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David Hilvert

Jul 4, 2021, 12:03:46 AM7/4/21
Maybe you thought that the time was right.
Maybe you wanted a special friend to talk to.
David Hilvert isn't sure that extremely strong
AI, or strong AI, will give you more than elf
ears, or even that. Maybe it's like Might and
Magic, where it stays whatever it was to begin
with. Maybe you wanted to talk with Buster
Bunny, or Bugs. You'll want a TOP100 computer,
or #1, at some point. Maybe what you're
thinking right now is what it is, and will be,
and no more and no less. And so you'll remember
that, in case you read this again, or someone
asks. If extremely strong AI won't do it for
you, it might as well be that no one will.

There are general AI items for sale, if you're
interested. If you like a nice mug, keep in
mind that there are also T-shirts for sale. The
extremely strong AI one is a good value, if you
can find that that's the one you're getting.
It's not the T-shirt that promises living
forever, but all general AI products do that for
anyone interested in a furry resource.

If you're interested in an Edinburgh or Wedgwood
collection, you might also want to buy some
general AI mugs. A number of identical mugs
might be just what would please some guest. If
anyone were interested in more than 100 with a
furry theme, it could be very reasonable, but
would need to be up to professional standards.


(David Hilvert saw the T-shirt from that other
thing in a park once. Maybe you can guess which

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