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Jul 9, 2015, 8:27:06 PM7/9/15
Sábado, 04 de Julio, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Happy 4th of July to everyone around the country of the United States of America, and may our heavenly Father bless you, in the name of His Son Jesus Christ, so you may receive these days the blessings that you have asked from Him to grant you from Jerusalem's holy hill, by invoking His holy name, for blessing and lasting salvation.


Nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo le dijo a Moisés desde en medio de las cruces, ardiendo en el fuego del Espíritu Santo: Yo Soy El Gran Yo soy el Que Soy, que me ha enviado a vosotros, como el Dios de Abraham, el Dios de Isaac y el Dios de Jacobo--éste es mi nombre en que me conocerán vosotros, para siempre. Porque en éste nombre jamás me he dado a conocer a nadie en ninguna de las naciones de toda la tierra, excepto por medio de ti, Moisés, y sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Dios, para que todo Israel lo conozca cada día más y lo invoque en todo momento, especialmente cuando se encuentren en necesidad de ayuda divina.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo le aseguraba a Moisés, de que si él le entregaba su nombre santo, como El Yo Soy El Que Soy, entonces todo Israel empezaría a recibir toda la ayuda necesaria del monte santo de Dios, para empezar a romper las cadenas de la esclavitud eterna de Egipto y así eventualmente escapar hacia una vida mejor de Dios. Visto que, cada vez que el nombre santo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo es invocado por los israelíes, como El Yo Soy El Que Soy, entonces no solamente están invocando al Padre, al Hijo, y al Espíritu Santo, sino que también están invocando la carne y la sangre bendita del pacto, los cuales se encuentran siempre en el epicentro del monte de Dios.

Porque esta es la Casa santa del nombre bendito de Dios, es decir, de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo, para que sea invocado no solamente por los ángeles del riendo de los cielos, sino también por cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña, para perdón, bendición, salud y salvación. Por lo tanto, cada vez que el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo es invocado, entonces también es invocado, a la misma vez, el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial y el nombre del Espíritu Santo, para entrar en nuestras vidas desde el monte santo de Jerusalén con grandes bendiciones de grandes poderes, liberándonos de todo mal del enemigo, para siempre.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo a Moisés, que cada vez que orase sobre los hijos de Israel, entonces tendría que poner su nombre santo sobre cada uno de todos ellos, para que reciban las bendiciones que necesitaban del monte santo de Jerusalén, para servir, amar y exaltar el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, para siempre. Y Moisés les enseñó a Aaron y a sus hijos, como los sacerdotes Levitas del tabernáculo de reunión, a orar, a invocar, y a poner el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo sobre cada uno de todos ellos, para que sean bendecidos grandemente cada día de sus vidas.

Y la oración sacerdotal de cada día dice así, invocando el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo: el Padre celestial te bendiga, y te guarde, su Hijo Jesucristo haga resplandecer su rostro sobre ti, y tenga de ti misericordia, y el Espíritu Santo alce sobre ti su rostro, y ponga en ti paz. Y así pondrán mi nombre santo sobre todos los hijos de Israel, y yo los bendeciré en donde quiera que se encuentren en todas las naciones, puesto que tienen el mandato de parte de mí de hacerme un altar en sus hogares, por donde sea que vayan por toda la tierra, para que yo venga a ellos, y los bendiga grandemente.

Por tanto, los Levitas, como los sacerdotes del tabernáculo de reunión y del Lugar Más Santo, entonces tenían que invocar el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo sobre cada uno de todos ellos, para que entonces nuestro Padre celestial empiece a bendecir grandemente sus vidas, y la vida de cada uno de los suyos, también. De otra manera, nuestro Padre celestial, ni su Hijo Jesucristo (como el Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado de Israel, por los poderes asombrosos de su sangre santísima, derramada sobre el altar de Dios), ni mucho menos su Espíritu Santo podía permanecer en ninguno de ellos, para entregarles sus bendiciones que tanto necesitaban cada día de sus vidas.

Ciertamente, los Levitas tenían que orar, invocando el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, para que los israelitas sean bendecidos, de otra manera ellos no podían jamás experimentar las grandes bendiciones del monte de Dios, para seguir viviendo sus vidas normales sobre toda la tierra, y así también mantenerse protegidos siempre de sus enemigos. Por lo tanto, era sumamente importante para nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo no solamente de entregarles su nombre santo, por medio de Moisés, a todo Israel, y sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Monte Sinaí, para que empiecen a romper toda clase de tinieblas en sus vidas, y así escapar de Egipto hacia la tierra prometida.

Sino que también los Levitas tenían que orar, invocando el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo sobre cada uno de todos ellos, para que vivan las grandes bendiciones que habían descendido sobre sus vidas cuando el monte santo de Jerusalén descansaba sobre el Monte Sinaí, para que ellos empiecen a vivir una vida sumamente gloriosa. Puesto que, la vida santísima que nuestro Padre celestial les estaba entregando cada día que invocaban su nombre santo, el de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, entonces era para que sean grandemente saturados con poderes y victorias sobre todas las artimañas de Satanás en sus vidas, para que no caigan en ninguna de sus trampas, sino que siempre escapen.

Visto que, Satanás estaba siempre listo para atacar a todo Israel, y destruirlo si fuese posible, y él siempre ha actuado desde las profundas tinieblas, escondido, para que Israel jamás vea cuando él se está acercando para atacarlos, de la manera más cruel y despiadada, para que no solamente dejen de servir a Dios sobre su monte santo, sino que mueran también. Por eso, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo lo primero que hizo con Moisés cuando se presentó delante de él, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, que le hablaba de entre las tres cruces, fue, entregarle su nombre santo y lleno de grandes poderes y victorias increíbles sobre todas las artimañas de Satanás y así siempre escapen de los males infernales y escondidos.

Además, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo tenia que darle a conocer a Moisés su nombre santo, ya que había pisado tierra santa, saturada con su sangre bendita, derramada desde antes de la Creación, para que Israel empiece a vivir con sus poderes y milagros maravillosos de cada día, y así siempre destruya toda obra del maligno, para vivir por siempre libre. Porque la verdad es que sin el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial en el corazón y en los labios de los hebreos, entonces no serán realmente libres jamás, porque sin el nombre santo viviendo en ellos, no conocerán la felicidad ni la vida santísima, que se les ha dado para que la gocen cada día de sus vidas, para siempre.

