Sábado, 13 de Diciembre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica
(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)
Mientras Moisés apacentaba las ovejas de su suegro Jetro, sacerdote de Madián, de pronto se le apareció el Ángel del SEÑOR de en medio de una zarza que ardía fuertemente, sobre el monte Sinaí, pero no se consumía, ni hacía daño alguno en todo su derredor. Y esto era algo que estaba sucediendo por largo tiempo, y que se podía ver desde grandes distancias, lo cual le llamaba la atención mucho, que lo único que hacia era pensar en ello: porque éste fuego sigue ardiendo sobre lo alto del monte, sin regarse hacia otros lados, como sucede normalmente con cualquier fuego que arde de esta manera incesantemente.
Ciertamente, era un fuego que no solamente había llamado la atención de sus ojos, pero había invadido su corazón hasta el punto que ya ardía grandemente dentro de todo su ser, pero sin hacerle daño alguno, de igual forma. Y esto, sin duda, le llamaba mucho más la atención y el deseo de estar ya cerca de él, para ver porque éste fuego era tan atractivo a la vista y al corazón y, a la vez, muy extraño, como algo nunca antes visto por nadie.
Realmente, era nuestro Padre celestial, su Hijo Jesucristo, y el Espíritu Santo que le estaban llamando de entre la zarza de los árboles sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén que ardían con fuego del holocausto continuo, para no solamente comenzar a alumbrar la vista y el corazón de Moses, sino también de Israel y de las naciones, porque venían a salvarlos. Y mientras Moisés se acercaba cada vez más hacia donde estaban los árboles ardiendo fuertemente, pero sin hacerle daño a él, ni a nada en todo el derredor del monte Sinaí, entonces de en medio de los árboles o cruces en llamas, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como el Ángel del SEÑOR, le empezó a hablar a él con mucho amor.
Inmediatamente, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dice a Moisés: Quítate las sandalias de tus pies, porque el lugar en donde estás parado santo es--éste es el lugar del sacrificio continuo el cual no puede contaminarse con nadie ni nada jamás--para perdón, salud, bendición y liberación de Israel y de las naciones. Ciertamente, Moisés se encontraba en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial en un árbol, de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en el árbol de en medio, y del Espíritu Santo en el otro árbol, y los árboles eran los mismos que Jacobo había visto en su sueño, camino al pueblo de la parentela de su padre Isaac, buscando a su esposa.
Además, estos árboles formaban las mismas cruces que Jacobo había visto en su sueño, los cuales eran como una escalera que se formaba ascendiendo hacia el cielo, pero esta vez estaban sobre el monte Sinaí delante de Moisés y ardiendo como siempre, para dejarle saber a él y a todo Israel que estos son los Dioses salvadores de sus antepasados. Visto que, cuando Moisés obedeció a la voz de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo que le hablaba de en medio de la zarza ardiendo en fuego, osea los árboles, para decirle que tenia que quitarse las sandalias de sus pies, porque el lugar en donde él estaba parado santo es perpetuamente, entonces Dios estaba listo para darle su nombre santo.
Aquí es que cuando nuestro Padre celestial le dice a Moisés, desde una de las cruces: yo soy el Dios de Abraham, y luego nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dice: yo soy el Dios de Isaac, y finalmente el Espíritu Santo le dice: yo soy el Dios de Jacobo; e inmediatamente Moisés entendió que estaba ante Dios, y sintió un miedo profundo. Y mientras Moisés sentía éste miedo tan profundo dentro de su corazón y de todo su ser, entonces quería huir de la presencia de Dios, pero no podía, porque tenia que hablar con nuestro Padre celestial, con el Señor Jesucristo y con el Espíritu Santo, para ver que se podía hacer para salvar a Israel del cautiverio Egipcio.
Entonces Moisés se quedó al pie del monte santo de Jerusalén sobre todo lo alto del monte Sinaí, para dialogar abiertamente con Dios, para ver que se puede hacer al fin para redimir a Israel de su eterno cautiverio en Egipto, el cual ya llevaba más de cuatrocientos años de oscuridad, y sin la esperanza de escapar algún día. Y de en medio de las tres cruces o árboles la voz le venia a Moisés para decirle que él había visto el sufrimiento de su pueblo Israel en Egipto, y que estaba listo para empezar todo lo que sea necesario para liberarlo del poder del enemigo que lo estaba llevando hacia la muerte y destrucción eterna.
Asustado, Moisés le dice al Señor Jesucristo que le hablaba como le hablo a Jacobo, de en medio de las tres cruces, para decirle que él no era quien para no solamente decirle a Israel de que el Dios de sus padres estaba sobre el monte Sinaí para redimirlos, sino que tampoco podía ir al Faraón para hablarle así. Y el Señor Jesucristo le decía a Moisés: Tú muy bien puedes ir y hacer todo lo que te he dicho, para que no solamente se lo dejes saber a Israel sino también al Faraón, porque yo mismo estaré contigo para confirmar cada una de las palabras que salga de tu boca.
Entonces Moisés le dice al Señor Jesucristo: Y si mis hermanos me preguntan quien es éste Dios que te ha hablado así, para que nos digas todas estas cosas, y cual es su nombre, entonces que les diré. Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo a Moisés: tú les dirás que el Dios de Abraham, el Dios de Isaac, y el Dios de Jacobo te ha hablado, y les hablaras así a ellos y yo mismo estaré contigo, para confirmar cada una de todas las palabras que te he dicho.
Porque, ciertamente, yo los librare del cautiverio egipcio con mi mano todopoderosa, ya que yo sé que Faraón no los dejara ir a no ser que yo le manifieste mis poderes para hacer de mis maravillas, y entonces los dejara ir, después de que yo haya llevado acabo mis juicios y maravillas por el pecado de ellos en contra de Israel. Por eso, yo he descendido sobre éste monte, para no solamente liberarlos del cautiverio egipcio, sino también para llevarlos a vivir a una tierra nueva que fluye leche y miel a tres días de camino por el desierto del Sinaí, en donde habitan los cancaneos, jebuseos, amorreos, heveos y heteos.
