Sábado, 14 de Junio, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
FELIZ DÍA DEL PADRE, le deseamos con mucho amor de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo a cada una de todas nuestras familias hermanas de nuestro gran continente iberoamericano, para que su Espíritu Santo siempre sea el Espíritu de sus vidas que los enriquece a cada momento con sus dones asombrosos y poderosos del cielo y de la tierra. Porque esta es la voluntad santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, de bendecirnos grandemente a cada hora con los dones asombrosos y todopoderosos de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo.
Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial siempre deseaba que cada uno de sus hijos e hijas sean grandemente bendecidos delante de su presencia santísima con oraciones muy especiales que movían su corazón bendito, para regarles de su rico amor y así no les falte jamás ninguno de sus favores. Por ejemplo, los Levitas (sacerdotes hebreos) estaban ordenados siempre a que bendigan grandemente a las familias de Israel cada día de sus vidas, por todo el desierto del Sinaí, para que siempre caminen bajo sus grandes bendiciones que se derrochan de su presencia santísima por todos los lugares del reino de los cielos, y de la tierra.
Por ello, los Levitas estaban obligados a decir ésta oración religiosa delante de las familias hebreas: Que nuestro Padre celestial (Adonai echod) te bendiga y te guarde; que el Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesucristo) te mire con agrado y te extienda su amor; que el Espíritu Santo (el Ruach Hakodesh) te manifieste su favor y te conceda la paz siempre. Y cuando ésta oración era declarada delante de los hebreos y hebreas con sus hijos e hijas, entonces nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo descendían sobre todos ellos para derramar grandemente de sus bendiciones asombrosas y todopoderosas, para que siempre sean proveídos de todo bien, en todo momento.
Hoy, haz cada día ésta oración y veras como nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo descienden a tu vida con bendiciones de arriba y de abajo también, de las cuales jamás pensaste vivirlas con las riquezas espirituales que no solo impartirán a tu vida, sino también a tus familiares y hasta tus amistades por doquier. Ésta oración es realmente muy antigua, la cual ha bendecido grandemente la vida de muchos hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas a través de los tiempos con bendiciones asombrosas y todopoderosas en contra de todos los males escondidos de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, para no sufrir más sus males, sino vivir por siempre gozos del bien del reino de Dios.
Feliz día del Padre a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas de todas nuestras naciones hermanas de nuestro gran continente Americano, se lo deseamos de todo corazón hoy y como siempre, en el nombre santísimo y Todopoderoso de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo, y de su Espíritu Santo.
MUCHOS DAMNIFICADOS EN PARAGUAY: Nuestras oraciones delante de nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, son para cada una de las familias paraguayas que han sufrido unos terribles embates de la naturaleza que ha dejado tras de si, destrucción y muchas familias sin hogar, al desbordarse su río que le dio el nombre a la nación. Son como 160 mil personas damnificadas, de las cuales nuestro Padre celestial desea ayudarlas pronto, antes que la situación se agrave, es decir, que vaya de mal en peor, si tan sólo le sirven a él, de la manera que él quiere que le sirvan, de acuerdo a las Escrituras, y esto es por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo.
Visto que, fue a su Hijo Jesucristo a quien nuestro Padre celestial envió para vencer al mundo, por amor a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las naciones, empezando por Israel, para que ya no sufran más los terribles males que les puede traer a sus vidas el mundo, sino que vivan infinitamente victoriosos, por los poderes de su Hijo amado. Porque ha sido sólo a su Hijo Jesucristo a quien nuestro Padre celestial le ha entregado los poderes del cielo y así también de todas las naciones del mundo, para que por medio de él, siempre escapen los males terribles que Satanás con sus ángeles caídos les traiga a sus vidas, si no viven protegidos bajo las alas poderosas del Señor Jesucristo.
Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les decía a los hebreos, por ejemplo: ¡Jerusalén, Jerusalén, que matas a los profetas y a los que te son enviados! Cuantas veces intente acercarte a mí, cómo a un padre a sus hijos e hijas, para que vivas eternamente tranquilo y protegido a cada hora así como la gallina recoge a sus polluelos y los retiene bajo la protección de sus alas extendidas para darles por siempre de su calor que tanto necesitan para vivir felices, y no quisiste.
He aquí, tu tierra es dejada desierta sin bendición ni protección ni ayuda alguna de nuestro Dios que está en el cielo, por cuanto no buscaste el rostro santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo ni menos pediste la extensión de su amor, entonces el Espíritu Santo se llevó su favor sin dejar su paz tras de si, para que vivas seguro en la tierra. Pues, desde ahora en adelante, no volverás a ver me hasta que digas en oración y alabando a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo sentado en la Silla de la Misericordia del Tabernáculo de Reunión: ¡Bendito el que viene en el nombre del SEÑOR!, declaró abiertamente en las calles de Israel a todos, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo.
Hoy, si todo Paraguay se acogiera bajo las alas protectoras de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo los bendeciría grandemente y los guardaría del enemigo, porque su Hijo Jesucristo siempre se agradaría de cada uno de ellos para extenderles su amor, y así el Espíritu Santo les manifestaría su favor y les concedería la paz. ¡Amén!
As the time came for humankind to approach from earth our Father in heaven, then, Cain and Abel offered their individual offerings and lamb sacrifices. Cain brought before our heavenly Father the best of the fruit from the land that he had cultivated through the season, while Abel brought the best choice of the many lambs that he had reared through the same time for blood sacrifice over His holy altar.
