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May 14, 2015, 7:55:48 AM5/14/15
Sábado, 09 de Mayo, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

Feliz Día de las Madres, le deseamos de todo corazón a cada hermano y a cada hermana de todo nuestro Gran Ecuador y de todas las familias de las naciones, que nuestro Padre celestial los siga bendiciendo grandemente, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que sus vidas sean llenas del Espíritu Santo y de sus muchas riquezas de cada día.


Yo Soy el Que siempre es, el Anciano de los días antiguos del comienzo de todas las cosas a llegado a todos ustedes en estos días sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, descansando sobre el Sinaí, para liberarlos del cautiverio Egipcio, para que sirvan a Dios sobre éste mismo monte santo para miles de generaciones, de la nueva eternidad venidera. Por ello, solamente diles a los israelitas que el Yo Soy el Que Soy me ha enviado a todos ustedes, para que comiencen a creer e invocar su santo nombre, el cual tiene el poder del Espíritu Santo, para romper todas las cadenas de las ataduras del cautiverio Egipto, de más de cuatrocientos años.

Porque Yo Soy el Dios que Abraham siempre ha conocido desde el día que comenzó a creer en los poderes asombrosos de nuestro Dios Padre celestial, el Todopoderoso, creador del cielo y con todas sus huestes angelicales y de las familias de todas las naciones de la tierra, para que me comiencen a invocar para conocerme cada vez más como su Dios. Éste es un nombre glorioso, del cual jamás me he dado a conocer a nadie en toda la tierra, sino solamente a Israel, desde ahora en adelante, para que siempre tengan los poderes del Espíritu Santo, de los cuales siempre están listos para responder inmediatamente al llamado de los hijos e hijas de Dios.

Y nuestro Rebbe Yeshua jaMashiax (Jesucristo) se dio a conocer por éste su nombre glorioso, el cual solamente es conocido por nuestro Padre celestial y por los santos ángeles; porque Moisés le decía: Si yo regreso a Israel ahora mismo, y les digo que el Dios de nuestros padres ha llegado sobre el Monte Sinaí, para rescatarnos, entonces quizá no me crean. Porque seguramente me dirán, de que dios nos estás hablando, ya que hay muchos en todo Egipto--no sabemos de quienes nos estás hablando--además dinos cual es su nombre, porque quizá alguno de nosotros conocerá su nombre; y es aquí cuando nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo se da a conocer a Moisés como el Yo Soy el Que siempre es.

Puesto que, él es el Anciano desde los primeros días de la antigüedad, que se dio a conocer por este nombre santo a cada uno de los ángeles del reino de los cielos, para que por siempre lo crean en sus corazones para justicia y así confiesen su nombre santísimo para mantenerse infinitamente santos, delante de nuestro Padre celestial. Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo necesitaba que cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de Israel le comenzasen a conocer como el Yo Soy el Que Soy, para que no solamente él fuere quien los liberara de todos los poderes de las oscuridades del cautiverio, sino que también será el gozo de sus vidas de cada día.

Dado que, solamente por medio de éste nombre glorioso e infinitamente todopoderoso, entonces no simplemente serian librados inmediatamente y para siempre de todos los males de Egipto, sino que también comenzarían a crecer grandemente en el Espíritu Santo y de sus inmensos poderes, para servicio de nuestro Padre celestial sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén. Por ende, los israelitas estaban eternamente obligados por nuestro Padre celestial no solamente ha creer en sus corazones para justicia en el nombre de su Hijo amado y Cordero con la sangre bendita que quita el pecado, sino también para que le amen en su perfecta santidad; porque, solamente de él sale toda verdad, justicia, amor, perfección y santidad eterna para enriquecer.

Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les entregó su nombre santísimo, conocido perfectamente por los santos ángeles, para que comiencen a romper todas las cadenas del cautiverio y así enriquecer sus vidas grandemente de su perfecta santidad, de la cual no solamente nos dio inicialmente el cordero Isaac, hijo de Abraham, sino que también nos dio toda su justicia salvadora, para salvación eterna. Por esta razón, Israel tenia que empezar a invocar su nombre santísimo y lleno del Espíritu Santo, para amar a nuestro Padre celestial y así serle por siempre fiel a su palabra bendita, para que cuando él nos hable entonces poner su palabra en acción en nuestras vidas, para escapar del cautiverio del pecado y así enriquecernos de su santidad bendita.

Porque una vez que los hebreos comenzaban a invocar su nombre santísimo, entonces se estaban llenando de grandes poderes del Espíritu Santo, para escapar de todos los males terribles del cautiverio egipcio, que habían sufrido por cuatrocientos años, para posteriormente empezar a vivir una vida totalmente nueva y llena del Espíritu Santo, para gloria y honra de nuestro Padre celestial. Y si los israelitas jamás hubiesen recibió del nombre de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, entonces jamás hubiesen escapado de sus pecados ni mucho menos del cautiverio egipcio, porque para escapar de los pecados y de todos poderes terrible de Satanás y de sus enfermedades de siempre, entonces tiene que el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo ser invocado.

Porque de otra manera, no solamente no se pueden borrar los pecados, sino que los males se siguen amontonando en el corazón y en la vida del hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña que enferma, por ende, era necesario invocar el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo dentro de los hogares de los hebreos, para echar fuera todo ángel caído. Visto que, cada vez que se invoca el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo dentro de los hogares de las familias hebreas, entonces los poderes del Espíritu Santo comenzaban a trabajar con perfecta santidad, destruyendo las tinieblas de Satanás, y así cuando la sangre del cordero fuese untada sobre los dinteles de las puertas, e inmediatamente sean protegidos del mal del enemigo.

Visto que, una vez que nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente se dio a conocer como el Dios de Isaac, el cordero con la carne sagrada y la sangre bendita de su vida celestial ante su Padre celestial, para ser llevado al Monte Moriah, para ser sacrificado, pero también ascendió para bendición de cada hijo e hija de la nación de Israel. Por cuanto, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente quería empezar su vida única y sumamente santa en el cielo para con los ángeles y así también en la tierra para con las familias de las naciones, del vientre sin vida de Sarai, mujer de su siervo Abraham, sino que también toda su gran nación eterna de Israel, parar llevar acabo su perfecta voluntad.

Ciertamente, también era necesario que su hijo Isaac, el cual nuestro Padre celestial le entregaba a Abraham, como su cordero personal para subir con él al Monte Moriah como el sacrificio del día, porque Isaac nacería con la vida santísima, carne santa y sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces tenia que nacer en un pesebre humilde y rodeado de animales domésticos. Para que Israel, la nación de sus sueños no solamente nazca del vientre estéril de su madre Sarai, sino también de un pesebre humilde y rodeado de ovejas, cabritos y demás animales domésticos, para que su gran nación se levante del vientre estéril de su madre, sino también de la tierra humilde y bendita que le entregó a Abraham como posesión eterna.

Además, Isaac tenia que nacer del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai y entre los animales domésticos del pesebre de su padre Abraham, porque así nacería el Rebbe Yeshua JaMashiax, en la bendita tierra de Canaán, fluyendo leche y miel, para que su Hijo Jesucristo se levante de la nada, para ser grande en la tierra y en el cielo, perpetuamente. Ciertamente, del vientre virgen de la hija de David nació nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como el Santo de Israel, y en medio de animales domésticos del pesebre de la tierra bendita de Canaán, para que fluya la leche y miel de la vida eterna de nuestro Padre celestial, para que nosotros renazcamos del Espíritu Santo, como sus hijos e hijas, para servirle perpetuamente.

