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Feb 17, 2014, 10:47:05 AM2/17/14
Sábado, 15 de Febrero, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


As the curtain is lifted in its place, then put the Ark of the Covenant behind it, for this curtain separates the place of holies from the Holy of Holiest within the Tabernacle of Reunion, our heavenly Father manifested to Moses to do accordingly in the Sinai's desert where life is impossible to live. This is the place of the Holy of Holiest, where the Ark of the Covenant is placed with the atonement on top of it next to the altar, for this is where our heavenly Father will receive the sprinkling of the atoning-blood through the rituals-and-ceremonies of holiness, so the high priest's sin, his family and that of Israel will be atone for.

All other items, such as the Candelabrum with its candles lighting forward and the table with the bread of the presence are placed outside the curtain, separating the holy place from the Holy of Holiest, and the curtain to enter into the sacred tent, it is made of blue, purple and of scarlet yarn twisted linen in the hands of the skillful-embroider. In the Ark of the Covenant our heavenly Father will give Moses and Israel the testimony of the sacrificed-life of His Son, Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), written in two-stones tablets of the Ten Commandments to be there with Aaron's staff, so over the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony, He will speak to Moses face-to-face, regarding anything.

It is here where our heavenly Father will meet Moses and the Levite high priest for the year in course with the atoning-blood of the sacrificed animals for his sins, his family and Israel, as well, so He may cover the sins that they may have committed through the year thus for blessing, healing and prosperity to be possible for everyone. Now, our heavenly Father needed the high priest to sprinkle the sacrificed animal's atoning-blood over the Ark of the Covenant and over the Mercy Seat, because within it were the two-stones tablets that Moses received from Mount Sinai's summit, for this is the sacred-life of the Lord Jesus Christ that would eventually fulfill the Holy of Spirit of the commandments for Israel.

In truth, the high priest in course had to sprinkle the animal sacrifice atoning-blood within the entrance of the Tabernacle, because this is the door to the Holy of Holiest where our Lord Jesus Christ had already offered himself as God's Lamb with his own atoning-blood for the entire Holy of Holiest to be filled with perfect holiness into all eternity. Therefore, every man, woman and child from Israel and the aliens living within the Israelite camp had to bring their personal animal sacrifice to shed the atoning-blood at the entrance of the Tabernacle, because this was the first step to go forward into the Holy of Holiest to continue to sprinkle the atoning-blood over the Ark of the Covenant containing the testimony.

Then, once the atoning-blood was sprinkled over the Mercy Seat and the Ark of the testimony, immediately our heavenly Father was able to forgive the sins of the high priest, his family and of Israel as well, since the atoning-blood along with the sacred-life of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach produces perfect holiness within our lives, so blessing inundates our lives powerfully forever. Surely, this is the power of perfect holiness that our Father has granted each one of us to possess these days, just as the ancient had their daily opportunities to receive their share of perfect holiness from Jesus Christ, starting at the entrance of the Tabernacle always, so their lives may run with progressive power of the miracle-life from heaven above.

Finally to enter into the Holy of Holiest with the high priest of the year in course, so he may sprinkle our sacrificed lamb's atoning-blood over the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement and the Ark of the testimony, so our Lord Jesus Christ's written holy life with the atoning-blood could grant us forgiveness immediately, thus to live a blessed life forever into eternity. Also, at the entrance of the Tabernacle to enter into the holy place that leads finally through another curtain into the Holy of Holiest where the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement over the Ark of the testimony is, the curtains are fashioned in blue, purple and scarlet yarn twisted with perfect decoration from the embroider, because they represent heaven and the Lamb's atoning-blood.

That is to say, that the blue represents the high heavens where our heavenly Father lives within the Holy of Holiest, the purple the wine to drink, and the scarlet is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day, finally to be shed successfully at Jerusalem's holy hill to finish with sin, curses, problems, infirmities, death, Satan and hell's torment forever. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ had to be nailed to Adam and Eve dead crossed-trees over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the blue of the Holy of Holiest in heaven where our heavenly Father lives, the purple is the wine to drink daily, and the scarlet is our Lord Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood filled with eternal life.

