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Dec 1, 2014, 10:04:48 PM12/1/14
Sábado, 29 de Noviembre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Jacobo iba camino hacia Padan-aram para escoger a su esposa, de entre la parentela de su padre Isaac, porque su padre le había dicho que él tenía que escoger a su esposa únicamente de entre las hijas de sus parientes. Por eso, Jacobo se encamino confiadamente hacia el pueblo de los parientes de su padre Isaac, y caminando se canso de caminar tanto que escogió una piedra del lugar donde había llegado llamado Luz, el cual se le conoce en estos días como Betel, y recostó su cabeza sobre la piedra para descansar y dormir.

Y mientras Jacobo duerme sobre la piedra en el pueblo pequeño llamado Luz, entonces comenzó a soñar que estaba al pie del monte santo de Jerusalén, sin entender lo que él estaba sucediendo, y de pronto se da cuenta que hay una línea de cruces que hacienden hacia arriba como una escalera y con muchos ángeles atareados sobre ella. Unos ángeles subían de la tierra hacia el cielo y otros descendían del cielo hacia la tierra, con regalos de nuestro Padre celestial para las familias de las naciones que le aman a él, en espíritu y en verdad, por medio de su Ángel santísimo, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, conocido en aquellos días por todos como "La Santidad de Dios".

Mientras los ángeles subían y otros descendían sobre la escalera del monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces Jacobo se da cuenta de la abundante sangre que estaba al pie de la escalera, las tres cruces ascendiendo hacia el cielo, y que de en medio de ellas alguien le comienza a hablar como si lo conociese ya desde mucho tiempo atrás. Y ésta persona que le hablaba a Jacobo era nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y él se manifestaba gloriosamente porque tenia que hacer un pacto de sangre santa sólo con él, cuanto antes mejor, para no solamente darle la tierra que ya le había sido dada a Abraham y a su padre Isaac, sino que él también tenia que recibirla para sus descendientes.

Aquí es cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo le reafirma a Jacobo que no solamente le daría la tierra de Canaán en donde se encontraba él en aquella noche, sino que también a sus descendientes después de él, los cuales serian numerosos como la arena del mar que no se puede contar jamás. Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo le entregó a Jacobo tierras y descendientes tan numerosos como las estrellas del universo que tampoco se podrán contar jamás, porque llenan todo el vasto espacio del universo y hasta aun más allá del infinito, por lo tanto, así pues es infinitamente la descendencia de Jacobo que solamente nuestro Padre y su Hijo Jesucristo conocen su numero.

Porque cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo le hablaba amor y bendiciones sin fin para él y para cada uno de sus descendientes que ya vendrían al mundo después de él en números que nos se pueden contar fácilmente, entonces realmente nuestro Señor Jesucristo le estaba hablando a la nación de Israel para muchas generaciones venideras. Además, mientras nuestro Señor Jesucristo le hablaba con amor a Jacobo, porque nuestro Padre ya había hecho pacto de pan y vino con Abram, para luego hacer pacto con el Espíritu Santo para que su padre Isaac nazca del vientre estéril de Sarai su madre, y así posteriormente él pueda nacer y establecer el pacto de sangre viva, entonces ya Jacobo oraba.

Visto que, ésta era la razón principal de nuestro Señor Jesucristo de presentársele a él en el sueño, mientras dormía sobre una roca que él mismo había escogido, para empezarle a hablar, de entre en medio de las tres cruces, con sangre vertida al pie de ellas, para hacer un pacto de su sangre santa para borrar todo pecado para siempre. Y mientras Jacobo miraba el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces y nuestro Señor Jesucristo que le hablaba a él de en medio y con mucha sangre al pie de ellas, entonces la necesidad de orar nació de su corazón, por vez primera, porque entonces le dijo Jacobo al Señor Jesucristo: Si verdaderamente tú estás conmigo, déjamelo sentir, bendiciéndome ya.

Porque si tú estás conmigo y me das de comer y de beber, me vistes bien, y te aseguras que yo llegue sano a la tierra de la parentela de mi padre Isaac, para escoger a mi esposa de entre sus hijas, y todo me va bien y sin problema, entonces tú serás mi Dios y mi salvador eternamente, le decía Jacobo. Y con ésta oración hecha al pie del monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces Jacobo se despidió para seguir su camino hacia la tierra de la parentela de su padre Isaac, para escoger de entre las hijas de ellos a su esposa, la cual nuestro Señor Jesucristo ya había escogido para él de antemano, por razones de la oración.

Aquí, cuando nuestro Señor Jesucristo le empezó a hablar a Jacob de entre en medio de las tres cruces, entonces lo hizo para hacer un pacto eterno de su misma sangre santísima derramada en el Lugar Más Santo del cielo, para la Creación, entonces en una cruz estaba nuestro Padre celestial y en la otra el Espíritu Santo como testigos fieles. Porque escrito está: todo testimonio será valido de entre dos y tres personas como testigos de lo acontecido en el cielo y así también en cualquier corte de todas las naciones de la tierra, para que la palabra que testifica uno, entonces el otro (u otros) la secunde como cierta, fiel y verdadera, para llevar acabo un juicio justo y verdadero.

