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Dec 25, 2012, 9:17:33 PM12/25/12
Sábado, 22 de Diciembre, año 2012 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador - Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

FELIZ NAVIDAD Y UN PROSPERO AÑO NUEVO 2013, le deseamos de todo
corazón a cada uno de todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas de todas las
familias de la tierra.

Porque en estos días gloriosos nuestro Señor Jesucristo descendió del
cielo para no solamente cumplir con la promesa de salvación brindada
inicialmente a Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, sino también para libertarnos
de las mentiras que Lucifer había pronunciado en contra del fruto del
árbol de la vida eterna: mentiras crueles que dañan terriblemente el
alma preciosa del hombre y de la mujer.

Por lo tanto, nuestro Señor Jesucristo descendió llenó del Espíritu
Santo y con grandes poderes y autoridades de parte de nuestro Padre
celestial para destruir las obras de Satanás en la vida de todo
hombre, mujer, niño y niña de la humanidad entera y así todos puedan
comer y beber del fruto del árbol de la vida eterna en sus días

Y cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo descendió del cielo, entonces lo
hizo glorificando la vida santísima de nuestro Padre celestial en la
vida pecadora de cada uno de nosotros, de todos los hombres, mujeres,
niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, para recibir
grandes poderes infinitos de perdón, liberación de Satanás, y
sanidades para vivir la vida eterna.

Hoy, solamente en nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenemos liberación de todos
nuestros problemas y dificultades, de las que vienen hacia nosotros de
parte de Satanás y de sus mentiras terribles, y de las tinieblas
profundas del mundo de las almas perdidas del infierno, y sólo nuestro
Señor Jesucristo nos puede librar de todas ellas en un momento de fe y
de oración.

En otras palabras, solamente nuestro Señor Jesucristo tiene la
solución única de cada uno de nuestros problemas, dificultades,
enfermedades y salvación eterna de nuestras almas vivientes en esta
vida y en la venidera, también, para poder entonces no solamente
escapar de las tinieblas mentirosas de Satanás sino vivir felices
desde ya en la luz de las palabras santas de nuestro Padre celestial.

Por eso, cada vez que uno de nosotros recibe a nuestro Señor
Jesucristo como su único y suficiente salvador de su alma viviente
delante de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo, entonces
una luz más se enciende en la tierra para que las tinieblas mueran y
así al fin la tierra se convierta en un paraíso terrenal.

Porque ese es el propósito del nacimiento de nuestro Señor Jesucristo
en el mundo, para que con su nacimiento santísimo del vientre virgen
de la hija de David entonces sea el inicio de una nueva vida sin
relación al pecado en cada uno de nosotros delante de nuestro Padre
celestial y así eventualmente la tierra renazca sin tinieblas, para la

Visto que, la promesa de nuestro Padre celestial a Abraham, Isaac y
Jacobo fue que les daría a sus hijos la tierra prometida de Israel
para que la posean para siempre, para que de ella nazca entre sus
hermanos el dador de la vida en la tierra y en el cielo, también, para
la eternidad.

Aquí es cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo le prometió no solamente a
Israel sino que también a la naciones, y esto es de que él mismo
crearía una nueva tierra con nuevos cielos gloriosos para los que aman
a nuestro Padre celestial por medio de él y de su sangre santísima
entonces vivan libres de Satanás y de sus mentiras del paraíso, para

Consiguiente, con el nacimiento santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo
del vientre virgen de la hija de David, entonces no solamente nosotros
nacimos con él de la carne santa, de los huesos inquebrantados y de su
sangre santísima, sino que también hemos sido llenos del Espíritu
Santo para llenar a la tierra de luz y así eventualmente apagaremos
cada día tinieblas para siempre.

En este mundo nuevo con tierras santas y cielos infinitamente
gloriosos, verdaderamente somos inmensamente felices delante de
nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, para amar, servir y
honrar su nombre santísimo cada día de nuestras nuevas vidas eternas
en la tierra y en el nuevo reino angelical: y todos nosotros por fin
llenos del Espíritu Santo y gozosos, como los ángeles.

Por esta razón, cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació en el mundo,
entonces nació con él la solución perfecta y segura de cada uno de
nuestros males, de los cuales Satanás es el inventor por las mentiras
pronunciadas delante de Adam y Eva en el paraíso, para que jamás
comamos de la gloria de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo.

