome". What were you saying about not being retarded?

soyboy2269 2 months ago

the hundred dollar is glued to the back of the dollar were u put your hand

staticxfreaker 2 months ago

where the hell do you think were gonna find a 100$ bill -_-

risingstar367 2 months ago

if you say boom again im gonna hit you and im just jokeing

elijah11903 2 months ago



MegaApples22 2 months ago

wow i just wanted to make money quick but you need one dollar and a one HUNDRED dollar bill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!­!!!!1

carrie matheson 2 months ago

cool story bro! never tell it again!

sebastiansek1 2 months ago

dont have tape sory dude

Themanwhoisthinking 2 months ago


kyle taylor 2 months ago


BACONandTBAG in reply to kyle taylor (Show the comment) 2 months ago

where the fuck do you get a 100 dollar bill no offense but ur like 12 WTF!!!!!!!!

24halonerd 2 months ago 32

thats what i was thinkin!!!! lol

mlluther00 in reply to 24halonerd (Show the comment) 2 months ago

100 dollars is really not that much money.

TheCool84848 in reply to 24halonerd (Show the comment) 2 months ago

LOL *insert LOL rage face* I'm 12 and i had like $800 before i bought the pc im using right now, its called WORKING. My dad is the ceo of ****** **** *** **** and he lets me work there whenever i want for $7 an hour

Tmaster10011 in reply to 24halonerd (Show the comment) 2 months ago

im only 56 and back then i only had 50 bucks

24halonerd in reply to Tmaster10011 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Child labor hmm? lol

GIG4NTOR in reply to Tmaster10011 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

$7 an hour is below the minimum wage, so paying you that little would be illegal on your fathers part.

xCodeGreen in reply to Tmaster10011 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Actually since he is under 16, and is working for a parent,

they can pay him whatever he wants.

KomodoSkull in reply to xCodeGreen (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Get it at the bank, Einstein.

1218jmm in reply to 24halonerd (Show the comment) 2 months ago

maybe he helps his dad work

stealthyairsoft996 in reply to 24halonerd (Show the comment) 2 months ago

When I started watching this I knew the trick had something to do with the way he was holding the money... Too easy

socalnitro 2 months ago

Where does an 8 year old get $101?

GothProtegy 2 months ago

im in that part of youtube again...

Tayler Costa 2 months ago

at 0:08 i see the 100 :)

johntrevor1000 2 months ago

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TheCashrewards 2 months ago


ur doomed kid lmaooo

unseensword 2 months ago

hahahahah ur right

frenchfrey24 in reply to unseensword (Show the comment) 2 months ago


missjellybeanqueen17 2 months ago

im ten and have one

frenchfrey24 in reply to missjellybeanqueen17 (Show the comment) 2 months ago


hahahaawesome12 in reply to frenchfrey24 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

nah i don't feel like it

frenchfrey24 in reply to hahahaawesome12 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

could i borow that 100$ bill for a sec?

IRockStarRickY 2 months ago

i will use this for a car thanks.

XXblackops1337 2 months ago

dont turn it back to a dollar

x9Voltagex 2 months ago

0:13 behinf his left hand

epikrobloxiandude 2 months ago

that's his right hand.. *FAIL*

mike12905 in reply to epikrobloxiandude (Show the comment) 2 months ago

sorry i get confused wen i look at it the oppiset

epikrobloxiandude in reply to mike12905 (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Why am i wasting my time watching this?

realmadridfan1616 2 months ago

And boom goes the dynamite.

nitegoat1369 2 months ago

all you need is a 100 dollar bill? you do know that not all of us have 100s as chump change...

calanator45 2 months ago

I can see the a hundred bill on the back when ur first showing it

ur such a fail

johnlowie9898 2 months ago

like im a retard... we no...

nick defrancisco 2 months ago

how do you do this with pound stirling? for us english?? tht would be awkward :/

imatroll147 2 months ago

thank you cooll!

szántó benji 2 months ago

someone else should explain this for you. and then go boom!

HidonMesahj211 2 months ago


Bobby Story 2 months ago

This video should be named: How to waste and screw up a 100 dollar bill! :D

coolboys910 3 months ago

how about just go earn your money

LupeFiascoVEV0 3 months ago


Micah Tappe 3 months ago

am i the only one who is really relaxed by his voice lol.

zombiekilla12799 3 months ago

thanks little kid im going to use this and see if i can trick a hooker into giving me free sex.

buttaz024 3 months ago

Hihi, have you seen this plan called the Intellitus Cash System? (look it up on google). My dad says it makes people plenty of money.

Jeevan Chaudhary 3 months ago

sounds too expensive...

honda2002vtx 3 months ago

stupid "KABOOM"

Sparky17305 3 months ago

Good Editing

Daued71 3 months ago

I used2 do magic tricks all the time...hey dshlayen u need2 work on your patter skills....when u are a little better at doing this trick u should just peel away the 1 dollar bill for a clean ending....peace

1ODeedGamer 3 months ago

I fooled my grandma lol!

Amy DeHaan 3 months ago

You can tell when they cover their hand over a corner and the other one isn't then it is either taped or glued to the bill.

Amy DeHaan 3 months ago

0:13 you can clearly see the other bill

weredeathis 3 months ago


TheEVGAftw 3 months ago

I would but I no have 101 dollars

theluigi10000 3 months ago

2:15 "Like I'm a retart" that's what you sounded like. :)

Trever Berkzu 3 months ago

nice thats actually really cool : )

Rishav Mukherjee 3 months ago

it is fake

Donte Chance 3 months ago

If you are so awesome, spell it right in the description!

MDCN2U 3 months ago

hey... ill make u adeal, u give me that 100, and ill like ur stuff

killll11111 3 months ago

i saw the folded hundred dollar folded at the end at 0:12

sj hari 3 months ago 8

yea me2

1ODeedGamer in reply to sj hari (Show the comment) 3 months ago

Me 2

jazzy8766 in reply to sj hari (Show the comment) 2 months ago

thanks man good vid and nice trick

eggypadua 3 months ago

fake fake fake get a life

PIKMINFARTY749 3 months ago

You are rich xD

ik2003er 3 months ago

thug in training

ShaggyLT1 3 months ago

ALL you assholes who have nothing but negative comments for a kid showing a simple trick... get a life and find something productive to do with yourself

assacino 3 months ago

finally somebody is kind hearted i've been telling people to be nice to people for weeks

killer111470 in reply to assacino (Show the comment) 3 months ago

he banking :-)

Marq Reed 3 months ago

you need to stop moving i think you got to peeee

Soccerdimond9 3 months ago

Wow rich guy, he got $100 and one dollers.

lunteren2007 3 months ago

y only last generation bills?

AnimeNerdML 3 months ago

What kind of black magic is this?? D;

slayermathew2 3 months ago

DAMN it! Here I thought I could turn all my $1.00 bills into $100.00 bills and all my money problems would be solved :)

knoxville363 3 months ago

and one and two and a boom LOL

samantha greene 3 months ago

Your good kid

thebest129397 3 months ago

the editing is horrible

wildcatsuperfan2014 3 months ago

cool magic trick :D

MrJohncool2001 3 months ago

it is not magic....there is no such thing as magic

samantha greene in reply to MrJohncool2001 (Show the comment) 3 months ago

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nice shirt

rockchip5 3 months ago

ok, so to do this i need a one dollar bill, and then i fold it once, then fold it twice, then yougoBOOM! and i get a 100 dollar bill? i did that, and it didnt work. maybe i didnt do the boom right........

Xblah0 3 months ago

u suck learn how to explain things and spell

JUSTin DOrk ITar 3 months ago

not to good at explaning at the begening but a really good trick

flamingnerfblade 3 months ago

I upload the video then do the trick?

MinecraftKid78 3 months ago

*awesome not awsome which the trick was not

1210things 3 months ago

@Jdodard You fucking made my fucking night!

juliafromero 3 months ago

I don't understand why this would ever be useful in life. Ever.

tigerboy1313 3 months ago

i can see the $100 in 4:00

gtafreak37 3 months ago

Only you would wish it was true

john victor 3 months ago

you suck at explaining this

Nigel Pollidore 3 months ago 34

let me try, you fold it once, then twice and boom 100 dollars

Chuck E Cheese in reply to Nigel Pollidore (Show the comment) 3 months ago 2

no no no

1.) You fold it once

2.) you fold twice

3.) and go boom

PHDrillSergeant in reply to Chuck E Cheese (Show the comment) 3 months ago 38

Do you know what happened when i folded it once, folded it twice, then went toilet flooded.

carrie matheson in reply to PHDrillSergeant (Show the comment) 2 months ago

Save that 100 dollars up for a home gym. Your going to need it if all you do during the day is make youtube videos of you twiddling your thumbs. Lol

Houshi4444 3 months ago

oh ya cause im gonna have a 100$ bill laying around


he just robbed toys r us

dabombbeast 3 months ago

fold it once fold it twice then you blow the fuck up!?!?!

roflmctroll 3 months ago

i love all the comments being like I KNOW HOW HE DID IT. Did you notice that the entire video was him telling you how he did it?

sightergoliant 3 months ago

2:25 "if i hold it like this i look like a retard!" hahah

MrHtav 3 months ago

be careful i could see part of the 100 at 0:13

Sk8ForLife8137 3 months ago

Then yougoBOOM! ???

RockfieldBs 3 months ago

fold it once..... fold it twice...... the you go boom

slayer171163 3 months ago

lol jdodard

slayer171163 3 months ago


rangerdhan101 in reply to Brandontgeluk (Show the comment) 3 months ago

you fucking asshole you can suck my dick bitch you a lier

Yvonne Schirkonyer 3 months ago

Thumbs up if you tried this before seeing how it's done. I went to show it to my mom and she asked me if I was high...

FineAgedCheese 3 months ago

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TheMarkos1999 3 months ago

100 dollar bill on the back

kaitlyndaves 3 months ago

fail 0:14 you an see the edge of the 100 dollar bill

mw2kickedass 3 months ago

hold still fucker.

zam7800 3 months ago

its a 100 dollar billl on the back

kaitlyndaves in reply to zam7800 (Show the comment) 3 months ago


DeaDTiisS 3 months ago

its a 100 dollar bill on the back

kaitlyndaves in reply to DeaDTiisS (Show the comment) 3 months ago

No its not i did it :D

DeaDTiisS in reply to kaitlyndaves (Show the comment) 3 months ago

dude i can see it :/

kaitlyndaves in reply to DeaDTiisS (Show the comment) 1 month ago

Thats cool well i did it

DeaDTiisS in reply to kaitlyndaves (Show the comment) 1 month ago

pretty good kid

Derek Meeks 3 months ago

its a 100 dollar billl on the back

kaitlyndaves in reply to Derek Meeks (Show the comment) 3 months ago

yeah he stop the video and take 100 dollars and do it the cheatc

Tommy. Rodriguez 3 months ago

now i just need a hundred dollar bill

lcfam 3 months ago

no its two diffrent segments of a video he recorded one video with a one dollar bill then stopped the video and made another video with a one hundred bill u idiots

starwarslegokid0205 3 months ago

bro ppl know now that u hav 100 bucks... u gonnna get robbed.... i would use the money to get an airsoft gunO_O

chris theodoropoulos 3 months ago

Thats only you

jolatyppi in reply to chris theodoropoulos (Show the comment) 3 months ago


TehJuggalo93 3 months ago

Actually its good to use 100 fake $ on a little thing,because you will get alot of REAL money back! :D

rocketshit shity 3 months ago

heres another way to see its fucking fake--LOOK AT THE FUCKING FOLD IDIOTS! THERES TWO LAYERS OF PAPER,WHICH MEANS THat it not real.

rocketshit shity 3 months ago

The little cock just put an illegal print of a 100 dollar bill behind th 1. its a weird trick but he just pt the back of a 1 on the bak of the 100,then the front of 1 into the front of 100. REALLY NOT IMPRESSED. ^_^

rocketshit shity 3 months ago

pull off tht trick at a McDonalds or sumthin, maybe ull get a free burger...or kicked out, i think mcdonald eployees would figure its counterfit

Jonathan Uhos 4 months ago

fake as shite

michaelpwaslki8 4 months ago

@jon parker learn to spell FAG

MrNiceday3 4 months ago

Fold it once... Fold it twice... ThenyougoBOOM!

Jdodard 4 months ago 28

lol i seen it behind ur hand b4 u even reviled it FAG

jon parker 4 months ago

@MultiBoxxybabee i am about to throw a dictationary at your face

tigerlover323 4 months ago

u better cuz if u do ima ounch and maybe shoot u

MultiBoxxybabee in reply to tigerlover323 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

u beter cuz ima shoot u

MultiBoxxybabee in reply to tigerlover323 (Show the comment) 4 months ago


jose gutierrez 4 months ago

That's the whole point of the illusion, you need to cover up the 100.