Y les dirás a los hebreos que YO SOY EL QUE SOY los ha escogido a todos ellos y a sus hijos aun por nacer, para que habiten éstas tierras gloriosas que fluyen leche y miel y así la posean para siempre, para gloria y honra de mi nombre santo, el cual conocerán en su día. Y mientras nuestro Señor Jesucristo hablaba con Moisés, de en medio de las tres cruces ardientes, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén que descansaba sobre el monte Sinaí, entonces nuestro Padre celestial y el Espíritu Santo confirmaban cada una de las palabras que Moisés había recibido, para entregárselas inmediatamente a todo Israel.
Porque estás eran palabras fieles y verdaderas que necesitaba Israel de parte de nuestro Padre celestial como el Dios de Abraham, de parte de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo como el Dios de Isaac, y de parte del Espíritu Santo como el Dios de Jacobo que le dio vida a Israel, por el poder de la sangre del pacto, caminando hacia Padan-aram. Entonces Moisés descendió del monte Sinaí con el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial, con el nombre de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, y con el nombre del Espíritu Santo que le había hablado a su corazón como el Dios Todopoderoso de grandes maravillas, para redimir a Israel con los poderes de este nombre santísimo de su cautiverio eterno e infernal.
Y éste nombre santísimo bendijo grandemente a Moisés departe de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, porque cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo le hablaba a él, de en medio de las tres cruces ardiendo en el fuego de la sangre del pacto eterno, entonces era Jesucristo quien bendice grandemente a Israel con el nombre santísimo. Porque es nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo quien lleva el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo en todo su ser santísimo y en perfecta santidad, por todos los lugares del reino de los cielos para los ángeles santos y así también de las familias de toda la tierra, para alcanzar nuevas glorias aun nunca antes conquistadas.
Por esta razón, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo no solamente le hablo a Moisés sino también a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, porque sólo él es el camino, la verdad y la vida para entrar a la vida eterna y ver a nuestro Padre celestial y al Espíritu Santo, para siempre. Ya que, solamente en él está el nombre santísimo que nadie jamás lo podrá entender ni menos conocer a no ser que esta persona vuelva a nacer del poder del Espíritu Santo, porque éste nombre de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo es admirable infinitamente y sólo por el renacimiento del Espíritu Santo llegamos a él.
Además, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba liberar a Israel de Egipto no solamente porque quería liberarlos de sus opresores eternos, sino también porque necesitaba que cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias en el cautiverio egipcio finalmente llegasen a tener un encuentro personal con su Dios eterno, el Dios de sus antepasados. Por lo tanto, Israel tenia que regresar con Moisés al monte Sinaí para no solamente ver al monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces envueltas en llamas que arden furiosamente, sin hacer daño en todo su derredor, sino que tenían que beber de la sangre del pacto eterno convertida en agua viva para calmar su sed que los estaba matando.
Porque nuestro Padre celestial después de haber liberado a Israel con su mano Todopoderosa y llena de maravillas y de prodigios, entonces los hizo cruzar el mar Rojo en seco para acercarse al monte Sinaí, para ver exactamente lo que Moisés vio, y esto es el monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces ardiendo en línea como una escalera hacia el cielo. Y nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Moisés: Yo te voy a dar a beber agua de la roca que yo te mostrare, al pie del monte Sinaí, para que tú con todo Israel y sus animales bebas hasta no poder beber más, porque tienen un camino largo que recorrer para entrar al fin a la tierra que fluye leche y miel.
Aquí, y al pie del monte Sinaí, nuestro Padre celestial le mostró la roca que nadie conocía ni había visto jamás, para hablarle y así hacerla brotar agua viva, para que todos beban y así calmar su sed que era la misma sed tan agobiante como la se que sufren los que están en el infierno, pidiendo de ésta agua permanentemente. Entonces después de haber bebido del agua que brotó de la roca para no solamente darle de beber a todo Israel y a sus animales, sino que también se formó en un río que se perdió por el horizonte, para satisfacer la sed de las naciones; porque nuestro Padre celestial desea convertir el desierto del Sinaí en un paraíso terrenal al fin.
Y esto era sólo posible, si Moisés con todo Israel le obedeciese a cada uno de sus mandatos, mandatos que él mismo se los daba diariamente desde su lugar santísimo del monte santo de Jerusalén y siempre sobre su cruz así como nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo estaban en sus respectivas cruces, para bendecir a todo el pueblo. Y cuando todos terminaron de beber de la roca, la cual es el monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo vertida al pie de la cruz, entonces alzaron sus miradas para ver al que vive por los siglos de los siglos, y éste es nuestro Padre celestial, con su Hijo Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo.
Y después de haber visto a la roca del monte santo de Jerusalén, por un largo tiempo, porque los hebreos miraban con gran admiración al monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces encendidas como una escalera hacia el cielo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, entonces estaban listos para comenzar a caminar hacia Canaán. Y mientras los hebreos caminaban hacia la tierra prometida para poseerla para siempre, de acuerdo a la palabra santa dada a Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, entonces la SHEKINAH sobre sus cabezas llevaba el monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces ascendiendo hacia el cielo que Jacobo conocía muy bien y ahora Moisés y todo Israel, para entrar a Canaán victoriosos.
Verdaderamente, éste es el monte santo de Jerusalén, por el cual nuestro Padre celestial y así también nuestro Señor Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo le manifestaron a Moisés claramente, de que él con Israel regresarían a éste monte para servirle a Dios, perpetuamente, y éste es el monte santo de Jerusalén con las cruces ardiendo y más no el monte Sinaí. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial liberó a Israel del cautiverio egipcio para que le sirviesen a él y a su Hijo junto con su Espíritu Santo cada día en la tierra y así también en el cielo sobre el monte santo de Israel, porque es aquí sobre la cruz y al pie de ella donde está la sangre del pacto derramaba para perdonar.
