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Oct 17, 2014, 7:36:49 PM10/17/14
Sábado, 11 de Octubre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Our heavenly Father asked Cain: What have you done to your brother Abel: I can hear his blood crying out to me from under the ground? Then Cain replied by trying to justify himself and said: Am I my brother's keeper? I do not know what happened to him; besides he was here just a moment ago. After responding to our heavenly Father, then Cain realized that he could not hide the evil that he had just done against his only brother. He had deceived him by asking to walk with him into the field, and while there, cowardly attack him when he less expected that his only brother was going to raise his hands against him to take his life violently.

And Cain was angry, because our heavenly Father had received his brother's sacrifice offering by shedding one of his best lamb's blood over the altar to atone for his sins and that of his loved ones, too, including his only brother Cain, so our heavenly Father will be merciful to him for what he was about to do for eternity. (On this terrible day, Cain never realized that Abel had not only offered a lamb's blood sacrifice over our heavenly Father's altar in heaven but also for his loved ones that included him to forgive all sin but also for what he was about to do to him that was the most terrible thing that someone will ever do to his own.)

On this day, Abel had sacrificed a lamb before our heavenly Father's altar in heaven commemorating His Son Jesus Christ's lying his holy life within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, so our heavenly Father will begin to create not only heaven with the angelic hosts but also the earth with its wildlife everywhere, including the first man, Adam. Therefore, our heavenly Father recognized the cry of His Son Jesus Christ moreover that of Abel's as well, crying from under the ground, because Abel's blood cried to Him towards His holy Throne because his brother Cain had shed his blood to the ground without a justifiable reason, so he was asking for justice and forgiveness for his only brother.

And because Abel's blood cried out to our heavenly Father for his brother's forgiveness, then our heavenly Father was able to accept His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood crying for Cain to be forgiven for the terrible sin that he had just committed against his only brother Abel. Consequently, it was because of our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory that our heavenly Father was not so hard against Cain and his terrible sin, because our Father had the power to kill him for his evil against his brother Abel but, instead He just passed judgment against him, saving his life from hell's torment.

However, if things would have turn out in a different way, meaning that, if Abel had not conducted his sacrifice offering of the lamb's atoning-blood over the altar, then Cain would have not enjoyed the blessings and protection of the atoning-blood, furthermore our heavenly Father would have probably killed him on the spot for the evil he had done to Abel. But thank to our Father in heaven, because Abel was able to conduct his lamb blood offering over the His altar and before his father Adam and mother Eve from paradise, so whenever Cain was ready to execute the evil that he had planned against his brother Abel then the atoning-blood had been shed already to atone for his terrible sin.

Then, it was Abel's lamb atoning-blood shed over the altar before our heavenly Father in heaven and before his parents on earth that helped Cain to stand before a very holy God as our heavenly Father is everlasting thus to receive His judgment for the evil that he had committed against his brother without having to die condemned instantly into hell's torment. That is why, that our heavenly Father was not really that severe in His personal judgment against Cain and his terrible sin against his only brother Abel that the only thing that he did in his entire life was to please our heavenly Father and His non-stop sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven.

For our Lord Jesus Christ is the only divine sacrificed-life in heaven's glory before our Father and His angelic hosts so all things could be created thereafter, because our Father will continue to create if His only Son is His ultimate sacrifice; and without our Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed-life over the altar then He would have never created anything much less humanity. Now, what our heavenly Father was searching on earth from heaven above, and from within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, it was that humanity would conduct lamb's atoning-blood shed over His altar on earth, but no one ever was willing to please Him except Abel, because it was Abel that brought the best of his flock to the altar for peace offering.

But Cain brought the best of the field that he had tediously cultivated with abundant seeds from season to season, and he was expecting our heavenly Father to accept it kindly, so he may receive the blessings that he needed in his life from our heavenly Father thus to start a new life where he will put into practice his dreams. However, as Cain saw that his fruit offering from the fields that he had toiled from time to time was not accepted by our Father in heaven but, instead his brother's lamb atoning-blood offering was greatly accepted by Him and the Holy Spirit then he became angry at his brother Abel to the point that he wanted him dead at once.