In other words, our heavenly Father granted us the Tabernacle with the Holy of Holiest encasing the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony the written holy life of the King Messiah, to teach us that the blue is heaven, the purple is the wine to drink, and the scarlet the atoning-blood of Jesus Christ's to receive salvation instantly. Therefore, this is the place where our heavenly Father had manifested His great love not only towards His Son Jesus Christ but also to every one of us, beginning with Israel, because the love that He feels for His Son and that of every man, woman and child, starting with Adam and Eve from paradise, it is immeasurable by all means.

This was an amazing time for Israel to experience our heavenly Father unfailing-love to the full, as He personally not only allowed Moses to speak to His Son Jesus Christ as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood and high priest of Righteousness, but also, allowed him to enter the Holy of Holiest over Mount Sinai's summit, so he may walk in everlasting-holiness. For this is the place from where angels, archangels, seraphs, cherubs and other celestial creatures get their daily fill for perfect holiness from our Lord Jesus Christ, as he ministers before our Father as high priest of Righteousness and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin forever, so the eternal places from heaven above will always exist in perfect holiness eternally.

Certainly, it is here also where Moses entered with Jesus Christ as high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to study every place of the holy place leading to the Holy of Holiest, because he had to get his fill of the perfect holiness to stand sinless before our heavenly Father's altar thus to love, serve and worship Him perpetually. This happened at Mount Sinai's summit, where Moses had to meet our Lord Jesus Christ outside the holy place leading to the Holy of Holiest through a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn, because he had to witness Israel's high priest with the angels performing ritual-and-ceremony of holiness over the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony.

For Moses had to lead Israel with the Lord Jesus Christ as God's Righteousness and eternal Lamb with the atoning-blood securing perfect holiness to release themselves from the chains-and-shackles of the Egyptian captivity to cross the Red sea in dried ground with walls of water on both sides, ready to see the Holy of Holiest from a distant over Mount Sinai's summit. Surely, Israel had to stand at Mount Sinai's foot, because our heavenly Father had said to Moses that he will return to this mountain to serve Him with every man, woman and child from Israel, including their flocks, because they were going to see the Holy of Holiest's glory to drink from the Lord Jesus Christ cup of wine.

As the Israelites crossed the Red sea in dried ground leaving behind the Egyptian armies that were pursuing, ready to take them back into slavery again, then our heavenly Father led them through the desert in search for water, because, the saltiness of the Red sea had caused them to thirst for drinking water as never before. This is the thirstiness of every man, woman and child in hell's torment these days that they had been suffering for years to drink the living-water that only Jesus Christ can give to the thirsty soul, but they cannot drink from it anymore, because when they had the opportunity they failed to drink it thus to satisfy their souls forever into eternity.

In hell's torment, lost souls can see to heaven the entrance to the holy place that leads through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn twisted in beautiful ornaments into the Holy of Holiest, where Jesus Christ ministers daily as God's Righteousness and Lamb with the atoning-blood that removes sin forever, so they call on him for a drink of the living-water. However, our Lord Jesus Christ as their high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood cannot do anything for them to any further extent, the time to receive the living-water to drink the perfect holiness that would liberate them from these terrible places of eternal torment in hell is over and too late, and there is nothing he can do anymore.

Every one of them had the opportunity to approach Mount Sinai as Moses did in his days to see our Lord Jesus Christ ministering before our heavenly Father outside the Holy Place that leads through the blue, purple and scarlet curtain of yarn twisted into beautiful ornaments into the Holy of Holiest in heaven to receive the fullness, of perfect holiness forever. In hell's torment, people only want to have a minute of life on earth to repent from sin that they know they have committed in life against our heavenly Father and the glorious life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because this is the sin that has taken each one of them into eternal judgment to die forever lost.

In hell, it is difficult to ascend the mountaintop as Moses and millions did it already to stand at the entrance of the Tabernacle of the Holy Place leading through the blue, purple and scarlet curtain into the Holy of Holiest, where the Mercy Seat is over the Ark of our Lord Jesus Christ's testimony, of his sacred-life saving the living-souls forever. The time to stand firmly, as millions did it already, at the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest is today, because your life can stop at any moment, and you must be ready with perfect holiness living within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence to receive His acceptance forever.

