Sábado, 04 de Octubre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Felicidades a todas nuestras familias guayaquileñas, en estos días festivos de 194 años de fundación de la Ciudad de Guayaquil. Le damos gracias a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo, por tantas bendiciones recibidas a través de los años y hasta nuestros días, también.
Y nuestro Padre celestial nos ha bendecido grandemente por amor a su nombre santo que lleva su Hijo Jesucristo con gran santidad perfecta, para que su nombre bendito y Todopoderoso, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, se establezca en nuestros corazones para perdón, sanidad, bendición, prosperidad, alegría, enriquecimiento de nuestro espíritu humano y salvación eterna, para entrar al cielo pronto. Y éste es el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial que los ángeles santos aman, adoran, y exaltan en todo momento de sus vidas celestiales, porque para esto nuestro Padre celestial ha creado a las huestes angelicales, para que honren y alaben su nombre santísimo para que grandes bendiciones de santidades eternas sean conquistadas en el cielo y en la tierra.
Además, éste nombre bendito ya está establecido grandemente en todos los lugares del reino de los cielos, empezando por el corazón de cada ángel, arcángel, serafín, querubín y demás seres santos del reino angelical, para que sea engrandecido cada vez más su nombre bendito, para gloria y honra de nuestro Padre celestial. Por esta razón, hay paz y gloria eterna en el corazón de los ángeles y así también en todos los lugares del reino celestial, para que grandes glorias de honra y de santidad eterna sean pronto conquistadas que aún no se conocen ni menos han sido conquistadas por nadie hasta el día de hoy.
Estas son honras y glorias infinitas que sólo el hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, pueden conquistar si tan sólo su nombre bendito que lleva su Hijo Jesucristo en perfecta santidad se establece en la Ciudad de Jerusalén y así también en el corazón de cada uno de todos nosotros. Y si el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, el cual es admirable y nadie jamás lo puede entender ni aún los ángeles más santos y gloriosos, porque se requiere perfecta santidad divina que solamente nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo poseen grandemente, por ende, solamente ellos pueden conocerlo, entenderlo e invocarlo siempre, entonces seremos bendecidos infinitamente.
Por ello, cuando éste nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial que únicamente su Hijo Jesucristo lleva en perfecta santidad por todos lados, y el cual los ángeles del cielo lo adoran y exaltan a cada hora, si se instala en el corazón de cada uno de nosotros, inmediatamente muchas cosas cambiaran en la tierra y así también en el cielo. Porque entonces nuestro Padre celestial habrá logrado alcanzar lo que siempre deseó con todos los ángeles del cielo, y esto es que su nombre bendito sea instalado en nuestras vidas de cada día, para que la tierra sea llena de las bendiciones que descienden de él progresivamente para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones.
Visto que, el perdón de nuestras almas, por haber pecado en contra de él y de su fruto de vida en el paraíso (nuestro Jesucristo) viene solamente de él hacia cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones y así también cada una de nuestras bendiciones, sanidades, prosperidad, enriquecimiento y salvación para ascender justificado al reino celestial. Y todo viene de nuestro Padre celestial hacia cada uno de nosotros, porque de él salimos en su imagen por los poderes asombrosos de su Espíritu Santo para vivir conforme a su semejanza celestial, el cual es su Hijo Jesucristo, porque él desea que nosotros seamos de pies a cabeza como su Hijo, y más no como sus ángeles.
Por esta razón, cada uno de nosotros vuelve a nacer del Espíritu Santo cuando le amamos a él, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que su nombre bendito y Todopoderoso sea instalado en nuestros corazones al instante, para que entonces toda verdad y toda justicia sean cumplidas en nuestras vidas terrenales y en nuestras nuevas vidas celestiales del más allá. Por lo tanto, es verdad y justicia cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo entra en nuestros corazones con el nombre santo y Todopoderoso de nuestro Padre celestial para que sea instalado eternamente, para que inmediatamente tengamos contacto eterno con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Espíritu Santo, para que grandes obras comiencen a desarrollarse en nuestras nuevas vidas que caminan hacia al cielo siempre.
Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial siempre está mirando desde su Lugar Más Santo del reino angelical sobre toda la tierra para ver a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias a que le abran sus corazones a su Hijo Jesucristo, para que él entre en sus vidas con su nombre bendito en el poder del Espíritu Santo. Porque nuestro Padre celestial está sentado sobre la Silla de la Misericordia del Lugar Más Santo del Tabernáculo de Reunión del cielo, para no solamente encontrarse a cada hora con Moisés y con sus santos ángeles, sino también con Israel y cada uno de sus hijos e hijas--no importando jamás por donde se encuentren en toda la tierra.