Dado que, el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial es amor eterno, para cada uno de ellos en esta vida y en la venidera también del nuevo reino angelical, para que el Espíritu Santo de amor de nuestro Padre celestial y así igualmente de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces abunde grandemente en sus vidas, para gloria y honra de su nombre todopoderoso. Y porque el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial es amor eterno, para todo Israel y así también para todas las naciones, entonces también es nuestra felicidad siempre presente, para no solamente escapar del mal de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, sino igualmente del fuego infernal, visto que el hombre nace con la carne que va directamente condenado al infierno.

Además, el hombre nace en el mundo con la carne que va al infierno, porque Adán y Eva comieron del fruto prohibido del árbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal, para no solamente morir y regresar al polvo, sino también para que su alma, por culpa del pecado, descienda al fuego eterno del infierno, perdido para siempre. Y el único fruto que puede salvar al hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, es el fruto de vida de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, porque él es el pacto de carne y de sangre santa establecido por Dios con Abraham y sus descendientes, para perdón, bendición, salud, prosperidad, felicidad y salvación.

Y fuera de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, entonces no hay carne sagrada ni sangre bendita que nos pueda vestir de santidad y de salvación perfecta, para no solamente pasar por la puerta y el camino angosto, subiendo por la escalera de Jacobo al cielo, sino que tampoco podremos jamás ser recibidos en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial, en su sabiduría divina y santísima, invitó a Abraham a comer y beber de su Hijo Jesucristo, sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR, para que no solamente reciba a su Hijo Jesucristo en su carne sagrada y en su sangre bendita, por medio de su hijo Isaac, sino también todas las familias de las naciones, para siempre.

Visto que, cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació, por medio de Isaac, en su carne sagrada y en su sangre bendita, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para ser recibido no solamente por Sara y por Abraham, sino también por todas las familias de las naciones, fue realmente para nuestro Padre celestial ver como el hombre trataría a su Hijo Jesucristo. Y a nuestro Padre celestial le agrado ver como Abraham vivía con la carne sagrada y con la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, que había venido a él, por medio de su hijo Isaac, cuando nació en sus brazos por el Espíritu Santo, que nuestro Padre vio felizmente como su Jesucristo fue grandemente amado por Abraham y por los suyos.

Entonces cuando Abraham y todos los demás amaban mucho a su Hijo Jesucristo, por medio de su hijo Isaac que había nacido con la carne sagrada y con la sangre bendita del pacto de vida eterna, inmediatamente nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Abraham a sacrificarlo, al muy amado de todos, para probar su fe por él en el cielo, para salvación eterna. Y es aquí cuando el sacrificio santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo empezó en serio, para derramar su sangre santísima y sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para no solamente clavar el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial sobre los cuerpos sin carne de Adán y Eva, sino también para clavar con sangre la carne del pacto sobre todos sus retoños, salvándolos eternamente.

De otra manera, ningún hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, podía jamás alcanzar el perdón ni mucho menos la salvación de su alma eterna, para pasar por la puerta y el camino angosto que nos lleva a subir por la escalera de Jacobo, hacia la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial. Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenía que nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para darnos no solamente la vida eterna, sino también el cuerpo de la carne sagrada y la sangre bendita que nos entrega a cada uno de todos nosotros nuestros cuerpos eternamente glorificados, para ascender la escalera de Jacobo en cualquier momento hacia la felicidad eterna.

Ciertamente, estos son nuestros mismos cuerpos glorificados eternamente, puesto que no solamente vencieron el pecado, la mentira y la maldad de Satanás y de la serpiente antigua del Edén, sino que el también cumplió con el Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos, para que nuestro Padre celestial jamás vea nuestros pecados, sino solamente la santidad perfecta de su Hijo Jesucristo en nosotros. Visto que, sólo es por los méritos santísimos de su Hijo Jesucristo es que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente nos perdona, sino que también nos acepta como sus hijos legítimos y como sus hijas legitimas, para pasar por la puerta y el camino angosto que nos lleva a subir por la escalera de Jacobo hacia la vida eterna del nuevo reino angelical.

Y ésta es la Nueva Jerusalén santa y perfecta, en donde todo es amor, paz y felicidad para los ángeles y así también para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, porque se han lavado de sus pecados con la sangre del Cordero de Dios que quita el pecado sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha llamado a todo Israel a que se acerque a su Casa santa, del monte santo de Jerusalén, para que se limpie de todos sus pecados y de sus males eternos, con la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, que la derramó gota a gota sobre todo el lugar santo del Lugar Más Santo.

Y es aquí en donde nuestro Padre celestial desea ver a todos sus hijos e hijas de Israel y así también de todas las naciones, invocando su nombre santísimo, para que sean grandemente bendecidos, porque el invocar su nombre santo, quiere decir que han sido perdonados todos los pecados, para vestirse de santidad perfecta y eterna inmediatamente, para subir al cielo, justificado. Y es al cielo en donde quiere ver nuestro Padre celestial a cada uno de sus hijos e hijas de todas las familias de Israel y así igualmente de las naciones, para dialogar con cada uno de ellos de todas las cosas que les interesa y así a él también, para que muchas bendiciones comiencen a fluir por doquier con riquezas interminables.

Puesto que, nuestro Padre celestial está repleto de grandes glorias y de bendiciones sin fin, que no les quiere retener más sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén, sino que las quiere ver tocando grandemente las vidas de todos sus hijos e hijas de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, para que sus glorias sean conocidas abiertamente por todos. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial continua haciendo el mismo llamado que le hizo a Abraham inicialmente con su único hijo Isaac a que subiese sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Monte Moriah, para que le ofrezca la carne del sacrificio eterno con la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, que quita el pecado, para alcanzar la justicia eterna.

Porque era necesario que nuestro Padre celestial se encontrase sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con Abraham y con su hijo Isaac, como el sacrificio que empezaría el sacrificio eterno, el cual no tiene principio ni fin en la tierra ni en el cielo, para que nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su día derrame su sangre santísima, para perdón de nuestros pecados. Y, por ello, nuestro Padre celestial está llamando a cada uno de nosotros a que subamos ya, sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén, la cual es su Casa santa y puerta del cielo, para que nos encontremos con él y nos bendiga grandemente con poderes asombrosos de su nombre bendito, rodeado de la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo que borra nuestros pecados.

