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Apr 30, 2015, 7:09:19 PM4/30/15
Sábado, 25 de Abril, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

NUESTRAS ORACIONES POR LOS AFRICANOS INMIGRANTES, DESAPARECIDOS: Nosotros deseamos expresar nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones por las familias de las 700 personas que se ahogaron en el mar Mediterráneo cuando su barca se hundió al intentar inmigrar ilegalmente a Europa, como a Italia y a Grecia, por ejemplo. Ellos fueron redimidos por la sangre bendita de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, porque por ellos nuestro gran salvador murió clavado a la cruz del monte santo de Jerusalén como su Cordero que los limpia de todos sus pecados, para siempre, para que asciendan por la escalera de Jacobo hacia la vida eterna del reino de los cielos. Nosotros seguiremos orando por sus familias, para que encuentren el sosiego de nuestro Padre celestial, por medio del Espíritu Santo, para que entiendan al fin que nuestro Señor Jesucristo se los llevó al paraíso, para que vivan esa vida de la felicidad que siempre buscaron todos los días de sus vidas y hasta que al fin la encontraron en su salvador Jesucristo.


Isaac es el cordero en el mundo antiguo, que subió al Monte Moriah como el cordero de su padre Abraham, para ser sacrificado para nuestro Padre celestial, como nuestro Señor Jesucristo seria crucificado en su día para derramar su sangre santísima sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y en medio de las tres cruces del cielo, para la salvación de muchos. Nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Abraham: Ciertamente que Sara tu mujer tendrá un hijo en el próximo año, y llamaras su nombre Isaac, porque en él estableceré mi pacto de vida eterna para con cada uno de sus hermanos y de sus hermanas, para que lleven mi semilla santa (el Mesías, el Rebbe Yeshua JaMashiax), por todas las naciones.

Y acerca de tu hijo Ismael, yo ciertamente lo bendeciré grandemente, porque de él saldrán doce príncipes, y haré de él una gran nación; pero mi pacto de vida eterna será con tu hijo Isaac, el cual Sara tu mujer dará a luz el próximo año, por estos mismos días, porque en él está mi semilla de salvación y de bendición eterna. Y todos los hijos e hijas que nazcan de él, ciertamente nacerán con la vida santa, con la carne sagrada y con la sangre bendita del pacto de vida eterna del Cordero de Dios, para que el Gran Rey Mesías nazca en el mundo en su día, el Rabinu Yeshua JaMashiax, para que las naciones al fin sean benditas grandemente.

Y éste es el hijo que nuestro Padre celestial estaba esperando por muchos años que naciese de Sara, mujer de Abraham, porque su vientre estaba estéril, por lo tanto, ella no podía dar a luz a ningún niño a no ser que exista un pacto de vida con su Espíritu Santo. Pero como nuestro Padre celestial estableció un pacto de vida eterna con Abraham y sus 318 discípulos al comer del pan y beber del vino de la Mesa del SEÑOR, servida por su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces el niño Isaac pudo nacer por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para traer luz al mundo antiguo por medio de Israel hacia las naciones.

Por lo tanto, el niño Isaac nació con la vida santísima, con la carne sagrada y con la sangre bendita de su Cordero Santísimo, su Hijo Jesucristo, porque nuestro Padre celestial deseaba empezar la vida de la gran nación de Israel con la misma vida, huesos inquebrantables y cuerpo sumamente santísimo de su Hijo amado, ¡el Santo de Israel! De otra manera, nuestro Padre celestial no deseaba empezar su vida santísima entre las naciones para que se propagase, si no es con la vida misma, sumamente santa e infinitamente fiel a él y a su nombre santísimo, por ello, él empezó inmediatamente la creación de la nación de Israel con su fundamento principal: la vida misma de su Hijo amado.

Porque para nuestro Padre celestial era muy importante que solamente la vida santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo se expandiese entre todas las naciones y por toda la tierra también, así como es en el reino de los cielos para con todas las huestes angelicales, ya que no quería saber más de la vida pecadora y rebelde de Adán y Eva del paraíso. Y, además, solamente de su Hijo amado podía confiar, como siempre, en todas las cosas que ha creado en el reino de los cielos con las huestes angelicales y así también tenia que ser en toda la tierra, empezando con el nacimiento de su gran nación de Israel, para que se forme como una nación que le amara por siempre.

Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial jamás podía confiar para poner su gloria sobre ningún ángel del cielo ni menos sobre ningún hombre de toda la tierra a no ser que sea solamente su Hijo amado, porque sólo en él puede confiar todo su amor santísimo, para crear ángeles en el cielo, y así regenerar la humanidad entera en toda la tierra. Por esta razón, el comienzo de la existencia de Israel tenia que ser con un cordero, y es aquí cuando nuestro Padre celestial pensó en la mujer de Abraham, ya que su vientre estaba total muerto e imposible que ella vuelva a dar a luz a no ser que sea por medio de los poderes asombrosos de su Espíritu Santo.

Y cuando Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, entonces nació como el cordero que Dios escogió para fundar a la gran nación de Israel, y esto seria con la vida santísima, carne sagrada y sangre bendita del Cordero de Dios, su Hijo Jesucristo, para que sus retoños que naciesen de él, entonces nazcan como sus hijos legítimos. Y sólo así nuestro Padre celestial no solamente podía introducir en el mundo la vida eterna para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, ya que esto era algo imposible de lograrlo, pero nuestro Padre celestial lo hizo así, puesto que para él nada es imposible, sino que también les dio un nuevo cuerpo glorificado.

Dado que, si nuestro Padre celestial le estaba dando a la humanidad entera su misma vida santa e infinitamente gloriosa, para que vivan por siempre felices por toda la eternidad venidera del nuevo reino de los cielos, entonces también tenia que darles el cuerpo santo e infinitamente glorioso, para que vivan su nueva vida eterna en la tierra y en el cielo, igualmente. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial tenia que empezar la creación de su gran nación de Israel con la misma vida santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo como su sumo sacerdote y Cordero de Dios con la sangre bendita que nos limpia de todo pecado con tan solo invocar su nombre santo con nuestros labios, y creyendo en nuestros corazones para justicia eterna.

Visto que, cada vez que invocamos su nombre santísimo, y esto es a su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces estamos creyendo en nuestros corazones para justicia y así confesando con nuestros labios para salvación, para volver a nacer del Espíritu Santo, en un momento de fe y de oración, dejando así atrás para siempre el espíritu de error y su mundo de tinieblas. Puesto que, jamás nadie podrá subir al cielo ni mucho menos a entrar a la vida eterna del nuevo reino angelical a no ser que ésta persona ha vuelto a nacer de los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, y esto es, ya sea invocando su nombre santísimo o leyendo su Sagrada Escritura con fe, creyendo, como Los Diez Mandamientos, por ejemplo.