Por ello, el pacto de sangre santísima que nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo con Jacobo al pie del monte santo de Jerusalén, entonces fue hecho con testigos fieles y Dioses del cielo, que son santos e infinitamente justos, y que ninguno de ellos jamás a mentido, sino que siempre cada una de sus palabras que han salido de sus bocas han sido verdaderas. Por esta razón, el pacto de sangre santa que Jacobo recibió en su corazón después de haberle oído a nuestro Señor Jesucristo hablarle de en medio de las tres cruces sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, de todas las bendiciones de que él tenia que recibir junto con los suyos para futuras generaciones, no podrá abrogarse jamás, sino que permanece para siempre.

Puesto que, tanto como nuestro Señor Jesucristo, nuestro Padre celestial y el Espíritu Santo son garantes de éste pacto de sangre santísima para destruir el pecado, la maldad, las enfermedades, la muerte, el infierno, y los poderes de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos para con Jacobo y sus descendientes, para que entonces las naciones también reciban la misma bendición siempre. Por esta razón, también era necesario que nuestro Señor Jesucristo fuese clavado a los árboles cruzados de Adán y Eva sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con las dos cruces ocupadas no tanto como en el sueño de Jacobo con nuestro Padre celestial en una cruz y el Espíritu Santo en la otra, sino que tenían que ser hombres pecadores como testigos.

Y estos dos hombres pecadores clavados a sus cruces uno a la derecha y el otro a la izquierda de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para que sean testigos de todo lo que nuestro Señor Jesucristo hizo y dijo en aquellos momentos cuando era clavado y sangraba sobre la cruz de Adán y Eva, para establecer por fin el nombre santo de Dios. Porque escrito está de que nuestro Padre celestial deseaba más que todas las cosas de establecer su nombre santo sobre la ciudad de Jerusalén, porque es desde aquí, de donde nuestro Padre celestial había escogido desde antes de la fundación del mundo establecer su nombre santo, como lo manifestó en su Ley después de haberle entregado las dos tablas a Moisés.

Por tanto, la escritura dice: Altar de tierra harás para mí, y sacrificaras sobre él tus holocaustos y tus ofrendas de paz, tus ovejas y tus vacas; en todo lugar donde yo hiciere que esté la memoria de mi nombre santo, entonces vendré a ti y te bendeciré (Ex. 20: 24). Ciertamente que, éste es el altar de tierra que nuestro Padre celestial deseaba que todo Israel, incluyendo las naciones, hiciesen por él, levantando a su Hijo Jesucristo sobre todo lo alto de la cruz de Adán y Eva junto con las otras dos cruces de los testigos del acontecimiento, para establecer su nombre santo sobre Jerusalén para la eternidad.

Por ello, aquí es donde nuestro Padre celestial está siempre presente junto con el Espíritu Santo como testigos fieles de cada palabra que no solamente le hablo a Jacobo en su día para sus descendientes, sino también para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, para perdón, salud, prosperidad, protección y salvación eterna. Y, desde aquel día, nuestro Señor Jesucristo junto con nuestro Padre celestial y su Espíritu Santo espera por cada uno de nosotros que nos acerquemos a la roca eterna, para empezar a hablar con cada uno de nosotros de cada una de las bendiciones que él tiene en su corazón para entregárnoslas, y así también a cada uno de nuestros amados.

Visto que, desde el día que nuestro Señor Jesucristo empezó a hablar con Jacobo, realmente él no ha cesado jamás no solamente de hablarle a él y cada instante de su vida, sino que también de cada uno de todos sus retoños, porque es necesario que nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos hable en todo momento palabras de vida, salud, prosperidad y salvación. Pero para que esto sea una realidad en cada día de nuestras vidas por toda la tierra, entonces tenemos que acercarnos a la roca eterna, al monte santo de Jerusalén, para que nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos empiece a hablar de en medio de las cruces palabras de vida, salud, bendición, prosperidad y de salvación, para que las mentiras de Satanás mueran.

Dado que, cada vez que nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos hable desde la cima del monte santo de Jerusalén y de en medio de las cruces, en donde siempre están nuestro Padre celestial y su Espíritu Santo, entonces las mentiras de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos tienen que desaparecer para nunca más volver, porque la palabra de nuestro salvador es vida. Y Satanás con sus mentiras no puede permanecer ni un solo instante más, porque la palabra de nuestro Señor Jesucristo comienza a obrar maravillas dentro y fuera de nuestro ser, para no solamente bendecirnos y liberarnos de las tinieblas, sino también para enriquecernos grandemente, para que ya no suframos más la necesidad de las cosas sino que tengamos siempre abundancia de todo.

Y es esto lo que necesitamos tener en nuestras vidas de cada día, a nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre hablándonos palabra de perdón, bendición, salud, prosperidad, victorias, ganancias y de salvación eterna, para entrar desde ya a la vida eterna del reino de los cielos, enriquecidos con la palabra de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo. Evidentemente, cada vez que se ve a una persona bendita por nuestro Padre celestial, por su Hijo Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo, entonces esto quiere decir que nuestro Salvador desde el monte santo le está hablando palabras de vida a cada momento a esa persona (o personas), para que las mentiras de Satanás mueran, y sólo la palabra de Dios viva.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente le empezó a hablar a Jacobo, desde en medio de las cruces del monte santo de Jerusalén cuando los ángeles subían al cielo y otros bajaban a la tierra con bendiciones, de parte de nuestro Padre celestial para las familias de las naciones, sino que también nos empezó a hablar progresivamente palabras de vida. Para que ya no vivamos más bajo las mentiras, maldiciones, insultos y ataques de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos, sino que vivamos cada día de nuestras vidas con la palabra que sale al instante para nosotros de la boca de nuestro Señor Jesucristo llenas de vida, salud y victorias, desde en medio de las cruces del monte santo de Jerusalén.

