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Jun 10, 2015, 4:39:02 AM6/10/15
Sábado, 06 de Junio, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Ésta es la tierra que fluye leche y miel, la cual nuestro Padre celestial se la ofreció inicialmente a Abraham, a Isaac y a Jacobo, porque es en donde su Hijo Jesucristo nacería del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para finalmente establecer eternamente su nombre santísimo sobre los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén. Por lo tanto, ésta fue la razón porque nuestro Padre celestial descendió sobre su monte santo y las tres cruces del reino con su Hijo Jesucristo en medio, descansando sobre el Sinaí, para hablarle a Moisés y con el mismo Espíritu Santo con que le habló a Jacobo inicialmente, confirmando así la tierra prometida y con todas sus familias, para la eternidad.

Porque esta tierra santísima jamás produciría leche y miel para Israel ni para ninguna de las naciones de toda la tierra, a no ser que sea plantada por los hijos de Abraham en el lugar designado ya por nuestro Padre celestial, para que su Hijo Jesucristo sea clavado a la cruz de Adán y Eva con su nombre santo, para salvación eterna. Visto que, éste mismo monte santo saturada con la sangre santísima del Cordero de Dios y las tres cruces del cielo, no podía jamás darle de comer ni de beber del vino del Señor a nadie, a no ser que sea establecida en la tierra de Canaán, para alimentar a las naciones, con el pan y vino que sólo Jesucristo sirve, siempre.

Y éste monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre del Cordero, salpicada sobre las tres cruces del cielo, es el pacto de vida eterna no solamente establecido ya con Abraham e Isaac su único hijo, el cual amaba mucho, más que todas sus más preciadas posesiones, sino también de Jacobo; porque sobre éste monte santo, Dios estableció todos sus pactos eternos. Pactos de vida, que no solamente les dieron vida y salud eterna a Abraham y así también a Isaac y a Jacobo, sino también a cada uno de sus retoños que nacerían después de ellos, estableciendo así el reino de Dios en la tierra y con el monte santo de Jerusalén como el centro de servicio y amor a él, para siempre.

Porque cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo salió con pan y vino para recibir a Abraham, que regresaba de la batalla que le había ganado a los reyes de aquella región en donde vivía, entonces fue para recibir de sus manos el diezmo de todo lo recobrado, para entonces sentarse a la Mesa del SEÑOR y así empezar un nuevo pacto de vida. Y nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba sentarse a su Mesa servida con Abraham y sus 318 discípulos, que regresaban de la batalla, ganándole a sus enemigos la vida de Lot y con todos los suyos, que se los habían robado como botín, para que entonces su Hijo Jesucristo naciese pronto de la carne sagrada y de la sangre del pacto de vida eterna.

Porque si su Hijo Jesucristo no nacía en el mundo en la carne sagrada y con la sangre del pacto de vida eterna entre Dios y el hombre de la tierra, en este caso era Abraham con su hijo Isaac, entonces sus pecados jamás hubiesen sido espiados por la sangre del pacto ante nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo. Por lo tanto, para que Abraham sea salvo, entonces su Hijo Jesucristo tenia que venir al mundo como el cordero de Dios para él, y es aquí cuando nace Isaac su hijo muy amado del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, para que por el Espíritu Santo entonces naciese al fin, para ser llevado al Monte Moriah por su padre Abraham.

Entonces cuando Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, nació con la sangre del pacto de vida y la carne sagrada, para ser levantado sobre todo lo alto del monte Moriah como sacrificio a Dios, para que la fe sea contada como justicia salvadora sobre el altar de Dios que está en el cielo. Y sobre todo lo alto del Monte Moriah, entonces se encontraba nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y el Espíritu Santo con sus huestes angelicales, esperando por Abraham e Isaac su hijo amado como el cordero del sacrificio del día, para que su padre Abraham alcance misericordia eterna, por medio de la carne sagrada y la sangre de Jesucristo.

Porque nuestro Padre celestial le había requerido ya de que él tenia que ser tan santo y tan perfecto como él mismo siempre ha sido a través de las edades delante de su Hijo Jesucristo, de su Espíritu Santo y de sus huestes angelicales; por todo ello, sólo Jesucristo podía hacerlo tan santo y tan perfecto, para alcanzar la justicia salvadora. Visto que, cuando nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham: Toma contigo a tu único hijo Isaac, a quien tú amas con todo tu corazón, con todas tus fuerzas y con toda tu vida, para que lo ofrezcas delante de mí como el cordero que derramara su sangre sobre el altar para expiar tus pecados, alcanzando así por fin justicia salvadora.

Y Abraham fue fiel al llamado de nuestro Padre celestial, porque tomó a su único hijo Isaac, bien temprano en la mañana junto con dos de sus discípulos para ir por el camino, guiado por el Espíritu Santo hacia el monte que nuestro Padre celestial había escogido, para ofrecer a su hijo Isaac como su cordero del sacrificio del día. Entonces cuando llegaron al monte escogido por Dios mismo, Abraham les dijo a sus dos discípulos que esperaran por él y el niño al pie del monte, para que sean testigos oculares de todo lo que él tenía que hacer con su hijo sobre el altar de Dios, para que su fe sea probada por fin como justicia salvadora.

Pacientemente, los discípulos esperaron por él y el niño al pie del monte Moriah, porque el monte santo de Jerusalén estaba sobre todo lo alto del monte esperando por ellos, para que el sacrificio de Abraham y de su hijo Isaac se lleve acabo, lo más pronto posible, para que una nueva era de vida y de bendición empiece para las naciones. Dado que, Israel iba a nacer delante de Abraham y de su hijo Isaac, mientras él estaba atado sobre el altar de Dios, listo para ser sacrificado como cualquier cordero de sacrificio del día, para que Abraham vuelva a nacer del Espíritu Santo junto con su hijo Isaac, para que Israel comience a existir como la nación de Dios en la tierra.

Y cuando ascendían el Monte Moriah, entonces Isaac le preguntó a su padre Abraham, por qué no veía al cordero que tenia que ser sacrificado en la tarde--mirando por todos lados no vio a ningún cordero para el sacrificio. Y esto le preocupó mucho a Isaac, que miraba por todos lados y no veía al cordero que seria sacrificado por él y por su padre sobre el altar de Dios, esperando sobre todo lo alto del Monte Moriah.

Pero la repuesta que su padre Abraham le dio a su hijo, fue, el Señor se proveerá del cordero que necesita para el sacrificio cuando lleguemos al lugar a donde él mismo nos ha citado, para llevar acabo su gran obra salvadora, la cual nos bendecirá grandemente a cada uno de todos nosotros, y con grandes bendiciones que no podremos contar jamás. Y cuando su padre Abraham le aseguró a Isaac, de que Dios se proveería de su cordero escogido para el sacrificio del día, entonces él le creyó a su palabra--porque Dios mismo ya se había provisto de un cordero para el gran sacrificio que no terminara jamás, sino que será el cordero de cada día sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Infaliblemente, sólo éste Cordero de Dios será sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, clavado a los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva, como puerta abierta al cielo para perdón, sanidad, bendición y salvación eterna de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones de toda la tierra, y éste es su Hijo Jesucristo. Entonces cuando llegaron a todo lo alto, Abraham inmediatamente tomó a su hijo y lo ató sobre el altar del SEÑOR, para que sea sacrificado delante de él, de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo junto con todas las huestes angelicales del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que su fe sea contada como justicia salvadora sólo en su Hijo Jesucristo.