That is why, that Cain killed his brother Abel, because he could not see our Father accepting his land offering, so He may not only bless him in those days but also his children that he knew they were coming thus finally to live the life that he always wanted with our heavenly Father always loving him and his children forever. But what Cain failed to see and understand in those days, it was that our heavenly Father was looking for someone on earth that was ready and willing to love, honor and respect His Son Jesus Christ's divine sacrificed-life over His altar within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, and no one did it until Abel.

Given that, the moment that Abel chose a year old lamb from the best of his flocks that he had herded over the years to lay it over the altar before our heavenly Father in heaven and his family on earth, then he was pleasing our Father's non-stop sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ that He began to bless him immediately. Moreover, our heavenly Father blessed Abel immediately because he was the first one until those days that had in his heart to conduct a lamb blood sacrifice over the altar before Him in heaven and his family on earth, for sin to be atone for better days to come ahead as our Lord Jesus Christ living-sacrifice is loved, honored, and exalted.

For there was great joy and dancing with the angels before our heavenly Father and His family that is His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, surely there was dancing by the holy angels before our Father as Abel finally was the one that did the right thing in His sight, so His Son's nonstop-sacrifice may be exalted on earth forever. Now, as Abel's blood entered the ground because of Cain's attack against him with a weapon in his hands that caused him to bleed unto death, then his shed blood to the ground began to cry out to our heavenly Father in perfect holiness because he died pleasing our Father and His decisive sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ in heaven's glory.

Furthermore, Abel's blood cried out loud to our heavenly Father for truth and justice but also for Him to forgive his brother Cain for having him done this evil by taking his life violently, in a moment of rage and blindness, so Cain may not die in his sin but, somehow finds love, grace and salvation in His Son's atoning-blood in heaven. That is to say, that Abel's blood right after entered the ground then it began to cry out to our heavenly Father for his brother Cain to be forgiven for the sin that he had blindly committed against him, moreover it continued to plea for the well-being of his parents Adam and Eve, so they may find eternal life on the cross.

For certain, Abel's blood continued to plea to our heavenly Father that He may bless his brother Cain with his father and mother, Adam and Eve, so the children that may be born in later years will have a blessed life through the ever-presence of His Son Jesus Christ's nonstop atoning-blood shed since Creation day. That is to say, also that Abel's blood did not only communicate with our heavenly Father and His Holy Spirit but also with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed for the foundation of the world and all things, so our heavenly Father may not only bless his brother Cain wherever he may go in life but also his children.

Meaning that, people's bloods that have been unjustly shed by relatives or others then they are crying out to our heavenly Father, so He may forgive the evil that they may have suffered by clinging to the amazing working-powers of love, truth, justice and grace of His Son's ever-present atoning-blood thus for their attackers to find eventually life instead of death. Provided that, our heavenly Father is been using through time His Son Jesus Christ's amazing working-powers of his atoning-blood shed since Creation day, so He may not only continue to create new things everywhere around the world and the rest of Creation but also to work in every man, woman and child to remove sin and make them ready to heaven's glory.

That is why, that once someone's blood is shed to the ground for any reason, then that person's blood immediately begins to cry out to our heavenly Father so through His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed in the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, then it will amazingly work in favor of his loved ones, and even the attackers, as well. Meaning that, Abel's blood shed to the ground began to cry to our heavenly Father for his brother Cain, so his terrible sin that he had committed violently against him will not take him into hell's torment forever lost, so Abel's blood pleaded for Cain's forgiveness immediately, by asking our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to cover him from sin and eternal judgment.

Moreover, because Abel's blood was shed unjustly to the ground by his brother Cain then our heavenly Father was ready to judge the entire world, but before this was to take place then Eve gave birth to a new son named Set, and Set had sons that began to invoke the name of our Lord Jesus Christ throughout the land for reconciliation. Nevertheless, as time passed our heavenly Father had decided to finish with the old world for a new one, and our Father was ready to pass this incredible judgment against the entire human race because of Abel's blood shed to the ground unjustly by his brother Cain, for there was a new blood that was going to be shed to the ground.