Hoy, acércate al monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo junto con nuestro Padre celestial y su Espíritu Santo espera por ti, para no solamente perdonarte tus pecados, sino que también empezarte a hablar palabras de grandes bendiciones para ti y para cada uno de los tuyos, para que abandones las tinieblas por la abundante luz bendita del cielo. Y cuando caminas en la luz del cielo, entonces has abandonado cada uno de tus problemas, conflictos, enfermedades, preocupaciones, deudas, obras, profesiones, necesidades de ciertas cosas, trabajos de estudio, metas, amenazas, enemigos, en fin todo lo que te sea carga o molestia, para que entonces recibas progresivamente la ayuda necesaria para resolver todos estos conflictos a favor tuyo siempre.

Aquí es cuando la sangre bendita de nuestro Señor Jesucristo salpicada bajo la cruz, empieza a obrar por ti, en todo lo que te agobia o preocupa, para aliviar toda esa carga que llevas, para que entonces esa carga la lleve nuestro Señor Jesucristo y hasta que por fin desaparece de ti, porque han sido justamente resultas por Dios mismo para siempre. Cada día nuestro Señor Jesucristo sigue hablando al alma viviente de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña que sé a acercado al monte santo de Jerusalén, para arrodillarse al pie de la cruz salpicada con la sangre santísima emanando vida y bendiciones inagotables, para que entonces su palabra empiece a transformar toda vida de la pobreza hacia la riqueza infinita del cielo. ¡Amén!


We would like to present our love, condolences and prayers to the Hebrew families that lost their loved ones in this last Tuesday as a Synagogue, West of Jerusalem, was assaulted by two persons while the congregation was praying and worshipping our heavenly Father and His living Savior, the soon coming of Yeshua HaMoshiach, the Holy One of Israel. Hours before this attack was to take place our living Savior, Jesus Christ, called us to prayer, because what was to take place it was going to be terrible, so we started to pray for few moments, without knowing what was to take place, nevertheless we were to continue to pray.

The following day, on Tuesday, we heard the news of what had happened and how many people had been attacked mortally and others wounded. Now, the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ called us to pray, it was because he knew exactly what was going to happen in one of his synagogues in Jerusalem, and he did not want to see any of them die without receiving him as their personal Lord and savior, so we had to pray for a moment with him.

Once the prayers were done, as our Lord Jesus Christ had called us to do with my loved ones, then he was ready to meet those that were going to die on that fatal attack, so he may meet them on their way into eternity to present himself as the Holy One of Israel. Because, he alone is not only the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob, but also he is their only Eternal God and savior of their living-souls, so they will not have to die with their sins, instead have them remove by the covenant's atoning-blood power that started with Jacob at the small town called Luz.

For the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Jacob from the middle of the crosses that he called a ladder ascending into heaven's glory, because he needed to let him know that he was going to speak life into him and into his children in the generations to come that were going to inherit Canaan forever. And it was through this way, truth and life that our Lord Jesus Christ presented himself again, to meet those that were fatally wounded and dying on this last Tuesday, so they may ascend into heaven's glory, because he was not willing to let them go into the terrible place where everyone goes if they have rejected this wonderful and powerful salvation.

However, as they ascended into heaven's glory through Jacob's ladder at Jerusalem's holy hill, then they were received with the holy angels singing and dancing, because they have at last washed themselves clean from sin to stand before our heavenly Father's holy presence to love, serve, worship and exalt His holy name forever into eternity. Thanks to many people's prayers that believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior that those that died on Tuesday's attack at the Synagogue, west of Jerusalem, are in heaven right now, praying again, because Jesus Christ met them on their way into eternity to lead them to our heavenly Father's holy presence through the crosses at Jerusalem's holy hill.

Surely, the singing and dancing by our heavenly Father's holy angels continues to this hour in heaven's glory because many people are coming up into our heavenly Father's holy presence to be embraced by Him, His Son Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts as well, because they have entered eternal life never to abandon it again. Today, you do not have to die in a terrible attack, as the ones above that are already enjoying heaven's glory because Yeshua HaMoshiach descended to meet them in person, so he may have a few words with them, and after that: Salvation glory forever, but, instead acknowledge him now in peace--for he alone is everyone's eternal peace.

Surely, you should just receive him in your heart as our way, truth and life to heaven's glory, because our Lord Jesus Christ is the one that presented himself to Jacob as the way to ascend into eternal life forever blessed, because at heaven's gate is our heavenly Father waiting for you with His arms open to receive you into His eternity. Amen!


