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Feb 11, 2014, 2:10:40 AM2/11/14
Sábado, 08 de Febrero, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Deseamos expresar nuestro amor, pésame y oraciones a cada una de las familias de los nueve bomberos que fallecieron súbitamente cuando una pared se derrumbó al tratar de apagar un incendio que aparentemente estaba fuera de control, y que amenazaba en extenderse hacia otros locales. Cada uno de ellos ofrendó su vida para defender la vida de muchos, para que las llamas del incendio no se extendieran a otras familias y personas inocentes que se encontraban en el lugar en sus quehaceres cotidianos y de siempre.

Nuestro Padre celestial por su gran amor hacia cada uno de ellos, como el que siempre siente por su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces los recibió en su lugar santísimo de su nacimiento en el reino de los cielos, porque ellos nacieron de Él, por el poder del Espíritu Santo de su imagen para vivir por siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial. Y cada uno de ellos goza de la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, por lo que nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo por ellos al entregar su vida santísima a cambio de cada uno de ellos y así no mueran jamás, sino que vivan para siempre para nuestro Padre celestial en el reino de los cielos.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les enseñaba a cada uno de sus discípulos en todo Israel a creer únicamente en él y en su nombre bendito, porque el nombre que él lleva es el nombre que nuestro Padre celestial le ha entregado para que todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las naciones se salven al invocarlo. Y en éste nombre bendito de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, ciertamente es un nombre infinitamente ungido con grandes poderes y autoridades por nuestro Padre celestial en el cielo, en la tierra y debajo de la tierra, para que todo aquel que lo invoque entonces sea lleno de sus bendiciones, para no solamente escapar del pecado, sino también del fuego eterno del infierno.

Por eso, es bueno siempre creer en nuestros corazones en el nombre ungido de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, porque es un nombre dado a cada uno de los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, para que crean para justicia al invocarlo con sus labios para salvación eterna. En el cielo, cada uno de ellos camina tomado de la mano de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de cada uno de sus ángeles santísimos hacia lugares gloriosos e infinitamente grandiosos en donde trabajan arduamente, y con mucho gozo en sus corazones, para alcanzar nuevas glorias y honras para el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo.

Así como los apóstoles y discípulos caminaban diariamente con nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo por todo Israel, para despertar nuevas glorias y honras para el nombre bendito de nuestro Padre celestial, así mismo pues ellos hacen en sus nuevos lugares de vida eterna en el cielo, caminando hacia lugares benditos para hacer sus obras que glorían a nuestro Padre celestial perpetuamente. En el cielo, todos se conocen unos a otros, se conocen como si siempre han vivido juntos desde el día que nacieron por el poder del Espíritu Santo, de la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial, para vivir perpetuamente conforme a su semejanza celestial en la nueva vida eterna, del nuevo reino de los cielos.

Sin duda, todos se conocen por sus nombres propios, porque en el cielo no solamente llegaremos a ser libres del pecado y de la muerte eterna del infierno, sino que también seremos llenos grandemente de la santidad y del poder de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para vivir duraderamente llenos de su sabiduría e inteligencia para conocerlo todo, para toda la eternidad venidera. Además, en el cielo, como en la vida eterna, cada uno de nosotros será tan sabio e inteligente como nuestro Padre celestial y como su Hijo Jesucristo, porque el Espíritu Santo reinara en nuestras vidas para seguir amando, sirviendo y glorificando grandemente a nuestro Dios y a su nombre santísimo con la sabiduría y con la inteligencia de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Y sí en vida, cada uno de ellos le pedía a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, que les perdonare sus pecados para vivir una vida libre del mal y llena de sus bendiciones de cada día. Pues entonces, en el cielo, ellos mismos le siguen pidiendo a nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, que perdone a sus amados y amistades de siempre, para que alcancen la bendición de ser libres eternamente del pecado y del infierno, para ascender a la vida eterna infinitamente gozosos y así no volverse a separarse jamás de su Hacedor.


En estos momentos también deseamos recordar a las victimas de esa terrible colisión que ocurrió recientemente entre un autobús que iba hacia Mendoza, en Argentina, y un camión robado (aparentemente de brasil) que venia hacia ellos en dirección contraria, causando el impacto que reclamó súbitamente la vida de diecisiete personas. Ellos también están con nuestro Padre celestial, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente nació del vientre virgen de la hija de David para cumplir con el Pacto de vida eterna con Abraham y sus descendientes, sino que además nos dio la vida eterna con el Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos infinitamente glorificados para entrar al cielo desde ya benditos eternamente.

