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Haarp shot down Columbia at 145 W Longitude

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B. Traven Cloned

Feb 8, 2003, 4:02:12 PM2/8/03
HAARP destroyed the shuttle Columbia;

HAARP Shuttle

The military wants to use HAARP to develop scary futuristic weapons.
Among them: (1) a "global shield" that would zap the guidance systems
of incoming ballistic missiles or shuttle craft or alien space craft;
(2) mind-control beams to incapacitate enemy troops, and (3)
weather-control machines.

HAARP = Directed over-the-horizon radio communication: You could
create one or more "virtual refractors" in the upper atmosphere to
direct a radio beam to a location in a distant part of the globe, and
exploit it as a microwave maser type deadly weapon.

HAARP is in Gakona, Alaska, and Univ. of Mass at Lowell, and funded
through the Air Force Research Lab and the Naval Research Lab, with
some ancillary classified functions in New Mexico -- close to White

The longitude of Gakona Alaska is 145° 18' W Longitude

This is roughly the same longitude as Catalina Island off the coast of
California, so you are onto something here about the HAARP weapon and
the downing of the US Space Shuttle Columbia.

The shuttle spacecraft began to show systems failures just before it
reached the coastline of California!

HAARP ALASKA SKYMAP, every 2 minutes update:

It is looking pretty clear that a HAARP type microwave beam weapon was
tried out on the US Space Shuttle Columbia to see how well it worked.
This will be very useful in the Defense Industry and World Arms
Merchants warehouse, and there are sheckels to be made!

Look into our #1 Undersecretary of War, second in the Defense Dept.
under Donald Rumsfeld, Dov S. Zakheim. He was the top arms merchant
for corporate america before being appointed by Rumsfeld!

Today's news was full of the MYSTERIES and MISSING LINKs in the Space
shuttles demise. Investigators cannot understand the appearance of
much lower temperatures elsewhere after heat conduction from the left
wing theory is nowhere to be seen in the senors readings! The
abscence of sharp warming in other parts of the craft remains a



"U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee"

By Alfred Webre, EcoNews Service (Vancouver, BC)

HARTSVILLE, TENN - Newly released documentary and eyewitness evidence
now links an apparent July 6, 2001 electronic warfare attack on a
radio station and weekly newspaper in Hartsville, Tennessee to a
nearby unacknowledged secret access project (USAP). This secret
project, eyewitnesses say, includes the U.S. Air Force as paymaster,
U.S. government aircraft as transportation and security craft;
military troops in black uniforms; and black unmarked triangular
aircraft. The project may also include a secret electronic warfare
unit capable of disabling nearby media outlets with destructive
electromagnetic energy.

It has now known that an official U.S. Air Force cheque was used to
pay for the clandestine installation of massive telephone switching
equipment at a defunct Tennessee Valley Authority nuclear power plant
about five miles from the target media outlets. The private
contractor who installed the unusually large switching system at a
former nuclear power plant that is still officially defunct reported
this to the WJKM investigators on condition of anonymity.

Historically, the U.S Air Force has pioneered in the development and
use of electronic warfare against civilian targets and populations,
notably in the NATO war in Yugoslavia.

Speaking to a live radio audience on July 21, WJKM general manager Ted
Randall for the first time publicly released the results on his
station's official on-going investigation of the attack. Dan Fluehe
and Matt Aaron of WJKM, host Clyde Lewis along with this reporter,
Alfred Webre, participated in the radio program.

WJKM's investigation has eliminated other possible causes of the
electromagnetic blast, such as power transformer malfunction caused by
birds or internal mechanical problems. Centrexnews reporter Joel
Skousen, who initially reported that birds caused the electronic
attack, declined to participate in the radio program.

Randall presented live and audiotaped eyewitness testimony of the
destructive effects of the electronic attack, including a tell-tale
flashing blue pulse that accompanied the destruction, and usually
accompanies the discharge of electromagnetic pulse weapons. He also
presented audio recordings of the audible electronic hum that
accompanied the alleged attack, a clear electronic signature of an
electromagnetic weapon attack.

Randall posted the HAARP magnetometer readings on the WJKM
website for the two days - July 6 and July 7. Both the electronic
attack and the unusual earthquake were accompanied by massive,
anomalous bursts of electromagnetic pulse energy from HAARP, the U.S.
Navy's electromagnetic pulse military facility and possible
environmental weapons system in Gakona, Alaska. Coincidentally (and
perhaps causally) HAARP's magnetometer showed massive spikes of
electromagnetic energy for both days.

According to Randall, " At about 10:45 AM Friday [July 6], radio
station WJKM and CMR (Country Music Radio), with studios in
Hartsville, Tennessee was knocked off the air by a very powerful
strange energy blast! There was a crystal clear blue sky, no
clouds or rain. It was not lightning"

Randall stated that local residents are experiencing adverse health
effects. Randall said, "It is also interesting that according
listeners have called in, there has apparently been an increase in
what they are calling fibromyalgia. This is a disease name appointed
to the unexplainable severe and disabling pain throughout the entire
body over recent years, as well as, an increase in headaches mimicking
migraines that are not actual migraines."

Randall documented the 2.4 Richter underground seismic earthquake that
struck the area on July 7, the day after the electronic attack, from
10-10:30 PM.

Randall posted the HAARP magnetometer readings on the WJKM
website for the two days - July 6 and July 7. Both the electronic
attack and the unusual earthquake were accompanied by massive,
anomalous bursts of electromagnetic pulse energy from HAARP, the U.S.
Navy's electromagnetic pulse military facility and possible
environmental weapons system in Gakona, Alaska. Coincidentally (and
perhaps causally) HAARP's magnetometer showed massive spikes of
electromagnetic energy for both days.

According to Randall, " At about 10:45 AM Friday [July 6], radio
station WJKM and CMR (Country Music Radio), with studios in
Hartsville, Tennessee was knocked off the air by a very powerful
strange energy blast! There was a crystal clear blue sky, no
clouds or rain. It was not lightning"

According to WJKM, in the attack, "All the radio station's lines were
knocked out.

Several power transformers were blown several blocks away from the
studios (smoke seen billowing out of one). All phone lines at the
newspaper (The Hartsville Vidette), the local farm co-op and all other
phones in this small radius were knocked out! Radio station
transmitter lost all MOSFETS and the output - tuning network. All
computers at WJKM lost motherboards, network cards etc. ISDN was
knocked out. Most all the equipment Zephyr codec and EAS all knocked

These effects on radio transmission systems closely resemble the
effects on urban radio, television, power transmission and generation
facilities attacked by U.S. Air Force electronic bombing in electronic
warfare missions in recent military operations worldwide, including
Yugoslavia and Iraq.

How and why was electronic warfare carried out in rural Tennessee?

From the known profile of electronic weaponry, the electronic attack
upon WJKM appears to have been caused by a tactical electromagnetic
weapon, emitting a directed electromagnetic plasma, beam, pulse, etc.
at the target. Electronic weapons with this capability are known,
and can be land mounted in a facility like the former power plant,
mounted in portable facilities like vans, trucks, helicopters or

Electronic weapons may even be space-based, on satellite platforms.
This reporter has personally met with an Assistant Secretary of
Defense at the Pentagon who confirmed the existence of such secret
space-based weapons as early as 1977.

An alternative electronic warfare delivery system may involve newly
constructed relays for the HAARP installation in Alaska. The
potential tactical electronic warfare applications of HAARP are under
investigation. Serious public interest researchers maintain that
HAARP's electromagnetic energy may cause effects such as earthquakes,
such as occurred on July 7 in Hartsville. Electromagnetic weapons
have been used in tectonic warfare, intentionally causing earthquakes.
Electromagnetic pulse energy accompanies most earthquakes. Research
shows that ultra low frequencies emitted by the HAARP installation may
affect the human limbic system, and be used for mood management and
mind control.

The close resemblance of the Hartsville attack to other U.S. Air Force
electronic warfare led to speculation that radio station WJKM may have
been chosen as a test target for a clandestine electronic warfare unit
located within the power facility, or to which the power facility
serves as electronic relay point. The likelihood that the electronic
attack was accidental, rather than an intentional military test, is
low, given that the targets were media outlets.