Y la gloria de nuestro Padre celestial es nuestro Señor Jesucristo,
porque solamente él es «el pan del cielo» para que todo aquel que coma
de él entonces tenga una vida eterna llena de favores y de bendiciones
infinitas del Espíritu Santo, para que jamás vuelva a tener hambre ni
nunca le falte ningún bien.

Hoy en día, nuestro Señor Jesucristo es Dios soberano en el cielo y en
la tierra para nosotros entrar libremente, a cualquier hora del día,
al lugar Santo de los Santos del tabernáculo de Reunión celestial, así
como Moisés lo hacia en sus días sin tener que esperar por el permiso
de nadie para hablar con nuestro Padre celestial cara-a-cara.

Por todo ello, tú puedes tener la confianza en tu corazón de que
nuestro Padre celestial escucha tu oración cuando le hablas a él, en
el nombre sagrado de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que le puedas pedir de
su favor y de sus ricas bendiciones para enriquecer tu vida y así la
de los demás, como tus familiares y amistades, por ejemplo.

Para nuestro Padre celestial nada es imposible en esta vida y en la
venidera, siempre y cuando le pidas a él en el nombre sagrado de su
Hijo Jesucristo: porque para Él su Hijo amado es primero que todo en
el cielo y así también en la tierra tiene que ser siempre en tus días,
para cumplimiento de toda verdad, justicia y santidad.

Feliz Navidad y un Prospero Año Nuevo 2013 para ti y para los tuyos,
hoy y siempre. ¡Amén!

MERRY CHRISTMAS AND A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR 2013 to each one of you in
the glorious name of our Lord Jesus Christ, and may He grant you the
desires of your heart these days and all the days of your life until
soon you will enter glory in heaven thus to continue to love, serve
and glorify our heavenly Father forever.

Praise our heavenly Father and the blessed name of His Son Jesus
Christ with all your heart, with all your strength, with all your
mind, will all your life, and with all your soul, so you may become
born and filled with the Holy Spirit that needs to bless you, your
loved ones and friends, too, the sooner the better. Amen!


Our heavenly Father had in mind to undo the lie that caused Adam and
Eve to fall from grace in paradise by eating from the fruit from the
tree of knowledge of good and evil, instead of eating from the tree of
life: our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood turned into living-water
these days for everyone to drink to the full, eternal salvation!
Therefore, our heavenly Father needed to take Israel from Egypt into
the Promised Land, with the power of His Son’s atoning-blood that they
will later drink at Mount Sinai’s injured-rock exactly at the place
where He said to Moses: you will return to this mountain to serve me.

Surely, this meant to take Yeshua’s (our Lord Jesus Christ) atoning-
blood into the Promised Land to save Adam and Eve at the cross,
because it was time for them to escape Satan’s lie by drinking from
His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood through the wounds that
the nails will finally open over Jerusalem’s holy hill for Adam and
his children to drink. Then the time came when our heavenly Father
said to Moses: Take some water from the Nile River and pour it over
the dried ground. And as you do this, at once the water will turn into
blood before the eyes of the Israelites and Egyptians then they will
believe you the words that I have entrusted you.

On this day, our heavenly Father commanded Moses to do this before the
Israelites and the Egyptians, too, because He wanted them to know that
He is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob that
has come to their aid, so they may escape at last their daily
tormentors. Moreover, our heavenly Father commanded Moses to do these
miracles before the eyes of the Israelites, because He needed them to
believe in him as their God of every day miracles, so they may know
that nothing is impossible for him to do on this earth, so they may
become converted to Him as their faithful followers into all

For our heavenly Father had manifested initially the glorious life of
His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), to Abram
first to eat and drink from His Son’s hands the bread and wine from
His Table of Reconciliation that is in heaven, ready to be served
every day to those that love His initial Pact of Eternal Life.
Certainly, this is the Lord’s Table where everyone that has accepted
His Son Jesus Christ as his personal savior and eats every day from
the bread and wine to become His legitimate child on earth and in
heaven forever thus to become as holy and perfect as He is forever
into all eternity.

In truth, our heavenly Father has assigned a seat on His Table for
every one on earth that they will sit with Him in due time, so we may
all eat and drink together with Him in heaven the bread and wine into
all eternity to come thus never again to eat our super separated from
Him and His holy angels. At long last, we will live united as one big
family in heaven always loving, serving to exalt our heavenly Father
through eternity just as the angels have done it since the days they
were created by the power of His name and glorious word thus to honor
His blessed name and glorify forever His eternal Ten Commandments.