Our heavenly Father looked from heaven above, as from His ancient Throne of the Holy of Holiest within the Tabernacle of Reunion, and saw the offerings that the brothers had brought before Him at His holy altar. Our heavenly Father was not pleased with Cain's offering of the best of the fruit from the land, however with Abel's lambs from the best of the flocks then He became very pleased with him that He began to bless him by the power of the atoning-blood.
Cain realized that his offerings from the best fruit of the land were not accepted by our heavenly Father, then he began to feel dejected, because he could see that our heavenly Father had begun to bless Abel his brother with blessings that he needed to receive, so he may feel happy and completely fulfilled with happiness in life. Our heavenly Father said to Cain: Why do you look so down. You know that if you do right, you will be accepted; you know what you must do to be accepted, so go ahead and do it, without delay, by presenting an animal blood sacrifice over His open alter in heaven's glory.
Because, if you fail again to do that which is correct and pleasing in my holy presence on earth and within heaven's glory, then sin is at the door, and it is ready to overcome you until you are destroyed, that is, if you let him; but you must not let him come near to overcome you, instead you must master it. Truly, sin will attack and destroy you with the forces that he can master from Satan and his fallen angels, but you have the power nonetheless to present unto me a young lamb, so with its blood you may escape sin's wilds; otherwise, if you fail again to do what is correct in my sight, then you will succumb to sin forever.
Apparently, Cain failed to listen to our heavenly Father's fatherly counsel, so he may do exactly what his brother Able had done, and this is to shed the lamb's atoning-blood before our heavenly Father and His holy altar in heaven's glory, as within the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place to be accepted forever. Instead, Cain continued to be angry because his offering had not been accepted by our heavenly Father's holy altar, then he failed to say anything more to our Father in heaven nor did he said anything to anyone else much less to his brother Abel.
Meanwhile, what Cain did was to invite his brother Abel to go into the fields for a walk, perhaps to celebrate that his offering of the best of the flocks had been accepted over his offering from the best of the fruit from the land. While Cain and Abel had walked for a short time in the fields that our heavenly Father had blessed and that they both had worked through the seasons, then, Cain decided to attack his brother Abel with a rock, hitting him severely over the head, his arms, chest, legs thus his entire body began to bleed profusely.
Now, Abel was bleeding abundantly and Cain watched his brother breathed his last breath until he finally died--and he was not willing to walk away too far from his brother agonizing on the ground until he was sure that he was dead. Short after, seeing Cain that he had killed his brother Abel, and then he took his brother's lifeless body and hid him in a rock nearby, where he remained buried without anyone knowing where he is buried except him and our heavenly Father in heaven.
Cain abandoned the scene of the crime, thinking, that no one will ever know whatever happened to his brother Abel much less finds his lifeless body hiding in the rock that no one knew where it was in the large and wide field. Everything Cain did was fine, and he thought that no one will ever be able to find the scene of the crime much less his brother's lifeless body hidden in a distant rock that he had specially chosen to bury him thus to get rid of him forever, so he will not have to deal with him and his uprightness anymore.
However, Cain failed to realize that his brother's blood shed into the ground violently will not die easily as his fragile body would normally do but, instead it will continue to plea to our Father in heaven for justice and for the forgiveness of his brother's sin, so he may not have to die to descend into hell's torment forever cursed. That is when our heavenly Father asked Cain about his brother, by saying: Where is your brother Abel? I do not see around you anymore Where is he?
And Cain replied by saying: Am I my brother's keeper, I do not know where he may be now, you can look around the fields, perhaps you might find him there, tending his flocks as usual. Then our heavenly Father said to Cain: What you have done to your brother? The voice of his blood cries out to me from under the earth. This day, you have become cursed, for the evil that you have done to your brother by shedding his blood mercilessly to the ground, because he offered the best of his flock upon my altar that is in heaven thus to receive from me the blessings that he rightfully deserves from heaven above for him and for his loved ones forever.
Because of this evil, for the ground has opened its mouth to receive the blood of your brother from your hand, then, it will not yield to you its produce as it should thus a homeless fugitive and vagabond you will become on earth constantly wandering from place to place wherever you may go to live, our Father said to Cain. This punishment that you have passed against me is too heavy for me to carry, Cain said to our heavenly Father, and wherever I may go, because you have shunned me from your presence, and I can not longer see your face, then whoever may find me, then he may want to kill me--and they will whenever possible.
Whoever may find you, he will not kill you, because I will place a mark on your forehead, so he that may find you may not kill you, and if someone finds you to kill you, then seven fold your judgment I will place on him, our heavenly Father assured to Cain. And with our heavenly Father's final judgment against the first man born on earth from Adam and Eve, then Cain left His holy presence to be hiding from His face, so whenever he may want to seek our heavenly Father's holy face, then he will not be able to find Him, because of Abel's blood shed unjustly to the ground.
Moreover, since that day, every man, woman and child not only from Cain's descendants but also from all the families of the nations that every time that you may wish to see our heavenly Father's holy face, then you are hidden from Him and His holy face because of his only brother Abel's innocent-blood that Cain shed violently to the ground. Meaning that, also to this day and age every one is born with this terrible judgment passed by our heavenly Father against Cain, because of the innocent blood that he violently and unjustly shed to the ground, and that the blood's voice is heard daily before our Father in heaven for justice, truth and forgiveness to be fulfilled at last.