Dado que, cada vez que leemos la Sagrada Escritura y sus mandamientos, entonces estamos recibiendo más y más de su Espíritu Santo, porque su palabra y así también sus mandamientos están siempre llenos del Espíritu Santo y de sus muchos poderes para bendecirnos y enriquecernos grandemente, para amarle, servirle y glorificarle en la tierra y así también en el cielo, para siempre. Y es aquí cuando muchos vuelven a nacer de los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, así como Isaac, por ejemplo, porque se llenan de Dios tanto de su palabra bendita y así también de sus mandamientos gloriosos para enriquecer sus vidas cada vez más, para crecer por siempre hacia la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Y para nuestro Padre celestial lograr tener a su cordero en la tierra, para empezar la vida de su gran nación eterna, Israel, entonces tenia que hacer inicialmente un pacto de vida eterna con el hombre de la tierra, y es aquí cuando se encuentra con Abraham, porque él era un hombre temeroso de su nombre y de su palabra santísima. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial envió a su Hijo Jesucristo como su Santidad perfecta, sumo sacerdote y Cordero Escogido, para que le sirva el pan y el vino a su siervo Abraham y sus 318 discípulos que habían batallado en contra de ejércitos mayores que ellos, y los habían vencido, rescatando así a Lot su sobrino y con todos los suyos.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo como la Santidad de Dios en la tierra para con las naciones y Santidad de Dios en el cielo para con los ángeles, entonces recibió a Abraham con todos sus discípulos para que se sienten a la Mesa del SEÑOR, para comer y beber de su mano el pan y el vino del pacto de vida eterna. Y cuando nuestro Padre celestial estaba comiendo y bebiendo con Abraham y su gente del pan y vino servido por su Hijo Jesucristo sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR, entonces nuestro Padre tenía en mente el comienzo de la vida no solamente de su cordero santo en la tierra para su sacrificio continuo, sino también la existencia de su gran nación de Israel.

Porque cuando Abraham y sus discípulos comían y bebían del pan y vino servido por nuestro Señor Jesucristo como el Rey de Salem (la antigua Jerusalén), entonces estaban comiendo de su vida santa, de su carne sagrada y así también bebían de su sangre bendita, para que Isaac nazca como el cordero de Dios en el mundo, para el sacrificio continuo. Por esta razón, cuando Isaac nació en el mundo entonces nació del vientre estéril de su madre Sara, como la misma tierra que estaba muerta y estéril delante de Dios por culpa del pecado del hombre, para darle vida como el cordero de Dios que no solamente nos daría a la nación de Israel sino también al Rey Mesías, ¡nuestro salvador Jesucristo!

Y una vez que Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, entonces nació en un pesebre rodeado de las ovejas, venados y otros animales de la tierra donde vivían, e Isaac nació de esta manera de su madre Sara y delante de Abraham, porque el Gran Rey Mesías iba a nacer de esta misma manera, en un pesebre semejante. Por lo tanto, esto era una profecía que se había de cumplir en su día, pero Abraham jamás se dio cuenta de ello, porque posteriormente nuestro Señor Jesucristo nacería del vientre virgen de la hija de David en un pesebre similar al que Isaac nació, para ser el Cordero de Dios que entregaría su vida sobre todo lo alto del monte santo.

Puesto que, así como Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sara para ser el cordero que subiría al Monte Moriah para ser sacrificado por su padre Abraham, por voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial, entonces así mismo nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenia que nacer para ser el Cordero de Dios sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para derramar su sangre salvadora. Y nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba que Abraham cogiese a su único hijo Isaac, a quien amaba mucho, para que suba junto con él sobre el Monte Moriah, para que lo sacrificase como su cordero santo en un holocausto ardiente a él que está en el cielo, porque como Dios suyo necesitaba ver a Isaac tendido sobre el holocausto perpetúo para bendecirlo grandemente.

Y nuestro Padre celestial tenia necesidad de ver a Isaac tendido sobre el lugar en donde su Hijo Jesucristo iba a ser sacrificado para derramar su sangre santísima, para el perdón de pecados de muchos, para bendecirlos grandemente no sólo a él, sino también a cada uno de sus hijos e hijas que nacerían después de él. Porque nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba bendecir grandemente no solamente a Isaac sino también a cada uno de sus hijos e hijas que nacerían de él en la vida, en la carne y en la sangre bendita del Cordero de Dios, su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces él tenia que bendecirlos grandemente con los poderes celestiales del reino angelical y de su Espíritu Santo.

En este día, nuestro Padre celestial bendijo grandemente a su Hijo Jesucristo que nacería por la semilla santa que estaba en Isaac, para que todo le vaya bien no sólo a sus hijos e hijas sino también a su Hijo amado, para que cuando su día llegue, entonces él esté listo para llevar acabó su gran obra salvadora para las naciones. Y no solamente nuestro Padre celestial bendijo grandemente a Isaac y a sus hijos e hijas que nacerían después de él, incluyendo a su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, sino que también bendijo con todos los poderes celestiales del reino de los cielos la tierra de Israel, para que sea una tierra que fluya leche y miel, por siempre.

Y cuando Abraham levantó su daga ya para ejecutar a su hijo Isaac, tal como nuestro Padre celestial le había llamado para que lleve acabo éste sacrificio de sangre de su único hijo, entonces nuestro Padre celestial le ordenó a su Hijo Jesucristo que le dijese a Abraham que no dañe al niño, porque ahora entendía que él por siempre le obedecería. Y el Señor Jesucristo le gritó a Abraham, diciéndole: Abraham no hiera a tu hijo Isaac, porque ahora mi Padre entiende que siempre le obedecerás en todo lo que te llame a hacer por él, y que después de ti, mandaras a tus hijos que caminen por éste camino del sacrificio continuo y santo que lleva al pecador hacia la salvación eterna.

Y Abraham inmediatamente bajo su cuchillo que estaba listo para herir a su único hijo, y lo hizo con gran gozo en su corazón, porque verdaderamente pensó que tenia que herir a su único hijo Isaac, para agradar a nuestro Padre que está en el cielo, y cuando alejaba su cuchillo del niño, entonces bendijo grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial. Además, después de nuestro Padre celestial haber bendecido grandemente a todos los descendientes de Isaac y de su Hijo Jesucristo que nacería de él, por la semilla santa que está en él, inmediatamente le entregó a Abraham un carnero trabado por sus cuernos y en medio de tres árboles que estaban cerca del lugar, para que lo sacrificasen en lugar de Isaac.

Una vez de haber sido finalmente derramada la sangre del carnero y orado a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, por todo lo sucedido, entonces Abraham descendió del Monte Moriah con su hijo Isaac y con nuevos corazones en sus pechos amantes por siempre del Cordero de Dios, porque ahora si entendían la importancia del Señor Jesucristo en sus vidas. Abraham y así también Isaac comenzó a vivir una vida totalmente diferente a la que tenían cuando ascendieron el Monte Moriah para llevar a conclusión el sacrificio santo delante de nuestro Padre celestial, visto que ahora si entendían todo el amor que debían sentir en sus corazones por el Cordero de Dios que vendría a salvar el mundo en su día señalado.