On this day, our heavenly Father needed Israel to know that He is a
God of miracles and of great powers ready to do anything that is
necessary for the love of those that love and serve Him through the
glorious life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, who
initially shed his atoning-blood from heaven to create the world. Now,
that is the reason that He initially commanded Moses to take some
water from the Nile River and toss it over the dry ground to convert
it into blood before the eyes of the Israelites and the Egyptians as
well, so they may know that they were dealing with a very powerful
God, ready to save them from slavery forever.

Thus to convince the Israelites that they were called to obey His word
immediately either through Moses or His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus
Christ, standing over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, ready to turn his
atoning-blood into living-water to quench their thirst soon, because
he had descended so they may drink his atoning-blood for salvation to
start a new life forever. But before Moses was to show this mighty
miracle to turn the water from the Nile River into blood over the
dried land, then our heavenly Father commanded Moses to put his hand
inside the robe over his chest, and then to take it out at His

Submissively, Moses did exactly as what our heavenly Father commanded
him to do: he placed his hand inside the robe, and then took it out at
His command. And as Moses took his hand out from under the robe, then
it was completely white as leprosy. However, even though his hand had
turned white and filled with leprosy, he did not feel sick at all but
he was completely impressed and afraid to see his hand turned into
such a terrible state that he was ready to run away from that place.

Immediately, our heavenly Father after seeing how frightened Moses had
become because of his hand turning into leprosy, then, before Moses
started to run away from that place, our heavenly Father said to him:
Now, place your hand inside the robe, and he did it without hesitating
for a second. And as Moses placed his hand inside the robe, then our
heavenly Father said: take your hand out again, and as Moses took his
hand out from under the robe, it was completely free from leprosy.

This miracle was amazing for Moses to go through, but as he lifted his
eyes to our heavenly Father then he said: what about if the Israelites
still fail to believe me on the first or second miracle that I will
perform before them as you wish? Then what I am supposed to do if they
fail to believe in you through the miracles or, perhaps, they may just
turn away completely from your call to come to you—in that case—what
am I supposed to do?

Without further ado, our heavenly Father said to Moses, if the
Israelites are not convinced that I have sent you to them, from the
first or the second miracle, then you will take the water from the
Nile River and toss it over the dried ground thus converting it into
blood as it hits the ground before their eyes. How about that! On this
miracle, they will believe you, if they fail to believe that I have
sent you from the first and second miracle of turning your hand before
their eyes into leprosy and then again turning it into a complete
healed hand just as the rest of your body, then they will believe as
they see the water turn into blood.

Now, you must descend now from Mount Sinai to tell the Israelites that
the God of Righteousness of Abraham, the God of Righteousness of
Isaac, and the God of Righteousness of Jacob has descended from heaven
to liberate them from Egypt’s bondage, so they may learn to love,
serve, and glorify me forever through the glorious life of my blessed
Son. Then, as Moses appeared before the Israelites and the Egyptians
that were standing nearby, he was able to perform these miracles
before their eyes, so they may believe that the God of their
forefathers had descended from heaven because of their cry and
terrible suffering that the Egyptians were inflicting on them every

Amazingly, the Israelites believed Moses’ testimony that he had seen
over Mount Sinai our heavenly Father’s blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach, and that he had manifested himself as the God of their
forefathers ready to liberate them from the power of the Egyptian, so
they may go to possess a new land on three days walk through the
desert. With these incredible miracles performed before the eyes of
the Israelites, then they believed our heavenly Father’s blessed Son,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, who had descended over Mount Sinai’s
injured rock moreover he was ready to perform many miracles, so the
Pharaoh may let them go to the land that our heavenly Father had
prepared for them to possess.

Nevertheless, the Egyptians that believed Moses’ testimony about our
heavenly Father’s blessed Son standing over Mount Sinai’s summit and
the miracles that he had performed before their eyes, unfortunately
were not the ones that had the power to release them from Egypt’s
bondage, but only their king could do this, and he did not know the
God of Israel at all. This meant that our heavenly Father had to
continue to perform great miracles through the glorious life of His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so the Pharaoh may believe
that He meant business when He says that He wanted to have the
Israelites leave Egypt to offer sacrifices and services of love to His
Son Jesus Christ over Mount Sinai.