Porque éste es el Lugar Más Santo del cielo, en donde nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Moisés de que sobre la Silla de la Misericordia se encontraría con él para darles los mandatos de cada día a Israel, para que Israel vaya siempre por el buen camino que le agrada mucho a su corazón--corazón santo que siempre los amo. Y nuestro Padre celestial ha sido perpetuamente fiel a su palabra que no solamente le dio a Moisés sino también a cada uno los patriarcas de Israel, para que ellos se acercasen con todas las familias de Israel al Lugar Más Santo, para que él mismo recibirlos personalmente sobre la Silla de la Misericordia y así hablar siempre de lo que sea.
Y lo mismo nuestro Padre celestial desea hacer en estos días con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, porque él desea hablar con cada uno de ellos, de lo que deseen, porque él es su Padre y suplidor de sus necesidades, y no hay nada nunca que él no pueda hacer por ellos inmediatamente. Por lo tanto, tienen que acercarse a él con su Hijo Jesucristo y su nombre santísimo que solamente él puede introducir en sus corazones, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para que entonces maravillas y milagros sin contar comiencen a tomar lugar cada día en sus vidas y en la vida de sus muy amados, incluyendo a sus conocidos de siempre.
Por eso, tienen que abrirle sus corazones a su Hijo Jesucristo para que él con el nombre santísimo y Todopoderoso de nuestro Padre celestial entre en sus vidas, para quedarse para siempre, porque lo que nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo tienen que hacer en verdad es mucho. Hoy, tienes que dejar que nuestro Señor Jesucristo entre en tu vida, en un momento de fe y de oración, para que entonces el Espíritu Santo establezca el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial en tu corazón, un nombre muy amado, honrado y exaltado por los ángeles celestiales, y el cual está repleto de milagros para ti y para los tuyos, también.
Ábrele tu corazón a nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, porque es necesario que toda verdad y toda justicia se cumplan al fin en tu vida, en el momento que el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial es instalado en tu corazón para siempre, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para que vuelvas a nacer en el mundo del Espíritu de Dios. En nuestra tierra el hombre nace del vientre de su madre, para conocer el mundo que ha llegado a conocer hasta nuestros días, más si renace del Espíritu Santo cuando el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial es instalado en su corazón perpetuamente, entonces habrá abierto sus ojos para el verdadero mundo de la vida eterna, el reino de los cielos.
Hoy en día, ésta es la verdadera vida que tu corazón, alma, mente, cuerpo y espíritu humano te piden para empezarla a vivir ya, llena de milagros y maravillas sin fin, porque es aquí en donde serás verdaderamente feliz con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Espíritu Santo por todas las victorias conquistadas por su Hijo Jesucristo sobre la cruz ensangrenatada.
Te deseamos muchas felicidades a ti y cada uno de todos los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades de siempre, para que sean felices no solamente en estos días festivos de la fundación de Guayaquil, sino también cada día del año y por siempre, por medio nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo quien siempre está atento a tus oraciones y así satifacer tus necesidades. ¡Amén!
Our heavenly Father said to Moses I will send my Holy Angel (the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ)) before you, because I have commanded him to take you through the Sinai desert into the Promised Land that I had already given to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so you may possess it forever by establishing my holy name at Jerusalem my beloved city. Here, I command you, our heavenly Father said to Moses that you will listen to every thing that he will tell you to do because he will not forgive your sins much less your rebellions, for he bears my holy name; and if you listen to him and do as he tells you, then I will be enemy of your enemies.
You must listen to everything my Holy Angel will tell you because I will be the one speaking to you trough him from heaven above, therefore as he may speak to you, then you will be listening to my words that are coming towards you from his mouth, so be careful to listen and do everything diligently as you are commanded. My Holy Angel will always be my mouth piece speaking to you every word come out my mouth instantaneously, so if you fail to listen to his words then you are not failing to listen to him but, instead you are failing to listen to me that I am speaking to you directly from heaven above thus to execute my will diligently.
That is why, that I said that you must listen to my Holy Angel whenever he may say anything, for I will be the one speaking to you to obey immediately, and so, if you sin by rejecting his words, then you will be sinning against my word--that is why that he will swiftly punish your rebellions then and there. Therefore, you do not want to rebel against his words whenever he may command you to execute anything immediately, because it is I that I am speaking to you, just as I began to speak to you directly from heaven above as you were over Mount Sinai, because I am the one that is speaking to you always through his mouth.
Moreover, my Holy Angel Jesus Christ bears my sacred name in perfect holiness therefore if you fail to understand him whenever he is commanding you to do something then you are not only rebelling against your Father that is in heaven, instead you are rebelling against my holy name that he bears--that no one can endure much less understand it. For sure, he is my temple bearing my holy name in heaven for the angels and on earth for Israel, so they may not only go through the Sinai desert defeating enemy nations that will set themselves against you because you are taking my holy name in to the Promised Land, but also because the nations will be conquered at last.
Meaning that, as you managed to take my holy name into the land that I have chosen for you to possess forever then it will be because my holy name is going to be established at last at Jerusalem's holy hill to conquer the entire world, for the glory of our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Therefore, you are called to take my Holy Angel Jesus Christ from Mount Sinai bearing my honorable name through the Sinai's desert to introduce it victoriously into the Promised Land, so my name may finally be established over Jerusalem's holy hill victoriously over Israel and the nations as well, for lasting salvation to be possible for everyone forever into all eternity.
Inasmuch as, it is over Jerusalem's holy hill the covenant of my Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that I personally made with Jacob as he slept overnight over my rock on his way to Padan-aram to find his wife from his father Isaac's relatives, so it is here where you are to worship my holy name for forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity, and lasting salvation. For this is the eternal injured-rock that Jacob anointed with olive-oil because he established a covenant of the atoning-blood with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, so this rock that Jacob anointed with oil will not only burst with living-water for everyone within Israel to drink eternal life but also for all the nations forever into eternity.
For our heavenly Father had taken Moses and Israel to Mount Sinai, after liberating them from the Egyptian captivity by crossing the Red sea in dry ground, to have everyone drink from the injured rock the living water that they needed to cross the desert into the Promised Land, but Moses instead of speaking to the rock, angrily he hit it. This offended our heavenly Father tremendously, because He told Moses that He was not honored properly at the injured-rock as he hit it in anger to cause it to gush out water for Israel to drink along with all the animal livestock that they had brought abundantly with them from Egypt on their way to conquer the Promised Land.
On this day, Moses was to speak to the injured rock only, because His Holy Angel Jesus Christ is hidden in it always, and he is the one that is going to cause the injured-rock to burst into living water for the Israelis and their animals to drink to the full, moreover create a long river of life through the lifeless-desert. For it was our heavenly Father the reserved-one that was to strike the injured-rock not at Mount Sinai but at Jerusalem's holy hill, because He was going to nail His Son Jesus Christ to Adam and Eve crossed trees to establish His holy name with his atoning-blood forever not only within Jerusalem but also the nations, for salvation to be possible finally.
That is why, that our Father became offended at Moses, because he was to speak to the injured-rock where His Son was hidden ready to give the living water to every man, woman and child from Israel, for He alone is the especial-one to strike His Son, so at Jerusalem's holy hill for living-water finally to emanate for everyone's lasting salvation. For it is our heavenly Father the Judge of all the earth, and only He is who can punish His Son because of our sins, so that is why that He became offended at Moses as he struck the injured-rock instead of speaking to it, because timely over Jerusalem's holy hill our Father was to strike His Son to judge sins forever.
Timely, our Lord Jesus Christ said before he was ready to be taken to Jerusalem's holy hill by the Roman soldiers that no one can take his life but he will lay it down willingly, since the towering cross was his destination thus to please our heavenly Father in all His love, truth and justice on earth and in heaven forever. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to lay down his sacred-body that had never sinned on the towering cross, moreover fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments, so with his holy life and atoning-blood nailed to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill then finally establishes perpetually our Father's holy name in Jerusalem City for the nations to follow suit.
Given that, it is our heavenly Father's will that His holy name may be established within the capital city of every nation on earth just as it is established at Jerusalem for Israel to love, serve and glorify His holy name for forgiveness, healing, restoration, prosperity, peace, and lasting salvation, so the entire earth may become as heaven's glory is into eternity. Indeed, the same blessings filled with love, grace and life that our heavenly Father started with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, then He will love to establish with every man, woman and child from every nation of the entire world by installing His holy name within their capital cities, so He may manifest constantly His holy name glories as it is in heaven.
That is to say, that our heavenly Father would love to establish the glories of His holy name on earth within every family's home, because this is how His holy name is established within the home of every holy angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other very holy creatures, so love, life, peace and glory may always prosper throughout the angelic kingdom everlastingly. For this is the reason that our heavenly Father pulled Israel from the Egyptian captivity, because He needed Israel to take His Son Jesus Christ from Mount Sinai bearing His holy name through the desert finally to enter into the Promised Land victoriously lifting him high over Jerusalem's holy hill for His name to be nailed to Adam and Eve forever.