Y desde el día que descendió Isaac junto con su padre Abraham del Monte Moriah, entonces solamente quería servir todos los días de su vida a nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Cordero Santísimo que está en el cielo, para que pronto nazcan todas las familias que le había dado a Israel, para que sea una nación grande y eterna. Posteriormente, Isaac se casó con Rebeca y tuvo hijos, pero Jacobo fue el más prominente, porque él nació como mellizo y primogénito de Dios, aunque Esaú salió primero de la matriz que él, más en su astucia le compró su primogenitura a su hermano por una vianda de guisado, y luego le robó su bendición de primogénito de su padre Isaac.

Nuestro Padre celestial amo más a Jacobo que a Esaú, por lo tanto, siempre lo bendijo grandemente con muchas bendiciones del cielo y de toda la tierra también, porque él enriqueció grandemente, quizá mucho más que su padre Abraham, porque poseía todas clases de riquezas--tantas fortunas tenia que las compartió con su hermano Esaú. Y cuando estaba listo para empezar su familia, entonces comenzó a buscar mujer para él de entre las que vivían en su región, y esto no le agradó a su madre Rebeca ni a su padre Isaac, porque le pidieron que vaya a Padan-aram a la tierra de su parentela para escoger a su esposa de entre las hijas de ellos.

Y camino a la tierra de la parentela de su padre Isaac, entonces se sintió cansado que tomó una roca de las que estaban en el lugar y reclinó su cabeza sobre ella, para dormir por la noche, para luego seguir su camino a la tierra de la parentela de su padre, para escoger a su esposa. Y mientras dormía en el pueblo pequeño llamado Luz camino a la tierra de Padan-aram, entonces comenzó a soñar que estaba al pie del monte santo de Jerusalén, porque veía a tres cruces que se alineaban como ascendiendo el monte hacia el cielo, y ángeles subían y otros bajan apurados con regalos en sus manos, de parte de nuestro Padre celestial.

Al instante, después de haber observado la función constante del monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces dijo: Esto es Casa de Dios; Puerta del cielo, y yo no lo sabia, porque veo ángeles subir de la tierra al cielo y otros ángeles bajar del cielo a la tierra, apurados van con regalos en sus manos para entregarlos a las naciones. Al ver a los ángeles moviéndose de un lugar a otro, entonces veía la sangre vertida sobre la tierra de las tres cruces del reino de los cielos, y de en medio de ellas una voz que venia hacia a él, tocándolo de una manera tan amorosa y divina a la vez, que no sabia quien fuese que le hablaba así.

Entonces desde la cruz, el Padre le dice: yo soy el Dios de Abraham, y el Señor Jesucristo desde la cruz de en medio le dice: yo soy el Dios de tu padre Isaac, y el Espíritu Santo desde su cruz permaneció en silencio: porque Jacobo aun no le conocía ni mucho menos le había aceptado como su único Dios Eterno. Aquí y desde su cruz, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le manifiestó a Jacobo que le había sido dada la tierra en donde estaba parado, para que la posea con todos los hijos e hijas que nuestro Padre celestial ya le había dado a él por millares, los cuales serian tan numerosos que no se podrían contar jamás como las estrellas del universo.

Y Jacobo le agradeció a nuestro Padre celestial por tanta riqueza entregada, que no sabia que más decir, y entonces oró al Espíritu Santo, diciéndole: Señor, si tú me das de comer, me vistes, y, además, te aseguras que yo llegue sano a la parentela de mi padre Isaac, para escoger a mi esposa, entonces tú serás mi Dios, para siempre. E inmediatamente el Espíritu Santo aceptó su oración, para bendecirlo grandemente en todo lo que le había pedido, entonces el Espíritu de Dios no solamente le dio todo lo que le pidió en oración, sino que también le escogió la mejor mujer de entre la parentela de su padre, para que sea su esposa.

Y después de haberle dado su esposa a Jacobo, tal como él lo esperaba, entonces también le dio hijos e hijas, para que se formasen las doce tribus de Israel, para que Israel sea la nación que Dios siempre buscó en la tierra y hasta que la encontró en Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, y sus hijos e hijas por sus millares. No solamente el Espíritu Santo le dio las doce tribus de Israel a Jacobo, que luego le cambio su nombre por Israel, porque nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Jacobo: Tu nombre no se llamara más Jacobo, sino que Israel será tu nombre, desde ahora y para siempre, sino que también le enseñó el nombre santo de Dios sobre el Monte Sinaí.

Porque Israel tenia que escapar de su cautiverio Egipcio, después de haber permanecido esclavizado por cuatrocientos años, porque ya era hora que saliesen libres, para servirle a nuestro Padre celestial sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y sus tres cruces del cielo, manchadas con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo, y en medio de ellas fiel como único salvador de sus vidas. Además, Israel escapó de Egipto, porque Moisés oyó al Espíritu Santo llamándolo desde lejos, para que suba al monte santo de Jerusalén y toque con sus pies descalzos la tierra manchada con la sangre santísima de su Hijo Jesucristo y así escapen todos del cautiverio para que le sirvan, como sus hijos e hijas de su nombre y de su palabra bendita.

Porque era necesario que Israel no solamente reciba su nombre santísimo, sino que también reciba las tablas de los mandamientos, para que los cumplan todos los días de sus vidas, para que vuelvan a nacer de los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo así como Isaac nació como el cordero y principio de Israel, para que al fin reciban el tabernáculo de reunión. Y el Espíritu Santo no solamente tenia que darles el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial y las tablas de los mandamientos, sino que también tenían que tener el tabernáculo de reunión, para no solamente tener a su Hijo Jesucristo ministrando santidad perfecta para Israel y los ángeles, sino también para el monte santo de Jerusalén y sus tres cruces del cielo.

Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba que Israel no solamente bebiese del monte santo de Jerusalén la sangre bendita convertida en agua dulce y de vida, sino que también comiesen del pan y vino (el mana) que nuestro Señor Jesucristo les sirvió inicialmente a Abraham y a sus discípulos, para entrar en el pacto de vida eterna del mundo del Espíritu Santo. Ya que, solamente estando en el mundo del Espíritu Santo entonces no solamente Isaac podía nacer como el cordero de Dios del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, sino que también tenga en si la carne sagrada y la sangre bendita, para que sus retoños de Israel nazcan con esta gran bendición del cuerpo santísimo del Cordero de Dios, para salvación eterna.

Porque solamente de esta manera nuestro Padre celestial podía asegurar, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, el nacimiento de cada uno de sus hijos e hijas de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita del pacto de vida eterna del Cordero de Dios, para que su Hijo Jesucristo nazca del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para salvación eterna. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial siempre cuido de los hebreos para que, por el camino por el desierto del Sinaí hacia la tierra prometida, entonces no se uniesen a las naciones ni que firmasen convenios con ellas ni mucho menos de darse en casamientos, para cuidar de la pureza de la carne santa y de la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Ya que, cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de Israel llevaba en si de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita, en la que su Hijo Jesucristo tenia que nacer del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, para que no solamente nos dé vida eterna, sino también el cuerpo glorificado para vivirla en el cielo perpetuamente. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial jamás consintió que Israel se diese en casamientos con naciones que no tengan las bendiciones del pacto de vida, con el cual él mismo empezó con Abraham y sus discípulos al comer del pan y vino de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que no solamente Isaac naciese como cordero sino también su Hijo Jesucristo, por el Espíritu Santo.