Nonetheless, our heavenly Father needed to harden the Pharaoh’s heart
and that of his officials, too, so he may not let Israel go to the
land that He had personally chosen for Abraham’s children to inherit
thus finally to serve Him through the glorious life of His Son Jesus
Christ who had shed his atoning-blood in heaven since Creation day.
Truly, our heavenly Father’s initial plan was to harden the Pharaoh’s
heart and that of his officials, so He may see our Lord Jesus Christ
perform many of his great miracles for Israel to believe in him
wholeheartedly throughout the way to the Promised Land, and within it,
too, thus finally to glorify His blessed name within their hearts
forever into eternity.

For our heavenly Father needed to create a nation at once that
believed in Him wholeheartedly through the glorious life of His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, who laid down his life
initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s
injured rock, so the world could be created lastly with all the
kingdoms and their things. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to do
this with the faithful life of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ,
because he is the Adam of the New Creation that will unite heaven and
earth within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where everyone there,
certainly is born from the Holy Spirit to love, serve and glorify His
glorious name everlastingly.

For our Lord Jesus Christ is the first celestial-Adam from heaven
above that Adam and Eve as men were born from our heavenly Father’s
image to live according to His likeness were called lawfully to eat
from him the fruit of life that is the perfect holiness that our
heavenly Father desires for His children to possess always in His
presence forever. Because, just as our heavenly Father manifested
earlier to Abraham that he had to be holy as He is holy and perfect as
He is perfect, then also in heaven He initially manifested this call
to holiness to every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other holy
creatures from heaven above to obtain directly from His blessed Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ.

Here is where Lucifer as the perfect and holy archangel in heaven
rebelled against our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ,
because, for him to become holy and perfect as our heavenly Father is
in heaven from eternity to eternity, then he had to humiliate himself
before our Lord Jesus Christ and the holy angels from heaven above.
And this is something that Lucifer was never ready do, because this
meant to humiliate his wicked name not only before our heavenly Father
but also before His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ; therefore,
Lucifer became Satan (an eternal adversary to God), so he let one-
third of the angels in heaven in eternal rebellion against our
heavenly Father until now.

Blindly, the angels followed Lucifer in his rebellion against our
heavenly Father and his blessed Son Jesus Christ, because he wanted to
exalt his name above our heavenly Father’s name and Jesus Christ, as
well, moreover the fallen angels believed unconditionally that he
could do it, given that he was extremely wise and almost perfect
before their eyes. This rebellion of Lucifer made him Satan and his
fallen angels became demons, rejected from heaven to live in a world
totally opposed to our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, and
this is hell, the criminal underworld of darkness where the flames
never stop burning and the worms consume constantly the flesh of those
that opposed God forever into everlasting.

This is a terrible place that our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus
created for Satan and his fallen angels, nevertheless sinners go there
because of their sinful state to have never been born from the Holy
Spirit that holds their perfection and holiness to stand before our
heavenly Father forever saved, thanks to our Lord Jesus Christ’s
initial salvation work in heaven. Moreover, this is a painful sight
for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and His Holy Spirit to
see daily sinners from all walks of life dying constantly under the
tormenting flames and consuming worms that eat up the flesh because
they failed to believe in our heavenly Father through the glorious
initial salvation work of His anointed Son Jesus Christ.

These people die every moment of their eternal lives within the flames
of hell to the constant attacks of worms and demons that could have
been avoided entirely, if only they have confessed in-one-minute with
their lips for salvation by believing within their hearts that Jesus
Christ died for their sins to resurrect on the third day from the
power of hell. And this is a prayer that could very well take just a
moment of anyone’s life today to believe within the heart for justice
thus to confess with the lips for salvation that our Lord Jesus Christ
is our heavenly Father’s way, truth and life not only to save from
death and hell but also to welcome anyone into heaven forever saved.

