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Ex-Cop Claims the Newtown Massacre Never Happened

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Mar 17, 2015, 9:11:55 AM3/17/15
The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting—the worst school
shooting in national history—triggered an explosive debate
around gun control in America. That debate continues today,
perhaps most notably in Newtown itself.

Each month, gun advocates come to Newtown Board of Education
meetings to argue that more guns, not fewer guns, could have
prevented Adam Lanza from carrying out his shooting rampage. One
of those advocates, seen in the video below, dresses in 1700s
revolutionary garb.

But there was a new face in the audience at a meeting earlier
this month: Wolfgang Halbig, a former police officer and school
safety consultant who lives in Florida. Halbig flew up from
Florida to attend the meeting, but it’s not because he’s a pro-
gun advocate. In fact, he doesn’t think that guns or gun laws
could have prevented the killings.

Halbig has another belief entirely: He says Sandy Hook never
actually happened, that it was a fake event staged by the
government. No Adam Lanza, no victims. According to Halbig, 26
people did not die that day. It was all fiction. The distraught
parents who gave interviews to the media were actually paid
actors, he says.

“Nobody even requested trauma helicopters that day,” he told me
over the phone this week. “Why no trauma helicopters? That’s a
big one.”

(In fact, this conspiracy around helicopters that day has been
mentioned by others–and easily debunked–before. Sandy Hook
truthers have been around for a while.)

On his website, Halbig lists out 16 specific questions. The
answers to them, he believes, will expose a massive conspiracy.
For example, he asks, “Who ordered those Port-a-Potties from
Southbury, Connecticut?” and “Who declared all 18 children and
six school staff members legally dead within the first eight

In the realm of conspiracy theories, Halbig’s is pretty far out
there, and yet, he has a sizable following. In March, he set up
a crowdfunding campaign on GoFundMe to raise money for his
cause. In the two months it has been online, Halbig has raised
nearly $22,000 from over 400 people.

“The truth needs to be exposed, however long it takes,” writes
Clyde Shaw, a man who donated $20 to the campaign.

“I am very proud of the commitment and integrity of Wolfgang
thus far in investigating this lousy, horrible, criminal scandal
in Connecticut with the so said ‘Sandy Hook shooting,’” writes
Jimmy Saunders, a man who gave $25. “I have seen Wolfgang during
interviews and on other news websites, and I encourage him to
succeed in breaking down this hoax.”

Halbig isn’t some guy who’s been living in the woods for the
last decade, either. He has a long and high-profile career in
school safety, and has rubbed shoulders with some famous people.
>From 1999 to 2004, he was the executive director for the
National Institute for School and Workplace Safety. In 2000, Jeb
Bush appointed him to a Florida school safety commission.

Halbig also doesn’t have a clear explanation for why, exactly,
the government or the media would want to expend so much energy
creating such an elaborate mirage. But he insists he’s not
pocketing the cash for himself. Part of the $20,000, he says, is
going to fulfill Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests that
will reveal what did—or did not—happen that day in December 2012.

Halbig says he has already paid A. Paul Spinella, a Connecticut-
based personal injury lawyer, $10,000 to begin filing requests.
Spinella, who does appear to be a licensed attorney in
Connecticut, has not returned multiple calls to confirm the
receipt of payment. Halbig also claims to have hired a
documentary crew to film his efforts, but he refused to name

Last week, Halbig posted a video on YouTube that he says shows
him being “assaulted” by a Newtown volunteer firefighter while
he was visiting Connecticut. An officer with the Newtown Police
Department, reached by phone earlier this week, confirms that he
is aware of Halbig but declined to comment further.

Recently, Halbig even set up his own website, Sandy Hook
Justice, urging people to donate to his campaign. ”This site is
currently under construction,” Halbig writes, “so check back
often for updates, as we work together to uncover the Sandy Hook



Mar 17, 2015, 11:34:43 AM3/17/15
On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:09:05 +0100 (CET), Newt wrote:

> The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting葉he worst school
> shooting in national history葉riggered an explosive debate
> around gun control in America. That debate continues today,
> perhaps most notably in Newtown itself.

Most interesting.
Does Newtown, or the county, or surrounding area even have helicopters?
Why do you order helicopters for the dead?

If it had been staged, then all those declared "dead" could not have been
residents of the area, or they'd have to explain how come they're back in
school the next day or week.