That is why that it was very important for our heavenly Father to descend from heaven above to speak to Abraham in person, so He may let him know that he needs to start worrying about his salvation, because anyone that has not passed through the rituals-and-ceremonies of perfect holiness through the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest then is lost into eternity. Moreover, our heavenly Father did not give birth to man through the Holy Spirit in His image to live according to His likeness forever, later to descend to hell's torment to suffer eternally the need to drink from the fruit of life the living-water and the bread of life but, instead, He created man to live with Him in heaven's glory forever blessed.

That is why also that our heavenly Father had Moses to ascend Mount Sinai, because He wanted not only to liberate Israel from Egypt's bondage, furthermore, He needed the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest born in the midst of His people that were born from Abraham and his son Isaac, by the power of the Holy Spirit through Sarah's barren-womb. Surely, our heavenly Father needed His Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest born on earth by the power of the Holy Spirit, so Abraham and Isaac's children may learn how to believe in Him through the daily rituals-and-ceremonies of holiness that His Son Jesus Christ will minister constantly, as the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood spilled over the Ark of the testimony.

For this is the salvation that our heavenly Father had prepared for Israel and the nations, therefore they needed to learn how faith works with every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other very holy creatures from heaven above, so He had to place the Tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest in the Sinai's desert, for everyone's faith to grow miraculously and powerfully. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had Moses forty days and forty nights with His Son Jesus Christ always ministering rituals-and-ceremonies of perfect holiness with the angels in heaven within the Holy of Holiest, so Israel through Moses may learn how our Father is daily pleased constantly with every angel always in perfect holiness, for the glory of His holy name.

For in heaven every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other creatures have their daily needs of perfect holiness to attain from the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, so they have to approach our Lord Jesus Christ not only as the tree of life but also as the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood always providing holiness around the clock to them. Well, this is true for every man, woman and child within Israel and the families of the nations, every one individually has to make the personal approach through prayer and faith into the entrance of the Tabernacle, to be sprinkled with the Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to continue on to the Holy of Holiest, where: our heavenly Father will meet them in person.

Seeing that, our heavenly Father is always ready to meet anyone, just as He met Moses face-to-face over the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony of His Son Jesus Christ's very holy life, sacrificed since the Creation day to create all things, including Israel and the nations on earth, for the eternal glory of His holy name. Therefore, our heavenly Father still is saying: I will meet you there over the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of Jesus Christ's personal testimony of his sacred-life that is always ready pleasing love, truth and justice in heaven and on earth, so his precious atoning-blood touching the two-tablets of the commandments with Aaron's twigs will erase your sins forever.

At the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony, of His Son Jesus Christ's unique sacrificed-life, our Father will meet you anytime to listen to you, thus to answer every prayer, petition and request that you may have lifted up to Him in His Son's name, by pouring His Holy Spirit's power upon your entire life immediately. Therefore, it is here where you need to be these days, because our Father is always ready to meet you there in person, so He may listen to you and to every prayer that you may have made in His Son's name, and it is also here where He will speak to you concerning you and your loved ones, as well.

Meaning that, away from this very holy place of the Holy of Holiest, and this is the Mercy Seat overlaying the Ark of the Covenant of His Son Jesus Christ's written sacred-life in the two stone-tables, Aaron's twigs and the Golden Jar of the manna, then He will fail to speak to you in love but, instead in His judgmental wrath only. However, at the entrance of the Tabernacle, our Lord Jesus Christ will meet you with his atoning-blood shed since Creation day and over Jerusalem's holy hill to go on through the curtain of blue, purple, and scarlet yarn into the Holy of Holiest Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of his testimony to speak to our Father about things concerning you.

