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Nov 20, 2014, 7:11:23 PM11/20/14
Sábado, 15 de Noviembre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Abram a abandonar la tierra de Harán en donde nació, para ir a la tierra que él había escogido, porque tenia grandes planes para con él no solamente para hacerlo padre de una gran nación eterna sino también famoso entre todas las familias de la tierra, para generaciones venideras. Puesto que, nuestro Padre celestial tenía grandes planes para con él, porque todo aquel que lo bendijese entonces será bendecido, y todo aquel que lo maldijese entonces será maldecido, puesto que, por medio de él todas las familias de las naciones conocerán la bendición y protección del Padre, el amor fiel del Hijo Jesucristo, y el renacimiento instantáneo del Espíritu Santo.

Y caminando con su esposa Sarai y con su sobrino Lot por donde nuestro Padre celestial le había ordenado que fuese con toda su gente y sus muchos bienes, entonces llegó a Canaán, la tierra prometida que nuestro Padre celestial había escogido para llevar acabo su gran obra salvadora de todas las naciones. Pues entonces, caminando Abram llegó hasta la encina de More, árboles como la cruz alta sobre el monte santo de Dios, en las inmediaciones de Siquem, y toda la tierra escogida del SEÑOR estaba habitada por los cananitas, en esos días.

Mientras Abram descansaba con su gente de tan largo viaje, entonces nuestro Padre celestial se le apareció para hablar con él de todo lo que tenía pensado en su corazón, no solamente de hacer con él sino también con sus descendientes que vendrían hacia él en futuras generaciones y así llenar toda la tierra, de una nueva vida infinitamente agradable a él. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial cuando empezó ha hablar con él, entonces le dijo: A tus descendientes les he dado toda ésta tierra, para que la posean para siempre, porque es una tierra muy especial que siempre estará fluyendo con leche y miel--leche y miel de la vida bendita del Gran Rey Mesías, el Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, ¡el Cristo libertador!

Y en aquel día que nuestro Padre celestial le había visitado para no solamente dejarle saber que toda la tierra de Canaán se la había dado a él y a sus descendientes para siempre, entonces también le manifestó todas las grandes cosas que él iba a llevar acabo en su vida y en la de los suyos, también. Por lo tanto, Abram después de haber recibido tantas bendiciones de nuestro Padre celestial, entonces en el lugar que él mismo había hablado con Dios cara a cara, pues inmediatamente levantó un holocausto grande en su nombre santísimo, y por todas las cosas que le había revelado para futuras generaciones.

Y en éste lugar precisamente en donde nuestro Padre celestial se había parado con sus ángeles santos para hablar con él de cosas que habían de ocurrir en Canaán, entonces era realmente sobre el lugar en donde su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, iba a derramar su sangre bendita para lavarnos de todo pecado como jabón y agua purficadora. Ciertamente, éste era el lugar del monte santo de Jerusalén desde donde nuestro Padre celestial se le manifestó a Abram para bendecirlo grandemente, porque era aquí precisamente donde su Hijo Jesucristo iba a entregar su vida santísima para el rescate final de todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones.

Por ello, éste holocausto que Abram levantó sobre éste lugar muy santo y memorable para siempre, entonces Abram tenia que doblar sus rodillas para tener contacto ó toque con la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo que había sido inmolado desde mucho antes de la fundación del mundo, para que nuestro Padre celestial empiece a crear todas las cosas. Pues éste es un lugar de pacto santo que empezó en el cielo para empezar a crear todas las cosas del reino de los cielos y así sus huestes angelicales según sus grandes poderes de gloria y de poder infinito para servicio de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo--un lugar santo ciertamente conectando el cielo con la tierra.

Y Abram, sin saber lo que hacia, entonces levantó un altar a nuestro Padre celestial para arrodillarse delante de él, tocando así la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para que aún mayores glorias desciendan del cielo sobre la tierra, sino también que finalmente el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial sea establecido en ésta tierra escogida para la eternidad. Por ende, fue sobre éste altar que Abram le pidió al Padre por vez primera que le diese un hijo, porque no-tenia a nadie sino solamente a su esposa Sarai y muchos siervos y siervas, y él no-tenia quien heredase las bendiciones y riquezas que había recibido del cielo, entonces era necesario para él recibir un hijo antes de morir.