Where I went to high school, the firefighters in the county always had mock
drills to learn with every year.
In my particular high school they had one huge boile in one corner of the
building. I came up with the idea of simulating what would happen if that
damn thing blew while students were in class?
The next year we found out.
They had students play the rolse of victims.

Was Sandy Nook a hoax? I don't think so.
If it was a hoax, then the "victims" are alive and well somewhere and when
found, then we will have the answer.


Mar 17, 2015, 4:26:16 PM3/17/15

"richard" <> wrote in message
> On Tue, 17 Mar 2015 14:09:05 +0100 (CET), Newt wrote:
>> The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting-the worst school
>> shooting in national history-triggered an explosive debate
>> around gun control in America. That debate continues today,
>> perhaps most notably in Newtown itself.
> Most interesting.
> Does Newtown, or the county, or surrounding area even have helicopters?
> Why do you order helicopters for the dead?
> If it had been staged, then all those declared "dead" could not have been
> residents of the area, or they'd have to explain how come they're back in
> school the next day or week.
> Where I went to high school, the firefighters in the county always had
> mock
> drills to learn with every year.
> In my particular high school they had one huge boile in one corner of the
> building. I came up with the idea of simulating what would happen if that
> damn thing blew while students were in class?
> The next year we found out.
> They had students play the rolse of victims.
> Was Sandy Nook a hoax? I don't think so.
> If it was a hoax, then the "victims" are alive and well somewhere and when
> found, then we will have the answer.

They are called VicSims meaning they were simulated people with no birth
certificates, no death certificates or no family videos.

And the easiest way to see that Sandy Hook was a hoax is to look at the
biggest hoax of them all meaning 9/11/01.

"Part 2 of 4: Were Mini-Nuke Bombs the Cause of the WTC Destruction?"

It wasn't just fleeing tenants and First Responders who insisted they heard
explosions throughout the World Trade Center's Twin Towers (WTC 1 and 2). Or
reporters for The Washington Post and USA Today. It was the Federal Bureau
of Investigation as well as the New York Fire Department's celebrated
Special Operations head, Timothy Roemer, an investigator of the 1993 WTC
bombing and the Oklahoma City disaster. He said the South Tower (WTC 2) was
bombed because: "The collapse of the building was too even to have been
caused by anything else").(1)

And at least one 9/11 circuit speaker-William Deagle, MD-and three other
explosive experts believe the morning explosions in WTC 1, 2, and 7 were
caused by nuclear mini-weapons, also called "milli-nukes," or "micro-nukes.
One is a Deagle colleague. The other two have been forced by these dangerous
times to use pen names of "Anonymous Physicist" ("AP") and "The Finnish
Military Expert" ("FME") in the tradition of satirist Voltaire during the
French Revolution and Samuel Adams, the 1776 revolutionary with a dozen

The three have arrived at a nuclear theory because in the 9/11 events, an
estimated 45% of the nearly 3,000 who failed to escape the Towers'
destruction seemingly were vaporized into dust or bone debris in
nanoseconds, much like Hiroshima and Nagasaki's estimated 96,000 from the
first nuclear weapons ever used. Vaporization is a signature of a nuclear
weapon's use.(3)

Moreover, the molten metals at the footprints of WTC 1, 2, and 7 were not
extinguished via water and soil changes until December 19, 2001. They, too,
are among the fingerprints of a fission-triggered thermonuclear blast's
aftermath in an enclosed environment.(4)

Placement of any kind of explosives presented challenges to the
perpetrators. Each of the 110-floor Towers contained 47 core columns, each
weighing 20 tons; the 236 outer columns weighed 50-tons. Deagle, his
colleague, and "AP" believe these "mini-nukes" (from four to 35 per
skyscraper) were the traditional high-yield kind, triggered by a fission
source of energy that also emitted radiation.(5)

By contrast, "FME" believes that the causal agent was single low-yield
fissionless (no-radiation) fusion mini-nukes:

"The thermonuclear bomb used was a 'pure' hydrogen bomb, so no uranium or
plutonium [was used] at all. The basic nuclear reaction is Deuterium +
Tritium > Alpha + n." (6)

Further, he posited that preparing the destruction of WTC 1, 2 alone had to
have involved six months of 20 people wrapping perhaps 10,000 cutter charges
(possibly Thermate®) around each Tower's 283 steel columns and 4,000 for
those WTC 7, respectively. Added to that was the placement of napalm ("to
draw the interest from the planes to fires") and electronic homing devices
to trigger the detonators.(7)

What's the difference between a pure fission-fusion bomb and a
fissionless-fusion nuclear bomb?

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