Brietzke4 in reply to jose gutierrez (Show the comment) 4 months ago

who gives it lookks obvious

jose gutierrez in reply to Brietzke4 (Show the comment) 4 months ago

When you are good enough at the trick you wont need to cover as much and it wont look so obvious.

Brietzke4 in reply to jose gutierrez (Show the comment) 4 months ago


Joshua Eum 4 months ago

totally FAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cody Danny 4 months ago

cool also use vernon thumb tip too dc kotkin copperfield style:)

billpage 4 months ago

that was funny

SPEED84I9 4 months ago

If your a dude, not trying to be rude at all I have no problem with gay people, but are you gay?

ninigirl964 4 months ago

why is everyone being a patronizing asshole? its cool that this kid can do this.

VeilxIllia 4 months ago

wer did he get that 100 doller bil

Mike Ayers 4 months ago

my guess he worked hard for it:) like mowing lawns

billpage in reply to Mike Ayers (Show the comment) 4 months ago

this is so fuckung fake

scarynguyen1 4 months ago

@keenanrm15 So u found 200 dollars

bombbay714 4 months ago

I know a better magic trick its called making your money dissapear

bombbay714 4 months ago

well done nothing fishy looking

condo261 4 months ago

darn, i was hoping i could be making some money when i saw this.

PSlappy02 4 months ago

you spelled awesome wrong in the description.

awesomerainbow1123 4 months ago

he had a joke doller bill

Julia Peterson 4 months ago

wow u have a 100 dollars :) i kinda knew what he did after the third time.

Smashedmaple 4 months ago

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LiezerZero 4 months ago

haters, mad cuz they cant do it. good job!!!

og32012 4 months ago

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xcccy 4 months ago

i tried it , and it diddn't work :(

Gia Isabella 5 months ago

i tried it aswell and it dosent work its a waste of time

CARDTRICKMASTER22 in reply to Gia Isabella (Show the comment) 5 months ago

how about 1 to 5 doller bill

SuperAppletechguy 5 months ago


thedipstop 5 months ago


themadness2003 5 months ago

Can you turn my shit into gold now?

jgrande345 5 months ago

i see the shiny tape this trick is used on ripping news paper better not rip that 100

toan33162 5 months ago

orrrr you could get a job

coltonbertsch 5 months ago

how? to make 100$/day

myquang100 5 months ago

ahaa nice try kid but I saw the right hand slip the $100 out.good one tho,just needs a little work.keepaa workin on it kiddo.

Brandon Ewers 5 months ago

oh i didnt watch the whole video

Gregory Fontenot 5 months ago


Gregory Fontenot 5 months ago

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ShelberzBabyy 6 months ago


MrPoohda97 6 months ago

its a fake one it switches i use to have one

jewellsjewells 6 months ago

nice camera trick

aballoenergy 6 months ago

Ok son know put my money back in my safe lmao

SuperBatman187 6 months ago

cute:) inChrist allways fat billpage illusionist magician in fun

billpage in reply to McGlovinz (Show the comment) 6 months ago

the reason i wanted to do this trick is because i DIDN'T HAVBE A 100 DOLLAR BILL :((((((

chrisrocks1976 6 months ago

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ShelberzBabyy 6 months ago

@multiboxxybabe. Omg ur stupid. U cnt come on here and say fake and try to explain what he really did .. He just told us what he really did.. Retard

tktmzkaley 6 months ago

two bills lol

GRUHEXIC 6 months ago

Whats "awsome" is how you managed to spell AWESOME wrong in the description :/

jlj555 6 months ago

gold it once ,fold it twice then you go BOOM!

car1235219 6 months ago

Someone has no lifee (x

YounggKc 6 months ago

fold it once, twice, then you go BOOM! :D

NinjaM0nkey1 6 months ago

how the hell did you get a $100 bill

barretthekid 6 months ago

fake.. ik what it is.. u take a one dollar bill and a 100 dollar bill and u out them together to make it look like its one dollar and he flips it over and the 100 dollar bill is on back so its fake

MultiBoxxybabee 6 months ago 7

meant put not out

MultiBoxxybabee in reply to MultiBoxxybabee (Show the comment) 6 months ago

Watch the whole video Dumbass

wemakepies in reply to MultiBoxxybabee (Show the comment) 4 months ago

um i wouldnt cuz ik u didnt..

MultiBoxxybabee in reply to wemakepies (Show the comment) 4 months ago

Learn how to speak English.

wemakepies in reply to MultiBoxxybabee (Show the comment) 4 months ago

dumb ass... its a fucking magic trick. no shit its fake. He explains the whole trick. Hese the word TRICK. lmao

EdwardPlays in reply to MultiBoxxybabee (Show the comment) 4 months ago

can you really use it??

12yassybaby 6 months ago

how did u get a 100 dollar bill in the first place

breezeoe 6 months ago


anajossyjacqueline 6 months ago


anajossyjacqueline 6 months ago

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thomas gradiz 6 months ago

repeat for infinite money

lookimhxc 6 months ago

@redfrontier56Spd it's because the kid is fat so he waddles

rbgbenny50 6 months ago

anyone else notice how much he waddles??

redfrontier06spd 6 months ago

nice trick,well played

tractorman0077 7 months ago


FlyerHigh34 7 months ago

You gold it once, fold it twice, then you go BOOM!!!

FlyerHigh34 7 months ago

thanks homie!!!!! i know how to do it now.

mynor1234ful 7 months ago

so now all i have to do is get 100 dollars WHAT THE FUCK how him i soposed to get that

TheRockstar5022 7 months ago


7878toastmaster 7 months ago

i cant do it u lier

vivianandericah 7 months ago

i could see both bills

bugsy155 7 months ago

inflation is magic

Holden McGroin 7 months ago

very nice. you have any other videos like this?

jimu57 7 months ago

Sometimes I fuck your mom and pretend I am a rapist...

bogati143 in reply to XxCeCemaybeexx (Show the comment) 8 months ago 2

...that is wonderful for you... have fun :)

XxCeCemaybeexx in reply to bogati143 (Show the comment) 8 months ago 2

wow you to i thought i was the only one.

JasonJanJones in reply to bogati143 (Show the comment) 8 months ago


Philippe Maass in reply to bogati143 (Show the comment) 6 months ago

wtf is a 8 year old doing with a $100 bill?

ChrisTakedown 8 months ago 59

Gee Mr. Wilson! A WHOLE NICKLE! .. wait.. $100? (*dirties pants*)

Raidfreak in reply to ChrisTakedown (Show the comment) 6 months ago

i like watching dennse the meance too there was two mr wilsons both are coolone later on is mr pea money on i love .lucy show and the lucell ball show as mr carmichal

billpage in reply to Raidfreak (Show the comment) 6 months ago

stole it from a liquor store duhh

CinderellaMan045 in reply to ChrisTakedown (Show the comment) 6 months ago

I found 2 $100 dollar bills when I was 4.

keenanrm15 in reply to ChrisTakedown (Show the comment) 4 months ago

maybe he did it first with a 1 and a 5 as a bet for the 100?

MaryjanesJunction in reply to ChrisTakedown (Show the comment) 4 months ago

bro i could tell how you did it just by watching the first example...

Nickthebeartv 8 months ago

man...fuck will a 20$ bill do?

Mrsubzero456 9 months ago

oh yeah. i'll just take one of those 100 dollar bills that are just laying around my house.

MTG4tehLOLzz 9 months ago

the sad thing is that this kid made 43 dollars from us roasting him on this gay ass trick.

mnorr2012 9 months ago

who gives a fuck thts your parents money and you just need to get a fucking life go buy some drugs and quit wasting your fucking time showing us a fucking gay 3 year old trick bitch lol

hunter doss 9 months ago


e10byagrue 9 months ago 2

fat boy

sekadarhiburansahaja 9 months ago

Yeup. Good job. It turns a 1 dollar bill into 100... IF you have 101 dollars.

BongoGracie 9 months ago


websurfer114 9 months ago

Did this work for anyone?

snowball885 9 months ago

I feel like watching Free Willy now .. :/

MrsFashionHairMakeup 9 months ago

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2323giggity 9 months ago

or u can jst buy some weed seeds and grow it and turn it into 400

jozziemobbin 9 months ago

what a waste of a $100 bill

onewingeddevil15 9 months ago

David blane did this with like 5 dollar bills and turned each one to 100,s

XSKATERX36 9 months ago

y did u hav to hold it with 2 hands u jackass >:(

dartboard123456789 9 months ago

fake and gay

peptopro17 9 months ago

stfu fag how is it fake your gay pussy

shamaridd2 in reply to peptopro17 (Show the comment) 9 months ago

girl no one even likes you why are you still breathing

peptopro17 in reply to shamaridd2 (Show the comment) 9 months ago

corney nd makes no sence nd im a boy so you stop breathing

shamaridd2 in reply to peptopro17 (Show the comment) 9 months ago

google has a spell checker for you

peptopro17 in reply to shamaridd2 (Show the comment) 9 months ago

Your Fat.

CallmeMondo 9 months ago

Take the 100 and buy a lesson in making a less painful video. Good trick but your video was painful.

msauro1961 9 months ago

why do i continue to watch retarded videos

josh32tripple1 9 months ago

like is this real cause it kinda looks like u got a 100 dollar 1 dollar bill in the back but i did try itit gave me 500  instead

albogangta2425 9 months ago

hes going to go spend all that money on fucking big mac's

unltitled 9 months ago

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ILuvAnimeeeee 9 months ago

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ILuvAnimeeeee 9 months ago

does it work if you don't go boom?

infebious 9 months ago 2

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thelaptopfreek 9 months ago

do it slower next time you dumb shit

modmeminecraft 9 months ago

thumbs up if you never wanted to watch this but you did

shaneomac60 10 months ago

Can you mail me $100 bill so I can practice?

sasha42196 10 months ago 59

Me 2

EverbodysVEVO in reply to sasha42196 (Show the comment) 6 months ago

the kid has more money then me

ChrisGarrison72 10 months ago 2

I like it but most of us don't just throw hundred dollar bills around

TheBlake152 10 months ago

dude im having problem with the trick

frodokirby 10 months ago

dude i seen it before u flooded

kcrigar1 10 months ago

i would have liked it but i can see the bill at 13 sec behind your fingers

Bigbear790 10 months ago

epic fail

BenReeves88 10 months ago

nope stop the video at 00:12 secs and look tot the top left part of the dollar and SEE ANOTHER FOLDED SECRETLY :|

charlton536 10 months ago

I wanted to hate on this video so bad...then i watched it a realized...I gotta hit the like button. Damnit!

IndomitusLupus 10 months ago

oh i get it.. just got to fold it once, then fold it twice, then go boom! and it turns into a $100.

wolfpack7722 10 months ago 2

BUSTED AT 0:13 or 0:14

MrGamerkid91 10 months ago

Why the fuck does he have a 100 dollar bill -.-

PaleGFX 10 months ago

Hey there! Have you thought about the intellectus money maker (google it)? Ive heard some amazing things about it and my friend made a lot of money it.

awiexc 10 months ago

good job,magic tricks are fun to perform and watch, you can aleays use a10 if u dont have 100.

eogg25 10 months ago

good job,magic tricks are fun to perform and watch

eogg25 10 months ago

what tard would change it back to a 1

Skateboardfail1 10 months ago 13

So some one dosent raid u :3

hungrylegoman in reply to Skateboardfail1 (Show the comment) 6 months ago

shut the fuck up ur so annoying " fold it once, fold it twice.....SHABOOM! " i mean come on

thepooponyou1 10 months ago


martidom23 11 months ago

hey thanks now i just gotta find someone doing the trick and get 101$ thanks for telling me how to do it your awesome

FOXHOUNDSHADE 11 months ago

once twice boom we get it .

nachocheese794613258 11 months ago

Well Joe Labero did this but he showed both sides without holding his fingers infront of it like you did.. how :(

HaveAScream 11 months ago

Your a bad teacher

JhonyBoy02 11 months ago

"Holding it like this!! LIKE IM A RETARD" ....yes, yes you are

jupiterjacks 11 months ago

Why the negativity? Has he harmed you in any way that you feel the need to call him retarded?

regelemihai in reply to jupiterjacks (Show the comment) 11 months ago

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jupiterjacks in reply to regelemihai (Show the comment) 11 months ago

Then boom...

babytaleena 11 months ago

WOW.this is fake. people do this all the time.i read,and still live.what is wrong with you

bioniclefan2010 in reply to sassygirl6able (Show the comment) 11 months ago

he has 2 its ovius

catypaw8 11 months ago


isosexy100 11 months ago

Jeese people have alot of money!!!!