Therefore, each time that you may remember since the day you started to understand good and evil on earth, then your search for our Father's holy face began, but you failed to find Him constantly, because His final judgment passed against Cain follows you, so you will always fail to see His face until you may come to him the correct way. And the correct way that our heavenly Father will accept from you or any one from all the families of the nations is the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, because he is the one that brought into the world the atoning-blood with eternal life to be shed for everyone's salvation.
Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ did not only bring into Israel and the nations eternal life but also the sacred-body, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood filled with love, peace, prosperity, glory and never-ending happiness into all eternity to come for every one that believes within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation his blessed name. Moreover, if you receive our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase your sins forever, because, his atoning-blood is living-water and soap for our living souls to be washed clean from sin, curses, illnesses, death and the power of hell's torment, then, your name will be written next to Abel's name in heaven.
Because, Abel was the first man from earth that had his name written in the book of life that our heavenly Father always reads from time to time, since He loves to read the names of those that have received within their heart for justice to confess with their lips the blessed name of His Son Jesus Christ for eternal salvation. That is to say, also that if our heavenly Father can read your name written in His book of life that He personally holds dear as His valued possession in heaven's glory, then He will certainly remember you every time that He is ready to pour His blessing upon earth, so you may live a life that if filled with miracles always.
However, if your name is not written in His book of life as it should be already by now, then this means that Cain's judgment still follows you every day of your life, so whenever Satan and his cronies may see you then he will want to kill you because your name is written in his book in hell's torment forever. For the reason that, the truth is that if your name is not written yet in heaven's glory, as in our heavenly Father's book of life, then your name is certainly written in hell's torment, and this is, perhaps the reason that Satan can come against you with problems, difficulties, curses, infirmities and ready to push you into an early grave.
Certainly, as you have your name removed from Satan's book in hell's torment, then, his fallen angels will cease to come into your life with all kinds of terrible things ready to attack and destroy you until, somehow, you drop dead never to return to life again, because, your name fails to appear in the book of life in heaven's glory. For the reason that, most of the people in hell's torment are there these days, because Cain's judgment somehow caught up with them during their days of life on earth without ever knowing that they could have escaped this terrible judgment, if they had only believed within their heart that they had to please our heavenly Father with a Lamb blood-sacrifice.
That is to say, also that every one that has ever descended into hell's torment, it is because they have been deceived, lie-to, by Satan and his fallen angels through their every day crony that they always lend themselves to lie, so sin may attack and destroy those that failed to see that Cain's judgment is around the corner all the time. That is why, also that Cain wherever he went throughout the land, then our heavenly Father's holy face was hidden from him, so as his heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit desired to see Him, then this was impossible for him and for his children, too, and this is true until they will realize that Jesus Christ is heaven's continuous Lamb.
Surely, this happens to every one of us these days, even since the days we began to differentiate good from evil, for we wanted to see our heavenly Father's holy face, because we know that He is up there high above in heaven's glory, but we failed to see Him, because Cain's judgment is also in us, since he is our rebellious-father. For the reason that, Cain truly is the first man to be born from Adam and Eve on earth and later Abel was born becoming the second child, as our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven, he is second in command before our heavenly Father and then the Holy Spirit, so Abel represents our Lord Jesus Christ in our line of humanity.
Now, when Cain killed his brother Abel for no reasonable cause, and this was because his lamb offering from the best of his flock pleased our heavenly Father's holy heart to the full, then he was not only blessed and accepted on earth but also in heaven's glory, meaning that he could see our heavenly Father's holy face all the time. Because, the truth is that our heavenly Father gave birth to man in heaven, so he may be able to see His holy face anytime of his entire life, or whenever he may please, because there was not darkness of sin problem between them, furthermore man had been born always to live according to His likeness forever in heaven's eternal glory.
However, when Cain killed his brother Abel by shedding his blood to the ground and the voice of the blood began to cry out to our heavenly Father in heaven for justice and forgiveness for his brother Cain for having taken his life without any reason, then, our Father wanted to know directly from Cain what was that he had done. And since Cain failed to justify himself for taken his brother's life without any reason before our heavenly Father, then, he tried to hide his sin by hiding his brother's lifeless body within a distant rock, therefore, our Father was forced to pass judgment against him and his children by hiding His holy face, so sin will not offend Him again.
And because of this terrible sin that the first man born on earth from Adam and Eve committed against his own blood brother, Abel, then every man, woman and child are responsible for this death, whether they acknowledge it or not, because our Father's judgment has been passed against it, so justice and forgiveness may be fulfilled throughout the earth always. Furthermore, because of this terrible sin that Cain committed against his brother Abel by shedding his blood to the ground, then violence began to spread throughout the world until it became uncontrollable that it began to hurt in our heavenly Father's holy heart to have created man from His image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity.
That is to say, also that because of Abel's blood crying to our heavenly Father in heaven for justice and for forgiveness, then, Cain and his children failed constantly to reconcile with Abel's blood for the evil that was done to him, and so, violence instead of stopping, it continued to spread wildly and without a sign that it will eventually stop. Meaning that, Cain's children did not have in mind ever to reconcile with Abel's blood because of the evil that was unjustly done to him, so, our heavenly Father after realizing that Cain's children were not willing to reconcile with Abel's blood crying from the ground for justice and forgiveness, then, He decided to end all life on earth with water.