Divinely, this is His Son Jesus Christ, because our Lord Jesus Christ had shed already his atoning-blood in heaven's glory for our heavenly Father to create all things, including every angel according to their different ranks and powers of glory to love, serve and glorify His holy name, but now our Father was ready to bless the earth in a new way. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to finish with the old world by saving Noah and his family with the animals aboard a vessel that He had him construct inland, and away from the ocean that caused everyone to laugh and mock him, but as the rain came then it came with a new Covenant of Life with humanity.

This meant that His Son Jesus Christ was going to be born on earth not by man's will but by His through the Holy Spirit's amazing powers, for the new life that was going to be established on earth was going to be first-class to ascend into heaven's glory anyday forever saved to live in harmony with Him and His angelic hosts. However, for this to begin to unfold then our heavenly Father needed to make a Covenant of Life with men on earth, and it is here where our Father had His eyes on Abram thus He invited him to sit at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine that Adam and Eve failed to have with Him in paradise.

Moreover, our heavenly Father joined not only Abram to part take of the Lord's Table the bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ as God's Righteousness but also with his friends that were with him in all his household's undertakings, so as they may eat together then a new bloodline would be born to be shed to the ground timely. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his friends to eat from the Lord's Table the meal that is daily served by His Son in heaven to the angels and now on earth to every man, woman and child, so they may eat from his flesh and drink from his atoning-blood: pristine-life!

Having our heavenly Father eaten with Abram and his friends at the Lord's Table the bread and wine that only our Lord Jesus Christ can serve in heaven to the angels and on earth to the nations, starting with Israel, then the door was open for the Holy Spirit to start a Covenant of Life with Isaac. And our heavenly Father visited again Abram at the entrance of his home, but this time He was accompanied by His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit in person, so they may not only eat again with him and his wife Sarai but also talk about the unbelievable blessing that he was about to receive from heaven above.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father was going to permit the Holy Spirit to enter into Sarai's lifeless-womb, so she may become sterile to give birth to his long-waited son Isaac, because our heavenly Father needed to start a Covenant of Life sealed within Isaac's life that will blessed not only Abram but also usher the King Messiah into humanity. And this is the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) that needed to shed his atoning-blood to the ground just as Abel did, but now it will be within Canaan, promised initially to Abram and his children, and over Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy sin and death, so those that cling to this Covenant will never die but live instead forever saved.

For the reason that, it is the bread and wine that Abram and his friends ate at the Lord's Table with our heavenly Father as His Son Jesus Christ served them, so not only they will eat from God's Lamb Eternal Righteousness but eventually everyone else through the generations, so the old world may pass away for a new one to start. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to have Jacob born directly from Isaac with whom He had established a Covenant of the Holy Spirit's new birth bound to heaven's glory, moreover have him to meet His Son at Jerusalem's holy hill nailed to Adam and Eve's cross thus to establish a lasting Covenant of eternal salvation with the spilled atoning-blood.

Then, it was here and at Jerusalem's holy hill while our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve's towering cross that he not only spoke to Jacob in person but also blessed him powerfully with children that will be numerous as the stars in the heavens that will fill the land that he had given to him to possess forever. Therefore, it is here where Israel was born with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit with many blessings to become the dream-nation that will give birth to Gods and priests to love, serve and glorify His holy name that His only Son bears in perfect holiness into eternity thus for new glories to be conquered eventually.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to establish an atoning-blood Covenant of Life with Jacob and his children as a nation over Jerusalem's holy hill as His Son Jesus Christ began to speak from the midst of the line-up trees ascending into heaven's glory, because this is from where His Son's atoning-blood cries every day to our Father for his loved ones' well-being. For it is over Jerusalem's holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood was shed initially for the foundation of the world but also for Israel and the nations thus it is from here where his atoning-blood cries for Abram, Isaac and Jacob's salvation but also for their children, including their allies children's children that ate from the Lord's Table the meal.