Porque la comida que nuestro Padre celestial comió del pan y vino de su Hijo Jesucristo junto con Abraham y sus discípulos sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR, entonces fue para comer de la carne sagrada y beber de la sangre bendita que les daría vida a Isaac y a Jesucristo como Corderos de Dios, para nacimiento de Israel y para salvación eterna. Además, nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba a Israel siempre haciendo su voluntad santísima al servirle, por medio del monte santo de Jerusalén y su sangre santísima vertida a tierra de las tres cruces del reino angelical, y con su Hijo Jesucristo en medio de ellas, como la puerta que se habré para subir por la escalera de Jacobo a la vida eterna.

Porque ésta es la única manera que no solamente todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de Israel, sino también de las naciones, están llamados por nuestro Padre celestial a entrar por la puerta, que es su Hijo Jesucristo, para ascender la escalera de Jacobo y así entrar al fin a la vida eterna con nuestro Padre celestial. Además, nuestro Padre celestial deseaba que siempre se hiciese su voluntad bendita en Israel así como es hecha en el cielo por los ángeles, para que las naciones salgan de las tiemblas hacia la luz de la vida que brilla sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que también pasen por la puerta y suban al cielo por la escalera de Jacobo.

Porque la promesa que nuestro Padre celestial le hizo no solamente a Abraham que seria padre de una gran nación, nacida por la vida santa, carne sagrada y sangre bendita de su Cordero Santísimo Jesucristo, manifestado por el nacimiento milagroso del Espíritu Santo de Isaac del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, sino que también seria padre de muchas naciones. Y la única manera que nuestro Padre celestial iba hacer que las naciones sean salvas, seria primeramente que si Israel hiciese su voluntad santísima en la tierra así como es hecha en el cielo por los ángeles, adorando su nombre santo, bendiciendo cada día sus mandamientos eternos y así cumpliendo con los rituales y ceremonias de santidad progresiva del tabernáculo de reunión.

Y si Israel podía hacer esto para nuestro Padre celestial, al servirle sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y con su sangre santísima salpicada a tierra de las tres cruces del cielo, para que todos conozcan la puerta que se abre ascendiendo la escalera de Jacobo hacia el mundo del Espíritu Santo, entonces las naciones también iban a entrar y subir. Porque esta es la única manera que las naciones no solamente van a aprender que Israel es la nación que Dios mismo creó del cordero Isaac, al comer inicialmente de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que todos nazcan de la carne sagrada y de la sangre bendita del pacto de vida, sino que también aprendan que su vida eterna ya la tienen.

De otra manera, las naciones jamás aprenderán como Dios creó a Israel del cordero Isaac que nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, para que lleve en si no solamente la carne sagrada y la sangre bendita, sino también la semilla santa que nos daría finalmente del vientre virgen de la hija de David al Cordero de Dios, ¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo! Presentemente, muchas familias están viendo el fuego brillante del Espíritu Santo, como Moisés lo vio en sus días y desde lejos para acercarse al Monte Sinaí y así subir al monte santo de Jerusalén y tocar con sus pies la sangre vertida al pie de las tres cruces celestiales, para ascender al fin la escalera de Jacobo hacia la vida eterna.

Y sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces celestiales y con su Hijo Jesucristo en medio de ellas, como siempre, estarán por ti para limpiarte de todos tus pecados y así librarte de todos los males que traen a tu vida y a la de los tuyos, también, para que sean libres y felices al fin, para siempre. Ciertamente, así como nuestro Padre celestial tuvo que descender sobre el Sinaí con su monte santo de Jerusalén y sus tres cruces celestiales y con su Hijo Jesucristo en medio de ellas, ardiendo en el fuego del Espíritu Santo, para liberarlos del cautiverio y le sirvan a él, entonces también te libera a ti, para que le sirvas sobre su monte santo.

Porque sólo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y con sus tres cruces celestiales, nuestro Padre celestial recibió el servicio no solamente de Moisés y de Aaron, sino también de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de Israel, para que vivan por siempre en santidad perfecta, así, pues, te llama a ti y a los tuyos para servirle. Es decir, que nuestro Padre celestial también te entrega a ti el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces y con su Hijo Jesucristo, para que hables con él así como Abraham le hablo sobre el Monte Moriah, Jacobo en su sueño y Moisés sobre el Sinaí, para que cambies tu vida de tinieblas a la luz de la vida eterna.

Hoy en día, esto es lo mejor que tú puedes hacer en tu vida, y esto es de obedecerle a nuestro Padre celestial, recibiendo el regalo que él te da, al entregarte su monte santo con sus tres cruces celestiales y con su Hijo Jesucristo, lavándote de tus pecados por sus poderes asombrosos, que te hacen libre y feliz, para siempre. Porque una vez que te encuentras con el monte santo de Jerusalén, ya sea sobre el Monte Moriah con Abraham y su hijo Isaac, o Jacobo en su sueño, o Moisés sobre el Sinaí, entonces habrás encontrado tu felicidad eterna, porque todos los milagros, maravillas y prodigios que liberaron a Israel del cautiverio están por ti, también, para hacerte libre ya, perpetuamente.

Y el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces celestiales y con su Cordero bendito que te ama infinitamente, como de la misma manera que nuestro Padre celestial te amo inicialmente para darte vida de su imagen, para que al fin tú vivas conforme a su semejanza celestial, está muy cerca de ti, hoy más que nunca, para hacerte feliz grandemente. Por esta razón, tienes que ser valiente y acercarte al monte santo de Jerusalén, para hacer contacto con tus pies con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo vertida a la tierra de las tres cruces celestiales, para que sientas todo lo bueno que es de ser libre del peso terrible de tus pecados, para que sientas vida al fin, por primera vez.

Porque si no haces el esfuerzo de acercarte al monte santo de Jerusalén, para que toques con tu cuerpo la sangre santísima vertida a tierra de las tres cruces celestiales y de su Hijo Jesucristo que siempre está en su lugar, para bendecirte grandemente con sus palabras de amor y de gran poder, entonces seguirás muriendo hasta que desciendas al infierno tormentoso. Y nuestro Padre celestial no desea que tú mueras pecador, ni sufras tus males de siempre, ni mucho menos que entres condenado en el fuego candente del infierno, sino que él sólo desea es que encuentres tu vida en donde siempre ha estado, sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y sus tres cruces celestiales, salpicadas con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Acércate al monte santo de Jerusalén y deja que nuestro Señor Jesucristo le hable a tu corazón y a toda tu vida de entre medio de las tres cruces del reino angelical, para que tus pecados desaparezcan para siempre y así tú comiences a vivir tu vida llena de bendiciones y de riquezas sin fin, para que seas por siempre feliz. Actualmente, tú también puedes renacer del Espíritu Santo que no solamente le dio vida a Isaac del vientre muerto de su madre Sara, para que sea el cordero que subió al Monte Moriah, sino que hizo igual con Jesucristo del vientre virgen de la hija de David para subir al monte santo de Jerusalén, crucificado, y así darte la felicidad del reino. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father commanded His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) to meet Abram with bread and wine after he returned from chasing his enemies that had taken his nephew Lot prisoner along with his family and neighbors, because he had established a covenant of life with Him in heaven thus to be always faithful and blames in his entire life. Now, our Lord Jesus Christ presented himself to Abraham as God's Righteousness and high priest, because he was the King of Salem (ancient Jerusalem), so he may eat his bread and wine with our heavenly Father that was ready to meet him with his 318 disciples at the Lord's Table, and this is exactly where Jerusalem's holy hill will descend timely.

