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Ticket Printing malaysia |Event Ticket Printing|50Percent Print

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kumar 555

Apr 17, 2018, 8:41:17 AM4/17/18
Ticket Printing Malaysia

comparing with the past, now a day’s technology plays a major key role in all departments, but printing business is not reaching to that extent. Being a part of this updating world, customers also demanding new technique to gain fast results in their business. So it is our responsibility to change the business exercises in printing as per the most recent trend. Now in 50percent print, we have a new division specialized to develop online service for printing industry. Our online printing services is providing a technical support through phone, email and live chat and makes our online printing solutions thoroughly to the customers at their door step.

Event ticket the pass to a successful happening. Organizing a concert? Doing an event talk show? I'm sure we all need to be on a certain level of professionalism to convince some audience or crowd to your event.

Click in to fifty percent print, we provide you what you need, ticket with a perforate line, numbering and turning the ticket into a book to make it easier for you. We supply low volume printing as well as bulk printing. Our event ticket is also suitable for lucky draw and voucher in any function event.

Fifty percent print is providing event ticket printing specializes in fast, secure & affordable Printing Malaysia services. You can approach us to custom Ticket Printing Malaysia of your vouchers / tickets with top & bottom or left & right perforated. Each order can comes bound in books of 50 / 100 tickets and with numbering and perforation lines as well up on request.

Custom Printed Numbered Event Tickets from Admit One Products provide the perfect solution for your next event at competitive prices. We have invested heavily in leading edge technology and equipment that provides accuracy, security and control of the production and printing of your tickets. We have more satisfied Customers on the basics of Printing Malaysia needs. Our online custom Event Ticket Printing enables you to create your own event tickets in minutes from your own computer.

For More Details:

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91 Jalan 8/1 Seksyen 8
Bandar Baru Bangi
43650 Selangor
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