Jacob was worried that he was coming with his family and all his belongings to the hometown of his brother Esau, so he prepared his loved-ones and servants to receive him; he had his camp divided in two groups separated from each other with many presents and great distances, and he was to come from behind to meet his brother Esau. His servants were to tell Esau as soon as they will meet him that his brother Jacob was coming from behind soon to meet him, and that he had ordered them to give him these gifts that he had selected with the hope that his brother's old anger will be appeased at last, because he had stolen from him his first-born birthright.

Seeing Jacob that his people had almost come to meet his brother Esau, then he became even more worry that Esau and his people will attack the two groups that he had sent ahead of him to meet him with gifts, so he may be able to meet his brother in peace without reviving old wounds that could spark into a war. Then, as time passed by, and deeply concerned to what was about to happen to him and his people, immediately Jacob decided to take his loved ones and make them cross the river from where he was, and he stayed behind by himself to await for the inevitable--always thinking what our heavenly Father was going to do now.

While Jacob continued to wait, then our Lord Jesus Christ appeared to him again, and this time Jacob began to struggle with him, because he was afraid to what was going to happen to him and his people as the moment was coming even closer when he will have to meet face to face with his angry brother Esau. Furthermore, Jacob was afraid of his brother Esau, because he had deceived him with a bowl of lentils stew with goat meat to steal from him his first-born birthright, so he had to runaway from him to live in another land to enjoy his brother's birthright, but he never prepared himself to meet his brother Esau again, and where no one knew him.

That is why, that Jacob was concerned that his brother will come against him with great anger to make war thus causing him great lost and perhaps not only the lose of his property and servants but also of his loved ones and, in particular, his eleven children destined to become a great nation on earth, according to our heavenly Father's word. However, now Jacob had stayed behind, waiting for news from the two groups that he had sent ahead of him with many gifts for his brother Esau, thinking will this develop into a positive or negative meeting--and this is when Jacob began to struggle with our Lord Jesus Christ, because he continued to feel deeply worry about the entire situation.

And the reason that Jacob continued to struggle with our Lord Jesus Christ at Peniel (face of God), it was because he needed him to bless him just as he had already blessed him with great powers and promises of even greater blessings as he did on that historic night on his way to Padan-Aram to meet his wife. Meaning that, Jacob had pondered that he had started a covenant of the atoning-blood that he had made with our Lord Jesus Christ that not only blessed him mightily to receive the land of Canaan for his children coming in future generations, but also receive food and clothing and all that he needed to enter his father Isaac's relatives homeland enriched.

Provided that, Jacob needed to get to his father's relatives safe to find the wife that our heavenly Father had divinely chosen for him already to start the family that will give birth to the children that will finally establish the great eternal nation that had been promised already to Abraham, his father Isaac, and now to him, as well. Still concerned and worried by the situation that he was facing to wait news from the groups sent ahead of him or the sudden presence of his raging brother Esau and his people before him, then he continued to struggle even more with our Lord Jesus Christ through the night, because he needed his blessings desperately, and this time with exceptional powers.

Surely, our Lord Jesus Christ knew very well that he needed to bless Jacob with special powers, because he was not only ready to meet with his brother Esau, from whom he had stolen deceitfully his first-born birthright but also had fled from him without ever letting him and his family know exactly where he was going to live. Nevertheless, Jacob continued to struggle with our Lord Jesus Christ with all his human spirit and strength because he not only knew his holiness from Padan-aram and from within the dream from where he divinely began to bless him and his children, but also because of the covenant of the atoning-blood that had been established for Israel to become the promised nation.

Therefore, Jacob knew splendidly that he had the covenant right of the atoning-blood established over the holy hill with the three crosses line-up ascending towards heaven's glory and from where angels were freely ascending and others descending, and so, because of the abundant atoning-blood that he saw at the holy site then he began to claim rightfully for his children's blessing. This struggle between our Lord Jesus Christ and Jacob continued through the entire night and until our Lord started to say to let him go because the sun was coming out already, but Jacob still prayed for his blessing and that of his children as well, and so, our Lord had to dislocate one of the hip's muscle to be released finally.

However, as our Lord Jesus Christ was leaving behind Jacob with a dislocated muscle on his hip then he remembered the atoning-blood covenant that he had established with him at Luz, as he was on his way to take a wife from his father Isaac's relatives at Padan-aram, that he turned around and blessed him powerfully as he finally ascended into heaven. Indeed, it was because of the atoning-blood covenant that our Lord Jesus Christ had established with Jacob in his dream, while he dreamed with our Lord speaking to him from the middle of the three trees line-up to heaven, over Jerusalem's holy hill that he finally blessed him with a very special blessing that still lingers on with powers to bless anyone.

Certainly, if our Lord Jesus Christ had not appeared to Jacob on that night as he stayed awake and worried because of the situation that he was facing with his brother Esau, then he could have been very well destroyed along with his family and servants, because the last time that he saw Esau, then he was ready to kill him. But, now, Jacob needed our Lord Jesus Christ's help as never before, because he just failed to know how really to face his brother after stealing his first-born birthright and flee away from him as a criminal without letting anyone know to where he was going, so our Lord Jesus Christ was with him nonetheless ready to defend and protect him.