This will end the period of time that our heavenly Father granted Cain's children to reconcile with Abel's blood crying out to Him in heaven from under the ground for justice and for eternal forgiveness, so a new blood shed will take place again but, this time, it will be with a Covenant of Life between God and man within Canaan. This meant that our heavenly Father will end all life with a great flood of water from heaven above and from under the earth below, and only Noah with his children and chosen animals from all the species of their individual kingdoms will enter into the Arc, so they may survive the flood to start life anew on the earth again.
Then, the waters came, flooded the entire earth, all animal kingdoms died, except the ones that had been selectively chosen by our heavenly Father to enter into the Arc with Noah, his children and their wives to repopulate the earth again once the waters had drained to show dried ground, for the atoning-blood of the King Messiah to be shed timely. Then, once Noah with his children and their wives stepped on dried ground again with all the animals liberated from the Arc, immediately our heavenly Father sought that every specie will repopulate the entire earth with life, so Noah's children became nations as time went by, for the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was going to be born to shed his atoning-blood punctually.
For it was necessary for our heavenly Father to establish a Covenant of Life with humankind on earth first, so He may be able to introduce His very holy life into every man, woman and child, by eating and drinking from the Lord's Table the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily, for salvation to be possible forever. And this salvation that our heavenly Father is granting to every man, woman and child, certainly is not as the one that started with Abel as his blood was shed to the ground without a Covenant of Life, therefore, because of the absence of a living Covenant between God and men, then violence spread uncontrollably throughout the earth as wild fire.
In this new age, our heavenly Father will be able to control the shedding of the Lamb's atoning-blood, so justice may be fulfilled always for forgiveness to be granted immediately and without delay thus for life to continue to thrive abundantly with every man, woman and child throughout the nations of the entire world. And this time, our heavenly Father will be able to sit with every one, including angels, at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink the wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily to the angels in heaven and to those that are willing to love, serve and glory His holy name on earth and throughout all eternity forever.
Therefore, it was here where our heavenly Father began to have a very powerful relationship with Abram and his allies from everywhere that were sitting with Him and the Holy Spirit at the Lord's Table not to sacrifice a lamb and shed the atoning-blood but, this time, it was the Lamb with the atoning-blood himself serving the bread of life for salvation. In other words, the day that our heavenly Father sat down with Abram and his friends at the Lord's Table to eat the meal from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded hands, then: it was not necessary to sacrifice a lamb to shed the atoning-blood, for Jesus Christ is always the lamb serving his bread and wine for all to eat eternal life.
This also means that by Abram and his allies eating and drinking with our heavenly Father the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily in heaven's glory for the angels, then, they were all agreeing that they will finally shed God's Chosen Lamb atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to eat and drink from him always eternal life. Meaning that, by Abram and his friends sitting with our heavenly Father at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son Jesus Christ's wounded hands, then, no animal blood sacrifice was necessary to shed blood, because they were sitting together at Salem's gate (Jerusalem's holy hill) eating and drinking from God's Lamb the meal that grants justice, forgiveness, and abundant life forever.
That is why, that our heavenly Father could now grant Abraham the son that he had been waiting for his wife Sara to give him, because, it was time that Abraham may have a son of His own, so a new life may start on earth established or granted by our heavenly Father as they ate together at Jerusalem's holy hill reunion. For it is here where, our heavenly Father granted Adam and Eve, once more to have a son of their own, even though they were both dead for years gone by and forgotten already, nevertheless our Father granted them a son born from Sarah's barren-womb, for the Holy Spirit's life to thrive on earth again with Isaac, and this time forever.
On this day, our heavenly Father granted Adam and Eve long dead as lifeless withered-trees that will never see life again, nevertheless through Abraham and Sara just as dead, our Father intervened in their lives to return to them their son Abel by the power of the Holy Spirit, as Sara's barren-womb gave birth to Isaac for life to replenish the earth. This time, Isaac was not to die as Abel did at his brother Cain's hands, nevertheless the seed from our heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit that was in him will in good time, because the seed that was in Isaac is the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach that will finally shed his atoning-blood in the same place where Cain shed Abel's (blood).
Indeed, Abraham was happy to see Isaac born miraculously from Sarah his wife barren-womb, because, our heavenly Father had promised him that his wife would be pregnant in nine months later to give birth to a young lad, and his name will be Isaac, for in him, our heavenly Father had established His Covenant of Life to pour life on earth. Abraham thought that our heavenly Father's Covenant of Life would be with Ishmael born from Sarah's servant, Agar, but our Father's Covenant could never be with Ishmael his first born from Agar, but it will be confirmed in Isaac only born from the Holy Spirit's seed to grant eternal life dressed in the sacred-body to live it everlastingly in heaven's glory forever.
Therefore, once our heavenly Father had established His divine life on earth with Isaac, as he was born by the power of the Holy Spirit from Sara's barren-womb, then Jacob his brother could be born to become the twelve tribes of Israel branching into an eternal nation that will give birth to the King Messiah filled with love, forgiveness and everlastingly grace. Furthermore, because Isaac was born by the power of the Holy Spirit from his mother Sara's barren-womb, then, our heavenly Father was very happy to see Isaac have his son Jacob born from his wife Rebecca, for Israel to become the family of seventy persons that will descend into Egypt to escape the famine that had suddenly overwhelmed the entire earth.