Thus, the one that fails to do the sinner’s prayer today for
repentance, then he has a secured place in hell next to Satan and his
wicked fallen angels where they will suffer together the pain to live
without God and the glorious life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ
throughout eternity without ever having a second chance to see life
again. Certainly, this is a terrible place to live for humans born
from our heavenly Father in His image to live in His likeness, and we
must skip it today: and this is only possible by believing within the
heart for justice to confess with the lips for salvation that Jesus
Christ is God’s Son, priest and The Lamb with the atoning-blood that

Blindly, we must believe in our Lord Jesus Christ wholeheartedly just
as our heavenly Father called every angel in heaven to believe in him
just as He personally called Adam as well to eat from his fruit of
life that is the perfection and holiness that we all need to stay
alive with our heavenly Father well into all eternity. Otherwise, if
we fail to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ the fruit from the tree of
life that is located at the epicenter of paradise, then we will end up
in the same spiritual state of death and total desolation that Adam
and Eve suffered because they ate instead from the tree of knowledge
of good and evil.

After all, what is this fruit of life that our heavenly Father called
every angel in heaven to eat even Lucifer before he rebelled against
Him and His Son Jesus Christ, it is the atoning-blood coming out from
the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world forever, and this
is to believe wholeheartedly that Jesus Christ is God. This is the
fruit of life to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ his flesh, because it
is true food that will never let you go hungry again on earth much
less in heaven, and his atoning-blood is true drink because it will
not only fill you with eternal life but also it will satisfy your
thirst entirely forever.

That is why that our heavenly Father commanded Moses initially to take
water from the Nile River and pour it over the land before the eyes of
the Israelites and the Egyptians to turn into blood, so they may begin
to believe in Him that He has brought His Son over Mount Sinai to
spill his atoning-blood for everyone’s eternal salvation. This is to
teach the Israelites and everyone else that He has the power to turn
water into blood and vice versa, He can definitely turn His Son Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood into living-water anyday now from the injured-
rock to drink at Mount Sinai’s foot that the ancient thirsty
Israelites drank initially, and at Jerusalem’s holy hill that Adam and
Eve also drank.

Meaning also that our heavenly Father has power to turn any body of
water into blood anytime and anywhere, and this could not only be at
the Nile River as the Israelites and the Egyptians witnessed it first,
but also He can turn the water into blood in anyplace of the entire
world, even in your home today for sure. Indeed, this was a miracle
that Moses had to do before the people of the land, so they may
understand soon that He was about to turn their drinkable water into
His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of
Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so they may
drink salvation as they may well please.

Graciously, this glorious salvation that our heavenly Father is
granting to each one of us these days just as He granted it to the
ancients over Egypt, it is for us today our Lord Jesus Christ shedding
his glorious atoning-blood so we may drink it progressively because it
is true life for every man, woman and child on earth. For it is
written. The life of the animal is in the blood, and the people must
pour it to the ground, because it is inhumane to drink it, giving that
it is the life of the animal that we are drinking, that is, if we
drink it; however, as we drink from our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-
blood then we are drinking pristine life, our eternal life!

Divinely, this is a glorious life that has always existed, it is not a
life born by God’s word the day the animals were created, but our Lord
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood not only gave life to Adam in paradise
initially but also it has the same power (and perhaps much more than
ever) to fill us with his eternal life for eternity. That is why that
our heavenly Father after liberating Israel from Egypt then He took
them across the Red Sea in dry ground, so they may step into secured
ground in the desert ready to take them to Mount Sinai’s foot to stand
before our Lord Jesus Christ’s injured-rock to drink from him the
atoning-blood turned into drinkable living-water.

On this day, our heavenly Father commanded Moses to strike once the
injured-rock at Mount Sinai so it may drain the atoning-blood from His
Son Jesus Christ’s many ancient wounds for Israel to become filled
with the living-water that will quench their thirst in the desert,
within the Promised Land, and well into all eternity in heaven as
well. Here, what our heavenly Father was teaching the Israelites is
that at the Nile River He commanded Moses to take water from it and
toss it immediately in dry ground before them, so they may see the
miracle to turn it into blood as soon as it hit the ground, by the
power of His commanding word, so they may believe in Him.

Well, at Mount Sinai’s foot our heavenly Father commanded the atoning-
blood that His blessed Son Jesus Christ initially shed within the Holy
of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s summit to create the world
to turn into living-water, for the Israelites to begin to learn to eat
and drink from His Son Jesus Christ: love, obedience, perfection,
devotion, and everlasting holiness. And this atoning-blood that our
heavenly Father’s blessed Son turned into living-water for the
Israelites to drink at Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so they may take it
through the desert to quench their daily thirst, furthermore take it
into the Promised Land to be shed by our Lord Jesus Christ himself
over Jerusalem’s holy hill for others to drink salvation as well.