Entonces fueron los hebreos que llevaron el monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces ardiendo como fuego consumidor, porque sobre la cruz del Señor Jesucristo iba a ser clavado el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo sobre Jerusalén, para siempre, para que se cumpliese la escritura manifestada a David y todo Israel. Por lo tanto, era necesario que el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, el cual es admirable y nadie lo entiende, sea clavado sobre la cruz de Adán y Eva, para que ellos alcancen el perdón y la bendición de ser infinitamente redimidos del infierno, para que todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña alcance también su perdón, bendición y salvación eterna.
Y muchos preguntaran: donde está el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces que Jacobo llamó: ¿escalera que asciende con los ángeles hacia el cielo? La repuesta es que está en su lugar eterno y de siempre en el reino de los cielos, para ser usada para orar y así servile al SEÑOR por siempre no solamente por los ángeles sino también para cada uno de todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones.
Porque éste monte santo de Jerusalén es único y puede aparecerse o estar en cualquier lugar del cielo y así también en cualquier hogar y lugar de todas las naciones, para orar con nuestro Padre celestial en su cruz, y con nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su cruz de en medio, y con el Espíritu Santo en su cruz también como testigos fieles. Como en el sueño de Jacobo, por ejemplo, el monte santo de Jerusalén se apareció con las tres cruces y con la sangre del Señor Jesucristo derramada sobre ella, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo es el sacrificio continuo no solamente del cielo para los ángeles sino también de las naciones, para crear y recrear todo lo que tenga que ser creado y recreado.
Realmente, es nuestro Señor Jesucristo quien está siempre entre el medio de las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, para abogar por cada uno de nosotros como nuestro Señor y salvador, sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que nos limpia de todo pecado, como jabón y agua, para que Satanás se aleje de nosotros, para siempre. Por lo tanto, es únicamente aquí, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo nos espera para dialogar sobre cada una de todas las cosas que desees hablar con él, para resolverlas, porque sólo él tiene tu bendición, para entregártela ya al pie de la cruz de su Hijo Jesucristo.
Por ello, sólo aquí es donde debes de traer cada uno de todos tus problemas, dificultades, enfermedades, trabajos, estudios, proyectos, metas que deseas alcanzar y así todo en lo que desees ayuda del cielo, para resolverlos y conquistarlos siempre, para que tu vida sea más fácil para vivirla para nuestro Padre celestial, para su Hijo Jesucristo, y para su Espíritu Santo. Ciertamente, para nuestro Padre celestial no ha existido jamás nada que él no pueda resolver ni menos de convertirlo en algo imposible a posible en la vida de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones; así pues, el monte santo de Jerusalén brilla ardientemente con la sangre del pacto al pie de la cruz, para bendecirte.
Y así como nuestro Señor Jesucristo le hablaba a Jacob de en medio de las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo en su sueño mientras dormía antes de llegar a conocer a su esposa, y luego se manifestó a Moisés y Jesucristo le hablaba de en medio de las cruces en llamas así, pues, te habla a ti cada día. Porque una vez que nuestro Señor Jesucristo te comienza a hablar a ti, de en medio de las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo, entonces será porque estás al pie del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que su sangre derramada te limpie de todo pecado y así llenarte de su amor infinito.
Sin duda, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de nuestro Padre celestial con el Espíritu Santo ardiendo en el fuego santo de las llamas del holocausto continuo, sólo encontraras con ellos amor, gracia, misericordia, para que vivas la felicidad de haber escapado al fin los males de Satanás y de sus mentiras que te hacían daño siempre. Sólo perdón encontrara al pie de la cruz de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, porque el monte santo de Jerusalén está empapado de su sangre santísima que la derramó con mucho amor, para que en estos días vivas lleno de la felicidad del Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo y así puedas ser enriquecido cada día más desde el cielo.
Visto que, una vez que nuestro Señor Jesucristo te empieza a hablar así como les hablo a Jacobo y a muchos más como Moisés, entonces, sólo palabras de amor, bendición, prosperidad, sanidad, poder y así tantas palabras gloriosas inundaran tu vida y la de los tuyos también, incluyendo a tus amigos, para que todos se gocen contigo de las abundantes bendiciones. En estos días, el monte santo de Jerusalén está vivo y ardiendo en el mismo fuego que Jacobo y Moisés como tantos más lo han visto, para presentarse ante ti en tus grandes sueños de tu vida y de los tuyos también, para dejarte saber las palabras de abundantes bendiciones y de milagros y maravillas que tiene pensado para enriquecerte desde ya.
Visto que, escrito está: en cualquier lugar en donde yo haga recordar mi nombre que lo lleva mi Hijo clavado a la cruz sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén como holcausto continuo, entonces vendré a ti y te bendecire con los poderes y favores gloriosos del Espíritu Santo, para que vivas la paz y felicidad de la gloria celestial en la tierra.
Hoy, el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial está establecido sobre Jerusalén, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo quien lleva el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo fue clavado a él con su misma sangre santísima; por ello, el monte santo de Jerusalén puede estar ya en tus sueños como en tu hogar, también, para orar contigo cada día. ¡Amén!
The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) as King of Salem (modern Jerusalem) stepped out to the outskirts of the city to receive Abram with bread and wine, because he had defeated Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him that had ransacked his hometown and taken with them his nephew Lot with the women and children along with all his priced possessions. Now, the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ came out to receive Abram with all his 138 servants born in his household, it was because King Kedorlaomer with other kings had been defeated by Abram and his servants, and Lot his nephew with his entire household had been released as well, causing a great celebration in heaven's glory by the angelic hosts.