That is to say, also that it is from Jerusalem's holy hill that our Lord Jesus Christ has cried for the patriarchs of Israel but also for everyone else around the world, beginning with the children of Israel, so they may approach the injured-rock that is ready to burst with living-water for them and for their loved ones to drink eternal life. Inasmuch as, it is our Lord Jesus Christ the one still hidden in the injured-rock that if you approach it as Jacob did initially in his dream then our living-savior will speak to you and to your loved ones directly from the midst of the line-up trees ascending into heaven's glory, so you may become blessed with eternal salvation at once.

For it is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day that it will begin to cry out to our heavenly Father for your well-being and that of your loved ones as well, because you need his blessings and that of our heavenly Father for the Holy Spirit to start acting with miracles in your every day life. Besides, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood will plea for you before our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, because it is the eternal life that you have missed until now, and that you need to return to it just as Adam and Eve did at Jerusalem's holy hill nailed to the fruit of life with our Father's holy name to the tall cross.

For our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill will plea before our heavenly Father and His Spirit, because your name is written in the atoning-blood's eternal life, so you are known in heaven by the holy angels since you were born initially from our Father's image by the Holy Spirit power to become His child, a living human-being forever. Therefore, your name is constantly mentioned over Jerusalem's holy hill because your creator, Lord and savior lay down his divine-life to be nailed to Adam and Eve's towering cross, so not only to have our Father's holy name established over Jerusalem City, but also yours, because you need to be saved immediately from the angel of death, Satan and hell's torment.

Then, whether you know it or not, presently your name is mentioned constantly over Jerusalem's holy hill, because our heavenly Father's holy name is finally established forever within Jerusalem City, but also because your name is written within our living savior's atoning-blood that has the power to remove sin and have your name written in the book of life for eternal salvation. That is why, that you are called and destined by our heavenly Father's will and His holy name to approach Jerusalem's holy hill, the sooner the better, because our Lord Jesus Christ needs to pray with you before our Father in heaven, so you may become His legitimate child born through the Holy Spirit to enter heaven's glory forever saved.

That is why, also that whenever our Lord Jesus Christ felt the need to pray, then he will tell his disciples to pray with him for an hour while he will distant himself for about a stone's throw, and he will kneel before our heavenly Father, so blessings and power may come into his life and that of his followers everywhere forever. It is here where our heavenly Father needs to bless you through His Son Jesus Christ's amazing resurrection power, because he did not only die for your sins but also he was buried in the rock of a rich man, where no one was ever buried, so he may defeat hell's torment forever for you and for your loved ones, too.

And because our Lord Jesus Christ did not only was born from David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit's power thus to introduce eternal life on earth along with his divine body for you to receive someday and live within it forever in heaven, but also died for your sin, health, prosperity, peace, and the never-ending happiness of your eternal salvation. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ defeated Satan and his terrible lies against you and your loved ones, so you may regain the powers that Adam and Eve lost as they ate from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, instead of eating from the fruit of life at the epicenter of paradise for God's Righteousness, Jesus Christ!

Meaning that, these days our heavenly Father has not only restored onto you and your loved ones all the powers you need to defeat Satan and his wild deceitful cronies everywhere, but also He has granted you the supernatural powers of resurrection, the resurrection that our Lord Jesus Christ conquered for you as he rose from the dead on the third day. These days, these are our heavenly Father's working-powers working within and around you, so Satan with his fallen angels will never find a way to attack you much less to enter into your life to cause havoc as he did in paradise, for example, as Adam and Eve believed his lies to walk away from our heavenly Father and heaven's glory.

These are the powers that our Lord Jesus Christ has taken back for you from Satan and his wild cronies, because he did not only fulfill timely the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments but also ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill to remove your sin by the atoning-blood's working-powers, so as he resurrected from the dead then you will never have to die. Moreover, these are powers that are constantly active in your favor in your every day life on earth and in heaven as well, so you have not only defeated sin, death and hell with Satan and his fallen angels, but also every problem, infirmity and curse, so you may live a new life filled with light, prosperity, peace, happiness, and miracles everywhere.