Y para entrar a la vida eterna del nuevo reino angelical, entonces tenemos ya ese mismo cuerpo santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo de carne santa, huesos íntegros y sangre bendita, porque éste es el cuerpo que conoce y siente el amor santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, para vivir llenos de su Espíritu Santo en la eternidad. Éste cuerpo divino es un cuerpo glorioso entregado a cada uno de nosotros, no como el cuerpo rebelde de Adán y Eva, sino el mismo cuerpo, de pies a cabeza, de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para vivir nuestra vida eterna desde ya, como si jamás hubiésemos conocido el pecado y la maldad del infierno.

Hoy, en cielo, ellos siguen orando a nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, de la misma manera que lo hacían en vida, pero esta vez piden perdón, bienestar y la felicidad de la salvación de sus muy amados y amistades de siempre, para que conozcan el calor santísima del amor de nuestro Dios y de su Hijo Jesucristo. Porque es la voluntad santísima de nuestro Padre celestial que cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de Israel y de las naciones que conozcan desde ya el Espíritu Santo del amor eterno que él siempre ha sentido por su Hijo Jesucristo, para que entonces aprendamos a vivir la vida con sus bendiciones, como debe de ser siempre.

Por ello, ellos se aferran con fe en sus corazones, así como lo hacían en vida hacia nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para que bendiga grandemente a cada uno de sus familiares y vecinos de siempre, para que vivan cada día de sus vidas y hasta siempre, sabiendo en sus corazones que les espera una vida gloriosa en el cielo con Jesucristo. Sí, los ángeles abrazan y danzan con ellos, y con gran alegría delante de la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque su Hijo Jesucristo los ha redimido para que le amen, sirvan y glorifiquen perpetuamente a su nombre bendito en sus nuevas vidas eternales: vidas santísimas compradas con la sangre sagrada de su único gran amor eterno, su Hijo unigénito, ¡Jesucristo!

Nosotros seguiremos orando a nuestro Padre celestial por cada hermano y por cada hermana de toda Argentina y de nuestras naciones hermanas de nuestro mundo hispano-parlante, para que él mismo los guarde del mal siempre, por amor a su Hijo Jesucristo, y que les dé cada vez más cada día de su Hijo para enriquecerlos en estos días y por siempre. ¡Amén!


In the beginning, it was our heavenly Father's will that every man, woman and child from the house of Israel and from the aliens living in the midst of them may stop offering their sacrifices within and outside of the camp, but instead to bring their daily offering to the entrance of the Tabernacle of Reunion. Now, our heavenly Father needed the sacrifices of the morning, afternoon and evening to be conducted always at the Tabernacle's entrance, because it is here where our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) executed initially his duties as high priest and Chosen Lamb with his atoning-blood that erases sin from the beginning of time, in heaven for angels and on earth for humankind.

Moreover, it is here where our heavenly Father will have his Son Jesus Christ finally shed his atoning-blood nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed dead-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill, for sin to be removed forever from paradise in heaven above and from earth below as well, so everyone within Israel and the nations may enter into eternal life at last. Therefore, every sacrifice conducted by the native born in Israel and from the aliens living in the midst of them, then they could no longer execute them within the camp or outside of it, but instead they had to bring it to our Lord Jesus Christ at the entrance of the Tabernacle, so the blood may be sprinkled upon the altar.

Historically, there was never any other place where the Israelites or the aliens could offer their daily blood sacrifices but only at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, because it is here where Jesus Christ is always found ministering his daily duties of holiness--and if it was another place to offer sacrifices then it will be known. Then only at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest everyone had to bring their daily sacrifices by the scores, so the atoning-blood could be shed on the ground and sprinkled at the altar to atone for sin, moreover receive reconciliation with our heavenly Father that is always watching the daily sacrifices to develop at the proper place.

Meaning that, there is only one place to present your daily sacrifices at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest in heaven for the angels, for Israel in the Sinai's desert, in the land of Canaan Jerusalem's holy hill for the nations, and for the New celestial Jerusalem, because this is where Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood forever. (Perhaps, you may say: why then the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach manifested himself openly to Moses over Mount Sinai's burning fire, and the answer is because he was standing outside the celestial Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven over Mount Sinai, so he became visible for Israel to escape Egypt's captivity finally to receive the entire Tabernacle in the desert through the Holy Spirit.)

Now, if anyone was caught doing sacrifices away from the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest then that person could be considered a blood shedder, and he must be cut off from the congregation of our heavenly Father in heaven, because he had shed the animal's blood away from the Tabernacle thus failing to sprinkle it over the altar. And the reason that our heavenly Father needed every one within Israel, and the aliens living in the midst of them, to shed the sacrificial atoning-blood at the entrance of the Tabernacle, it was because that His Son's sacrifice is the only one that He could ever receive anyday to atone for sin at Jerusalem's Gate, that is, forever Jerusalem's holy hill.

