If you don't want any of your information or analysis posted, you can
e-mail me, but then I have to charge my normal rate.
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Traditional Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing
<A HREF="mailto:chri...@bellatlantic.net"/A>
Thank you for the offer chriswar. I am concerned that my wife has
been cursed from before her birth. her mother abused the kids any way
she could, and from wifes birth nothing ever has gone well. im not
really certain whether there were any witches/warlocks in her family
question is: does a curse work against my wife?
exact time asked : 02:21:29 EST asked from: 30N26'17" 84W16'51"
Also, where can one learn more about horary astrology? Does one need
to be a "rocket scientist" for any of it to make sense?
Thank you
time i submitted this after editing if needed (02:29:30EST)
Sent via Deja.com http://www.deja.com/
Before you buy.
I'm happy to do the question for you, but how is it that you are
somewhere in Georgia or thereabouts and on Eastern Standard Time? Are you
sure the time you gave me isn't what everybody else on the East coast is
on, Eastern Daylight Time? -4 of GMT and not -5?
The best introduction to traditional horary astrology (modern versions
are too simplified) is Olivia Barclay's book Horary Astrology
Rediscovered. Olivia is responsible for the revival of traditional
If you're serious about learning traditional horary the best way to is
to take a correspondance course. Olivia Barclay offers one, but I've
heard some students have problems with it. Carol Wiggers at horary.com is
an excellent horary astrologer, but I got frustrated with her because she
was too busy. In my opinion Lee Lehman, http://www.leelehman.com/ is the
best horary teacher. Lee is very professional, not difficult to get ahold
of and one of the top horary astrologers in the country.
Do you need to be a rocket scientist to do horary? Well, there are a
lot of rules to learn and to be good at it you need to judge a lot of
charts. It certainly can't be picked up in one seminar or workshop as
I've seen advertised. Certainly, all the good horary astrologers really
love doing it. It's quite amazing to be able to make such precise and
accurate predictions of the future.
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
Is my wife bewitched?
July 14, 2000 2:21 am EDT
30 N 06 84 W 16
Taurus rise and Mercury hour, so this is not a radical chart, but that doesn’t
necessarily stop us from judging the chart.
The querent (person asking the question) is represented by Venus. The
quesited (subject of the question) is his wife so we look to the 7th house
which is ruled by Mars. The 12th house, representing witchcraft, is also
ruled by Mars, indeed, it has Scorpio on the cusp.
Mars, significator, in this chart of witchcraft and the wife, is combust and
in fall, in a cadent house (though the third is the best of the cadent houses)
Lilly says, “It’s a received, general Rule amongst those Artists that know
the Cabalistic Key of Astrologie, that if one planet be Lord of the Ascendant
and twelfth house; that then the Sickness is more than natural...” Christian
Astrology at 464. “If the lord of the ascendant be Combust...there may be
greate fear that the party enquiring or enquired for is Inchanted or Bewitched
or else some evill Spirits doe hant him.”
So, while we don’t a particular witch in mind, this is also a disturbing
chart. The most common test of bewitchment is whether the 12th and ascendant
(here the 7th is the ascendant of the wife since the question was asked about
her) are ruled by the same planet as they are here. Plus, as in the previous
chart Mars is severely afflicted.
Lilly then says, “If the Lord of the ascendant [here the seventh] be Lord of
the twelfth and Combust, you must observe of what house the Sun is Lord and in
what sign and quarter of Heaven he and the Lord of the ascendant are and judge
the Witch liveth that way; describe the Sun in Sign as he is, and it
represents the person.” CA at 464.
Ok, the Sun is lord of the 4th and 5th houses, and he and Mars are in Cancer
in the 3rd. 4th house indicates North, 5th North Northwest, 3rd house
North Northeast, Cancer represents the sea, great rivers & marshes.
So the witch is to the North near the sea, river or a marsh. Since Sun &
Mars are in the 3rd it may be nearby.
Cancer indicates that the witch is “Low, small stature, upper parts larger
than the lower, round face, sickly pale, white complexion (if of European
descent, if black witch will be light skinned) sad brown hair, small eyes, if
a woman prone have many children.”
So, reluctant as I am to make such a prediction, it does appear that your
wife may be bewitched, at the least her problems appear to be of
supernatural origin.
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
In article <3970994C...@mailbox.bellatlantic.net>,
chri...@bellatlantic.net wrote:
> Ok, the Sun is lord of the 4th and 5th houses, and he and Mars are
in Cancer
> in the 3rd. 4th house indicates North, 5th North Northwest, 3rd
> North Northeast, Cancer represents the sea, great rivers & marshes.
> So the witch is to the North near the sea, river or a marsh. Since
Sun &
> Mars are in the 3rd it may be nearby.
> Cancer indicates that the witch is “Low, small stature, upper parts
> than the lower, round face, sickly pale, white complexion (if of
> descent, if black witch will be light skinned) sad brown hair, small
eyes, if
> a woman prone have many children.”
WOW! Thanks christopher... you just described her mother nearly to
perfection! While not a witch, all the crud she wished on her children
must certainly have acted as a curse. She does in fact live near the
atlantic ocean, (also close to a river and the chesapeake bay!)
and is relatively nearby to the north and east. she had
5 children. she is not all that tall, large busted, round face, and
sickly. Amazing! The question now is how to undo the deed?
Horary astrology is truly amazing.
Well, this is also an interesting question. It would help if you could
give the time, date and place of your wife's birth, so I can look at her
We may be dealing with a family curse, like the one placed on the house of
Atreus, that resulted in the deaths of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. It
would be really interesting to see a chart of your wife's mother, which
might well reflect the same curse, making the mother a victim and at the
same time, a collaborator.
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Traditional Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing
Well, i can give you my wifes data but as she was raised by her
g'parents (due to biomother's abuse) giving you biomothers data is
difficult. Wife: apr06 1965, 01:30 EST baltimore md, usa. I did
find out that there were warlocks somewhere in the blood line.
Please post your local time, date and location when you asked this question and
I will post an astrological analysis.
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Traditional Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing
Emma L Henderson wrote:
> I'm concerned that I might have been cursed by someone. For several years now,
> when there appears to be something good or positive coming into my life, by the
> time it reaches me something happens to counteract it. Then, I'm in a worse
> situation and my life hasn't been able to move forward. I really feel as if
Here is my analysis of your question:
Am I cursed?
Oahu, Hawaii, 6:06pm July 17, 2000
21 N 18 157 W 51 +10.5 HST
In this chart Capricorn rises and it is Sun hour, thus lacking the ascendant-rising
sign sympathy. Still we will judge the chart.
As Capricorn rises, Saturn represents the querent (person asking the question) and
is dignified only by face in the 5th, a succedent house.
The potential witch is represented by Jupiter as Sagittarius is on the cusp of the
The key test is whether the 12th and 1st houses have the same ruler. They do not.
There are no applying aspects between Saturn and Jupiter and none of the other
rules set forth for bewitchment are present in this chart. Thus we can say that
the querent is not bewitched or cursed. We can see that the querent is in a bad
position as Saturn is dignified only by face. Ramesey says a planet in face is “at
its last gasp”.
Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Traditional Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing