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How The US Government Really Defeated The White Man

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May 15, 2010, 2:49:08 PM5/15/10
How The US Government Really Defeated The White Man


Disclaimer: This website must be presented as fiction. What is
described on this website could never occur in America. Anyone stating
otherwise can be publicly discredited, imprisoned, institutionalized,
forcibly medicated, or murdered.

As racial tensions peeked in the late 60’s, 70’s, and 80’s the United
States government decided that the only way to prevent the country
from breaking apart and falling into civil war was to begin a slow
process of desegregation.

The government began the publicly know process of desegregating the
military, workplace, and schools. The government knew that the
desegregation of neighborhood communities would be an impossible task.
If the government used the National Guard or the military to
desegregate communities across America, it could tear the country
apart and spark a civil war.

A secret element of the United States government is responsible for
making social decisions that will shape and guide America. This secret
element of the government is known as the secret United States
government. Covert actions are carried out by a secret police force
under the direction of the secret government. The secret government is
a think-tank comprised of prominent American citizens. The decisions
made by the secret government will shape America for decades to come.

A secret government in America has always existed but has had a
segregationist policy until the last several decades. The secret
government for the last several decades has developed a
desegregationist policy. The secret government is now far more liberal
and they are multi-culture. Gone are the segregationist members of the

The secret government decided that the only way to desegregate
American communities was covert domestic operations. These covert
domestic operations would involve social engineering of American

To carry out the task of desegregating American communities across
America the secret police force would use classified surveillance
technology to basically infiltrate and spy on white communities. The
secret police force would use the surveillance technology to gather
intelligence of community members and develop a strategy to
desegregate each white community.

The desegregation of white communities is a slow process that could
take several decades to accomplish. The secret government also decided
that additional social engineering of American society would be needed
to distract the average American citizen and create an obsession for
the people the secret American government fears the most. This method
of creating a distraction for the American people would allow the
secret police to work behind the scenes implementing the secret
government’s domestic social agenda.

The average American citizen would be detracted by hoaxes created by
the secret police. These artificially created hoaxes would spark the
imagination of the masses of American citizens and become a life long
obsession to the few in American society that the secret government
considers its domestic enemies. The secret government’s domestic
enemies are the American citizens who look for government conspiracies
and spend a significant portion of their lives looking for these
conspiracies. These few obsessed American citizens the government
considers mentally ill and a threat.

In order to begin the desegregation process of American society, the
secret government began covert domestic operations against white
communities across America. Secret government agents infiltrated white
communities with classified surveillance technology that can
electronically see and hear through walls.

The classified surveillance technology can produce very detailed
images of a person behind walls of a house or building. In addition to
seeing through walls, the technology can hear through walls also. It
is sensitive enough to hear a person breathing through a wall. The
surveillance device is portable and can be easily moved into a house,
apartment, or building.

The secret police (secret government agents) will buy or rent houses
in a targeted white community and move the classified surveillance
technology into these houses to begin the covert desegregation process
of the community.

With the surveillance technology the government agents will be able to
electronically see and hear through the walls of surrounding houses
neighboring each house the government agents moved into. No visual
evidence of the surveillance is possible from outside a house used for
surveillance. All the classified surveillance technology is operated
from inside the house used for surveillance. To anyone just passing
by, nothing out of the ordinary will be noticeable.

There are no detection devices available to the general public that
will detect when the classified surveillance technology is being used
against a person. There is no way for a person targeted for
surveillance to tell if he is under surveillance. The only thing a
person targeted for surveillance may notice is that he has new

The classified surveillance technology uses the body heat of the human
body to see a person through a wall. The technology can see through
wood, stone, concrete, glass, plastic, and thin metals. Thick metals
of a quarter inch or greater will block the technology. There is
nowhere in a typical house that this surveillance technology can’t see
a person through the walls of the house. The typical walls of any
house will not block this technology; the secret police can
electronically see and hear right through walls.

From inside the house used for surveillance (surveillance house), the
government agents will use the surveillance technology to
electronically eavesdrop on surrounding community members’ homes
looking for the power structure of the community. The power structure
of the community is the influential community members who are
responsible for organizing other community members to keep minorities
out of the community.