En este día, Abraham vio en su hijo Isaac al Hijo de Dios, porque Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su esposa Sarai con la carne sagrada y la sangre del pacto de vida eterna del Espíritu Santo, para que cuando Isaac esté atado sobre el altar, entonces sea el Hijo de Dios que convierta su fe en justicia salvadora para siempre. En otras palabras, Abraham tenía que ofrecer el cuerpo santo de la carne sagrada, de los huesos inquebrantables y de la sangre redentora de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo sobre el altar que nuestro Padre celestial había escogido, para que ésta gran obra salvadora del mundo entero, entonces se llevase acabo, convirtiendo la fe de Abraham en salvación eterna, para siempre.

Por ello, cuando Abraham sacrificaba a su hijo Isaac sobre el altar de Dios del Monte Moriah y del monte santo de Jerusalén, porque el monte santo de Dios estaba ahí con Dios y sus ángeles, así como estuvo sobre todo lo alto del Monte Sinaí para Moisés, entonces realmente Abraham estaba ofreciendo al Hijo de Dios, como su Cordero de salvación. Y esto era algo muy importante que Abraham tenia que llevar acabo con la vida de su único hijo Isaac, para mostrarle y confírmale su fe personal a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo por su Hijo Jesucristo, para que sea la carne sagrada y la sangre redentora de su Hijo Jesucristo que lo limpie de todo pecado, eternamente.

Por eso, todo lo que sucedió con Abraham y con su hijo Isaac sobre todo lo alto del Monte Moriah, fue realmente para manifestar la vida sagrada y la sangre redentora de su Hijo Jesucristo, como el Cordero que quita el pecado del mundo, porque sólo nuestro Señor Jesucristo tiene la sangre redentora para limpiarnos de todo pecado, para la eternidad. Por lo tanto, la fe que salvaba a Abraham de todos sus pecados no solamente lo redimió grandemente sobre todo lo alto del Monte Moriah, para que vuelva a nacer del poder del Espíritu Santo, sino que también la gran nación de Israel comenzó a existir, porque nuestro Padre celestial derramaba sus lagrimas sobre Isaac y sobre sus hijos en sus millares.

Entonces cuando nuestro Padre celestial veía a Isaac tendido sobre el altar instantáneamente veía a su Hijo Jesucristo, entregando toda su vida por Israel y por las naciones, por lo tanto, mucho más nuestro Padre celestial regaba sus lagrimas de amor y llenas del Espíritu Santo sobre el altar, para que los hijos de Isaac reciban ésta gran salvación, para siempre. Y aunque nuestro Padre celestial ya había bendecido grandemente a cada uno, de los hijos de Adán y Eva, cuando Adán primeramente nacía de su imagen santísima para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial, entonces volvió a bendecir grandemente a los hijos e hijas de Isaac, para que lleven su nombre bendito y también sus santos Diez Mandamientos eternos.

Además, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que bendecir grandemente a los hijos e hijas de Isaac que nacerían de él, en la carne sagrada y en la sangre del pacto, para perdón, sanidad, paz, felicidad, prosperidad y vida eterna de todo aquel que crea, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque ellos introducirían el monte santo de Jerusalén a la tierra prometida. Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial los liberó del cautiverio, para que lleven desde el Monte Sinaí, después de haber comido del maná y bebido del agua que vertía la roca de Dios, para que entonces sean ellos llenos del amor, vida y santidad eterna de su Hijo Jesucristo; porque de otra manera, no podían jamás cargar con el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Asimismo, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente hizo que coman del maná que descendía del monte santo de Jerusalén sobre ellos, camino por el desierto del Sinaí a Canaán, sino que también les hacia beber abundantemente del agua que vertía la roca, porque tenían que enfrentarse con ejércitos terribles y poderosos y hasta derrotarlos por completo, por los poderes de su Hijo Jesucristo. Porque Satanás no solamente los había esclavizado por más de cuatrocientos años en Egipto, sino que asimismo les había quitado todas las bendiciones que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente se las prometió a Abraham, a Isaac y a Jacobo personalmente, sino que también a sus hijos e hijas, para que jamás pisen la tierra prometida con el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Por esta razón, Satanás se había apoderado de todas las riquezas que José había acumulado no solamente para Egipto, durante los siete años de las vacas gordas y luego de los siete años de las vacas flacas y feas que se comían a las vacas gordas, si José no hacia lo correcto para redimirlas. Y como José interpretó el sueño del Faraón, entonces él fue puesto como el segundo después de Faraón, para que ministre sabiamente todas las riquezas que serian acumuladas durante los siete años de las vacas gordas, para que cuando los siete años de las vacas flacas y feas vengan, entonces no se coman todo lo que las siete vacas gordas habían proveído.

Por ello, durante los siete años de las vacas gordas, entonces José almacenó tantas riquezas que no se podían contar jamás, porque por todos lados de Egipto había grandes riquezas que nadie podía mantener la cuenta de todo lo recaudado por los siete años de prosperidad, que Egipto fue visto como la nación más rica del mundo, segunda a nadie. Y cuando los siete años de las vacas feas y flacas vino sobre la tierra, entonces hambre y sed había por todos lados, y las cosas escaseaban que todos tenían que ir a Egipto a comprar alimentos, para no morir de hambre y de sed como los que no podían acercarse a Egipto, para abastecerse grandemente de la mano de José.

Primeramente, la gente venia a comprar alimentos de la mano de José, que de pronto ya no tenían más dinero para comprar sus alimentos, que comenzaron a vender a sus esclavos, luego a sus animales, luego a sus casas y demás propiedades y hasta que a la postre se quedaron sin nada, que comenzaron a vender a sus tierras, también. Aquí es cuando la tierra de Canaán vino a ser posesión de Egipto como todas las demás naciones alrededor, que, con el pasar del tiempo, entonces Satanás comenzó a armar no solamente a las naciones camino a Canaán, sino que también a Canaán armó con muchas naciones, para que Israel jamás entrase a ella con el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Porque Satanás conoce muy bien el monte santo de Jerusalén y la sangre santísima del pacto de vida eterna, derramada sobre toda ella y las tres cruces del cielo, que Jacobo y así también Abraham e Isaac conocían perfectamente, porque sobre ella todos hicieron pactos con Dios, para que no solamente Isaac naciese, por el Espíritu Santo, sino también todo Israel. Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente le perdonó sus pecados a Abraham, para que vuelva a nacer del Espíritu Santo como su siervo eterno, y padre de muchas naciones, sino que también le perdonó sus pecados a Adán y Eva que habían comido del fruto prohibido en el paraíso, para que también reciban a su Hijo Jesucristo, pero con clavos esta vez.