Y nuestro Padre celestial oyó su oración para bendecirlo grandemente como él mismo se lo había pedido sobre el lugar santo que él mismo divinamente había escogido para éste gran encuentro que no solamente cambiaría la historia de la tierra, sino también de la humanidad entera, dándonos a todos nuestro único y suficiente salvador, el que quita el pecado del mundo, ¡Jesucristo! Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial llamó a Abram a salir de Harán con su esposa Sarai y su sobrino Lot y con toda su gente y muchos bienes que había recibido a través de los años, de parte de nuestro Padre celestial, para no solamente enriquecerlo grandemente a él sino también a toda su descendencia que vendría en futuras generaciones.

Además, sobre éste altar histórico no solamente Abram oró a nuestro Padre celestial sino también Sarai y su sobrino Lot junto con todos sus siervos y sus siervas, porque nuestro Padre celestial quería seguir bendiciéndolo todo grandemente a través de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su sangre derramada desde la fundación del mundo para crear todas las cosas, por todos lados. Así nuestro Padre celestial no solamente introduce a Abram y a su gente en Canaán, prometida inicialmente desde el Lugar Más Santo del tabernáculo de reunión del reino angelical, sino que también lo introduce al altar santísimo y siempre presente de su Hijo Jesucristo quien había sido inmolado para empezar a crear las cosas en el cielo y en la tierra.

Ya que, esto era lo que nuestro Padre celestial deseaba que Abram y sus descendientes aprendiesen siempre a conocer y a usar cada día de sus vidas por toda la tierra y así también en el cielo, porque es desde éste lugar muy santo de donde él mismo siempre se encontrara con todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña para oración y bendición. Porque en toda oración y así también en toda bendición de maravillas y de milagros sin fin de cada día de nuestras vidas, realmente empiezan desde éste mismo lugar histórico de donde no solamente Abram empezó a orar a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, sino también posteriormente sus descendientes.

Dado que, toda oración, bendición y así también todos los regalos que han descendido del cielo departe de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo, siempre han sido ungidos por éste lugar santísimo, en donde la sangre bendita fue derramaba como la de Abel clamando desde la tierra, para bendición de cada uno de todos nosotros. Y porque nuestro Padre celestial visitó a Abram y su gente justo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en Canaán, para orar con él y así bendecir su vida y la de los suyos, también, entonces llamó a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las naciones a arrodillarse sobre éste altar santo, empapado con la sangre salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Porque desde éste monte santo nuestro Padre celestial no solamente hablo muy bien y con gran amor a Abram y a cada uno de los suyos que vendrían después de él, sino también que le dio poder para sentarse a su Mesa Santa a comer del pan y vino que su Hijo Jesucristo sirve cada día en el cielo a los ángeles. Porque estando ya por muchos años esperando por nuestro Padre celestial comenzase a bendecir su vida como se lo había prometido sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén y sobre el altar que él mismo le había presentando a él en el cielo, entonces su Hijo Jesucristo como Melquisedec se le presentó para orar por él.

Y así nuestro Padre celestial bendijo aún mucho más a Abram por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo quien no solamente era rey de Salem sino también conocido por todos como la "Santidad a Dios", por lo tanto, Jesucristo salió a encontrarlo con pan y vino sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR, para que cenase con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Espíritu Santo. En este día, Abram fue invitado por nuestro Padre celestial que se sentase junto a él con todos los suyos a comer y beber del pan y vino que su Hijo Jesucristo sirve cada día a los ángeles del cielo y así también a los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de buena fe de todas las familias de las naciones.

