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Am I Bewitched or Cursed?

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Christopher Warnock

Sep 5, 2000, 9:28:18 AM9/5/00
I encourage those that are seriously concerned and worried that they may
be cursed, hexed or bewitched to post on alt.lucky.w.

1. Ask am I cursed, hexed, bewitched, etc.

2. Give the local:
A. time (it's useful to mention the timezone),
B. date, and
C. place (e.g., city, county, or nearest town,) when you asked the

3. You can also ask on behalf of someone, if you're worried and
concerned about them. Just make sure that you mention your relationship
to them, e.g., husband, mother, friend, etc.

4. Additional information on the situation, including physical
descriptions of possible spell casters or witches is helpful, but not
necessary for the analysis. I will then post my astrological analysis,
also on alt.lucky.w.

5. In return for the free analysis, you agree to post a response. Just
tell us what was accurate and what wasn't.

If you don't want any of your information or analysis posted, you can
e-mail me directly, but then I have to charge my normal rate.

Christopher Warnock, Esq.
for Renaissance Horary & Electional Astrology
& Magical Timing
Renaissance Astrology Website

Magna Three

Sep 8, 2000, 2:10:16 AM9/8/00
Am i hexed ? ive wondered for a few years now - at times i was quite
positieve others not...
Its 1 am CST (we have no daylight savings time in indiana so i guess
were the same as Eastern time)
September 8th
Muncie Indiana......

is this the only question that you give usenet freebies for?
+ "We often profit more from our enemies than by our friends. +
+ We support ourselves only on that which resists, +
+ and we owe our sucess to opposition" +
+ to reply - observe anti-spam tactics (im no commie) +
+ MagnaThree Industries Home -(under construction)- +
+ Http:// +
+ MagnaThree radio #1 - (live - sunday nights) +
+ +
+ MagnaThree radio #2 - JUKE! 24/7 +
+ +

Christopher Warnock

Sep 8, 2000, 11:25:04 AM9/8/00
Magna Three

Am I Hexed?

1:00 am (EST) (Indiana is very tricky for timezones, Muncie is actually
permanently on Eastern Standard time, as Magna Three notes, it never goes
on daylight time, but it's not on Central) (As an astrologer I really hate
daylight savings time, it makes things very complicated).

Muncie IN, 40 N 11, 85 W 23

Ok, Cancer rising Mercury hour, not radical, but here we go anyway.

Moon, is ruler of the 1st and in its triplicity (good) and in detriment
(bad) and slow in the angular 7th house.

Jupiter is the almuten (planet with greatest dignity at 12 degrees of
Cancer which is rising. Jupiter is in term (ok) and detriment (bad), slow
and conjunct the 12th house(house of witchcraft) cusp.

Jupiter, almuten of the 1st and 6th ruler is conjunct the 12th, 2 possible
indications of witchcraft, according to Lilly.

However, as Lilly says in a bewitchment example without the ruler of the
12th, here Mercury, afflicting the ascendant ruler or the ascendant,
there's no strong witchcraft. Definitely the suspicion of it, given the
placement of Jupiter. However, Venus, the Lesser Benefic, strong in its
sign Libra, is making an applying trine (good) to Jupiter, strengthening
him, making it clearer that the querent is probably not bewitched.

Certainly the querent is not having a great time now. Both the Moon and
Jupiter, the querent's significators are in detriment. There is some hope
of improvement, as the Moon is conjunct Ascella, a benefic fixed star and
applying to trine the Sun.

Given the Moon's placement in the 7th and lack of aspects to 7th ruler,
Saturn, it is possible that the querent is having some relationship
problems, in love with a person who does not return the querent's affection
and is cold to them. Just a possibility, though!


Sep 8, 2000, 12:20:10 PM9/8/00
Am I cursed?
Los Angeles county
9:23 am friday
thank you!

Christopher Warnock

Sep 8, 2000, 4:48:32 PM9/8/00

Am I Cursed?

9: 23 am (+7 PDT) LA County 34 N 03 118 W 14

Libra rises and it is Moon hour, not radical, but we still judge the

Venus is the ruler of the first, strong in her sign Libra, but in the
12th. Saturn is the almuten of the 1st, dignified by triplicity and in
the 8th. Venus is also 8th ruler.