Inasmuch as, it is our heavenly Father's will that you may bring up to Jerusalem's holy hill where His holy name has been nailed with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to Adam and Eve's towering cross but also nailed to you (because you are the children from paradise living on earth) thus bring your problems, infirmities, and needs to solve them immediately. It is here where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is pleading for your well-being before our Father in heaven with His holy name's perfect holiness, so He may bless you powerfully with His holy Spirit's gifts to solve your problems, healed your body from infirmities, grant you peace and constant happiness to your heart thus to live a successful life always.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father although He loves to have you close through His Son Jesus Christ because He has defeated sin, Satan, the angel of death, the grave and even hell's torment for you, nevertheless He will fail to do any of the great things that I mentioned above until you come to where the atoning-blood was shed to atone for you. Today, you must make the act of faith to approach Jerusalem's holy hill to meet our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to you from the middle of the line-up trees resembling a ladder ascending into heaven's glory, so he may say the wonderful things that he said not only to Abram, Isaac and Jacob but also to you and your loved ones everywhere.

These days, our Lord Jesus Christ needs to speak to you just as he personally spoke to Israel's patriarchs because he has so many wonderful things to say to you and to your loved ones, because, first he needs to remove sin, heal you, then dress you with his resurrected-life liberating-powers, so you may live a very happy life until Kingdom comes. Besides, the only thing our Lord Jesus Christ is asking you to do these days is to place your faith in his name, because our Father has granted him to convey His holy name everywhere around the world, so when he will meet you, and you will eventually, because you believe in him, then you will become instantly bless with amazing powers.

For these are powers from heaven above and from the earth below that rightfully belong to you, so you may not only defeat the spirit of error in every problem, infirmity, death and hell but also, and, perhaps above all, to live a miracle-life that will take you every step of the way from one glory into the next one in heaven. Today, you desperately need our Lord Jesus Christ's powers that he has personally conquered for you and for your loved ones already at Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is where he was nailed to Adam and Eve's towering cross but also into your life, because his atoning-blood is calling you by your name day after day until you may finally come.

And you need to come soon, because what our Lord Jesus Christ needs to do with you just as he did with Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill and everyone else thereafter, then he has to do the same and, perhaps, even greater works, because you need to become the real person reborn from our Father's image to live forever saved. For sin is concealing the real you in you, and you will never know who you are in our heavenly Father's image until you are Holy Spirit reborn, in a moment of faith and prayer, so the working-powers that our Lord Jesus Christ conquered over Jerusalem's holy hill as he defeated sin forever then they will become active in you instantly.

Meaning that, you will become a newly born person, and this is that you will become God's legitimate child to inherit everything that rightfully belongs to you since even before the creation of the world, so you will begin to live an enriched life because you were born rich initially in heaven's glory as you came alive from our heavenly Father's image. The truth is that you are as rich as our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ are since ever into eternity, because you were born from our heavenly Father's image by the power of the Holy Spirit's gifts, but Satan blinded Adam and Eve, so you will never know this truth until you are dead and buried in the ground.

That is why, that Satan has surrounded you and your loved ones with terrible lies from everywhere, so you will always live your entire life on earth covered with darkness never seen the truth that has always been there before you, and this is that you are God's legitimate child Holy Spirit born to inherit richness that belongs to you everlastingly. Certainly, these are richness that Satan and even the angels would love to inherit but they can never put their hands on them, because only those born from our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness forever by the Holy Spirit's power in heaven's glory can inherit them, and these are richness to enjoy on earth and in eternal heaven.

Meaning that, once you are rich in our heavenly Father's sight because you have believed within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's name, then you are Holy Spirit reborn on earth to live forever blessed with incredible richness that will always be there for you and your loved ones, too, including your friends. And that is why that our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood has always cried to our Father in heaven by invoking your name before Him, because you need to be blessed by him, the sooner the better, because you have not only sin to remove from your life but also to inherit incredible richness that Satan stole from you with deception.

Thus, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood daily cries to our heavenly Father for you, because you need to be restored in His holy presence, so you will finally learn who you really are in His holy life, moreover know the true richness that belongs to you that Satan no longer holds because Jesus Christ recovered them for you at the bloody towering cross. Today, you are truly victorious over Satan and his lies, curses and death, because His Son's sacred-body was not only nailed to Adam and Eve from paradise, but also because his atoning-blood spilled to the ground to cry out to Him every day for your well-being and for your loved ones, for His holy name to be honored in you everlastingly.