Government agents will conduct complete covert surveillance of these
community members looking for information that can be used to setup
and bring them down. Government agents will even befriend community
members under surveillance. A community member targeted for
surveillance may have a best friend who is a government agent who is
secretly working behind the scene to destroy him. This is very similar
to foreign espionage used by the United States government against
foreign adversarial governments where United States government agents
infiltrate the foreign government to gather intelligence and cause
harm. The use of secret government agents against domestic adversaries
can be thought of as domestic espionage

Secret government agents covertly living in white communities will
eventually force the desegregation of the community by moving agents
into the community who are of a minority race. These minority agents
will not be equipped with surveillance technology but will just move
into a house to attempt to get the community members to react.

If the community members decide to somehow act against the minority
family to drive them out of the community, the other government agents
living in the community can discover any plot by using the classified
surveillance technology to electronically eavesdrop on community
members through the walls of their homes.

Once a plot is discovered, the government agents will have advance
warning and can have a standard video camera setup to catch the act. A
video of white community members somehow damaging a minority member’s
house is like gold to the government agents. This method of provoking
targeted people and setting up a video camera to catch the hostile act
is know as the “Candid Camera Method” used many times by the secret
government agents.

The secret government agents will make sure the video is given to the
proper people to get it displayed on news media broadcast across
America. This will act as a powerful deterrent to other white
communities across America. Past social engineering has made it a
career ending and life changing event for a white person to be labeled
a racist.

The minority government agents living in the white community may even
provoke the white community members into reacting against them. The
government agents know all the stereotypes white people have against
minority people. The minority community members will have loud
backyard parties with non-English music playing and lots of people
speaking non-English languages. Other tactics used by the agents are
to deliberately not maintain their property. By not cutting the grass
and allowing trash pileup would anger other community members and
inflame racial hatred. The objective is to get the white community
member to act out in rage and trick them into committing a hate crime
that can be captured on video by a standard video camera.

This is the “In Your Face Method” of antagonizing the white community
members into acting out against the new minority members. The white
government agent community members will use the classified
surveillance technology and their intelligence obtained from their
close relationships with the white community members to learn of any
developing plot against the minority community members. The white
government agents will sit back and wait to use the Candid Camera
method against the white community. The agents can modify their
strategy at any time based on the surveillance intelligence obtained.

Secret government agents will go after people, groups, companies, and
real estate companies who put up roadblocks to minorities living in
white communities across America. This basically gives the minority a
seat at the table. The secret government is using classified
technology against people who seek to deny minorities their right to
live in communities of their choice. Minorities have big brother (the
government) standing right behind them, just like a bodyguard.

The policy of segregating minorities in project like conditions began
to be phased out decades ago. Minorities would be integrated into
suburban white communities. To overcome the objection of white
suburban community members the secret government authorized the secret
police to use classified surveillance technology to conduct covert
surveillance of community members who could interfere with the
desegregation process. Politicians, ordinary citizens, and real estate
companies were placed under surveillance to gather intelligence and
bring down any opposition to the desegregation process.

In order for the United States secret government to implement its
secret domestic agenda, covert operations were carried out over the
last several decades to distract the average American citizen and
create a life long obsession to the few American citizens the secret
government considers its domestic enemies. The secret government
authorized the creation of hoaxes that would become today’s most know
conspiracy theories, supernatural events, and urban legends.

It may be a shock to most American citizens to discover that the
stories of UFOs, haunted houses, and other widely know urban legends
and conspiracies that occurred over the last several decades where
artificially created by government agents as a means of social

Basically the secret government manufactured these hoaxes as a means
of social engineering. Huge amounts of money were spent by the secret
American government to create these hoaxes. These hoaxes were
carefully planed by the secret government. Highly educated and
professional members of the secret government researched, developed
and manufactured a strategy to create these hoaxes. Government agents
conducted surveillance of innocent American citizens to find perfect
candidates to use as tools of the secret government. These tools
(Innocent American citizens) would be tricked, manipulated, and
basically used by the secret government implement the creation of
these hoaxes. The innocent American citizens would be tricked into
believing they were part of an extraordinary event that actually never

The secret government wanted to distract the average American citizen
and send its domestic enemies on wild goose chase in order to allow
the secret government to implement its social agenda.