Truthfully, even now, our Father is there waiting for you to go through the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, so you may kneel at the Mercy Seat resting over the Ark of the testimony of His Son Jesus Christ's written life saving you from sin, curses, problems, infirmities, death, hell's torment, and from every Satanic lie, so you may live successfully. Therefore, it is here where our heavenly Father will anoint you with His very holy name through the Holy Spirit and mercies of His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-life that saves you from the wickedness that Satan's cronies may have thrown your way, so you may live the life that He has grant you on earth these days, and in heaven forever.

It is here where your problems will fade away from you, because once you meet our Father over the Mercy Seat sitting over the Ark of the testimony of Jesus Christ that declares you clean-and-pure from sin, curses, problems, infirmities and threats of death in hell's torment, then you are liberated to receive God's gifts every day on earth into everlasting. For this is where our Father grants you powers from the Holy Spirit and from the glorious life of His Son Jesus Christ that has fulfilled the Holy Spirit of the commandments thus to glorify them eternally, so you may live a blessed life on earth always walking already into heaven's glory to claim more blessing for you and your loved ones.

For Jerusalem's holy hill is the entrance into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, just as it was Mount Sinai's summit for Moses to enter into it to receive all the blessings of rituals-and-ceremonies, of perfect holiness to liberate Israel from Egypt's slavery, so they may go on their way to the Promised Land to live forever blessed into perpetuity. Meaning that, if you approach our Father through the gateway above Mount Sinai or Jerusalem's holy hill to enter the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, just as Moses did with Jesus Christ as his high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood, then you will reach the Mercy Seat overlaying the Ark of his testimony to meet our heavenly Father there.

This will be the greatest moment in life, because you have met face-to-face with the Maker of your entire being, and He will be thrill to meet you since now you will be standing before Him in the perfect holiness--holiness that He purposely demanded from Abraham to possess thus to live lastly with his children in heaven's glory forever saved. Indisputably, once you enter into the Holy of Holiest by the door that is there, and this is the blue, purple and scarlet yarn curtain made of beautiful twisted ornamentation, then you will change, because, even though you will eventually walkaway blessed from it: your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit will remain there never wanted to leave it forever.

For this holy place is certainly familiar to your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, because the entire place it will be to you as you have been there before not just for awhile but for an eternity perhaps, and you left it way back due to sin, but now that you have found it again: you will refuse to leave. This is perhaps the place where we were born from His Son Jesus Christ's grace and love, as our heavenly Father said: Let us go down to create man in our image and according to our likeness, and so, we emerged into life from our Father's image to live according to His likeness through the Holy Spirit's daily amazing powers and gifts.

This is perhaps why that this holy place is filled with His Son Jesus Christ's love and grace, since we were born by the power of the Holy Spirit through His image to live according to His likeness into perpetuity, so, as we return to this place where He will meet us by default, then His everlasting unfailing-love will shower us powerfully. This is the place of the Holy of Holiest, and to get there we have to enter to the entrance of the Tabernacle where all sacrifices are received usually from every Israelite and alien living within the Israeli camp, because, we have to receive Jesus Christ's atoning-blood abundantly to continue on our way through the curtain, into the Holy of Holiest.

And we must do it this way, by default, to fulfill our heavenly Father's will in us, because on earth we have entered into it through Adam and Eve's sinful-blood, but, in heaven, as we go through the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, then we are entering with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that prevails in eternal life's glories forever. Certainly, once we are in the Holy of Holiest, then we can see the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of our Lord Jesus Christ's testimony of his sacred-life written in two stone-tablets touched by the atoning-blood's amazing-powers to remove our sins, so we may continue into eternal life in heaven's glory as our heavenly Father's legitimate children into eternity.

Therefore, this is our home-sweet-home where we must return by the way, truth and life that Jesus Christ has marked through the land of Israel thus to enter through the door of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest that is stained completely with his atoning-blood, liberating us from sin forever, finally to meet our heavenly Father in person in heaven's glory for eternity. Unquestionably, this is the holy place that we first abandoned because Adam and Eve failed to eat from the tree of life, as they were called by our heavenly Father to do so, thus to live blessed in His Son Jesus Christ's grace-and-love that fills us constantly through eternity with his perfect holiness that pleases His love, truth and justice into everlasting.