So we have some indication of witchcraft, as Venus, 1st & 8th ruler is
in the 12th.

What I really dislike about this chart is the emphasis on the 12th
(witchcraft, secret enemies), 8th (death) and 4th (the grave and how a
question ends up) houses.

We have 1st ruler, Venus and 12th ruler, Mercury in the 12th house.

Almuten of the 1st, Saturn in the 8th house. Also in the 8th house is
afflicted Jupiter, 6th ruler (house of sickness) making a contrantiscion
(equivalent to a square) to the Moon. Venus is also 8th ruler, as we
said in the 12th.

The Moon is afflicted, slow, conjunct the South Node (bad) and conjunct
the 4th house cusp. The ruler of the 4th, Saturn, is in the 8th.

Finally the ascendant is in the Via Combusta, showing difficulties,
troubles and fears.

So I can definitely see why the querent is concerned about being
cursed. Is there support in the chart for this?

To have a strong indication of witchcraft Lilly says to look for bad
aspects between the 1st ruler or ascendant and 12th ruler. Here, 12th
ruler, Mercury, has just separated from a trine w/reception to Saturn,
this is not an aspect of affliction.

This is a rather mixed chart. Both the 1st ruler and 1st almuten are
dignified essentially, but placed in bad houses. Saturn is stationary
and about to go retrograde, which Bethem's Centiloquim quoted in
Partridge, Mikropanastron, says "If Stationary to Retrogradation, he is
as a sound man receding from health, yet there is hope of recovery
remaining." page 322.

I would say that the querent is in fear and certainly has reason to be
afraid, given the bad placement of the significators. Hopefully the
strength of the significators and the fact that they are making trines,
a good aspect, presages recovery.


Sep 8, 2000, 6:29:12 PM9/8/00

It's "Greer"foxsong but thats okay.It doesnt really matter anyway,does it?

I am confused. Does this pertain to me only or also to those around my like
relatives and stuff. The sickness thing makes sense about my father but not me.
Is that how these readings work? Are you saying i possibly feel cursed becaeu
of a sick loved one or because I am sick?

You said that >So we have some indication of witchcraft, as Venus, 1st & 8th

ruler is
>in the 12th.

>What I really dislike about this chart is the emphasis on the 12th
>(witchcraft, secret enemies), 8th (death) and 4th (the grave and how a
>question ends up) houses.

I don't understand the part about the grave and how a question ends up.i am
very confused. Am i cursed ?

Christopher Warnock

Sep 8, 2000, 9:19:28 PM9/8/00
Well, for a start 4th house is not only the end of the matter, but fathers.
Saturn, the 4th house ruler is thus the significator of your father. It sounds
like from your posting that he is ill, which the chart reflects as an afflicted
Moon & the South Node are conjunct the 4th house and Saturn is in the 8th.

To really make more sense out of the chart, however, I need some more information
on your situation and why it is you believe that you may be cursed. If you're
willing to keep working with me I will do my best to get all the information I can
out of the chart.

Doing horary charts on-line is really a learning process for everyone. When I meet
someone for an appointment or or talk on the phone I am able to discuss their
question in depth, but even more importantly to explain how horary astrology
works. I'm going to start asking people who post curse questions to give me more
background so I can do a better job of fitting the chart to their particular

Apr 15, 2018, 3:52:44 AM4/15/18
Dear Sir,
I had sex with my cousin's bf. I confessed to her what was up she said some weird stuff to me that I would never have a child and the way she looked at me felt weird too. Since then I haven't seen a regular period, and so far its been about 2 years since I had a period. My father is no longer employed and living in a family member's basement. My mother and I argue everyday and it has gotten to the point where we fight. I do not get accepted for work no matter my qualifications. I have been unemployed for the same 2 years. My mother also bought a house and since we moved in the house is stuck at the same way as 2 years ago when we started construction but we could not complete. My brother is now in college and may not be able to graduate because we don't even have any money to pay for it nor his exams. Also I have started doing homosexual acts which I know I am not. This young man hurt me just as much as he hurt her. I was dating him since high school when he suddenly started to date her when I got into college. He would still come by for sex and I had not been with anyone else except him so I just continued. I want to tell her am sorry for what I did but she doesn't deserve someone like that in her life nor do i.
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