That is to say, also that for our heavenly Father the entrance to the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest is Jerusalem's gate or Jerusalem's holy hill where His Son Jesus Christ as Israel's high priest, King Messiah, and God's Lamb with the atoning-blood will fulfill and glorify forever the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments thus to end sin forever. In other words, for our heavenly Father the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest is exactly where His Son Jesus Christ had not only sacrificed his holy life initially in heaven's glory thus to fulfill and glorify forever every ritual and ceremony of Righteousness for angels, but it is also the only entrance wide-open for humankind's perfect salvation.

Meaning that, the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest is the same place of perfect Righteousness where our Lord Jesus Christ, in due time, finally to be nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed dead-trees for his blood to be shed to cover sin for every man, woman and child for Israel and the nations. Then, the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest is for our heavenly Father, where His Son Jesus Christ washes clean from sin to purify the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child, thus filling them with the Holy Spirit of eternal life to enter into heaven's glory forever saved into eternity.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ had to be nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed lifeless-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the place that our heavenly Father had chosen to be Jerusalem's Gate to heaven's glory for every man, woman and child that has believed for justice in His Son as his personal Lord and savior. That is why, that for our heavenly Father for any Israelite or alien could never be allowed to conduct daily sacrifices within the camp or outside of it unless they would do it at the entrance of the Tabernacle, because this is the place of Righteousness where only Jesus Christ is the door to heaven's glory for humankind and holy angels forever.

Therefore, anyone conducting sacrifices away from the entrance of the Tabernacle then that person (s) was considered a blood-shedder, and that one had to be cut off from the tribes of Israel and the congregation of our heavenly Father in heaven, because he had shed (or where shedding) blood outside the real (and unique) sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ. This was a sinful act before our heavenly Father to conduct other rituals of sacrifices to shed the animal's blood away from the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest that was almost impossible for Him to forgive any one, because the only sacrificial atoning-blood that He will ever accept is that of His Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's Gate.

In other words, whenever our heavenly Father called every Israeli man, woman and child, including the aliens, it was to conduct daily sacrifices at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, since, this is the only place at Jerusalem's holy hill, as Jerusalem's Gate (or door) to heaven that He will receive anyone anytime as His legitimate child forever. Therefore, for our heavenly Father there was always only one nonstop sacrifice from His Son Jesus Christ, as His personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin forever that He will see and accept each time every man, woman and child would come to the entrance of the Tabernacle to make sacrifice for sin, peace and reconciliation.

Furthermore, this had to be this way before our heavenly Father every time someone may approach the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest to conduct animal sacrifices to shed the blood for forgiveness, healing, peace and reconciliation, because this is how is done in heaven always as the angels approach our Lord Jesus Christ to intake Righteousness. That is to say, also that the supreme sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to create the heaven and earth with all things, then it is the same for angels to replenish their living spirits with perfect Righteousness to love, serve and glory our heavenly Father's name forever into eternity.

Then, no matter how many animal sacrifices may have been conducted since Abel presented his lamb sacrifice to our heavenly Father, as he shed the atoning-blood to the ground and over the altar, thus they were done perfectly well before our Father at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest in heaven for sin to be covered. Inasmuch as, it is always at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest in heaven, and over Mount Sinai's injured-rock, where His Son shed the atoning-blood to create the world with all thing, including Israel and the nations, so, they may eventually find the way back to heaven's glory at Jerusalem's Gate: by receiving only Jesus Christ's atoning-blood perpetually.

That is to say, also from the millions of animal sacrifices that have been conducted through the years in the Sinai's desert (and within Canaan), our heavenly Father was always looking at His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, shed his atoning-blood at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest to remove sin, for Israel and humankind to live liberated forever. Moreover, since our Lord Jesus Christ conducted already his ultimate atoning-blood sacrifice at Jerusalem's holy hill, as he was nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed lifeless-trees, then as he shed his atoning-blood, indeed he was shedding the Holy Spirit of every one's eternal life within Israel and the nations, so they may become justified everlastingly in heaven's new glory into eternity.

Furthermore, since all the sacrifices that every man, woman and child nay have ever conducted before our heavenly Father in heaven, then they were done, each one of them, to honor and glorify forever the ultimate sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ as he laid down his divine-life to atone for sin, so we may become saved to enter heaven's glory anyday now. Meaning also that, regardless of how many sacrifices we may have conducted in our lifetime or the entire earth's existence, these sacrifices with all the blood shed to the ground and over the altar will never supersede His Son's eternal sacrifice, as he shed his entire life nailed to Adam and Eve's crossed lifeless-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill to stop sin forever.