It is here where our heavenly Father will put His arms around us thus to embrace us with an eternal hug never wanted to abandon us again due to sin, but, this time we have found the eternal perfect holiness that will keep us safe next to Him in heaven's glory to live forever blessed into all eternity to come. I can reassure you, that this is the holy place where your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit will experience the powerful love of our heavenly Father's happiness that He always feels for His Son Jesus Christ and for His Holy Spirit, too, because, once you have entered into the Holy of Holiest then you are reborn for heaven's glory forever.

That is why that our heavenly Father has called Adam and Eve since the beginning of all things in paradise to eat from the fruit of life that is His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because, he alone is the way, truth and life to follow for every one of his children to become Holy Spirit born for heaven's glory forever into eternity. Moreover, as our Lord Jesus Christ stands at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven to receive any one willing to live eternal life with our heavenly Father, His Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts, then, he is saying again: I am the way, truth and the life blessing you everlastingly by erasing sin, thus to make you holy-and-perfect forever.

For he is the one always standing at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest to cross the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn fashioned in beautiful twisted ornaments, because his atoning-blood shed since Creation day has already sprinkled the doorframe for you, so, as you may pass through it, then you will become holy forever for our heavenly Father. That is to say, also that you will never see any angel standing at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven, but only our Lord Jesus Christ, because it is his atoning-blood sprinkled over the doorframe, so you may walk through it into heaven's glory washed clean from sin, curses, and death forever into all eternity to come.

So washed clean-and-pure you will enter into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, where is the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of his testimony, so our Father will see you clean, pure, and holy just as Jesus Christ is in His holy presence everlastingly, so you may live saved in heaven's glory, loving, serving, and exalting His holy name. Definitely, here you will be Holy Spirit's reborn to become the person you are, since the day you were born by the Holy Spirit into our heavenly Father's image to live according to His likeness heavenly bound, so you will feel love, life, peace and glory to the full, as you never thought that you will know life until this especial moment.

That is why that our Father called Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest to pass through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet of yarn twisted-and-ornamented with angelic wisdom, leading to the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the King Messiah's testimony, so they may become reborn into holiness for heaven's glory. That is correct. Even Abraham had to go through the curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn twisted-and-adorned with the wisdom of holy angels leading into the Holy of Holiest in heaven, so they may sit with our heavenly Father to eat the bread and wine from the Lord's Table served by His Son Jesus Christ for Israel to be Holy Spirit born forever.

Meaning that, also as Abraham with his friends sat at the Lord's Table with our heavenly Father to break bread and drink the wine that is served daily by His Son Jesus Christ as His only personal Righteousness, then Israel had power to be born on earth, by becoming the nation that He had always dreamed for His holy name's new glories. Inasmuch as, the holy place that our heavenly Father chose to eat the bread and drink the cup of wine of life with Abraham and his friends, as His Son Jesus Christ served the Lord's Table to every faithful on earth, then this took place exactly at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest in heaven: over Jerusalem's holy hill!

That is why that Jerusalem is called the City of God, for it is here where our heavenly Father sat with Abraham and his friends to eat the bread and drink the cup of wine served daily by His Son Jesus Christ from the Lord's Table, to start a Covenant of Life never to die but, instead, live into eternity forever blessed. That is correct. Our heavenly Father had bread and wine from the Lord's Table served by His Son Jesus Christ as His perfect Righteousness for angels and for men everywhere at Jerusalem's holy hill, within the Promised Land (present day Israel), and this was done in those days as a prophecy of how His Son was going to put his life for everyone's salvation.

That is why that our heavenly Father descended from heaven above, as our Lord Jesus Christ was ministering His holy written word to the Israelites within Israel, by reassuring them directly from the SHEKINAH above, as in the days of the Sinai's desert, and said: This is my Son in whom I am well pleased, listen and obey his word always. And this is something that our heavenly Father did many times throughout Israel, because, He needed the Israelites, as Abraham children born through the Holy Spirit just as Isaac did from his mother Sarah's barren-womb, to become saved miraculously, so they may faithfully ascend, filled with confidence, to Jerusalem's holy hill to enter into the Holy of Holiest through His Son's sacred-body.