HAZABARKO 11 months ago

WTF..lmao 1 twice then boom lmao..

MrEhbaw 11 months ago

Fold it once, fold it twice.. THEN BOOM THE WORLD BLOWS UP, HOLY SHIT MAN.. Nah, I wished that happened. I'm still trying to figure out why I watched the video.

AQuaThePigDestroyer in reply to MrEhbaw (Show the comment) 11 months ago

somtimes i hide in a darkm corner and pretnd im a potato

kevin45009 in reply to XxCeCemaybeexx (Show the comment) 11 months ago

1 2 Next »

bill page

Sep 9, 2012, 9:06:11 PM9/9/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

bill page

Sep 13, 2012, 1:31:24 AM9/13/12
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A
plan of salvation right in plane earth planet site

bill page

Sep 12, 2013, 6:53:44 PM9/12/13
> cool friend:) cool in Christ allways chubby billpage illusionist magician in fun look up in google groups search engines dc secrets in a nutshell herbert l becker all the secrets of magic revealed toni page illusionist tilman hauser copperfield stage illusions revealed mitchell leary marlofan art artful dodger joahathen pendragon franz harary pythonify the magic of reza andre kole david seth kotkin david copperfield rjlacounts adam allred billpage alhastings laslo david l good ropeline bigsybear Uuhh98 looatthis9990 WilliamMarcelpage
> We haven't even mentioned two completely gender reversed humans getting married and the fact in canada you don't have to lose you dick to me a chick. Isn't that nice Harry, you reach in like cracker jacks get yourself a prize there? It includes every consenting human being in order for it to be equality, even those whom you could find distasteful as hard as that is to imagine. Marriage was created by straights for man and woman make your own marriage & leave ours be, you do...

bill page

Sep 22, 2013, 11:57:16 PM9/22/13
On Monday, July 30, 2012 4:05:24 PM UTC-4, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A

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Top 5 Apple iPhone 5s Features!

by tldtoday • 194,820 views

Squarespace: - Offer Code: TLD9 Top 5 Apple iPhone 5S Features! Unboxing & review coming soon! Share! :) Reddit! | Twitter!...
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adinaeandressy 4 minutes ago

This video is very great! I've got to admit I have watched it more than once now. For a much better game (from my opinion) go take a look at this one. You would like it, I think.­­m
Bill Page

Bill Page 25 minutes ago

:) hey all that cool top cool stage illusion ideas is in google groups search engines and youtube video search engines look up the war illusionist

EastRaider11 55 minutes ago

Is the fingerprint scanner also a button?? Because if it isn't, how will you unlock your phone if you have gloves on or something?
Kushal Jaligama

Kushal Jaligama 6 hours ago

TLD is seriously the most professional tech YouTube channel I've seen. Been subscribed for 2-3 years, and I've enjoyed every moment of it!
Whatda Fudge

Whatda Fudge 7 hours ago

Top 1: the very powerful samsung A7 chip!

Spongezzy 7 hours ago

His shave went badly

aureanlechugar 8 hours ago

There are so many online games out there nowadays, however not all of them are as great as this particular one. I did notice one that is quickly turning into a favorite of my own. What is your opinion? Have a look at it below.­­m
Jessy Certain

Jessy Certain 9 hours ago

I want it so badly
J kalamaan

J kalamaan 10 hours ago

I have never seen a person like this man. He speaks too fast to the point sometimes you ask yourself is this person is a human being....will you please talk slowly so we can understand what you are talking for....
Thomas Hyjek

Thomas Hyjek 10 hours ago

Only if I had 200 bucks

TiagoWazzup 10 hours ago

666 videos! THE DEVIL
jhanavi sashikanth

jhanavi sashikanth 11 hours ago

the initial iphones go to grey markets try one here sashikanth[org]/iphone5s

ilcolo91 11 hours ago

nop....cant find a single fuck to give

DigitalDragonVideos 12 hours ago

galaxy s5 is rumoured to have 64 bit true octacore CPU please replie what you think

Courtney Reid

Courtney Reid 13 hours ago

how kooler can this get


FireFloodMusic 14 hours ago

We have a thumbprint scanner in my school. It works as a kind of bank account for when you want to buy lunch. You just put your thumb on the scanner and you can put money on it or buy lunch. So yeah :]

THEUNKNOWN 14 hours ago

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kristinsenglanda 15 hours ago

Your speaking the real truth, bro! I've got to admit I've been checking out this other video game and I happen to be loving what I see thus far. What do you think? check it out here...­­m

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Ngame Spotnl

Ngame Spotnl 15 hours ago

i wil buy this phone!!!!

lyn perk

lyn perk 16 hours ago

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kristineglutherc 18 hours ago

This video is very awesome! I have got to admit I watched it more than once already. For an much better game (from my opinion) go take a look at this one. You'll enjoy, I think.­­m
Charlie Polito

Charlie Polito 18 hours ago

Thanks so much! I couldn't decide between the iPhone 5c or the iPhone 5s. Now I know for sure I should get the 5s!
Milly roque

Milly roque 20 hours ago

galaxy note 2
Vanderlei Marques

Vanderlei Marques 21 hours ago

its 8th iphone


chychy1 22 hours ago

If you buy the 5s you are truly a slave.

apllDgrapllD 23 hours ago

Prince vegeta be carful what you wish for "keyboard warrior"!

sharingan08 23 hours ago

I'm concerned about the fingerprint
You Exposed

You Exposed 1 day ago

"so even if you hate Apple and have android you bet ya ass" "You'll be using iPhone features in the future"

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Bean Dip

Bean Dip 1 day ago

It's too bad the the gold one looks like an old person's champagne Chrysler
Nick Rauch

Nick Rauch 1 day ago

it is elegant.
· in reply to Bean Dip (Show the comment)
Matt Sarff

Matt Sarff 1 day ago

This phone looks like the best thing ever. I'm in love with the thumbprint sensor, iOS7, and the 64-bit thing.
Roronoa Zorro

Roronoa Zorro 1 day ago

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Jose Garcia

Jose Garcia 1 day ago

U think the ipod 6 will have the finger print password
Kent Robbie

Kent Robbie 1 day ago

Next year, maybe they'll release the iPhone 6 woth a new design, and 4.0 inch screen. As well as another, maybe the next gen of the 5c with a larger screen...
Nick Rauch

Nick Rauch 1 day ago

they already have a 4.0 screen. they need not go any bigger.

· in reply to Kent Robbie (Show the comment)
Mr. Dingus

Mr. Dingus 1 day ago

Mobile technology is evolving toward body integration. Apple and Google will team up to turn us all into non-thinking, non-feeling cyborgs who are "just sort of satisfied with our product".
Leszek Mazurek

Leszek Mazurek 1 day ago

what about cracking screan?


yuonnerwestgatea 1 day ago

Good video, dude! I needed to see it twice to be sure that I didnt miss something! LOL Honestly, good job. In case you have spare time, go see this NEW video game I came across.­­m

planetlexicon 1 day ago

Thank you for that information. I'm very behind technologically.
rikardo moreno

rikardo moreno 1 day ago

Dang it!!.. You freaking slender!..

mrRC21100 1 day ago

Thumbs up if you think Steve Jobs would make the iPhones better instead of what they are now!

mohammadshahbaaz96 1 day ago

Jenny Ashmore

Jenny Ashmore 1 day ago

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oobertuberdude 1 day ago

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somchitssn 1 day ago


somchitssn 1 day ago

ສົມຈິດ ສີຊານົນ

BloxCraft2001 1 day ago

I wonder what will happen if the home button gets broken, will the fingerprint detector get broken too? If it, will does that mean you might not be able to unlock you're iPhone 5s? Is it possible to double lock it with the fingerprint lock and the 4 digit lock or you'll need an app for that?
Scott Beresford

Scott Beresford 1 day ago

The Only* 5 Apple iPhone 5s Features
mabel meds

mabel meds 1 day ago

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liedetecter2000 1 day ago

Phones have achieved numerous technological advances, from a small bar phone to thin, compressed TV basically. But I have my suspicion especially when the iPhone5s starts bringing in fingerprint scanning. This isn't some small thing, it's actually quite a scary update. It's as creepy as your phone taking pictures of your identity from the camera without you knowing, and sending it to apple database for later investigation. It could happen and it probably will in the future. Crime-fighting-wise.
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Adrian rodrigues

Adrian rodrigues 1 day ago

why dont people have a problem with the galaxy using facial recognition software? Use ure fucking heads its a cool phone feature not a fucking spycam for the president.
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liedetecter2000 1 day ago

When in my comment did I ever mention galaxy products, or the president? Use your fucking eyes and read the comment again. Facial recognition on a phone is a feature, yes, but that doesn't mean it won't be abused without the holder knowing in the future, but as soon as iphone5s starts bringing in fingerprint scanning, that's even scarier than facial recognition. You still think it's "just a feature"? Then use your fucking head and realize that our phones can easily be turned into spyware devices
· in reply to Adrian rodrigues (Show the comment)
Nick Rauch

Nick Rauch 1 day ago

omg you're an idiot. facial recognition can be used the same way a fingerprint can be used if not more so.
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Author withheld

liedetecter2000 1 day ago

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catfishonetwo3 23 hours ago

Finger prints are every where, who cares if they are used digitally. You can get any ones finger print. We have been able to do that for over a hundred years. But it is a very secure way to protect your sensitive information by using it as a digital key for access.
· in reply to liedetecter2000 (Show the comment)

liedetecter2000 22 hours ago

But now, you can just touch a button and send your fingerprint to NSA (national security agency), so you can constantly be watched at all times which is not scary at all! I said that's what COULD happen in the future. Technologies like the fingerprint scanning can be abused beyond just "a cool feature".
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Mr. Dingus

Mr. Dingus 1 day ago

Yes, but...anyone who can purchase an iPhone would never commit such a crime that would require fingerprint IDing. In the future, iChip users (which will be most of us) will not even able to make simple decisions without the input of their "mobile device", let alone have the freedom to commit a crime.
· in reply to liedetecter2000 (Show the comment)

liedetecter2000 1 day ago

You think giving Apple more private detail such as fingerprint scanning is going to reduce crime rates? I suspect that Apple is bringing in more features that make the iPhone more unnerving than ever. They are now bringing in every aspect into a phone that can be turned into a spyware device. You've contradicted yourself in your comment when u say "we will not even able to make simple decisions without our device" That's not right. That's spying and control. No freedom at all.
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Mr. Dingus

Mr. Dingus 1 day ago

Anyway, people will just think it's "so cool" how an iPhone can do all these fancy things even if Apple publicly acknowledged malicious intent, people would still line up for hours to throw their money at them. Our society is addicted to this technology and Apple has everything it takes to satiate our sick hunger for it. It's no use trying to warn people and my previous comment wasn't totally serious anyway.
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Crisaide Mendes Jones

Crisaide Mendes Jones 1 day ago

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Nick Rauch

Nick Rauch 1 day ago

indeed. it will be very interesting to see what happens.
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familyklok 1 day ago

government already has our finger prints they take your prints at hospitals when born or at school field trips for little kids when they go to police stations and really having your finger print does nothing unless youre planning to commit crimes
· in reply to liedetecter2000 (Show the comment)

liedetecter2000 1 day ago

Not everyone was born in a hospital, and who the hell takes fingerprints of kids on fieldtrips nowadays? But yeah. I'm just saying, spywares are a possibility :D
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Isai Esparza

Isai Esparza 22 hours ago

Why are you concerned? are you going to kill someone?
· in reply to liedetecter2000 (Show the comment)

liedetecter2000 19 hours ago

How are you not concerned? iPhone is turning into a spyware device now. search up iPhone5 nsa commercial on youtube.
· in reply to Isai Esparza (Show the comment)

jojhnjoy 12 hours ago

fingerprint scanning was introduced to laptops ~10 years ago, on operating systems like Windows NT, which are much more vulnerable to malware than iPhoneOS-ARM based operating systems.
· in reply to liedetecter2000 (Show the comment)

liedetecter2000 7 hours ago

I don't think so. iPhone devices are much more portable, and you can take it ANYWHERE without trouble unlike a laptop. But oh wait, iPhones also have a GPS tracking device (iphone isnt the only phone), so it has voice recognition, camera, fingerprint, and GPS? O, great. We'll just give the NSA our biometric details as well as that. Anyways, i'm only saying it COULD happen in the future :)
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Allen Wixted

Allen Wixted 7 hours ago

i'm aware of the innocence and trustingness of this but in the apple videos the creative designer i think it was said that under no circumstances will it be uploaded in any way to the apple servers or any third party ones. That being said, with phone hacking being very easy due to smartphones, it would seem feasible for it to fall into the wrong hands, pun intended :P
· in reply to liedetecter2000 (Show the comment)

liedetecter2000 7 hours ago

:P Well, I was only commenting how it COULD happen in the future. When you introduce a new piece of tech on a device, that's going to be good short term, but there are always ****holes who abuse it. Every single revolutionary tech have all been abused one way or another. take a look at guns and weaponry, computer, electricity, nuclear power, blahblah
· in reply to Allen Wixted (Show the comment)
Allen Wixted

Allen Wixted 4 hours ago

oh i know don't get me wrong, just saying apple said it wouldn't connect to the cloud is all and would remain on the chip only. totally agree with you. would be nice to have some faith though, but it's the world we live in i guess.
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Floodbye 1 day ago

Mon iphone est bloqué sur la pomme de dermarage help !!!