This was a very important meal that our heavenly Father had to eat with Abraham, since He had already called him to become his faithful servant thus to serve Him always blamelessly throughout his life in His holy presence, for he needed to eat with Him the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ's hands that will unite them, forever. Certainly, this was an important meal that our heavenly Father had tried to eat with Adam and Eve in paradise at the Lord's Table served by His Son Jesus Christ as the tree of life, but He had failed to sit with him, so the children may be born in perfect holiness, for the glory of His eternal name.

Surely, this was a covenant of life that our heavenly Father needed to start with Adam and Eve in paradise, because He was eager to start His new lasting Kingdom since the day that Lucifer along with one-third of the angels rebelled against Him and His Son Jesus Christ by trying to exalt himself above His holy name in heaven's glory. Furthermore, because Lucifer sinned against Him and His Son Jesus Christ, then he had to abandon heaven's glory along with all the fallen angels that had believed that he could exalt his lesser name above His holy name and that of His Son Jesus Christ, and so, the Holy Spirit cast him down into hell's torment with his angelic followers forever cursed.

Therefore, it was important now for our heavenly Father to find someone else as Abraham and his disciples to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine that is daily served by His Son Jesus Christ in heaven's glory to every angel, so holiness may prevail always through eternity. Timely, and to our heavenly Father's pleasure, His Son served the daily bread and wine over the Lord's Table to Abraham and his disciples to eat along with Him the meal that will be the beginning of a new life on earth that will never know defeat and destruction from Satan, because He will be the Only known Eternal God, forever.

This will be a new Kingdom not only of holy and faithful angels but also of His personal seed of children born by the power of the Holy Spirit, starting with Isaac with the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ, because he will be the first man from His new angelic Kingdom that will never know the end into eternity. For this is a brand new Kingdom of His children born from the power of the Holy Spirit as Isaac was born first from his mother Sarai's barren-womb with the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and the atoning-blood of His only Son Jesus Christ, so they may all live with Him in the perfect holiness that will never know the end even beyond eternity.

Therefore, this is what our heavenly Father had in mind as he sat down with Abraham and his allies to eat from the bread and drink from the cup of wine from His only Son Jesus Christ that is His only perfect holiness in heaven before the angels and on earth with every man, woman and child from all the nations. Then, as our heavenly Father ate with Abraham and his allies and drank as well from the cup of wine, religiously He was eating His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and drinking from his atoning-blood that will become the covenant of life between God in heaven and man on earth to give birth to Isaac from his mother Sarai's barren-womb.

And so, it was only by eating and drinking from our Lord Jesus Christ bread and wine that is his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that granted the power of the Holy Spirit to give birth to Isaac from Sarai's barren-womb as Abraham's wife, so a new bloodline may be established on earth at last thus to replace Adam's ill blood and rebellious flesh. Therefore, by our heavenly Father eating with Abraham and his disciples at the Lord's Table from His Son's bread and wine, then He was ushering them into the world of the Holy Spirit, from where Isaac will be born by the power of the Holy Spirit from Sarai's barren-womb, so His Son's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood may take root on earth finally.

It is here, within the realm of the Holy Spirit, by eating and drinking from His Son Jesus Christ the bread and wine converted into the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, then Isaac began to take shape in Sarai's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit, so he may be the first man to be born in our heavenly Father's new Kingdom. Surely, as Isaac was born by the power of the Holy Spirit from his mother Sarai's barren-womb, then he was born with our Lord Jesus Christ's personal features as the hair and eye color, for example, along with sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that gave him the likeness of God's Lamb ready to ascend Mount Moriah to be offered as a burnt offering.

That is to say, also that Isaac was born in the perfect holiness that our heavenly Father had required from Abraham to possess forever just as He had possess it from eternity into eternity, so he may not only become saved to ascend into heaven's glory forever blessed but also the children, beginning with Isaac. Meaning that, as Isaac grew from childhood into adulthood then Abraham and Sarai were contemplating and living with our Lord Jesus Christ in person, because he will not only be the father and foundation of Israel but also the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood for the children to come, so they may live blessed as they may ascend into heaven's glory forever justified.

Obviously, this was something that our heavenly Father would never do with any holy angel, because Lucifer, being the great, glorious and powerful archangel that he had become since the day he was created by the power of His word, then he rebelled by trying to exalt his lesser name above His holy name with the help of one-third of the angels. Moreover, our heavenly Father failed to trust Adam and Eve, again, because they failed to eat from the fruit from the tree of life instead they ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and this was something that they knew that they could never do, because they will die in sin, if they ever did.

Thus, our heavenly Father could never trust or give of His personal glory to any angel from heaven above, much less to any man in paradise or on earth, and so, our Lord Jesus Christ was the best choice as usual, so He may start His brand new legitimate offspring through His only Son Jesus Christ's life, sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood. That is to say, also that the day that Isaac was born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb by the power of the Holy Spirit covenant of life started with Abraham and his disciples, as they ate the bread and wine from the Lord's Table, then our Lord Jesus Christ's divine-life, sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood became the foundation of the new world.

For this is the new world of our heavenly Father's kingdom on earth coexisting with the nations, so His will may be done on earth as it is in heaven by the angels, for the nations to learn not only how to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name but also how to escape darkness, death and hell's torment, forever. That is why, that it was essential that Abraham along with his disciples may sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and drink from the wine from His Son, but also that they may enter together into the Holy Spirit's world, so this bread and wine may be born into His Son Jesus Christ's body through Isaac birth.

For Isaac to be the first man born into our heavenly Father's new world with the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ ready to be taken by Abraham to Mount Moriah to be offered as a burnt offering unto our Father in heaven's glory, so sin may be destroyed along with Satan, for the new world to start pure. Meaning that, as Isaac was taken to Mount Moriah to be sacrificed by his father Abraham, because our heavenly Father had called him to do so over the mountaintop that He will personally show him, then it was done to the perfection that our Lord Jesus Christ in his day will do it, for sin and Satan to be destroyed at last.