Porque cuando nuestro Padre celestial había terminado de bendecir no solamente a su primogénito Jacobo que nacería de Isaac, sino que también bendijo grandemente a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña que nacería de sus entrañas, para que reciban su nombre, sus mandamientos, su tabernáculo de reunión y así finalmente a su Hijo Jesucristo para salvación eterna de los que creen. Y nuestro Padre celestial perdonó los pecados de Adán y Eva, porque ambos comieron del fruto prohibido del árbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal, el cual les está prohibido a todos los ángeles del cielo comer y beber de él, para que no mueran jamás, sino que sigan viviendo y sirviendo fielmente sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Con certeza, nuestro Padre celestial pudo al fin perdonar el pecado de Adán y Eva, por haber comido del fruto prohibido, para que tengan todos los derechos de recibir al dador de la vida eterna y su nombre santo clavado a ellos, para siempre, sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que los que creen entonces asciendan al cielo. Y desde el día que nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue clavado a los árboles sin vida de Adán y Eva, sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces la puerta se abrió para que todo el que cree transite por el camino angosto, que nos lleva ascendiendo por la escalera de Jacobo, hacia la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial.

Ciertamente, esto era algo que Satanás no quería ver jamás que tomase lugar en Canaán con todo Israel entrando victorioso a poseer la tierra prometida con el monte santo de Jerusalén, como el centro de amor y de adoración para las naciones, para servir a Dios todos los días de nuestras vidas, para que la tierra comience a producir leche y miel. Puesto que, esto era lo que nuestro Padre celestial deseaba hacer con los hijos de Abraham del cautiverio Egipto, introduciéndolos a Canaán con el monte santo de Jerusalén y la sangre salpicada sobre la tierra santa de las tres cruces del cielo y de su Hijo Jesucristo en medio, como el único Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo.

Por cierto, sólo el monte santo de Jerusalén introducida en Canaán por los hebreos, entonces era victoria sobre Satanás y su mundo de oscuridad, porque no solamente todos los ejércitos de los cananitas, heteos, amorreos, heveos, ferezeos y jebuseos serian destruidos grandemente por nuestro Padre celestial, sino que su nombre santo seria establecido sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para la eternidad. Y esto era lo que nuestro Padre celestial siempre anhelaba ver ya su nombre reinando sobre todo Israel, porque su nombre santo seria clavado a los cuerpos sin vida de Adán y Eva sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que los ángeles no solamente le sigan sirviendo, exaltando y amando como siempre, sino también todas las naciones.

Visto que, todas las familias de las naciones son creación de él y de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque en el día que cada uno de ellos nació, entonces nació por el poder del Espíritu Santo en su imagen para vivir conforme a semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que ya no vivan más en el pecado sino en su amor cariñoso. Porque todo lo que nuestro Padre celestial nos ha dado, además de la vida y muchas bendiciones, en verdad es su amor y sus lagrimas benditas eternamente llenas del Espíritu Santo, regadas por toda su extensión de la tierra santa de las tres cruces y de su Hijo Jesucristo en medio, para que le amemos, exaltándole, y así sirviéndole por siempre.

Porque cuando le amamos a él sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén y las tres cruces del cielo, salpicadas con la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, como el Cordero de Dios que quitan el pecado del mundo, entonces estamos realmente conectados eternamente a su amor entrañable y a sus muchas lagrimas de la antigüedad, enriqueciéndonos así cada vez más, para siempre. Puesto que, todo el amor que nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha sentido por su Hijo Jesucristo y así también por su Espíritu Santo, está regado en toda su extensión de la tierra santa, la cual nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo desde su cruz, ardiendo en el fuego del Espíritu Santo, a Moisés: Descálzate, porque el lugar donde estás parado santo es.

Y es aquí precisamente donde no solamente viene a estar con cada uno de nosotros, sino que solamente aquí él nos puede conocer realmente de pies a cabeza como su imagen, todos listos para vivir por siempre conforme a semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo, para ya no vivir más en el pecado, sino llenos infinitamente de su Espíritu Santo y amoroso. Y es aquí en donde nuestro Padre celestial siempre está presto para recibirnos con todas las fuerzas de su amor apasionado, el cual siempre él ha manifestado hacia cada uno de todos nosotros, desde el día que salimos de su imagen para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial en toda la tierra y en el cielo, para la eternidad.

Aquí es donde nosotros nos sentiremos muy amados por nuestro Padre celestial y por su Hijo Jesucristo, porque él amor que siempre han sentido por cada uno de nosotros está regado en toda su extensión de la tierra santa del monte santo de Jerusalén y de sus tres cruces del cielo, para bendecirnos enormemente con tan solo invocar su nombre todopoderoso. Por esta razón, está escrito en las Escrituras de la antigüedad y por los mismos profetas, avisándonos, de que todo aquel que invoque el nombre santo del SEÑOR, entonces será salvo; y la persona invocando el nombre de Dios será salvo de sus males eternos, porque el monte santo de Jerusalén está con él y con el nombre todopoderoso reinando grandemente.

En otras palabras, cada vez que tú invocas el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, entonces estás invocando a su Hijo Jesucristo, porque él es quien lleva en él su nombre bendito y en perfecta santidad eternal, porque el invocar el nombre, entonces invocas sobre ti todas las bendiciones del monte santo de Jerusalén y de la cruz como puerta al cielo. Porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente está clavado con el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial sobre la cruz de Adán y Eva, para que alcancen salvación eterna para ellos mismos y así también para sus retoños por toda la Creación, por tanto, sólo él es la puerta por donde debes pasar, accediendo así por la escalera de Jacobo al cielo.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo caminando por las calles de Israel, que lo llevaban a las casas de los hebreos, para decirles abiertamente: Sólo yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie podrá jamás acceder al cielo a no ser que pase por mí (la cruz y puerta al cielo, la cual Jacobo vio en medio de las cruces). Y ésta es la victoria de nuestro Padre celestial sobre Satanás y sus ejércitos de naciones que él formó no solamente dentro de Egipto, sino también camino a Canaán, para que la tierra prometida esté por siempre bajo su control, para que Israel jamás entre en ella, ni mucho menos le sirva a Dios sobre su monte santo y sus cruces.

Además, Satanás no sólo tuvo cuatrocientos años para formar grandes ejércitos dentro de Egipto, para que Israel permanezca cautivo perpetuamente, sino que también formó poderosos ejércitos por el camino del desierto del Sinaí, para evitar que Israel entre a la tierra prometida y así más ejércitos dentro de Canaán, para abatir a Israel si entrase victorioso con el monte santo de Jerusalén. Porque Satanás sabia que nuestro Padre celestial tenia que establecer el monte santo de Jerusalén en el corazón de la tierra prometida para que Israel le ame, le sirva y le exalte por siempre como el único amor cariñoso de su vida en la tierra y así también para toda la eternidad venidera del nuevo reino de los cielos.