Now, Jesus Christ descended from within the Holy of Holiest not only to be born through the Holy Spirit from David's virgin daughter to live the Holy Spirit of the commandments to fulfill them forever, but also, he descended because Moses ascended to him over Mount Sinai, so he may be the open door always for Israel to enter heaven's glory. In other words, our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to Israel, so he may be the only open door manifested not only to every man, woman and child within Israel but also to the nations that he alone is the doorframe stained with his own atoning-blood leading into the Holy of Holiest in heaven where He will meet you there.

Meaning that, also if Moses had failed to respond to our heavenly Father calls to meet His Son Jesus Christ, as the doorframe stained with his own atoning-blood since Creation day over Mount Sinai, leading through the stained-curtains into the Holy of Holiest in heaven, then he could not descend to Israel to complete the work needed for everyone's salvation to be possible forever. Therefore, thank our heavenly Father for Moses, because he responded properly to ascend to Mount Sinai, where the burning bush was to manifest that His Son Jesus Christ is the place of holiness (for he said to Moses: Remove your sandals, this place is holy), so he may enter through the stained-doorframe with his atoning-blood into the Holy of Holiest, in heaven.

These days, you must ascend either to Mount Sinai's summit or Jerusalem's holy hill, the doorframe stained with the atoning-blood into the Holy of Holiest is Jesus Christ always, so you may stand at the Mercy Seat overlaying the Ark of his testimony written tablets of the commandments with Aaron's twigs to meet our Father there ready to bless you immensely. Most likely, if you were to ask our heavenly Father where He would love to see you, then He will answer you by asserting that there is no better place in heaven much less on earth but to enter the Holy of Holiest through the stained-doorframe that is His Son Jesus Christ, so He will meet you there in perfect holiness immediately.

Because, once you finally find this glorious place of holiness that has always been there for you since eternity, then you will never want to abandon it, because this is the Holy of Holiest in heaven where you were born initially by the Holy Spirit's powers and gifts into our heavenly Father's image to become His living child forever into eternity. This is the Most Holy Place in heaven above within the Tabernacle of Reunion, as the one that Israel had within the Sinai's desert for forty years thus to enter into the Promised Land blessed forever to receive the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood staining the doorframe for everyone leading into heaven's glory forever saved into all eternity.

Definitely, this is the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, where you will not only are promised to find our heavenly Father since the day you were born on earth through your mother's womb, but also you will find yourself, as the person you truly are everlastingly for our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and the angelic hosts. That is your major problem these days, you have failed to find the real life that ought to live, and since you failed to find the life that you ought to live then you cannot find yourself as the person you truly are known in heaven's glory, since the day you were born from our heavenly Father through the Holy Spirit.

That is why that you need to come to our Lord Jesus Christ, for he alone is the stained doorframe with his atoning-blood leading angels in heaven and every man, woman and child on earth to find their place of perfect holiness within the Holy of Holiest's holy altar, so our heavenly Father may bless them forever at last into eternity. Meaning that, if you are searching for the life that you ought to live through other ways as idols, images, and false doctrines around the world, then you are making your daily sacrifice to shed the animal's atoning-blood outside from the entrance into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, so you will never find God but only deeper darkness leading into hell's torment.

However, if you obey God's written word leading you to the prophets that always talked about the coming of the King Messiah, so you may become reborn from the spirit of error into our Father's Holy Spirit, then you will find problems solved, illness healed, and your life always prosperous heading into heaven's glory forever blessed into all eternity to come. Then, knowing that our heavenly Father has granted Jesus Christ to have these days to you (and your loved ones, including friends from everywhere), as the stained-doorframe with his own atoning-blood leading into the Holy of Holiest in heaven, then you will live your life every step of the way into eternal life only to know the deeper goodness of holiness.

Because, the life that we have within our Lord Jesus Christ, since this is our Father's will for every man, woman and child on earth, starting with Adam and Eve in paradise, is to enjoy only the every day goodness of the perfect holiness that rains progressively from the celestial Holy of Holiest into our hearts, souls, minds, bodies and human spirit. This is the glorious life lived daily by our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub and other celestial creatures from heaven above, so you will never regret it to have obeyed the call to go through the stained-doorframe leading into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest to find your life, and yourself at last.