Así pues, es nuestro Señor Jesucristo conocido por nuestro Padre celestial, por el Espíritu Santo y por cada ángel santo del cielo, como manso y humilde con todos y en todo tiempo; inicialmente así se dio a conocer entre todo Israel, para que todos aprendan de él a ser mansos y humildes, para alcanzar los tesoros escondidos del reino de los cielos. Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo se dio a conocer a Moisés y así también a Israel como el Yo Soy el Que siempre es y será, porque él jamás ha cambiado sino que sigue siendo él mismo de siempre, para que todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones se acerque a él con toda confianza.

Y, por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo ama a los que le conocen como el Yo Soy el Que Soy, porque sólo él es el sumo sacerdote y el Cordero con la sangre bendita, para remover los pecados de todos lo que se lo pidan, invocando su nombre con sus labios para salvación y así creyendo en sus corazones para justicia eterna. Por ello, así como le enseñó inicialmente a Moisés a invocar su nombre santísimo sobre la tierra del monte santo de Jerusalén con su sangre bendita, salpicada por todos lados de las tres cruces del cielo y de su Hijo Jesucristo el sumo sacerdote y Cordero Eterno, así, pues, le enseñó a los israelitas, para que sus pecados les sean perdonados.

Dado que, si Moisés y los israelitas no aprendían a invocar su nombre santísimo y lleno de poderes gloriosos y asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, entonces Moisés jamás hubiese vuelto a nacer del Espíritu Santo, ni Israel hubiese jamás alcanzado la santidad perfecta, para escapar del cautiverio egipcio, para cruzar el Mar Rojo en secó y así pararse al pie del Monte Sinaí. Puesto que, era necesario tener a Israel bautizado al cruzar el Mar Rojo en secó, para parase al pie del Monte Sinaí y ver lo que Moisés había visto sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y sus tres cruces del cielo, envueltas en el fuego del Espíritu Santo, para que beban de la sangre bendita convertida en agua viva, para salvación eterna.

Porque así como Moisés había hecho el contacto con la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo cuando subió, guiado por el Espíritu Santo, y se paró sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo de entre las tres cruces envueltas en el fuego del Espíritu Santo: Descálzate, porque el lugar en donde estás, tierra santa es. Y todos los israelitas, en éste día histórico, tomaron de la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo que había sido derramada a tierra desde el día de la Creación, para que la beban convertida en agua bendita, para que sus cuerpos de la sangre bendita y de la carne sagrada del Cordero se alimente de santidad perfecta, para salvación.

Y, si, por ejemplo, los israelitas por alguna razón se hubiesen negado a beber de la roca herida desde la fundación del mundo y de sus cosas, entonces no hubiese sido posible borrar sus pecados para que vuelvan a nacer del Espíritu Santo, ni mucho menos hubiesen partido del Monte Sinaí para derrotar naciones enemigas y al fin conquistar Canaán, para siempre. Puesto que, el beber de la roca el agua que vertía, después de que Moisés la golpeó por tres veces, fue realmente para cumplir con toda verdad y con toda justicia delante de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, para que no solamente sean hechos sus hijos e hijas por el Espíritu Santo, sino también para que hereden Canaán, perpetuamente.

Porque si no comen de mi carne, la cual es el verdadero pan del cielo, y no beben de mi sangre, la cual es verdadera bebida para salvación y vida eterna, entonces no podrán jamás ver la vida eterna, ni mucho menos ver cara a cara a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo. Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les decía a los israelitas, tal cual como se lo había manifestado algunas veces a Moisés, para que Israel conozca no solamente su nombre salvador para invocarlo en todo tiempo, sino también para que entiendan de una vez por todas, que solamente invocándolo serian hechos santos y perfectos delante de Dios, para siempre.

Puesto que, todo aquel que invoca su nombre santo entonces lo está reconociendo en su corazón para justicia y confesando con sus labios para salvación, de que sólo él es su sumo sacerdote y Cordero de Dios con la sangre bendita para borrar todo pecado, y así crean por siempre de que sólo él es el Yo Soy el Que Soy--Dios. Visto que, si no creen en sus corazones para justicia eterna, de que él es el Yo Soy el Que Soy, que le hablo a Moisés sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, para salvar a Israel del cautiverio, entonces morirán en sus pecados irremisiblemente, porque fuera de él no existe jamás otro Dios igual, para ser su sumo sacerdote y Cordero salvador.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les decía a todos por todos los lugares de Israel, por donde sea que el Espíritu Santo lo guiaba para que nuestro Padre celestial les hablase personalmente desde del cielo su palabra bendita y redentora, si, ustedes no creen que Yo Soy el Que Soy que los liberó de Egipto, entonces morirán pecadores, para siempre. Y nuestro Padre celestial envió a su Hijo Jesucristo al mundo, asimismo como inicialmente envió a Isaac con la vida divina de su Hijo Jesucristo y así también con la carne sagrada y con la sangre bendita, para que no solamente Israel naciese sino también para que sea el sacrificio continúo sobre su monte santo, para que todo aquel que cree: ¡Viva!

Por lo tanto, todo aquel que cree en él y en su nombre santísimo, entonces tiene vida eterna, y su nombre es escrito en el libro de la vida, porque sólo él es el que está siempre entre las tres cruces del monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre bendita vertida a tierra, para ser por siempre la puerta al cielo. Porque grande es el camino que lleva a la perdición eterna del fuego eterno del infierno, en donde el alma del hombre, de la mujer, del niño y de la niña ya no podrá jamás ser lavado de sus pecados, por la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, sino que sólo una eternidad horrenda de castigo le espera.

Visto que, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente es la puerta para entrar por el camino angosto entre las tres cruces del monte santo de Jerusalén, que nos lleva directo a subir por la escalera de Jacobo hacia la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, sino que es perpetuamente la luz perfecta de nuestras almas, destruyendo toda tiniebla de Satanás por el camino. Porque cuando caminamos por éste camino antiguo e infinitamente santo, ya que está lleno de grandes milagros, maravillas y de prodigios gloriosos en la tierra de todos los que creen e invocan su nombre bendito, así como es en el cielo para con los ángeles, entonces nuestro Padre celestial jamás ve nuestros pecados sino solamente a su Hijo Jesucristo, perfecto y puro.

Y nuestro Padre celestial nos ve siempre perfectos y puros a cada uno de nosotros de todas las familias de las naciones, comenzando por Israel, ya que éste pacto de salud y de vida eterna pertenece a los judíos desde siempre, porque así nos vera eternamente en el cielo cuando entremos a vivir la felicidad eterna con él y sus santos ángeles. Mejor dicho, nuestro Padre celestial no quiere esperar a verte viviendo en el cielo, sino que para él una vez que has aceptado a su Hijo Jesucristo como tu salvador personal, entonces él ya te puede ver santo y perfecto como su Hijo, no importando jamás tus pecados, porque ese es el poder redentor de la sangre vertida sobre la cruz.

Para nuestro Padre celestial, si tú ya has aceptado a su Hijo Jesucristo como tu salvador personal, para que no solamente su sangre bendita, su carne sagrada, sus huesos inquebrantables sean tu cuerpo glorificado para entrar a la vida eterna, sino que también cada uno de sus pasos santísimos, sus victorias gloriosas de antaño, su perfección, su pureza, son tuyas para siempre. Por esta razón, tienes que orar cada vez que te sea posible, porque para esto nuestro Padre celestial no solamente te ha dado a su Hijo Jesucristo sino también su nombre santísimo, para que cuando ores entonces tus oraciones comiencen a romper todas esas barreras que están en las alturas, para abrir paso hacia el reino de los cielos.

Para que el cielo del reino de los cielos, el cual alumbra a cada hora a nuestro Padre celestial y así también a cada uno de sus santos ángeles, entonces te alumbre a ti también, a pesar de que tienes el sol brillando sobre ti y sobre todos los tuyos, por donde sea que tú vivas en estos días en la tierra. Visto que, cuando oras a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces se forma un canal que se va abriendo sobre tu cabeza, y que va derrumbando las barreras de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, para que todo lo que sea tinieblas sean removidos y así tengas una ventana siempre abierta sobre tu vida desde del cielo.