Certainly, that our heavenly Father was very happy with Abram and his servants by not allowing wicked people to rule them, and because they defeated their armies in the battlefield to liberate his nephew Lot with the women and children, then Satan was defeated, causing darkness to fade away, brining light in to the world, for the first time. It is here when our heavenly Father commanded His Son as King of Salem and His perfect Righteousness on earth to set up the Lord's Table with the bread and wine, so He may sit with Abram and his allies to eat for the first time the meal of Righteousness that only His Son can always serve to anyone.
Absolutely, as our heavenly Father sat with Abram and his allies to eat the food served by His Son as His perfect holiness, then they were eating and drinking from the bread of life that had descended from heaven above to be established on earth, so a new bloodline may be born into humanity bound to be His new celestial Kingdom. Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his allies to eat from His Son the food that grants us the perfect Righteousness to live a sanctified life in our heavenly Father's sight, but also to walk within a pact of life filled with blessings that will bless progressively with miracles his children and the nations forever.
This is when darkness faded away as our heavenly Father sat down with Abram and his allies to eat directly from His Son's wounded hands the bread and wine that he will continually serve daily not only to the angels in heaven's glory for Righteousness but also to every man, woman and child for his light to increase always on earth. For this is the path of Righteousness that our heavenly Father needed to establish with Adam and Eve as they were called by Him to eat from all the tress from paradise including from the tree of life, but they were never to eat from the forbidden tree of knowledge of good and evil.
Because, the day that they will eat from its forbidden fruit then they will be sitting with Lucifer and his fallen angels to eat from the fruit that will not only cause them to disobey His word but also cause them to die, and so, they needed to stay away from it, so darkness may never prevail in their lives. This is when darkness was born not only within Adam and Eve in paradise as they both sat down with Lucifer at his table to eat from the forbidden fruit that will eventually killed them thus to send them into hell's torment forever cursed but also increase to incredible levels of darkness, in the lives of their children on earth.
Furthermore, because Adam and Eve ate darkness by eating from the forbidden fruit then they both began to die and their children also yet to be born, because this is darkness' power in the heart and life of every man, woman and child that nothing can stop it unless they eat from the fruit from the tree of life, Jesus Christ! That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his servants at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son Jesus Christ the bread and wine that descends every day from heaven above to feed every man, woman and child the necessary Righteousness to abolish darkness, so they will not continue to live suffering.
Since it is not our heavenly Father's will for anyone to suffer while His Son Jesus Christ already suffered the power of darkness nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill to defeat sin and its darkness forever, so Satan will let lose all the souls of men that belong in heaven's glory forever into eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father needs to sit with everyone listening to Him these days thus to eat together the bread and wine from His Son that will undue all the darkness that Satan has placed within their lives through his lies that Adam and Eve believed in paradise to eat from the forbidden fruit that kills the living-soul.
Moreover, as our heavenly Father needed to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine that descends from heaven above through His Son, then they were bringing into the world the glorious-life that pleases Him in all truth and justice, and this is His only Son Jesus Christ living in us today. Because, this is our heavenly Father's will that everyone that loves Him, then that one must love Him through the glorious-life of His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is not only His Son but also His perfect Righteousness for every angel in heaven, and the priest and lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever from humankind.
Now, for our heavenly Father to introduce into the world His Son's glorious-life then He had to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table, so the bread and wine that the angels eat from His Son then it will be available for every one on earth thus reconciling the nations with Him, and only through His Son's Righteousness. For the reason that, only through eating from the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily in heaven's glory to the angels then it will also be served on earth to every man, woman and child from all the nations' families to receive abundantly the perfect Righteousness that pleases His holy heart in all truth and justice perpetually.
That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his friends to eat from the Lord's Table the food that is served daily by His Son to His holy angels in heaven and now to His servant Abram within Canaan, so every man, woman and child will eventually eat from His Son's Righteousness, for salvation. Because, this is exactly what our heavenly Father needed to do, and this is to have Abram eat with Him the food that is served daily by His Son to the angels for Righteousness, so eventually every one within the families of the nations will also eat and drink from the Lord's Table the food that grants eternal Righteousness, for salvation.
Certainly, once our heavenly Father established this powerful pact of life, and this is something that He wanted Adam and Eve to do in paradise, to sit at the Lord's Table to eat the food that His Son serves for daily Righteousness in heaven, then He could go now to establish the next pact with Abram and his wife Sarai's barren-womb. Really, this was a very important pact of life that our heavenly Father needed to establish within Canaan with Abram and his wife Sara's barren-womb, because she would not only give birth at last to the child that Abram was waiting for, Isaac, but also it will open the pathway for His Son Jesus Christ to establish a pact of life with Jacob.
Now, Sara's womb was completely dead, and she failed constantly to give birth to children, so she needed our heavenly Father to make a pact of life with the Holy Spirit, for the Holy Spirit to enter into her lifeless-womb for nine-moth thus to give birth to Isaac, because our Father's pact of life is with Isaac only forever. Now, for this pact of life with the Holy Spirit to take place, then our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit had to visit Abram in Canaan, and he had to provide the meal to sit at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and the lamb that was prepared to eat with our heavenly Father.
For this meal that Abram presented at the Lord's Table for our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit will be a meal from man to our heavenly Father to establish the pact of life with the Holy Spirit, because Sara his wife needed to give birth to Isaac, for he will be the one conveying the seed for salvation. This is the eternal seed that will eventually usher into the world the sacred-flesh, the unbroken bones, and the atoning-blood that will give us the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, our King Messiah and living savior, that will inject into the nations eternal life but also exchange our sinful-body for a glorified-body as he is perfect and Righteous for us to live forever justified everlastingly.