One purpose of such test could be to evaluate the physical impact of
electronic warfare on U.S. domestic radio installations, a well as the
impact of intimidating the local community, as well as the U.S. media
reporting of such attacks. The U.S. military has a long history of
secretly testing weapons on its unsuspecting civilian population, a
practice that is illegal.

Randall, Dan Fluehe, Clyde Lewis, and this reporter, Alfred Webre, all
noted that the electronic attacks targeted two media offices directly
- a radio station and a newspaper - both protected entities under the
First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Randall indicated that station WJKM and its parent corporation are
pursuing an official investigation of the electronic attack, including
surveillance of activities at the former TVA power plant. The U.S.
Congress has legislative oversight over the many federal agencies that
may be involved in this secret project, including the U.S. Air Force,
the Tennessee Valley Authority.


WJKM's Report on the Electronic Attack

Real Audio archive of GROUND ZERO radio programs, Clyde Lewis host

Environmental War Desk: Electronic warfare

Was the Seattle-Vancouver earthquake triggered by environmental
(electronic) war?

U.S. Air Force Linked to Electronic Warfare Attack in Tennessee

Alfred Webre, JD, MEd, was a member of the Governor's Emergency
Taskforce for Earthquake Preparedness for the State of California,

Alan Erskine

Feb 8, 2003, 7:20:08 PM2/8/03

"B. Traven Cloned" <> wrote in message

> HAARP destroyed the shuttle Columbia;


Feb 9, 2003, 1:11:16 PM2/9/03
On 8 Feb 2003 13:02:12 -0800, (B. Traven
Cloned) wrote:

>HAARP destroyed the shuttle Columbia;

Thank God for this posting. I was starting to think all the
entertaining nut jobs had stopped using the newsgroups.

web site: www.MyCaribbean.INFO
non-commercial forums: www.MyCaribbean.INF0/forums/index.php


Feb 10, 2003, 2:34:21 PM2/10/03

<> wrote in message

> On 8 Feb 2003 13:02:12 -0800, (B. Traven
> Cloned) wrote:
> >HAARP destroyed the shuttle Columbia;
> Thank God for this posting. I was starting to think all the
> entertaining nut jobs had stopped using the newsgroups.

shit...and here i was thinking all along it was a laser beam from the
Venusians orbiting the planet Zork.....

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 10, 2003, 2:53:24 PM2/10/03

HAARP Location In Alaska: HAARP in Gakona, Alaska.

HAARP is located more than 200 miles north-northeast of Anchorage, in
Gakona, Alaska, at a longitude of 145 degrees 17 seconds, West. The
site has a large radio frequency transmit antenna and a collection of
diagnostic instruments. The antenna is currently being configured to
transmit BILLIONS of watts of radio frequency energy into the
ionosphere, an upper portion of the Earth's atmosphere that extends
spaceward 50 to more than 300 miles.

Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 4, 2003,
in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear war
by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet X5 and V1 [see
website link above].

Elizabeth Eder

Flyfish <> wrote in message news:<Xns931E6122D50D1...@>...
> "solarmax" <> wrote in
> > "HAARP Shuttle" <> wrote in message
> >
> >> Here's the link to the proof;
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> HAARP Shuttle
> >
> > You knew it was coming.
> Yes Tony predicted it :-) Brian Lehrer [WNYC] is a CIA patsy and a putz.
> Flyfish

Scott Kuli

Feb 10, 2003, 11:05:48 PM2/10/03
In article <>, says...

Should be easy to tell if one was used. See if there are any reports
about the substrate underneath the outer skin being melted despite no
apparent damage being done to the outer skin itself. I doubt if there
will be. How about forgetting about stuff like high-tech treason for a
minute and start worrying about what the terrorirst in Washington are
tryhing to do to your civil liberties?

Feb 11, 2003, 1:25:58 AM2/11/03
On 10 Feb 2003 11:53:24 -0800, (HAARP
Museum Association) wrote:
>Two comets of war are in perihelion now, babble, blub, blurb, blech

Thank you Elizabeth for sharing that.And if you keep twisting your
hair like that we'll have to give a buzz cut again.

I've already got you down for a meds fiesta at 3PM in the solarium.

CaribeJoe, host of My Caribbean Info Forums
free, non-commercial forums and expert advice:

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 11, 2003, 3:46:35 PM2/11/03
SHUTTLE sabotaged by our own government!

Just west of the California coastline over the Pacific is when the
Shuttle Columbia first had technical flaws and failures, at about the
same longitude as HAARP Gakona, Alaska military facility -- secretly
funded in the billions by the Black Ops of our DoD. For more
analysis, go to --->>>

Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will

pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,

2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear war

by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet 2002/ X5
(Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be making a very,
very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than 0.1 AU. Look
up their orbits on Google and on the website referenced above!

Can somebody please post more data and comments on the two comets and
what is going on?? They seem like space craft [non-Earth] more than
any dainty little dirty ice ball metaphor. The trails and tails look
like gamma radiation.

The crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia were murdered with an EM pulse
from the HAARP array in Alaska in accordance to a ritualistic
celestial alignment pattern used by two warring factions of secret
societies during the entire history of the space program -- as well as
during historical world events since King Solomon. wrote in message news:<>...

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 11, 2003, 3:53:42 PM2/11/03
SHUTTLE sabotaged by our own government!

Just west of the California coastline over the Pacific is when the
Shuttle Columbia first had technical flaws and failures, at about the
same longitude as HAARP Gakona, Alaska military facility -- secretly
funded in the billions by the Black Ops of our DoD. For more
analysis, go to --->>>

Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,
2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear war
by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet 2002/ X5
(Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be making a very,
very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than 0.1 AU. Look
up their orbits on Google and on the website referenced above!

Can somebody please post more data and comments on the two comets and
what is going on?? They seem like space craft [non-Earth] more than
any dainty little dirty ice ball metaphor. The trails and tails look
like gamma radiation.

The crew of the Space Shuttle Columbia were murdered with an EM pulse
from the HAARP array in Alaska in accordance to a ritualistic
celestial alignment pattern used by two warring factions of secret
societies during the entire history of the space program -- as well as
during historical world events since King Solomon.

Scott Kuli <> wrote in message news:<>...

Martin Whybrow

Feb 11, 2003, 7:59:08 PM2/11/03

"HAARP Museum Association" <> wrote in message

Don't you ever get bored of posting this utter crap?



Feb 12, 2003, 1:43:53 AM2/12/03

HAARP Museum Association wrote:
> SHUTTLE sabotaged by our own government!
> Just west of the California coastline over the Pacific is when the
> Shuttle Columbia first had technical flaws and failures, at about the
> same longitude as HAARP Gakona, Alaska military facility -- secretly
> funded in the billions by the Black Ops of our DoD.

So, we spent billions on a weapon that can only knock out traffic in its
own longitude?
Good thing it's not also latitude restricted, or it would be pretty

Be careful or someone is going to kidnap you and keep you in an unused
section of a mental hospital.
That tape keeping your eyes open is a terror.

Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra

Feb 12, 2003, 5:00:45 PM2/12/03

Disprove it or shut up.

Rabbi Rocky

mrtravel <> wrote in message news:<>...

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 14, 2003, 4:30:58 PM2/14/03
Today's NYT reported that the Shuttle Columbia encountered
"superheated microwave plasma particles" that deliver a "blow torch"
effect at somewhere between 145 degrees longitude and 125 degrees
longitude, West, i.e. somewhere between Gakona Alaska and the Sonoma
coastline of northern California. This is also in the same
neighborhood of longitude as the French Polynesian Islands.

How much does a laser or maser arc when shot straight up into the sky
aimed at an object that is about 55 miles high? Would that account
for the discrepancy between Gakona Alaska's longitude and Sonoma
County's coastline longitude, the westernmost point of the California

The NYT also reported that all the troubles of the Columbia Shuttle
began at 450 or so miles off of the coast of California.

I am starting to deeply believe the probability that HAARP facilities
played a hand in this. Don't university nuclear accelerators and
laser and maser labs use up to a billion watts of energy, or even
more, in their experiments. It is not outlandish to think that the
HAARP facility in Alaska has access to this wattage also.