That is to say, that our Lord Jesus Christ because of his atoning-blood covenant established with him at Jerusalem's holy hill as he lay dreaming with his living-savior speaking from the middle of the line-up crosses and the wonderful blessings and promises granted to him and his children, then Jesus Christ was obligated to be there for Jacob and his loved ones. For our Lord Jesus Christ had promised that he will be with him wherever he will go in life thus to bless and protect him, and this is true not only for him but also for every one of his loved ones that were to be born in future generations to come finally to become our heavenly Father's eternal nation on earth.

For this is our heavenly Father's nation that He had not only given birth by the Holy Spirit's seed through Abram and Sarah his wife's barren-womb for Isaac lastly to bring Jacob thus finally to establish a covenant with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill, but also grant us His Holy One bearing the holy name on earth forever. For this is our heavenly Father's way to establish not only His Son Jesus Christ as His perfect Righteousness on earth with Israel and the nations as he is in heaven with the angels, but also established His Son as His Holy One that is His high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood that Jacob personally accepted to remove sin forever.

Because, our Lord Jesus Christ is the Holy One that our heavenly Father had established in heaven's glory before the angels as His high priest, Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, and thus His only Righteousness temple bearing His name in perfect holiness wherever he may go in all of Creation to conquer new glories not yet conquered by anyone. Furthermore, because our Lord Jesus Christ had established with Jacob a covenant of life with his atoning-blood shed over the cross and to the ground at Jerusalem's holy hill then he was obligated to be with Jacob in this moment of terrible crisis, for him and his family, including his servants and wealth as well, so he alone divinely may appease Esau.

Through the night Jacob struggled with our Lord Jesus Christ but he could not get the much needed blessing that he had to have from him but, nevertheless, he was victorious on that historic night by struggling with the Lord and with men, too, so finally our living-savior blessed him with powers as finally he ascended into heaven's glory. Besides, our Lord Jesus Christ blessed Jacob on this night not because he was powerful enough to fight and defeat our living-savior but, instead God's Son blessed him with the blessings that he needed because he had established a covenant of his shed atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill with him and with his children yet to be born from generations to come.

Moreover, this is a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that Jacob had accepted and that he had never abandoned or neglected until that night, thus our Lord was obligated by this covenant's powers not only to be there in trouble with him and his people but also to bless him with the special blessings that he desperately needed. Indeed, this is always being true not only for Jacob but also for his children born from him through the generations and until this day, because this covenant that Jacob established with our heavenly Father's only Son, known also as God's Holy One, and the Holy One of Israel, then it was established on earth to be loved, honored, and exalted always.

Unquestionably, this is a very powerful covenant of life that Jacob had established with our Lord Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill as he saw the living-savior speaking with love, from the middle of the line-up crosses ascending into heaven's glory, about him and his children yet to be born as numerous as the stars deep into the universe. Now, what other things that our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to Jacob about during the night while both of them struggled with each other, then we failed to know, because whatever our Lord told him then it was just for both of them, concerning the birth of our heavenly Father's nation that was to be born on earth in due time.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father's covenant of life established with Abraham and his allies along with the Holy Spirit's covenant that had to be established with Abraham and his wife Sarah's barren-womb for Isaac to be born with the King Messiah's seed, then for Jacob to receive His Holy One's atoning-blood lastly, then this is an endless blessing for everyone receiving today. This is a powerful blessing covenant that will continue to move from one household into another, throughout the nations of the entire earth, beginning with Israel, because our heavenly Father needs to bless not just you these days but also every man, woman and child, for His new King is coming to stay forever, for new glories and sanctities to be conquered.

That is why, that Jacob needed to struggle with our Lord Jesus Christ at Peniel, because he needed his blessing, and he knew that only our Lord could bless him with the powers that he needed to possess on that day for him and his children yet to be born, so our heavenly Father's will may be done on earth finally. Furthermore, because Jacob insisted on his blessing from our Lord Jesus Christ through the entire night, then our Lord Jesus Christ asked him for his name, and he said: I am Jacob. Then our Lord Jesus Christ said to him: Your name will no longer be called Jacob. Your name will be from now on Israel. Given that, you have struggled with God and men, and you have won.

Amazingly, it took the entire night for our Lord Jesus Christ to struggle with him until he blessed him, because he will not longer be known as Jacob, but now, his name will be Israel, because this was our heavenly Father's will for him to be called on earth in those days and in heaven as well for generations into eternity. For he will become the dreamed nation that our heavenly Father had always dreamed to possess since the early days of eternity, and He was not able to create yet, because humans had not been born yet, but as Lucifer rebelled against Him along with one-third of the angels from heaven above, then our heavenly Father decided to create man.

Then our Father said to His Son Jesus Christ: Let us descend and create man in our image and according to our likeness, so he may live with us in heaven's glory along with the angelic hosts to do our everlasting will, and this is to love, serve and glorify His holy name that His Son bears in perfect holiness perpetually. And our heavenly Father created not only Adam and Eve in the day that the first man, Adam, was born in His image to live according to His likeness forever in heaven's glory along with his holy angels thus to love, serve and worship His holy name into all eternity to come.