This is the real glorified-body that we were born initially in heaven's glory as we emerged from our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness, and only His Son Jesus Christ can return it to each one of us, because Satan took it away from us as Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit to die on earth. That is why, that it is very important that you must be born again from the powers of the Holy Spirit that gave us birth initially in heaven from our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness forever into eternity, because this is the only way possible these days through the Holy Spirit that you can return to eternal life.
Besides, the Holy Spirit is ready to receive you thus to make you come alive again by the powers that gave you birth initially in heaven's glory through our heavenly Father's image, so you may become His legitimate child, born with every right to live next to Him always enjoying heaven's eternal richness with His Son Jesus Christ and the angelic hosts. Really, the Holy Spirit is ready right now to make you our heavenly Father's legitimate child, in a moment of faith and prayer, through the same powers that not only gave you birth in heaven, and Isaac through his mother Sarah's barren-womb in Canaan, and lately our Lord Jesus Christ through David's virgin daughter, but also you to return to life immediately.
Right now, only the Holy Spirit has all the powers and authorities necessary granted to him by our heavenly Father to make you to be born again, in a moment of prayer and faith, so you may abandon forever the darkness from the forbidden fruit to return into the light of the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ. Surely, there is no other way possible for you and your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, to return to our heavenly Father and His every day eternal richness from heaven above unless you are reborn through the Holy Spirit thus to love, serve and glory His Son Jesus Christ within your heart forever into all eternity.
Inasmuch as, this salvation that you are receiving these days by faith and prayer before our Father in heaven, it began with Abram and his friends from everywhere that ate at the Lord's Table the bread and wine from heaven about that is our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body, the only savior possible of your living soul to return to heaven filled with life. That is why, that you need to pray to our heavenly Father, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, for the Holy Spirit to perform wonderful things within your life and that of your loved ones as well, including your friends from everywhere, because he has so much for you, so you may become His child filled with miracles always.
Furthermore, every miracle that the Holy Spirit will perform within your life and that of your loved ones as well, will be miracles that rightfully belong to you and that will bless others everywhere around the world, because this is how our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit work nonstop to save and bless the living souls of humankind, everywhere. Moreover, this is how our heavenly Father spreads the glory of His holy name as every man, woman and child from every nation may invoke His Son Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit's amazing powers, because every time that you may invoke His Son's name then it will be because the Holy Spirit is already in you, working nonstop and doing miracles.
These days, the Holy Spirit is everywhere around the world just as he is in our heavenly Father's holy presence and that of His Son Jesus Christ, because he is omnipresent, so no one can really escape his presence thus he is always ready to do the work to convert you from a child of darkness, into a child of light forever. Really, as you may kneel to pray, then the Holy Spirit is right there, he never misses his place with you, so he may help you pray before our Father in heaven, moreover he is constantly ready to enter your heart, if you allow him, by just simply asking him to enter into your life to stay with you forever.
Besides, when you ask the Holy Spirit to enter into your life then you may (or you may not) feel his presence or anything, nevertheless he will honor your invitation to enter into your heart, so he will begin to work in your favor immediately before our Father in heaven, so great things will take place in your life every day. The Holy Spirit is very gentile as he moves, you will feel him (or you may not), however he is always on his way to do things that he may need so you may start living a wonderful life that will not only bless your daily life, but also everyone around you, as your loved ones, neighbors, and even friends.
Moreover, the Holy Spirit will always be there for anyone that may call him, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, because he not only loves His Son, but also because he alone is our heavenly Father's temple for His holy name to take it wherever it may need to be in heaven and on earth to conquer new glories. Indeed, the Holy Spirit can be anywhere whenever in the heart of angels and in the heart of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations that may be calling him simultaneously, so for him there is no time or barrier or horizons that he will fail to conquer to be in the heart of that one calling him.
That is why, that you may call the Holy Spirit anytime that you may find yourself in need, so he may enter into your heart to help you in all the things that you may need assistance, and he will come to you immediately, even before you finish calling him, he is already there for you and for your loved ones, too. Moreover, the Holy Spirit will be with you wherever you may be on earth to help you, even before you may finish calling him--he is already there, because he knows that the time is short, and that you may die anytime for any given reason, so he will be there to get you reborn and ready to enter heaven's glory.
Provided that, once the Holy Spirit is in you then he will help you to invoke His Son's name, because Jesus Christ is the one that our heavenly Father has filled with powers and authorities to forgive your sins and to restore you into the Righteous person to renter heaven's eternal life to live with Him and His holy angels into eternity. In the contrary, if you fail to call on the Holy Spirit to help you in life, then you will not only continue to live in the spirit of error that Adam and Eve received in paradise, the day they ate from the forbidden fruit but also you will continue to be a perfect candidate to descend into hell's torments forever damned.
Unmistakably, once you descend into hell's torment, then you have entered into the world void of love, compassion, mercy, grace and forgiveness from sin, so here Satan with his millions of fallen angels may do anything that he may please with you until will suffer day and night the sin to have rejected the Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ. In hell's torment, you will remember every opportunity that you had to receive the Holy Spirit in your heart so he may help you to invoke His Son's name for forgiveness, because only Jesus Christ has the power to forgive sin, moreover he has the power and authority to make you as holy and perfect as our heavenly Father will ever be everlastingly.
Meaning that, once the Holy Spirit enters into your heart, because you have called him, then he will help you to invoke His Son Jesus Christ to become real before you, so you will not only will get to know him but also you will become as holy and perfect as he is to become our Father's legitimate child in heaven forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father made a pact of life with Abram and his wife Sara's barren-womb, so not only Isaac could be Holy Spirit's born, but also the Holy Spirit's seed will remain with him for our Lord Jesus Christ to be born timely from David's virgin daughter by the same seed, for you to be reborn heavenly bound naturally.