Timely, our Father had to show Jacob on his way to Paddan-Aram to find a wife for himself from his father's relatives, so he may marry and have a family that will continue through the years the legacy of the many promises of the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father established with Abraham, for His only Son to be born soon. Then, on his way to find a wife in the hometown of his relatives, Jacob became tired of traveling, so he decided to rest for the night and pick a rock to sleep over it, and while he was sleeping, low and behold, he could see three trees lineup in succession that looked as a ladder touching Heaven's Gates.
While still dreaming, our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Jacob from the middle of the three lineup-trees that resembled a ladder over Jerusalem's holy hill, where he could see angels descending from heaven to earth and others ascending from earth to heaven, and Jesus Christ said: Jacob, I am the God of Abraham and the God of your father Isaac. This land where you are resting your head over a rock for the night is a land that I have given it to you and to your descendants after you, if you only accept me as your Lord and savior just as your fathers did, so blessings may descend into you, for your children will be as numerous as the stars above.
It was here where Jacob had to see and accept Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior, as he spoke to him from the middle of the three lineup trees where he was hanging nailed to the lifeless trees of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill, so Israel could be born accordingly to the Covenant of Life established with Abraham. That is to say, also that Israel was born from Jerusalem's holy hill, that is why our Father loved this land, as Jacob saw His Son Jesus Christ hanging in the middle of the two trees as eternal witness of his crucifixion and shedding of his atoning-blood to give life to Israel, even thought Israel had not been born yet entirely on earth.
Then Jacob surprised by our Lord Jesus Christ's words to him and his people, then he said: I did not know that this place is the House of God, because I can see angels ascending from earth to heaven and others descending from heaven to earth through this ladder that is before me over the top of this amazing holy hill. And after Jacob put into words his astonishment and what he had seen been manifested over the anointed-rock, and the words of Jesus Christ that He had to say to him in person, moreover the blessings that He had pronounced for his children that were going to inherit the land of Canaan, then, he prophetically anointed the rock with olive oil.
Jacob needed to anoint the rock with oil, because in his dream he saw the rock been anointed by our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, pouring from him, so he may seal the Covenant that he had started with him thus to receive blessings, moreover bless his children to inherit the land where the King Messiah had appeared to him over the injured-rock. Once Jacob had anointed with oil the injured-rock, where he slept over the night, as Jesus Christ manifested himself in person, just as he manifested openly to Abraham, Isaac and now him, then, he continued on his way to find his wife thus to start a family that will become our heavenly Father's dream nation born directly from over Jerusalem's holy hill.
Then, Jacob had his kids, and the most prominent one was Joseph his young lad that our heavenly Father showed him dreams that will impact the first family of Israel thus to enrich it, as they would never think to become that rich on earth while the entire world suffered famine and total devastation. Joseph dreamed that his ten older brothers and the sun with the moon bow down low to him, in reverence, as in a form of submission, something that he failed to understand much less make heads and tails from it; nevertheless he told his father Jacob about the dream, and Jacob's reaction to his dream was anger.
Jacob became angry at Joseph immediately, because he thought that he with his wife and children will bow down to him been that he is the smallest of his kids, again; nevertheless, even though he had become angry at his young lad dreams, he continued to consider them in his heart--but his older brothers wanted to kill him whenever possible. The time came, when Jacob sent Joseph his kid son to look for his older brothers that had left the house to tend the sheep flocks in the nearby fields of Canaan, however they had gone for a long time already, so he wanted to know how well they were doing with the flocks, and if they needed anything at all.
But as Joseph approached the area where his elder brothers were tending the flocks, then, because they just hated him, they plotted to kill him, given that no one was around to oppose them in what they wanted to do with their kid brother, except Ruben that defended him, and tried his best to destroy the wicked plot that could kill Joseph. Nevertheless, as soon as Joseph came close to them, then, they grabbed him to throw him in a deep nearby dried well, so he may be abandoned there until he will eventually die of thirst and starvation, but, at the same time, a caravan of Ishmaelite merchants was passing by, so they decided that it was best to sell him.
The Ishmaelite were happy to pay few silver coins for Joseph, and, after they made the exchange, the merchants continue on their way to do their merchant work in the nearby cities, finally entering into Egypt where Joseph was sold. Meanwhile, to hide the evil that they had done to their young brother Joseph, then, they realized that they had to explain to their father the whereabouts of their missing brother, so the best way to explain to their father Jacob about the whereabouts of their kid son then they took the blood of the lamb and soaked his colored poncho.
Later, as they went back home, then they took with them Joseph's poncho that had been soaked into an animal's blood that they had probably sacrificed to eat their meals in the fields where they tended their flocks--thus with the animal sacrifice's blood that they used to soak Joseph's poncho they happily ate the price that they received to banish him. This meal that Joseph's brothers had while eating the lamb that they had used the blood to soak his colored poncho thus to make their father believe that a wild beast had probably devoured him, then, it turned not just for them but also for the nations into a worldwide famine that was ready to destroy them if not controlled immediately.