HyperaxHD 1 day ago

Its the ninth iphone: 1,2,3,3gs,4,4s,5,5c,5s
Johnny McNugget

Johnny McNugget 1 day ago

no, there was no iPhone 2. This is the seventh generation of iPhone.

1, 3G (to symbolize the new, at the time, 3G internet capabilities), 3GS, 4, 4s, 5, 5S/5C. I wouldn't count the 5s and 5c separate because they are coming out at the same time making them part of the same Generation. the 5C is just a colored iPhone 4 (spec-wise) with a bigger screen.
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psj891124 1 day ago

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Bill Page

Bill Page 1 day ago

Joaquin Cardenas

Joaquin Cardenas 1 day ago

The ID scanner is horrible! I got locked out for a while until I reset the iPhone. Don't use it. Just keep the slide and a pass code as it is!

SHAMxONEZO 1 day ago

WOW..... are we not seeing that this "fingerprint ID scanner" is only being built only to play into the wrong hands? Im coooo. Im going to BlackBerry10.

SHAMxONEZO 1 day ago

WOW..... are we not seeing that this "fingerprint ID scanner" is only being built only to play into the wrong hands? Im coooo. Im going to BlackBerry10.
Bill Page

Bill Page 1 day ago

yep finger print hand prinys to buy foof or cloths id chip in bedded in your skin the mark of the beast 666 the antichrist Revalations one world goverment wars and roumours of wars strange waether patterns you will not be able totell the seasons no more and mankind will learn to fly like the birds ps look all the high teck inventions 2010 2012 2013 its like the jetsons age star trek star wars batlte star galitica buck rogers how william shatner changed the world
· in reply to SHAMxONEZO

SHAMxONEZO 1 day ago

WOW..... are we not seeing that this "fingerprint ID scanner" is only being built only to play into the wrong hands? Im coooo. Im going to BlackBerry10.

catfishonetwo3 23 hours ago

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Finger prints are every where, who cares if they are used digitally. You can get any ones finger print. We have been able to do that for over a hundred years. But it is a very secure way to protect your sensitive information by using it as a digital key for access.

· in reply to SHAMxONEZO
Esa Syt

Esa Syt 1 day ago

Touch ID.... Is Apple working with the NSA to steal our fingerprints too????????
Esa Syt

Esa Syt 1 day ago

Touch ID.... Is Apple working with the NSA to steal our fingerprints too????????
Bill Page

Bill Page 1 day ago

look up in google search engines look up in youtube video search engines big brother big buness spy drones are they watching you? your televsion is watching you your google tv set is watching you your video games console is watching you comcast is watching you your DVR is watching you force sheild iron dome force field army tank hyper stealthbending light invisbility quantum stealth tesalas goverment antigravity ufos rona;d reagans star wars program lwas lasers tr3b flying triangles
· in reply to Esa Syt
OSHelps Tech

OSHelps Tech 1 day ago

Iphone is not the first to have a fingerprint sensor. The Motorola matrix was.
van berko

van berko 1 day ago

Xhon Malaj

Xhon Malaj 2 days ago

im happy about my switch to galaxy s4 octa :D

BigMCMan22 2 days ago

This phone is scary. I mean it knows if you are driving or walking. It can scan and record your fingerprint. It can also track you when the phone is off. All tho this is very cool I am afraid that people can get too much personal information out of just your phone. Besides the fact that the government can listen in on you and see through your camera at all times even when your not using the phone. This is really worrying me of what else it can do with out us knowing.
Bill Page

Bill Page 1 day ago

look up in google search engines and youtube video search engines big brother big busness spy drones are the watching you? comcast is watching you your cealing fan is listening your televsion is watching you your dvr is watching you your video game console is watching you google earth webcam traffic webcams zoo cams satalight cams hoteal web cams you can not hide beach cams Jesus said this is gonna happen
· in reply to BigMCMan22 (Show the comment)

BigMCMan22 1 day ago

Ok you sound very intelligent if you think my ceiling fan is watching me you're not very educated. Also half things you said about listing and watching me don't even have mics or cameras. Also the fact that you did not have any periods or sense of grammar tells me a lot about how you only got a 5th grade education. You are the kind of people that should not be aloud to use the internet due to your stupidity.
· 2 in reply to Bill Page (Show the comment)

DotMatrixProductions 5 hours ago

he was joking...
· in reply to BigMCMan22 (Show the comment)

BigMCMan22 4 hours ago

No he is just that dumb. Trust me.
· in reply to DotMatrixProductions (Show the comment)

BigMCMan22 4 hours ago

No he is just that dumb. Trust me.
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Bill Page

Bill Page 5 minutes ago

ok you gota be one of the cool magicians i know personally or in google groups search engines many moons years ago:) tilman mitchel leary marlofan eric h johnn black alhastings ray haydad the magic of reza herbert l becker jonathen pendragon mastro the magnfiencent Art Artful Dodger masked mgician david drew duncan ropeline matt gallway chuck wendly herb newman stage name mystini ron mando merman ron danny tougue the great scott tommy story rj lacounts kevin mrmagic7 adam allred
· in reply to BigMCMan22

BigMCMan22 2 days ago

This phone is scary. I mean it knows if you are driving or walking. It can scan and record your fingerprint. It can also track you when the phone is off. All tho this is very cool I am afraid that people can get too much personal information out of just your phone. Besides the fact that the government can listen in on you and see through your camera at all times even when your not using the phone. This is really worrying me of what else it can do with out us knowing.
Bill Page

Bill Page 1 day ago

look up in google search engines and youtube video search engines big brother big busness spy drones are the watching you? comcast is watching you your cealing fan is listening your televsion is watching you your dvr is watching you your video game console is watching you google earth webcam traffic webcams zoo cams satalight cams hoteal web cams you can not hide beach cams Jesus said this is gonna happen
· in reply to BigMCMan22

BigMCMan22 1 day ago

Ok you sound very intelligent if you think my ceiling fan is watching me you're not very educated. Also half things you said about listing and watching me don't even have mics or cameras. Also the fact that you did not have any periods or sense of grammar tells me a lot about how you only got a 5th grade education. You are the kind of people that should not be aloud to use the internet due to your stupidity.
· 2 in reply to Bill Page

DotMatrixProductions 5 hours ago

he was joking...
· in reply to BigMCMan22
Bill Page

Bill Page 15 minutes ago

ohh oke doke cool friend all ways in my book:) God Bless plus even those in stealthy bending light invisbility quantum stealth aircraft folks in the bat cave:) ps hes right though im a hoset true Christian yep im a slow learner but most things im good at thanks to cool Jesus Christ are only True Real Lord God and Saviour ps if you look up on youtube plus cnn news and fox64 news extc they talk all about big brother big busness even deeper they say all ectronick
· in reply to DotMatrixProductions

BigMCMan22 2 days ago

This phone is scary. I mean it knows if you are driving or walking. It can scan and record your fingerprint. It can also track you when the phone is off. All tho this is very cool I am afraid that people can get too much personal information out of just your phone. Besides the fact that the government can listen in on you and see through your camera at all times even when your not using the phone. This is really worrying me of what else it can do with out us knowing.
Bill Page

Bill Page 1 day ago

look up in google search engines and youtube video search engines big brother big busness spy drones are the watching you? comcast is watching you your cealing fan is listening your televsion is watching you your dvr is watching you your video game console is watching you google earth webcam traffic webcams zoo cams satalight cams hoteal web cams you can not hide beach cams Jesus said this is gonna happen
· in reply to BigMCMan22

BigMCMan22 1 day ago

Ok you sound very intelligent if you think my ceiling fan is watching me you're not very educated. Also half things you said about listing and watching me don't even have mics or cameras. Also the fact that you did not have any periods or sense of grammar tells me a lot about how you only got a 5th grade education. You are the kind of people that should not be aloud to use the internet due to your stupidity.
· 2 in reply to Bill Page

DotMatrixProductions 5 hours ago

he was joking...
· in reply to BigMCMan22
Bill Page

Bill Page 11 minutes ago

devices in your house goverment area 51 top secret under ground bases are watchying and hearing your everyy word even david copperfield they even mention a place that no one belived exzested even it was info in one of many books by william poundstones books big secrets bigger secrets biggest secrets look up mount weather
· in reply to DotMatrixProductions

catfishonetwo3 23 hours ago

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thepatishow 2 days ago

hey guys please do me a favor and check out my chanel and my newest video? :) it would mean a lot! please subscribe, give it a thumbs up, watch, and let me know what you think if you want (: thank you!

jlovetjat 2 days ago

Note 3 in Stores soon!!!!

T3L3P0RTM3 2 days ago

My phone is Batman
david lively

david lively 2 days ago

what phone

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mohammed hayder

mohammed hayder 2 days ago

what if your skin got cut!!


hoodout16 2 days ago

The thing is, they said its stored in the hardware of your phone and is not on a server.

Therefore it's safe

KixioHD 2 days ago

I'm excited I'm excited I'm excited!!!
Tyren Ross

Tyren Ross 2 days ago

Google Fanboy here. Who wants a iOS vs Android debate?
Mohanned Said

Mohanned Said 2 days ago

Infinity blade iii lol
Mario Ramirez

Mario Ramirez 2 days ago

iPhone 5s vs samsung note 3 I like the simplicity but I don't like how android can be too much if you know what I mean. Also resale value means allot
Mario Ramirez

Mario Ramirez 2 days ago

Haha in a year how much will your android be? Or better yet who will know about your android
Cookie Chan

Cookie Chan 2 days ago

dammit technology stop making new phones for pete sakes!! >:0
Jonas Eriksen

Jonas Eriksen 2 days ago

Thx for the video i'll buy a iphone 5s :D!!!

MrMarton7 2 days ago

Now lots of people are going to Apple saying I got a sore on my thumb and I can't unlock my iPhone

aminah1999 2 days ago

Apple just keeps getting more and more advanced! I am not sure about the fingerprint home button though....

spitty3d 2 days ago

thumb unlock is stupid...

JakevsGames 2 days ago

your stubid
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MrRafaelTEEHEE 2 days ago

You're* stupid.*
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spitty3d 1 day ago

RIP english
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Nick Rauch

Nick Rauch 1 day ago

you are an idiot

· in reply to spitty3d (Show the comment)

spitty3d 20 hours ago

fuck you
Michael Khan

Michael Khan 2 days ago

steve jobs wouldve opposed the finger print mechanism! not safe for drug dealerz!

rinke1994 2 days ago

i am a "fanboy"of apple (i do like some android phones tho) but apple cmmonnn make some new shit

RPGCashQuest 2 days ago

free itunes would be nice... get codes here:\zLIylR

Juanita Heath

Juanita Heath 2 days ago

iphone 5s the 5 means 5 ways it sucks.....s means just that sucks!!s

BUZDRIFT 2 days ago

Ps exactly what prince vegeta said.
Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 2 days ago

i love my fans lol
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BUZDRIFT 2 days ago

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MacOSXMason 2 days ago

You're being too pessimistic. What could a regular "hacker" do with fingerprints?
· in reply to BUZDRIFT (Show the comment)

kurchiwala 1 day ago

its on record if you were born in a hospital
· 30 in reply to BUZDRIFT (Show the comment)

nightfighter201 1 day ago

not mine, i cut of the skin from my toes and tips of my fingers when i was 13.
· in reply to kurchiwala (Show the comment)
Johnny McNugget

Johnny McNugget 1 day ago

and you're fingerprints grow back. nature man. EVen acid isn't permanent.
· in reply to nightfighter201 (Show the comment)

nightfighter201 1 day ago

why do you have to ruin my jokes, its not cool. you're a meanie
· in reply to Johnny McNugget (Show the comment)
Mr. Dingus

Mr. Dingus 1 day ago

Yeah, your fingerprints as a newborn would really be useful for a criminal investigation.
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Nick Rauch

Nick Rauch 1 day ago

we will see.
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Jenny Ashmore

Jenny Ashmore 2 days ago

Get your iPhone 5 for nothing in the give away below!