That is to say, also that as Abraham took his only son Isaac to be offered as a burnt offering over Mount Moriah, then everyone could see in Isaac the sacred-flesh, the atoning-blood and even the hair, eye and skin color of our Lord Jesus Christ, because Isaac was a perfect replica of God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, forever. However, the only difference between the two, though they were exact twins, except that Isaac was a man and our Lord Jesus Christ God's only begotten Son, because he had come out from Him, meaning that Jesus Christ had always existed within our Father and His Spirit, and so, he alone is God's Lamb with the atoning-blood ready to remove sin, forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father had Abraham to take his only son Isaac over to the mountaintop when he was only 8 years old not only because he was the perfect copy of God's Son Jesus Christ on earth thus to start the existence of Israel in the world, but also because he was very young and innocent to evil, sin, and wickedness. Isaac was perfect in holiness in our heavenly Father's sight, because he was from head to foot exactly as His only Son, and so, as He called Abraham to take his only son Isaac to the mountaintop to be offered as a burnt offering unto Him in heaven's glory, then He did it because Isaac was young, sinless and obedient unto death.

For this was exactly what Jesus Christ would do in his day, because he was born from David's virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, so he may not only fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments but also destroy every sin, lie, curse, infirmity, and death thus to take the cross on Jerusalem's holy hill, to finish with evil, at last. Now, given that, Isaac had been born in the world of the Holy Spirit, because Abraham with his allies had eaten with our heavenly Father from the bread and wine served by His Son Jesus Christ as his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, then Isaac's new body with the bloodline was born for Israel to exist on earth as God's eternal nation for eternity.

Therefore, it was important for our heavenly Father to have Abraham to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah not really to sacrifice him in a fiery burnt offering unto Him in heaven's glory, but also because our heavenly Father needed to see His Son Jesus Christ lying over His sacrifice altar thus to see every one of his children. Meaning that, as Abraham had his only son Isaac lying over our heavenly Father's altar at the mountaintop, then He not only could see the obedience of His Son Jesus Christ been displayed marvelously before Him in perfect eternal holiness, but also He could see every one of his brothers and sisters lying over the altar for the final non-stop sacrifice.

In other words, the day that our heavenly Father had Abraham laid down his only son Isaac over the mountaintop's altar for the burnt offering sacrifice, then He could not only see His only begotten Son Jesus Christ lying down his divine-life for everyone's ransom, but also He could see every man, woman and child from Israel lying as the non-stop sacrifice. On this day, our heavenly Father spoke directly from Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above and with His Son Jesus Christ in the middle of them speaking to Abraham just as he would later speak to Jacob in his dream on the way to find his wife at his father Isaac relatives' hometown, in Padan-aram.

Timely, our Lord Jesus Christ said to Abraham: Do not hurt the lad, now I know that you will obey our heavenly Father, and that you will do everything that He will command you, so your children will follow the ways of the Lord, forever in this life and in the next one to come in heaven above for all eternity. Then, having our Lord Jesus Christ spoken to Abraham from the middle of the three trees, from Jerusalem's holy hill high above Mount Moriah, immediately Abraham stopped the process to kill his only son Isaac, and so, instead he was provided a lamb for the sacrifice to replace Isaac, because the sacrifice had to be executed with His love pouring abundantly after all.

Abraham as he stopped from sacrificing his only son over the altar at Mount Moriah, then he heard the cry of a lamb that had been caught by the horns on the twigs of two trees that were nearby, so he grabbed the lamb and sacrificed it instead of his son Isaac, so our heavenly Father may grant his only son blessings. Over the altar, Abraham gave thanks to our heavenly Father for having spared his only son Isaac from certain death, because he really thought that he had to kill him before our Father in heaven, so He may be pleased with him always, and then he descended with his son Isaac from Mount Moriah filled with blessings for his children to come.

Isaac descended Mount Moriah with a new heart that our heavenly Father had given him, because he now understood that he had to serve Him through His only Son, The Chosen Lamb from heaven above, as from Jerusalem's holy hill, because this was the destiny of his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood to one day shed it over the non-stop altar to end sin. And once our heavenly Father had Abraham to take his only son Isaac over the rituals of the mountaintop's altar thus to sacrifice him before Him in heaven's glory, then Isaac began to grow and serve our heavenly Father thus finally to grant him a son that will become his first offspring on earth for the nation of Israel to be born.

Surely, as Isaac married Rebecca then it was with the purpose that our heavenly Father will have His firstborn on earth to begin to give life to the nation of Israel, because the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that is of His Son Jesus Christ in Isaac, since only in him His descendants will be his children, then Jacob became God's firstborn. Meaning that, the day that Jacob was born from Isaac and Rebecca, then he was born from our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood, so Jacob will be not only the firstborn of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth but also of the entire nation of Israel to make a new pact of eternal life at Jerusalem's holy hill.

Indeed, this new pact of life will certainly be at Jerusalem's holy hill in his dream to find a wife at Padan-aram, as our Lord Jesus Christ will meet him as God's firstborn in heaven, so Jacob as God's firstborn on earth may make a pact of life with God's only Son in heaven's glory, for Israel to receive the Promised Land. On this day, our Lord Jesus Christ as God's only Son in heaven's glory and before the angelic hosts granted Jacob as God's firstborn on earth the land of Canaan and the children also to populate it by the millions that no one could ever count them, because they will be as numerous as the stars in the universe.

Besides, while Jacob began to speak to our Lord Jesus Christ and receive the land of Canaan that had already been granted to Abraham and Isaac his father, then he could see angels ascending to heaven and others descending to earth with gifts, from God to the nations everywhere that love, exalt, and glorify Him through His only Son Jesus Christ. Jacob also could observe the fire of the Holy Spirit everywhere around the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory as into our heavenly Father's Home, furthermore he could see the entire ground spilled with the atoning-blood that had changed his life, forever, and so, he could only think of praying over the rock thus to anoint it abundantly with olive oil.

And over the anointed rock, Jacob prayed beholding the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory with our Lord Jesus Christ, in the middle of them, and he said: Oh God, if you feed me, and dress me, moreover you make sure that I may make it safe into my father's hometown to find my wife, then you will be my God forever. On this day, our heavenly Father's Holy Spirit did not only feed him the best of the land, moreover dressed him well so he may be presentable to his father's relatives thus to impress his wife that had been chosen by the Holy Spirit, then Jacob acknowledged the Holy Spirit in his life to be his God and of his children, forever.

The Holy Spirit became Jacob's God and of his children as well, because he realized that the Holy Spirit had blessed him in every way possible thus making sure that he was well fed and dressed to meet his wife from his father's relatives, and so the Holy Spirit filled him with children to form the twelve tribes of Israel. And the Holy Spirit began to form the nation of Israel, because it was our heavenly Father's will for this to be done as soon as possible by making sure that everyone born within Israel will be by the power and blessings of the Holy Spirit, by ensuring that the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood were always present abundantly in perfect holiness.

Meaning that, the Holy Spirit had to guarantee to our heavenly Father in heaven that every one within Israel was been born in the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of His Son Jesus Christ that first had manifested within humankind as Isaac was born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb thus to become God's first man of His new angelic Kingdom on earth. For this is the nation where He would manifest His abundant glory through the blessed life of His only Son Jesus Christ, because this is lasting glory that He could never trust to any holy angel from heaven above, due to the angelic rebellion that He had suffered with Lucifer much less He could trust men in paradise and on earth.