These days, our heavenly Father's holy name finally has been established at Jerusalem City, because this is His heartfelt will expressed to King David, Salomon and others, because He needed His holy name to be glorified within Jerusalem City but also within every capital of the nations, so new glories may be conquered for His Kingdom to be established on earth ultimately. For it is important for our heavenly Father these days to have His holy name not only nailed with his atoning-blood to Adam and Eve's towering cross over Jerusalem's holy hill to conquer Israel and the nations, but also he needs every man, woman and child to come along with Him to start a new Kingdom on earth that will never end.

For our heavenly Father's will be done on earth as it is in heaven, because He has finally established His Son not only as His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin thus defeating Satan, the angel of dearth and even hell's torment, but also because a new earth with glorious skies is coming ruled by His holy name everlastingly. This is the earth with glorious skies that our heavenly Father has created for every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations that have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation His Son's name, for he will continue to be His authorized-voice on earth for humankind as he is in heaven for angels.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ will never cease to be our heavenly Father's voice in heaven for the angelic hosts and for Israel and the nations on earth, because our Father can only trust His Son when it comes to let His celestial creatures in heaven and children on earth to know His heartfelt word for them. Therefore, our heavenly Father expects each one of them to listen to His Son Jesus Christ whenever he speaks to them, because every time that His Son is speaking to them (Israel and the nations), then our Father will be the one that will be uttering the word for things that they ought to know immediately thus to execute His will accordingly.

That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Moses: I will not go with you through the Sinai's desert because your people may offend me again as they did at Mount Sinai with the golden calf, instead I will let my Holy Angel (the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ)) to go with you to wherever you may need. However, everyone within Israel must listen to his words, because he bears my name in perfect holiness, and he will not put up with your sins much less with your rebellions; he will swiftly punish you and he will make you paid in full for the evil that you may have done by been rebellious and disobedient towards his lawful words.

He certainly will not be speaking of himself, instead every word from his mouth it will be my word that he has heard from me, so you must listen to every command that he may give you, because it will be me speaking to you from heaven above as your living Father and God, our heavenly Father said to Moses. Certainly, this was something that Moses understood very well, and he communicated to everyone within Israel, especially the Levite priests, because every one within Israel will definitely come to know our heavenly Father's Holy Angel as The Name or Hashem (our Lord Jesus Christ as God's Righteousness on earth for humankind and in heaven for the angelic hosts).

Therefore, every time that the Israelites heard our Lord Jesus Christ speaking to them, whether this was within the Tabernacle or outside from it, then it was our heavenly Father speaking to everyone within Israel word by word, because this was our Lord Jesus Christ's duty through the desert to say only to what he heard from our Father in heaven. This is the agreement that our heavenly Father had made with Moses for Israel that His Holy Angel will be His mouth piece in the midst of them, therefore they were obligated to listen to His Son Jesus Christ as Israel came to know him as The Name or Hashem, so everything will go well with them until they conquer Canaan.

Well, the same is true these days, our Father still expects each one of us to hear from Him through His Son Jesus Christ, because His Son is the initial authorized-mouth piece to speak about Him not only to Israel but also to the nations, so we must listen to His Son's ministers everywhere teaching the Gospel of Salvation's daily glories. That is why, that whenever you may accept Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior of your living soul these days on earth, then you are accepting our Father in heaven as Moses did in his days along with Israel through the Sinai's desert to enter victoriously over the enemy into Canaan, so you may start living your miracle-blessed life immediately.

This is the life that our heavenly Father needs to see you living every day on earth, because this is a miracle-life that His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is constantly interceding for your well-being and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, so His Son's atoning-blood may not only remove sin but also wrought miracles within you towards others. For this is how our heavenly Father is glorified on earth with every man, woman and child and in heaven with every holy angel, because this is how He and His Spirit loves to spread the glory of His holy name that His Son Jesus Christ bears in perfect holiness wherever he may go on earth and in heaven, as well.