Here is where our heavenly Father needed to establish His holy name on earth first, because it is His divine plan to establish it within every nation's capital city, so every man, woman and child from all the families may have a place to receive love, forgiveness, grace, blessing, healing, prosperity, peace and the everlasting salvation of their living souls heavenly-bound forever justified. This is how our heavenly Father needs to establish His holy name on earth and within every nation, so He may conquer new glories and sanctities not yet conquered by the angels in heaven, but they will be conquered in due time by every man, woman and child that loves Him through His holy name that lives in His Son Jesus Christ.
That is why, that you must believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is the Temple for His holy name in heaven for the angels and on earth for the nations, so new glories and sanctities may be born. Now, you may not be able to see, hear or understand our heavenly Father's holy name that His Son Jesus Christ bears within him forever into eternity in perfect holiness, but you must believe it nevertheless within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, so it may begin to bless you every day as you have never been blessed before.
These days, you need to have our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart, because he alone is our heavenly Father's Temple for His holy name that has blessed you already, and it is ready to bless you much more yet, because you have power in our heavenly Father's holy name to conquer new glories and sanctities unknown until now. Therefore, as you receive our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior than our heavenly Father will be able to establish His holy name within your heart, so powerful blessings will become alive within you, your loved ones, and even your friends from everywhere around the world, because our heavenly Father needs to bless all the people that you may know.
For this is how our heavenly Father expands the glory of His holy name living in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ's heart and atoning-blood that is ready to forgive you, cleanse you, heal you, prosper you that you will become so rich beyond your wildest dream, because He has so much to give you through His Son Jesus Christ. For all the powers and glories that the holy angels in heaven have received in their different ranks of greatness and glory since the day they were individually created, their richness have come from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ through His Spirit, and He wants to do the same with you these days, and even much more, too.
Moreover, the blessings that our heavenly Father will grant you in abundance then you will be able to share them with your loved ones, and even with your acquaintances from everywhere around the world, because He still needs to spread the glory of His holy name into the hearts of people that have failed to know Him through His Son thus far. Our heavenly Father certainly will make you a powerful blessing thus to reach to the lost souls that are wondering around sick, tired, unprotected and hopeless, without knowing that He loves them powerfully through His Son Jesus Christ miraculously born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, moreover He has granted especial powers to His holy name in him concerning you.
These are our heavenly Father's powerful blessings established within His holy name concerning you from all the men, women and children from Israel and the nations, so you may not only sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son but also have power to live a wonderful life these days always bound to heaven's glory forever blessed. For our heavenly Father is all-knowing, all-powerful and omnipresent for there is nothing that He does not know or fails to see and understand, therefore all things are possible for Him when things have become impossible in heaven for the angels and on earth for humankind, meaning that He knows everything about your life thus He is ready to help with miracles.
Furthermore, because our heavenly Father knows everything that is happening in your life, and those things that will certainly happen in the future, then He has commanded especial powers to act within your life and the lives of your loved ones, even your friends from around the world, so you may have power to overcome any problem anytime, and live always victoriously. Therefore, these are amazing operating powers with your name on each one of them that lawfully belong to you to overcome anything that will come your way, so you may live an enriched life that will know no boundaries much less defeat thus to glorify and honor His holy name always within you on earth these days and in heaven forever.
But for these blessings to take place within you as our heavenly Father has destined these blessing to operate every day of your entire life on earth and in heaven forever into eternity, then, you must have His Son Jesus Christ living within your heart, so His Holy name may be established in your life as it is in Jerusalem City. Our heavenly Father has established His holy name in Jerusalem City just as He personally promised to King David and to his son Solomon along to many others through the years, because this is the holy place from where He will rule not only Israel but also all the capitals of the nations for people finally to come to know Him.
Furthermore, once our heavenly Father has successfully installed His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill as His Son was nailed to Adam and Eve dead bodies for salvation, then every man, woman and child may have His name established with nails and the atoning-blood within their hearts, so He may begin to bless them from heaven above with amazing daily powers. For our heavenly Father knows your every day need, and He wants to meet that daily need, but you must come to Him the right way, and this is His Son Jesus Christ because he alone is the eternal Temple for His holy name to be established within your heart forever, so blessings may begin to pour from heaven above immediately.
Certainly, at the mention of His holy name, because only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit know how to invoke it in holiness, then amazing powers are released upon your entire life, so you may not only become blessed but also your loved ones and friends from everywhere, and nothing will be impossible for you ever. Meaning that, your problems are fixed, your infirmity and terrible illnesses are healed, and even if you are dead already and buried six feet underground, then you will return to life immediately at the mention of His holy name, because our heavenly Father needs you alive and well and not dead in hell's torment but instead everlastingly saved in heaven's glory.