En estos días, cada uno de nosotros tiene que subir al monte santo de Jerusalén, obligados, para encontrarnos con nuestro Padre celestial, porque él nos está esperando ahí, desde el comienzo de todas las cosas en el cielo, para que nos paremos junto con él sobre tierra santa y así limpiarnos de todos nuestros males con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo. Y tenemos que hacerlo así ya, porque no hay otra manera de nosotros lavarnos de todos nuestros pecados, para vestirnos de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita del pacto de salvación eterna, del cual su Hijo Jesucristo nos ha entregado, por amor a su nombre santísimo, para que no muramos más, sino que vivamos para siempre la felicidad celestial.

En nuestros días, nosotros podemos tener un monte santo en nuestros hogares, para invocar el nombre santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial, el cual habita en perfecta santidad en la carne y en la sangre santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que entonces él descienda inmediatamente a recibirnos, porque estaremos parado en donde nos ha llamado, para encontrarnos con él. Y si nosotros nos encontramos con él, en donde nos ha llamado para presentarnos delante de su presencia sin mancha ni tacha alguna en nuestras almas eternas, porque la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo nos limpia de todo pecado y de todo mal eterno, entonces nos recibirá de la misma manera que recibió a Moisés en sus días en el cielo.

Porque Moisés fue un hombre como todos nosotros, que creyó en su corazón en nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para no solamente hablar con él, por unos momentos, sino también para recibir su nombre santísimo, en un momento de fe y de oración, para que por la invocación del nombre santo, entonces Israel comience a destruir las tinieblas del cautiverio eterno. Y esto es lo mismo que cada uno de todos nosotros estamos llamados a hacer delante de nuestro Padre celestial, y sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para él encontrarse con nosotros y así empezar a bendecir nuestras vidas de cada día con su gran amor eterno manifestado abiertamente sobre la tierra y en el cielo, para la eternidad.

Realmente, ésta es una vida gloriosa, la cual nuestro Padre celestial nos ha entregado a cada uno de nosotros, de invocar su nombre santísimo sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para él mismo y no otro, empezar a manifestarse en nuestras vidas con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo, y siempre acompañado fuertemente de sus huestes angelicales. Y en cada uno de nosotros, nuestro Padre celestial desea que siempre exista la certeza de que él no solamente nos ama grandemente, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, sino que también, por medio de él y de su sangre santísima nos perdona todos nuestros pecados, con tan sólo invocar su nombre bendito con nuestros labios, para salvación y bendición eterna.

Puesto que, cada vez que nosotros invocamos su nombre santo con nuestros labios, porque hemos creído en nuestros corazones para justicia eterna, entonces estamos siendo salpicados y hasta bañados con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo, la cual ya está derramada sobre el lugar santo del monte santo de Jerusalén y de su cruz del reino de los cielos. Y esto sucede así siempre con los ángeles y así también con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de Israel y de las naciones, porque el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial está siempre acompañado de la sangre del Cordero de Dios, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para que se mantenga perpetuamente su nombre santo en perfecta santidad eterna.

Ciertamente, no es posible jamás que el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial, el cual está clavado a los árboles de Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, se contamine con el pecado o mancha de ningún ángel del cielo o del hombre, mujer, niño o niña de todas las familias de las naciones o de Israel. Puesto que, la sangre del Cordero de Dios, su Hijo Jesucristo, como su sumo sacerdote y mediador entre Dios y el hombre, entonces lo mantiene siempre libre de todo mal y en perfecta santidad--por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació en Israel, por el Espíritu Santo, para derramar su sangre bendita al pie del nombre santo de Dios, para santidad eterna.

Por ello, si deseas encontrarte con nuestro Padre celestial, para que él bendiga tu vida grandemente, borrando todos tus pecados y males eternos y así resolver todos tus problemas y dificultades de tu vida y la de los tuyos también, incluyendo la de tus amigos, entonces solamente necesitas acercarte al monte santo de Dios, para invocar su nombre todopoderoso. Porque solamente invocando el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces el fuego del Espíritu Santo comenzara a quemar todas tus tinieblas hasta que no encuentre ninguna, y una vez que el Espíritu Santo haya destruido todas tus tinieblas, instantáneamente serás una nueva criatura en la tierra y así también en el cielo, para siempre.

Además, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, cuando te encuentres con nuestro Padre celestial, entonces él comenzara a obrar grandemente en tu vida y hasta que te libere no solamente de cada una de las tinieblas de tus pecados, de tus enfermedades, de tus problemas y conflictos y hasta de la misma muerte, sino que te llenara de su gozo eterno. Realmente, habrás alcanzado la felicidad eterna, porque una vida sin tinieblas, entonces es una vida sin los problemas y conflictos del pecado, de la enfermedad y de la muerte de Satanás en la tierra y así también del infierno tormentoso del más allá, vendrás a ser una nueva criatura para Dios, lleno de su Espíritu Santo y de vida eterna, para siempre.

Ésta es una vida real y verdadera, la cual no conoces aun, porque no has invocado su nombre santo, el cual está sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, listo para borrar todos tus pecados y llenarte del Espíritu Santo que hace feliz a Dios, a su Hijo Jesucristo, a su Espíritu Santo y así también a sus huestes angelicales. Y si en tu hogar no te dejan tener un altar para nuestro Padre celestial, como el monte santo de Jerusalén, porque eso es lo que nuestro Padre le pidió que hiciesen inicialmente a los hebreos cuando partían de Israel, para ir a rehacer sus vidas en otras tierras, porque el Espíritu Santo no les permitía más permanecer en Israel.

Y la razón porque los hebreos tenían que salir de la tierra prometida, para ir a vivir en otras naciones, era simplemente porque no le servían a Dios sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, puesto que, por esta razón nuestro Padre celestial los había liberado del cautiverio Egipto, para que le sirvan sobre su monte santo, invocando su nombre bendito progresivamente. Pero como no lo hicieron así jamás, y el Dios de la tierra prometida requiere de todo Israel invocar su nombre santo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces tuvieron que abandonar sus tierras, para vivir en otras naciones, ya que si permanecían en Israel sin servirle a su Dios sobre su monte santo, entonces sus vidas corrían peligro de muerte eterna.

Visto que, después de tanto tiempo de vivir en la tierra prometida de Israel, y ellos no le sirven a su Dios, invocando su nombre santo sobre su Casa y puerta al cielo para los ángeles y así también para todas las familias de las naciones, entonces cosas terribles comenzarían a sucederles, que hasta bestias terribles los atacarían hasta matarlos cruelmente. Y nuestro Padre celestial no quería jamás ver esto terrible que le sucediese a los hebreos en la tierra que les había jurado leche y miel, si tan sólo le servían, invocando su nombre santo sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para bendición no solamente de ellos sino también de todas las familias de las naciones, para siempre.