But also our heavenly Father created on this day every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so one day soon, they may humble themselves before Him in His holy presence through His Son Jesus Christ to make a covenant of life with his atoning-blood as Jacob did in his day over Jerusalem's holy hill, for everyone's salvation. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ changed Jacob's name to Israel, because Jacob will now be called the nation of Israel that our heavenly Father needed to establish on earth always embracing the covenant of the atoning-blood every day of their entire lives, so the blessings that Jacob received over the years then his children will receive also, including gentiles.

Meaning that, every one born in Israel then that one is required by the covenant that Jacob started with our Lord Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill and from the middle of the line-up trees ascending into heaven's glory to receive blessings, protection, love, grace, favors progressively, because this is the progressive powers of blessings that started with Jacob at Luz. Then, they all still have to rely on the covenant's atoning-blood without exception to person, whether this is a Hebrew or Gentile--for: forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity, peace and lasting salvation to take place within their lives and those that will receive our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood through their personal testimonies of how they have been blessed by these powers through time.

Surely, there is working power with this powerful covenant of life that our Lord Jesus Christ invited Jacob to accept before our heavenly Father, so that his atoning-blood shed since Creation day then it will be at Jerusalem's holy hill for him just as it was for Abraham, Isaac and now his children that are to be born in future generations. And this means not only to Jacob's children but also to Abraham and his allies' as well from all the families of the nations, so they may make the same covenant of salvation with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed abundantly at Jerusalem's holy hill for forgiveness and eternal reconciliation these days, for lasting peace with our Father in heaven's glory.

In other words, every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel and of the nations has the same call that Jacob had to receive our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood at the foot of the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to please all truth and justice before our Father in heaven into all eternity to come. Otherwise, if Jacob had not had this personal encounter with our Lord Jesus Christ at the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill as he witnessed angels ascending from earth to heaven and others descending from heaven to earth with blessings, from our heavenly Father to the families of the nations of those days, then reconciliation with our Father in heaven is impossible forever.

That is why, that we must obey our heavenly Father's call every day through His Son Jesus Christ speaking to every one of us, from the middle of the three crosses line-up at Jerusalem's holy hill ascending into heaven's glory, because this is the way, truth and life that not only Abraham and Isaac found but also Jacob and his children. We must approach Jerusalem's holy hill and we will find our Lord Jesus Christ always standing there over the cross ready to speak to each one of us just as he did to Jacob thus to let him know that he had been blessed already, for his children from future generations to possess forever the land where he was standing, Canaan.

Certainly, the land that they were to conquer to live forever, it will no longer be called Canaan but Israel it will be its name into eternity, because Jacob fought with our Lord Jesus Christ before our Father in heaven and with men on earth, and he had won thus to receive the blessings that he was hopping for his children. Thus, Canaan became known as Israel, because our Lord Jesus Christ changed Jacob's name to Israel after a long struggle, so he will become our heavenly Father's joy on earth as his children waited with love, service, faith, and glory the coming of the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) to save them from the hidden powers of sin and death forever.

For this is Israel that will flow with milk and honey for the living-soul of every man, woman and child, so they may daily eat the bread from heaven above and drink the wine from the cup of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, as he personally serves them in heaven for the angels and on earth for the families of the nations. For it is our heavenly Father's will on earth with every man, woman and child as it is in heaven with the holy angels to continue to nourish from the Lord's Table the bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ can serve to the angels in heaven and to the families of the nations, for salvation-holiness to be possible always.

Seeing that, the only holiness that our heavenly Father has always acknowledged, it is that of His Son Jesus Christ, that is why, that He is willing to sit anytime with every man, woman and child these days to eat at the Lord's Table the bread and wine that His Son serves daily with perfect holiness pleasing all truth and justice forever. That is why, that it is imperative that you must make it to the historic place of Jerusalem's holy hill that our Lord Jesus Christ not only showed to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also to the children, because you must make it there to eat from His Son's bread and drink from the cup of wine as you may pray for peace.

This is the salvation that you must receive from our heavenly Father as He has already given you His Son Jesus Christ to eat from his hands the bread and wine from the Lord's Table, so you may wash clean from sin, moreover receive the power of the Holy Spirit to become born again ready to ascend into heaven's glory anyday now. Now, if you fail to eat and drink from the Lord's Table the bread and wine that emanates from His Son Jesus Christ in heaven for the angels and on earth for the nations' families, then you will continue to live in sin until you finally die to descend to the must horrible place under the earth, and this is hell.

In hell's torment, you will want to eat from the Lord's Table the bread and wine that emanates in perfect holiness from our Lord Jesus Christ but, then, it will be too late for you and for your loved ones as well, because the Lord's Table is never served in hell--but only on earth within every home of the nations' families. This bread from heaven above is our Lord Jesus Christ himself, because he taught his disciples everywhere within Israel by assuring them that their fathers ate from the manna that descended from heaven above every day of their lives, through the Sinai's desert, but they died, however, if they eat from him immediately his bread, then they will never die in eternity.

Really, this is the bread that the lost souls in hell's torment are wishing that they could eat right now, but they cannot anymore, because the opportunity to eat from the Lord's Table that Jesus Christ can serve anytime, can only be done on earth, so the old-self may die (Adam and Eve), for the new-self may live, (the new Adam, Jesus Christ). Without doubt, our heavenly Father needs to see each one of us eat from the Lord's Table the fruit of life that can only come to us from our Lord Jesus Christ, because His Son Jesus Christ is the only tree of life that our heavenly Father commanded Adam and Eve to eat from thus to live forever saturated with holiness.