With our Lord Jesus Christ living within your heart then our heavenly Father will grant you to have also His holy name, because His Son bears His holy name in perfect holiness, so His Son may take you through the desert of your life filled with enemies everywhere from one victory into another until he places you in heaven's glory forever justified. Our heavenly Father has commanded His Son Jesus Christ to take every man, woman and child by His holy name's powers not only from Israel but also from the nations through the desert of their lives victoriously, defeating enemies everywhere, and saving most of them, until finally you ascend into the New Jerusalem from heaven above to live forever blessed everlastingly.
Meaning that, just as our heavenly Father commanded His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name to fight for Israel through the desert as Satan will come against them with powerful armies that were impossible to confront much less defeat, then they were defeated by His holy name's amazing invisible powers from heaven above, so Israel may finally conquer Canaan forever victoriously. Well, the same our heavenly Father has done for every nation, by commanding His Son Jesus Christ with His holy name installed in his very holy life born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter to give us the glorified-resurrected-body that will not only give us the atoning-blood to remove sin but also dress us to enter heaven forever saved.
As a result, there are powerful blessings waiting for each one of us that rightfully belong to us, because were not only born from our heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit in His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness, but also His holy name is part of our birth and knows us forever as His legitimate children. That is to say, also that we are not unknown to our Lord Jesus Christ much less to His holy name and the Holy Spirit, because as we were born individually from our heavenly Father through His Spirit than we emerged to live our lives in the likeness of His Son and by the every day power of His holy name.
Then, as we receive our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts through prayer and faith, immediately we are returning to our heavenly Father and His holy name as in day one, because we are been born again through the Holy Spirit to return to our original spiritual state in heaven's glory, for His holy name to bless us powerfully as usual. Otherwise, we could never return to our heavenly Father through His Son as we are Holy Spirit reborn as he initially gave us life in heaven's glory as we were born initially from our Father's image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness on earth these days and in heaven forever by receiving finally our glorify-body filled with his lasting-peace.
Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ is not only very important in the heart and life of every angel in heaven's glory but also on earth with every man, woman and child, beginning within Israel, because this is the love, grace, mercy, happiness, truth, life, justice and richness that our Father with His Spirit have ever known through eternity in His Son. Meaning that, if you are liberated from four-hundred-years of captivity from Egypt and crossed the Red sea in dry ground to get to Mount Sinai where our heavenly Father is waiting with His Son Jesus Christ, and you fashion a golden calf with heartfelt love in his presence, then He will reject that strange love because He only understands His Son's love.
That is why, that the Israelis were rejected at Mount Sinai, because they thought that they could fashion a golden calf with undivided-love, happiness, dancing, and much celebration to present it as their gods to our heavenly Father that had liberated them from Egypt's four-hundred years captivity, then they were rejected because our Father only knows and understand His Son's unfailing-love. Well, the same is true these days, you may present a golden statue of anything or anyone renown through history, or even fashion a virgin in gold, silver, bronze or just paint it before our heavenly Father, regardless as how important these figurines may be, then they are worthless and dangerous, because evil suffering-spirits may hide in them, so they are divinely-rejected.
They are rejected because they failed to see, speak, hear, taste, understand, and even worse, to convey our heavenly Father's holy name in perfect holiness as our Lord Jesus Christ does through eternity, because he alone is God's Temple for His name that can enter into your heart today to transform you into the person that you ought to be forever. That is to say, also that once our Lord Jesus Christ becomes part of your heart and entire life on earth then His holy name will be established within you just as He personally established it over Jerusalem's holy hill nailed to the cross and victorious always over Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, deaths in hell's torment, so you may live everlastingly saved.
For our heavenly Father knows that there is nothing in heaven much less on earth that He can use to place His holy name within your heart, if not only with His Son Jesus Christ becoming your personal savior thus to forgive your sins granting you powers that you may need every day on earth to ascend victoriously into heaven's glory. That is why, that our heavenly Father appeared within the SHEKINAH (God's glory) over Jerusalem's blue sky to testify to the truth that only in His Son Jesus Christ He is well pleased, and then He commanded everyone within Israel, and the gentiles too because they were there, to listen to His Son attentively and do everything that he may say.
Now, the reason that our heavenly Father was telling everyone about His happiness with His Son Jesus Christ on earth within Israel and in heaven as well with the angels, it was because He wanted everyone to know that whenever His Son spoke to them, then he was speaking His words, so they were to listen to His words diligently. Meaning that, every word that our Lord Jesus Christ said whenever he spoke to anyone with Israel and even the gentiles that were there, then it was Him that was speaking directly from heaven above, so they may obey His words and do as He was calling them for truth and justice to be fulfilled on earth as is it in heaven.
