Where the hell do you live?
We Americans have overthrown one lawful government in this land - and we
could do it again too. For me, it's when they attempt to trash the
second ammendment.
An armed man is a free man. When they strip you of your means to resist
you're a slave, if not now, soon.
I'm sorry Tango but I just don't see the same need for guns that you do.
Guns and the reasons that make people feel the need to have them suck.
In the UK we have a lot less firearms because of cultural attitudes.
That doesn't make us less free. It does make us a little bit safer
Lets face it, in both of our consumer orientated societies there is too
much complacency because of the relatively comfortable lifestyles that
we lead for mass dissent to happen. Without that level of discontent,
the government still controls the militia and therefore the state.
We are all slaves to Western society, armed or not. The sad fact is we
have been bought off.
Also, I doubt that the firearms available to the average American would
not make a jot of a difference to the kind of fire power that the modern
military could muster.
FOA, CASHP#23-96-I, CASHK#96-009
"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society."
You're right. We wouldn't stand a chance. So what? I can't think of
a more appropriate or more useful manner of dying if it became
necessary. The primary reason for the amendment is to allow the
individual citizens of the several states of the union the capacity to
defend themselves militarily from the central government. Neither the
fact that Jefferson, et alia, never anticipated the growth in the
effectiveness of weapons or the size and expense of military
establishments, nor the grotesque, fungoid growth in government power
have changed the potential role of honor and bravery in combat. You
could say without much exaggeration that one of the most crucial
battles of the Viet Nam War was fought on the campus of Kent State.
If any revolutionary movement's decision to fight or not to fight is
based primarily on its chance of winning conventional battles against
an entrenched and superior opponent it might as well chuck in the
towel at the gitgo.
The Prof