Kinetic-energy weapons against missile targets. This pulse can ram
headlong into a target in space or an object still within the upper
reaches of Earth's atmosphere; such as radio-frequency or
high-power-microwave munitions, that take almost a straight up
trajectory, plus or minus ten or twenty degrees of longitute to
account for arc.

Brookhaven National Laboratory

The ATF is a proposal-driven Program-Committee-reviewed
Users'-Facility dedicated for long-term R&D in Physics of Beams. The
ATF core capabilities include a high-brightness photoinjector electron
gun, a 70 MeV linac, high power lasers synchronized to the electron
beam to a picosecond level, four beam lines (most with energy
spectrometers) and a sophisticated computer control system.> wrote in message news:<>...
> Several questions pop into mind:
> 1) Why? What purpose does the government have to shoot down the
> shuttle?
> 2) If the STS-107 patch was so obviously a symbolic representation
> of the Shuttle's destruction, why didn't you alert NASA
> or the families of the astronauts before hand?
> 3) Have you been to this HAARP installation? Have you personally
> taken pictures of it? What concrete proof do you have that it
> even exists?
> I fail to understand why people just can't accept that disasters such as
> the shuttle's destruction are just a series of unfortunate circumstances
> or simple tragic human error.
> --Bryan

> Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra wrote:
> >
> >
> >
> > Disprove it or shut up.
> >
> > Rabbi Rocky
> >

> <Stuff Deleted>

Rumsfeld Cow Rumen

Feb 15, 2003, 12:59:49 PM2/15/03
to (HAARP Museum Association) wrote in message
> Today's NYT reported that the Shuttle Columbia encountered
> "superheated microwave plasma particles" that deliver a "blow torch"
> effect at somewhere between 145 degrees longitude and 125 degrees
> longitude, West, i.e. somewhere between Gakona Alaska and the Sonoma
> coastline of northern California. This is also in the same
> neighborhood of longitude as the French Polynesian Islands.
> How much does a laser or maser arc when shot straight up into the sky
> aimed at an object that is about 55 miles high? Would that account
> for the discrepancy between Gakona Alaska's longitude and Sonoma
> County's coastline longitude .....

"Investigators Say Jet of Plasma Wrecked Shuttle"

HOUSTON, Feb. 13 — The panel investigating the loss of the space
shuttle Columbia said today that a hole developed in its aluminum
skin, allowing superheated gas to flow into the left wing and causing
the ship's destruction.

NASA also released a highly detailed map showing for the first time
that the Columbia's sensors began detecting subtle signs of trouble
when the craft was still above the Pacific Ocean, 400 miles off the
coast of Sonoma County in Northern California.

The new map, combined with the board's finding that a hole was burning
through spacecraft's skin, suggested that observations of glowing
pieces falling away from the shuttle over California carry significant
clues to the ultimate cause of the disaster. It could mean that the
catastrophic series of failures began almost the moment the Columbia
re-entered the atmosphere, lending credence to theories that its
exterior had been damaged earlier — perhaps by a piece of foam
insulation that fell off during launching, perhaps by space debris or
by some other phenomenon like a storm in space.

The statement today from the board about a hole means that engineers
have all but eliminated an earlier theory of the disaster: that the
aluminum skin was not breached, but that a lost or damaged tile on the
skin allowed heat to be conducted into the wheel well in the wing,
where sensor failures gave the first indications of trouble.

"Preliminary analysis by a NASA working group this week indicates that
the temperature indications seen in Columbia's left wheel well during
entry would require the presence of plasma," the superheated gas that
surrounds the shuttle as it enters the atmosphere, the board said in a
statement released late today.

A plasma is a gas that is so hot that it glows and conducts
electricity. Plasma torches slice through steel as if it were butter,
and high-technology incinerators use plasmas to break down garbage
into its constituent molecules.

A panel said that a superhot jet of plasma must have pierced the
structure and quickly spread heat in the same way that a roaring
fireplace quickly makes a room uncomfortably hot.

The panel left open exactly how the hot plasma could explain the
complicated pattern of sensor readings in different parts of the left
side of the orbiter. If the plasma jet warmed the left wheel well, how
could it account for the sensors in the rear of the wing that suddenly
stopped functioning or for the heat detected much farther away, on the
fuselage skin above the wing?

Answering those questions is quite likely to force the panel to
conduct highly detailed sleuthing involving the mechanical and
electrical systems. If the wires to the rear sensors were cut by the
blowtorch of the plasma jet, the investigator might be able to
determine exactly where the breach first occurred.

The map that NASA released this evening showed that the Columbia began
experiencing problems shortly after it entered the most fiery phase of
its re-entry, over the Pacific, when the ship was still moving at Mach

After a sensor in the back of the left wheel well started registering
a slow temperature increase at 8:52 a.m. Eastern times, other sensors
nearby detected increases as the Columbia soared over California.

Natashya Kinskii

Feb 15, 2003, 4:29:45 PM2/15/03
Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,
2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day
that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear war
by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq. Comet 2002/ X5
(Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be making a very,
very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than 0.1 AU. Look
up their orbits on Google!

Is this a portent of a growing tension between the two top producers
of microwave beam warfare, the HAARP of the DoD, and the
Rosoboronexport (aka Rosvoorouzhenie) of Russia?

Or are Bush and Putin members of the same secret society and actually
co-partners in this strategy?

Who are they planning to use it against?

Rosoboronexport [formerly know as Rosvoorouzhenie] -- Russian
Calibration of Equipment to Measure High-power Pulse Electromagnetic

Several years ago Rosoboronexport (then Rosvoorouzhenie) initiated a
programme to harness Russia's technical know-how, especially in the
field of microwave weapons, and create systems that would make
attractive exports. The programme involved a search for concepts and
developments that could enable Russia to establish a new level in
military and technical co-operation with other countries. The
fundamental principle of co-operation was there would be a categorical
exclusion of information related to weapons of mass destruction and
the technologies for their manufacture. All research and development
activity on weapons has been under the stringent control of the
Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, sources said.

The move to pursue previously classified non-strategic concepts and
technologies with a view to exporting systems based on them has been
applauded by Russia's special services, who have long worried about
the leak of ideas and technologies to the West through scientific
exchange. This was partly the reasoning behind giving scientists an
opportunity to implement some of their ideas in commercial projects
within a state-controlled scheme, removing external scientific
contacts. Following the nuclear weapons tests by India and Pakistan in
1998, Russia offered foreign customers the use of its testing
facilities to evaluate the robustness of their military hardware in a
nuclear environment, presumably in the presence of an electromagnetic
pulse. The research was supposed to be performed in Russia. The
advantage of this system, officials said, is that the customer could
perform tests without setting off nuclear devices. All the contracts
concerning this area have been strictly classified. However, the
availability of Russian facilities is said to have triggered a boom of
requests from abroad.

"eyes only" <> wrote in message news:<>...
> "BryanB" <> wrote in message
> > I fail to understand


Feb 17, 2003, 11:13:20 AM2/17/03
how much does a laser arc? NONE (straight line unless there are SUBSTANTIAL

"HAARP Museum Association" <> wrote in message

steve rogers

Feb 18, 2003, 1:27:55 AM2/18/03
"Martin Whybrow" <> wrote in message news:<a1h2a.838$>...

and realllyllllyyyy...what has this horshit have to do with lasers????

Duck Bill Platypus

Feb 18, 2003, 4:04:47 PM2/18/03
to (Natashya Kinskii) wrote in message news:<>...
Thank you Natasha for the news on Pine Gap Australia, HAARP Alaska,
and the Russian microwave beam weapon that is similar. Here are some
interesting facts on Manitoba Canada. Are there deep throat ties?

gamma-ray lasers, or grasers


masers... all about HAARP and the Columbia Space

This has a domino effect with the neighboring atoms: when they are
struck by the photons emitted by the first atom, they also emit two
photons of the same color. The result is a very pure and very intense
beam of light. If the light is of a visible frequency, it is called a

If it is in the microwave band of the spectrum [i.e. non-visible, like
the beam that struck the Space Shuttle Columbia], it is a maser.

The term itself stands for microwave amplification by stimulation
emission of radiation--which is the process just described.

You probably already know that electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom.
But they cannot orbit at any arbitrary distance: there are specific
shells in which they must dwell. The shells are like the rungs of a
ladder: you may step on any rung you choose, but you can't step
between them.