Alokmay Behera

Alokmay Behera 2 days ago

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candy is good

candy is good 2 days ago

Scruffy. Full lips. Give me some of that <3
Nancy Bout

Nancy Bout 2 days ago

Love the note 2....debating on this cause my daughter AMD I can share it can be a smaller phone for small phone e days.lamp

keemybb1 2 days ago

i can't trust my iphone i think siri the feds.. they giving more evidence that they might be the feds fr

CosmicGiganticat 2 days ago

well not really i mean i've asked Siri where i should hide the body several times and the feds have never busted down my door
· in reply to keemybb1 (Show the comment)
matt henriksen

matt henriksen 2 days ago

You need to check this out...­k

This Immediatly comes to mind when I hear the fingerprint/Govt watching debate...
· in reply to keemybb1 (Show the comment)
Vernal Scott

Vernal Scott 2 days ago

Tempting...but I'm going for the best of the bunch, and that's Note 3.
kory mccoy

kory mccoy 2 days ago

I just got my damn I phone 5 now they made two more phones May Apple need to slow down
Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis 2 days ago

Same phone. dont worry you're good

ThaHeRow 2 days ago

Wow this looks amazing! I can't wait for all the new features! I'm definitely getting this one if they don't release iphone 6 by the time i need a new one! xD

L3THALXFOX 2 days ago

a bigger screen comon its a fucking phone not a god damn tablet gosh use a phone for a phone not some bullshit movie theater and i dont want to have a fucking brick in my pocket
Milander just milander

Milander just milander 2 days ago

the best apps need a bigger screen dick, apple missed the boat on this one
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Mike Lewis

Mike Lewis 2 days ago

you must be using a flip phone i guess?
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fabian cheong

fabian cheong 2 days ago

Finger print scanner? Great!! Now when ppl steal your phone they are gonna chop your fingers of too
· 17

iNv_ForEveR 2 days ago

Someone just stole my phone, then he came back and chopped off my finger. I'm crying so hard because he will come back since he chopped off the wrong finger, please help.

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TheN0X 2 days ago

it checks thermal energy to

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darkstar9971 1 day ago

That won't work because the home button is capacitive so it works on the electric pulses in your finger, hence it requires alive fingers.
· in reply to fabian cheong (Show the comment)
fransisco rivera

fransisco rivera 3 days ago

I might get it only bc gold and finger print lol
Jordan Thomas

Jordan Thomas 3 days ago

You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called FIREPA.COM .

You can make money online and start working from home today as I am!

I am making over $3,000+ per month at FIREPA.COM !

Visit and check it out!

When does the turn treat the pink order?

When does the grubby river treat the discussion?

How does the discussion co-operate the accessible stop?
Jordan Thomas

Jordan Thomas 3 days ago

You guys should check out this EXTRAORDINARY website called FIREPA.COM .

You can make money online and start working from home today as I am!

I am making over $3,000+ per month at FIREPA.COM !

Visit and check it out!

The nifty opinion specifys the fire.

The zesty rhythm categorizes the amusement.

When does the end localize the optimal business?
Phillip Alleyne

Phillip Alleyne 3 days ago

And now police can find you alot faster through your fingerprints being on the phone . Lmao

awesomecookie111 3 days ago


seanabie 3 days ago

Mobile Malware....F-Secure's new report for the latest quarter shows Android now accounts for 91.3 percent of all malware activity (up from 79 percent in 2012). The research noted that mobile threats are overwhelmingly motivated by profits, with 76.5 percent designed specifically to con users out of money....... Unlike Apple, Samsung relies on Google and the open community to handle its software integration, leaving "open" the potential for such sophisticated attacks.....

Mich0uz 3 days ago

" oh jeez now the government will take my finger print" some of you guys are idiots, u think they government need to use a phone to get your shit ? They already have everything about you.
Jazlynn Hernandez

Jazlynn Hernandez 3 days ago

-_- Thats Bullshit

WarKingz099 3 days ago

too many paranoid people these days swear! its just a phone man not a government trap.

Antoine3r 3 days ago

Ugly cases
Martin Georgiev

Martin Georgiev 3 days ago

Smartphone doesn't mean TV. Just saying
Isabella Adenzato

Isabella Adenzato 3 days ago

I honestly do not want to live on this planet anymore.

redXlled 3 days ago

apple should start thinking about motion commands for real in iPhone 6 maybe then they will kill any phone in market and that's my opinion

JakesOnline 3 days ago

Huntington Dog Beach?
jay ch

jay ch 3 days ago

i had iphone 4, then to galaxy note 2, no im going back to iphone 5s

3dspineapple 3 days ago

nice video dude

3dspineapple 3 days ago

still no nfc? c'mon now apple, c'mon.

19alis89 3 days ago

Thumb print. . Pshhh! Face unlock is better!! Samsung galaxsy s4!!!!

3dspineapple 3 days ago

but less reliable and u might hav a twin and it's also less efficiant
· in reply to 19alis89 (Show the comment)
Christopher Linares

Christopher Linares 4 days ago

Stupid finger scan really if I was a sleep someone can just pick up my finger and unlock the iphone

ABWeddingVideos 3 days ago

Disable it and use a code then...?
· in reply to Christopher Linares (Show the comment)
Victor Martínez

Victor Martínez 3 days ago

You have the option of using either the print or code.
· in reply to Christopher Linares (Show the comment)
hannah adams

hannah adams 4 days ago

What if u cut ur finger or get pen on it or something! U wont be able to get into ur phone
Devon Ford

Devon Ford 4 days ago

You can set it up with any finger or thumb so if have pen or cut all your fingers and both thumbs you got a problem
· in reply to hannah adams (Show the comment)
Kenneth Mendez

Kenneth Mendez 3 days ago

You have the option to use 5 different fingers, and all would work individually.
· in reply to hannah adams (Show the comment)
nahid islam

nahid islam 4 days ago

What a load of Shit.

SheepyPvP 4 days ago

"Comes in 5 colorful poly-carbonate *cough cough* (plastic) flavors"

I laughed my ass off at that cD
· 2
Kris Turner

Kris Turner 4 days ago

want or not want your girlfriend to access your phone...
For Your Consideration

For Your Consideration 4 days ago

what does it matter if you're not hiding anything? douchebag.
· in reply to Kris Turner (Show the comment)
Kris Turner

Kris Turner 3 days ago

it's called a joke, calm down...
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datsnare217 4 days ago

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basuav2005 4 days ago

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mazen mohammed

mazen mohammed 4 days ago

I like the iPhone 5S
Utkarsh Kumar

Utkarsh Kumar 4 days ago

obviously you are a android supporter but i support Apple and always will bro :)

Ushingburg 4 days ago

I didn't realise there were actually 5 features new in the first place...
أحمد العنزي

أحمد العنزي 4 days ago

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Christian Baca

Christian Baca 4 days ago

Great video bro

darkENhandsome 4 days ago

Are you okay buddy? You look like you've lost quite a bit of weight.

UeChurch 4 days ago

Finally a GREAT video!

danto6 4 days ago

My sister says that you have very pretty eyes and that she would love to put mascara and makeup on them.. ¬_¬

LilttleLilliess 5 days ago

I love your reviews, and overall your channel :). Hope you get better, you look very thin.
Alejandro Quiceno

Alejandro Quiceno 5 days ago

I think Apple think we're fools. iPhone 5c is the f* same iPhone 5 but with PLASTIC. Apple got a big chance to create something NEW. The S. Galaxy S4 and (in my opinion) the Note 3 was not a big advance too, so they should take that chance, but...

Evernbro 5 days ago

Does anybody else think that th fingerprint scanner won't work very well
MeiXing Zhang

MeiXing Zhang 5 days ago

Well, we can find out.
· in reply to Evernbro (Show the comment)

tyraelasd 5 days ago

Waiting for the video ranting on the hideousness of those ugly cases. Amazing video I just can't get enough of your videos, your voice is so damn enjoyable, better than every other youtube out there, you should work in a radio broadcasting :)
Matias Perichon

Matias Perichon 5 days ago

dude your an idiot the cases are not ugly
Zane Pena

Zane Pena 5 days ago

They're pretty vile...

ThothTA 5 days ago

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Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 5 days ago

government is written all over the thumb print
· 41

unhingedFilms 4 days ago

The government would already have your finger print if they wanted it.
· 11 in reply to Prince Vegeta (Show the comment)
Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 4 days ago

the difference is... they cant do anything with an ink thumb print. if they get all of the "small details" in the thumb print they could use that thumb print to frame you. like lets say they shot someone they don't like. they could get that thumb print and put it on the gun. they cant do that with ink
· 13 in reply to unhingedFilms (Show the comment)

TaaastyBurger 3 days ago

Then they got it 5 years ago when i bought a Toshiba laptop. 
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jeffrey kwarteng

jeffrey kwarteng 3 days ago

well supposedly the fingerprint data is not accessable to software or internet. its incrypted to only work with the sensor. but then again why believe apple?
· in reply to Prince Vegeta (Show the comment)
Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 2 days ago

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WalkAloneMedia 2 days ago

Your fingerprint is stored on the phone. Not the cloud or any apple servers...
· in reply to Prince Vegeta (Show the comment)

pMattpful 2 days ago

You want a bet they can't do that with ink? You severely underestimate the government. You also severely underestimate how paranoid you are.
· in reply to Prince Vegeta (Show the comment)
amarjit singh

amarjit singh 2 days ago

simple solution.... Don't shoot people :D

RadicalSilverado 2 days ago

I have a feeling you are retarded.
Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 2 hours ago

ok once you get nuked by a drone don't say i didn't warn u.
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Elliot Parkhouse

Elliot Parkhouse 2 days ago

thing is apple now has youre fingerprint lol :P
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Victor Martínez

Victor Martínez 3 days ago

Those prints never get uploaded to any servers, it doesn't get sent to Apple or the government. It just stays on your phone and you have the option to use it or not. Besides, if the government wanted to use this, it would have been leaked by now.
· in reply to Prince Vegeta (Show the comment)
Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 3 days ago

dude the government has acsess to everything....
· in reply to Victor Martínez (Show the comment)
lolo wow

lolo wow 3 days ago

goberment have your hole hand palm(and fingers) prints and foot prints since you and everybody of us where born, they dont need an iphone to know your fingerprint.

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apllDgrapllD 2 days ago

FYI the GOV is in everything my brother works for the airforce and i cant pry info out of him!!!!!!!!!
· in reply to Prince Vegeta (Show the comment)
Prince Vegeta

Prince Vegeta 2 days ago

well its nice to know that you are my next victim...
· in reply to apllDgrapllD (Show the comment)

ghettogazz 5 days ago

i aint seen your videos in a while, you lost alot of weight

RoweShawn 5 days ago

Hey bro, great video, very informative, you have a good voice for it, and like I was telling someone is the kind of video that doesn't want me chasing after the back button.

I am a DJ, emcee, and public speaker myself. You got the skills man. Thanks for the info. I will probably be making my purchase in the next week.

ObitoTheJuubi 5 days ago

8th iPhone man

you ignored the 5c lolol


MitchIsAlone 5 days ago

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ThatGuyYouShot 5 days ago

I wish i could afford an iphone 5S , if only tldtoday would gift me one hahaha
Feruh Tunali

Feruh Tunali 5 days ago

Great job man! You know your stuff. For Samsung lovers; I tried Galaxy s4 and since I don't have hands of 6'10 basketball players, I couldn't use the phone with one hand. And the OS; you need to take a crash-course to use those suckers...

faisal86611 5 days ago

Isn't Htc One 4UltraPixel?
jeremy carl daigo

jeremy carl daigo 6 days ago

this is actually the best review video. thanks for the video. i love the macro shot u did

DBFREVIEWS 6 days ago

JUST SAYING AT THE END WHEN THEY SAY LETS THINK (CompanyName) FOR MAKING THIS VIDEO POSSIBLE!!! That means lets thank (CompanyName) for paying me money for posting them on my video xD

RoweShawn 5 days ago

haha true, but that guy is good, and talks really smooth. Its the kind of video you don't rush to find the back button xD
· in reply to DBFREVIEWS (Show the comment)
kyle holman

kyle holman 6 days ago

Does the 5c have a finger scanner?

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

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RoweShawn 5 days ago

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ThePinhead101 6 days ago

I have an S4. Gonna see if I can get this. I really do not like my phone.
Abdelhady Gamal

Abdelhady Gamal 6 days ago

thx for this video bro >>> and i think Apple is the Best of the Best in all things >>> AND i phone is Better than Galaxy s4 >>>> do u accept me ?? :D

Jason Thomas

Jason Thomas 6 days ago

I like your videos, I've watched a bunch of them. Also I hope your feeling OK, you look thinner than before. Again I hope your doing well.
Ayoo Alexis

Ayoo Alexis 6 days ago

Damn, so much good info'! Can't wait to get my hands on this baby!(:

BosnaSarajevo89 6 days ago

subscribed, u know your shit man, good vid.
Hristo Drianovski

Hristo Drianovski 6 days ago

again apple show that they are the best!!!
Prateesh Patel

Prateesh Patel 6 days ago

You look pale dude :( ... I know u were having health troubles, I honestly hope u r feeling better now... Keep rocking !!!
Yonathan Koutenshidatshu

Yonathan Koutenshidatshu 6 days ago

Great, Finger prints is store on A7 Chip not on Apple server

jlzimmerman 6 days ago

The 2012 Huawei Ascend D Quad was 64-bit.  Apple was not the first, regardless of what they say.