Nevertheless, although that your mother is already dead and in heaven's glory with our heavenly Father, then He has granted the powers and authorities necessary for you to be reborn by the powers of the Holy Spirit that not only gave birth to Isaac from his mother's barren-womb and His Son Jesus Christ from David's virgin daughter but also you, right now. In other words, although your mother is already dead just as dead as Sara's barren-womb and childless, then our heavenly Father has the powers and authorities, without breaking any laws, to cause you to be Holy Spirit's reborn into the person that you ought to be right now living the glorious pristine-life that rightfully belongs to you in heaven's glory, forever.
But, you must come by the way of His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone has the Holy Spirit's seed that not only gave birth to Isaac from his mother Sarah's barren-womb but also gave birth to him through David's virgin daughter, so you may become reborn as well by the same Holy Spirit's seed-power, escaping hell's torment forever for heaven's glory. This is the reason, that our Lord Jesus Christ said to everyone in Israel: I am the way, the truth and the life; no one can ever come into my heavenly Father's holy presence in heaven's glory unless he is reborn by the power of the Holy Spirit by accepting him as his personal Lord and savior of his living-soul, forever.
Indeed, when any man, woman and child from all the nations accept our Lord Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior of his living-soul, then he is accepting our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to become immediately Holy Spirit born to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified as God's child with the rights to enjoy peace and glory everlastingly. This is our heavenly Father's Salvation Plan that He personally established with Abram and later with his wife Sarah's barren-womb, so Isaac could be Holy Spirit born into his child on earth bearing the seed of salvation that will give birth timely to His Son Jesus Christ through David's virgin daughter, to become God's King Messiah to Israel and the nations, perpetually.
Furthermore, our Lord Jesus Christ was born to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments--commandments that no one could ever fulfill to the full--because, they were born and lived in the spirit of error inherited from Adam and Eve from paradise, so it was impossible for anyone to glorify the Holy Spirit of the commandments forever. However, our Lord Jesus Christ was able to glorify the Holy Spirit of the commandments because he was born within the pact of life with the Holy Spirit that Abram and Sarah's barren-womb had established on earth as Isaac was born with the Holy Spirit's salvation-seed, so not only God's Son could be born miraculously but also everyone else, including you, right now.
Therefore, when we accept our Lord Jesus Christ as our Lord and savior of our living-souls on this earth these days then we are walking in the way, truth and life that pleases our heavenly Father's holy heart that is always demanding for perfect holiness to live in us, so we may ascend into heaven's glory forever saved into all eternity. For we are not of this world anymore, even though we were born here, but now we belong from the world above where our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit rules the life of every holy angel and of every justified man, woman and child that have believed within their heart for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son's name.
Certainly, we are blessed in the heavenly places by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to live the pristine-life that rightfully belongs to each one of us on earth these days and in heaven's glory forever into all eternity to come: for we are miraculously Holy Spirit born to enjoy our Father's goodness, pleasing Him everlastingly. For in heaven, we will enjoy the beautiful views that we have of nature here on earth these days, but without the threat of Satan's lies and terrible presence of his fallen angels, so we will enjoy to live and play every day with the holy angels and also with every animal that our Father has created for our enjoyment into everlastingly.
Surely, we will no longer have to fear the threat that a wild animal is going to attack and devour us as normally is the case in any place that is wild on earth and where people usually visit, and we never get to hear from them again, because they just disappeared into the wilderness to rest in some animals' guts. In heaven's glory, you will never see anything violent as this again, where people were attacked and devoured by some wild beasts because the wild spirit of error rules the region of that part of earth but, in heaven you will see only the Holy Spirit moving gloriously in the hearts and lives of the holy angels and the saved people.
Definitely, heaven is a glorious place to live these days, where our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ are our constant providers, and the Holy Spirit is already there living within every one's heart always guiding us into the heavenly places where our Father needs to have us loving, serving and worshipping His holy name thus to conquer new glories. Really, heaven is going to be a glorious place to be always with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ thus to conquer new glories that have never been conquered by the holy angels yet, so we may bring new abundant glories to our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ's holy name, by the power of the Holy Spirit.
That is why, that our heavenly Father established initially the pact of life of the Holy Spirit with Abram and his wife Sara's barren-womb, so not only Isaac may be born through the Holy Spirit's seed-powers but also His Son through David's virgin daughter, so these days we may be reborn anytime by the same seed ascending into heaven's glory forever justified. And so, it was because of this pact of life with the Holy Spirit that our heavenly Father continued with Abram and his wife Sarah's barren-womb that gave us not only Isaac with the Holy Spirit's seed for salvation, and this is His Son born through David's virgin daughter, but also we may transit similarly with them into heaven's glory forever saved.
Then, this is the way, truth and life of the pacts of life that our heavenly Father had to establish first with Abram and later with Abram and his wife Sarah's barren-womb to give birth not only to Isaac but also to His Son Jesus Christ and to every one of us these days thus to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified. This is the way to heaven's glory these days just as it was in the beginning of all things with the ancients, so we may become saved, in a moment of prayer and faith, to receive not only our heavenly Father but also His Son Jesus Christ's perfect Righteousness for salvation thus to become Holy Spirit born into eternity.
Furthermore, after Isaac was born miraculously through Sara's barren-womb then our heavenly Father had to make a pact of life with Isaac's son, Jacob, but, this pact will be with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day over Jerusalem's holy hill to remove sin, so everything created by our Father and the Holy Spirit then it will be pure-and-holy. For this is the power of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to remove sin forever from all of Creation, including the angelic Kingdom of God that was stained unfortunately with sin from Lucifer and the one-third of the angelic rebellion that causes havoc in heaven until now--meaning that, many heavenly places of glory were abandoned by the fallen angels forever.
Today, these glorious heavenly places need to be reoccupied not by angels but by human beings that have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's name for salvation, so they will ascend into these heavenly places of great glory to occupy them, so they may continue to glorify our Father into eternity. Then, as Jacob was ready to have his wife and family immediately he looked around for a woman to be his wife, and his father Isaac said: I do not want you to take a wife from the women in our region, but, instead you will travel to my relatives' hometown, and you will take your wife from their daughters.