For it was our Lord Jesus Christ that said to the crowds within Israel, the words that I have spoken to you are not mines but they belong to my Father that is in heaven, for whatever I hear Him say to you then that is the word that I speak, because He is the one that wants to speak always with you. Furthermore, our heavenly Father needs to speak every day from heaven above to every man, woman and child on earth, so they may know Him through His Son Jesus Christ, just as the angels in heaven above know Him through His Son, because He alone is the mediator between angels and God in heaven, and between men and God on earth.
Therefore, to reject our Lord Jesus Christ because you may fail to admire and understand him then, unfortunately you are rejecting our heavenly Father and His holy name that has descended to be established over Jerusalem's holy hill for your eternal salvation, so you may be blessed these days by escaping the terrible threat of death and hell's torment. For His Son Jesus Christ is pure love descending from heaven above every day of your life on earth, so you may not only learn to live for our heavenly Father by escaping your sins that are dragging you into hell's torment every day on earth but also you may learn to love Him, so His holy name may bless you powerfully.
That is why, that Israel through the Sinai's desert began to call our Lord Jesus Christ not only God's Holy Angel but also "The Name" (or Hashem), because the Israelis learned for sure that our heavenly Father's holy name is in him in perfect holiness always for forgiveness, healing, blessing, peace, prosperity, and eternal salvation ascending into heaven's glory forever saved. That is to say, also that the Israelis through the desert on their way to the Promised Land they called our Lord Jesus Christ "The Name" (meaning: Hashem), so Israel knew our Lord Jesus Christ from day one because it was our heavenly Father that gave him to them to go through the desert defeating enemies everywhere to enter Canaan victoriously forever.
Meaning also, that every time an Israeli called to our Father in the name of Hashem, then they were calling Him in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ or Yeshua HaMoshiach, so every one knew Jesus Christ in person from Moses to the last Israeli born in the Sinai's desert entering Canaan to fulfill our Father's love, service, and everlasting will. For it is our heavenly Father's will in heaven for the angels, regardless of how glorious and powerful they may be to know His Son Jesus Christ by His holy name (or The name), and the same is with every one within Israel and the nations, so sin may be removed forever by the atoning-blood powers thus to live forever blessed.
These days, there are terrible enemies in your life that our heavenly Father needs to defeat because they have dishonored His holy name, and He is not willing to call them innocent, so He needs to defeat them or convert them into His new found glories, but nothing of these will ever happen until you have His Son living with you. That is why, that our heavenly Father is always looking down from heaven above into wherever you may be with your loved ones and friends, because He expects you to say the sinner's prayer anytime, so His Son Jesus Christ will enter into your heart for His holy name to be established within you for amazing daily powers to work immediately.
These are wonderful powers that our heavenly Father has granted you already just as He granted them to Israel and Jerusalem, so His holy name may not only be nailed to Adam and Eve for salvation, because they both failed sinfully to invoke His holy name in paradise, but for you to become alive in His Holy Spirit's pristine-world that blesses you constantly. That is to say, that you will never know our heavenly Father unless you come His way, and this His Son Jesus Christ that is taking you through the way, truth and life that at the end of it you will find our Father with His angels ready to embrace you with an eternal hug that will never end into eternity.
There are people that have said, and others are still saying these days, that there are many ways to take us into heaven's glory to see our Father, but this is not true, because only our Lord Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life that takes into His holy presence even as we still live our normal lives on earth. Then, let no one con you anymore, because our heavenly Father's eyes are always fixed on the way, truth and life of His Son Jesus Christ, and so, if you are trying to enter into eternal life in heaven's glory through any other way, then you will never find Him with His angels welcoming you into heaven with an eternal hug.
You will probably find yourself with your loved ones walking into sinking sand or thin ice that is ready to give way under your feet to swallow you into a place where no one knows the way back to earth much less to heaven, and its final destination is hell's torment where Satan and his wicked cronies are ready to maltreat you forever. This is the place of eternal torment that our heavenly Father will never be able to do anything for you because His Son Jesus Christ has done all the salvation work necessary for you to escape your sins forever, moreover be ready to enter heaven's glory by the power of His holy name but you failed to claim it for salvation.
The only thing that you have gained by rejecting what our heavenly Father has given you already through His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name is eternal suffering and agony without end in hell's torment, because Satan really hates you as much as he hates our Father and His Son, so he will hurt you until he can anymore into eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father called His Son to be Holy Spirit born through David's virgin daughter, so he may not only grant you the divine-body to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments, moreover be nailed with his atoning-blood to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill for the Holy name to bless you, but also save you immediately.