Pero para que esto te sea posible, entonces tienes que orar constantemente en tu corazón y con tus labios todas las veces que te sean posibles, y así leyendo la palabra de nuestro Padre y de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que el Espíritu Santo que está siempre en su nombre y en su palabra bendita te vaya llenando más y más. Porque es solamente a través de la oración y la lectura de la palabra delante de nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre de su Hijo Jesucristo, es que te va a ayudar a abrir todo ese camino que está sobre tu cabeza, para que tengas por siempre y por donde sea que tú vayas una ventada grande y abierta en el cielo.

Porque si tú no tienes ese camino limpio de todas las barreras y obstáculos terribles de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, los cuales siempre son los que traen tinieblas por todos lados para atacar y destruir toda vida humana, sea cristiana o no, entonces tus oraciones jamás alcanzaran los lugares celestiales, en donde serás por siempre victorioso sobre el enemigo. Por esta razón, tienes que orar y leer las sagradas escrituras todas las veces que te sean posibles, para que el cielo que está sobre ti no sea la del sol, sino la luz del rostro santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para que veas siempre todo lo que está por delante de ti y así tus bendiciones siempre lleguen sin demora.

Porque si oras y lees las Escrituras con frecuencia, entonces ya no tendrás un cielo lleno de barreras de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, para estar siempre atentos a atacarte, para robarte, destruirte y hasta para quitarte la vida, si fuese posible, sino que ahora tendrás un cielo abierto y lleno de los ángeles del SEÑOR, dándote luz y vida, constantemente. Y no seas como los paganos, por ejemplo, que tienen siempre a sus estatuas e ídolos como sus dioses para que los bendigan, pidiéndoles bendiciones que nunca vendrán, porque no solamente no pueden bendecirse a sí mismos, ni mucho menos a ti, ni a nadie, visto que no tienen vida alguna, no ven, no oyen, no sienten, ni mucho menos razonan.

Y las Escrituras dicen que los que los tienen en sus casas como sus ídolos primordiales, así, pues, son como ellos mismos, porque no tienen aliento de vida alguna, por tanto, no ven, no oyen, no sienten, ni mucho menos podrán jamás razonar con nadie, sino que están siempre listos como los pecadores rebeldes, muertos, para descender a la sepultura infernal. Así pues, todos los que adoran a las imágenes e ídolos tienen a estos mismos ídolos sobre sus cabezas como barreras satánicas, lloviendo el mal constantemente, para que sus oraciones jamás pasen más allá del techo de sus hogares, porque son oraciones muertas, ya que ofenden a los Diez Mandamientos, en donde dice que no debemos hacer esculturas para venerarlas y honrarlas.

Puesto que, es un error siempre llevarlas en sus corazones y sobre sus vidas como si fuesen seres vivientes, porque sabemos que no lo son, y en su lugar estamos llamados por nuestro Padre celestial ha llevar a su Hijo Jesucristo en nuestros corazones y sobre nuestras cabezas, porque él nació del Espíritu Santo, para ser nuestra gran victoria cada día. Y no solamente nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo vivió una vida sumamente victoriosa cumpliendo con el Espíritu Santo de los mandamientos, para derrotar todos los poderes terribles del pecado, la mentira, la calumnia, la maldición, las enfermedades y la muerte del fuego del infierno, sino que derribó toda barrera satánica del cielo, para que tengamos una ventana abierta con nuestro Padre celestial.

Porque es ésta ventana de cada uno de nosotros que solamente se abrirá invocando el nombre de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para derribar a Satanás y sus demonios de sobre nuestras cabezas y así lleguen nuestras oraciones al cielo, para que nuestro Padre celestial nos bendiga ricamente cada día, para que sus riquezas entren a nuestras vidas para quedarse siempre. Ya que, nada le será imposible para el que cree en nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su sacrificio continuo de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que por medio de él no solamente conteste nuestras oraciones eficazmente, sino que también despliegue sus grandes poderes y milagros de su Espíritu Santo para tocar cada día a nuestras amistades lejanas que necesitan mucho de Dios.

Así que, ha derribar esos ángeles caídos que se han apoderado del cielo, que nos pertenece, pero como Satanás ha descendido para robar, matar y destruir, pues entonces por medio de la invocación de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de nuestras oraciones constante a nuestro Padre celestial el espacio sobre nuestras cabezas será limpio, para que la luz del cielo nos alumbre ricamente. Y ésta luz es de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, la cual la recibimos constantemente y a cada hora, porque invocamos su nombre santísimo y, además, oramos constantemente, para enriquecer nuestras vidas, porque donde hay luz, y ésta es la luz del reino de Dios, entonces recibimos las riquezas que a diario nos pertenecen, para hacernos cada vez más ricos para nuestro Padre celestial.

Porque ésta es la gloria de nuestro Padre celestial, que no solamente seamos hechos sus hijos e hijas al renacer del poder del Espíritu Santo, al invocar el nombre bendito de su Hijo Jesucristo, en un momento de fe y de oración, sino que seamos ricos grandemente, para enriquecer con nuestras riquezas a muchos en todas las familias de las naciones. Porque esta es la manera en que su evangelio santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo se expande por muchos lugares, por medio de su sangre santísima vertida a la tierra del monte santo de Jerusalén, no solamente puede tocar cualquier alma del hombre y de la mujer en todas las naciones, para redimirlas y sanarlas, sino que también las enriquece grandemente.

Y nuestro Padre celestial le ha dado a Jesucristo un nombre tan glorioso e infinitamente todopoderoso que Satanás y sus secuaces jamás han podido en contra del Espíritu Santo y de sus grandes poderes que despliega sobre todas las vidas de los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, para liberarlas del mal y así enriquecerlos grandemente. Además, éste nombre bendito de nuestro Señor Jesucristo es tan poderoso que no hay lugar en la tierra ni menos en el cielo, en donde no puede ir para tocar la vida de cualquier alma de todas las familias de la tierra y así también para entrar y tocar el corazón bendito de nuestro Padre celestial, para que nos conceda su atención.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente le dijo a Moisés desde su cruz y en medio de la de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo: Yo soy el Dios de Isaac. Y, por tanto, diles a mis hermanos y hermanas de que yo he oído su gemir, por sus clamores estoy aquí, para entregarles todos los poderes de mi nombre, el cual es: El Yo Soy el Que Soy, para escapar del pecado y del cautiverio egipcio, para que triunfantemente entren a vivir una vida totalmente nueva en la tierra de Canaán.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre les enseñó a todos sus discípulos y a las gentes por las calles de las ciudades de Israel, de que sólo él es el camino, la verdad y la vida; y que nadie podrá jamás subir al reino de los cielos para encontrarse con nuestro Padre celestial a no ser que pasen por él primero. Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo les enseñaba estas verdades no solamente a Moisés sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y las tres cruces con la sangre salpicada, sino que también les decía lo mismo a los israelitas camino por el desierto hacia la tierra prometida, para que entiendan lo que nuestro Padre celestial les decía, de que sólo él es el salvador.