Electrons can move among the shells, but they must have a hall pass to
do so. To get a hall pass, an electron must intercept a photon (a
packet of light energy) of exactly the right frequency (or color). The
photon gives the electron a boost of energy, allowing it to jump up to
a higher shell. If the electron should later fall back down to its
original shell, it will release a photon of precisely the same

There are situations where many atoms have electrons which have been
boosted to the same energy level. We say those atoms have been pumped.
You could also think of it as being primed--they're ready for
something interesting to happen. That something occurs when another
photon hits an atom which has been pumped. This gives the atom another
boost of energy which it doesn't quite know what to do
with--considering it has already been pumped by another encounter. So,
it emits two of the same kind of photons--one is the incoming, or
incident, photon; the other is of the same type that pumped the atom
in the beginning.

HAARP: This has a domino effect with the neighboring atoms: when they
are struck by the photons emitted by the first atom, they also emit
two photons of the same color. The result is a very pure and very
intense beam of light. If the light is of a visible frequency, it is
called a laser.

If it is in the microwave band of the spectrum [i.e. non-visible, like
the beam that struck the Space Shuttle Columbia], it is a maser.

The term itself stands for microwave amplification by stimulation
emission of radiation--which is the process just described.

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Whether the requirements are for "clean sheet design" to customer
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design experience and resources.


The forming and blanking capabilities include brakes, stretch presses,
rubber forming presses, drop hammer, horn presses, bulge presses and
NC turret punches. These range from 15 tons to 3750 tons.


Bristol's welding capabilities include conventional arc, tungsten
inert gas, resistance - spot/continuous seam and electron beam.
Bristol's welding capabilities include expertise with materials such
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high strength and stainless steels.


The Company performs vacuum and induction brazing including the highly
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Complete with 5-axis milling centres, horizontal and vertical CNC
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Bristol offers one of the most comprehensive machining facilities in
North America.

Heat Treat

Bristol features a complete range of furnaces to heat treat, anneal,
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Coating and Chemical Processing

Capabilities include chromic, sulphuric, and phosphoric acid anodizing
as well as the application of dry film lube.


Bristol has developed extensive expertise in the manufacture of
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Graphite, Kevlar, fibreglass and various core materials are used to
produce lightweight, durable composite components. Bristol's 71,600
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and a spacious clean room.

Bristol also has experience in advanced metal-to-metal bonding. This
expertise involves components such as structural panels, engine
ducting and flight control surfaces.

A. M. Castle & Company George Pic, District Manager 204-233-8558
ACS Coatings John Gergely, President 204-633-4755
Acsion Industries Chris Saunders, President 204-753-8424
ext. 2890
Advanced Composite Structures Jim Anning, President 204-982-6565
Aero Consulting Services Lane Helms, VP Engineering 204-783-5402
Aero Recip (Canada) Ltd. Alvin Gregorash, President 204-788-4765
Aerotech Herman Nelson Inc. Paul Sigurdson, Chief Executive Officer
Air Canada Aircraft Maintenance W.H. (Bill) Zoeller, Manager, Aircraft
Maintenance Base 204 985-5910
AML Wireless Systems Janice Nagazine, General Manager 204-949-5460
Base Composite Technologies Inc. Sean McKay, Vice President
Engineering 204-255-7438
Blayd Corporation John Claverley, President 204-745-2878
Boeing Canada Technology Ltd James E. Sawyer, President 204-831-2616
Bristol Aerospace Limited James Butyniec, Vice President and General
Manager 204-788-2807
Cadorath Aerospace Inc. Gerry Cadorath, Vice President Marketing
Canadian Aviation Training Centre Hayden Henwood, Director
Canadian Propeller Ltd Maurice Wills, President 204-832-8679
Composite Technology Inc George Prigroski 204-661-6412
Cormer Group Industries Inc. Andrew Corner, President 204-987-6400
Custom Steel Manufacturing Ltd. Ray Haydaman, President 204-783-2272
Dunlop Standard Aerospace Group Robert Hamaberg 204-987-8860
Enduron Custom Inc. Richard Klassen, General Manager 204-885-2580
ext. 310
EPT Manufacturing Ltd. Ernie Enns, President 204-632-0938
Field Aviation Les Mack, Maintenance Manager 204-428-4253
Franklin Enterprises Ltd. Zoltan Gergely, Snr., President 204-633-9838
Grey Owl Aviation Consultants Richard Komarnski, 204-848-7353
J.R. Stephenson Mfg Ltd. Alain Mathieu, General Manager 204-786-2491
K & S Tool & Die Ltd. Peter Klein, President 204-697-2951
Kraus Industries Ltd Juergen Kraus, President 204-988-1234
Manitoba Aerospace Association Don Price, Executive Director
Manitoba Aerospace HR Coord Committee D'Arcy Phillips, Coordinator 204-772-0003
Materials Science & Technology Consulting Alan Phillipson 204-669-6655
National Coating Technologies John Read, President 204-632-5585
Northen Aero Industries Ltd. Richard Williamson, General Manager
Precision Metalcraft Inc. Matt Kaufmann, Vice-President 204-694-7200
Prop Work Propeller Systems Jim Ross 204-837-4961
SERCO Aviation Services Allan McCrimmon, Manager Airport Control
Services 204-428-4208
Southport Aerospace Centre Inc. John Pittman, Director and Chief
Executive Officer 800-558-4680
Spectrum Manufacturing Co. Ltd. Onofre Masesar, Sales Manager
Spiece Associates Inc. Gene Spiece 204-261-7452
Standard Aero Limited David Shaw, President 204-788-2211
Standard Machine Works John Brown, Assistant General Manager
Standard Manufacturing Services Rolf Gretschmann, President
Stevenson Aviation Technical Training Centre Dennis Doersam, Manager
Tarry & Associates Ltd. Bob (R.J.) Tarry, President 204-895-9435
Westavia Technologies Ltd Matt W.N. Woloshyn, President/Flight Test
Engineer 204-487-9612
West-Can Inspection Ltd Larry Russell, Vice-President 204-668-7327
Western Canada Testing Inc. Ryan Schott, General Manager 204-857-4811
Western Propeller Company Ltd. Dan Rogers, Manager 204-831-8368

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 20, 2003, 5:31:03 PM2/20/03
My uncle works in the DC Beltway and I know for a fact that there are
highly trained remote viewing programs going on at the AIII [Assoc. of
International Electrical Engineers], the AAME [American Association of
Mechanical Engineers], the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.
The list is endless.

He has often regaled me with stories how he would think something
insulting about the person covertly remote viewing his thoughts using
the top secret microwave technology [no devices can be seen] at his
office job, until the person has a breakdown and goes into aggressive
fits because he/she can't help restrain their anger any longer over
reading in somebody's mind, "... i wonder why this person is so
dissatisfied sexually, too puny genitilia??, or just so low an IQ that
only the remote viewing program would accept the little loser".

If you suspect that you are being remotely viewed, and somebody is
reading your thoughts, think to yourself the most humiliating things
about the person you suspect, over and over. If they are innocent,
they won't have a clue what you are up to. If you are correct, watch
the fireworks, it is LOTS OF FUN !!!


Israeli intelligence agencies, according to THE LEON CHARNEY REPORT,
have leaked that GW Bush will attack and bomb Iraq during the first
new moon of March, which is sometime between March 1st and March 2nd.
This does, however, correspond to your 2-comets curving around the
shores of our sun conspiracy potential, at this time. The two comets
will be parallel, around March 2-4th, one coming into the sun, the
other heading back out towards Jupiter, halfway between our Sun and
the planet Mercury.

HAARP and Rosoboronexport, uuhhmmm ... those two Microwave beam
weapons of mass destruction, in all probability, ARE IN FACT just two
faces of the same secret order, that is GW Bush is "Skull" [HAARP],
and Vladimir Putin is "Bones" [Rosvoorouzhenie].