That is why, that our heavenly Father, after He finished giving the two tablets of the commandments to Moses then He said to Israel: You must make for me simple altars from the earth. There you will make unto me your daily sacrifice offerings of goats, lambs, bulls, cattle. Over these altars from the earth, you will make your peace offering with me; and this will be wherever I will make my holy name to be there with you, and I will come there to bless you in person (and this is our Lord Jesus Christ because he bears His holy name in perfect holiness where he may go on earth).

That is to say, also that wherever our Lord Jesus Christ may decide to go in the midst of the nations thus to do our heavenly Father's will, because our Lord Jesus Christ to this day continues to do our Father's will, then he will be bearing His holy name with him, so powerful blessings and miracles may take place immediately. That is why, that you need to approach our heavenly Father through His Son at Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the place where Israel with the gentiles built the altar to have His Son nailed to Adam and Eve's eternal wooden-cross, so His holy name may be finally established within Jerusalem City and on earth forever, for everyone's lasting salvation.

Furthermore, it is here where our Lord Jesus Christ will meet you in person, because his atoning-blood continues to plead before our Father in heaven for your well-being and that of your loved ones, so you may become liberated from darkness to enter into the Holy Spirit's new world of ever-increasing light that never ceases to bless you with amazing powers. Today, you must answer to the every day plea of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood spilled within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory and lastly over Jerusalem's holy hill, because it is the right thing to do before a very holy God as our heavenly Father has always been for you and for your loved ones in heaven.

Thus, you may receive from Him forgiveness, blessings, healing, happiness and the never-ending love and salvation power that you desperately need above all things conquered by His Son as he resurrected from the grave and hell to grant you a blessed-life filled with every day miracle for you and for your loved ones that also need immediate blessings from heaven above. Moreover, these victories and powers conquered by our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place and over Jerusalem's holy hill could only be conquered by spilling his atoning-blood to the ground, so it may plea endless prayers and intercessions for you and for your loved ones that you need to live on earth to conquer heaven forever.

And the only thing that our heavenly Father is asking you these days as He personally asked the ancients is to listen and obey His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin and give you the victory and power to live a blessed life on earth leading into heaven's glory forever saved. These days, as you may come close to Jerusalem's holy hill then you will find yourself next to the our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed for you to the ground to plea before our Father in heaven, so by his wounds you may be healed from all infirmities, and finally conquered eternal life with its every day blessing to enjoy everlastingly.

Certainly, as you may spend some time at Jerusalem's holy hill within your heart then you will be next to our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood pleading with the Holy Spirit before our Father in heaven, so He may receive you as His legitimate child that needs to be loved and cared by his legitimate Father that initially gave you life. It is here where you will find solace to your heart as no other place, because our Lord Jesus Christ's unfailing-love that he has always felt as you were born by the Holy Spirit's power in our heavenly Father's image to live according to His Son's likeness, then it is there always to let you know that you are truly loved everlastingly.

Today, as you may receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and savior then you will be reborn by the Holy Spirit's resurrection-powers into our Father's image to live according to His likeness in heaven's glory forever justified, because you will be our Father's image but also His Son's likeness, because His Son is His likeness in you to live everlastingly. Thus, this is your home-sweet-home that our heavenly Father has granted you to have, because it is here where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood continues to love, care, and plea for you since day one before our Father in heaven, so you may have a constant connection from earth to heaven that will never end to meet your every day need on-time.

This is the door open from earth to heaven for every man, woman and child that Jacob saw in his dream as he laid his head to rest for the night, and he saw our Lord Jesus Christ talking to him from the midst of the crosses line-up as ladder where angels were descending to earth and others ascending to heaven. It is here where you will go up to meet our Father in heaven every day of your entire life on earth and in the last day when you will ascend into heaven to enter eternal life, because our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood to the ground that pleaded constantly for your well-being has made you whole and sinless for eternity.