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

It's the 1st phone to actually use the processor. Apple was the 1st to use it in a phone, so they really didn't really spin any lies.
· in reply to jlzimmerman (Show the comment)

AGrandt 6 days ago

About to make a purchase, want to cancel, press home button...oops!
Arjun Mahesh

Arjun Mahesh 6 days ago

The screen size is perfect.

please don't tell that apple needs to oversize their phones too.

If you really want a bigger phone put iOS 7 on your iPad and it will give you the biggest phone EVER.(Audio only FaceTime is about the same thing as calling through phones right??except you need internet for facetime but that isn't much of a problem)

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

I love a smaller screen. I don't always want to hold my phone with both hands just to use it.
· in reply to Arjun Mahesh (Show the comment)
Marvin Zapanta

Marvin Zapanta 6 days ago

How did you lose weight fast?
Ben Trembath

Ben Trembath 1 week ago

Video starts at 2:00

CaesaaaaR 1 week ago

great vid

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wirralot 1 week ago

Excellent, the most useful summary of the iPhone 5s I've seen, jhelped me make my mind up - I want it,

TURBULENCE 1 week ago

Very informative! +1 sub!

gavinftw97 1 week ago

I like how very unbias you are in this video :) good job
Bobby Garcia

Bobby Garcia 1 week ago

I miss the healthier Jonathan. Hoping all be well soon!

MrCaptainObviouz 1 week ago

What happens if you burn your finger?

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

It actually records what your fingerprint is under the surface of your skin. So unless it's a serious burn or cut, it won't matter.
· in reply to MrCaptainObviouz (Show the comment)

wjksea 1 week ago

How about seeing if Apple would consider putting a cell phone in an iPad mini for those of you who want more than a phone in your pocket?

MrElaw636 1 week ago

Finally someone gives a perspective on what a cell phone should look like a 6" phone isn't a phone its a car phone or a bag phone member those!!! that is why apple choses sophistication over the common conception of what a good phone looks like

· in reply to wjksea (Show the comment)

4shababq8 1 week ago


DevilbabyPL 1 week ago

Amazing job! Definitely subscribed.

DevilbabyPL 1 week ago

...polycarbonate *cough* plastic. Lol
maxi maxi

maxi maxi 1 week ago

super, now the americans also know our finger print :D


connwell 1 week ago

I hate haters (not u, damn thumb downers)
Александр Бочков

Александр Бочков 1 week ago

Какой же ты страшный
Brandon Maruszczak

Brandon Maruszczak 1 week ago

I have a HTC droid incredible 4glte
Brandon Maruszczak

Brandon Maruszczak 1 week ago


weneedtodosomething 1 week ago

is he related to john rettinger?
Feiran He

Feiran He 1 week ago

Thanks for your advertisement. I finally find a suitable place to start my own website.

GabKoost 1 week ago

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SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

In an emergency no one can use your phone because of the *damn passcode, which will still exist. Did you really think they would take that out? They would definitely use the passcode as a failsafe, and you can answer calls on the phone without unlocking it. If a freak steals your phone, he could also just torture you until you give him your passcode. For unlocking purposes, this is simple and easy.
· in reply to GabKoost (Show the comment)

mlsfrost 1 week ago

hey bro been watching your vids for the last couple of years, but this is the first one ive looked at in ages!! and im very sorry to hear you have been unwell, i wish you a long and speedy recovery!!!
· 2

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KamilG225 1 week ago

There are a select few tech guys on YouTube that I enjoy watching like MKBHD and Aaron from PhoneDog, but you absolutely take it. Your videos rarely contain bias and tell it like it is in an interesting way.

Plus the Bulls gear you sport once in a while are a plus since I'm a Chicago guy.
· 23

tldtoday 1 week ago

Dude. Thanks a bunch for taking the time to drop some kind words. +1,000 for being on the Bulls page ha.
· 15 in reply to KamilG225 (Show the comment)

wimbletone 1 week ago

I'm a little concerned about the drastic weight loss there buddy.
· 8

tldtoday 1 week ago

Been a couple years of getting my health back, last few months have been altering my diet to rebuild my immune system but the next goal is to put back on some weight lol.
· 18 in reply to wimbletone (Show the comment)

wimbletone 5 days ago

It is good to know that you're doing well man.
· in reply to tldtoday (Show the comment)

Rednuksi 4 days ago

This is my first time watching your videos and there actually pretty darn good. since I see you need to gain some weight go to Scoobies website its the best, its free and he does youtube videos check his site out I know you wont regret it. google scoobysworkshop
· in reply to tldtoday (Show the comment)
Peter Mercado

Peter Mercado 1 week ago

That was cool bro.
· 11

tldtoday 1 week ago

Thanks bro.
· 13 in reply to Peter Mercado (Show the comment)
Pippa P

Pippa P 1 week ago

Best review I've seen so far. Thanks very much I sent sure about it before, but now I think I'll get one :)

BonesBD 1 week ago

Nice vid.! Like your t-shirt dude.!!

tldtoday 1 week ago

Appreciate it! :D
· in reply to BonesBD (Show the comment)
Fred Wood

Fred Wood 1 week ago

AT&T promos
cameron Taylor

cameron Taylor 1 week ago

We are actually only like 300 years old
Cactus Tweeter

Cactus Tweeter 1 week ago

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ooflajboo 1 week ago

Iphones Suck. Wii all the way. America is so stupid we are 20013 years old

why are we so stupid
Anthony Hill

Anthony Hill 1 week ago

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Anthony Hill

Anthony Hill 1 week ago

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SoundtracksEpic 1 week ago

the iphone 5c the iphone 5 "cheap" there is NO reason why they released the iphone 5c but profit - it costs as much as the iPhone 5. Isn't that what custom phone cases are for??

Th3D4nny 1 week ago

No please no bigger screen. There's people with small hands you know. I won't even buy S4 because it's size is just awkward.
· 2
נתנאל חולו

נתנאל חולו 1 week ago

touch id will be avilable to install on the iphone 5 ?

SoundtracksEpic 1 week ago

hahahahahahaha!!!! no.
· in reply to נתנאל חולו (Show the comment)
Guata Guata

Guata Guata 1 week ago

touch id isnt software, it is built into the home button
· in reply to SoundtracksEpic (Show the comment)

SoundtracksEpic 6 days ago

yeah thats why i said its not available to install on the iphone 5 to that other guy - its a feature built into the iphone 5s
· in reply to Guata Guata (Show the comment)
Bryce Palmer

Bryce Palmer 1 week ago

That moment when there's more ppi in the home button than the screen.

iJamesVlog 1 week ago

@tomitofazzio: does it work for iPod 5?

ChompXL 1 week ago

"Top 5 Apple iPhone 5s Features!" A.K.A. "The 5 Only New Apple iPhone 5s Features..."

iApple 1 week ago

5s in g

wwwdennisjosephin 1 week ago

Nyc vid

tomitofazzio 1 week ago

live video zoom is available in the iphone 5 with iOS 7 beta!!

stevenjr2002 1 week ago

im i the first to notice that the iphone 5s coleors are from star wars white r2d2 gold that one gold robot and black darth vader

DerakuJin 1 week ago

Wait can someone explain the finger print thing like let's say I use my thumb can I use my other fingers ass well or do I need to scan them as well
Karan Giri

Karan Giri 1 week ago

yes u can

· in reply to DerakuJin (Show the comment)

DerakuJin 1 week ago

Nahh. iPhones screen is good it shouldn't yet any bigger then how will you fit your phone in your pocket unless u a girl
Tech Geek

Tech Geek 1 week ago

I am excited for the 5S and IOS 7 :)
Julian Forthun

Julian Forthun 1 week ago



WBakerBoy 1 week ago

Lets go jailbreak :D
rohan fernandes

rohan fernandes 1 week ago

only 5 added features from iPhone 5..iPhone 5S sucks...

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

It's the top 5. Only one added feature from the S3 to S4, and it doesn't mean it sucks.
· in reply to rohan fernandes (Show the comment)
rohan fernandes

rohan fernandes 1 week ago

Lumia 1020 kills iPhone 5S..Finger print scanner definitely fails....same old iPhone 5 with A7 processor battery life may be 2-3 hours as we saw in iPhone 5 using A6 processor the battery life was half than IPhone 4S but for sure 5S battery life less than 3 hours...

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

I would like not having to enter a super long passcode to purchase. The camera beats the iPhone from my experience. But I can't even understand the rest of what you said...
· in reply to rohan fernandes (Show the comment)
Katrina Floyd

Katrina Floyd 1 week ago

Samsung Galaxy Note 2
Vladimir Chankov

Vladimir Chankov 1 week ago

Add 1-2 features = release new iPhone. Stupid.

SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

Make the processor slightly faster= release S4. I'm not even saying the S4 is bad either. And can you read the title? It's the TOP 5...
· in reply to Vladimir Chankov (Show the comment)
iG FourRai

iG FourRai 1 week ago

can you make this video??? Gold vs. silver vs. space gray: Which iPhone 5S color should you get? Video PLSSS
Mhmoodz Zaidan

Mhmoodz Zaidan 1 week ago

You are my favourite reviewer of all time.

Orbisman 1 week ago

I called it first. The phone they use on the display screen in their events IS the iPhone 6.
Irlanda Aranda

Irlanda Aranda 1 week ago


MrBvirk 1 week ago

i gotta say this but more than 2 gb ram in a ph is just stupid lol, no point my cousin has a 512 mb ram pc and it works proper lol my nexus 4 never lagged
Sam Malcolm

Sam Malcolm 1 week ago

Apparently your cousin has never launched an Adobe program
· in reply to MrBvirk (Show the comment)

xmdude626 1 week ago

shave John ;P

everythinnot 1 week ago

Top 5 features? You mean the only features...

drfrank01 1 week ago

actually, you could use wifi in your car if you have a hotspot ;)

Tesy Coy

Tesy Coy 1 week ago


Zerofire70 1 week ago

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jamaicaboy 1 week ago

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SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

Its saved to your own hard drive. If it isn't, someone will find out while going through programs, and will definitely stir up some shit.

· in reply to jamaicaboy (Show the comment)

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Zerofire70 1 week ago

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caroo durazo

caroo durazo 1 week ago


THEMRSP33DO 1 week ago

Should I get 5 or 5S

meak911 1 week ago

If you can find the 5 at a decent price, I'd get it. It will do most things that the 5S can do very well.
· in reply to THEMRSP33DO (Show the comment)

wasqe324 1 week ago

@Giancarlo Garcia the iPad 5 will probably come out October 20th or 22nd according to rumors.
erick perez

erick perez 1 week ago

Is the iPhone 5s waterproof?
Sahib Niyazov

Sahib Niyazov 1 week ago

Hey) what microphone do you use? I like the quality

wonderwall135 1 week ago

damn Jonathon you look sick. are you on drugs yo?
Hisham Awaludin

Hisham Awaludin 1 week ago

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SexieBiscuit 6 days ago

Motorola Atrix, holy shit that was a flop. And no, Apple does not use remotely the same chipset as the Note.
· in reply to Hisham Awaludin (Show the comment)

DontBplayaHaten 1 week ago

Is the Camera on the Iphone5S better then the SG4?

· 6

Kill3ntertainment 1 week ago

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Marc Dikranian

Marc Dikranian 1 week ago

how do you know? no one has done a test yet
· in reply to Kill3ntertainment (Show the comment)

toocoolforu 1 week ago

Yes it is. More megapixels don't mean quality, quite the opposite!! I know about photgraphy I would know. Give me an amazing 2mp camera instead (that's full HD btw).

Samsung has always been selling features, amazing features, even ridiculous features as long as they can show off their precious features!