Lawfully, this is something that Adam and Eve had to do, so they may live in paradise filled with His Son Jesus Christ's perfect holiness from the bread and wine that emanates from him to feed the angels in heaven and every family from the nations the perfect holiness needed to live in peace with our Father in heaven. However, as we all know perfectly that Adam and Eve instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of life, then they were deceived by the Serpent from Satan to eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil--because they were told by our Father that if they eat from it, then they will die.

Furthermore, because they both disobeyed our heavenly Father, as they ate from the forbidden fruit by obeying the Serpent's lies from Satan, immediately they became unholy and their children, too, so they failed to continue living in paradise, because to live in paradise then you must be filled with the fruit from the tree of life, Jesus Christ, which is pure lasting-holiness. Given that, anyone that fails to eat and drink from the fruit of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ at the epicenter of paradise as God's high priest, lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, and the only Righteous temple possible where our Father keeps His holy name in perfect holiness everlastingly, then they cease to be holy to become unholy forever.

Presently, any one that is found to be unholy in heaven's glory, then that one is vomited by the sacred-land, because paradise, the angelic heaven, and the New Jerusalem from heaven above will never allowed anybody, whether this is an angel or a human being, to stay living in eternal ungodliness, so they must go immediately either to earth or hell. In Adam and Eve's case, they had to descend to earth, while the rebellious angels were cast into hell's torment, because they all equally, in disobedience failed to eat from the fruit of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ, instead they ate from the forbidden fruit that made them unholy in our Father's holy presence, to die in ungodliness forever cursed.

That is why, that every day that people die, whether this death is caused by natural causes or other, then they descend into hell's torment to crave for the bread from heaven above and the cup of wine that only His Son Jesus Christ serves to everyone in heaven and on earth the perfect holiness to live in heaven's glory forever blessed. These days, you will know that if you die then you will descend into hell's torment, that is, if you still have failed to sit at the Lord's Table with our Father to eat from His Son's hands the bread and wine that he alone can serve the perfect holiness for everyone in heaven and on earth for every family for salvation-righteousness.

Because, the truth is that Lucifer along with the one-third of the angels that followed him to disobey our heavenly Father that had commanded them to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ to live holy and perfect in His holy presence to stay in heaven's glory forever blessed, then they died because they became perpetually unholy. Well, the same thing happened to Adam and Eve, they were both perfectly holy in our heavenly Father's presence, however since they failed to eat from the fruit from the tree of life that is His Son Jesus Christ, for perfect holiness to continue to go through their entire beings, then they became unholy, and they had lawfully to abandon paradise.

Right now, that is the only thing that it is keeping you away from our heavenly Father and his eternal richness that will enrich your entire being in an instant, that is, if you can truly put your hands on them, again, it is ungodliness that is keeping you away from our heavenly Father and His amazing rich kingdom from heaven above. Now, in our heavenly Father's sight, for you to become holy as He is forever (holy), then you must eat with Him at the Lord's Table the bread and wine that only His Son Jesus Christ serves every day for everyone willing to become perfect and holy in His divine sight to enter heavens' glory forever justified anyday now.

That is all, that you have to do before our heavenly Father to become as perfect and holy as He will ever be, and this is to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat and drink from His Son's hands the bread and wine that will not only grant you godliness forever but also fill you with lasting holiness-joy. And Jacob knew this wonderfully because he had established a covenant of life with our Lord Jesus Christ as he appeared over Jerusalem's holy hill to speak from the middle of the crosses ascending into heaven's glory, because it is here alone from where Jacob will not only become liberated from Satan's lies but also became holy as our Father is everlastingly.

It is from the middle of crosses that our Lord Jesus Christ said to him: I have given you and to your children the land that you are standing right now; this land belongs to you, and it will flow with milk and honey for you and your children as long as you stay faithful to this covenant's shed atoning-blood, starting today. Moreover, Jacob understood very well in the covenant of life that he had started with our Lord Jesus Christ that he said in prayer to him: I will anoint this rock with olive oil where I have dreamed about you and all the blessings with promises that you have granted abundantly to me and to my children. (Jacob anointed the rock with oil because he saw Jesus Christ's atoning-blood spilled everywhere.)

Devotedly, Jacob continued to pray by saying to our Lord Jesus Christ that if you feed and dress me, and make sure that I make it safely to my father's relatives, then you will be my God forever--because this covenant of life that we have started today, it is a lasting covenant of your living atoning-blood. For this is a living-covenant of your atoning-blood shed since Creation day to the sacred ground from heaven above as within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place that will keep me clean and blessed into eternity, so I will always live my days on earth blessed, protected, well-fed, well dressed, favored in every situation, and I will always achieve my goals in life.

This is the covenant of life and blessing that we are agreeing this day together and we have sealed it with your shed atoning-blood since Creation day, so no one in heaven much less on earth or under the earth will ever break it but it will continue to bless my children as you have blessed me for generations, Jacob said. Meaning that, the same covenant of life's blessings and promises that we have agreed on this rock, it will be for every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel and of the nations that they will receive every day of their entire lives on earth, because this is a living-covenant of endless blessings saturated with your existing and filtering atoning-blood.