Por esta razón, siempre fue mejor para los hebreos abandonar la tierra prometida, para ir a vivir en otras tierras, hasta que la ceguera espiritual de sus corazones y de sus almas los abandonen para siempre, invocando su nombre santo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, como el altar del hogar, para que él entonces venga a ellos y los bendiga grandemente. Porque solamente nuestro Padre celestial se encontrara con cada uno de ellos sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén y con la sangre bendita, salpicada al pie de los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva, puesto que ellos ya están vestidos de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita que les da vida eterna, para regresar a Dios y el paraíso, infinitamente justificados.

Y sólo es éste lugar santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su altar, bañado con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo, en donde él nos encontrara a todos nosotros, porque no existe otro lugar en donde él nos pueda reconocer, aceptándonos como suyos, vestidos con la carne y con la sangre del pacto de vida eterna, de su santidad perfecta. Por esta razón, tú tienes que encontrarte con nuestro Padre celestial sobre su monte santo y su altar de oro, salpicado con la sangre de su Hijo que te limpia del pecado, para toda la eternidad venidera, para que ya no vivas más bajo el mundo de las tinieblas de Satanás, sino para que vivas sólo en la luz de su Jesucristo.

No hay otro lugar igual, en donde tú vas a encontrarte con la felicidad de tu alma viviente, porque eso es nuestro Padre celestial para tu vida y de las tuyos, también, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y su sangre santísima, salpicada sobre su altar de oro presentemente, para volver a hacerte una nueva criatura, para disfrutar de su vida, perpetuamente. Éste no es un lugar en donde tú vas a sentir miedo, sino que sentirás toda la pureza santísima del amor de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que el Espíritu Santo comience a hacer esas obras que siempre Dios deseó hacer en ti, pero como tú nunca te acercaste a su monte santo, invocándolo, entonces quedaron para luego.

Y éstas son obras grandiosas, de las cuales nuestro Padre celestial se las pensó desde antes que tú nacieses en su imagen, por el Espíritu Santo, para que vivas según la semejanza santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que hoy vuelvas a nacer de su Espíritu Santo, pero esta vez como su Hijo, como su Rey y hasta como su sacerdote preferido. Y tú vas a renacer del Espíritu Santo, porque para entrar a la tierra prometida, los hijos de los hebreos que murieron en el desierto del Sinaí, por culpa del pecado de haber adorado a un becerro de oro, entonces ellos si entraron a la tierra prometida, cruzando el río Jordán en seco, porque habían vuelto a nacer del Espíritu Santo.

Además, los hijos de los hebreos, que murieron en el desierto, por culpa del pecado de adorar el becerro de oro, como los dioses que los habían liberado de Egipto, lo cual era una gran mentira que se la inventaron y la creyeron hasta que murieron con ella, ciertamente ellos reafirmaron su pacto de carne con Dios al circuncidarse, pisando Canaán. Por lo tanto, nuestro Padre celestial reafirmó su pacto de la carne con los hijos de los hebreos en Canaán, porque habían vuelto a nacer del Espíritu Santo, cuando observaban todos los rituales y ceremonias de santidad perfecta que no solamente eran conducidas cada día, sino que también comían y bebían abundantemente de la roca eterna del cielo, para bendición eterna.

Y nuestro Padre celestial les había dado no solamente el monte santo de Jerusalén con todas sus cosas santísimas del cielo, sino que también les otorgó el tabernáculo de reunión y con su Lugar Más Santo y con todas sus cosas santísimas, para que los hijos de los hebreos antes de entrar a Canaán, entonces hayan vuelto a nacer del Espíritu Santo. Porque para que los hebreos entren a Canaán, para poseerla, entonces ellos tenían que haber tenido no solamente un encuentro personal con nuestro Padre celestial y así también con su Hijo Jesucristo, como el Cordero que quita el pecado del mundo, sino que también tenían que haber invocado y adorado su nombre santo sobre el lugar donde debe de ser adorado siempre.

De otra manera, los hijos de los hebreos no podían jamás pisar ni mucho menos poseer para siempre Canaán, en donde ellos estaban destinados por nuestro Padre celestial a introducir su Casa santísima y puerta del cielo para las naciones, y esto es el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que su nombre sea clavado a Adán y Eva, para salvación eterna. Y cuando los hebreos entraban a Canaán, para poseerla, entonces tenían que destruir a todas las naciones que estaban viviendo en ella, porque nuestro Padre celestial había hecho un pacto de carne santa con Abraham y sus hijos, para que la tierra prometida no solamente tenga su Casa santa establecida en ella, sino que también su pacto de carne santa la habite.

En otras palabras, ninguna de las naciones que habitaban la tierra de Canaán en esos días podía seguir viviendo ni un día más en ella, porque la tierra prometida solamente es para ser habitada por la carne y por la sangre bendita de la vida divina y gloriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo, y por esta razón solamente los hebreos podían habitarla legalmente. Y todas las naciones con sus carnes de las familias que habitaban Canaán tenían que ser destruidas, porque solamente la carne y la sangre bendita de la vida de su Hijo Jesucristo, nuestro Padre celestial quería ver en ella así como es el cielo con los ángeles y con familias que sirvieron a Dios en sus días, invocándolo, sobre su monte santo.

Puesto que, por esta razón nuestro Padre celestial no solamente le entregó a Abraham a su Hijo Jesucristo, por medio de su único hijo Isaac que nació con la carne sagrada y con la sangre bendita, para que fuese sacrificado en su día sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén y clavado a los cuerpos desnudos de Adán y Eva. Porque esta era la única manera en que Adán y Eva podían vestirse de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que no solamente sea su sumo sacerdote eterno, sino también para que alcancen salvación, y así para que la tierra sea llena perpetuamente de la carne del pacto en todas las familias de las naciones.

Por eso, nuestro Padre celestial te sigue llamando a que subas a su monte santo, creyendo en tu corazón para justicia y así confesando con tus labios para salvación su nombre santísimo que está clavado a Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que él te reciba junto con sus ángeles como su hijo e hija, para siempre. Hoy en día, nuestro Padre celestial está llamando a toda la Iglesia de su Hijo Jesucristo a que suban al monte santo de Jerusalén, para invocar su nombre santísimo sobre sus vidas y sobre las vidas de los suyos, incluyendo sobre la vida de sus vecinos y amistades, porque él tiene que extender la gloria de su nombre por toda la tierra.