At the Most Holy Place within the Holy of Holiest, in heaven, you will be walking the ground that Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and millions more have walked, and they are still walking there these days, so you may go through the atoning-blood stained-doorframe over Mount Sinai's burning-bush or Jerusalem's holy hill, you will become as holy-and-perfect as Jesus Christ is everlastingly. With these words, what I am telling is that your true life is our Lord Jesus Christ's perfect holiness on earth these days and in heaven above forever into all eternity to come, so, as you may come to know His sacrificed-life by the power of the Holy Spirit then you have found yourself at last, filled with abundant eternal happiness.

On earth, your life is never lived to the full, that is, if the Holy of Holiest from heaven above is not part of you, as Jesus Christ ministers within in it and over the Ark of the cover-of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony before our Father, so your life may be saturated with the Holy Spirit's daily gifts. In other words, you will never be the person that our heavenly Father gave birth in His image to live according to His likeness by the power of the Holy Spirit, if you still failed to have a personal relationship with God within the Holy of Holiest, in heaven, as Jesus Christ is your Lamb with the atoning-blood pleading for you always.

That is why, that our heavenly Father is calling you to make the Tabernacle with the Holy of Holiest from heaven above, part of your every day life, just as it began to be part of Moses and of Israel within the Sinai's desert, so they may receive the daily holiness that they needed to defeat the enemies' hidden deceptions forever. The Tabernacle of the Holy of Holiest in heaven is still working the same, as it worked within Israel, so our heavenly Father may receive their daily offerings of love through the stained-doorframe that leads to the Ark's cover-of the place of atonement overlaying the Ark of the testimony for holiness to be possible always for everyone and their loved ones everywhere, too.

These days, the only thing that our Father is asking you is the same that He personally asked Moses and every one within Israel, and this is to believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that one of their brothers, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, is constantly praying daily as high priest and Chosen Lamb in heaven's glory. Given that, during his stay with his brothers in Israel, he asked them by saying: you, pray with me for an hour, because we are living days that we need to pray together before our Father in heaven, so He will be merciful and bless us with His holy name--and the people prayed with him--while others slept.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ said: if I am lifted up, back to our Father in heaven, then you will receive the Holy Spirit's power, because I will pray for Him to bless you, so you may do the work that I have done, and even greater things you will do, since I am returning to the Holy of Holiest in heaven. These days, our Lord Jesus Christ is still within the Holy of Holiest praying for each one of us, from all the families of the nations, beginning with Israel, before our heavenly Father, so, He may bless us powerfully with His holy name--then: you should also set some time aside to pray today with him (he in heaven and you on earth).

Therefore, he alone is the one that we must seek every day to enter into the Holy of Holiest of our heavenly Father's altar, through the stained-doorframe with the eternal atoning-blood that blesses us powerfully, to become instantly our Father's legitimate children with the right to our every day blessing, so we may live the miracle-life that pleases heaven's glory always. Right how, our Lord Jesus Christ is standing at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, because he needs to wash you clean to purify you from impurities that you may have received in life, so you may become instantly Righteous to enter into our heavenly Father's holy presence where your life, peace, happiness awaits for you to enrich you forever.

You must come to him today, because, when you last hour in this world comes, then you will try to enter through the gate of heaven's glory that is the same entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest, but you will fail, since you are still in your sins, and no sinner will ever be allowed into heaven forever. Therefore, the time to enter into heaven's glory is now, and our Lord Jesus Christ will be waiting for you at the entrance, as high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to wash you clean to purify you from sin, so you may start your walk into eternity pure-and-holy, as our heavenly Father is forever into all eternity to come.

Meaning that, soon you will meet our Lord Jesus Christ, you can meet him these days at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, as your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood ready to wash clean from impurities, or at the same place as your judge that will not allow you into heaven's glory with your sins. Moreover, if you are not allowed into heaven's glory through the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, then you will descend into hell's torment, because, any one that fails to enter through Jesus Christ into eternal life, then there is no place to go but only towards where sin finally rests forever, and this is Satan's kingdom of eternal torments.