This is a wonderful ancient celestial way on earth that Israel learned to walk through in the desert on the way to conquer Canaan for our heavenly Father's holy name to be established forever not only at Jerusalem City and holy hill but also in the capital city of every nation, because He needs His name's glory to cover the entire earth forever. This is a unique heavenly way established on earth these days ready to receive you right now, if you are only willing to accept our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ as your personal savior, because he alone is God's Temple for His holy name, moreover the high priest and Lamb's administering holiness to it, so by his atoning-blood power enrich your daily life.
Therefore, it is here where our heavenly Father not only will nail His holy name to your heart as He personally did to Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill to remove sin and for salvation to be possible at last to every one of their children but also write your name in the book of life in heaven's glory forever. For you need to have your name written in heaven's glory in the book of our heavenly Father and of His Son Jesus Christ, because this is the book of life that He personally spoke to Moses about as He said: I will erase the names of those that sin, for the souls that sins against my holy name will die.
Well-time, our heavenly Father anounced to Moses that the souls that sin will die because the ones that sin against His Son Jesus Christ then they are truly sinning against His holy name, that is to say, that every time you may have said a curse against His Son then you were sinning against His holy name for all eternity. Therefore, our heavenly Father's eternal commandments condemn forever those that misuse His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within the heart and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, and His anger is so great against them that have cursed His Son that He promises never to hold them guiltless for the evil that they may have said against His holy name.
That is why, that no matter what you may do in life always be careful to say anything against His Son Jesus Christ, because if you say anything against him then you are hurting deeply His holy name, immediately He will pay you in person and to the full whatever you may have uttered against His Son and His holy name. This is perhaps the reason that many people are living in terrible conditions or are suffering terrible infirmities and diseases, because they have somehow say words against His Son Jesus Christ thus hurting His holy name, and that is why that you are suffering terrible conflicts and endless battles because you have cursed His holy name as you offended His Son.
Here, you really need to be very careful as how you may treat His Son Jesus Christ in your heart and entire life, because you are not only dealing with Jesus Christ within your heart but you are certainly dealing with our heavenly Father's holy name that He has sworn that He will never hold innocent whoever says anything against it. Now, if you repent from whatever you may have said against His Son Jesus Christ and His holy name, because every wicked word launched against Jesus Christ is directly affecting His holy name, then you may find forgiveness, peace, healing, blessing, and eternal life with our heavenly Father, but you must pray to Him first to move in your favor immediately.
Surely, our heavenly Father never expected the Israelis to see much less understand His holy name that His Son Jesus Christ carried with him through the Sinai's desert heading into the Promised Land, and even into our days, too, because no one can truly see it much less understand it, but, He expects you to see and understand His Son Jesus Christ. And when you reject His Son Jesus Christ because you failed to admire and understand our heavenly Father's holy name, then you are in deep trouble with Him and His holy name, that is why, perhaps, of the terrible things that you may have suffered until now, so you need to repent, if you have sinned against Jesus Christ and his followers.
For our heavenly Father is very offended as one of His Son's followers is attacked in anyway, because he has believed for justice to confess for salvation His holy name that lives in His Son, so Jesus Christ said to the offenders: It is better you have never been born to offend one of these little ones that believe in me. (Again, this is our Lord Jesus Christ speaking or warning to the people in Israel, including the gentiles that were there, but, in reality, it was our heavenly Father speaking through His Son's mouth from heaven above by the Holy Spirit into the hearts of the listeners that were maltreating his followers, faithful worshippers of His holy name, His lasting Temple!)
Therefore, this is a judgment that very easily anyone can fall into it without ever realizing the sin that he has done, because our heavenly Father is not willing ever to pronounce as guiltless anyone that purposely offends one (and his loved ones) that believes in His holy name completely by believing in His Son Jesus Christ as Lord and savior. That is why, that many, without ever realizing it, they are living unblessed lives that could very easily be blessed by our heavenly Father through His Holy Spirit's gifts, if that one simply asks forgiveness for himself and for his loved ones, past and present ones, because the sin of others can also cause our Father's wrath to endure for years.
And our heavenly Father is constantly upset with the wicked refusing stubbornly to do that which is holy in His sight for people and mainly for His holy name that His Son Jesus Christ bears to be loved, honored, and exalted within the heart of every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations thus for truth and justice to thrive everywhere. Truthfully, our heavenly Father will never hold anyone as guiltless that has offended or said anything incorrect against His holy name that lives in perfect Righteousness within His Son Jesus Christ's graceful heart and atoning-blood thus He loves to pay the offender in person again and again for the evil that he has done, for truth and justice to be fulfilled.
