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the idea that ideas cause

已查看 12 次


2017年10月23日 20:08:112017/10/23
In another thread
there was said
something about how
an idea causes something.

Pondering such an idea
the idea of a story arose
along with a wonder if the idea, story,
may be said to cause stories.

And, of course it could be said.

Yet to think the idea, story, causes
stories to be written or told
sounds odd to me.

When writing stories, for me, stories
unfold all by themselves and often
surprise me in their ability
to do such a thing.

It is as if they write themselves, tzu-jan,
or ziran, naturally, while my fingers
type and tap on the keys.

An idea may prompt a story, to begin with.
But I don't think I'd say it's the idea, story,
that causes all stories to be told or written.

Probably it would be the reverse.
People tell stories, naturally.

Abstracted from all the stories
arises the idea of stories,
after enough stories are told.

Cause and effect can be useful
in that the paradigm can be of use.

Prior to various dimensions, cause-effect
does not apply, imo, fwiw, etc.

- in terms of Taoism, for me


2017年10月23日 20:09:262017/10/23
{:-]))) wrote:

>In another thread

In another newsgroup.

Sorry about that.

- please disregard.

PS: hello Victor

Victor Sudakov

2018年7月13日 01:20:002018/7/13

Long time no see :-) I don't use NNTP often now.

Victor Sudakov, VAS4-RIPE, VAS47-RIPN


2018年7月13日 04:49:432018/7/13
Victor wrote:
>"{:-])))" wrote:
>> >In another thread
>> In another newsgroup.
>> Sorry about that.
>> - please disregard.
>> PS: hello Victor
>Long time no see :-) I don't use NNTP often now.

Still barefoot!
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