Meaning that just as our heavenly Father called Israel from Egypt to
take the tablets of the commandments into the Promised Land, so His
Son may be born by the Holy Spirit from David’s daughter thus to
fulfill it with his sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood
for everyone’s salvation, then the atoning-blood was taken into the
Promised Land by the Israelites, too. Meaning also that everything
that our heavenly Father needed to establish His Son’s sacrificed life
since Creation day within the Promised Land thus to be born from
David’s daughter with the divine body that will also become part of
everyone’s life on earth to enter heaven in the last day, it had to be
taken into the Promised Land by the Israelites.

This included the tabernacle with all its precious cargo, such as the
tablets of the commandments, the golden jar that contained the manna,
Aaron’s staff, and the Holy of Holiest itself, so the Israelites would
remember always that their ancestors left Egypt to cross the desert
and conquer the Promised Land with Jesus Christ helping them all the
way trough till now. And no one else other than a child of Abraham,
Isaac and Jacob could carry anything into the Promised Land thus to
conduct our heavenly Father’s will to the letter, because this was a
Pact of Eternal Life that He had started with Abraham as he with his
men ate and drank from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine.

Moreover, this bread and wine from the Lord’s Table was served by
Melchizedek, the King of Salem's gate (modern Israel), where, in due
time, our heavenly Father would finally shed His Son’s atoning-blood
over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the nations to drink from the injured-
rock just as the ancients did at Mount Sinai’s foot for salvation to
be possible perpetually. Because, the “salvation promise” that our
heavenly Father manifested to Abraham as he with his friends ate and
drank from the Lord’s Table from the hands of Melchizedek at Salem’s
gate, then he also had to fulfill it for the nations, so Israel and
the nations may become saved to enter heaven anyday forever saved as
one big family.

For this was our heavenly Father’s will finally to gather Israel with
the nations into one eternal place in heaven washed by His Son’s
atoning-blood from sin, curses and death, so they may continue to sit
with Him at His Supper Table to eat the bread and wine every day
forever into eternity as one big celestial happy family. For this is
the one big celestial family of sons and daughters that our heavenly
Father always dreamed to live with in heaven filled with His Son’s
perfection and holiness, so they will never abandon Him again as Adam
and Eve did initially in paradise because they believed Satan’s lie
against His fruit of life: Jesus Christ’s abundant atoning-blood
turned into living-water!

Duly, this atoning-blood from our Lord Jesus Christ that our heavenly
Father needed the Israelites to drink at Mount Sinai’s foot as they
escape from Egypt’s bondage, certainly it was to be taken into the
Promised Land, so His blessed Son Jesus Christ as His Chosen Lamb will
shed it over Jerusalem’s holy hill for the nations to drink the final
salvation. Furthermore, as our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation
that started with Abraham and his allies that ate the bread and wine
at His Supper Table at Salem’s gate then it will have come to
fulfillment as every man, woman and child from the nations may drink
freely from the eternal-rock, too, the atoning-blood turned into
living-water for everyone’s salvation into eternity.

That is to say, also that every time that you believe in our heavenly
Father’s Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood shed initially within the
Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock later to
shed for the nations at Jerusalem’s holy hill, then you are drinking
living-water thus to be filled with eternal salvation immediately for
eternity. And this is the glorious salvation that our heavenly Father
needed Adam and Eve to receive in paradise initially as they ate and
drank from His Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood the fruit from the
tree of life, our Lord Jesus Christ, but, unfortunately they failed to
eat from the fruit of life to receive salvation, and they became
embraced/trapped with death.

Now, as Adam and Eve began to die then they had to abandon paradise
later to become saved, and this is by drinking the atoning-blood from
the tree of life of our Lord Jesus Christ nailed to their dead crossed
trees not at Mount Sinai but at Jerusalem’s holy hill within the
conquered Promised Land, so they can eventually return to life. In
spite of everything, you may wonder why Adam and Eve could not stay in
paradise to drink from our heavenly Father’s Chosen Lamb, our Lord
Jesus Christ, since he was already present in their lives before our
heavenly Father filled with eternal life and endless blessings for
them and their children to come in later generations.