Pero lo que Satanás jamás supo fue que nuestro Padre celestial tenia planeado establecer su nombre santísimo, clavado a los árboles muertos de Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que ya no solamente invoquen el nombre de Dios para salvación, sino que sean la puerta al cielo con su Hijo Jesucristo, para sus hijos e hijas, infinitamente justificados. Por lo tanto, el plan de nuestro Padre celestial no solamente de conquistar la tierra prometida con los hebreos entrando en ella con su monte santo sobre sus cabezas, para establecer su nombre todopoderoso al fin sobre todo lo alto de Jerusalén, para siempre, sino que ahora le falta que todo Israel le sirva sólo a él sobre su monte santo.

Y esto es algo que todos los ángeles del reino de los cielos lo hacen día a día por amor y servicio a su nombre santísimo sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que cada vez su nombre todopoderoso, el cual habita en perfecta santidad en el cuerpo inmolado de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces alcance nuevas glorias eternales. Puesto que, aun existen glorias eternas que no han sido alcanzadas ni por los ángeles más poderosos del reino de los cielos, pero el hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, si las pueden alcanzar, porque tenemos todo el poder del Cordero de Dios.

Además, nosotros gozamos cada día del poder del Cordero de Dios, porque no solamente hemos vuelto a nacer del Espíritu Santo, sino porque el monte santo de Dios y su cruz, en donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo fue clavado con su nombre santo, realmente está con nosotros en todo momento, para entregarnos todos los poderes que necesitemos, para alcanzar esas nuevas glorias eternas. Y cuando Israel empiece realmente a servir, a amar y a exaltar grandemente el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y su cruz eterna de su Hijo amado, como el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, entonces grandes milagros y maravillas van a comenzar a descender sobre todo Israel para bendición de muchos.

Porque nuestro Padre celestial aun quiere bendecir a todo Israel grandemente, para que las naciones no solamente vean que él todavía los ama con amor eterno, desde lo más profundo de su corazón santísimo, sino que también él desea que las naciones vean que si le pueden servir sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces también tendrán sus muchas bendiciones, enriqueciéndolos poderosamente. Porque para esto nuestro Padre celestial introdujo su monte santo de Jerusalén con los ejércitos de los hebreos, para no solamente destruir a sus enemigos que se oponían siempre a él y a su nombre bendito que sea establecido eternamente sobre todo lo alto de su monte santo, sino también para cumplir con lo prometido para con Abraham y su hijo Isaac.

Y esto es de que Canaán no solamente destilería leche y miel para que Israel se alimente así como lo hacia en el desierto del Sinaí, camino a introducir el monte santo de Jerusalén en su lugar, cuando del cielo llovía maná, para alimentar la carne sagrada y la sangre del pacto que llevan en sus cuerpos, sino también para las naciones. Por que la verdad es que nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham, abiertamente, mi pacto contigo es con la <<carne sagrada>> de tu hijo Isaac, entonces mi pacto de vida no es con Ismael, sino con tu hijo Isaac, a quien yo mismo te di del vientre muerto de tu esposa Sarai, por el poder del Espíritu Santo.

Por ende, esto es lo que le falta a nuestro Padre celestial llevar acabo lo más pronto posible, si así lo fuese, porque su promesa de que la tierra de Canaán fluiría con leche y miel para sus habitantes, todavía permanece para cumplirse, y esto sé vera cuando los Hebreos empiecen a servirle a Dios sobre su monte santo. Porque la tierra prometida solamente va a fluir leche y miel no solamente para la nación de Israel sino también para todas las naciones, así como sucedió en Egipto, por ejemplo, por los siete años de abundancia y luego siete años de escasez, que las gentes venían a Egipto por su comida, para comprar con dinero, de otra manera morirían de hambre.

Pero las gentes que van a llegar a Israel, será de hambre y sed de comer y de beber por siempre del monte santo de Jerusalén, porque el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial ya está establecido para siempre sobre la cruz, la cual es puerta al cielo, para todo aquel que invoca el nombre de Dios. Porque todo aquel que invoca al Señor Jesucristo como su único y suficiente salvador de su alma viviente en esta vida, para que sus pecados le sean perdonados, por los poderes asombrosos de la sangre bendita que ya está derramada sobre la tierra santa del monte de Jerusalén y de sus cruces, entonces será salvo.

Puesto que, la sangre que latía vida en el corazón del Cordero de Dios, su Hijo Jesucristo, ya está toda derramada sobre la tierra santa de la cruz de Dios y de su Hijo, para que sean lavados de sus pecados, en un momento de fe y de oración, porque solamente la sangre vertida es la que nos redime del infierno tormentoso. Mejor dicho, nosotros no tenemos que ascender al cielo para buscar la sangre del Cordero de Dios, su Hijo Jesucristo, que nos limpia de pecado, porque solamente su sangre santísima tiene todos los poderes y autoridades para lavarnos de todo mal eterno, sino que tan sólo tenemos que invocar su nombre santo para que estemos ya sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén.

Porque solamente sobre el monte santo de Dios podemos encontrarnos con la sangre redentora del Cordero de Dios, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para limpiarnos de todos los males de Satanás y de sus secuaces de siempre, porque toda la sangre santísima ya está vertida gota a gota sobre la tierra santa, para limpiarnos completamente y hasta que quedamos libre del mal eterno. Por ello, ésta sangre santísima de nuestro Señor Jesucristo está ya en su lugar eterno, como el sacrificio continuo que nuestro Padre celestial siempre requiere que se haga a la puerta del tabernáculo de reunión, para acceder al lugar santo y luego al Lugar Mas Santo, para mantener un contacto continuo con él y con su Espíritu Santo, para recibir muchas bendiciones.

Entonces nosotros ya no tenemos que buscar por la sangre santísima del Cordero de Dios para derramarla, porque ya está derramada en su lugar eterno, y esto es sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que no solamente seas lavado de todos tus pecados como el jabón y agua te limpia por completo, así, pues, es la sangre ya vertida, para salvarte. Y esto es que la misma sangre santísima del Cordero de Dios que latía vida y corría por sus venas para alimentar todo el cuerpo santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo, ya está vertida sobre la tierra santa de las tres cruces del cielo, para tocar tu vida grandemente, para que dejes de morir, sino que solo vivas enriquecido y saludable cada día.

Porque esto fue lo que nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo al venir al mundo, por el Espíritu Santo, al nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para darnos no solamente vida, sino también la carne sagrada y la sangre bendita, limpiándonos así de pecado y del mal eterno con tan sólo hacer contacto con ella, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén. En otras palabras, toda la sangre que latía por el corazón y corría por las venas de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, la dejó toda regada sobre la tierra santa del monte santo de Jerusalén y de las tres cruces del cielo, para que tú te acerques y seas tocado grandemente así como Moisés fue en su día, para escapar todo mal del enemigo.

También, puedes decir, que ya no tienes que coger al Señor Jesucristo y herir su cuerpo otra vez para adquirir su sangre santísima, para que seas lavado de todos tus pecados, de los cuales te están llevando cada día cada vez más cerca a la puerta del infierno, para escapar de éste mal terrible que amenaza desde siempre a la humanidad entera. Sino que la sangre bendita de nuestro Señor Jesucristo la vas a encontrar tan fresca y tan viva y tan poderosa, como cuando latía en su corazón santísimo y corría por sus venas para alimentar a todo su cuerpo bendito, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y de la cruz, de donde se derramó a la tierra santa, para perdonar tus pecados.

Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Israel a salir de Egipto, porque no solamente iba a beber de la roca eterna la sangre del Cordero de Dios vertida a tierra de las tres cruces que Abraham, Isaac, Jacobo, Moisés y otros han visto, sino para que le sirvan sobre su monte santo, para que Canaán fluya leche y miel. Puesto que, ésta leche y miel que nuestro Padre celestial va a hacer que la tierra de Canaán fluya abundantemente, será entonces para volverlos a alimentar con el pan y vino que les daba cada día desde su monte santo de Jerusalén, camino por el desierto hacia la tierra prometida, para que las naciones también coman de ella, para la eternidad.

Gota a gota cayó la sangre del Cordero de Dios sobre la tierra santa del monte santo de Jerusalén y de sus tres cruces del cielo, para que la vivamos cada día de nuestras vidas no solamente en la tierra sino también en el cielo, para reencontrarnos con la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, para siempre. Hoy, toda la sangre que necesitas para volver a alcanzar el perdón de Dios y su vida eterna y con todas sus más ricas bendiciones que te enriquecen, a cada momento de toda tu vida y así también la de los tuyos, está toda regada por ti sobre la tierra santa del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que vuelvas a vivir ricamente.

Hoy, así es el monte santo de Jerusalén para ti y así para cada uno de los tuyos y hasta para tus amistades (de las que están cerca y lejos, también), llena de la sangre del Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, en un momento de oración y de fe, tan llena como en el mismo Señor Jesucristo. Tanta sangre redentora tiene el monte santo de Jerusalén y con sus tres cruces del cielo como nuestro mismo Señor Jesucristo, para que te acerques a nuestro Padre con confianza, lavado con la sangre del amor eterno, derramada sobre tierra santa, y así redimirte completamente, con tan sólo creer para justicia en tu corazón y así confesar con tus labios para salvación.

El monte santo de Jerusalén está lleno de la sangre salvadora de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo como el mismo cuerpo santo del Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado del mundo, esperando paciente por ti y los tuyos, para que vuelvas a nacer del poder del Espíritu Santo en el mundo de tu nueva vida eterna, del reino de los cielos. Ciertamente, el monte santo de Jerusalén y con su cruz que derramó la sangre que te limpia de todo mal, te protege cada día, te suple todas tus necesidades, para que jamás te falte ningún bien ni a ti ni a ninguno de los tuyos, incluyendo tus amistades de siempre, para que sirvas a Dios eternamente junto con los ángeles del reino.

El monte santo de Jerusalén y de sus cruces de la eternidad te llenara de tanto amor y de sus muchas riquezas del Espíritu Santo, riquezas que te harán tan feliz para gozar de la leche y miel que tu vida brotara desde tu interior como ríos de agua viva, para que todos vean a Dios sobre su monte santo, glorificado grandemente. El monte santo de Jerusalén y la cruz que vertió la sangre del Cordero es la felicidad de tu corazón y así también la de cada uno de los tuyos, incluyendo a tus amistades, porque nuestro Dios tiene grande bendiciones de felicidades inescrutables de alcanzar para ellos, y las alcanzaran, si sólo vienen a su monte santo a adorarlo cada día. ¡Amén!


This is no other place but the House of God and gate to heaven's glory, Jacob exclaimed, while he was watching the entire site of Jerusalem's holy hill of the three crosses, ascending into heaven's glory, and our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle, in the midst of the Holy Spirit's fire. On this day, Jacob presented himself before our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as God's firstborn on earth to speak face-to-face with the firstborn from heaven above, and this is The Great I Am that I Am, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), for he needed to establish a pact of life with the Holy Spirit.

Then, our Lord Jesus Christ was speaking words of life and of every day blessing to him and to his children to be born in future generations to come, because our heavenly Father had confirmed not only the promised land to Abraham and his son Isaac over Mount Moriah's altar, but also to the children to possess it, forever. Thus, Jacob continued to speak to our Lord Jesus Christ from the middle of the three crosses, ascending into heaven, because he is the door and narrow way entering into our heavenly Father's holy presence, so they may step into The New Jerusalem from heaven above, paved with streets of gold, leading to glorious mansions to be inhabited by God's children.

Suddenly, our Lord Jesus Christ said to Jacob: The land where you are standing has been given to you and to your children to be born after you, because this is the promised land given to your forefathers, so they may serve, love and glorify our heavenly Father from heaven above all the days, of their lives on earth and into eternity. Kindly, Jacob accepted every word that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to him, as he was giving him not only the promised land to possess it forever but also the children to inhabited, because he was ready to have his wife, so he may start his family in the land of Canaan, in the lineage of his father Isaac.

That is why, that it was important for him to travel to Paddan-aram to meet his wife from the hometown of his father Isaac's relatives, so his children may be born in the pact of life established initially with his grand father Abraham and confirmed with his father Isaac, since he was born by the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarah's barren-womb. That is to say, that Jacob had to make sure that his children that were going to be born from him, then they had to be born within his father's lineage, so to continue to be blessed by the pact of life that our heavenly Father had started already with his forefathers, so his children may born, bearing the salvation-seed, forever.

That is why, that on his way to Paddan-aram to choose his wife from his father Isaac's relatives then our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit were waiting for him over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this blessed place, filled with our heavenly Father's love and tears, is the center of love, service and glorification on to Him. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to see Jacob speak to His Son Jesus Christ face-to-face, and from the middle of the three crosses, arrayed into heaven's glory, because he needed to establish a pact of life with the Holy Spirit through His only Son, so he may be blessed powerfully along with his children to be born soon into the millions.

Then, at Jerusalem's holy hill Jacob received from our Lord Jesus Christ to be possessed by him and with his children forever the promised land, because this is the land where he was going to be born by the same powers of the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac as Abraham's perfect-lamb, ascending to the mountaintop as the initial sacrifice. Thus, it was our Lord Jesus Christ the one that had to confirm to Jacob and to his children as well, that the promised land had been given to him and with the families to be born in future generations, because he was going to be taken there and over Jerusalem's holy hill as God's Lamb to be sacrificed in due time.

Moreover, while speaking to our Lord Jesus Christ, then Jacob noticed that all the holy angels either ascending into heaven's glory or descending, then they will do it through the crosses and always through the door and narrow way that is the immortal body of the Lamb of God, Jesus Christ, with the atoning-blood shed abundantly to the ground. That is to say, also that the holy angels, whether they were angels, archangels, seraphs, cherubs or other holy creatures from heaven above, then they will always descend or ascend through the crosses and always they used our Lord Jesus Christ as the door and narrow way, and none of the angels ever tried to enter or exit any other way.

