Would like to contact any left-handed Aquarians out there. Please drop me a
line. Would really like to chat with you.
Yes, I'm a lefty.
: Cyrus
: ter...@singnet.com.sg
Me too - Oh, sorry, I'm Pisces !
>Would like to contact any left-handed >Aquarians out there. Please drop me a
>line. Would really like to chat with you.
Hi, Cyrus!
And I thought I was the ONLY left-handed Aquarian
around... you've ruined my uniqueness!
If you'd like to converse, send me an email at
Any other left-handed Aquarians out there, please
feel free to email me also! I'm sure we all have
strange things in common...
Tricia :-) (-:
I am a left-handed Aquarian.
So am I.
: Would like to contact any left-handed Aquarians out there. Please drop me a
: line. Would really like to chat with you.
: Cyrus
: ter...@singnet.com.sg
: Yes, I'm a lefty.
I am a lefty and also an aquarian, I'm interested to know how I can help you.
You can reach me at
Hope to hear from you soon
Renee H Turner
>Renee H Turner
I am also a Left Handed Aquarian Feb. 4th 1971!:)
Always smiling:):):):):):):):):):):)
Tricia Bartley
E-mail: tri...@clogic.ca
I'm another lefty Aquarian, Feb. 13, 1970 (it was a friday) interestingly
enough, my dad is also a lefty Aquarian, Feb. 1, 1942, and my husband is
just a plain old Aquarian, (he's not blessed with being a superior handed
> I havent read the Message yet but yes, you guessed it i am a Left Handed
>Aquarian, 24th January 1947, and check into how Aquarian the planets were then!
>Renee H Turner
I'm a left-handed aquarian, too :-)
- Lindsey :D
> >Renee H Turner
> > re...@wave.co.nz
> - Lindsey :D
Me too. 15th February 76
But who want to know ? ;-)
Christos Kalogerakis *** eMail uo...@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
> Lindsey Ross (moc...@ix.netcom.com) wrote:
> > re...@wave.co.nz (Ren=E9 Turner) wrote:
> =
> > >Hi,
> > > I havent read the Message yet but yes, you guessed it i am a Le=
ft Handed
> > >Aquarian, 24th January 1947, and check into how Aquarian the planets=
were then!
> =
> > >Renee H Turner
> =
> > > re...@wave.co.nz
> =
> > I'm a left-handed aquarian, too :-)
> > 2-6-82
> =
> > - Lindsey :D
> =
> Me too. 15th February 76
> =
> But who want to know ? ;-)
> =
> Christos
> =
> --
> Christos Kalogerakis *** eMail uo...@rz.uni-karlsruhe.de
me too, 23 Jan 1966.
is there a disposition to lefties born in jan-feb ?
ME! on 2-18-51. Sun, cusp of Aquarius/Pisces. Moon, cusp of Cancer/Leo,
Rising, cusp of Libra/Scorpio. And very lefthanded...
Everybody's entitiled to MY opinion :-;
Well - lefthanded (writes with, picks nose with, throws
darts with, holds fag with, holds pint with)
DOB 29 jan 1977
Leeds University, GB
"Fuck you and your freedom. Who the fuck are you?"
Just lie back, relax and I'll go and slip into my
Spiderman costume......what?
Born 01-24-68
Judging by the typical Aquarian traits I am VERY Aquarian and
I am VERY VERY left-handed.
Don Cowger
Well, I'm a lefty and I was born on Sep. 8. I don't think there is a
preference of lefties born under the Aquarian sign...
"Blue, goddamit, where the hell are you???"
I have not read your message yet, but i can answer the Question
I am Left Handed and an Aquarian
Renee H Turner
Yep, me too. I was born on the twelfth of february, and very
I'm a Virgo leftie too and my hubby is a Pisces leftie. Perhaps the
originator of this thread was just looking for other Aquarian lefties, and
not assuming there were more of them than us.
Have fun, Michele
Sorry, I'm an April baby. My left-handed brother is a March
child and my left-handed son had a December birth. Don't
talk to me about a larger "window" (Dec is ALmost Jan, Mar
is BAREly not Feb, April ONLY a little later, etc.), either
the "trend" is Jan-Feb or not. (-:
I think you are missing the point. The person who started this off was not
intending to suggest that all Lefties are born at this time, only a high
number of them. Ok, so you are not in this large group! There was an
independent study (sorry, I only recall so have no proof) performed in the UK.
People born within 3 days either side of the cusp of Aquarius/Pisces are
theoretically 10% Left-handed - the actual figure was 55%! Surely a most
extraordinary coincidence, especially as this means more people from these dates
are lefties than righties.
Oh, I nearly forgot. I am! Born on Feb 20, 1963.
"Lefties do it back-to-front and find it easier"
Sue Jan 31, 72
Edwin Wong
But my point is that NONE of the sinistrals I know are
Jan-Feb babies. I do not know them all, and I am unfamiliar
with the study you report, so it may not be germaine.
However, the thread seemed to be going for "Most" sinistrals
are bornin January or February. Sorru if I offended anyone.
It was not my intention.
I was also born on Feb 20, 1967 and I thought that I was a leftie Pisces.
Am I wrong? Anyway, happy birthday to us :-)
We are all lefties in my family - mother and brother born March
father born December (Sagitarius) and husband born November
(Scorpio). Lefthandedness has always been the majority in my house!
I can remember teaching my friend to write her name when we were in
pre-school and making her use her left hand...I didn't realise that
anyone used the right hand for anything!!
There's a Lefty Shop in Sydney, Australia (where I live) selling all
of stuff. I picked up a pencil there a couple of years back - it has
annoyed me that messages on pencils are upside down when held in the
hand - and it had been printed for a right-hander!! It had 'The
Left-handed Shop'
printed UPSIDEDOWN when held in my left hand. I gave up!!