Y esto es algo que toda la Iglesia de nuestro Señor Jesucristo tiene que hacer cada día, invocando el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para destruir todas las obras malvadas de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, para que de esta manera entonces muchos sean liberados de todos los males eternos. Porque solamente invocando el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial y sobre su altar de oro, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces es que nosotros tenemos verdadera victoria en contra de las tinieblas de Satanás, para que sean destruidas en la vida de todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, para bendición eterna.

Así fue como Israel comenzó a sentirse libre de todas tinieblas que Satanás había puesto sobre ellos, para empezar a romperlas y salir victoriosos del cautiverio Egipto, hacia la tierra prometida a Abraham y a sus hijos e hijas, para que vuelvan a nacer del Espíritu Santo, invocando su nombre santo, para entrar a Canaán, fluyendo leche y miel, para siempre. Y sólo así no solamente todo Israel sino también todas las familias de las naciones tienen que volver a nacer del Espíritu Santo, invocando su nombre santísimo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para él mismo descender y bendecirlos grandemente, de otra manera no entraran a la tierra prometida del cielo, como La Nueva Jerusalén celestial, sino que morirán eternamente perdidos.

Y nuestro Padre celestial no quiere que ninguno muera, sino que todos procedan al arrepentimiento, invocando su nombre santísimo, el cual está resguardado siempre no tanto por ángeles poderosos e inmensamente gloriosos, sino resguardado más bien por la sangre bendita del Cordero, ¡su Hijo Jesucristo!, para que todos sean lavados de sus pecados, tanto ángeles santos como seres humanos de toda la tierra. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father manifested to Abraham that the covenant of life that He will start with him will be of the flesh that will never end in this life and in the next one to come, because the children will be obligated to follow it through all the days of their lives on earth and well into all eternity in heaven. And our heavenly Father when He began to speak to Abraham about this covenant of the flesh, between him and the children that will be born in the future generations to come, it was about the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ, because they were all called to dress in his perfect Righteousness, forever.

Moreover, as a sign of this eternal covenant between Him in heaven and men on earth, then everyone born from Abraham, including the foreigners bought with money to become part of his family, they also will be required to be circumcised immediately, so they may always remember and honor this lasting covenant of the sacred-flesh into all the families of the nations. Right after, Abraham had received this lasting commandment from our heavenly Father, then immediately he circumcised himself along with all the males in his family that he had bought with money from foreigners, and his son Ishmael was thirteen years old when he was circumcised, so our heavenly Father's covenant of the flesh may begin to be honored within humankind entirely.

Surely, this covenant of the flesh between Abraham and our heavenly Father in heaven began to take effect in his life, as he sat down with his 318 disciples to eat the bread and wine with Him at the Lord's Table, served daily to the holy angels from heaven above by His Son Jesus Christ, the nonstop Lamb removing sin, forever! Furthermore, Abraham with his allies had to eat and drink with our heavenly Father over the Lord's Table served by His Son Jesus Christ, because he needed to receive the Lamb of God from heaven above that will cause him to become perfect and holy in our heavenly Father's holy presence forever on earth and into eternity in heaven's glory.

Meaning that, by Abraham eating and drinking with our heavenly Father from the bread and wine served by His Son over the Lord's Table, then he was receiving in his life not only the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of Jesus Christ as his personal Lamb for salvation but also he was receiving his pristine life, eternal life, thus becoming saved, forever. Moreover, our heavenly Father was sealing this covenant of the sacred-flesh with Abraham and his wife Sarai, because they were both old and lifeless already, given that they had failed through the years to have a son of their own, and so, they had begun to hope in our heavenly Father to grant them the son that they needed to live on.

Certainly, our heavenly Father could have had had given them the son that they had been searching for, as they were still young to enjoy the early years of the kid, but He purposely waited for them to be as aged as they were and at the end of their days to give them the son that they had asked for. For the reason that, our heavenly Father wanted their flesh to be as dead as that of Adam and Eve on the cross of Jerusalem's holy hill, where His Son Jesus Christ will finally be nailed to them with His holy name, so He may dress them with His Son Jesus Christ's lasting covenant sacred-flesh and atoning-blood filled with eternal life.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father was able to grant Abraham and his wife Sarai the son that they had longed waited through the years, as Isaac was finally born to them through the Holy Spirit just as His Son Jesus Christ will finally arrive to Adam and Eve to dress them with his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, forever. That is to say, also that in the timing of our heavenly Father Abraham and Sarai received the son that they had been waiting for through the years just as Adam and Eve had been waiting and longing for His Son Jesus Christ to be nailed to them with His holy name and the glorified-body, returning to eternal life at last.

This was our heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation being manifested miraculously in the life of Abraham and his wife Sarai's barren-womb, as Isaac was born in the midst of them, by the power of the Holy Spirit, thus to become the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood to dress immediately before departing from earth to ascend into heaven's glory forever saved and everlastingly justified. Meaning that, our heavenly Father granted Abraham and his wife Sarai the birth of Isaac by the power of the Holy Spirit, because they needed to dress with the perfect holiness and eternal Righteousness that will usher them into eternity forever justified thus to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence dressed in the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood to live eternal life.

Certainly, this is precisely what our heavenly Father needed to do with Adam and Eve, because they both needed to dress in the perfect holiness and eternal Righteousness that He had manifested to Abraham earlier, so he may get ready to receive His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to live forever justified as his son Isaac arrives in their lives. That is to say, also that Abraham and Sarai had to wait for the promised son from our heavenly Father to arrive by the power of the Holy Spirit, just as He had personally promised to Adam and Eve that His Son Jesus Christ will be born miraculously to be nailed to them with His holy name, for salvation.

Thus, both couples patiently had to wait for our heavenly Father to grant them His Son Jesus Christ, first to Abraham and Sarai's barren-womb, by giving birth to Isaac through the Holy Spirit in His Son's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood finally to reach timely Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill with His holy name nailed to them, for eternal salvation. Then, as Abraham received his son Isaac born from his wife Sarai's barren-womb, by the power of the Holy Spirit, then our heavenly Father had granted him to have the perfect holiness and lasting Righteousness that he needed to possess, so he may enter into His holy presence in heaven's glory forever justified thus to live forever blessed with His angelic hosts.