The sensors-transmitter, which is EEG micro technology, read the brain
waves and transmit a digital signal. The signal is extraordinarily
strong for such a small device. The signal can travel several miles.
It is picked up by a relay receiver and transmitted to a computer,
where instantaneously the software reads the digits and converts them
into language. This is all done at radio wave speed, or the speed of

READ WITHOUT KNOWING IT. It sounds like science fiction or paranoia
doesn't it? It is not fiction and it is not the product of a
psychosis. It is absolutely true. The technology is this advanced, and
the criminal organization is this psychopathic. The Organization
relies on it sounding so bizarre and heinous that no one would believe
it. It is extremely cruel high technology reality. ANY ONE WHO

Accompanying the above "thought reading" technique are the "thought
inserting" techniques. Very low frequency subliminal sound has been
used for years for "inserting" ideas into one's mind. Basically, very
low frequency subliminal sound is perceived by the victim as one's own
thinking. It bypasses the normal auditory system, but the content of
the words is perceived. Because it is so subtle, if a broadcast is in
first person language, an unaware person finds it impossible to
discriminate the subliminal broadcast from one's own thoughts.
Microwaves are those commonly used in radar sets and microwave ovens,
for example.

The principal advantage of EHF over E(L)F lies in the fact that its
transmissions are "straight line" and can thus be beamed with ease
into small or tiny areas. E(L)F, by comparison, tends to scatter

Microwaves are generated by a device known as a "Magnetron" in which
electrons, generated by a heated cathode, are moved by the combined
force of a magnetic and electrical field. The cathode is a hollow
cylinder with the outside coated with barium and strontium oxide
electron emitters. Arranged concentrically around the outside of the
cathode is a large cylindrical anode containing a large number of
"resonant cavities", normally of quarter- wavelength, on the inner
surface. When switched on, the magnetron generates an electrical field
radially between anode and cathode, while the magnetic field is
coaxial with the cathode.

The complete assembly is sealed inside a vacuum enclosure. The maximum
power output is naturally limited by the size of the individual
Magnetron but research indicates the largest can generate a stream of
microwave "pulses" at up to ten million watts per pulse. The resulting
microwave pulsed beam can be focused in much the same way as a camera
lens - from ultra wide angle to telephoto - creating area or pinpoint

Fortunately the Magnetron is not a small device. Informed sources
indicate a portable Magnetron powerful enough to harm a large group of
demonstrators, for example, would require space equal to a small
truck. (Rabbi Rocky MK Ultra) wrote in message news:<ef268e26>...

> Do you think it was a HAARP graser or maser that downed the Columbia?
> Will Grand Warlock [GW] Bush use this microwave weapon of mass
> destruction on the Iraqis during the first new moon of March [nearing
> the 2nd?].
> I have a friend that has been victimized by the remote viewing dept.
> of the NSA and she has severe headaches and her dreams are implanted
> with outside imagery, not from her own subconscious. Believe me, this
> ELF wave stuff and microwave brain control is very real.
> Rocky
> Grasers based on particle accelerators and on lasers
> Authors: E.G.Bessonov (P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute AS, Moscow,
> Russia)
> Comments: 17 pages, LaTeX, Presented to ICFA Workshop QABP98,
> Monterey, 4-9 Jan. 1998
> Subj-class: Classical Physics
> Grasers based on a stimulated emission of gravitational radiation by
> relativistic charged particle beams in external fields and on a
> conversion of laser radiation into gravitational one in the magnetic
> fields as well as detectors are discussed. A scheme of the
> gravitational radiation not accompanied by an useless inaccessible by
> a value average power of the electromagnetic radiation and a
> stimulation of the conversion of gravitons into photons in
> gravitational detectors by an open resonator are considered.

> Two comets of war are in perihelion now, one approaching the sun's
> > shores, the other just barely leaving the sun's pull, and they will
> > pass each other [moving in opposite directions] around March 2-4,
> > 2003, in between the orbit of Mercury and the Sun close to the star
> > Fomalhaut [one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse] the same day

> > that intelligence agencies predict GW Bush will trigger a nuclear or
> > Microwave beam global war by being the warmongering aggressor in Iraq.

> > Comet 2002/ X5 (Kudo-Fujikawa) and V1 [NEAT] ... this comet will be
> > making a very, very close approach to the Sun at perihelion, less than

> > 0.1 AU. Look up their orbits on Google!

> >
> > Is this a portent of a growing tension between the two top producers
> > of microwave beam warfare, the HAARP of the DoD, and the
> > Rosoboronexport (aka Rosvoorouzhenie) of Russia?
> >
> > Or are Bush and Putin members of the same secret society and actually
> > co-partners in this strategy?
> >
> > Who are they planning to use it against?
> >
> > Rosoboronexport [formerly know as Rosvoorouzhenie] -- Russian
> > Calibration of Equipment to Measure High-power Pulse Electromagnetic
> > Fields
> >
> > Several years ago Rosoboronexport (then Rosvoorouzhenie) initiated a
> > programme to harness Russia's technical know-how, especially in the
> > field of microwave weapons, and create systems that would make
> > attractive exports. The programme involved a search for concepts and
> > developments that could enable Russia to establish a new level in
> > military and technical co-operation with other countries. The
> > fundamental principle of co-operation was there would be a categorical
> > exclusion of information related to weapons of mass destruction and
> > the technologies for their manufacture. All research and development
> > activity on weapons has been under the stringent control of the
> > Russian Federation Ministry of Defense, sources said.
> >

> Manitoba's Aerospace Industry
> Manitoba's Infrastructure
> Manitoba Aerospace Firms
> Company Principal / Position Work Phone


Martin Whybrow

Feb 20, 2003, 6:33:43 PM2/20/03

"HAARP Museum Association" <> wrote in message
> <SNIP>

We heard you the 1st and 2nd time you posted this crap.
I suggest you don't watch any more 'X Files'


Edward C. Otto III

Feb 20, 2003, 11:35:26 PM2/20/03

"Martin Whybrow" <> wrote in message

Assorted B.S. from original post deleted to save space on the server(s) that
have to put up with this crap.

> We heard you the 1st and 2nd time you posted this crap.
> I suggest you don't watch any more 'X Files'
> Martin.

Any way trolls like this can be banned?

Synthetic Telepath

Feb 21, 2003, 1:04:17 PM2/21/03
from newsletter of

DOE's Sandia lab located at Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico, is
in the forefront of directed energy research and experimentation.

It has a 23000 square meter building that houses the world's most
powerful gamma simulator.

It is capable of generating extremely short bursts of an electron beam
of 13 trillion watts.

It is used primarily for simulating the effects of prompt radiation
from a nuclear burst on electronics and complete military systems. The
contractor managing the Sandia lab is Lockheed Martin.

The Air Force operates 14 space weapons programs in space, and at
least two ground based platforms including Sandia and the HAARP
installation in Alaska masquerading as a scientific examination into
the effects of high auroral activity on the ionosphere.

If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly, please
contact the author at

Columbia Investigation Controversies
Medium Rare
By Jim Rarey

If the conclusion in the Columbia tragedy is not controversial, the
investigators themselves will more than make up for it. What with NASA
spokespersons contradicting each other, theories being put forth, then
dismissed only to be postulated again and finally admitting to the
if the public isn't confused, they aren't paying attention. And this
even involve the so-called ãindependent ã panel appointed by NASA
Administrator Sean O'Keefe.

Early on the first hypothesis was that tiles had come off that were
damaged on takeoff. Then, that was dismissed since that had been
investigated a day or two after liftoff, using projections and
A few days later that theory was put back on the table since no better
theory arose. That is, no theory they were willing to consider.

Two photographs, one taken in California and the other in Nevada,
showed the shuttle being hit by significant electrical discharges of
kind. NASA's first reaction to the California picture was that
something may
have been wrong with the camera or it was jiggled (although on a
when the photo was snapped accounting for the lightning-like streak
appeared to hit the Columbia.

However that theory died when the camera manufacturer tested 1.000
identical cameras (which were digital contrary to initial reports,
thus not
requiring film to be developed) and could not duplicate the

That was before the Nevada photograph surfaced. Then the theory was
advanced that the bolt of electricity could have been a ãPixieä a
common phenomenon where, in certain weather conditions, electrical
discharges jump from clouds to the Ionosphere and vice versa.

That was immediately discounted by outside scientists and
meteorologists (who are also scientists, before I get any hate mail)
pointing out that there were no clouds or adverse weather conditions
at that
time. NASA has on several occasions delayed shuttle re-entry to avoid
conditions. Since then, NASA and the media have been doing their best
ignore both images.