And so, Jacob started at once on his way to his father Isaac's hometown to find his wife from one of their daughters just as his father had said, and while traveling to Padan-aram then he became tired of walking that he took a rock from the area and rested his head over it to sleep for the night. However, while he slept then he began to dream, he saw many angels ascending and other descending over a ladder on top of a hill, the ladder was the three line-up crosses ascending into heaven's glory for everyone's salvation over Jerusalem's holy hill, for this is the way that Abram along with his wife Sara and others had ascended already into heaven.
Then, Jacob could see angels ascending from earth to heaven while others were descending from heaven to earth but with gifts from our heavenly Father, for the families of the nations that were blessing His holy name and honoring His living word, so they may also ascend into heaven's glory just as Abraham and his wife Sarah with others has done already. Furthermore, while observing the movement of the angels as they ascend and others descend hastily then he noticed that the rock was wet with the sacrificed atoning-blood and he could hear someone speaking from the middle of the three crosses, and this was our Lord Jesus Christ but Jacob did not know him yet as his ancestors did as Lord and savior.
Favorably, Jacob continued to listen to our Lord Jesus Christ manifesting himself as the God of Abraham and of his father Isaac, and that he did not have to fear anything, because he was in his dream to let him know how much he really loves him and his children that he will have with his wife from his father Isaac's relatives. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ was there in the dream before Jacob to confirm to him and to his children the land of Canaan that he had initially given to Abram and to his father Isaac, so they may possess it forever because his children after him will be as numerous as the stars in the universe that fails to be counted.
And Canaan that he with his children were standing, then they were legally inheriting it from Jesus Christ and from over Jerusalem's holy hill, for it is a land flowing with milk and honey into eternity to nourish the living-soul of every man, woman and child on earth, so they may finally learn to love, serve and glorify our Father's holy name. For Jacob this was a strange place to be, because of the three crosses lineup as a ladder ascending into heaven's glory from Jerusalem's holy hill, and the scores of angels ascending and descending from it, because there was no other place to go up and down, then Jacob said: This is God's house forever, and I failed to know it!
Furthermore, after our Lord Jesus Christ finished speaking to Jacob, so he may not only inherit Canaan as the land that flows with milk and honey for the living-souls of humankind, and to grant him to possess many children as numerous as the seashore sand that no one can ever count them, then Jacob was ready to pray before the Lord. Immediately, Jacob said in his prayer at Jerusalem's holy hill while observing Jesus Christ in the middle of the three-crosses that were busy with angels going up and down: Lord, if you dress and feed me, and you guarantee that everything goes well with me as I find my wife from my father's relatives, then you will be my God forever.
This is the sinner's prayer that our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit were waiting to hear Jacob say before our Lord Jesus Christ that was in the middle of the three-crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, so Israel could be born in the world as a lasting nation to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father forever's holy name, into eternity. Moreover, this is a prayer that was witnessed by our heavenly Father, the Holy Spirit and scores of holy angels, because as His Son Jesus Christ was in the middle of the three-crosses, then our Father was on one of the crosses and the Holy Spirit on the other one as faithful eternal witnesses of Jacob's prayer for Israel's eternal salvation.
And this had to be this way because this is our heavenly Father's home to live with His Son Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit along with His angelic hosts, and they needed to be faithful eternal witnesses to Jacob's prayer for Israel's eternal salvation, since it is written: The witness of two or three is valid in any legal court. Because, whatever it may happen on earth and in heaven by the witness of one person is not valid but with two or three witnesses then the testimony of that one person stands as legal, because there are witnesses to the event and testimony of what happened, so it may hold in any legal court as true and just for a valid-verdict.
Then, as His Son Jesus Christ spoke to Jacob from the middle of the three-crosses to shed his atoning-blood to the ground, then our Father was on one of the crosses while the Holy Spirit was on the other one as faithful witnesses to what was said by Jacob in prayer, and for the prayers said by anyone else at anytime. That is to say, also that every time that we may approach Jerusalem's holy hill to pray at the foot of the cross where His Son Christ lives forever, because this is our Father and the Holy Spirit along with the angelic hosts' home-sweet-home to receive your every day prayer, so you may be blessed, then you are in God's presence always.
Clearly, it is here where not only our Lord Jesus Christ with his atoning-blood shed from on high and to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill will be there to listen and answer your prayers, but also our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit will be there to respond properly to your prayers and to turn anything that is impossible into possible. For this is where our heavenly Father spoke to Moses along with His Son Jesus Christ hanging on the cross and within the burning bush as the fire was visible for miles over the horizon lighting up the nations as never before, so our Father said to Moses: This is the mountain where you will return with Israel to serve me, forever.
In truth, it was Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father was referring to Moses that had been presented to Jacob in his dream as he laid his head over the rock to rest for the night on his way to his father Isaac's relative to pick a wife, so Israel may be born to become God's eternal nation on earth forever. Surely, it was for Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father had descended over Mount Sinai with His Son hanging on the cross and hidden within the burning bush that Moses saw initially, so he may receive powerful Righteousness to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity to comeback to the mountain later, Jerusalem's holy hill, to serve His Son the Liberator faithfully perpetually.
For our heavenly Father said clearly to Moses: The events that took place over Mount Sinai will never be forgotten but you with Israel will remember them forever, so you may serve me over the holy hill over Mount Sinai, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ speaking to Jacob (Israel) blessings from the middle of the crosses. This is certainly the Jerusalem's holy hill that Jacob saw in his dream on his way to his father Isaac's relatives to find his wife, so he may pray and bow to His Son before our Father on one cross and the Holy Spirit on the other one that Jesus Christ will be his God forever, if he blesses him always.