This also means that we do not have to conduct anymore animal sacrifices to shed the atoning-blood to erase our sins, as the ancients used to do it every morning, every afternoon and every evening, because their sacrifices were conducted already always to honor and exalt our Lord Jesus Christ's supreme atoning-blood shed abundantly at the Tabernacle's entrance over Jerusalem's holy hill. Provided that, there is no other animal sacrifice possible that can cover sin, as the living atoning-blood of our Lord Jesus Christ that was shed timely at Jerusalem's holy hill or as Jerusalem's Gate to heaven or the Tabernacle's entrance into the Holy of Holiest in heaven above, because, only his living atoning-blood can truly meet our every day need forever.

These days, we may conduct sacrifices to shed the blood to the ground and over the altar, but these rituals-and-ceremonies will only represent the true one that lives on forever into eternity within the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, and this is our Lord Jesus Christ as Israel's high priest and God's Lamb with the only atoning-blood to erase sin forever. Furthermore, these rituals of sacrifices and shedding of the blood will only be to celebrate the Feast of the Tabernacle, for example, and we are called by our Father to remember these Festivals, but they are only done to celebrate, commemorate, honor and glorify the true pouring of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that has already ascended into heaven's glory for eternity.

Surely, we are called by our Father to celebrate the Festivities of the Tabernacle, but all the blood shedding that we may do, as we may celebrate these Festivities, it will be to remember through the years and millions more to come the true (and unique) sacrifice of the atoning-blood shedding of His Son Jesus Christ that saves us from sin forever. Certainly, we are all called to celebrate the Festivities of the Tabernacle, whether you are Jew or Gentile, and the nation that fails to ascend to Israel to celebrate the Festivities then our heavenly Father will retain the rain from falling over the land, so they may know that if they want to be blessed then they must remember His Tabernacle Festivities always.

This means that every year nations must send some of their people to Israel to celebrate the Festivities of the Tabernacle, so our Lord Jesus Christ's supreme (and nonstop) celestial sacrifice of his atoning-blood to erase sin forever may be honored and glorified before our Father in heaven, so blessing may be possible for all the families as their lands become miraculously fruitful. For our heavenly Father is very important that His Son Jesus Christ may be remembered each year with Festivities and great jubilee as well, because he has done all the power necessary that pleases His very demanding heart for love, truth and justice, so salvation may be possible for every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations into eternity.

Meaning also that the nations will continue to celebrate the Festivities of the Tabernacle within Israel for millenniums to come, because this is the land that our heavenly Father had chosen not only for His Son Jesus Christ to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, but also to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments forever. Furthermore, this is the land where our Lord Jesus Christ lived the perfect life of every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations, as well, so they may claim their perfect salvation before the Holy Spirit of the commandments to receive eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood to live it forever into all eternity to come.

Certainly, we have a very powerful sacrifice executed timely already by our Lord Jesus Christ within the Holy of Holiest in heaven above, and over Mount Sinai's injured-rock, granting us the atoning-blood turned into living-water to drink for Israel and the nations, because his supreme celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood is liberating us each day from sin, death and hell's torment into eternity. These days, it is here where our heavenly Father will love to see everyone from Israel and the nations, so by standing at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest where our Lord Jesus Christ is our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, then we may become liberated from sin thus to live our ever-increasing life everlastingly.

This is the only entrance from the barren-desert into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, furthermore leads to Canaan thus to conquer it for our savior Jesus Christ to be born in the midst of his brothers, granting eternal life dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood of perfect Righteousness finally for everyone to ascend into the New celestial Jerusalem justified into perpetuity. This is to teach us these days that Jesus Christ was not only the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood for Israel within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, and over Mount Sinai's summit, but also the perfect-holiness to escape Egypt's captivity, because he alone is the way, truth and life through the desert into Canaan or heaven's salvation.

Thus, while he was the way, truth and life for Israel to escape captivity, then also, he was the power to cross the Red sea in dry ground with walls of waters on both sides, because he would faithfully lead every Israeli family through the desert into the Promised Land, granted initially to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob to inherit it forever. These days, wherever you may live on earth Jesus Christ is the way, truth and life that our Father has called you to follow all the days of your life, so you may make it into the Promised Land from heaven above, and this is the New Jerusalem that is filled with everyone's eternal life to enjoy right away.