The entire time that Jacob needed to stand before our Lord Jesus Christ and the crosses, then the holy angels continued to go about their business never realizing that he was there watching them, because they either were ascending to our heavenly Father with the people's prayers, worships and exaltations, or descending with answers and blessing from our Father to the nations. Certainly, the entire time that Jacob stood before our Lord Jesus Christ and his cross, then the holy angels went up and down, perhaps by the millions and millions, because they just went up and down through the door and narrow way that is our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred body with the atoning-blood to remove sin, so everyone may remain holy always.

Now, why our heavenly Father wanted Jacob to meet His Son Jesus Christ at the foot of his cross, with millions of angels ascending and others descending through Jacob's ladder, the three crosses, and always heading into different directions to do our heavenly Father's will with people from everywhere throughout His Creation?, you may ask. Then, the answer is that because Jacob needed to understand that he was standing not only on holy ground filled with love and tears between our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, but also because this is the place where the Gospel of salvation goes out nonstop to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations.

And so, Jacob needed to understand that he was receiving all these wonderful blessings from our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ at the cross, stained with his atoning-blood since Creation day, because he is not only God's firstborn on earth but also the father of the children that were going to inherit Jerusalem's holy hill to preach His word. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father needed Jacob to understand that by receiving from His Son Jesus Christ the promised land with all the families by the millions to inhabit it forever, then he needed to understand also His holy mountain from where His Ancient Gospel of Salvation reaches with miracles and great wonders to change people's lives, forever.

Thus, Jacob needed to understand that our heavenly Father was giving him Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above and His Son Jesus Christ in the middle, to continue to speak not only to him but also to every one of his children, because days were coming when they needed to hear from heaven above about His unfailing love. They will need to hear from our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, because His Son is His mouth piece of lasting love not only for the angels from heaven above but also for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, because the pact of life is with Abraham and the children, forever.

For this is our heavenly Father's holy site from where He has always not only blessed every holy angel from heaven above but also everyone else from all the families of the nations, because He needs to blessed the nations every day of their lives with His trustworthy love, so the glory of His holy name may be known everywhere, forever. Thus, this is the holy place where our heavenly Father always sheds His holy tears not only for Isaac and his children that were to be born from him with the sacred-life, sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, but also, it is here where His Chosen Lamb has shed the atoning-blood to remove sin, pleasing truth and justice, everlastingly.

Therefore, this is a very important site, Jerusalem's holy hill, that is, where our heavenly Father has always come to shed His tears for His loved ones that have strayed, because they have believed Satan's lies and terrible deceptions, so they may never know Him through His holy mountain thus, instead they have gone to other places to serve unknown gods unknowingly. And this is what really hurts our heavenly Father's holy heart, because He sees how His children are lied to that they become completely blind without ever known that He is always waiting for them to stand before His Son at his cross to be cleansed from sin, so they may go through the door and narrow way up into heavens' glory.

Through the years, Satan with his lies and deceptions he has deceived His children born from Isaac as he lay over Mount Moriah's altar before Him and His Lamb in heaven, so He may shed His tears over each one of them just as His Son will shed his atoning-blood to cover them from sin, death, and eternal hell's torment, forever. Besides, our heavenly Father remembers each one of them just as He remembers His first tears filled abundantly with the Holy Spirit that He has personally shed over them over Mount Moriah's altar, as Abraham was ready to sacrifice his only son Isaac, the one that he had learned to love with all his mind, strength, heart, soul and human spirit.

Thus, for our heavenly Father Jerusalem's holy hill is a glorious site from heaven above before the His holy angels and for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, because His tears are still over the holy ground of the three crosses and that is also saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to remove sin, everlastingly. Emotionally, the only thing that our heavenly Father does whenever He approaches Jerusalem's holy hill, it is that He cries for His children that were not only born from Isaac as Abraham's lamb to be taken to Mount Moriah for the sacrifice that would prove his faith unto salvation justice, but also He remembers how much His Son Jesus Christ has suffered.

Upon Jerusalem's holy hill our heavenly Father remembers every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations initially born in His image by the power of the Holy Spirit, to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness forever, always honoring, loving, worshipping and exalting His holy name well into all eternity in His new colossal angelic Kingdom. Thus, all the angels from heaven above were initially created by our heavenly Father by the power of His holy word to love, serve and worship Him and His holy name always over Jerusalem's holy hill and the three crosses from heaven above with His Son, as the only door and narrow way to ascend Jacob's ladder into His holy presence.

And the same our heavenly Father has been desiring to do with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, because this pact of life was born from Abraham and Isaac as they began to love, serve and worship Him through His Son, the only Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin from the world. For our heavenly Father will never see any angel, regardless as how powerful and wonderfully created he may be unless he may come to Him every day of his celestial-life through Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground, of the three crosses from heaven above, and His Son in the middle always speaking to everyone as God's mediator.

For His Son Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and life to ascend into His holy presence in heaven's glory, because He only knows His Son as the perfect door and narrow way to ascend step-by-step up Jacob's ladder into The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where His love thrives mightily within everyone's heart, angels and men alike into eternity. Thus, any one angel trying to ascend into His holy presence without His Son Jesus Christ as the door and narrow way of perfect holiness up Jacob's ladder, then, that one will fail not only to find Him but he will find himself completely lost never to see his way back to where he started ascending into heaven's glory.

And this is exactly what happened to Lucifer and his one-third of the fallen angels, because they tried to serve our heavenly Father through other doors and ways away from Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son Jesus Christ, as the only door and narrow way ascending Jacob's ladder into His holy presence that they never found the way back to correct themselves. Satan and his fallen angels found themselves completely blind and eternally lost never to find their way back, because they failed not only to love, serve, worship and exalt our heavenly Father's holy name through His Son Jesus Christ, furthermore they also failed to realize the great mistake that they had made until it was too late, in hell's torment, everlastingly condemned.

That is why, that Satan along with the fallen angels found themselves eternally cursed and lost in hell's torment, because they decided that they did not need to love, honor and exalt our heavenly Father's holy name through His Son Jesus Christ's heart and atoning-blood, and so, as they tried to approach Him in other ways, then they became lost, forever. Indeed, Satan along with his fallen angels were cast out from heaven's glory, because they just refused to please our heavenly Father's truth, life and justice that is His Son Jesus Christ as the one that not only bears His holy name in perfect holiness but also he is His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, removing sin, forever.

Thus, because Lucifer with his fallen angels that believed that he may approach our heavenly Father by exalting his wicked name above His Son Jesus Christ, bearing always His holy name in perfect holiness, then he became God's adversary, (Satan or the devil) along with his fallen angels (the demons), because they separated themselves from God, as they abandoned it, forever. And since the day that Satan and his fallen angels were abandoned by Jerusalem's holy hill, because they were the ones that first abandoned it, forever, by trying to approach our heavenly Father in another way other than His Son Jesus Christ, as the only door and narrow way, ascending Jacob's ladder into heaven, then many places in heaven became void.