Here we see that men, women and children without knowing what they are truly doing, then they can either sit with our Father to eat the meal from His Son Jesus Christ's hands as Abraham and his pals did for life, or sit with Satan as Joseph's brother's did to banish their brother thus endangering themselves and the nations with death, famine. While Joseph became a citizen of Egypt, because he was sold to the family of the Pharaoh, then he found favor in all the people that surrounded him, since our Lord Jesus Christ was always with him thus to bless him powerfully everywhere he may go to do his daily duties commanded unto him by his every day master.
Within Egypt, Satan tried to destroy Josehph's righteous life with lies and calumnies, because Satan somehow knew what our heavenly Father was ready to do with him, moreover he was one of the sons from Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that had sealed a Covenant of Life with the Creator of the heavens and earth, so Satan had to stop him immediately. Nevertheless, all the wickedness that Satan with his cronies may have thrown into his path with lies, calumnies, and terrible immoral-people, as the wife of Potiphar his master that wanted him to go to be with her, and so, as she tried to pull him into her bed deceivingly, immediately he ran out from her room, leaving behind his cloak.
Potiphar's wife falsely accused Joseph of trying to raped her by making terrible screams, as Joseph ran out from her room to which she had deceivingly called him into it, to make him lie down with her, so Joseph with the cloak that he left behind, then it was used as proof that he had been into her room to attack her. Immediately, Joseph was arrested and put in jail, but Joseph's enemies failed to realize that as they put him into jail, for something that he never did, then also our heavenly Father went into jail with him and His Son Jesus Christ, so the only thing that Joseph along with the people in jailed experienced was total blessing every day.
Surely, our heavenly Father was faithful to Joseph because of the Covenant of Life that He had to honor to the full, for Abraham's children finally to become a powerful nation within in Egypt, therefore Israel had to live in Egypt to escape the famine taking on the nations, since the seven skinny ugly cows had to eat the seven fat ones. This meant that all the produce within the nations will fail, therefore people with all the animals will go hungry and thirsty, unless Joseph was able to cultivate the land to store up all the goods to sell to the people, so they may have food to eat in the seven years of famine to come upon the entire earth.
This was a dream that our heavenly Father had given to Pharaoh of Egypt, and no one of his best people could interpret it, however the people that had become acquainted with Joseph in jail, then they knew that he could interpret the dreams that Pharaoh was restless to know, so our heavenly Father will finally carry out His will timely. Joseph was able to cultivate the land to store up all the goods produced in the seven good years of the fat cows, so not only Egypt but also Israel and the surrounding nations could buy the food that they needed to eat to survive through the years of famine that the Pharaoh became very rich--unable to measure his richness.
This richness that our heavenly Father had blessed Egypt to accumulate through the seven blessed-years were goods to store up for the Egyptians but also for Israel to grow powerfully thus to become the nation that He will finally call to cross the Red sea, to stand at Mount Sinai, and serve Him by marching towards the Promised Land forever faithful. Meaning that, our heavenly Father made Egypt very rich, and, perhaps the most rich nation in those days, because our heavenly Father wanted to teach the Egyptians how to accumulate all the goods of the land abundantly, so Israel may not only become a nation but also a very rich one thus to star on their way to conquer Canaan forever.
Besides, our heavenly Father knew that Israel had entered with seventy of their members to live in Egypt until they may become a powerful nation after four-hundred and thirty years of captivity, so they may not only leave from Egypt to start on their way to the Promised Land as a very large nation, but also as a very rich one. Therefore, while Israel was living in Egypt, then, our heavenly Father was with them along with His Son Jesus Christ, because He had promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob that He will never abandon them wherever they may go to live on earth, so they may always have His blessings and constant protection due to the sealed initial Covenant of Life.
That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ never ceased to be Israel's high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood thus to bless, forgive, prosper and protect every man, woman and child within Israel, because there was always a Covenant of Life that had to be honored and exalted every day until they finally may enter heaven's glory forever blessed. In other words, our Lord Jesus Christ never abandoned Israel within Egypt, within the Red sea as they were crossing it in dried ground, at Mount Sinai's injured-rock, through the desert as they defeated powerful enemy nations that our heavenly Father needed to destroy them to stop the spread of sin worldwide, through conquering of Canaan, and until today as well.
For our heavenly Father's Covenant of Life that started with Abraham and his allies is forever, so Israel along with the families of the nations may finally reach to the full the eternal blessings that were granted by Him to each one of them and to their children's children for many generations finally to conquer heaven's glory forever saved into eternity. Considering that, the true Promise Land that our heavenly Father had in mind to this day to introduce them forever to live with Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelic host with saved people from ancient nations around the world is the New Jerusalem from heaven above where His love thrives powerfully with everlasting happiness into eternity.
That is why, that Israel had to abandon Egypt with great powers and miracles to cross the Red sea in dry ground into the desert, so they may stand at Mount Sinai's foot to drink from the injured-rock, where his Son Jesus Christ was hidden from them, so he may give them to drink abundantly from his atoning-blood turned into living-water. Furthermore, it is also here, at the mountaintop where our heavenly Father not only gave Moses the two tablets of the Ten Commandments written with his finger the glorious life not only of our Lord Jesus Christ but also the eternal life of every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, so they may become eventually saved sometime soon.
Because, it was our heavenly Father's will that Abraham's children along with the families of the nations may be filled with the eternal life of His Son Jesus Christ, by receiving his amazing holiness and perfection that he can freely grant to those that believe within their hearts for justice to confess with the lips for salvation his anointed name. That is why, that our heavenly Father had to have Moses over the mountaintop with Him for forty days and forty nights, so he will meet His Son Jesus Christ in person as the high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, furthermore get him acquainted with the Tabernacle of Reunion, because it was going to be granted to Israel to possess.