Hoaxes of UFO sightings, UFO crashes and landings, alien abductions of
citizens, and other wild UFO conspiracies were created. Rumors spread
like wildfire as news media reports, books, and movies were generated.
The American people became interested and intrigued.

The secret government’s domestic enemies took the bait and began
devoting significant portions of their lives to uncovering the
government’s conspiracy to hide the existence of UFOs. A government
agency was even setup to actually seek the truth about UFOs.

Movies like Close Encounters of the Third Kind captivated the
imagination of millions of citizens across America. Dozens of popular
movies involving government cover-ups of UFO began popping up over the
last several decades and the American people were hooked. The secret
government gave the American people what they wanted.

Other hoaxes besides UFOs were created. A haunted house story of a
family being run out of their home by an evil spirit caught the
public’s attention when the Amityville Horror hit the movie theaters.
The blockbuster movie made lots of money and hooked Americans on the
existence of ghosts and other supernatural events. Other supernatural
movies like Poltergeist and The Entity reinforced the public’s belief
in such supernatural events.

What most American do not know is that the supernatural movies based
on so called true stories were events artificially created by secret
government agents using classified sonic harassment technology to
trick the occupants of the so called haunted houses into believing
their house was haunted.

Basically millions of dollars were spent by the secret United States
government to develop classified sonic harassment technology that
could be used to trick house occupants into believing their house was

The sonic harassment technology uses what can be considered a sonic
laser to project sound in one direction just like a light laser. The
sound projected can be ultrasonic (above the human hearing range),
audible (within the human hearing range), or infrasonic (below the
human hearing range). The beam of sound is invisible to the human eye.

The sonic harassment technology produces a sonic laser (beam of sound)
that can pass through wood, stone, concrete, bricks, and metals. The
only thing a sonic laser can’t pass through is a vacuum (no air). A
panel with a vacuum inside can completely block any sonic laser.
Military bunkers have these vacuum panels inside the walls to protect
the bunker occupants against sonic weapons.

The biggest advantage sonic weapons provide is that they can be used
to attack a person through walls of a house or building and no
physical evidence of the attack will remain. No damage is done to the
walls of the house or building after the attack. No physical evidence
or marks will be left on the human body after being attacked. The
targeted person will feel the sonic weapon being used against him but
will be unable to prove the attack occurred.

In the eyes of the law and mental health system, if you can’t prove
such an attack occurred, then the attack never occurred. This is a
very powerful attack method used by the secret government against the
average American citizen. It allows the secret government to use
military force against the average American citizen without any

Some of the sensations experienced by people attacked by sonic
harassment technology:

1) Burning sensations in the legs.
2) Jolts to limbs or fingers.
3) Hearing noises or voices no one else can hear.
4) High pitched ringing in the ears or severe ear ache.
5) Numb sensations on top of the head.
6) Bad dreams or nightmares.
7) Sleep deprivation caused by the above symptoms.

People who claim to have lived in a haunted house or experienced a
supernatural event may be victims of harassment by secret government
agents using classified sonic harassment technology against them.

Secret government agents conduct surveillance of a handful of innocent
family members across America each year looking for a family that can
be used to create the next haunted house story. Agents will move into
a house neighboring the selected family and conduct complete
surveillance of the family members. The agents will be able to hear
and see any conversations in the household. The agents can
electronically hear and see through the walls of the innocent family’s
home. The family will never be made aware of the surveillance.

If the family is selected for attack, secret government agents will
move the classified sonic harassment technology into the house used
for surveillance. The sonic weapons will be operated from inside the
neighboring house to the targeted family. Since the sonic weapons are
operated from inside the surveillance house, no visual evidence of the
weapons is possible from outside the house. The sonic harassment
technology can attack a family member through the walls of his house.
The targeted family member can be tricked into believing his house is
haunted by using the classified sonic harassment technology to project
audible sounds at him. Other family members can also be attacked. The
entire family can be tricked into believing their house is haunted.

These family members claiming to feel and hear spirits or ghosts are
experiencing something but they are simply misinterpreting what they
are experiencing. Sound invisible to the human eye but only felt can
easily be used to trick a person into believing they are experiencing
a supernatural event.