Presently, these are empty spaces from heaven above that the angels used to hold thus to love, worship, glorify and serve our heavenly Father, but, since they willingly abandoned Jerusalem's holy hill duties with the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory, then, they were relieved from their duties, and so, these are spaces that need to be filled by you right now. That is why, that our heavenly Father gave you birth by the Holy Spirit, so you may become His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness in heaven's glory forever into all eternity to come, thus to occupy these empty spaces of eternal glories that need to run again, but this time, it will be with you only.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father did not give birth to you through the Holy Spirit's powers, so you may just become His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness forever, without any purpose in life, but, instead He gave you birth in His image to retake these empty spaces for the glory of His name. Given that, as you may become Holy Spirit reborn, because, you have ascended Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses, guided by the Holy Spirit to the foot of His Son Jesus Christ, then you are to pass through the door and narrow way up Jacob's ladder to retake these empty spaces for His glory.

That is why, that our heavenly Father started the entire human race, beginning with Adam and Eve in paradise, and later with Abraham and Isaac over Mount Moriah's altar, because He needs you not only Holy Spirit born, but also to pass through the door that is His Son up Jacob's ladder into these empty spaces to love, serve and glory Him. Moreover, our heavenly Father needs you not only Holy Spirit born, in a moment of faith and prayer, but also clean from sin, and this is only possible as you may pass through the door and narrow way that is His Lamb, in the middle of the crosses, ascending Jacob's ladder into His holy presence to receive you as His child, forever.

Surely, our heavenly Father made it important that not only Jerusalem's holy hill may be present over Mount Moriah with a lamb as Abraham was ready to sacrifice his son, proving his faith on God's Son, since Abraham was ready to shed Isaac's blood just as the Father would with His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill, destroying sin, forever. On this day, and over Mount Moriah, Jerusalem's holy hill was there with the three crosses and the atoning-blood shed to the ground, and this is not of the lamb that Adam and Eve were presenting to our Father in heaven through Abraham and Isaac, but this is the real atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ that removes every one's sin, forever.

Moreover, Adam and Eve needed not only to watch how faithful Abraham was to our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ as he was presenting his only son Isaac with the pristine-life, sacred-flesh and atoning-blood running through his heart and veins, ready to be shed over the altar and to the ground, so Abraham's faith may turn into salvation justice, for eternity. For the reason that, our heavenly Father needed to prove Abraham's faith in His Son Jesus Christ only that had been given to him miraculously, and this began to happen as he with his 318 disciples broke bread and wine with our heavenly Father over the Lord's Table, served daily by His Son Jesus Christ, so he may receive the much needed salvation-lamb.

And this is our Lord Jesus Christ gloriously manifested in the divine-life, sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of his son Isaac, because as Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb, then he was born with the pristine-life, sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of the King Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so he may be his perfect lamb over Mount Moriah's altar, and not Isaac, his son. Surely, this was something that was very important for Abraham to understand along with the children that were to be born in future generations, because they were to be born just as Isaac was born, and this is with the divine-life, sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of the King Messiah, because the King was going to be born from the midst of them.

In other words, whenever anyone is born within Israel then that one is been born, whether this is a man or a woman, in the divine-life, sacred-flesh, and the atoning-blood from God's Lamb to love, serve and glorify Him, forever, because this is exactly the way that His Son Jesus Christ is born in their midst as the Eternal King Messiah. This was our heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation not only for Israel but also for the nations, because He is God for the Hebrews and the nations, so they may receive in time His must precious nonstop salvation from over Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses with His Son Jesus Christ, in the middle.

For this is the only place that our heavenly Father has called Israel from Egypt, as He released them from bondage, by the power of the atoning-blood shed to the ground and His tears filled with the Holy Spirit, to love, serve and glorify Him, so their sins may be removed to ascend Jacob's ladder into His holy presence, forever justified. This is why, that as our heavenly Father empowered Moses over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this was the only place from where He will not only forgive his sins but also dressed/filled him inside and out with the Holy Spirit thus to love, serve and worship Him always, so he may finally descend to Israel with special powers to escape from slavery, forever.

Decisively, because Moses allowed the Holy Spirit not only to guide him up Mount Sinai finally to stand over holy ground saturated with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood and our heavenly Father's tears filled with the Holy Spirit fire for Isaac and the children, then, Moses became a new man before our heavenly Father and Israel to do His will through life. Meaning that, Moses after he contacted with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground along with our heavenly Father's tears that He has shed not only for Isaac but for the children, then, he had powers to liberate Israel from captivity, and powers to go through the door and the narrow way up Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father's presence.

Therefore, Moses went up and down Jacob's ladder willfully, because our heavenly Father began to call him into His holy presence, since he needed to receive not only special instructions how he was to behave before Pharaoh and his people to liberate Israel from captivity, but also he needed to learn more of His wonderful glories in heaven above. Really, no one knows how often Moses ascended Jacob's ladder through the door and narrow way of our Lord Jesus Christ, since he alone is our heavenly Father's perfect holiness that approves anyone, whether this is an angel or man, woman or child, to ascend into heaven's glory thus to be received in person by our heavenly Father, and His angelic hosts.

Nevertheless, Moses just went up and down as many times he needed to do it, because he had important questions that were in his heart and of the people, and only our heavenly Father could answer them properly, and so, he always ascended Jacob's ladder to speak to Him and His Son in person, so he may receive the proper guidance always. This is when our heavenly Father called him not only to receive the two tables of the Ten Commandments that were hidden in the proper places within the Arc of the Testimony, within the tabernacle of reunion, and within the Most Holy Place that only God may access this holy room, but Moses walked into it blamelessly to take the two tablets.

For these tablets were written by our heavenly Father's holy finger, so Israel may have them thus to obey them all the days of their lives not only on earth but also in heaven's glory, for this is the precious life of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach divinely bound to defeat timely every lie, curse and death from Satan and his fallen angels. These tablets of the commandments are the written life not only of our Lord Jesus Christ but also the amazing life of every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations that have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's name, so they may live everlastingly blessed.

For this is the only divine life that our heavenly Father will accept in His holy presence not only on earth but also in heaven's glory, as within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where His love for each one of his holy angels and the families of the nations, starting with Israel, shines brighter than the Sun upon earth these days. Thus, to release everyone's eternal life that it is always written in the tablets of the commandments, by the power of the Holy Spirit and the finger of our heavenly Father, then our Lord Jesus Christ had to be born from David's virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, so he may receive it finally from his brothers thus to fulfill them forever.

For the reason that, our Lord Jesus Christ was the only one born from our heavenly Father by the power of the Holy Spirit to bring into the world eternal life along with the divine-life, sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that had the powers and authorities to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments until they may be glorified everlastingly into eternity. Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ could only fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments by walking the streets of Israel and reaching those that have been attacked by Satan and his fallen angels, as Adam and Eve were initially in paradise with deceptive lies, so they may never see Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground that saves them.

Divinely, as our Lord Jesus Christ walked the streets of Israel, wherever our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit guided him, then he was there to destroy every lie, curse, and death from Satan and his fallen angels, so Israel may live liberated to find Jerusalem's holy hill thus to serve our heavenly Father as He is served by His holy angels. Therefore, and only as our Lord Jesus Christ confronted Satan face-to-face to destroy every lie, curse, infirmity and death that has emerged from his mouth against Israel and the families of the nations, then, he was able to destroy Satan and the angel of death, so hell's torment may find its final destination in the lake of fire never to rise again.