For only our Lord Jesus Christ is our Father's unique supreme celestial-and-physical sacrifice of His perfect Lamb's atoning-blood that will not only liberate you from sin, death and hell's torment these days on earth and forever into eternity, but also he is Jerusalem's Gate (or open door) into the New celestial Jerusalem for you, your loved ones, and friends from everywhere. For our Lord Jesus Christ alone is the one that you must see to remove sins, moreover have your name written in the book of life, because he is the one ministering within the Holy of Holiest as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to pray before our Father in heaven with abundant love, grace and endless mercies.

Positively, Jesus Christ alone is the one that has the power to help you these days on earth regarding things that might be touching your life and that of your loved ones, for he alone is the one doing the impossible within the Holy of Holiest in heaven thus to place you in our heavenly Father's holy presence forever blessed. Therefore, for whatever our Lord Jesus Christ may have done for you and for your loved ones within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, for our Father to bless you mightily each day of your life, then no one will ever have power to change what he will continue to do, as your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood.

Indisputably, Jesus Christ is our Father's Lamb with the atoning-blood that shed it abundantly at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven to bless your life and that of your loved ones with powers and authorities that he can only possess, and he will bless you through eternity, since he alone is your high priest in heaven's glory everlastingly. Beyond doubt, Jesus Christ is our best friend on earth these days and in heaven's glory forever into all eternity, because he knows very well that we are born initially by the power of the Holy Spirit through our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness eternally thus he knows how much we are loved in heaven's glory right now.

Indeed, because Jesus Christ knows how much we are loved by our Father and His angelic hosts since the start in heaven, then he has done everything that is possible and even impossible, too, to bless each one of us with an eternal salvation that could only be paid in full by shedding his atoning-blood abundantly at the entrance of the Tabernacle. Therefore, by the shedding of his atoning-blood in full, at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, and lastly within Jerusalem's holy hill, then he has manifested how much our heavenly Father's unfailing love fills His heart each time He thinks of us living in sin but yet already saved by the power-and-holiness of His Son Jesus Christ's faithfulness.

That is to say, that our heavenly Father knows very well that by just believing within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's name, then our sins are erased forever from the books in heaven that will be present in Judgment Day to judge us according to what is written in them. (These are books in heaven these days that have recorded every thought, word, feeling, and work that you may have done through your days of life on earth, and they (books) will be open in Judgment Day to judge you according to what is written, whether this is good or bad--however, Jesus Christ's atoning-blood erases right now only the bad forever.)

Then, our heavenly Father's constant hope is that we will finally acknowledge His Son within our hearts to become alive in His holy presence immediately, because Jesus Christ's presence within us means that he will execute the rituals-and-ceremonies of perfect holiness to make us clean by the power of his shed atoning-blood into eternity, so we may live perpetually justified in heaven's glory. That is why, that is very important that every man, woman and child within Israel and the nations as well may invoke his anointed name, so as we may invoke Jesus Christ's name then we are fulfilling our heavenly Father's requirement for each one of us to become liberated from sin and darkness to escape death and hell's torment forever.

Definitely, our Lord Jesus Christ is the perfect blessing for forgiveness, healing, reconciliation, prosperity, happiness and everlasting salvation in this age and in the next one to come in heaven above, because after few decades of life on earth then we will live in paradise with our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ filled with the Holy Spirit into everlasting. Our Lord Jesus Christ is our true friend these days, because he is our perfect Lamb with the atoning-blood always ready to listen to our prayers at the Tabernacle's entrance, to the Holy of Holiest where our heavenly Father needs to meet each one of us thus to bless us beyond all powers and authorities forever into all eternity.

It was at the entrance of the Tabernacle that every man, woman and child met our Lord Jesus Christ, as the supreme celestial sacrifice of the atoning-blood to have sin remove, for blessing and healing to be possible for every one within the family, the community, and the entire nation of Israel, so our heavenly Father may be glorified in heaven immediately. Truly, no one that ever approached our heavenly Father at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, where our Lord Jesus Christ is always present-and-ready to listen to our prayers and petitions, was ever rejected, because his atoning-blood was shed faithfully for all the families of the nations to have immediate communion anytime with our Father in heaven.

To this day, there was never a person rejected by our Lord Jesus Christ as they made their way into our heavenly Father's holy presence through the powerful atoning-blood that was shed since Creation day, so they may enter to live the life that pleases our Father, and this is a glorious life filled with every day powerful miracle from now on. This is a powerful life, surely, that pleases our heavenly Father every day of our lives on earth, and in heaven for millenniums to come into eternity, because it is a clean life as clean as our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood would ever be, since he was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter.