Thus, our heavenly Father had to make sure that the first man to be born into His brand new angelic Kingdom on earth that He will rule forever into eternity, then it will have to be with His Son Jesus Christ's Righteous life, sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood, so sin will never have to do anything with His new and lasting glory. Meaning that, the beginning of His brand new Creation just as the old one from heaven above with the angels and with humankind on earth, then it will have to be with His only Son Jesus Christ's manifested Righteous life, sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood, so every one born from him in Israel will be His legitimate child, forever.

That is why, that our heavenly Father was always careful with them by granting strict laws, norms, and regulations that will help them to live a perfect and sane life that will be separated always from the nations, so their sacred-flesh and atoning-blood will never be contaminated from other people, because He had finally to see His Son over Jerusalem's holy hill. Certainly, our heavenly Father had to be very careful with Israel to wherever they went through the desert to meet the nations, because they could very easily make covenants that will eventually destroy them by mixing the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of the pact of life with sin and destruction, and so He had to intervene at times to save them.

However, as history shows us, Israel always wanted to have it her way, and so, Israel not only made covenants with foreign nations through the desert but also mixed with them, causing that the holiness in their sacred-flesh and atoning-blood that they had received divinely from Jesus Christ through Isaac's miracle birth by the Holy Spirit, then became useless to God. And this was our heavenly Father's never ending struggle with Israel as they went through the Sinai's desert to possess the Promised Land, then Israel always wanted to meet with the nations and at one point they also decided to have their King, named by them, and by doing this, immediately they rejected our Lord Jesus Christ; and this angered God.

It angered our heavenly Father so much that He did not show any resistance for them to have a king as the nations do, so they may learn what is to serve Him and their appointed king, and our heavenly Father allowed them to have their king, because they were going to learn the difference between serving Him and sinful men. Nevertheless, our heavenly Father continued to watch after them very attentively, so they will not mingle with the nations by giving their daughters to marry them or to take from the nations' daughters to marry their sons, so the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood may not be contaminated much less compromised, because His only Son Jesus Christ had to be born blamelessly.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ had to be born from them by the power of the Holy Spirit, from King David's virgin daughter, so he may not only grant us eternal life for the first time on earth, but also the sacred and glorified body to live it forever saved in heaven's glory by ascending Jacob's ladder into our Father's holy presence. That is why, that our heavenly Father often asked the Israelis by saying to them: Even though all the tribes of Israel have sinned by giving into marriages with the nations of the desert then at least try not to have the tribe of Judah sin this way, so the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood may stay clean and free from contamination.

Sincerely, as our heavenly Father will speak like this to the Israelis then they never understood that the King Messiah was going to be born from the tribe of Judah, because His promised to King David was that one of his sons that will be perfect after His heart that he will sit in his throne at last to rule Israel forever. And this is Jesus Christ as David's son that was born after our heavenly Father's holy heart to do His perfect will within Israel just as it is done in heaven by the angels, because he will not only be born from the Holy Spirit but also he will be the one that will defeat Satan's lie, curses, infirmities, and death, forever.

Surely, our Lord Jesus Christ was the one born by the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter to be the one that will be after our heavenly Father's heart to keep the Holy Spirit of the commandments without ever breaking them, so he may destroy every sin, curse, infirmity, problem, difficulty and threat of death on earth and in hell's torment. And like our Lord Jesus Christ not one has ever been born on earth that did all the miracles and great wonders that not only liberated people from the power of darkness and the threat of death in hell's torment, but also set them free from their problems, difficulties, infirmities, so they may live a blessed life always with their loved ones.

What's more, our Lord Jesus Christ used to teach people that he alone is the way, the truth and the life; and that no one can ever enter heaven's glory to see our heavenly Father in person unless they may come through him by been washed clean from sin to ascend Jacob's ladder into eternal life forever saved. And the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ used to teach this powerful truth to the Israelis and the gentiles as well, it is because he is the one that is in the middle of the three crosses from heaven above over Jerusalem's holy hill ready to receive anyone willing to be washed clean from sin to ascend Jacob's ladder forever justified.

That is why, that Jesus Christ taught to Moses that he Is The One That Always Is that have the power to remove sin by the atoning-blood shed to the cross and to its ground to ascend immediately into heaven's glory through Jacob's ladder, so they may see our heavenly Father as He will embrace them with His fatherly love, everlastingly. That is why, also that our Lord Jesus Christ used to teach people within Israel that he alone is the door to ascend Jacob's ladder to enter into the New Jerusalem from heaven above, because he who may enter through him, then he is cleansed from sin, by the power of his atoning-blood shed to the cross and to the ground.

As it is written: whoever calls on the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the last days, then that one will be saved from the power of sin and eternal death in hell's torment, because as you may invoke his holy name then immediately his atoning-blood removes sin, so you may become Holy Spirit born to enter heaven's eternal life. In other words, as you may invoke the name of our Lord Jesus Christ then immediately you will find yourself standing over holy ground drenched with the atoning-blood that has shed from our Lord Jesus Christ as he was nailed to the middle of the three crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may become Holy Spirit born instantly, ascending into heaven.

Given that, only if you have become Holy Spirit born by invoking the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, then you will immediately not only be washed clean from sin but also you are entering into the world of the Holy Spirit where there is always abundant working power in your favor, so you may find help in anything concerning you. That is all, that our heavenly Father has always required from everyone from Israel and the families of the nations to invoke His only Son Jesus Christ's name, so you may immediately find yourself standing in drenched ground with his atoning-blood to remove sin, so as you may enter through him, then you will ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory forever blessed.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ said to his disciples: I am the door; he that enters through me, then he will ascend into heaven's glory through Jacob's ladder, the three crosses ascending into heaven's eternal life, escorted as always by his holy angels from Jerusalem's holy hill, so you will never find yourself lost in paradise. The holy angels from Jerusalem's holy hill are always there not only to help you ascend into heaven's glory through the door that is our Lord Jesus Christ but also to help you every step of the way through Jacob's ladder, so you may step into our heavenly Father's holy presence because He longs to see you in person for millenniums already.

Therefore, you need to invoke our Lord Jesus Christ's holy name, immediately, so you may find yourself standing in holy ground at Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above waiting for you to speak to your living-savior that is right there as always in the middle of the crosses, because he needs to cleanse you from sin, forever. And as you may pass through him, because you need to pass through his sacred-body and atoning-blood to ascend through Jacob's ladder into heaven's eternal life, then, as you may go through him immediately your old-body stays behind, furthermore you will receive your new glorified body from him as an exchange to enter heaven justified thus to be perfect-and-holy into everlasting.

And this will be the time when you will enjoy our heavenly Father's holy presence, because your body and His are one, in the sense that you are now perfect-and-holy as He has always been since ever, so you may enjoy His holy presence and He will certainly enjoy yours without any sin-conflicts, because you are His offspring that started with Isaac. Because, you will always have to remember that Isaac's sacred-body emerged from His Son Jesus Christ as he personally served the bread that is his sacred-flesh and the wine that is his atoning-blood filled with eternal life and blessings that Abraham with his 318 disciples at the Lord's Table ate with our heavenly Father to enter into the Holy Spirit's world.