The secret government has incorporated the classified through wall
surveillance imaging technology into targeting scopes that can target
a person through walls. The through wall targeting scope is attached
to a sonic weapon and can be used to target and attack a person in a
neighboring house through walls. Secret government agents will move
the sonic weapons into the house used for surveillance and attack the
targeted person(s) in his home right through the walls. No visual
evidence from outside the house is possible because the sonic weapons
are fired from inside the surveillance house.

The government agents will select a family best suited to further the
secret government’s domestic agenda. A family will be chosen that will
fit the typical stereotype of a family haunted by an evil spirit. The
physical appearance and mental health history of the family will be
factors in the decision of attacking the family.

The secret government also uses the sonic harassment technology to
trick mothers into killing their children. Secret government agents
will move into a house neighboring a mother with a history of mental
illness. Surveillance will be conducted of the mother and her
immediate family to decide if the mother is the best candidate. If the
mother is attacked, sonic harassment technology will be used to
project audible commands to the mother. “This is God, kill your
children” will be projected at the mother in her house from a
neighboring house. The secret government agents can target the mother
through the walls of her house and convince her that God is now
speaking to her.

The secret government is basically trying to define the mentally ill
in the minds of the American people. When the American people hear
news reports of mentally ill people committing terrible crimes, they
will support stronger laws to force mentally ill people to be
medicated and monitored.

This programming of the American people has been ongoing for the last
several decades. The secret government wants strong state and federal
laws enacted against the mentally ill. Once these laws are enacted,
the secret government’s domestic enemies can be forced into the mental
health system, drugged, and never heard from again.

Haunted house stories and UFOs are now part of the American culture.
The secret American government has done an incredible job over the
last several decades in programming the American people. The masses of
American people have been distracted and the domestic enemies of the
secret government have spent significant portions of their lives
chasing after things that don’t exist. The cloud of disinformation
created by the secret government over the last several decades has
allowed the secret government to work behind the scenes implementing
its domestic agenda with little interference.

The secret government has effectively manipulated a small portion of
its domestic enemies into believing that the secret government
orchestrated hoaxes over the decades are real and those domestic
enemies have convinced a significant portion of the secret
government’s other domestic enemies into believing in the orchestrated
events. This is an incredible achievement by the secret government.

Hollywood was used by the secret government to produce movies of the
orchestrated hoaxes. Movies of haunted houses and UFOs made millions
of dollars. Millions of Americans have been programmed by movies and
TV shows over the decades. The secret government used the news media
that reported the stories of supernatural events and tragedy, further
programming the American people. Most Americans believe in haunted
houses and UFOs and may never know the truth. It’s just social
engineering by America’s secret government.

Several decades ago, the secret government needed to distract the
American people so it could implement its domestic social agenda. The
need to prevent the country from breaking apart and falling into civil
war was top priority.

In order to make up for past discrimination, the secret American
government plans to accelerate the immigration to America of non-white
people and reduce the white population of America to minority status.
The secret government is now multi-cultural and believes that the
population of the United States should reflect the racial makeup of
the rest of the world. The segregationist policy of the old secret
government has made the white population the majority in the United
States and the new multi-cultural secret government plans to correct
this. This is a type of affirmative action of the immigration system
of the United States.

The United States government is currently heading for bankruptcy. The
national debt of the United States government is currently over 10
trillion dollars. The government is currently running a deficit of
over a trillion dollars a year. The government has 50 trillion dollars
of unfunded liability, meaning that the government has promised 50
trillion dollars more in entitlements that it can pay for. As more and
more of the baby-boomers retire, it will put enormous financial
strains on the government. Basically there simply will not be enough
working adults in the United States labor force to pay for the
retirees in the coming decades.

In an attempt to overcome this inevitable bankruptcy of the United
States government, the secret government is attempting to increase the
labor force in the coming decades. This will require a large influx of
non-white immigrants into the United States. The secret government’s
covert domestic operations will be increasing in the coming years to
accelerate the desegregation process of white communities.

The secret government of the United States may be influenced by
foreign entities outside the United States. There is no oversight of
the secret government. The secret government and secret police force
operate above the law and answer to no power in the United States.

This was the story of how the secret United States government used
domestic covert operations to defeat the white man. Technology and
social engineering was used instead of bullets and bombs. This method
of social engineering has and is being used in other countries. Just
look for the UFO and haunted house stories

To learn more of the United States secret government, please read the
website listed below.

Please post this information in other newsgroups and lists.


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