With this prayer that Jacob swore to our Lord Jesus Christ in our heavenly Father's holy presence and that of His Holy Spirit with the angelic hosts, then this covenant of the non-stop shed atoning-blood was sealed forever, and no one can ever break it, because it is the foundation of Israel's eternal existence on earth and in heaven, as well. Truthfully, this is the only fountain nowadays of not only eternal life for every one born in Israel but also for the nations, because it will bless to enrich us beyond our human understanding with amazing richness that Satan being the cursed and poor wicked spirit that he is defeated forever, then evil will never be able to touch our living-souls again.

For our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood not only shed since Creation day (Gn 1:2) within the Most Holy Place and over Jerusalem's holy hill, indeed, it will continue miraculously every day to bless, protect, and enrich us with the amazing powers of love, favor us in every situation, and finally cover us with perfect holiness to enter heaven's glory everlastingly justified. Moreover, this is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed within the tabernacles' Most Holy Place lastly to shed over Jerusalem's holy hill, so it will enter the ground from the cross of Adam and Eve erected high over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to cry in perfect holiness, just as Abel's blood did initially, with your name to our Father in heaven.

Surely, as the atoning-blood at the foot of the cross cries your name to our Father in heaven directly from where it entered the ground by pouring from His Son's gashing-wounds as from his head, face, hands, thorax, and feet, then, our Father sees you in perfect holiness to answer your prayers as many as they are necessary to bless you always. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father is more than ready to bless you these days as He personally did with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and millions more through the years, because the altar with the sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood to the ground at the foot of the cross is the same these days and forevermore.

Moreover, the only thing you need to do to receive your much needed blessings and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, as well, is to humble at the foot of the cross of His Son and let his atoning-blood touch you with love, grace, kindness and powers thus to transform you into the blessed-person you ought to be. For it is much better to be born from the Holy Spirit into our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ's world from heaven above where love, grace, kindness and amazing powers prevail within everyone's heart, whether they are angels or men, women and children that have been saved from past and long forgotten worlds, then to live for Satan's sin.

These days, heaven's glory is filled with saved people from all the families of the nations, beginning from Israel, because our heavenly Father not only immolated his Son Jesus Christ within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place to create all things, but also established his historic altar with the angels in heaven and on earth with Israel and the nations, for lasting salvation. That is all that we have to do, and this is that we must, wherever we may be, kneel at the cross over Jerusalem's holy hill, just as Jacob did in his days, for His Son Jesus Christ to remove sin, moreover speak into your life, eternal life, the life that you need these days, and this is without Satan's hidden lies.

That is correct, whether you understand it or not, our Lord Jesus Christ will speak into your life--your every day life without missing a day--so you may live your blessed life to the full, always enriched powerfully from the Holy Spirit raining into you from above with indescribable endless blessings to enjoy with your loved ones and everyone else, too. Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ will remove your sins, and these are your problems, difficulties, conflicts, infirmities, generational curses, terrible diseases, and threats of death on earth and in hell's torment, what is more, he will speak into your life, the pristine-life, so you will no longer live in darkness but in the light that shows you your way around always.

Certainly, you are blessed at the foot of the cross of Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill just as Jacob was in his days, so he will speak into you words that will bless you every step of the way out from problems, difficulties, infirmities, diseases, threats of deaths and whatever else Satan with his cronies may have thrown your way. Today, you may have Esau angry coming to meet you with his pals to settle things with you, but if you kneel at our Lord Jesus Christ's cross, over Jerusalem's holy hill, and this is the same Jerusalem's holy hill that Jacob dreamed thinking that it was a ladder but, instead they are the crosses ascending to take you into heaven's safety.

Obviously, it is from here where powerful miracles will begin to take place within your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because this is the historic altar where our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit shed all the love, grace, mercy, power, kindness to help you become God's child everlastingly. Moreover, if you become our heavenly Father's child because of our Lord Jesus Christ along with the Holy Spirit have done for you, then, you will never be the same person living in darkness and in total lack of things that you daily need in life, to live a happy life as our Father in heaven wants to see you enjoy on earth.

Surely, you will be taken care every time, because you have humbled before our heavenly Father at His Son's cross where he shed his atoning-blood to remove sin, moreover fill you abundantly with perfect Righteousness miraculously to become His child born from the Holy Spirit thus to enjoy only the daily richness from heaven's glory on earth today and in heaven forever. At Jerusalem's holy hill, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood still is at the foot of the cross waiting for you to arrive, because you have a date with our Father in heaven, with His Son and with the Holy Spirit, so you will not only have your sins removed forever, but you will be transformed with miracles descending every day upon you.

This is a great place to be anytime, and you ought to be there, because this place only exists on earth for you and for your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, because you need to get clean from sin by the power of the atoning-blood, moreover begin to receive your every day miracle to enrich you powerfully. Today, you may say along with your loved ones to our living Lord Jesus Christ, just as Jacob did at Jerusalem's holy hill, and looking to the cross where his living savior spoke words of blessings and power into him, and said: You will be my God that feeds and dresses me to take me back to my Father in heaven safely. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1
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