Accordingly, it is here from where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood spilled to the last drop as he paid in full for your sins, so you may live a healthy, happy and wealthy life every day on earth and for eternity in heaven, because the every step of your new life is paved with His Son's atoning-blood to know only victory always. That is correct: our Lord Jesus Christ has paved your every step in your life on earth with his shed atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill, so no matter where you may go on earth his atoning-blood is under your feet, because he shed it for you to protect and bless you with his richness always only to know endless-powers and success, everywhere.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to everyone within Israel and the nations by saying that he alone is the way, truth and life paved with his spilled atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill and towering cross, so as you may walk through this miracle path bathed in his atoning-blood then you are always on your way to victory. Meaning that, your problems, difficulties, infirmities, death and the threat of hell's torment are completely destroyed for you, because that problem, difficulty, infirmity, death and terrible threats of hell's torment are washed away from your entire life just as sins are removed, so you will never have to fear any evil coming your way since you are declared victorious and liberated forever.

And you will be blessed every day of your life on earth because our Lord Jesus Christ is your high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood shed to the ground that continues to love, care and plea for your well-being and for your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, so you can be sure that you are welcome in heaven's glory. These days, the best place to pray and speak to our heavenly Father is Jerusalem's holy hill, because our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood is still there loving, caring, blessing, removing sin and infirmities, restoring everyone's life, resurrecting dead souls, granting miracles and salvation-peace, so you have everything in your favor as you approach this living place on earth through prayer.

It is also here where the gates of hell's torment will never again influence your life much less touch you with evil, because Satan will never dare to come close to this place of immense holiness from our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood that is full of the resurrection power to grant you everlasting life with all its every day richness. It is here where you will speak to the rock and not hit it with the rod as Moses did, and it will burst into living-water for your thirsty soul, so you may wash clean from problems, difficulties, infirmities, deadly-diseases, death and the threats of hell's torment, because you have become liberated by the resurrection-power that rises from the atoning-blood towards you.

It is here that you will feel that you are not only close to our Father and His Son Jesus Christ because of the living-presence of the atoning-blood shed to the ground that tells you constantly to return to His divine-love that Adam and Eve abandoned in paradise because of lies and deception, so you may finally live your enriched-life as you should. Surely, Jerusalem's holy hill and the towering cross of Adam and Eve is the place that our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed with his atoning-blood to Jerusalem City for our Father's holy name to be established there forever, fulfilling like this His will on earth, so you may find the ever-increasing presence of His undying-love towards you and towards your loved ones.

You ought to understand and acknowledge that you are living in the best days of your time on earth, so you may come close to Jerusalem's holy hill and its towering cross where our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to the ground to forgive your sins, blessed you as you have never been blessed, and lastly grant you eternal salvation. Today, you should approach through prayer Jerusalem's holy hill and the towering cross where His Son's atoning-blood entered the ground, so you may share of his unfailing-love towards you and towards your loved ones, because the Holy Spirit wants you to feel the abundant divine-love that was shed for you timely, refusing to die because you must live once again forever blessed.

It is here where you will add life to your life or turn your entire life around by the Holy Spirit's power, because once you acknowledge Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior then the atoning-blood will plea to our heavenly Father to receive you as His legitimate child filled with perfect holiness more powerful than the angels from heaven above. Surely, once you are filled with our heavenly Father's holiness because you have received Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and savior, then the spilled atoning-blood to the ground will dress you with power and blessings as if you have never sinned before, turning you into God's legitimate child, then blessings will land into your life as metal is to magnet.

Miracles and blessings will enter your life from heaven above and from the earth below, because the holiness that you have received from our Lord Jesus Christ and his atoning-blood shed to the ground is so powerful that angels in heaven will look at you with amazement, and Satan with his wicked cronies will have to run away terrified from you. On this hour, His Son's atoning-blood spilled to the ground over Jerusalem's holy hill is crying out loud your name to our Father in heaven, because you need to be reborn from the Holy Spirit's resurrection-powers as His only Son did on the third day, defeating sin, curses, infirmities, Satan, hell and its demons forever, so you may receive abundant blessings today.

Our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood spilled to the ground is waiting for you to make your approach to Jerusalem's holy hill to start a new relationship with our Father in heaven by the Holy Spirit's active resurrection-powers that declared His Son and you too today victorious over sin, Satan, the grave, hell's torment, so you may enter eternal life enriched into everlasting glories. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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