Prophetically, because our Lord Jesus Christ was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, then we have eternal life, moreover we have secured our divine-body to live it to the full in our heavenly Father's holy presence on earth these days and in heaven forever into eternity, since sin was already removed perpetually at Jerusalem's holy hill. Then, through Jesus Christ we may open any door on earth to go through it without any sin problem, even we may ascend not just into Mount Sinai's Holy of Holiest as where our Father showed Moses His Son Jesus Christ, but also we can walk with the holy angels into many places of the vastness, of the Kingdom of heaven.

Amazingly, wherever we may walk into the Kingdom of heaven we will see angels in their different forms, ranks, glories and powers always loving, honoring and exalting our heavenly Father's name through the power-and-holiness of His Son Jesus Christ, because their Lamb with the atoning-blood is also ours perpetually to love, glorify and serve our Father's holy name on earth today. That is to say, also that it is through our Lord Jesus Christ's power and holiness at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven where every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other very holy creatures get their fill of power and holiness to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's holy name to perfection every day into all eternity.

Lawfully, without our Lord Jesus Christ's power and holiness then all the works that the angels need to do every day before our heavenly Father thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name, it will be totally impossible to obtain much less execute properly, therefore the same is true with every man, woman and child on earth these days. We need constantly the power and holiness that every Israeli man, woman and child always found at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of Holy of Holiest to have sins removed, moreover have their bodies healed to live a healthy life to love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father's holy name through the Sinai's desert and beyond the Promised Land, as well.

These wonderful powers of perfect holiness have never abandoned Israel much less the nations till now, but through the work of darkness from Satan and his cronies, then those that our Father called to serve Him through the rituals-and-ceremonies of holiness from the Tabernacle's holiness-service walked away from Him without ever knowing what they were abandoning as they sank into deep darkness. However, our heavenly Father is always powerful to restore that that was lost years ago by just returning to Him through the rituals-and-ceremonies, of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest that are always conducted around the clock in heaven, because our Lord Jesus Christ has never ceased to be our faithful high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to expiate for us.

Jesus Christ as David's Son from the tribe of Judah is always calling every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations, too, to return to our heavenly Father through the power and holiness that he alone possesses thus to fulfill love, truth and justice on earth these days and in heaven forever, so we may live a powerful life. This is a glorious life that our heavenly Father has granted each one of us these days through the amazing presence of His Son Jesus Christ, always acting faithfully as our personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so our sins that are impeding our daily blessings then they may be removed now.

Inasmuch as, our heavenly Father is always ready to bless everyone's life on earth these days and in heaven above, as in paradise and The New celestial Jerusalem where love, truth and justice thrive within the heart of every man, woman and child just as they thrive powerfully in our Father, in His Son and in the Holy Spirit into eternity. For the combination of love, truth and justice can only increase amazingly the power of love to serve, honor and exalt our heavenly Father on earth with humankind and in heaven with the angelic hosts, so peace may spread widely for new glories of sanctities to be discovered for the glory and honor of our heavenly Father's holy name.

Meaning that, these days we are been blessed already by our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ's glorious life, because he has won all the victories against Satan and his cronies, by the power of his perfect holiness, so the only thing we need to do is just stand at the entrance of the Tabernacle to be saturated with divine-power. Furthermore, this is love, truth and justice that we all need to experience within our heart and inner being, so we may grow spiritually progressively always towards levels not even attained yet by the holy angels in heaven, then it will be because this growth of the Holy Spirit within us is to become as perfect and holy as our Father is everlastingly.

Given that, our heavenly Father said to Abraham: Be holy for I am holy, be perfect for I am perfect, so you may live a miracle life on this earth and in heaven above, too, because every one born in God's image is to live according to His likeness in heaven above where love, glory, truth and justice prevail into eternity. Certainly, this perfect holiness man will never find it in anything away from our Father and His Son, since there is no other greater blood-sacrifice possible, because even angels have to get their daily perfection and holiness at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, so they may execute their daily duties to love His holy name with passion.

This is the reason that Abraham had to sit with his friends at the Lord's Table to break bread with our heavenly Father, as His Son Jesus Christ served the angelic food, so they may eat the perfect holiness that he daily grants to any one willing to approach our Father at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of Holy of Holiest in heaven. That is to say, also that every time that the Israelites presented their sacrifice offerings to our heavenly Father, then they had to do it at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, so our Lord Jesus Christ will be the one serving the bread and wine to eat perfect holiness to see Him in person.