Now, our heavenly Father does not want you descending with sin into hell's torment but, instead, He wants every one to go through the entrance of the Tabernacle, of the Holy of Holiest to have all sins removed, so to become as clean-and-holy as His Son and the Holy Spirit are everlastingly to enter into heaven's glory forever saved into eternity. The tabernacle's Holy of Holiest is real, and it is in heaven these days, above the mountaintop, just as ready (up and running) as it was for ancient Israel in the Sinai's desert, performing the rituals-and-ceremonies of holiness by Jesus Christ as he did for everyone before our Father's altar, so they may become holy-and-perfect to enter heaven's glory forever blessed right now.

You must make the approach to our heavenly Father today, and this is to answer His call for you to become as holy-and-perfect as He is forever, so you may stand at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, for His Son Jesus Christ to wash you clean and purify you from sin thus to enter into eternal life forever justified. Initially, the ancients had to bring daily sacrifices to shed the atoning-blood for forgiveness of sin, at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, but since Jesus Christ already shed his own blood over Jerusalem's holy hill, and this is God's gate to heaven, then we do not have to this anymore, because his lasting atoning-blood cleans from sin forever.

That is why that once Israel entered Canaan, and King David was announced that His Son will be the ruler of Israel, to rule over the nations within the City of God (Jerusalem), then the Holy Spirit with his angels took the Tabernacle back to its original place in heaven to perform daily rituals of holiness for everybody into all eternity. Given that, the Lamb and the atoning-blood that every Israelite and alien needed to present every day at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, then it was already done, and this is once in for all by our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood nailed to the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so no more sacrifices are needed.

For this is the Lamb sacrifice with the atoning-blood shed at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest already that our Father gladly receives as very holy every day, so, as you may go through it now, or in the last day of your life on earth to ascend into heaven, then you will be purified to become heaven's citizen forever. That is why that our heavenly Father is calling you since ever to enter through the door that leads into the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, where He will forgive your sins over His altar, because His Son Jesus Christ is praying for you with his own shed blood, so you may have abundant life on earth these days, and in heaven forever.

It is at this Most Holy Place where you will become born from the Holy Spirit to become our heavenly Father's legitimate child from head to foot, just as holy-and-perfect as His Son Jesus Christ is forever into eternity, so you may enter into heaven's glory and everlasting happiness, to enjoy only perfect holiness' goodness each day into eternity. These days, as you may go through the door that is our Lord Jesus Christ's sacred-body, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood cleansing-and-purifying you from wickedness, then you will abandon forever the sinful life that you received from Adam and Eve in paradise to enter into the Holy of Holiest, where our heavenly Father is waiting for you right now to receive you forever.

Here, you are a true-and-fulfilled person in life, filled with the Holy Spirit to be just as our heavenly Father is from head to foot, because as He gave you birth into His image to live according to His likeness in heaven, then He did it thinking of His Son's amazing-life always pleasing His demanding heart for love, truth and justice forever. That is why that if you step into the entrance of the Tabernacle's Holy of Holiest, where our Lord Jesus Christ is waiting as your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that cleanses you from sin, then you will have nothing to lose but to gain it all in heaven's glory, because you will be pleasing our Father at last.

Conclusively, this is something that you will always want to do in life, and this is to please our Father, because He needs to be pleased by you as you believe within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that your brother Jesus Christ is bathed in his own blood within the Holy of Holiest pleading for you. Jesus Christ is our brother, although he has always existed with our Father in heaven, because he was born from David's virgin daughter in our flesh to live the Holy Spirit of the Law to perfection, then died over Jerusalem's holy hill to raise from the dead on the third day lastly to become our daily Lamb and prayer in heaven's glory forever.

Therefore, Jesus Christ is the only greatest thing on earth these days and in heaven forever, as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood always pleading for our well-being before our Father's altar within the Holy of Holiest, so we may live a great miracle-life that progressively pleases love, truth and justice abundantly within every man, woman and child. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
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