For Israel along with the nations needed to have this glorious Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, because, it was here where our heavenly Father's high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood imparts perfect holiness to the angels in heaven and to every one on earth that most be saved thus to reenter eternal life forever saved into eternity. Therefore, when the time was right, our heavenly Father immediately, by the power of the Holy Spirit, caused the Tabernacle that Moses had visited for forty days and forty nights to descend into the Sinai's desert through the Holy Spirit and His holy angels, as Moses along with everyone within Israel worked day-and-night to cause it to run as perfect as ever.
This is the eternal Tabernacle of Reunion from heaven's glory that our heavenly Father had granted Israel to possess forever, as part of the Covenant of Life that He had established personally with Abraham and his friends at Salem's gate, so perfect holiness may be imparted to all that believe in His Son Jesus Christ's bread and wine to eat for salvation. For this is the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place where every one from Israel and foreigners living in the midst of them could bring their individual lamb sacrifice at the entrance of the Tabernacle to meet the Lord Jesus Christ, so the atoning-blood of the sacrificed-animal may be shed and spread over His altar for the forgiveness of sin.
And any animal sacrifice that was done by the Hebrews or by the foreigners living in the midst away from the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Most Holy of Holiest in heaven's glory, then, that one was cut out from the congregation of the Lord, because by sacrificing to shed the animal's atoning-blood away from the Tabernacle's entrance is sin forever. For our heavenly Father will only receive and accept perpetually the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ that had been shed already as God's Lamb within the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion since the Creation of the world, so all things could be created within the earth along with every man, woman and child, starting with Adam and Eve in paradise.
Surely, these rituals and ceremonies of perfect holiness had to be conducted always at the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place, because, this is exactly where His Son Jesus Christ was going to shed his atoning-blood at the Gate of Jerusalem, the chosen city of the Great King from heaven above, so his atoning-blood may welcome everyone into heaven. Moreover, through the Sinai's desert, Israel along with the foreigners in their midst they continue to present their daily animal-sacrifice at the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, so they may finally conquer not only the enemy nations but also Canaan, so they may eat from the milk and honey of the Promised Land into eternity.
Therefore, as Israel entered the land of Canaan, then they did it boldly with our Lord Jesus Christ as their eternal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to be shed duly at Jerusalem's holy hill and Gate to heaven's glory, so sin will no longer have power over them much less the angel of death and Satan from hell's torment. This was the true victory that our heavenly Father was looking from heaven above upon the entire earth, specially within Jerusalem's holy hill and Gate to heaven, so sin will no longer be a problem, much less Satan and his fallen angels that are always ascending from hell's torment to attack, mislead and destroy the families of the nations.
Therefore, from Egypt's captivity into the Promised Land our heavenly Father's high priest and Lamb with the eternal atoning-blood was carry through the Sinai's desert within the Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory into the land of Canaan, so he may be born finally to rule Israel and the nations with truth, justice and life for every one. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father had to have His Son Jesus Christ carry through the Sinai's desert enclosed within His ancient Tabernacle of the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to conquer Canaan for Israel, because this is how through David's virgin womb His only Son was to enter into Israel and humanity with everyone's eternal salvation forever.
For the Scriptures had to be fulfilled where it says that a virgin will give birth to a child and his dominion will be forever and ever into eternity thus to rule Israel and the nations with perfect holiness before our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit, so His holy name may be worshipped to continue to conquer new glories even beyond eternity. Timely, David's virgin daughter gave birth to a child by the power of the Holy Spirit, because this was our heavenly Father's Covenant of Life with Abraham and his children, so His Son Jesus Christ will not only grant us life but also the glorious body to fulfill and glorify the Holy Spirit of the Commandments forever.
For it was His Son Jesus Christ born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter that had the divine attributes from our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit as well to live the divine life that will never sin against the eternal commandments within the land of Israel, so every one may attain eternal salvation at last. Considering that, without the proper sanctification, glorification and fulfillment of the Holy Spirit of the commandments within the land of Israel then forgiveness from sin, healing, prosperity and eternal salvation to reenter our living souls into heaven's glory, it was totally impossible into all eternity to come, so, only our Lord Jesus Christ had power to fulfill the commandments to the full.
Moreover, as our Lord Jesus Christ fulfilled the commandments within the midst of the people of Israel, then, he was also performing great miracles, amazing wonders on earth and in heaven above, so every work that Satan with his fallen angels had introduced into Israel may be destroyed forever, for people to live finally in perfect Righteousness before our Father in heaven. The people within Israel followed our Lord Jesus Christ everywhere he went throughout the land preaching and teaching always the perfect and holy ways of our heavenly Father in heaven for the entire earth, so people from everywhere may abandon darkness to enter into the light that our heavenly Father had granted Abraham and his children to meet Him in person always.
Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ healed the sick, fed the poor, cast out devils, commanded sickness to disappear and never to return to afflict the lives of his people, and even raised the dead from the grave, because he along is the high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood full of everyone's life forever. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ was able to do all things with wonderful miracles by the millions for his people and even foreigners, too, because he has the power and authority of a high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to do so all the time, so no one will ever miss his blessing from heaven above.