Then NASA officials pointed to the fact that, up until then, no
debris had been found west of Texas, which didn't support the
eyewitness who
said he saw pieces breaking off the shuttle over California.

However, yesterday (Wednesday) NASA finally admitted the obvious.
The shuttle started to break up over California. Of course any first
physics student, or even common sense, would tell one that pieces
coming off
an object traveling at 21 time the speed of sound at an altitude of
than 43 miles, would not touch down anywhere near where they came off.
also pledged that any further information would be released through
ãindependentä panel.

The NASA charter for the panel has already been revised three times
in incremental efforts to give the perception of independence from
NASA Administrator Sean O'Keefe has made all the appointments. In this
writer's article of Feb. 8, it was pretty much established that the
as it was constituted then, was loaded with military brass with
to the Air Force directed energy weapons programs.

It has been acknowledged that one of the experiments carried out on
the Columbia was the release of two miniature satellites into space
from the
shuttle. Called ãpicosatellitesä developed by defense contractor The
Aerospace Corporation and funded by DARPA, they are the precursors of
inspector satellites to spy on other full-size satellites.

A local sheriff in Texas has reported some of the shuttle debris
recovered is radioactive. So far there has been no confirmation or
from NASA. One science writer claims an experimental night vision
multi-spectral telescope that was powered by a new isotope used in
power named Americium ö242 was used in the Columbia's orbiting around
earth to evaluate vapors in Iraq evidencing night-time disposal of
weapons material.

The panel has a momentous task to sort everything out and didn't
really need the unnecessary controversies it has brought on itself (or
visited on it by O'Keefe's appointments).

For starters, a NASA spokesperson said O'Keefe appointed the panel
the day after the Columbia crash. However, O'Keefe later told the
press that
the panel was in place before the Columbia tragedy as part of a
plan following the Challenger disaster.

Two appointments made over the weekend have stirred the pot. The
first, Sheila E. Widnall, a MIT professor seemed innocuous enough
she is also a former Air Force Secretary in the Clinton
administration. We
now find that she also was a paid consultant to the Boeing
Boeing and its joint venture partner Lockheed Martin in United Space
Alliance manage both the space station and shuttle programs. The joint
venture is shielded from liability in the tragedy as NASA has

MIT and a spinoff (MITRE) are very much involved with the military
space program. Widnall has been joined on the MIT faculty by John
former Director of the CIA and a Director of the Council on Foreign
Relations (CFR) and CitiGroup.

In 1959, MIT spun off its Lincoln Laboratory as a private company
and renamed it MITRE. Its first Chairman of the Board of Trustees was
Rowan Gaither.

"In the fall of 1953, Norman Dodd, Director of Research for the
Reece Committee, was invited to the headquarters of the Ford
Foundation by
its president, H. Rowan Gaither (CFR).

According to Dodd, Gaither told him: "Mr. Dodd, all of us here at
the policy-making level have had experience, either in O.S.S. or the
European Economic Administration, with directives from the White
House. We
operate under those directives here. Would you like to know what those
directives are?" Dodd replied that he would. Gaither said: "The
substance of
them is that we shall use our grant-making power so to alter our life
in the
United States that we can be comfortably merged with the Soviet

MITRE has been involved in weapons development with the DOD since
inception. Its first facility outside of Massachusetts was at the
Air Force Base in Colorado, home of the Air Force Space Command. MITRE
developed the unmanned planes the CIA is now using for reconnaissance

Most of the DOD appropriations for directed energy weapons go to the
Air Force. However, the Department of Energy has played a large role
in the
research and development of the weapons. At least four of the
10 secret laboratories are involved in the general category of
energy" weapons. All ten of the labs are "GOCO's" that is government
contractor operated.

For instance, DOE's Sandia lab located at Kirtland Air Force Base is
in the forefront of directed energy research and experimentation. It
has a
23000 square meter building that houses the world's most powerful
simulator. It is capable of generating extremely short bursts of an
beam of 13 trillion watts. It is used primarily for simulating the
of prompt radiation from a nuclear burst on electronics and complete
military systems. The contractor managing the Sandia lab is Lockheed

The Air Force operates 14 space weapons programs in space, and at
least two ground based platforms including Sandia and the HAARP
in Alaska masquerading as a scientific examination into the effects of
auroral activity on the ionosphere.

O'Keefe's second appointment over the weekend may be the most
controversial. Roger Tetrault was supposed to quell criticism that the
panel's members are too close to NASA. However, the Orlando Sentinel
disclosed the day after his appointment that Tetrault is former
Chairman and
CEO of McDermott, International at the same time that O'Keefe was a
and member of the audit committee on a subsidiary, J. Ray McDermott of
Tetrault was also the chairman of the board.

Before becoming CEO of McDermott International, Tetrault was vice
president of a McDermott subsidiary, Babcock and Wilcox, which made
for the shuttles' solid rocket boosters.

Another McDermott subsidiary, BWXT is the sole supplier of nuclear
fuel for the U.S. Navy and for research and test reactor fuel for
national laboratories. It also processes enriched uranium. In
with Bechtel National, Inc. it manages the DOE's Oak Ridge uranium
enrichment operation. Another joint venture of McDermott International
(DynMcDermott) with DynCorp has for the last nine years, and will for
next five years, manage the DOE's U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve.

In 1999, during O'Keefe and Tetrault's tenure at J. Ray McDermott,
former vice-president Littleton Edwards Walker pled guilty to one
count of bid rigging. On May 16, 2000, the former president of the
Michael Harless Lam, was indicted on one count of conspiracy in bid
and two counts of mail fraud. As far as this writer can determine, the
is the first mention in the media of the guilty plea and indictment in
relation to O'Keefe and Tetrault's involvement with NASA or the
investigation. But you can bet it won't be the last.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is
distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior
interest in
receiving the included information for research and educational

Permission is granted to reproduce this article in its entirety.

The author is a freelance writer based in Romulus, Michigan. He is a
former newspaper editor and investigative reporter, a retired customs
administrator and accountant, and a student of history and the U.S.

If you would like to receive Medium Rare articles directly, please
contact the author at

JJ <radio...@mailcity.moc> wrote in message news:<3E55BD12...@mailcity.moc>...

HAARP Museum Association

Feb 22, 2003, 2:44:11 PM2/22/03
Excuse moi. I made a few acronym mistakes, so i called my Uncle and
stand corrected.

The offices do not train the personnel in the various DC and Beltway
small agencies -- they merely EMPLOY the trained remote veiwers to
work in their small organizations. Training locale is tip top secret
and off site.

Intelsat [satellite consortium] does not start with an "A"; so your
theory that i went through the phonebook is fallacious; you can add
Medtap out in Bethesda, Maryland, to the list also.

My uncle wants to know how the old retired Admiral is doing at ASME K
Street office, if he still has the photograph of the emerging
submarine on his wall, and did he ever fully mentally recover from the
comet that smashed into Greenland just a few years back, i.e., the
airborne operations surrounding that clean up mission?

DC--Beltway IEEE

IEEE/Microwave Theory and Techniques Society
Washington DC/Northern VA Chapter

Mobile robot localization by remote viewing of a colored cylinder
R. Volpe, T. Litwin, L. Matthies , Jet Propulsion Lab., California
Inst. of Technol.,


ASME Nanotechonology


National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI), the Federal government's
investment in the future of nanotechnology

OM <om@CT_is_a_troll_AND_a_putz.too> wrote in message news:<>...
> On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 23:13:15 GMT, tc...@fsm-1.rome (Tom Coradeschi)
> wrote:

> > (HAARP Museum Association) writes:
> >>My uncle works in the DC Beltway and I know for a fact that there are
> >>highly trained remote viewing programs going on at the AIII [Assoc. of
> >>International Electrical Engineers], the AAME [American Association of
> >>Mechanical Engineers], the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.
> >> The list is endless.

"Martin Whybrow" <> wrote in message news:<8Ed5a.3162$>...