Porque nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Moisés: Yo no voy con ustedes un paso más por el desierto hacia la tierra prometida, porque por el camino me van a volver a ofender, y si lo hacen así, entonces mi ira se podría inflamar de pronto, para destruirlos por completo, por eso les entregó a mi Ángel. Y éste Ángel del SEÑOR es su Hijo Jesucristo como sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre bendita que quita el pecado, porque a él hay que obedecerle todas las palabras que diga cada día de sus vidas, y hay que cumplirlas al pie de la letra, ya que no perdonara el pecado ni la rebelión de nadie, sino que castigara.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre castigó el pecado y la rebelión de cada pecador y de cada pecadora, que no hacia lo que él les ordenaba que hiciesen para bien de ellos mismos y de los demás, sino que los castigó después de haberlos amonestado, para que todos aprendan de que ante él no tolerara jamás el pecado y la rebelión. Pues así, como nuestro Señor Jesucristo se veía obligado cada día por el desierto camino a la tierra prometida, de castigar al ofensor y a la ofensora, para que ningún pecado quede impune ni ninguna rebelión sin su justo castigo, entonces así él mismo nos quiere bendecir grandemente, si tan sólo invocamos su nombre santísimo, para perdón, bendición, prosperidad y salvación.

Porque solamente cuando invocamos su nombre santísimo creyendo en nuestros corazones para justicia y así confesamos con nuestros labios para salvación, entonces es que comenzamos a ascender hacia la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, ya que los ángeles caídos con sus barreras son destruidos cada vez más y hasta que queda nuestro camino y visión limpia hacia el mismo cielo. Dado que, como dice la Escritura: Todo aquel que invocare el nombre bendito de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo entonces será salvo, para que su nombre sea escrito en el libro de la vida eterna, en donde están todos los nombres de todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas que invocaron su nombre santo para perdón en sus días.

Y será salvo milagrosamente el que invoca el nombre todopoderoso de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, porque todo el espacio que está sobre su cabeza queda totalmente limpio, para que sus oraciones entren al cielo y así también él mismo, es decir, si tiene que partir ya, suba a la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial y al lugar de su vida eterna, sin dificultad. Por esta razón, todos los que sentimos el gozo de la salvación y bendición de cada día de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces podemos decir sin problema alguno de que el Espíritu Santo se mueve poderosamente en nuestros corazones, para guiarnos siempre por el buen camino del SEÑOR y hasta que ascendamos a la gloria eterna del cielo.

Podemos decir también, de que el nombre santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo es lo mayor y glorioso que podrá habitar en nuestros corazones, para que el Espíritu Santo siempre nos guíe por el camino del SEÑOR, el cual es un camino de grandes milagros, maravillas y de prodigios insondables que se manifiestan en su hora, para enriquecernos cada vez más. Desde el día que Moisés recibió el nombre bendito de nuestro Señor Jesucristo en su corazón, entonces él no solamente volvió a nacer de los poderes del Espíritu Santo, sino que también su nombre se comenzó a regar por doquier, para perdonar, sanar, restaurar, bendecir y enriquecer grandemente la vida de muchos, para que asciendan a la vida eterna y sin dificultad.

Y hasta nuestros días, nuestro Señor Jesucristo sigue siendo invocado por muchos de las familias de todas las naciones, porque los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo que están en la invocación siguen tocando las vidas de muchos, que han sido atacados por Satanás y sus secuaces, escapándose así juntos con los suyos de las tinieblas a la luz enriquecedora de Dios. En otras palabras, todos los que han hecho todo lo posible para desprestigiar el nombre santísimo de nuestro Señor Jesucristo ya no están con nosotros en este mundo sino que se fueron bien lejos de aquí, a lugares que ellos mismos escogieron, como el castigo eterno, por ejemplo, más nuestro Señor Jesucristo sigue siendo invocado por todos lados, para bendición eterna.

Y si en estos días es tu oportunidad única de invocar el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para escapar los males terribles de Satanás y de sus secuaces y hasta de la misma muerte y el infierno tormentoso, entonces hazlo; porque el aceptar el nombre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo para salvación eterna sólo toma unos minutos, por no decir unos segundos. Eso es todo lo el tiempo que toma de tu vida, para recibir a nuestro Señor Jesucristo como tu sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima que quita el pecado, para que ya no seas juzgado en el Día del Juicio para condena eterna del infierno, sino que asciendas al cielo como un ángel más de Dios, para la eternidad.

Recibe al Yo Soy el Que Soy, como tu sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre que te limpia del pecado, para que todo lo que sea tinieblas se vaya al fondo del mar, a donde jamás se levantara y así tú comiences a vivir bendiciones de cada día por el canal y ventana del cielo que tus oraciones han formado. Nuestro Señor Jesucristo es el Yo Soy el Que Soy para siempre en tu vida, porque él es Dios, el Dios que te ama grandemente así como nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Espíritu Santo te han amado desde antes que nacieses en el cielo, para que seas libre del pecado y vivas tu felicidad y con sus ricas bendiciones desde ya.

Feliz Día de las Madres, le deseamos de todo corazón a cada hermano y a cada hermana de todo nuestro Gran Ecuador y de todas las familias de las naciones, que nuestro Padre celestial les siga bendiciendo grandemente, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que sus vidas sean llenas del Espíritu Santo y de sus muchas riquezas cada día. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father said to Abraham: I will bless your wife Sarah's barren-womb, for she will bear a child for you next year by this time, and you will call him Isaac, for he will be the one that will bear my blessing for you and for your children that will be born after him in generations to come. Abraham immediately bowed down to the ground in holy reverence to worship our heavenly Father for the blessing that He had just granted him, but, he could not help himself from laughing, because he thought that he was too old already to bear a child, besides Sarah his wife was already ninety years old.

Then, Abraham said to our heavenly Father: Let your blessing be in my son Ishmael, because my wife and I are too old for this blessing that you have pronounced for us, besides Sarah's womb is dead by now, and so, she will never again have the power to bear a child, thus let your blessing be upon Ishmael. However, our heavenly Father assured to Abraham that He had decided that His blessing will be only on his son Isaac that will be born by this time next year, because only from him his children will be called his descendants, forever--the children bearing His seed of eternal salvation--something that was totally impossible to bear in other nations.

Nevertheless, our heavenly Father also placed a great blessing upon his son Ishmael, because he was his son after all, thus from him twelve princes will be born and from him great nations will come out upon earth, but my covenant of eternal life will be with Isaac only, our heavenly Fathered assured to Abraham. Moreover, our heavenly Father had chosen Abraham and Sarah to be the bears of His son Isaac that He had personally promised to give them, because the world needed a lamb to ascend to the mountaintop, thus Abraham and Sarah were qualified to do this for Him, because they were advanced in age.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father was looking for a couple that had served Him for many years by keeping themselves separated from the world and holy in his sight, moreover, both of them were practically unfruitful, meaning that they could no longer bear children just like Adam and Eve, in paradise, for example that were dead and unable to bear children. For the reason that, as Adam and Eve ate from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of eating from the fruit of life that is His Son The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) the bread and wine over the Lord's Table, then they became infertile, meaning that they could no longer bear children in paradise.

This also meant that they had to descend to earth again because they could no longer bear their children in heaven's glory as our heavenly Father initially wanted to be, but now, nevertheless they could bear their children in sin and rebellion on earth until they would eventually become Holy Spirit born by receiving through His salvation promise. That is to say, also that only on earth they could have children as many as they may want because they were living in sin, but not like this in paradise thus they had to abandon heaven as soon as possible, because it was impossible for them to bear children in the spirit of rebellion in our heavenly Father's holy presence.

Besides, Adam and Eve they could no longer eat from the fruit of life from his Son Jesus Christ over the Lord's Table that is the bread and wine of the pact of life to possess perfect holiness forever into eternity in His holy presence, therefore they would constantly fail to have children in paradise no matter how hard they tried. Likewise, given that Adam and Eve disobeyed our heavenly Father's command not to eat from the forbidden fruit but, instead, they were called to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son, then they could no longer invoke his name for daily blessing as the angels do in heaven, and that is another reason that they had to abandon paradise.