So hell no! the camera is NOT better on the S4. Not to mention their 5" display who isn't half as bright as an iPhone. So their features policy is a COMMERCIAL/MARKETING TRICK.
· 7 in reply to Kill3ntertainment (Show the comment)
Nan N

Nan N 1 week ago

Samsung's customer can only grasp specs, not actual performance because their minds can only conceive big numbers. So, it's an excellent marketing trick for a lot of people.
· in reply to toocoolforu (Show the comment)

TheTCOLL 1 week ago

Finally, someone who knows what they are talking about.
· in reply to toocoolforu (Show the comment)
Alex Amoros

Alex Amoros 1 week ago

not really....
· in reply to toocoolforu (Show the comment)

MrBvirk 1 week ago

i love the slow motion and the other video feature which skips a sec and plays.. dam its too sick and plus it got dual flash
· in reply to Kill3ntertainment (Show the comment)

TheTCOLL 1 week ago

· in reply to DontBplayaHaten (Show the comment)

diamond9ice 1 week ago

I don't think so.
· in reply to DontBplayaHaten (Show the comment)

TheGhostfreak212 1 week ago

I wish that the iPhone 6 or 7 will have hologram because we need a hologram device on todays future!

97tec 1 week ago

its the most stable phone for me!
Mr. Rainman

Mr. Rainman 1 week ago

let get this head to head with htc one m7.
Mr. Rainman

Mr. Rainman 1 week ago

The thing is it does not result to an automatic buy for apple fans just like the previous phones.
· in reply to tldtoday (Show the comment)

NeoFalcon69 1 week ago

So no NFC?

Tinglify 1 week ago

the iphone 5s has alot of cool tech added but i feel like phone companies need to take after the ubuntu edge
daniel wiles

daniel wiles 1 week ago

I like the style of 5c=(
Phapsu Hòa

Phapsu Hòa 1 week ago

tôi rất thất vọng về iphone 5s không cải tiến được những phần cần thiết nhất như cấu hình máy và ứng dụng cần thiết cho giới công nghệ đang chờ đợi về hãng lày...coi như đã bỏ ..

classicbomb27 1 week ago

iphone 5s! with a new hat!
Hussein Ali

Hussein Ali 1 week ago

Good vid
Giancarlo Garcia

Giancarlo Garcia 1 week ago

When do you think the new iPad 5 will come out?

MrVaibhav2625 1 week ago

Lvd this vid
Jay Roberts

Jay Roberts 1 week ago

I'm forever an iPhone fan besides the iPhone started it all so the iPhone will ALWAYS be better than those cheap android butt phones
· 3
Arsh Techie

Arsh Techie 1 week ago

That's true!
· in reply to Jay Roberts (Show the comment)
Arsh Techie

Arsh Techie 1 week ago

Since i have never had an iPhone will definitely get the iPhone 5S!
· 22

bashar876 1 week ago

get a samsung instead.
· in reply to Arsh Techie (Show the comment)
Lucky Penguin

Lucky Penguin 6 days ago

Not a Samsung fan at all. I hate the Android platform.
· in reply to bashar876 (Show the comment)

bashar876 5 days ago

who asked you?!
· in reply to Lucky Penguin (Show the comment)
Cameron Chhim

Cameron Chhim 5 days ago

It would be a good experience for iOS! But I like Android...haven't used iOS 7 but you'll like it!
· in reply to Arsh Techie (Show the comment)

squishyroo 1 week ago

the idiots would stop saying gorgeous when describing these shit colours and cases

darkheat246 1 week ago

Android has already had OpenGL 3.0 and fingerprint scanners and face unlock and I'm sure Android will be the first to have 4 more gigs of RAM
ichisuke uchiha

ichisuke uchiha 1 week ago

Okay, now apple has TouchID on the phone, what next move for samsung?..
Remy Basi

Remy Basi 1 week ago

android already has face-unlock. You unlock the phone by simply looking at it..
· in reply to ichisuke uchiha (Show the comment)

ASR 1 week ago

u cant unlock ur phone at nights using ur face

u have to keep a TORCH....


apple rules

apple forevea...
· in reply to Remy Basi (Show the comment)
Nan N

Nan N 1 week ago

Doesn't work well at all on my G-Note, and it lags half the time. Just turned it off.
· in reply to Remy Basi (Show the comment)
Remy Basi

Remy Basi 1 week ago

Is it the g-note 1? I have the s4 and it works very well. The note 1 is a bit laggy though..
· in reply to Nan N (Show the comment)

ASR 1 week ago


m sure they ll copy touch id also

like siri...
· in reply to ichisuke uchiha (Show the comment)
ichisuke uchiha

ichisuke uchiha 1 week ago

Yeah lot of people loved big screen phone, but to be honest, why do you need bigger screen when a small screen phone and you cant handle them without breaking. Almost everyone I know has this problem, name it, apple, samsung, htc etc.
ichisuke uchiha

ichisuke uchiha 1 week ago

(excuse me) Off topic: I haven't seen any of your review lately, but man, you losing weight.. are you okay?
Esteban Garcia

Esteban Garcia 1 week ago

I phone 5 please

DarkMythDude 1 week ago

You can already do the zoom in with video on iOS 7 on the iPhone 5
DJ Lanuza

DJ Lanuza 1 week ago

That idea like from TechMeOut.
Micke Cool

Micke Cool 1 week ago

There wasa htc phone in 2011 which had a fingerprint reader on the back i have forgotten what the name was of the phone, apple you are not innovating as much as you saying.
Christian McAwesome

Christian McAwesome 1 week ago

I'm honestly just happy thinking about all the cool stuff the jailbreak community is gonna be able to do with the cool new features.
· 29
William Cooper

William Cooper 1 week ago

Have fun waiting
· in reply to Christian McAwesome (Show the comment)
Rajesh Singh

Rajesh Singh 1 week ago

wats the processors actual speed is 1.2 ghz 4 core how much ram wats the beanchmark readings


MattConditioning 1 week ago

dual core??

ciph3ro 1 week ago

Not worth buying.. Will still wait to see what else comes out from Android this year. Now Windows and Blackberry are not an option anymore.. to much instability in the companies.

Any news on the Nexus 5?.. The LG G2, Xperia Z1 and Note 2 looks pretty awesome, except a bit big for me.

ciph3ro 1 week ago

They left out NFC.. Everyone seems to have NFC to share things between people nowadays.. oh Apple..

hawaiianlaker 1 week ago

Solid video
Krystle Lopez

Krystle Lopez 1 week ago

Finally! Ive been in need of a fingerprint scanner for my phone. Now my little cousins wont take my phone and change the password!!
Zahi Kanaan

Zahi Kanaan 1 week ago

why so thin?

is iwork free for update to iOS 7, or do i have to buy a new phone in order to get them for red.

Matar Khan

Matar Khan 1 week ago

You look so thin •_•
ShelbyMarie Ortiz

ShelbyMarie Ortiz 1 week ago

Could you do a video on how the iOS 7 update will affect iphone 5?

ZoMbIeEleMeNtHD 1 week ago

Dont buy!!! Goverment going to take your info though finger print!!
Allen Straith

Allen Straith 1 week ago

The next iPhone will have some version of NFC, and payments will be initiated with the Touch ID.

tekkai235 1 week ago

Most useful feature for me is the fingerprint reader.

carmas54 1 week ago

excellent review
Michael Delic

Michael Delic 1 week ago

So it won't be wider
Spencer Dean

Spencer Dean 1 week ago

The cache file the a53 and a57 chip creates is so large, that the processor requires at least 4gb ram... iPhone 5S has 1gb ram.

They didn't do anything that hadn't been done before. Typical Apple. I was hoping they'd add some killer feature, thumbprint to buy an app is cool, but to unlock would be annoying (Motorola Atrix had it, and it flopped).

Note III camera looks more impressive than the iPhones too. They just didn't do anything that hadn't been done before.

tldtoday 1 week ago

You didn't listen brother. Why this is important is by Apple doing this it puts pressure on other companies to go 64-bit, so like I said when that Note 4 has 4+ GB RAM it'll only benefit everyone.
· 16 in reply to Spencer Dean (Show the comment)
azrul hafiz Sham

azrul hafiz Sham 1 week ago

clarify the meaning of " it'll only benefit everyone" pleasee :)
· in reply to tldtoday (Show the comment)
Real Ramirez

Real Ramirez 1 week ago

its the way they roll it out is the difference, expect a better all around product from Apple.

· in reply to Spencer Dean (Show the comment)

MrBatuAydin 1 week ago

you selfish gay
· in reply to Spencer Dean (Show the comment)

toocoolforu 1 week ago

You're so wrong about everything. You don't need more than 4gb of ram to take advantages of 64bit first.

And the thumbnail sensor on the iphone works fast and will be use, Apple actually tests their products before launch and don't bring useless features unlike all the others! You like the Note III camera more, yet it wasn't tested yet. Oh but it has more megapixel so it must be better right ? Such a moronic comment you made.
· in reply to Spencer Dean (Show the comment)

Itsallawesome 1 week ago

There's four new features. How you gonna favorite 5 lol

Itsallawesome 1 week ago

The cases are truly disgusting. Idk why they put so much pride into it.
Spencer Dean

Spencer Dean 1 week ago

Interesting. The same 32nm a9 chip that powered the original Galaxy Note, is now 64 bit when Apple uses it..?

oh wait, its a theoretical 64 bit. Righttttt.

BTW, ARM, the company that does the blueprints for most of the mobile chips (besides the intel chips) said the BLUEPRINTS for the a53 and a57, the WORLDS FIRST 64bit mobile processors, will not be out until Feb 2014.

iOS uses about 24 bit on average.... the fact that no one is challenging them on this is laughable.
Ali Karim

Ali Karim 1 week ago

Ya it's so funny 
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phu pham hoang

phu pham hoang 1 week ago

I would buy iphone 5 instead of the 5c,cuz both phone is the same,the only difference is plastic and the alluminum
Real Ramirez

Real Ramirez 1 week ago

no not the same. Battery is better on iphone 5c.

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phu pham hoang

phu pham hoang 1 week ago

I love this iphone,want it asap
citlaly villasenor

citlaly villasenor 1 week ago

Wow! That's interesting!

rdomi95 1 week ago

is the 5c exactly the same just plastic or does it have different specs?

ianstark1 1 week ago

no, the 5c have the iphone 5 specs but with plastic so it';s basically a 5 but of plastic the 5s has way better specs.
· in reply to rdomi95 (Show the comment)
Real Ramirez

Real Ramirez 1 week ago

expect a better camera and battery life out of the 5c.

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legofreak929 1 week ago


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DEpicBeatz 1 week ago

The iPhone 5S (S for same)
Jacob Bullard

Jacob Bullard 1 week ago

Like S but hate C C's case looks so retarded. Save money and get one.
Logan S.

Logan S. 1 week ago

I'm sorry,I'll keep my HTC One until the iPhone 6
josue puerto

josue puerto 1 week ago

Nice but kind still a piece of crap


it cool now i can leave my phone at my girls house without her looking at it XD

DubstepMime 1 week ago

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Patrick Floyd

Patrick Floyd 1 week ago

What if you cut your finger? Will it work?

SuperMrtube 1 week ago

I agree with you on everything you've said. Your videos are cool. More apple videos
George Kao

George Kao 1 week ago

Jon is awesome
Adrian Botran

Adrian Botran 1 week ago

8 iPhone

seafoamshame1 1 week ago

Jon, you are one cool mamma jamma
Jose Jimenez

Jose Jimenez 1 week ago

My are a true Youtuber when it comes to tech reviews and unboxings and anything else tech are just an awesome guy..keep it up. :D

Mitchseen 1 week ago

What made Apple was the screens as well as quality. It looks component manufacturers want their screens and cameras for their own mobiles!
Mcfagget McNiger

Mcfagget McNiger 1 week ago

I never had an iphone before. The 5s is going to be my first. I'm getting a 64gb because I want to hold all my music.
Arturo N.

Arturo N. 1 week ago


TheSwagriculture 1 week ago

Yeah I think upgrading from my gs3 to the new iphone for a front flash and a fingerprint scanner that I will never use is definitely worth it
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Thomas Smith

Thomas Smith 1 week ago

Before this gets flagged as spam, as others have said atrix had fingerprint scanner though its execution was really crappy and wasn't as touted as an iPhone would be yet regardless atrix still done it first. Then the dual flash has been done way before this, my HTC Desire HD had a dual flash so in that your incorrect BUT allow me to rectify you statement as 'Dual flash with auto adjusting tint/color' to my knowledge hasn't been done before. The one thing apple got a legs up on is it 64 bit core.
· in reply to tldtoday (Show the comment)

josephoflis 1 week ago

The s so doesn't mean same this crap is awesome
Jeron Silva

Jeron Silva 1 week ago

They took the galaxy s4 and slapped colors on it  nice job apple

jwaltersjw80 1 week ago

The 'S' means 'Same'!
Mr. Rainman

Mr. Rainman 1 week ago

"S" means sucks.
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SomethinqWeird 1 week ago

...and i was like "what!? new iphone!? but i just bought mine!?"
Zlatan Ibrahimovic

Zlatan Ibrahimovic 1 week ago

who else thinks apple is working with the government? not only does the iphone 5s have a fingerprint scanner but knows if your driving or walking? are you kidding me???
Julien Dev

Julien Dev 1 week ago

best video !
Jarvis Nguyen

Jarvis Nguyen 1 week ago

how can anyone buy future ios if there's another great depression predicted to be in 5 years, give or take a day.

therealcharismatron 1 week ago

I wouldn't mind having a 5S, but it's not a "must-have" for me.
Mike Bryant

Mike Bryant 1 week ago

Best looking phone hands down!

jeffscomp 1 week ago

The 5s is nice. Still like android though.

iMidnightMonster 1 week ago

Nice video like always :D
Flocko Gs

Flocko Gs 1 week ago

Android vs Apple is like Tupac vs Biggie, I'm a fan of both cause I love TECH, it's like comparing Salt to Pepper, it's pointless, without the innovation that comes from both we wouldn't have more than one great phone to buy that's currently on the market and constantly being developed...
Flocko Gs

Flocko Gs 1 week ago

It's the note 3 or this I'm feeling this, the thing about my note 2 is so much bloat ware and stupid ass junk pops up in the notification are like hey wanna buy candy crush!? No bitch I don't but I love a big screen so I'm torn

ghassan1907 1 week ago

Again failed @-}--

neverdeadjustasleep7 1 week ago

Apple released a new phone? How cute.