Cohanim Untot Korban

Feb 24, 2003, 9:18:32 PM2/24/03

I too am receiving many emails from my "flock," and here are more
places to add to the growing list from people with first hand
experience of agencies or institutions that exploit-employ the trained
Remote Viewers who come out of the NSA or Special Ops training

Conde Nast -- the highest levels of their publishing management

Vanderbilt School of Medicine, Tennessee

Emory University, Atlanta

Australian Embassy, Wash DC

U.S. Commerce Dept., Wash DC, Space Satellite division

USDA, Wash DC -- adult extended education department, satellite
sciences courses

The USO concert band booking department, Wash DC

Clyde-Woodward Engineering, Oakland, CA

PG&E, Market St., San Francisco

Please add these to the others, i.e., ASME, IEEE, Intelsat, Medtap, et

Anyone further interested might look into the MOHOROVICIC
DISCONTINUITY, ... 22 miles beneath the surface of the earth, and 6
miles beneath the ocean floors, there is an incredible anomaly, or

I am tracking the two comets you commented upon that are at this very
time very near the sun. Thank you.


> On Fri, 21 Feb 2003 23:13:15 GMT, tc...@fsm-1.rome (Tom Coradeschi)
> wrote:

> My uncle works in the DC Beltway as a satellite consultant,
> freelance,

> and I know for a fact that there are highly trained remote viewing

> programs going on at the IEEE [Institute of Electrical and Electronics
> Engineers, Inc], the ASME [American Society of Mechanical Engineers],

> the AAM, Intelsat, inside the White House, etc.
> The list is endless.
> He has often regaled me with stories how he would think something

> insulting about the person covertly remote viewing his thoughts --

> using the top secret microwave technology [no devices can be seen]

> -- at his office job, until the person within his visual range who
> is reading his thoughts and voyeuristically feeling his bodily
> functions and viewing his subconscious and conscious imagery --
> the remote viewer will have a breakdown and goes into aggressive fits
> because he/she can't help restrain their anger any longer over hearing

> in somebody's
> mind, "... i wonder why this person is so dissatisfied sexually, too

> shriveled up and dessicated and used out genitilia??, or, ... just so
> near absolute kelvin zero low an IQ that only the remote viewing
> program of the NSA would accept the little loser for employment".

> If you suspect that you are being remotely viewed, and somebody is
> reading your thoughts, think to yourself the most humiliating things
> about the person you suspect, over and over. If they are innocent,
> they won't have a clue what you are up to. If you are correct, watch
> the fireworks, it is LOTS OF FUN !!!

> Remember ... if you think in a language they do not understand, you
> can smoke screen your thoughts. But if you think in images, any fool
> from any country can read you.
> Stand or sit VERY NEAR the person you suspect of being a graduate of
> the NSA remote viewing program, and make a mental picture of them on
> their knees and fellating a poodle with mouth wide open, or something
> equally disgusting, make sure you form a clear picture of the remote
> viewers face in your imagery, and this will set them off like a
> Patriot missle too!
> Suspects: HAARP officials; NASA upper officials; many federal
> agencies in the DC Loop; many New York City high paid attorneys,
> especially at 666 5th Avenue; Skull & Bones members; Air Force MK
> Ultra personnel; West Point grads who go on into research acadamies as
> professors; -- it could be just about
> anyone, so please use this test if something one day strikes you as
> strange and you ask yourself "did that person read my mind? ... it is
> the only way they could have known?!" (HAARP Museum Association) wrote in message news:<>...

> > > ----------------
> > >
> > > Israeli intelligence agencies

Natasha Kocharian

Feb 26, 2003, 3:02:51 PM2/26/03
Hi ya'll. My name is Natasha. I'm a southerner.

Down in Huntsville, Alabama, the home of Ames Research NASA, first
stop off and new home for Nazi Werner von Bruan and all his buddies,
and home of many aeronautical, astrophysical, weapons and remote
viewing "small businesses", is now the home of enraged temps who have
been screwed over one too many times by Labor Ready Inc., a Huntsville
and national temp employment agency.

A 23 year old named Emanuel shot and killed four people yesterday in
the front doorway and front lobby of Labor Ready, and wounded a 5th
man in the leg.

There are many engineers temping in Huntsville, AL too, and not just
hard pressed manual laborers in their 50s. The H1-B visa made a real
job for an American engineer next to impossible.

My question: why did the police in Huntsville treat the boy, a mere
23, with such kid gloves? Was he part of some secret remote viewing
training program, or some kind of H A A R P microwave facility?

The local Huntsville newspaper stated that Emanuel [see all the
coverage below] worked on the line often at Browning-Ferris Industries
(BFI), a waste removal and recycling coast to coast industry, just as
big and unloved by many people at the temp agency Labor Ready [see all
the lawsuits below please].

I think it is a poor reflection of our national media for such sloppy
and insipid and misleading news to hit the wires. Shame on all of us
for being such swine and sheep. We will deserve the slaughter in
store for us, for trusting such monsters.

The contract between BFI and the City of Huntsville states that
"highly skilled workers" shall be employed by BFI to recycle waste.
Was Emanuel "highly skilled"?? The witness, a 38 year old woman named
Ms. Johnson, down in Huntsville, in her very contradictory and
scramble and senseless account of the events that took place in Labor
Ready, said that Emanuel should have been "a dish washer".

Why were all of his victims, except one, in their late middle age?
Most temp manual laborers in the nation are under 25. Most partially
employed engineers on defense contracts are late middle age.

LABOR READY INC -- slave shops

The Anti-Displacement Project (A-DP) is proud to present this web site
to get the word out about its aggressive, first-of-its kind campaign
against America's worst employer, Labor Ready.

Labor Ready is in the business of selling cheap, human labor at the
lowest possible cost to its customers. But selling labor cheap comes
with huge human costs: Labor Ready workers are getting systematically
ripped-off, exploited, and abused. It's modern day slavery and it's

This web site will document how Labor Ready exploits workers in the
Western Massachusetts community. Second, it will give a blow by blow
account of how a small but determined group of low-income workers is
going to abolish this mutli-billion dollar, multi-national
corporation's shenanigans. Finally, it will show why our community
needs a non-profit, worker-run Workers' Center as an alternative to
for-profit hiring halls that treat workers as commodities. The
Workers' Center goal will be to pay as much money into workers'
pockets, provide real opportunities for developing our community's
most vulnerable workforce, and treat workers with the dignity and
respect that is due every worker and human being.

Help the A-DP defend the First Amendment and put an end to
Labor Ready's exploitation of workers. Donate to our legal defense
fund. Find out more. Labor Ready attempts to silence the A-DP with a
Read About Our Legal Defense Fund


-- MORE testimony from Labor Ready workers about how they are
-- Documentation of Labor Ready's exploitive practices.
-- Latest campaign updates.


The "Contingent Workers Fight for Fairness" </report/index.php> report
was made possible by a grant from the French American Charitable
Trust, which has generously supported the work of the National
Alliance For Fair Employment since its inception.

The growth of contingent work is a significant reason for stagnant or
falling wages during the current economic boom. Median wages actually
fell for the bottom 90% of the Massachusetts workforce between 1989
and 1999 according to a Northeastern University report.


The Decatur Daily Opinion
"News from the Tennessee Valley"



Hiring BFI was
bad decision


The City Council is not known for being smart, although the ones now
in office are not the ones who made a really bad financial choice in
hiring BFI to take care of recycling for Decatur. According to an
article this summer, the recycling program costs the city about
$390,000 per year.

Before it was given to BFI, Denbo offered to pay the city for that
contract, instead of charging them. Do you call that good business on
the part of the City Council? What we need in office are good business
people who know how to run a good business and manage money.

Another thing -- I used to own a landscaping company and bought the
appropriate licenses and paid taxes on all my equipment at the end of
every year, took off all the grass clippings and branches and had to
buy a special tag for the truck to carry my equipment. There were, and
are, people who are mowing and landscaping yards who don't have
licenses (some on the city payroll) and if you bring it to the
attention of the licensing people, they say they don't have enough
people to go out and check them. It doesn't take a lot of time -- just
drive around a little and you will see the ones who don't have the
proper licenses. And yes, to mow yards, you do need a license for each
city you operate in. If the licensing people would check, there would
be a lot of income for the city.