However, on earth Adam and Eve were to wait for our heavenly Father's blessing through His Son Jesus Christ that would come to them, in due time, so they will again be able to invoke his holy name for blessing just as they were able to invoke it in the day that they were born from Him in His image. Therefore, Adam and Eve were dead to our heavenly Father and His great kingdom of angles and daily blessings, then they had to wait for His Son Jesus Christ to descend to earth thus to rescue them over Jerusalem's holy hill by been nailed to them on the cross, and this is the cross between our Father and His Holy Spirit.

This is the reason, that our heavenly Father chose Abraham and Sarah to be the cross to bear his chosen lamb Isaac by the power of the Holy Spirit, because he will be born with His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood to be shed over the mountaintop, and this is Mount Moriah thus to test Abraham's faith in Him. Meaning that, for our heavenly Father: Abraham and Sarah were as dead as Adam and Eve's cross in paradise, and so, for Him to revive them to life again then He will do it with His own life, and this is His Son Jesus Christ manifested in the ancient world through the Holy Spirit with the birth of Isaac as God's lamb.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abraham and his 318 disciples to eat the bread and wine of the Lord's Table served daily by His Son Jesus Christ, so perfect holiness will always be available not only for the angels in heaven but also to those that love Him always through the nations. And as our heavenly Father ate with Abraham and his disciples the bread and wine from the Lord's Table served faithfully by His Son Jesus Christ as His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, then they were eating his sacred-flesh and drinking from his atoning-blood, for Isaac to be born miraculously as God's chosen lamb on earth.

For this is the lamb that our heavenly Father was seeking from the midst of the nations' families, and no one could provide it to Him, except as He finally sat down at the Lord's Table with Abraham and his allies to eat with Him from His Son's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood, the bread and wine served daily in heaven for Righteousness. Now, given that Abraham with his people had eaten with our heavenly Father from the bread and wine served by His Son Jesus Christ as His perfect Righteousness in heaven for the angels and on earth for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, then they walked liberated into the world of the Holy Spirit.

It is here where our heavenly Father needed to be with Abraham and his disciples, because He had failed to take Adam and Eve from paradise to eat with Him the meal served by His Son Jesus Christ as the fruit of life that provides constant perfect Righteousness to the angels in heaven, so they may love, serve and glorify Him always. Therefore, once our heavenly Father had entered into the covenant of life that He had always searched with Adam and Eve in paradise and with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, then He with Abraham and his disciples could see the birth of His much needed lamb on earth, and this is Isaac.

For the reason that, Isaac needed to be born from Sarah's barren-womb with His Son Jesus Christ's holy life, sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood, including his personal features as his eye, hair, and skin color, for example, so Isaac will be His Son's perfect replica on earth to ascend Mount Moriah, as his father Abraham's lamb to execute his only beloved son. Thus, Isaac needed to be born from Sarah's barren-womb timely, and this is with His Son Jesus Christ's perfect physical features from head to foot, because he was going to be his father Abraham's only beloved son that our heavenly Father was going to ask him to take him to the mountaintop and kill him, for Him in heaven's glory.

Finally, as the time came Isaac was born from Sarah's barren-womb in a stable, surrounded by lambs, goats and other animals of the area, and so, the birth of Isaac in Abraham's humble home was a foretelling as how His Son Jesus Christ was going to be born in a similar stable in the promised land for everyone's salvation. (This was something very important that our heavenly Father wanted Israel to take notice, so they may understand how our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach was going to be born by the Holy Spirit in due time, for every one's personal salvation, so our heavenly Father continuous sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood may finally be established over Jerusalem's holy hill at last.)

Immediately, once our heavenly Father had called Abraham to take his only son to the mountaintop that He will show him, so he may sacrifice his only son Isaac, the one that he loved dearly, because he waited for him for years to be born, then Abraham did not question God at all, but he went along with His call. Early in the morning, Abraham took his only son Isaac with two of his disciples to ride on a donkey to Mount Moriah, because our heavenly Father had called him to be there with his son to sacrifice him just as he would normally sacrifice an animal lamb by shedding the atoning-blood over the altar and to the ground.

Once Abraham arrived at Mount Moriah, then our heavenly Father said: This is the place where you will take your only son Isaac, the one you have always loved so much even before he was born to you from your wife Sarah's barren-womb, and, right now, I want you to sacrifice him unto me as a great holocaust burning fire. Abraham told his disciples to wait at the food of the mountaintop, because he was going to ascend it with his boy, but they will return soon, and so, the disciples waited and watch every step that Abraham with his son Isaac took as they ascended to the mountaintop--they were the faithful witnesses to the events that were to unfold.

Ascending Mount Moriah, then Isaac said to his father Abraham: I can see everything that we need for the usual animal sacrifice lamb over the Lord's altar, but I do not see the lamb that we are going to sacrifice to shed the atoning-blood to the ground, father--where is it? And Abraham replied to Isaac by assuring him that our heavenly Father will provide the lamb for the burnt offering sacrifice that was going to take place over the mountaintop on that afternoon, and so, he asked his only son to remain calm and obedient, because soon our heavenly Father was going to carry out His will to the full.

Once both they arrived at the mountaintop then Abraham began to prepare everything over the Lord's altar just as he has done it many times before, but this time he had to place over the wood his only son, so he may burn in a burnt offering sacrifice to our Father in heaven, so he may obey His word faithfully, as always. Over the altar and with his only son Isaac over the wood tied down ready to be sacrificed to start the fire for the burnt offering unto our Father in heaven may take place without delay, then our Father could confirm that he was true to Him as he faithfully obeyed His word, and never denied his only son to Him.

While Abraham contemplated his only son Isaac for the last time, then our heavenly Father was confirming not only his faith unto Him in heaven's glory but also He began to bless Jacob that was to be born from him with the sacred-flesh, the unbroken bones, and the atoning-blood of the covenant of eternal life of His Son Jesus Christ. On this day, and over the altar ready for Isaac to be killed by his father Abraham, because this was our heavenly Father's will in his life, then Abraham understood the importance to serve our heavenly Father through His only Son sacrificial lamb with the atoning-blood to be shed over the mountaintop thus to remove sin forever into eternity.

Since, Isaac was still lying over the altar ready to shed his blood and the fire to start burning violently, then our heavenly Father continued to bless not only Jacob as His firstborn on earth but also every one of his brothers and sisters that will be born from him with the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach. Our heavenly Father blessed powerfully this altar as Isaac lay there, because He began to live the powerful love that not only He but also His Son Jesus Christ has always felt for each one of them even before they were to be born from His image thus to live according to His likeness through the Holy Spirit's powers well into eternity.

Then, with His entire holy heart filled with love and kindness towards each one of them, by the millions and as numerous as the countless starts deep into space, immediately our heavenly Father anointed them with tears filled with the Holy Spirit, so they may be as loving, obedient and faithful as Abraham His servant has been unto Him through life. Furthermore, our heavenly Father blessed them with the powers of His holy name, with powers of His holy Ten Commandments, with powers of His Tabernacle of Reunion filled with His perfect holiness within the MOST HOLY OF HOLIEST, where His only Son Jesus Christ is His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin from anyone, forever.

And through the entire time that our heavenly Father continued to behold each one of them that were to be born directly from Isaac as His lamb for Abraham to offer unto Him in perfect holiness, then He could only shed abundantly His holy tears upon them, so they may always gain His blessings not only on earth but also in heaven. Surely, only once our heavenly Father had finished loving them as He shed His tears filled with His Holy Spirit and pronounced all the blessings that He wanted to pronounced over each one of them, then He granted them to have the land of Canaan, so they may live there only to love, serve and glory Him over Jerusalem's holy hill.

For this is very important for our heavenly Father to have each one of them always loving, serving, and glorifying Him and His holy name as the angels do in heaven's glory since they were created by the power of His word, so Israel may not only become saved but also the only salvation-blessing possible to reach the nations at last. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father began to give the blessings from Jerusalem's holy hill not only to Abraham but also to Isaac at Mount Moriah's altar as the lamb that Adam and Eve also needed to offer was already there to be executed timely, so Jacob may finally stand at His holy mountain to speak to Jesus Christ.