Timely, because Abraham with his disciples ate the bread and wine that is our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, then Abraham's wife Sarai with her barren-womb and within the power of the world from the Holy Spirit, at once Isaac was born miraculously with the sacred-body of His Son Jesus Christ to ascend Mount Moriah to end sin immediately. And this is where you are coming from into the world, you were born from Isaac's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood because Abraham and his allies ate from the Lord's Table the bread and wine that Jesus Christ daily serves in heaven's glory to the angels to keep them perfect-holy-and-healthy to serve our heavenly Father by exalting and glorifying His holy name through eternity.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ was the beginning of every man, woman and child in paradise, because the day that Adam was born then he was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through our heavenly Father's image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness (his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood) into all eternity in heaven. However, as we very well know Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of eating from the tree of life, so they may eat from the bread that is the sacred-flesh and drink from the wine that is the atoning-blood thus to stay and live forever perfect-and-holy in paradise.

Definitely, because Adam and Eve sinned against our heavenly Father by failing to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ as always serving the bread and wine from the Lord's Table to our heavenly Father, to the angels, and to everyone else willing to eat from his holiness, then they died in paradise to return to earth. Although, Adam and Eve returned to earth to die, our heavenly Father nonetheless continued to care for them, because He was ready to give His life to have them back in heaven, meanwhile this was impossible due to sin, however there was always a way back to heaven, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill through the door (God's Lamb) to Jacob's ladder.

At Jerusalem's holy hill, Adam and Eve had to be the cross that will receive His only Son Jesus Christ born by the power of the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter, so he may be nailed to them, because they could no longer invoke his holy name for salvation, since they were full of the forbidden fruit, forever. Therefore, this was the only way possible that Adam and Eve were going to invoke his holy name, sort of speak, though they were just dead trees crossed to each other to receive our Lord Jesus Christ with nails on his hands and feet, so through the power of his atoning-blood they may become saved from sin and hell's torment at last.

For there was no other way possible for Adam and Eve to become saved from sin and hell's torment much less the children could be redeemed unless His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to them with nails that will bind them thus never to separate from each other again for any reason, and so, at the cross we all became one for eternity. That is to say, also that as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve's cross in the middle of the three crosses from heaven above, then every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations were nailed with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, so we may become one in His Son Jesus Christ, forever.

Now, you may ask why our Lord Jesus Christ said: Father, why have you abandoned me. Then, it will be because this was the first time that our heavenly Father was contemplating His Son Jesus Christ taking on the sin of the world, and the suffering to take on the sin of every man, woman and child was terrible for Him and for His Holy Spirit that His Son felt abandoned momentarily, because he was dying everyone's death.

Our heavenly Father along with the Holy Spirit had to step back and away from our Lord Jesus Christ, because the burden to watch him die for our sins it was terrible to observe much less suffer along with him, so He had to step away with the Holy Spirit to cry until death was finally defeated and destroyed in his holy-body. Therefore, it was necessary first for our Lord Jesus Christ not only to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments with his brothers and sisters within Israel before our heavenly Father, but also it was necessary for him to destroy: every sin, curse, lie, infirmity and death in the life of every man, woman and child to conquer finally Jerusalem's holy hill.

In other words, our Lord Jesus Christ could have never been able to take on the cross to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill with his brothers and sisters unless he had first fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the commandments by destroying every lie, curse, calumny, infirmity, deadly-viruses, darkness and death that has emerged from Satan and his fallen angels against God's children. Our Lord Jesus Christ had to defeat every thing wicked that has ever come out from Satan and his fallen angels before our heavenly Father thus to honor and exalt mightily the Holy Spirit of the commandments over Israel, Jerusalem's holy hill, and the nations through ages, so he may finally shed his atoning-blood to Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy sin, forever.

That is why, that as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve, because he needed to save them, moreover reached out to the children, by taking on their sins to the full thus to suffer for their death unto hell, since each one of them had been born initially from his divine-life, sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood. This is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ suffered and cried terribly on the way to the cross, while been nailed to it, and as he was dying on it, because he suffered as he took on the sin of every one of his children, born from his divine-life, sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood, so he may rescue them from hell's torment, at last.

On the cross, our Lord Jesus Christ felt the pain to walk away from our heavenly Father and from the Holy Spirit forever cursed with sin, and the same he felt for every one of his children born from him in heaven's glory, and so, he suffered terribly because he lived our death and sufferings in hell's torment where our death never ends. That is why, also that as he died on the cross because he suffered entirely our sins and death, then he had to descend into hell to destroy the eternal places that had been born there as we were born on earth, so he may destroy them forever, so the angel of death will never again claim us as his personal property.

Besides, while in hell's torment, our Lord Jesus Christ manifested himself gloriously against Satan and his fallen angels, because by dying for our sins and suffering our death, then he had destroyed sin and death forever in the life of every man, woman and child that will invoke his holy name for salvation with the power to return to heaven anytime. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ as he ascended from hell's torment, eternally victorious against Satan and the angel of death, then he said: All power is given unto me in heaven, on earth and under the earth, for he alone can save anyone anywhere, and he has the power also to liberate those incarcerated in hell's cells, right now.

Further, because our Lord Jesus Christ has conquered all powers in heaven, on earth and under it, then as we may invoke his holy name to become liberated from the power of sin, instantly we are not only born again from the Holy Spirit, but also we may receive abundant blessings to enjoy every day as we may grow in his glory. Because, our Lord Jesus Christ while praying to our heavenly Father then he said: Father, the glory that you have given me, I have given it to them also, so they may not only enjoy the blessings and power of your holy name that you have granted on to me, but they may enjoy always life, peace, prosperity, and happiness, starting now.

Thus, we are vested in the powers of Jesus Christ and of the Holy Spirit before our heavenly Father, as we may invoke freely and anytime his holy name, so we may become cleansed from sin and become Holy Spirit born thus to live always blessed in the Holy Spirit's world even if we are still living on earth these days. We are certainly blessed by our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, because He loves each one of us just as He has always loved the Holy Spirit and His Son Jesus Christ, since we are his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood from where we began live in our heavenly Father's image thus to live according to His Son's likeness in heaven, perpetually.

Our heavenly Father feels love for each one of us, because we are His children that were born in His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness of his sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood on earth these days and in heaven's glory forever into eternity, so we may live only to execute His will faithfully always. We are blessed by our heavenly Father every day of our lives these days, because He still is at Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ not only as His perfect Righteousness but also as His well-trusted high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood shed to the ground, of the three crosses from heaven's glory to remove sin.

With our Lord Jesus Christ living in our hearts these days then we have no sins anymore before our Father in heaven, because we have invoked his holy name within our hearts to become Holy Spirit born into the world from heaven above where love, peace, happiness and eternal salvation thrive always, so we may only know our Father's goodness everlastingly. This is a glorious-life that our heavenly Father has granted to each one of us, because He still feels deep love within His very holy heart for us through His Son Jesus Christ's divine-life, sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood, so we can ascend Jerusalem's holy hill through the door and up Jacob's ladder into His holy presence to get our daily blessing right now. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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