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12.25.09, Abdulmutallab, attack ? or fabricated mistake ? , some in Wall Street bet against America with C.D.O's of bad debt and win billions of dollars in profits, Monopolies against the Internet

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Jan 5, 2010, 4:52:46 PM1/5/10
Dear P. Obama and V-P. Biden :


a) close Guantanamo as soon as possible and end this Al-Qaeda
recruiting tool

b) stop drones in Afghanistan-Pakistan of making "civilian deadly
mistakes" , pay the civilian victims with Pentagon and Contractor's
funds , and take control of the contractors working for the neocon
Hedge-Funds ( their biggest stockholders and the only ones profiting
from this 8 year long incompetent disaster).

c) Stop comedians at USA Military Bases of making crude and insulting
remarks about Muslim men and woman and the locals in general, no more
jokes on the locals by visiting entertainers, this is fuel for hate
and more deaths ( and of course more juicy corrupt contracts ! )

d) Reform Wall Street, because as you can see below , THEY ARE BETTING
AGAINST US, and fire the neocons in your staff ( yes, you : Bernanke,
Geithner, Shulman, Axelrod, Emanuel, Summers, Shapiro, Eisen,
Gensler, Genachowski, Leibowitz, Holbrooke, etal, and because they
collaborate with the Israeli Mossad, everybody knows this in D.C.
except you 2, isn't time to move forward ?

e) start a massive GREEN JOBS program: One multi-gigawatt solar and
wind farm in every one of the 50 States and the islands, start
factories for hybrid electric plug-in trucks , cars and bikes right
now , build fuel-cells for buildings and factories with natural gas ,
install wave and current turbines on the Pacific and Atlantic coasts
and put millions of unemployed workers to work ...... enough sending
trillions of dollars to the Middle East for imported oil, gas as well
as sending our most advanced weapons and multiple loan guarantees
there and that later they use to make huge deals with China and India
behind your backs again and again ( you know what we are talking about
here ! ) , enough !

f) on drilling off-shore : every off-shore rig has a 24/7 stand-by
ship to plug, contain and vacuum spills, every 3 to 5 rigs has a full
army of these ships, make the Oil Companies pay for them, it's how we
do it, so let's do it right, but you must get America Energy
Independent or they will take away the 2010 and 2012 elections, people
had enough of the Oil Lobby and the Neocon Lobby ( Saudi Arabia ,
Israel, Qatar, Kuwait, UAE,etc.) ....ENOUGH !!!! ..... no more USA
( and NATO ) Deaths and Treasury for these Lobby's.

But sadly, the neocons around you will advise you against all of these
points above and you will not do any of it for the USA Soldiers,
Workers, Taxpayers and Consumers ,right?

Dear President and Vice-President, even when the " Cheney-Limbaugh-
Murdoch Terror and Contractors Network" has failed again, they will
try again and again, it's the nature of the criminal corrupt and
treacherous racket, and in the meantime the abuse and corruption goes
on and on , here are some samples:

a) Lobbyists on pace for record year
where we learn that Washington D.C. is about to "take" more than 3.4
billion dollars from the Lobby's yearly, what a criminal racket !

b) "London Exchange Buys 60% of Rival Trading Platform"
where we learn that some "operators" still use dark markets , secret
over-the-counter and unregulated markets to make billions with risky
bets and avoid taxes, to avoid oversight and the Rule of we
haven't learned one thing from the 2008 Financial Disaster !

c) ,
, among others , are fighting to stop this corrupt Monopoly below :

Groups Ask U.S. Probe of Internet Cable Programs (Update1)

Public interest groups call for antitrust probe of TV Everywhere

".....The result, the groups say, would allow Comcast, Time Warner
Cable, AT&T, Verizon and Direct TV to unfairly maintain dominance over
the burgeoning online video industry by elbowing out online video
competitors such as Apple, Hulu and Vuze...."