Then, having our heavenly Father executed everything that He wanted to do not only over Isaac's body as His lamb given to Abraham to have him sacrificed but also grant them the promised land, then, He was ready to release Isaac from the altar, but before that was to happen, then He presented Abraham with a lamb to take Isaac's place immediately. From heaven above our heavenly Father said to His only Son Jesus Christ: Tell Abraham not to hurt his kid, because now I know that he is faithful to my word and that he will command his children after him to love, follow and obey the ways of the Lord, so they may ascend Jerusalem's holy hill into heaven's glory forever blessed.

Having our Lord Jesus Christ heard our heavenly Father's commandment to stop the sacrifice, then he immediately called out from heaven above to Abraham, to stop him from executing his only son Isaac, because now our heavenly Father knows that you are faithful to Him and to His only Son, and Abraham released Isaac from the altar finally to become Israel. And while he was untying his son Isaac from the wood, then he heard a lamb struggling with the twigs in the midst of the trees, then grabbed it to place it over the altar in the place of his only son, so he may finally shed the blood that our heavenly Father had called him to shed over the mountaintop.

The lamb that our heavenly Father had provided to Abraham was a lamb that was caught by the horns in the midst of the tree trees from Jerusalem's holy hill that was there witnessing the entire event, as it unfolded to prove Abraham's faith to our heavenly Father and lasting honor to His word, so he may execute it to the full. This lamb that Abraham received over Mount Moriah was indeed the lamb that not only our heavenly Father had provided to him as he ate along with his disciples the meal served from the Lord's Table by His Son, but it also was Adam and Eve's lamb to be sacrificed for them to receive Jesus Christ timely with nails on the cross.

In other words, our heavenly Father had not only taken Abraham to Mount Moriah to sacrifice his only son Isaac, for He needed to test his faith on His word, so He may count his faith for believing in Him as justice, and so, by Abraham executing His will at the mountaintop with his son, then he conquer justice for salvation. Moreover, over Mount Moriah by Abraham sacrificing his only son Isaac over our heavenly Father's altar, then he was not only been tested on God's word, but also this was the opportunity for Adam and Eve from the middle cross to provide the lamb that they could never provide in paradise, but now they could, finally to receive Jesus Christ with nails.

This means that since Adam and Eve provided the lamb from the three trees from Jerusalem's holy hill, because it was there as witness before our heavenly Father, then not only Abraham conquered salvation justice but also received gladly the lamb that Adam and Eve had brought to be sacrificed, so Jesus Christ may be the one crucified on the cross. Only this way, Abraham could have attained salvation justice by taking his only son Isaac over Mount Moriah to be sacrificed on our heavenly Father's word, so his faith may be confirmed for justice, then also Adam and Eve may provide their lamb to be sacrificed in Isaac's place, for Jesus Christ to be timely sacrificed over Jerusalem's holy hill cross.

This was a wonderful moment that our heavenly Father had prepared not only to test Abraham's faith towards Him and His holy word but also to see Isaac in the divine-life, sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood that every one of his brothers and sisters will be born timely in generations to come, for His Son Jesus Christ to be born on earth finally. Besides, it was important not only for Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of the tree crosses from heaven above to be over Mount Moriah, but also Adam and Eve's cross in the middle ready to receive timely God's Son Jesus Christ for the nonstop-sacrifice to save Israel and the nations from sin, curses, infirmities, and hell's torment.

Therefore, there was no other time better for Adam and Eve to provide the lamb to Abraham and Isaac over the mountaintop before our heavenly Father, so the lamb may take the place of Isaac and the children to shed the atoning-blood to the ground in a big burnt offering sacrifice unto our Father in heaven until the King Messiah shows up. On this day, our heavenly Father not only blessed Abraham with salvation-justice but also his son Isaac and every one of his children to be born in future generations in the power of the Holy Spirit, so they may become His legitimate children to ascend Jacob's ladder in perfect holiness into heaven's glory through the door that is His Son Jesus Christ.

Consequently, on Mount Moriah's altar, our heavenly Father blessed every one there beginning with Abraham, his son Isaac, the children to be born in future generations, and Adam and Eve to be born from the powers of the Holy Spirit thus to ascend into heaven's glory as His legitimate children through the door of Jacob's ladder that is His Son Jesus Christ. Having our heavenly Father blessed everyone just as He had planned it, and Abraham had done his prayers and shedding of the one year old animal lamb's blood over the altar, then he descended the mountaintop as a new man, because he had certainly become reborn in the power of the Holy Spirit that had given initially birth miraculously to Isaac.

For this is the perfect holiness that our heavenly Father had been asking Abraham to attain, so he may be holy and perfect as He is in heaven's glory and before His angelic hosts thus he may not only live a blessed and powerful life always loving, serving and glorifying His holy name, but also his children to be born yet. On this day, Isaac descended Mount Moriah with a new heart always loving, serving and glorifying our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world by only believing within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation his holy name, so he may live forever blessed.

Later, Isaac had his son named Jacob through his wife Rebecca, so he will be the firstborn of our heavenly Father on earth to establish a covenant of life with His Son Jesus Christ from heaven above, and this was to be executed over Jerusalem's holy hill, because he had to receive the land and the children to inhabit it, forever. For this is the land of Canaan and the children that our heavenly Father have blessed with tears from His eyes filled with the Holy Spirit, because He not only loved them dearly as He has always loved His only Son Jesus Christ since ever, but also because He needed them to served Him over Jerusalem's holy hill, forever.

Provided that, this is from where they will not only always live blessed every day of their lives on earth, but also this is the place from where His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach will always be ready to speak to them words of forgiveness, blessing, healing, richness, happiness, peace and eternal salvation, so they may ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory anytime. Moreover, it is here from where they will not only continue to be blessed always on earth and in heaven, but also it is here from where they will become reborn in the power of the Holy Spirit, because they will be standing in holy ground, drenched with the atoning-blood that washes them from sin thus to become holy, forever.

It is from here where they will learn God's holy name not only to receive powers to liberate themselves from the chains-and-shackles of captivity from Egypt, but also they will receive the every day power to cross the Red Sea in dried ground to stand at Mount Sinai to behold Jerusalem's holy hill engulfed in the fire of the Holy Spirit. Besides, our heavenly Father had to have Israel standing at Mount Sinai to see Jerusalem's holy hill engulfed in the power of the Holy Spirit, because He needed not only to burn their sinful eyes but also their hearts and entire being thus to become born again from His Holy Spirit to abandon darkness for His Son's light that enriches them, always.

Moreover, our heavenly Father needed to burn their eyes, heart and entire being, because he had not only baptized them through the Red Sea in dried ground, but also because they were going to receive soon after the two tablets of the commandments finally to receive the tabernacle of reunion with the Most Holy Place, and so, they had to be holy. Further, our heavenly Father had to have them drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood turned into living-water shed to the ground of the three crosses from heaven above, where His Son Jesus Christ had been immolated since Creation day, so they may have His Son's perfect holiness thus to love, serve and glorify Him through the desert and into Canaan, forever.

Moreover, our heavenly Father had to have every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel to drink from His Son's atoning-blood turned into living-water from the ground of the three crosses from heaven above, because the sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood that is in them had come from His Son's divine-body thus they needed to nourish it with holiness. For this is the perfect holiness that our heavenly Father had been searching for in every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, but He never found it in anyone one of them, until He met Abraham to call him to walk before Him in perfect holiness, so he may be His servant doing His will always.