Regrettably, the reason is that Adam and Eve sinned terribly by eating
from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil,
thus they had to return to earth, and then be able somehow, someday,
to receive the opportunity to drink from the tree of life to become
saved again, and this time live forever saved into eternity. And the
other reason that Adam and Eve abandoned paradise is that once you
reject the fruit of life by eating from the forbidden fruit, then
there is no second chance as you may have it on earth anyday to drink
from our Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood either from Mount Sinai’s
injured-rock or Jerusalem’s holy hill to become born from the Holy

Therefore, Adam and Eve had to abandon paradise immediately because
their children could not be born in sin in heaven to drink from our
Lord Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood to become liberated from the spirit
of error that Adam and Eve had received as they believed Satan to eat
from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Now, since Adam and Eve could not longer drink from our Lord Jesus
Christ’s atoning-blood in paradise due to sin, furthermore they had
eaten from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father warned them
that the day they eat from it then they will surely die, then now they
had to drink it through nails to their bodies nailed to Jesus Christ’s

This was the only way possible for them to regain eternal life since
they were both dead in their sins and could no longer confess with
their lips for salvation Jesus Christ as their personal savior as when
they both had the opportunity to do so before our heavenly Father in
paradise, so they had to receive the salvation atoning-blood only
through painful nails. Otherwise, they were both (Adam and Eve) dead
in their sins against our heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus
Christ forever in heaven, on earth and in hell as well, and this meant
that they could never drink from the injured-rock in paradise, on
earth much less in hell to return to eternal life forever saved.

However, since our heavenly Father is eternally wise and filled with
love for His children, then He granted them the opportunity to drink
from our Lord Jesus Christ the atoning-blood through painful nails
nailed to the Chosen Lamb that saves them from sin, rebellion, and
eternal death in hell, our Lord Jesus Christ, the only Eternal King of
Israel, and soon coming Messiah! And this is something that Satan
failed to know throughout his lifetime in paradise and on earth, too,
because he thought that once Adam and Eve rejected Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood of eternal perfection and holiness for salvation, then
this meant that both were dead never to see eternal life again because
they failed to confess Jesus Christ while still alive in their human-

Thus far, our heavenly Father’s wisdom is greater than the most wise
archangels in heaven, and this means that He is many times more wise
than Lucifer (Satan), that even though Adam and Eve failed to receive
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood while alive in their bodies, nevertheless
they could receive him nailed to His Son over Jerusalem’s holy hill.
And perhaps this is why for our heavenly Father to pull Israel from
Egypt so they may drink the atoning-blood directly from our Lord Jesus
Christ standing over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock thus to take it into
the Promised Land with the Holy Spirit of the commandments, with the
holy articles of the Holy of Holiest, so His blessed Son Jesus Christ
could reign over Israel forever.

As expected, this meant that our Lord Jesus Christ could finally shed
his atoning-blood abundantly over Jerusalem’s holy hill to save Adam
and Eve that had been dead for millennium as two lifeless trees
crossed to each other to receive at last the transfusion of blood that
will eventually bring them back to life in paradise at last into
eternity. Therefore, Adam and Eve are the only ones that can receive
Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood nailed to their bodies, because, first
they are both dead and they can no longer confess him as their
personal savior, and, second, since they are dead then they will fail
to drink from the atoning-blood but they can certainly drink it
through Jesus Christ’s nailed wounds.

Punctually, this is exactly what happened to Adam and Eve over
Jerusalem’s holy hill, they were both still dead as dry lifeless trees
crossed to each other, but as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to them
his glorious-and-sinless body born from David’s daughter through the
Holy Spirit, lived the Law to perfection, then Adam and Eve were saved
at last forever. And because Adam and Eve had become saved nailed to
our Lord Jesus Christ, the fruit from the tree of life that they were
both commanded by our heavenly Father to eat from thus never to die
but, instead continue to live in paradise with our heavenly Father and
His faithful angels, now Israel with the nations could be saved, too.

Miraculously, this salvation is still possible these days by drinking
the atoning-blood converted into living-water at the injured-rock
either at Mount Sinai’s foot or Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you will no
longer live by the ill blood that you received from Adam and Eve
initially, but now you can live in the atoning-blood filled with life
and eternal happiness, Jesus Christ! Because, the main problem of your
life these days it is the ill blood that you inherited from Adam and
Eve as you were born into the world thus to attract Satan’s problems,
difficulties, infirmities, maladies, poverty, death and other terrible
sins such as curses and the eternal perdition of your living soul in
hell, however, with Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood it is over.