"....The public interest groups point to reports by the general media
and trade publications that say cable, satellite and
telecommunications providers met secretly to launch the TV Everywhere
initiative. The competitors agreed to divide markets, raise prices,
tie products and exclude new competitors, Ammori wrote in his

Watchdogs Want Feds to Scrutinize TV Everywhere

Consumer Groups Want 'TV Everywhere' Probe

d) Trying to Add Portability to Movie Files

...where DECE ( the cable operators and the Hollywood studios ) and
KeyChest ( KeyChest is the Apple-Disney choice, they are the underdog
but still with a proprietary standard.) fight to impose the
Proprietary Movie File Monopoly , and that's why HTML 5 and , ,
, etc., are so vital to the growth and success of the Internet for

e) Fox-Time Warner Cable deal could mean billions for broadcasters
where we learn that Fox-News Corp. and others , after destroying our
culture with junk TV, junk food ads and total paranoia , will make
billions of dollars more by extorting money from all and by using our
own free Taxpayers Spectrum Airwaves....and in the meantime Washington
D.C. looking at its navel while collecting millions in campaign
donations and perks, what a criminal shame !

and about Financial lack of Regulation ( the Detroit fabricated attack
has been the perfect distraction to what matters for America ) :

a) "Banks Bundled Bad Debt, Bet Against It and Won"

".....Goldman Sachs was not the only firm that peddled these complex
securities — known as synthetic collateralized debt obligations, or
C.D.O.’s — and then made financial bets against them, called selling
short in Wall Street parlance. Others that created similar securities
and then bet they would fail, according to Wall Street traders,
include Deutsche Bank and Morgan Stanley, as well as smaller firms
like Tricadia Inc., an investment company whose parent firm was
overseen by Lewis A. Sachs, who this year became a special counselor
to Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner......"

this is the ultimate criminal insult,and how can they be next to the
President and the Vice- President ?

b) and about the 12.25.09 ATTACK , there are just too many points that
don't fit a simple mistake : someone made sure the dots could not be
connected : because if the plane and the 280 people on it had go down,
the Obama-Biden Administration and the Democratic Party mid-term
elections would HAVE GONE TO HELL IN A BASKET : so we need to know
everything !

1) "Spy Agencies Failed to Collate Clues on Terror "

check Multimedia " Early Leads Before the Attack" on this story.
the massive amount of "red lights" and no one asked any
questions ? ....or some one deleted all the warnings ?

2) "UK intelligence on Detroit bomb suspect was passed on to
so who stopped these facts from reaching the right places?

and for feedback :
"U.S. agencies faulted by GAO for leak of nuclear data" : Mistakes on
many levels Rules on sensitive documents 'confusing'
...some of the same D.C. "operators" in charge of the Abdulmutallab
warnings made this massive mistake and vital information about nuclear
plants, nuclear weapons sites , nuclear depots, etc. , it was
published on line !!!

Some in the Intelligence Community may remember when certain
newspapers published in 2002 , ' 03 ,' 04 and ' 05 key information
( with maps and photos ) of fresh water reservoirs ( at the time still
not fenced or guarded ) , of nuclear plants and chemical-gas plants ,
etc., remember ? well, this is it all over again , the same
provocations to excite the terrorists and show them USA targets,
again !!!
"Chertoff accused of abusing public trust by touting body scanners"
Kimberly Kindy
"Mr. Chertoff should not be allowed to abuse the trust the public has
placed in him as a....'
and why is Chertoff and Mukasey still running around ?

and about our junk foods and the profits of our Pharma industry and
the Lobby's campaign donations:
c) Safety of Beef Processing Method Is Questioned
where we find out that ammonia is abused in all kinds of meats, and if
you mix these toxics with the antibiotics,commercial steroids and
hormones they give these animals , why wonder about the massive levels
of autism and cancer ? kids also get 20 to 30 genetically modified
vaccines before they are 2 years old, mix all this junk in their
parents systems and the vaccines, and you get a health bomb, a total
children disaster.

d) Bonus Planned for Digital Medical Records
Blumenthal making deals with lobbyists?
who controls the software ? and the hardware ?
Blumenthal works for the Secretary of Health, remember? or for the
neocon Lobby's?

and by thew way : All seniors must make sure all these Health Reforms
don't take away any benefits from their existing Insurance Plans ,
from their existing Pensions, or from their S.S. disability or
Workers compensation plans, from their Retirement Funds of any kind,

So dear President and Vice-President, this is a massive level of
corruption and fraud : when are you going to get all these neocons
out of your Administration and Staff ? , when are you going to audit
the Federal Reserve and for the last 30 years ?

and remember that you two will get the blame for these corrupt
nencon's crimes, they control the media and so the blame will be on
you 2 , and because your Administration is going to let Comcast buy
NBC-Universal , they are going to let Oracle control MySQL, they are
going to let the Hollywood studios and cable companies control
content, access , delivery and standards, they are taking over the
Internet , our Free Speech, Free Media and the USA Constitution, and
what are you going to say then ? and why do this to yourself and
America ?

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