20jaime10 1 week ago

Why can't I take off annotations?! :( I hate the YouTube suggestion thing... lol
Roman Minaj

Roman Minaj 1 week ago

And I just got my S4

iphoneandnick 1 week ago

keep your s4 if you haven't ever had a IOS device its awful you cant do anything
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Roman Minaj

Roman Minaj 1 week ago

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Roman Minaj

Roman Minaj 1 week ago

I'm getting the 5s

spectrumfighter 1 week ago

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MrTichoify 1 week ago

iphone 5c is an iphone 5 with a shitty plastic case iphone5CRAP
Denzal Jones

Denzal Jones 1 week ago

I have the iPhone 5. Upgrade is not till December 2014. Though there are some pretty nice features with the 5s and i probably could make a way to get a hold of one, but I like what i have now with the 5. I feel the 6 may have a bigger screen. Even if it does not, i am more than likely going to stick with Apple. Thats just my opinion on it. I did have a galaxy s4, didnt like it. Screen was awesome but just missed having an iPhone.

GundamLegacyExtreme 1 week ago

You don't have to upgrade to the 5S if you already have a 5, it's nice but it's not worth the upgrade if you have the 5, for those (like myself) who still have the 4S, the 4, or even the 3GS this is the perfect time to upgrade.
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xronderful 1 week ago

The atrix had a fingerprint scanner
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shivkumar pippal

shivkumar pippal 1 week ago

which was poorly executed

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terry947 1 week ago

ya but its shit
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MDAUD97 1 week ago

WHATS UP! It's MDAUD97 from Twitter. Great video! AWESOME!
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CAT MAN 1 week ago

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shoka199 1 week ago


billym3578 1 week ago

you make android users look bad
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billym3578 1 week ago

how would the finger print reader work with a finger or thumb that has a scar?
Mohammed Arman

Mohammed Arman 1 week ago

it can b any 1 finger...
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JReckcm 1 week ago

iPhone 5Crap!!!

DudeFromUkraine 1 week ago

Great video man! I loved reading your responses as well :D

MAIzzy21 1 week ago

As the Great Dave Chappelle once said. Haters wanna hate, Lovers wanna love, I don't even want, None of the above, I want to piss on you. Yes I do, I'll piss on you, I'll pee on you.

MAIzzy21 1 week ago

Idk but I'm not feeling this iPhone. I'm going to hooks myself up with a note 3.
Alex Cheesman

Alex Cheesman 1 week ago

This made my day. Mindless haters gonna hate
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okniceguy 1 week ago

Can't lie, as an Android user, that finger print scanner is a damn good addition.

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MrDmaze 1 week ago

Champagne iPhone. Its been years since I've had an iPhone. But the champagne Phone looks sick! And I'm actually OK with the improvements in iOS 7. Nice video. Keep up the good work.

irishhiphopman101 1 week ago

i still think samsung are better

karimzswed1982 1 week ago

Dude you slapped me with that virtual hi5, so I will virtually sue you for assault., just kidding ;) love your vids.

AkbarProductions 1 week ago

5S or 5C

CmlDexter 1 week ago

dont forget 120FPS video recording @ 720p My favorite one!

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Arjun Sandhir

Arjun Sandhir 1 week ago

It's funny how people say that 64-bit processor is useless and a gimmick and they didn't complain when Samsung came out with their "octa-core" which was really a quad core processor.

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DudeFromUkraine 1 week ago

Samsung also just announced that they are working on 64bit processors ;) I think the move to 64bit is smart and moving forward. Which we now know other apple devices will move to 64bit as well.
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goka2000 1 week ago

I did, and so did lots of other people. The only people not complaining were Samsung fanboys, and the same thing is happening with Apple now.
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tafur1104 1 week ago

What do you think of the Note 3 compared to this new iPhone. I've been using iPhones for over 4 years. Help me decide! Love you videos!
Mathieu Wuyts

Mathieu Wuyts 1 week ago

what speakers do you have in the background? :)
Zach Woodill

Zach Woodill 1 week ago

Love the top fives!

elr7aal 1 week ago

great job ... thanks

Isaac Kenyon

Isaac Kenyon 1 week ago


JaskaranISPRO 1 week ago

How did you manage to find 5 new features
Reed Fox

Reed Fox 1 week ago

Most iOS users do not want the customisation Android offers, and most of us do not care about our warranty. The developers STILL do not make as good of apps as there are on iOS. Apple has strict rules on what apps can and can not get into the store, and they actually have to work. Android does not have the most amazing applications because of the less restrictions, developers have less of a care.
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CJ Miskovitz

CJ Miskovitz 1 week ago

My old Droid 2 had a dual LED flash and the Motorola Atrix 4G had a fingerprint scanner.
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blue4zero 1 week ago

I'm surprised apple actually included usable feature unlike android where they just slap on some useless half-assed features. android isn't bad but sometimes it tries too hard to bring apple down,
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crazymonkeydude10 1 week ago

Motorola Atrix 4G from 2011, fingerprint scanner (secureidnews[dot]com/news-ite­m/motorola-releases-fingerprin­t-sensor-embedded-android-phon­e/) so narrow it sown to the 64-bit and dual LED because you are wrong brother ;)
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mosemonster 1 week ago

SERIOUS QUESTION: Can someone PLEASE explain to me how apple can verify purchases with your "Touch ID" without them having your fingerprints on their side of things????
Mariano Brandao

Mariano Brandao 1 week ago

Apple doesn't have access to your fingerprint, what it is its pretty much like a short cut to your password. So your purchases are still gonna be made through your apple ID but it can be accessed by your phone through your fingerprint
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Bob Roche

Bob Roche 1 week ago

The fingerprint data is stored within the A7. This is the one and only place this data is stored; Apple has nothing on their end.
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tldtoday 1 week ago

:D my bad!
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tldtoday 1 week ago

It's called having an open mind lol
· 53 in reply to hunkashoo (Show the comment)

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David Posso

David Posso 1 week ago

I'm not trying to start anything, but Motorola ATRIX 4G (Android) already owns a Fingerprint feature back in 2011, HTC Sensation the dual LED. But than again, 1 company against multiple companies is a disadvantage in my opinion. Great to see some competition though.
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blue4zero 1 week ago

i hope your not mad, but trust it was just an "experiment" lol
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masteraus66 1 week ago

Especially if you have no one else's finger to use as a back up and you burned all your fingers or cut them?

blue4zero 1 week ago

EVERYONE calm down, i was just trying to show people how stupid android fans can get. and how much they hate iPhone. i recently just did this to see how many people actually defend apple and its good to know that there are some decent people left. i don't hate android but just hate the fanboys. iPhone FTW lol

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Jul 21, 2020, 10:56:12 AM7/21/20

Jul 21, 2020, 10:57:45 AM7/21/20
On Tuesday, July 31, 2012 at 1:35:24 AM UTC+5:30, bill page wrote:
> wow cool buddy and have fun:) be safe and your whole family tree too inChrist allways fat bi8llpage illusionist magician in fun:) your friendly neighborhood the amazing spiderman in fun:) thanks for the kinds words im just thanflu to Jesus to be able to doo all this for everyone onplanet earth outer space nasas universe space stations he led me to tommy story then mike klien then david drew duncan and drew duncan then dave found more firends on the world wide web websites on his mac/pc computer in 1990s he found jay a gorhaham magical vhs tape and magical film libarrien as long as your a member of sams it means socitey of american magicians and at my school libarien lady named mrs queemen:) mr sikes guidience conmsuolar mr lowery gym teacher my cool dad marcel franklin page jr bob scofoeld fred stall barry web reza adam alred rj lacouns kevin mr magic7 jong black mitch leary alhastings eric johthen pendragon copperfield ray haydad herbert l becker valtino the masked magician franz harary and friends around my neighbor hoos helped me out too by handing my ilusion books they had or checked out in there school libarrycool thats grrrrrrrrrrreat as cool cartoon ceral spomcer tony the tiger would say:) kellogs frosted flakes cearl ps i learn to say cool by copperfields tv specials as a 11 year old boy growing up in the 1970s watching copperfield and doug henning magic specials ps dont worry i willmake time ps witch ones do i need to upload to youtubr cool video cannel searcg engines? your good at lookat at all videos and know witch ones that need up on youtube:) thats a illusion trick i dont know how to do friend? heres what i typed that i treued again to tply to magictvfani think i have alll thos world Greatest magic 2 hour specials aired on televsion around november each year if i remmber righ in november each year im a walking tv video magic specisl person guide:) it will be awhile i still gote finish up copperfield and doug henning specials plus church actibies at good news baptist church plus right now im making back up master copies of dvd video of magic tricks me and my friends and family done over the years in fun:) plus making master dvd video copies of many history past present into the future church activies 2001 into 2012 into the future then handing them to pastor coles andmany tons morte to the new cooll asstant pastor and his family mike ascher mike acher got very cool excited!:) when i hand him also a dvd video of wilds Christian camp 2012 testamonies dvd video and he said thanks bill page me and the pastor was just thinking while looking att all thesse photos of history past into the prrenst of activies of good news baptist church and we said now if only we had video footage of the same church history past to the present ps Jesus let me realize at that very moment what to do a light bulb lit up in my mind:) can you guess what i am now doing non stop i got my first video camera in 2001 its now 2012 im on my third video camera :) and pastor mike ascher once i let him now im a walking video camera time traverler history time line fan he said this will help me and pastor coles to know how to go much futher for Jesus to get more members and there children saved by finding Jesus in there hearts plus watching all this videos of many footage and juniours camp deer lake activies and portsmouth virginia city park fun food singing and messages and frest start sundays and special guess speakers like jimmy dee young jim vangelderd amry versys navy ideas mark and mike herbster and there cool familes years ago church mebers vistiting like jeff hoytt flo and fred stall try summers vic baily danial drylie and tim palmer eric rain water and harry smith david turner and his family:) karl stevens and his family rusty dillard and his family you get the cool idea:)A vigit my site ""

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Jun 26, 2022, 9:26:21 AM6/26/22

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Jul 13, 2022, 10:05:57 PM7/13/22

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Aug 31, 2022, 9:10:15 PM8/31/22

adnan yaseen

Sep 27, 2022, 8:43:41 PM9/27/22
On Wednesday, August 31, 2022 at 6:10:15 PM UTC-7, adnan yaseen wrote:
> On Wednesday, July 13, 2022 at 7:05:57 PM UTC-7, adnan yaseen wrote:
> > On Sunday, June 26, 2022 at 6:26:21 PM UTC+5, TENTS and SHADES 2. 0543839003 wrote:
> > > On Monday, May 10, 2021 at 1:47:40 AM UTC-7, olivia bolton wrote:
> > > > This testimony is worth sharing to the world. I am here to tell the world of the good works of Dr BALBOSA. My name is Olivia Bolton am from the UK.. My man left me and my kids for another older woman. It was not so easy for me.. I love my husband so much and I did not lose hope and I kept praying and God finally answered my prayers...i searched online for a spell caster to help me unite me and my lover back forever and i saw so many testimonies of how DR BALBOSA has helped so many people online and i decided to give him a trial … I contacted him and explained to him. He told me not to worry that he will bring back my man within 24 hours. He consulted his powers and assured me not to worry . He did his work and cast the spell and to my greatest surprise, my husband came back the same day begging and crying just as Dr BALBOSA said. He begged me for forgiveness and he promised never to leave me for any reason. We are happy and we live together as one. Contact Dr BALBOSA now and be happy forever. dont lose hope and good luck..
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