Furthermore, while Abraham sat with our heavenly Father to eat the bread and wine with his friends from everywhere, as our Lord Jesus Christ served the Lord's Table as God's Righteousness, then, Isaac was able to be born from Sarah his mother barren-womb, for Jesus Christ to be born timely from David's virgin daughter, for salvation to the possible finally everywhere forever. This is the salvation that our Father spoke about to Abraham, as He required him to be perfect as He is perfect and holy as He is holy everlastingly on earth with humankind and in heaven with His angelic hosts, so he may receive eventually His Son Jesus Christ's perfect salvation holiness through faith, as he may invoke his anointed name.

Therefore, Abraham became saved because he believed in the miracle birth of his son Isaac, as he was born by the power of the Holy Spirit through Sarah his wife barren-womb, furthermore he became blessed and filled with the Holy Spirit of perfect holiness, as he was reborn by believing that Jesus Christ was going to be born soon on earth. Then, as Isaac was born initially by the power of the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, then, he was called by our heavenly Father with his father Abraham to ascend Mount Moriah, because there his father was going to sacrifice him as his only son, as a burnt offering onto our Father in heaven to remove sin immediately.

Moreover, because Isaac was the center of this sacrifice at Mount Moriah that our heavenly Father had called Abraham to execute it immediately, then he became saved as he was ready to be butchered by Abraham as he lifted his dagger to cut him open, just as he would normally do with a lamb after shedding the blood to the ground. On this day, over the mountaintop, Isaac became saved by the power of the one speaking from heaven above that was our Lord Jesus Christ that said to Abraham: Now, I know that you will obey our Father God concerning anything that He will ask you to execute, so do not hurt the boy, for he is a powerful blessing to come.

Just untie Isaac and release him from the place of the sacrifice, and let him go, for he is free to go anywhere he may wish to live for he will become a nation on earth, for the glory and honor of our Father in heaven, for in his seed the nations of the world will be blessed powerfully, Jesus Christ said. For sure, Isaac believed God even though he was just a boy, as he heard our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to his father Abraham from the heavens above, as from the SHEKINAH cloud, so he became saved by the power of the voice from heaven that spoke to his father Abraham, by assuring that he will be blessed everlastingly.

Therefore, from Isaac's faith as he lay over the chopped-wood ready to burn as a sacrificial offering before our Father in heaven, then Isaac became saved, furthermore the promise of the coming of the king Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, became alive descending from the mountaintop to form the nation of Israel thus to bless the families of the nations forever. Here, Abraham's faith became stronger as ever because he not only had seen our Father's love, mercy and care for him and his children to come in future generation, but also he had believed even more than ever of the coming of the King Messiah into the world, only through Isaac's seed, the seed of the Holy Spirit, that is, Jesus Christ.

Later, Jacob had to find a wife at Paddan-aram, and on his way to his relatives to pick a wife for himself, then he stopped over the night at city called Luz (that later he called Betel (God's House)), there he rested his head over a rock, falling asleep, when suddenly he sees three trees line-up in succession as ascending into heaven. Over the top of these line-up trees crossing into each other ascending towards heaven, then he sees angels going up from earth to heaven, and (angels) descending from heaven to earth, this startled him because he never seen anything like it before, then he sees the Lord Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the line-up trees.

The Lord Jesus Christ said: This land where you standing I have given it to you and your descendants for generations to come, because I am going to multiply you into the millions, for your descendants will be numerous as the stars from heaven above that no one can count them ever, so you and your children may serve me here. This is the land of Israel that our Lord Jesus Christ was granting to him and to his children, and this was over the injured-rock at Jerusalem's holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ has begun to speak to him for the first time, for Jacob did not know him, so a new relationship with God had begun with Jacob forever.

It is here where Jacob's faith increased dramatically as never before, because he said to the Lord Jesus Christ: if you truly give me food to eat and clothing to dress by blessing my way to my fathers in Paddan-aram, then you will be my God and I will serve you forever with my children on earth and in heaven forever. Here is where Jacob swore to Jesus Christ that he with his children will serve him, if he will only supply his daily needs and bless his way to his relatives in Padan-aram to find a wife, so he may start the first family of the nation of Israel where his sacred-life will be the center of it for the nations, forever.

This is how Israel's faith began to grow progressively in our Lord Jesus Christ coming to earth, because it all started with Abraham sitting with his friends to break bread with our heavenly Father, as His Son Jesus Christ served the Lord's Table, so they may all eat perfect holiness for forgiveness, healing, reconciliation, peace, prosperity, abundance, happiness and eternal life. This is the perfect-holiness that our Father had to grant every Israeli and alien man, woman and child at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, so they may present their prayers and requests to Him through His Son Jesus Christ at the door, and all the blessings that they needed may come, enriching their daily lives amazingly.