Moreover, because Jacob received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior hanging on one of the three crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, then our heavenly Father began to wash him clean with His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground to remove sin, so he may be Holy Spirit born and filled with love, grace, mercy and power forever. And this is a sinner's prayer that every one from all of Jacob's children is called to execute before our heavenly Father on one of the three-crosses and the Holy Spirit on the other one to His Son Jesus Christ thus to receive them lawfully as God's children on earth and in heavens' glory, too, forever into all eternity.
Besides, if they do the sinner's prayer obediently before His Son Jesus Christ hanging in the middle of the three-crosses and our heavenly Father on one cross and the Holy Spirit on the other one, then, they will be cleansed from sin, to gain the right as Abraham and his wife Sarah did to ascend from the line-up crosses into heaven's glory. For this is the way, truth and life that Abram, Isaac, and Jacob knew that he had to teach to his children for generations to come, so they may very well ascend from the earth into heaven, and descend from heaven to the earth at will, as the angels do always, for people to receive gifts from our Father in heaven.
Today, the way to Jerusalem's holy hill is wide opened not only to Israel but also for every man, woman and child from the families of the nations to receive our Lord Jesus Christ as Lord and savior, so our Father and the Holy Spirit may speak opportune blessings progressively into their every day lives wherever they may live on earth. Certainly, it is here from where our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ began to speak not only to Abraham but also to Isaac, so they may be a powerful blessing on earth to the nations, and as Jacob met our Lord Jesus Christ from the middle of the three-crosses, with the atoning-blood shed to the ground then Israel was born.
Given that, it is here from where our heavenly Father will not only continue to speak to Jacob (Israel), as he did through His Son, so he may know that he is loved along with his children that were to born in future generations, so the pact with the shed atoning-blood at the cross may be sealed forever for the nations. For the reason that, it is important for our heavenly Father to receive every person that has ever been born on earth through the nonstop sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that shed his atoning-blood since Creation day to create all things in heaven's glory and on earth, as well, so they may have a personal lasting relationship with Him for salvation.
Because, every man, woman and child on earth need to be blessed by our heavenly Father since the door into eternity is opened to anyone at anytime, and they must be ready to meet Him and His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill to ascend into heaven's glory just as the angels do always going up and down from Jacob's ladder. It is from here where our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ will speak into your life not only forgiveness from sin but also every blessing that you may need to defeat Satan's lies coming into your life as problems, difficulties, infirmities, poverty, threats of death and son and so forth, so you have to be there today, promptly.
Indeed, it is a terrible mistake to keep our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit waiting for you at the three-crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, because they are there not only because this is home-sweet-home forever but also because they have to speak into you forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity and the eternal happiness of peace and salvation. And as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill, then there were two criminals nailed on the left and right side crosses of our Lord Jesus Christ, because they were not only taking the place of our Father and the Holy Spirit but also because they had to be human-witnesses to the events unfolding.
These two criminals that died with our Lord Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill they became Israel and the nations' eternal witnesses to the events that unfolded on that day, for what our Lord Jesus Christ said and did as he was nailed to the cross to shed his atoning-blood to remove sin forever, and seal our salvation into all eternity. However, as you may approach Jerusalem's holy hill in a dream as Jacob lived it or just from within your heart, mind, soul and human spirit, then you will not meet the two criminals next to our Lord Jesus Christ's bloody cross, but our Father and the Holy Spirit will be there because they have urgently to speak blessing into your life.
Moreover, once our Lord Jesus Christ speaks to you from the middle of the three-crosses as he did with Jacob on his unforgettable-night to Padan-aram to find a wife from his father Isaac's relatives, then, our Father and the Holy Spirit will never cease to speak blessings, healing and miracles into your life on earth these days and in heaven forever. Meaning that, as Satan may come with hidden lies to deceive with his usual tricks thus to make you fall into his traps of problems, infirmities, curses, poverty, and death on earth and in hell's torment, then there is no other place that you would rather be but kneeled at Jerusalem's holy hill before our Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit.
For this is where our heavenly Father's holy angels will descend from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven with your every day blessing that you will need not only to defeat Satan and his hidden lies taking you and your loved ones into an early grave in hell's torment, but you will be released to escape filled with amazing blessings. And our heavenly Father will speak to you through His Son and the Holy Spirit every day of your life blessing after blessing, causing great miracles in your life and those of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, because you are walking in a pact of life that is filled with miracles for you to enjoy always.
Today, perhaps, you may know somehow that you are about to die, because your time is up or because you are suffering a terrible infirmity, but, in any case, this is the place that your heart and mind should be right now, meeting with our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, to ascend into heaven's glory through Jacob's ladder. Presently, if you stand at Jerusalem's holy hill, then, you will meet our Lord Jesus Christ always in the middle of the three-crosses with our Father and the Holy Spirit on the other two side-crosses speaking forgiveness, reconciliation, healing, blessing, prosperity, richness, and the everlasting happiness of total salvation granted to you by the atoning-blood shed, at the foot of the cross.
Certainly, this is the day that you have been waiting to meet our heavenly Father and His Son at Jerusalem's holy hill and on their respective crosses, for the Holy Spirit to saturate you with powerful miracles that you should have received already, but now they are part of daily life finally, because you are standing where God wants you forever. Right now, our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ next to the Holy Spirit is still waiting with much love in His holy heart to embrace you as His legitimate child as you may kneel before Jerusalem's holy hill lineup crosses to be Holy Spirit reborn, so you may ascend into heaven's glory to live where your eternal life exists everlastingly. Amen!
Culture and peace for every one today and always!
Cordially yours,
The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!
JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6
Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9
You must do the Following:
Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10
Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30
Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10
Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13
What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?
That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13
Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.
If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY
Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?
YES _____? or, NO ______?
Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?
If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:
Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.
Tell others about JESUS.
Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hOVdjxtnsH8&h d=1