Moreover, our heavenly Father granted him the perfect holiness and lasting Righteousness of His Son Jesus Christ, because He needed him to ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Moriah thus to offer his only son Isaac as a burnt offering unto His holy name, because Jerusalem's holy hill is God's Home for His holy name for the angels and the nations. Surely, provided that our heavenly Father had required Abraham to be perfect and holiness, as He has always been in heaven's glory with His angels, then He had to provide that much needed perfect holiness, so he may be able to enter into His holy presence forever blessed with the children--and so, Jesus Christ became part of him first, forever.

For the Lord Jesus Christ is the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood covenant of life that our heavenly Father had sealed with Abraham and Sarai's his wife, so not only his son Isaac may be born with the perfect holiness of His Son Jesus Christ but also every one of his children for generations to come thus becoming His holy nation on earth. For the reason that, Isaac was born from the sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ for Abraham to have his perfect Lamb to stand at the epicenter of Jerusalem's holy hill to bless His holy name in perfect everlasting Righteousness, but also for the children to be born from the same sacred-flesh, becoming God's holy nation for eternity.

Besides, our heavenly Father needed not only to dress Abraham and his wife Sarai's with His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood through the miraculously birth of Isaac, by the power of the Holy Spirit, but also everyone born from Isaac as well, becoming God's legitimate children on earth to do His will as the angels in heaven's glory, forever. Furthermore, if our heavenly Father could not only dress with His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood Abraham and Sarai's dying bodies ready to bite the dust, because His judgment to Adam and Eve were: From the dust you were taken to the dust you will return, then He could dress the nations as well with His Son's sacred-flesh, for eternity.

That is why, that our heavenly Father had to show Jacob Jerusalem's holy hill, and how His holy angels go up and down Jacob's ladder with His holy name and word to be spread throughout the families of the nations, so they may become washed clean from sin as they may invoke His holy name to stand in His presence forever blessed. For all the holy angels that Jacob saw going up from Jacob's ladder into heaven and other descending to earth, it was to show him that He is a very busy God always manifesting the glory of His holy name and word to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so they may become His children.

And so, when our heavenly Father was manifesting to Jacob His Son Jesus Christ speaking from the middle of the three crosses, then He was not only manifesting to him the glory of His Son, as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, but also the power of His holy name and word, reaching the nations. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father was granting to Jacob and his children the power of Jerusalem's holy hill to teach the glories of His holy name and word to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, because the covenant of His Son's sacred-flesh that He started with Abraham it is for Israel, forever.

In other words, when our heavenly Father manifested Jerusalem's holy hill to Abraham and Isaac, as the sacrifice in progress over His holy mountaintop, then, suddenly Adam and Eve presented the lamb to relieve Isaac to shed the atoning-blood, and finally Jacob saw it entirely in his dream, meant that it is for Israel to teach His holy name and word worldwide. Therefore, our heavenly Father had granted Jerusalem's holy hill to Israel not only because this is where He had personally sealed His covenants of the sacred-flesh with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, but also because this is the cradle from where Israel was born with His precious possessions, so they may do His will on earth as the angels in heaven's glory, forever.

Contemplating that, as Abraham was ready to sacrifice his must beloved son Isaac, because he had learned to love him more than life, then our heavenly Father was praying for Isaac and the children that were going to be born from him, in the covenant of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, so He granted His divine-life and possessions to them, forever. Meaning that, our heavenly Father granted to the children of Israel His holy name, something that He had never done with any nation, granted them His Ten Commandments, and granted them His tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place's perfect rituals and ceremonies of lasting holiness, forever, so they may do His will on earth as the angels in heaven.

And above all these wonderful possessions from our heavenly Father, then He granted them the pristine life of His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is His beloved Son that He can truly trust with all these possessions and the Kingship of His new Kingdom to come also with Israel and the nations, for eternity. And in exchange for all these wonderful blessings that our heavenly Father had personally granted to them over Jerusalem's holy and His golden altar, it is that they will return to the place from where He began to shed His holy tears over them thus to invoke His holy name over His holy Home, saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood.

For it is here where our heavenly Father had promised to Israel that if they will come to stand in His holy presence, then He will personally remind them who He is for them, as the Great I Am That I Am, and then, He will descend to this place to bless them as they have never been blessed before. Thus, this is the place over Jerusalem's holy hill where our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ will manifest themselves as the Great I Am, because the Great I Am is the Father, the I Am is the Son and the I Am is the Holy Spirit that Moses began to know over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting momentarily at Sinai.

For this is our heavenly Father's holy name that lives in perfect holiness, within His Son Jesus Christ in heaven for the angels and on earth for Israel and the families of the nations, so they may have power to break free from all the powers of darkness from Satan and his fallen angels thus to see salvation-light always into everlasting. For this is how our heavenly Father began to liberate Israel from Egypt's captivity that they have been suffering for four-hundred years, and so, by invoking His holy name then they began to ascend over Jerusalem's holy hill to stand in the holy ground where Moses had stood early to receive His holy name thus to become liberated from sin instantly.

For it is here from where our heavenly Father will continue to liberate any one from all sin and their personal troubles in life, because it is here, and over Jerusalem's holy hill, where His holy name lives everlastingly protected by the atoning-blood shed to the ground, so sin may be removed instantly for light to prevail forever in everyone's life everlastingly. It is here where you will become as perfect and holy as our heavenly Father has always been in heaven's glory and before his angelic hosts, because this is where our Father invited Abraham to stand with Him over Jerusalem's holy hill golden altar and only gate to heaven to ascend Jacob's ladder into eternal life to know only never-ending happiness.

For it is here where His covenant of the sacred-flesh that He personally established with Abraham that it will become a reality not only to you but to your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because it is here where His holy name is nailed to Adam and Eve's cross as the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood giving them life, forever. Then, if you begin to meet our heavenly Father where He personally called Abraham to stand with his kid Isaac lying over His golden altar, so He may contemplate not only Isaac but also how His sacred-flesh and atoning-blood may become the children destined to fulfill His will on earth and in heaven, surely you will become His child too, instantly.

For the reason that, once you may stand at the epicenter of Jerusalem's holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ is the door and narrow way to ascend Jacob's ladder into His holy presence and into His angelic Kingdom, then you will have contacted with the atoning-blood that causes you to become Holy Spirit born into heaven's eternal life. Certainly, our heavenly Father will personally dress you with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will replace instantly the rebellious flesh and ill blood from Adam and Eve to grant you eternal life that you will live forever blessed in heaven's glory with a glorified body that has never sinned, but only pleased Him and His holy name, into all eternity.