Therefore, our heavenly Father had to provide this perfect holiness, and that is why that He called Abraham along with his disciples to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat the meal that His only Son serves daily to the angels, so they may remain in perfect holiness always thus to love, serve and glorify His holy name, everlastingly. For this is the only perfect holiness that our heavenly Father not only always spoke about to Abraham but also to the children, and Abraham had to get it quickly to become perfect and holy in His holy presence, so he may soon ascend into heaven's glory along with his wife Sarah and the disciples, because the time was too short.

Further, this is why that our heavenly Father had to provide to Abraham the lamb that he needed not only to become perfect and holy in His holy presence by obeying his word to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah to be sacrificed before Him in heaven, so his faith may finally be counted as justice for his lasting salvation. For this is God's lamb that our heavenly Father had given to Abraham, so he may obey his word to carry it out to the full in His holy presence over Mount Moriah, but also it was the perfect holiness for his children to receive after him, because only in Isaac was the seed of eternal salvation, our Lord Jesus Christ!

Therefore, it was important for Abraham to believe our heavenly Father as he granted him a son that he had been waiting for long years until finally he showed up in his wife Sarah's barren-womb as God's lamb for Mount Moriah, so finally his faith in His word may finally be counted as justice for salvation and of the children, too. Given that, Abraham did not only receive the perfect holiness as he obeyed our heavenly Father to sacrifice his only son over Mount Moriah, the one that he loved dearly, but also, He shed abundantly tears of perfect holiness for Abraham and over every one of his children, so timely they may become Holy Spirit reborn as His legitimate children, forever.

Providing, this is the only way that every one of them is going to ascend through the door that is His only Son Jesus Christ entering Jacob's ladder step by step escorted by holy angels to our heavenly Father's presence within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where everything is eternal love, prosperity, peace, and endless happiness into eternity. Whereas, if there was any other way possible to go through the door of a living savior other than His only Son Jesus Christ, born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter thus to live the Holy Spirit of the commandments to destroy every sin, curse, infirmity and death in every man, woman and child, then, He would have told us already.

However, there is no one else, but only His Son Jesus Christ that has fulfilled all the Scriptures, furthermore he is the only one born by the same powers of the Holy Spirit that gave birth to Isaac as God's lamb for Abraham through his mother Sarah's barren-womb, so he may finally die over Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy our sins, forever. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ always taught to every one within Israel that he alone is the way, the truth and the life; and that no one will ever see our Father in heaven's glory unless they come through him that is the only opened door at Jacob's ladder ascending into eternal life escorted by holy angels forever saved.

For His Son Jesus Christ is the only one that Abraham has spoken to face-to-face thus to eat the bread and wine over the Lord's Table with our heavenly Father, so he may ascend into the Holy Spirit's world with his disciples, where Isaac may be born through his wife Sarah's barren-womb as God's lamb for Israel to become God's eternal nation. Moreover, His Son Jesus Christ was the only one that Jacob met at Jerusalem's holy hill speaking to him from the middle of the three crosses ascending into heaven's glory, so he may receive the promised land along with the families by the millions that will inherit it, so Israel may finally do our heavenly Father's will over Jerusalem's holy hill, everlastingly.

For this reason, it is our heavenly Father's will that we may believe in His Son Jesus Christ, because he was Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter as God's Lamb, just as Isaac was from his mother's barren-womb as His lamb for Abraham to take to the mountaintop as a sacrifice, so he may finally gain salvation justice, forever. That is why, that these days as we may believe within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ, then we are receiving every blessing that is possible for each one of us to receive from Jerusalem's holy hill, because this holy site is filled with miracles, wonders, and marvelous things that belong to us.

For example, Israel was in deep trouble in Egypt, and they could have never escaped their slavery unless our heavenly Father had shown them that they had Jerusalem's holy hill available with the ground saturated with the atoning-blood from the crosses from heaven above, so they may receive the miracles, wonders and great powers that they needed to escape Egypt at last. Well, the same is true these days, you may be living away from the truth, powers and great love shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses from heaven above, and God's Lamb with the atoning-blood in the middle cross speaking to you: forgiveness, healing, prosperity, happiness, peace and salvation, so you may live your life everlastingly blessed.

And the only thing that our heavenly Father is asking you to do, it is what He asked Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and so many others, and this is to be perfect and holy as He has always been in heaven's glory and before His angelic hosts, so you may live not only a powerful life on earth but also in heaven. Meaning that, the door to Jacob's ladder is opened for you, and the only thing that you need to do, it is to gather your faith within your heart to invoke His Son Jesus Christ, so he may speak to you, just as he spoke to his loved ones, as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and others, so you may ascend into heaven immediately.

This means to enter into the Holy Spirit's world, because the door that is His Son as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood removing sin, it is the only door opened to Jacob's ladder, so you may be assisted and escorted by angels into our heavenly Father's holy presence thus once you meet Him, then you will never want to leave Him again. More exactly, you need to meet our heavenly Father right now, because this is what your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit have been asking you to fulfill, so you may become Holy Spirit born not only to escape darkness and Satan but also to enter into the world of eternal happiness, where you belong, in heaven, for all eternity.

Certainly, heaven is your final destination, if you find your way to Jerusalem's holy hill to stand in holy ground just as Jacob did in his dream, Moses at Sinai, so you may not only speak face-to-face with His Son Jesus Christ as your personal Lamb with the atoning-blood removing sin, but also go through the door to enter eternal happiness, everlastingly justified. These days, you are already one step into Jerusalem's holy hill holy ground with the three crosses from heaven above, where His Son Jesus Christ was immolated for you, so he may become your door of perfect holiness removing your sins by the power of the atoning-blood, but also grant you the glorified body to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven forever saved.

There is no other way possible for Abraham, Isaac, Jacob or anyone else to ascend over the mountaintop to where our heavenly Father has called, so you may offer your lamb for the final sacrifice, and this is His Son Jesus Christ through his divine-life, sacred-flesh, and atoning-blood resurrected from the cross, so you may finally find your life in heavens' glory. That is why, that our heavenly Father said: Moses, you with the entire house of Israel will return to this mountain, meaning Jerusalem's holy hill with the ground saturated with the atoning-blood from the three crosses from heaven above to serve God forever, so you may finally ascend into heaven's glory through the door of perfect holiness, and up Jacob's ladder forever liberated.

And this is where Israel needs to be thus to fulfill our heavenly Father's will at last, so they may become blessed as they have never been blessed before by the powers of His holy name, by the powers of the ten commandments, by the powers of the tabernacle of reunion's MOST HOLY PLACE, for His love to fill the nations at last. Certainly, Israel was born from the lamb Isaac that our heavenly Father provided to Abraham through his wife Sarah's barren-womb, so he may not only take him to Mount Moriah's altar as the perfect sacrifice before Him in heaven's glory, for our Father needed to breathe the Holy Spirit of life in each one of them finally to become His dream nation, eternally.

Surely, this is the nation that our heavenly Father not only needed to start with the birth of His lamb Isaac through Sarah's barren-womb, because Abraham along with his disciples ate bread and wine from His Son Jesus Christ at the Super Table, but also to establish His holy name forever over Jerusalem's holy hill as His Son was nailed to the cross. For the reason that, as His Son Jesus Christ was nailed to Adam and Eve, so they may become saved as they ate from the flesh and drank from the atoning-blood of God's Lamb, Jesus Christ, then they could again invoke His holy name for salvation by believing within their hearts for justice, as it was nailed to them into eternity.

For this is the only way that Adam and Eve could invoke our heavenly Father's holy name by being nailed to them, because once they ate from the forbidden fruit then they spiritually died, because darkness and light have nothing in common thus they failed to invoke His holy name, but now it is nailed to them, and so they are saved finally. That is why, that our heavenly Father not only needed to have a lamb with Abraham to ascend Mount Moriah, for Israel to be blessed powerfully over His altar to become His eternal nation that will serve Him dearly over Jerusalem's holy hill, so timely they may nail His holy name to Adam and Eve's cross for lasting salvation.