Then, if you have offended or rejected His Son Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior in our heavenly Father's presence--immediately search in prayer for forgiveness, so not only your life may be removed from His holy wrath but also your loved ones--because there are abundance of blessings for those that seek forgiveness after offending His holy name unknowingly. Timely, our Lord Jesus Christ taught to his apostles and disciples throughout Israel that all sins will be forgiven unto men, and, again this word came directly from our Father in heaven, because He is always willing to forgive sin through His Son Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood against Him and His holy name, but the sin against His Spirit is unforgivable.
Meaning that, our heavenly Father will always love, honor and bless everyone that believes in His Son Jesus Christ, because he that believes in His Son that bears His holy name in perfect holiness then he is believing, obviously, in His holy name as the angels in heaven do faithfully, so you will be His especial blessed-treasure on earth heavenly bound forever. Our heavenly Father will always be thinking to do wonderful things for you and for your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, because you have believed in His Son Jesus Christ bearing His holy name in perfect holiness, so only goodness will always come from Him into your life regardless of where you may go on earth.
Surely, our heavenly Father will always be watching every step that you will take on earth, regardless of wherever you may go, so He may bless everything ahead of you, for He will order His holy angels concerning you always to be ready to help you in anything, making sure that you will never stumble into any of Satan's usual traps. For it is written: Because he knows my holy name, and invoked it before me in heaven, then I will respond to his call instantly whenever he needs me, so I will be with him in trouble, I will be with him in sickness and in conflict to defend, protect, and honor him thus to show him my honor and lasting salvation.
Today, our heavenly Father has only love, goodness, and everlasting blessings one after another filled with endless miracles in your life and of your loved ones, too, because you have come to love, serve and glorify His holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ's heart and atoning-blood always ready to forgive, heal, and save every living soul. For it is written: Eyes have failed to see, ears have failed to hear, and hearts have failed to feel deep within the living souls the amazing things that our Father has prepared since before the foundation of the world for those that have come to know, love, bless, cherish, worship, and exalt His holy name that His Son Jesus Christ bears.
Certainly, our heavenly Father needs to love, heal, bless and save you bathed in His Spirit of eternal salvation happiness, but this great miracle may only take place within you at this moment if you believe within your heart for justice confessing with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ bearing His holy name to make you His legitimate child forever. For our heavenly Father only wants to save through His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood every man, woman and child that is hell bound these days to die forever cursed, so He may take them into heaven's glory to continue to love, serve and glorify His holy name with the angelic hosts that have been serving Him since the day they were created.
That is to say, that if you really love His Son Jesus Christ because he loves you, moreover lived the very holy life that fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the commandments to the full, performed miracles to heal the sick, liberated the dead from the grave and the power of the angel of death, then He wants you in heaven right now. Because, if you really love His Son Jesus Christ for the salvation-work that he has accomplished through the ages in heaven at the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, and on earth at Jerusalem's holy hill thus to establish His holy name within Jerusalem City everlastingly, then He wants you saved with His angels to continue to love His holy name into eternity.
Meaning that, once you begin to love and worship his admirable and glorious holy name that lives within His Son Jesus Christ's heart and atoning-blood than our heavenly Father will never again move His eyes much less blink as He will continue to watch you from heaven above, because He wants to hear you glorify His holy name continuously into eternity. And if the enemy begins to bother you or hinder the worship of His holy name within your heart and life, then He will curse the enemy and those wicked ones with him, for the love of His holy name, so you may continue to love, serve and exalt it unhindered within your life and that of your loved ones, too.
Surely, in heaven's glory, and before the angelic hosts, you are someone that has become dear loved and (someone) very especial in our heavenly Father's holy eyes, because He will always be asking His holy angels about your whereabouts, since He wants to know where you are loving, worshiping, and exalting His holy name through His Son Jesus Christ's remarkable life. Embrace our heavenly Father's holy name that lives in perfect holiness within His Son Jesus Christ's heart and atoning-blood that never ceases to bless you by removing sin, since the day you were born from our heavenly Father's image to live according to His Son's likeness on earth and in heaven's glory by the power of His Holy Spirit.
These days, our heavenly Father will certainly embrace you as you have never been embraced, that is, if you embrace His Son Jesus Christ bearing His holy name in perfect honor, holiness and glory forever into eternity on earth and in heaven's glory, so you may become loved and an especial lasting-treasure in our Father's eyes and of His holy angels. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1