Then, suddenly, everything changes in your life because as you believe
within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation
Jesus Christ, then you are born from the spirit of error world of
darkness into the Holy Spirit of the new world from heaven above, that
is your New Jerusalem filled with blessings of eternal life. That is
to say that with our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart then
his perfection and holiness that our heavenly Father spoke to Abraham
about so he may become as holy and perfect as He has always been in
heaven since eternity, then your true world of light will emerge from
darkness, leaving behind Satan’s lies and terrible wilds forever.

And this wonderful world of your true life of light that you were born
in heaven initially from our heavenly Father’s image to live according
to His likeness will open within and around you thus to be awaken into
a wonderful world of miracles and an amazing life unknown to Satan
that will never end with you and your loved ones everlastingly.
Therefore, our heavenly Father needs you to eat on earth today from
our Lord Jesus Christ the same fruit of life that He personally called
Adam and Eve to eat in paradise, so they may live with Him and His
glorious angels forever in eternal happiness thus to enjoy the
glorious life of their children that are coming in many generations.

Today, our heavenly Father wants to take every man, woman and child,
beginning with Adam and Eve back into eternal life in paradise, so
they may forget forever Satan’s lies and the terrible wilds thus to
grow forever in eternal happiness of their hearts, souls, minds,
bodies and human spirit to conquer new glories never conquered before
until now on earth for heaven. Here with our heavenly Father and every
one on earth and in heaven with the angels, our Lord Jesus Christ’s
atoning-blood is very important to live all together as one big family
forever blessed with wonderful blessings that even the angels have
never dreamed before till now, because our heavenly Father is ready to
bless our lives as never before for heaven.

That is why of the shedding of the blood and the sprinkling of it over
the doorframe over everyone’s home, so Satan may flee from us with his
lies, curses, infirmities and terrible death in hell thus to continue
to grow in the Holy Spirit that the only thing that He desires to do
with us is to bless our lives forever. And as the Levite high priest
performed his rituals of holiness thus to present himself, his family
and Israel as well before our heavenly Father washed clean from sin by
the atoning-blood, then within the Holy of Holiest of the tabernacle
He will intentionally kill sometimes the priest sprinkled in blood to
show Israel how the King Messiah’s death covers sin forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father had to kill Israel’s high priest for
that year in course on purpose, and make sure that he was bathed in
the lamb’s blood before the other Levite priests would pull him out
from the Holy of Holiest, it was to show Israel that animal sacrifice
can only cover sin temporarily, however the Messiah’s atoning-blood
erases it forever. That the animal sacrifice blood we can never drink
because the life of the animal is in it, and we are not animals to
drink blood from the animals to live, heal, bless or save us, however
with our Lord Jesus Christ we can drink his atoning-blood because it
is full of our eternal life that attracts blessings filled with
miracles each day.

And this is basically all that our heavenly Father is asking you to do
these days, so you may become the person that heaven needs to be
always filled with blessings, health, richness, and with great powers
from the tree of life, so He can feel very happy as He sees you from
heaven as He always does with great care. That is correct: today you
may become the person that heaven needs you to be, so you can be very
welcome into eternal life and its glorious abundantly blessings
everywhere filled with our Father’s love that it has prepared for you
with great care, too, since before you were born to become God’s child
in the midst of holy angels forever into eternity.

These days we can still drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood
converted into living-water over our diner tables by our heavenly
Father’s power, so His Son may become alive within our hearts filled
with perfection and holiness that pleases His glorious heart on earth
with men and in heaven with His faithful angels thus to live together
embraced with love, healing, and endless happiness. That is why that
our heavenly Father needed to pull Israel from Egypt, because He
needed them to drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood from His
Son Jesus Christ that had been converted into living-water to take
this glorious atoning-blood that later would give birth through
David’s virgin daughter by the power of the Holy Spirit, into the Son
of God.

For this is the Son of God that will save Adam and Eve over
Jerusalem’s holy hill nailed to his sacred-body that fulfilled the
Holy Spirit of the Law to the last letter and tilde thus finally to
save the nations’ children from sin, curses, and hell, so they may all
soon return to Adam and Eve in paradise forever saved. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
of YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my love ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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