Linda Clemons

Huntsville and BFI

As part of an overall integrated waste management system, Huntsville's
Solid Waste Disposal Authority contracted with Browning-Ferris
Industries (BFI) in May 1990 to begin a citywide recycling program.
Households were issued containers for collecting newspapers, cans and
other recyclables, and BFI sorted the materials at curbside. In 1996,
BFI designed, constructed and began operating a new automated
recycling facility, The Recyclery.

This first-of-its-kind facility enabled the company to process
recyclable materials using skilled workers and state-of-the-art
technology, and to hold down the costs of recycling. Each year, more
than 2,000 Huntsville school students and 5,000 others tour the
facility as part of the partnership's public education effort.

4 killed, 1 hurt in local job agency shooting


Huntsville Times Staff Writers

Four people were shot to death and one person was wounded shortly
before 6:30 a.m. today at a temporary employment agency on Arcadia

About an hour later, shots were fired on Baker Road where police had
cornered a suspect in the shootings, said police spokesman Wendell

Three were dead at the scene. One, a 55-year-old man, died in surgery
at Huntsville Hospital before 9 a.m., said hospital spokeswoman Terri

The other, who is 46 years old, suffered a minor leg wound, police

Police did not immediately release the names of the five victims, but
Johnson said it appeared that all were looking for temporary jobs at
Labor Ready at 726 Arcadia Circle.

Police Lt. Vince Dauro said the shootings followed an argument at
Labor Ready. About 10 or 15 people were "standing around" when the
pistol shots rang out, he said.

Patricia Johnson, 38, witnessed the shootings and said the shooter
also tried to kill her.

She said she was sitting in the lobby and saw a man whose name is
Emmanuel get into a fight over a CD player. After Emmanuel got hit in
the face, he reached into a jacket pocket and pulled out a gun. He
shot the other man and a third person who was "trying to get them to
take it outside." Reports on the scene said those victims were father
and son.

When the shots were fired, several people ran out the front door,
Johnson said. Others were sitting in parts of the lobby where they
would have to run past the shooter to get outside, so they ran toward
a closet and the bathroom.

Johnson said she was right next to the shooter and froze. She said he
turned the gun on her, pointed it at her chest and pulled the trigger.
She heard a click, but nothing happened.

He turned the gun on another man seated near them, pulled the trigger
and it misfired again.

At that point, Johnson got up and ran down the hall into a closet
where three or four others were already hiding.

She believes the other bystander ran as well. But the shooter kept
after him, and the bystander was shot and killed near the entrance to
the building.

Johnson had a cell phone in her pocket and called 911. She and others
stayed in the bathroom and closet until police said they could come

This morning, Huntsville police believed the shooting suspect was in
an apartment on Baker Road near Oakwood Road. Police said the suspect
apparently fired one or two shots from the apartment earlier this
morning, but no one was injured.

Police believed the suspect is in the apartment by himself, but they
had not talked to him as of 8:25 a.m. Officers had seen some movement
in one of the windows.

The SWAT team was trying to evacuate an adult and two children from an
adjoining apartment.

A man who said he is a regular at Labor Ready said people start
showing up at 3 a.m. to improve their chances to get jobs. He said he
had just walked away from the group when the shooting started and did
not see what happened.

Johnson said she once worked side-by-side with the shooter on the line
at BFI's recycling center on Triana Boulevard.

She also knows he has done such jobs as washing dishes.

"He likes inside work," she said.

Based in Tacoma, Wash., Labor Ready describes itself as the nation's
largest provider of temporary manual labor for light industry and
small businesses.

The local office is next to the offices for the Alabama Department of
Forensic Sciences, state troopers and Madison County sheriff's
investigators. Arcadia Circle is off North Memorial Parkway just north
of University Drive.


Suspect Surrenders in Fatal Ala. Shooting
Tue Feb 25, 8:52 PM ET Add U.S. National - AP

By JAY REEVES, Associated Press Writer

HUNTSVILLE, Ala. - A man looking for work opened fire at a temporary
employment agency Tuesday during an argument over a CD player, killing
four fellow job-seekers and wounding a fifth, police said.

Emanuel Burl Patterson later surrendered after a standoff at his
apartment, where police tracked him down using the address he put on
his job applications. Authorities turned off the building's
electricity while the temperature was near freezing. Police said the
man shot at officers early in the standoff.

The shooting with a 9 mm semiautomatic handgun started about 6:30 a.m.
in the lobby of Labor Ready Inc., where as many as 15 people were
waiting for work. Witnesses said they scrambled for cover.

"A fight broke out among two groups of men over a CD player," said
police spokesman Wendell Johnson. He said Patterson, 23, of
Huntsville, regularly went to the office looking for work and was well
known both to employees and other laborers.

"People who know him say he is a very unstable individual," Johnson
said without elaboration.

Michael Tucker Jr. said his father was in the office and told him the
argument "was all over something about CDs and $20. There was some
guys picking at (the gunman) and pushing him, laughing at him. They
pushed him into a corner."

According to police and witnesses, the gunman shot to death Billy Knox
Jr., 22, and his father, Billy Knox Sr., 61, both of Huntsville,
inside the building, then turned the gun on others at random.

Police said Benjamin Ferguson, 47, of Huntsville, and David Seiler,
46, a Tennessee man whose hometown was not immediately available, were
shot on the front steps. Seiler died during surgery, and the others
were dead at the scene.

A fifth man, Royce Henderson, 46, of Huntsville, was shot in the leg
and survived.

Patricia Johnson, 38, told The Huntsville Times the gunman turned his
weapon on her and pulled the trigger, but the handgun did not fire.
She ran into a closet where three or four people already were hiding.

The gunman drove off after the shooting.

No charges were filed immediately against Patterson, but Madison
County District Attorney Tim Morgan said capital murder charges were

The district attorney said Patterson had only minor run-ins with the
law previously. Other details about his background were not
immediately known.

Labor Ready, based in Tacoma, Wash., describes itself as the nation's
largest provider of temporary manual labor for light industry and
small businesses.

The Labor Ready office is next to a building that houses law
enforcement agencies, including state troopers and investigators for
the sheriff's department.



Charles Redmond
Headquarters, Washington, D.C. June 2, 1993

Jane Hutchison
Ames Research Center, Mountain View, Calif.

RELEASE: 93-102

The same material that keeps the Space Shuttle from burning up
when it
returns from space may be useful in treating medical problems on

Researchers from NASA's Ames Research Center, Mountain View,
Calif., are
working with physicians from BioMedical Enterprises Inc. and the
University of
Texas Health Science Center, both of San Antonio, to determine whether
Space Shuttle's ceramic surface insulation materials can be used as an
for human skeletal reconstruction.

"We're still a long way from having a bone implant that's ready
for human
use," said Howard Goldstein, Senior Staff Scientist in Ames'

Message 6 in thread
From: matt (
Subject: Re: Interesting emails between NASA workers.

View this article only
Date: 2003-02-25 05:24:31 PST

"JF Mezei" <> wrote in message
> matt wrote:
> > you couldn't possibly be serious . you _expected engineers to bring long
> > listings of data to management meetings_ ? then those managers should be
> > competent engineers too to understand such data . how many competent
> > engineers have you seen becoming managers and _staying_ competent after that
> > , over the years ? believe me powerpoint is a disease that's more widespread
> Ok. So what is the context of those mission managemenmt meetings DURING a
> mission ? Are the engineers really expected to pretty-up the data for
> management, or are they expected to bring their listings and verbally explain
> to the rest of the group what their findings are ?
> Or does the need to document absolutely everything force the engineers to
> spaned time to make the data pretty for "the archives" ?

My impression is engineers don't feel free to state their opinions at
within the NASA political environment . Did you see the remarks "why
management treating getting info like the plague"? Management wants to
any bad news and probably they're constantly being flooded with bad
from engineers , do you recall Mary Schafer's comment about how many
memos she's written , like everybody else ? Management is in place
other thing just to not allow engineers to blow these things out of
proportion and delay everything forever. Management is the one
for the compromise when an engineer comes up with yet another problem
needs another 2 years and additional funding . Management is there to
maintain the schedule etc. My comment was tongue in cheek. Engineers
do have
to pretty up their data or else either management doesn't understand
it , or
next time they're not asked anymore .

matt tudor

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