For it was here, and over Jerusalem's holy hill, where our heavenly Father needed to meet Abraham with his lamb of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ manifested in his son Isaac lying over His golden altar, so he may become perfect and Righteous forever into all eternity thus to know only lasting happiness with His angels. Thus, it is only over Jerusalem's holy hill and at the foot of His Son Jesus Christ's cross nailed to Adam and Eve as the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that they needed not only to escape the sin of having eaten from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil in paradise, but also to live forever blessed.

Then, it is over Jerusalem's holy hill where His covenant of the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his son Isaac that will take you these days, so you may not only learn how to be filled with His eternal love for you and your loved ones, but also He will teach you how to please Him always. Provided that, it was over Jerusalem's holy hill and over His golden altar that our heavenly Father began really to teach Abraham with Isaac his son how to serve Him and His holy name before His angelic hosts in heaven's glory, furthermore, He taught them how to please Him only through His Son Jesus Christ for lasting Righteousness.

For our heavenly Father's holy angels that are always ascending from Jacob's ladder into heaven and others descending to earth, they are the witnesses of all the covenants of life that our heavenly Father have established forever with Israel and with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nation, so they may enter eternal life forever blessed. Thus, it is here where you also need to establish a covenant through prayer with our heavenly Father and His Son, and I say through His Son, because he alone is His high priest and the Lamb with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill that removes sin, and grants you the glorified-body to enter heaven's glory anytime.

Today, it is only here where our heavenly Father will meet you to convert you, through the Holy Spirit, in the person that you ought to be in His presence thus to do His will on earth with your loved ones along with your friends and in heaven's glory with His angelic hosts that will become your friends and guides forever. At Jerusalem's holy hill and before the cross that is the entrance through the narrow way, ascending Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father's holy presence, where you will find yourself instantly as His child legitimate born from His image by the Holy Spirit thus to become His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood forever justified into all eternity.

And because you have become His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood, forever bearing his glorified-body as yours into eternity, then whenever He may see you, instantly He will never again remember your sins, but He will only see in you the perfect Righteousness that characterizes His Son Jesus Christ into everlasting always ready to please Him faithfully. You will be in our heavenly Father's holy presence as His children born to become as His Son Jesus Christ is everlasting in his sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood that you will be a King, a high priest, and most likely His prefer Son, ready to do His will in heaven always finding new glories and sanctities not yet conquered by angels.

This will be a wonderful life that our heavenly Father has prepared for each one of us through His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbreakable bones and atoning-blood, granting you through His Spirit the glorified-body that will certainly make you His preferred King, high priest and God-Son that you will only know love, glory and never-ending happiness into all eternity to come. Certainly, this will be the glorious life that you are compatible forever into eternity, because you will be enjoying this wonderful life with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that rightfully belong to you since the day you were born from our heavenly Father's image by the Holy Spirit's powers to live according to His Son's likeness of his pristine everlasting life.

It is here where you will always be happy and joyful in your heart, because this is the life that rightfully belongs to you, and Satan tried to steal it from you with lies, through the serpent from the Garden of Eden that only knew evil not only for Adam and Eve but also for you these days, so you may die. For the reason that, the moment that the serpent began to speak lies to Eve thus to deceive finally Adam to eat from the forbidden fruit to die, separated forever from our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ, then she did for you too these days, so you may fail to know life as you ought to in heaven's glory.

That is why, that our heavenly Father has made it easy for you and for your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, to cling to the covenant of the sacred-flesh that our heavenly Father began with Abraham as his son Isaac was born from his mother barren-womb through the Holy Spirit, so you may have your glorified-body to enter heaven instantly. For this is the sacred-flesh of the covenant of life that our heavenly Father started with Abraham, because He needed not only to dress with His Son's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood Adam and Eve on the cross that had died by eating the forbidden fruit, but also dress the children, thus to return to heaven's glory forever blessed with eternal life.

That is to say, also that the work that our heavenly Father has done since the start with Abraham and the rest of the patriarchs of Israel, it was not only to dress Abraham and Sarai with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that was born from the Holy Spirit in Isaac, but also to dress the children to live forever blessed. Surely, you will fail to know love, peace, prosperity, richness and the happiness of life unless you abandon Adam and Eve's rebellious-flesh and ill blood to take on His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that finally dressed Adam and Eve on the cross just as Abraham and Sarai were clothed with Isaac's sacred-flesh to live in heaven's glory forever Righteous.

This is the best of the covenant of life from His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that our heavenly Father has granted you, for you to dress properly and Righteous thus to enter into His holy presence forever acceptable unto Him, so you may finally find your eternal places in heaven's glory. This sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood from His Son Jesus Christ will be your body, filled with perfection and lasting Righteousness thus to enjoy eternal life just as our heavenly Father enjoys it with all its daily pleasures, so you may continue to love Him and His holy name through His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, by the power of the Holy Spirit.

This is a wonderful life that the angels would love to have it, but our heavenly Father did not grant it to them, regardless as how glorious and powerful they are into eternity in His presence, but, instead He granted it to you and to your loved ones, so you may live with Him enjoying the pleasures of His heart always. And for you to fail to take on this wonderful covenant of life of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that grants you his glorified-body for you to live in with all the glories that he has accumulated since the early days of eternity, because his life has no beginning or end, then you will die cursed into everlasting hell.

For the reason that, our heavenly Father has already passed judgment to the rebellious flesh and the ill blood that you have inherited from Adam and Eve from paradise to return to the dust, and your soul into hell's torment, because you have failed to take on His Son Jesus Christ's covenant of the sacred-flesh to live forever blessed in eternity. Presently, as your days go by, then your rebellious flesh is getting ready to return to the dust and your soul to descend into hell's torment, where the lost souls are that have rejected His Son Jesus Christ's covenant of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to dress properly with perfect Righteousness to stand in our heavenly Father's holy presence forever justified.

For hell's torment is the eternal place for the lost souls these days still dressing Adam and Eve's rebellious flesh and ill blood that put them into serious problems with our heavenly Father, because they failed to understand that they had to obey His will to take on His Son Jesus Christ's covenant of the sacred-flesh, to dress with eternal salvation. Given that, our heavenly Father had already commanded Adam and Eve that their rebellious flesh that had eating from the forbidden fruit could no longer exist with them much less in paradise, so they had to take on His Son Jesus Christ's likeness that is his sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that will dress them with the glorified-body to return to life immediately.