Meaning also that the perfect-holiness that our heavenly Father granted to Abraham and his allies, as they sat together at the Lord's Table to break bread with Him and the Holy Spirit, too, as His Son Jesus Christ acted as His perfect Righteousness on earth and in heaven, then He gave to eat perfect-holiness to every Israeli at the Tabernacle's entrance. Furthermore, our heavenly Father has not ceased yet to bless, since everything started with Israel in the Sinai's desert to eat with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, as His Son Jesus Christ serves the daily bread and wine, so they may eat perfect-holiness right now, for forgiveness, healing, peace, prosperity, happiness and lasting salvation.

Surely, it is up to everyone's personal decision to receive this blessing from our heavenly Father through the presence of His Son Jesus Christ that is the door not only to the Holy of Holiest but also to Canaan and to the New celestial Jerusalem, where our heavenly Father will never cease to bless our living-souls into all eternity to come. For Jesus Christ is waiting for you to stand at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest right now, so he may do wonderful things, as to wash you clean from sins, curses, infirmities, problems, death and even the constant threat of hell's torments thus to escape these evils, and start a new endless life filled with miracles each day.

I can tell you, right now, that everyone that has stood at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, as the ancients Israelis had to do it in their days for forgiveness, healing, peace, prosperity, happiness and salvation, then no one has ever walked away frustrated from Jesus Christ, because they have all been blessed powerfully despite odds and contradictions. Every one has found what they were searching for in life, and they found it because our Lord Jesus Christ is always ready to receive any one entering through him into the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, so amazing things may begin to happen in their lives and that of their loved ones, as well.

Therefore, every time you may confess our Lord Jesus Christ's name, then, amazing things take place progressively within your life, and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because, the things that take place within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and before our heavenly Father are amazingly designed to bless you mightily, and beyond all human understanding. There are amazing working powers running through your life, and that of your loved ones, as you confess our Lord Jesus Christ's name, so he immediately knows what to do for you and for your loved ones within the Holy of Holiest in heaven that our heavenly Father will forgive your sins thus to fill your life with endless powerful miracles.

Moreover, our heavenly Father will fill your life with miracles, because you have been wonderfully made from His image to live according to His likeness, so He has also granted you to have His divine-life, so through His Son Jesus Christ you may live it each day enjoying every miracle that descends from heaven above to bless you even more than His holy angels. Surely, our heavenly Father has blessed you with powerful miracles since even before Creation, because He has given you His own divine-life through His Son Jesus Christ, so you may live your normal life on earth these days, and in heaven forever with His angelic hosts, because the life you have requires miracles every step of the way to heaven's glory.

Therefore, as you may stand at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest in heaven, just as the Israelis did within the Sinai's desert for our Lord Jesus Christ to minister faithfully his daily duties of high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood that blesses you, then you will change never to be the person that Satan knew before. Really, after you have received our Lord Jesus Christ in your life, just as our heavenly Father has been requiring you to do, since the days of old and through the scriptures, then, in an instant, by the power of the Holy Spirit, you will be born again into the person you ought to be, and this person Satan knows nothing about.

Meaning that, as you stand with Jesus Christ in the place you ought to be these days, as at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest in heaven, just as the ancient Israelis did in their days to be blessed by him and our Father, then you will become a Holy Spirit's child, scaring Satan and the devils forever. This is the place where you will have power-and-authority against all the lies from Satan and his cronies from everywhere, and nothing thrown against you will prosper because Satan and his devils with problems, difficulties, infirmities, and threats of death in hell's torment will flee from you, as fleeing from a hungry roaring lion ready to devour them piece by piece.

For you will have power-and-authority that our Lord Jesus Christ has won for you through all the salvation-work that he has done for every man, woman and child on earth, so Satan will fail to harm you with his terrible lies and wicked deceptions but, instead you will enjoy our Father's holy presence, enriching your life each day into all eternity. This is a wonderful communion you have in heaven with our Lord Jesus Christ, as your personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sins thus blessing may enter into your life with the Holy Spirit's gifts, only to enrich your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere that you prayed for regularly.

Today, stand at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, because our Father needs to bless you and your loved ones too, through the amazing ministry of His Son Jesus Christ that is waiting for you just to say "yes to him," so he may lift his wounded holy hands in victory, enriching your life powerfully into eternity. Jesus Christ is waiting for you as Israel's high priest bathed in his own atoning-blood shed over the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, over Mount Sinai's summit, and finally over Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may have your sins removed, name written in the book of life, moreover receive the wonderful blessings of miracles that you may need always. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
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