Surely, this was something that no angel from heaven above could ever do it, much less any man, woman or child from Israel or the nations, because this was something that only His Son Jesus Christ could execute it divinely, since he along is God's high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, removing sin forever, for anyone to live abundantly blessed. Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ finished with Satan's lies, curses, infirmities and threats of death from all of Israel and the families of the nations, then, he was ready to be taken to Jerusalem's holy hill, carrying our cross, sins, infirmities, curses, and death over his shoulders, so he may heal us with his own atoning-blood shed to the ground, forever.

Besides, because our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to the cross of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill, then, he ate with them his bread and drunk from his cup of wine that is his atoning-blood shed over them, so they may receive our heavenly Father's holy name forever nailed to them thus to invoke it, and become finally saved. Unquestionably, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do with Adam and Eve, since the day that they both ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, so they became separated forever from Jerusalem's holy hill, meaning that, they were never to eat from the bread of life much less drink from the atoning-blood.

However, as our Lord Jesus Christ was finally nailed to them over Jerusalem's holy hill, then, they were able to eat from the bread of life and drink from the cup of wine that is the atoning-blood of our heavenly Father's Lamb, His Son Jesus Christ, so they may cling to His holy name forever thus to invoke it, for lasting-salvation. In other words, as we see Jesus Christ carrying over his shoulder the cross to destroy our sins, curses, infirmities, poverty, hell with Satan, the angel of death, and every fallen angel, then, he was ready to feed Adam and Eve the bread and wine that they failed to eat initially in paradise with our heavenly Father over the Lord's Table.

For this was the only way possible that not only Adam and Eve were able finally to receive our heavenly Father's holy name, nailed to them through His Son Jesus Christ that is always the door and narrow way to ascend Jacob's ladder into His holy presence in heaven's glory, but also, they both became part of Jerusalem's holy hill, forever. For Adam and Eve needed to become part of Jerusalem's holy hill just as the holy angels are in heaven's glory, despite their different ranks of glory and great honor, so they may love, serve and worship our heavenly Father through eternity just as they were called initially to eat and drink with Him over the Lord's Table the bread and wine.

For this is exactly that our heavenly Father needed not only Abraham along with his son, Isaac, the lamb that saved him from sin by converting his faith into salvation justice, by obeying our heavenly Father's word from heaven above, but also the children to be born by the millions, as the stars in heaven and the sand in the seashore. Our heavenly Father needed everyone from Abraham, Isaac, Jacob along with the millions of children that were to be born until now, and those that will come in future generations to come to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground, of the three crosses from heaven above, for lasting-salvation.

That is why, that our heavenly Father told Moses, by saying to him: Israel and you will return to this mountaintop to serve God, forever, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground, of the three crosses from heaven above, and of His Son Jesus Christ as the door and narrow way up Jacob's ladder. For this holy site of Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground is not only for holy angels to go up and down through the door and narrow way of Jacob's ladder to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence in heaven's glory but also, it is for Israel and the families of the nations.

For it is our heavenly Father's will that Jerusalem's holy hill, filled with his tears shed with the Holy Spirit of love not only for His Son Jesus Christ but also for Adam and Eve and the children may be part of it everlastingly, just as it is for the holy angels in heaven thus to love, serve and glorify Him always. For it is very important for our heavenly Father to see Jerusalem's holy hill as part of every man, woman and child's heart just as it has always been since the creation of heaven's glory with the angels, archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other holy creatures from heaven above that have learned to love, serve, and glorify Him faithfully through His Son Jesus Christ.

For this is the only way that our heavenly Father is not only going to exalt mightily His holy name through Israel and the families of the nations, but also He is going to create a new earth filled with His eternal glories as it is heaven with the angelic hosts, so eternal life will never be interrupted abruptly by sin. For this is going to be a new earth just as glorious as the new angelic Kingdom from heaven above filled with His Holy Spirit of love, peace, prosperity and eternal happiness, filling with glory the hearts of angels and every saved man, woman and child that have learned to love, worship and serve everlastingly our heavenly Father over Jerusalem's holy hill.

For it is our heavenly Father's will that every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel and of the nations may learn just as Moses along with Aaron and the Levites priests did perfectly well to love, serve and worship His holy name abundantly over Jerusalem's holy hill progressive rituals and ceremonies of never-ending perfect holiness into eternity. For this is why, that our heavenly Father descended with His Son over Jerusalem's holy hill at Mount Sinai to call Moses, guided by the Holy Spirit, to stand at His crosses burning in the holocaust fire, to make contact with the atoning-blood, so he may liberate Israel from captivity thus to love, serve and worship Him from His holy mountaintop, forever.

For this is the holy mountaintop from where our heavenly Father has always been pleased with truth and justice from His Son, the Holy Spirit, and the angelic hosts, so He may not only love them abundantly within His holy heart, but also command them to go after humankind to bring them to His fold forever saved for His new angelic Kingdom. Besides, it is from this very holy site where our heavenly Father has shed His holy tears for Isaac and the children, but also it is from here where His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to the ground of the three crosses, engulfed in the holocaust fire, to give birth to Adam but also save his children from sin, forever.

For this is Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son's Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground initially thus to fill it not only with His Holy Spirit of unfailing love to create the angelic hosts in the beginning of all things in heaven's glory, but also to create Adam along with the children that will become the families of the nations, eternally. Thus, Jerusalem's holy hill, it is a very important site filled with His Holy Spirit of unfailing love for His Son Jesus Christ and for the angels along with every man, woman and child that He has given birth in His image through the Holy Spirit, so they may learn to love Him with His holy tears already shed over His holy mountaintop.

Properly, it is here where our heavenly Father needs to see you, serving and worshipping Him, so He may exalt His holy name within His Son Jesus Christ already nailed forever to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so He may finally have His holy name also not only nailed to your heart, but also glorify it into eternity. For the reason that, you need to glorify our heavenly Father's holy name that it is nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so He may not only wash you clean from sin, but also grant you the new glorified-body to go through the door and narrow way ascending Jacob's ladder into His eternal place in heaven's glory.

Otherwise, you will never be washed clean from sin much less see our heavenly Father in heaven's glory, where your eternal life has been waiting for you since even before the foundation of the world, because this is your true life that you will never know unless you come to it through the way, truth and life of Jerusalem's holy hill. Today, it is very important for you to obey our heavenly Father just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did in their days along with Moses and millions like him through the years to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill, guided by the Holy Spirit, to stand before His Son Jesus Christ's cross with his tears and the atoning-blood shed to the ground for lasting-salvation.

You will have a wonderful life with our Lord Jesus Christ, starting right now, as your personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood, removing your sins, to bless your every day on earth and in heaven's glory forever, so you may always increase from one joyful day and into the next one to come well into all eternity. Certainly, Jerusalem's holy hill is your home-sweet-home these days on earth and in heaven's glory as well and always filled with the presence of His holy angels, because this is where our heavenly Father will never cease to enrich you mightily through His Son Jesus Christ, by the amazing living powers, peace, happiness, prosperity, wonders, and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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