Otherwise, the rebellious body will not only die to be buried under ground forever cursed, but also their souls will finally end up in hell's torment, where there is no more opportunities to dress their living-souls with the perfection and holiness that will allow them to enter into His holy presence, and stay in heaven's glory finally forever justified into eternity. Accordingly, for everyone that would love to return not only to paradise but also to eternal life to live with our heavenly Father, His Son, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts, then they most ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to where He has called them to stand with Him for a moment's prayer to invoke His holy name for salvation.

Moreover, our heavenly Father wants everyone to stand with Him at the center of Jerusalem's holy hill and with His Son Jesus Christ in the middle of the three crosses, because he alone is the door and narrow way to ascend Jacob's ladder thus to enter into heaven's glory to invoke His holy name in perfect Righteousness thus to destroy Satan, forever. That is all, that our heavenly Father is asking everyone to do for Him, and this is that He is calling every one from Israel and the nations, to invoke His holy name upon Jerusalem's holy hill, where He will remind you who He really is for you and for your loved ones thus to bless you with power as never before.

This is the only place where our heavenly Father will make you as perfect and holy as He will always be before His holy angels in heaven, so you will be like Him, and this is to be perfect and holy, washed clean by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's covenant of the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood to live forever enriched. Our heavenly Father will make you so blessed where He has called you to meet Him anytime of your entire life, because He has the power to bless you in such a way that you will never be the same again, because once He touches your life, then all darkness, sins, sickness, diseases and death will abandon you, forever.

You will become just as perfect and holy as He has always been since eternity, because He is a Righteous God and that He has never done sin against anyone, and so, the life that you will be getting from Him, it is a life that has no beginning or end, that will fill you with love, power and lasting happiness. And all the blessing from this wonderful life, our heavenly Father has already granted unto you since the day you were born in His image by the power of the Holy Spirit, and the only thing that He wants you to do for Him, it is that you will ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill right now to invoke His holy name.

That is all, that our heavenly Father is asking you to do for Him these days, and this is something that He has always asked His servants as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and millions more through time and until now to you, and your loved ones, too, because He needs to bless you as He has already bless many through the years. Certainly, our heavenly Father wants to bless you right now over Jerusalem's holy hill, as you may stand with Him at the cross that is the door ascending Jacob's ladder into eternal life in heaven's glory, because as He blesses you, then He is really blessing His holy name--and this is something that He loves to do--bless His name, powerfully.

For He needs to bless His holy name in you, as within your heart and entire being, and this is something that He most do it with you standing at the cross where His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to the ground for you to take on his glorified-body that defeated sin thus to fulfill the commandments for your lasting-salvation today. Moreover, the holy place that our heavenly Father is asking you to meet Him, it is where He is always thinking of you and of your loved ones, because He longs for you within His holy heart to caress His holy name, so you may give Him glory, the glory that He rightfully deserves from you every day of your life.

Our heavenly Father deserves the glory of your heart and living soul, not only because He loves you as a Father loves his child, but also because you emerged from Him only to love, serve and glorify His holy name, since Lucifer and one-third of the angels failed to be faithful, and so, He suffers your return until you comeback to Him. Our heavenly Father suffers the agonies of the cross of His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill while He is seating on His Great White throne always thinking of you, as when will you finally return to Him to give Him your love, glory and honor that He so righteously deserves from you, because He alone is your Father, forever.

Indeed, as our heavenly Father sees you from great distances that you will never be able to see Him, but He sees you nonetheless, despite the great distances between you and His Great White Throne over Jerusalem's holy hill, and then He says to you: now, come up to Jerusalem's holy hill to invoke my holy name, so I may bless you. But you go on about your business, never realizing that our heavenly Father is thinking of you, because He can see you, and then, He says comeback to me my child, but you are still too busy that you failed to hear Him, so you may obey, by invoking His holy name, thus He may change your life instantly with powerful-and-endless-blessings.

And when our heavenly Father is watching you from heaven above, as from His Great White Throne, then He will speak to your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit until you listen to His call to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill, so He may have the pleasure to see and hear you invoking His holy name, as long as you may wish. Surely, our heavenly Father longs to see and hear from you invoking His holy name at Jerusalem's holy hill, because He not only gets the long over due glory He eternally deserves from you, but also He will see you turning into His Son Jesus Christ's likeness, because as you may invoke His name then your flesh becomes His Son' sacred-flesh, forever.

And so, it is not worthy to make Him wait to see and hear you invoke His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and golden altar, because He has waited long enough already, and He just would love to see you invoke Him in a moment's time of your life, so your name may be written in the book of life. For the reason that, only those that have their names written in the book of life, really are the ones that have invoked His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill and golden altar that grants Him everlasting glory from your heart and entire being, so you may become His legitimate child for heaven's glory only to know His lasting never-ending goodness.

Today, once you have been to Jerusalem's holy hill to meet our heavenly Father at the foot of the cross of His Son Jesus Christ, with his atoning-blood shed to the ground and sacred-flesh pierced with our sins, then you will know surely that your name is written in the book of life, because you are Holy Spirit born instantly into infinity. And it is the most wonderful feeling of your heart to know that your name is written in the book of life from heaven above over Jerusalem's holy hill, because you took few minutes of your time to meet our heavenly Father, where He has been waiting for you to come up to invoke His holy name, and receive your lasting blessing.

Timely, you have definitely fulfilled within your heart and entire life before our heavenly Father with the covenant of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that He personally started with Abraham for lasting Righteousness, so he may miraculously become as perfect and holy as He is in heaven's glory before His angelic hosts, so he may become forever saved finally. And this is what our heavenly Father asked Abraham to do with his son Isaac at His golden altar over Jerusalem's holy hill, resting at Mount Moriah, and so, you may do the same with His only Son Jesus Christ for the glory of His holy name, because if you grant Him glory, then you will be filled with His Spirit, forever.

This act of faith that you will do before our heavenly Father and over His golden altar at Jerusalem's holy hill will bless your life so powerfully, because you will begin to dress with His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood never to be the same again, then you will escape hell to ascend into heaven's glory forever enriched and justified. This is the happiness that your heart has been searching for through the years until you met our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill to the place where He has not only blessed so many of His loved ones, including all His angelic hosts, but also you and your loved ones, because you were born from Him.

Today, if you return to our heavenly Father where He began to bless your life over His golden altar at Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory, then you will become the most happy person on earth, because you will be filled with the joys and happiness of the Holy Spirit only to know lasting richness, forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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