For the reason that, if our heavenly Father failed to save Adam and Eve that are the most precious work of His holy hands in heaven, as they were both born from His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's likeness, then He would have never been able to save the children, so they will fall into hell forever cursed. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Israel to exist by been born from Isaac the lamb granted to Abraham to offer over Mount Moriah's altar, where He shed His holy tears over Isaac, because Israel needed to serve Him over Jerusalem's holy hill by nailing His Son to Adam and Eve's cross thus to establish His holy name, forever.

Again, this was something that our heavenly Father needed to do with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so He may take the children into Canaan with His Son Jesus Christ as the high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove daily sin, so they may nail His Son to Adam and Eve's cross thus they may finally invoke His name for salvation. However, if our heavenly Father had failed to have His holy name nailed to Adam and Eve's cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, so he may not only get them to invoke it for salvation but also to seal it in their hearts for justice, then He would have lost the children, too, meaning that His most precious work would be lost, forever.

Then, it was urgent for our heavenly Father to have Israel born from His lamb Isaac given to Abraham through his wife Sarah's barren-womb, so He may get Isaac's children blessed and Holy Spirit born to do His will not only with His holy name, the ten commandments, and the tabernacle of reunion but also to serve Him over Jerusalem's holy hill, perpetually. Provided that, as Israel may love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name over Jerusalem's holy hill, then, He has finally not only to get Adam and Eve saved that were lost to hell's torment because they ate from the forbidden fruit, but also, because now every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations may be saved.

Besides, our heavenly Father needs to have every one from all the families of the nations saved, because He does not want Satan to put his wicked hands in any of his sons and daughters that were born in His image by the power of the Holy Spirit to live in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness in heaven's glory forever blessed. Moreover, everyone called to live in His likeness, then it means in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness, and this is, to live in his perfect divine-life, sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood filled with pristine-life, so only truth, justice, Righteousness, and perfect obedience towards Him and His holy name may emanate from this glorified that have fulfilled the Holy Spirit of His eternal commandments.

This also means that every one of us that have believed within our hearts for justice to confess with our lips his holy name for salvation, then we will inherit his divine-life, sacred-flesh, unbroken bones and atoning-blood with all the victorious that he has accumulated since ever in our heavenly Father's sacred-body and outside from Him, so we may please Him always through eternity. That is why, that whenever that our heavenly Father sees us whether we may be living on earth or heaven, then He sees us from head to foot just as His Son Jesus Chris's perfect likeness, so He feels well pleased with each one of us that He may not only begin to bless us but also everyone else around the nations.

Thus, we are the cause of many daily blessings within the families of the nations, because this is our heavenly Father's will since the start, to bless everyone from everywhere around the world through our daily obedience to Him and to His holy word, so His holy name may be loved, exalted and glorified everlastingly. These days, if our heavenly Father makes us the reason to bless the families of the nations because of our faith in Him through His Son Jesus Christ that is always ministering, as our high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, then how many blessings the nations will receive as Israel begins to serve God from Jerusalem's holy hill.

For this is our heavenly Father's must important desire of His holy heart these days, since Israel left Egypt's captivity, and this is to serve Him through His Son Jesus Christ that is always at his place over Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of the crosses from heaven above, so blessings may pour abundantly everywhere, forever. For this is the reason that our heavenly Father granted to Abraham his lamb that he needed very much to conquer heaven's glory by becoming as perfect and as holy as our heavenly Father has always been before His holy angels in heaven, so he may offer his only son Isaac as his sacrifice onto our Father in heaven for salvation-justice.

Further, since Abraham did not deny our heavenly Father his only son Isaac to be sacrificed over Mount Moriah, then He was ready to bless not only him but also his only son over His altar, so the children may be blessed every day of their lives by the Holy Spirit's powers thus to conquer The New Jerusalem from heaven above into eternity. Therefore, Israel was born from Abraham's lamb that was given to him by our heavenly Father as he ate the bread and wine with his disciples from the Lord's Table that is daily served by His Son Jesus Christ as His perfect Righteousness, so Israel may not only conquer The New Jerusalem from heaven above but also the entire human race.

For the reason that, our heavenly Father wants to create a new earth with glorious skies, but this will be only possible as Israel begins to love, serve and worship Him as the angels do in heaven's glory from Jerusalem's holy hill with the ground of the three crosses from heaven above, saturated abundantly with the atoning-blood that removes sin at once. That is why, that we need to get Israel to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is why they walked out from Egypt's captivity, so they may return to Mount Sinai to receive physical Jerusalem's holy hill thus to drink from the atoning-blood turned into living-water, drenching their bodies with perfect holiness to serve Him, everlastingly.

Furthermore, Israel will only continue to live in this world and in the next one to come, because they were born initially from our heavenly Father's lamb that He personally granted to Abraham, and this is his only beloved son Isaac, so only His Son Jesus Christ may rule over them forever, thus to receive daily blessings abundantly and lasting salvation into eternity. Meaning that, since Isaac was born as God's lamb in the arms of Abraham, so he may someday sacrifice him over the mountaintop for our Father in heaven's glory, for his faith needed to be tested to attain salvation justice, then his children have to eat and drink from His Son Jesus Christ every day of their lives to live everlastingly blessed always.

That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel crossed the Red Sea so He may baptize them with water, because they needed to stand at Mount Sinai to drink from the injured-rock, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill, the atoning-blood turned into living-water to nourish their sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, belonging to His only Son Jesus Christ. Moreover, our heavenly Father did not only have them drink from Jerusalem's holy hill His Son's atoning-blood turned into living water but also daily He provided them with manna and water, and this is bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ had to serve to Abraham and his disciples at the Lord's Table for Isaac to be born miraculously as God's lamb.

Further, our heavenly Father had to feed them from Jerusalem's holy hill every day of their stay in the Sinai's desert, because the body that they had received had originally emerged from His Son Jesus Christ to Isaac first as God's lamb for Abraham and then to Jacob, thereafter his brothers and sisters from everywhere to establish God's dream nation of Israel finally. Nowadays, our heavenly Father needs to feed the same food and drink to Israel that He not only had to eat with Abraham and his allies at the Lord's Table served daily by His Son, for Isaac to be born as God's lamb for Abraham and the children, too, so they may live well nourished in His Son's body existing in them so far.

That is why, that this is the best thing that Israel will ever do, and this is to return to His Son Jesus Christ, because, as we all know, Isaac and the children emerged from His Son's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood thus only to exist on earth to love God over Jerusalem's holy hill and so to continue serving Him in heaven's glory, forever. For there is no other way to return and please our heavenly Father, if it is not done through the way, truth and life of Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses from heaven above, so they may eat and drink the bread and wine that suits their lasting existence into eternity.

Certainly, away from Jerusalem's holy hill and the ground of the three crosses saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood to remove sin, then they are very unhappy, thirsty, hungry and vulnerable to Satan's tricks, but close to it, then they can become very happy, and totally satisfy with the ancient bread and wine that nourishes properly their God given Lamb-body. For this is a body that not only has descended directly from our Lord Jesus Christ as Abraham and his friends ate from the bread and wine from the Lord's Table but also it needs to feed daily from heaven above as from Jerusalem's holy hill, where the atoning-blood turns into living-water and his sacred-flesh into the enriched manna.

In our heavenly Father's sight you are always welcome in His holy presence on earth these days and in heaven's glory into eternity, because you have eaten your bread and drunken from his cup of wine that represents His Son Jesus Christ as His perfect Lamb of Eternal Righteousness, so his sacred-flesh and atoning-blood may be your personal body for lasting happiness. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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