Favorably, when our Lord Jesus Christ asked the Pharisees, for example, about John, then he wanted know if they could tell him, if the baptism that John was administering to the Israelites was from heaven above or not; and the Pharisees said to him: we do not know. (Now, the Pharisees answered to our Lord Jesus Christ this way, by saying that they did not know if John's baptism was from heaven or not, although they new better, it was because they feared the people of Israel, since they knew very well knew that John's baptism was from God above, so they said: we do not know.)
This is when our Lord Jesus Christ said to the Pharisees, well, if you failed to tell me the truth but, instead you agreed among yourself to lie, without lawfully recognizing that John's baptism is from heaven above, then I will not tell you either with what powers and authorities I do all things for the people of Israel. However, even though our Lord Jesus Christ was the presence of our heavenly Father and of His every day blessing in the midst of his people and foreigners, then Satan plotted to kill him through the power of the Sanhedrin (council of Hebrew justice), so as they judged him for things that they said they were wrong, they found him innocent eventually.
Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ through the process of being judged by the Sanhedrin, then they could never find anything against him, so they may condemn him thus to put him to death (because they just wanted to stop his work or get rid of him at any cost), so they concluded that he was good all the way through--blameless. That is to say, that the Sanhedrin find out, within all their findings against our Lord Jesus Christ, that he was innocent from all the things that they were accusing him, moreover even the liars' testimonies that the Sanhedrin had hired falsely to accuse him came to nothing--but they finally voted to condemn him to death anyhow.
By the Sanhedrin doing this evil against a great, powerful, holy, perfect and beyond reproach life visiting them from heaven above through the Holy Spirit to live a perfect and holy life to perform miracles and amazing wonders to liberate people from hell's torment, then, they condemned Abel again with the frenzy that Cain felt the day he killed his brother. This is a wrongful death for a second time, it reaffirmed our heavenly Father's judgment against Cain for shedding his brother Abel's blood to the ground with any justifiable reason to cause his demise, therefore the accusers of our Lord Jesus Christ soon they found themselves homeless, out casts from the Promised Land, wanders with death waiting around every corner.
That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ finally cried to Israel by saying to her people: How often I tried to gather your children from all over the world as a hen will gather her chicks under her wings with love to protect them; I tried the same with your children Israel, Jesus Christ cried out, but you walked away indifferently. So, now the land that was given to you is left desolate, because of the judgment that was passed by my Father in heaven against Cain for killing his brother Able by shedding his blood to the ground to cry out around the clock for justice and for your forgiveness, so you will never descend into hell's torment forever lost.
I tell you Israel, you will not see me again unless you say: Blessed is he that comes in the name of the LORD! Therefore, if today you will like to see our Lord Jesus Christ come back to you and Israel to execute our heavenly Father's will, then you must say with your lips believing with your heart for justice: Blessed is the Lord Jesus Christ that comes to us in the name of our heavenly Father, so your sins may be forgiven forever.
This means that all of your sins will be forgiven forever, if you only confess our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as Lord that is all you have to say: Jesus Christ is LORD! And as you make this confession with your lips in prayer before our heavenly Father in heaven, believing within your heart for justice, then his atoning-blood as living-water and soap will wash you clean thus to live your life completely liberated from Satan's lies, curses, calumnies, deceptions, and terrible destruction for you to die forever cursed in hell's torment.
Surely, as your sins are erased forever, because our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is as living-water and soap to wash us clean from all sins, curses, infirmities, problems and terrible threats of death that Satan may have thrown against you, then, your names will show in the book of life instantly to live forever in eternal happiness with our heavenly Father. At last, you have made peace with the innocent blood that Cain, the first man born on earth from Adam and Eve, shed to the ground at Jerusalem's holy hill, and later our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood was also shed by his brothers at the same place, so you may live liberated from Satan and his every day wicked cronies forever.
This means that you will finally begin to live your life with all the blessings that had been granted to you by our heavenly Father, as He personally sealed His Covenant of Life with Abraham and his friends, as they all ate and drank from His Son Jesus Christ living-bread and cup of wine for eternal life. This is the ancient happiness that you must live these days with your loved ones and even with your friends from everywhere, because once you make peace with Abel's blood shed by our earthly father Cain, the rebel, moreover make peace with our Lord Jesus Christ shed at the same at Jerusalem's holy hill by his brothers--then, you are free at last!
And this is exactly what you need these days to be free as our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, the angelic host and every man, woman and child through the ages have become liberated from evil to enjoy the pristine-life that has been prepared for us since even before the foundation of the world. Truly, once you make the sinner's prayer before our Father in heaven's glory, then His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood will erase your sins forever, moreover continue to keep you clean from Satan's cruel lies, curses and terrible calumnies that hide unspeakable deceptions that will take you deeper into hell's torment, that is, if Jesus Christ is not your high priest and Lamb.
Our heavenly Father allowed His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to be shed nailed over Adam and Eve's dried lifeless crossed-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill, so his atoning-blood may be your daily living-water and soap to wash you from sin, curses, sicknesses, diseases, and terrible threats of death in hell's torment, so you may live heaven's eternal life on earth these days. Today is the day to make peace with our heavenly Father through the atoning-blood that was shed for you over Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may have your name written in the book of life granting you blessings in sequence, for you, for your loved ones, and for your friends, as well, thus to glorify His holy name in your heart everlastingly. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1