Y todos sentados a la Mesa del SEÑOR, entonces Abram comió de la Cena del SEÑOR, porque era nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo quien partía el pan para decirles éste es mi cuerpo, coman de él todos ustedes para vida eterna, luego tomó la copa de vino, diciéndoles, esto es mi sangre derramada, beban de ella todos ustedes para perdón eterno. Luego de participar todos juntos de la Mesa del SEÑOR con nuestro Padre celestial, entonces Abram con sus amigos se levantaron para empezar a vivir una vida nueva, la cual traería al mundo no solamente la vida eterna, sino también la sangre bendita de un nuevo cuerpo sin pecado para revestir a todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de santidad perpetua.

Éste fue un pacto de vida muy importante que nuestro Padre celestial tuvo que iniciar con Abram y con sus amistades para que comiesen y bebiesen de su Hijo Jesucristo, quien posteriormente nos entregaría su mismo cuerpo, su misma sangre bendita y llena de vida eterna no solamente para vivirla ya en la tierra, sino también para siempre en el cielo. Pero, para que esto fuese posible no solamente para los descendientes de Abram sino también para los de todas las familias de las naciones, entonces nuestro Padre celestial tenía que hacer aún un nuevo pacto con Abram y Sarai su esposa, más esta vez seria solamente con su Espíritu Santo, para que por fin Sarai dé a luz al hijo de Abram.

Porque Sarai no podía darle un hijo a Abram ya que su vientre estaba completamente estéril, por lo tanto le era imposible a ella darle a Abram a ese hijo que tanto tiempo había esperado por él a través de los años, para que al fin él pueda sentir que tiene un hijo que va a heredar sus bendiciones y grandes riquezas. Aquí es cuando el Espíritu Santo entra en el vientre muerto de Sarai para darle vida, para que al fin ella pueda dar a luz a Isaac, el hijo que Abram le había pedido a Dios sobre el monte santo y la encina de Moré, en Siquem, en donde nuestro Padre celestial lo visito para entregarle muchas bendiciones y riquezas sin fin.

Una vez que el Espíritu Santo entró en el vientre muerto de Sarai para darle vida, entonces nuestro Padre celestial había sellado un nuevo pacto de vida con Abram, porque Isaac su hijo nacería para llevar el pacto de Dios con él todos los días de su vida y aún hasta el día de hoy en el reino de los cielos. Visto que, al nacer Isaac del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, entonces él fue la puerta para que el Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, el Gran Rey Mesías (Jesucristo) entrase a la vida de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, porque ésta es la salvación de Dios para todos regresar al cielo, perpetuamente.

Y una vez que el pacto de vida del Espíritu Santo es consumado con Abram y Sarai su esposa al nacer Isaac con la gran promesa de bendiciones, riquezas y salvación, entonces Jacobo tenia que nacer pronto, porque él tenia que establecer el pacto que le daría sangre viva a la Iglesia de Dios en la tierra y en el cielo, perpetuamente. Porque cuando Jacobo estuvo listo para empezar a tener su propia familia delante de su padre Isaac, entonces Isaac le dijo a su hijo: No escojas ninguna de las hijas de la tierra en donde vivimos, sino ve a la tierra de Padan-Aram y toma una de las hijas de mi parentesco para que sea tu esposa.

Y camino a la tierra de la parentela de su padre Isaac entonces Jacobo se sintió cansado del viaje y agarro una de las piedras que estaba en el lugar y se durmió sobre ella; y mientras Jacobo dormía entonces vio un monte con una escalera de donde ángeles descendían del cielo a la tierra y otros ascendían de la tierra al cielo. Y mientras los ángeles ascendían y otros descendían sobre la escalera, lo cual realmente eran las tres cruces del monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde nuestro salvador Jesucristo derramó su sangre santísima para empezar a crear el cielo y sus ángeles y la tierra con sus naciones, entonces nuestro Señor Jesucristo empieza a hablarle a Jacobo de en medio de ellas.

Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo le decía a Jacobo: La tierra en donde te encuentras ya se la he dado a tus descendientes que vendrán después de ti para llenar toda la tierra con tus hijos e hijas así como las estrellas del espacio llenan el universo que nadie las podrá contar jamás por lo numerosas que son hasta el infinito. Y sorprendido de lo que veía en su sueño y de cómo nuestro Señor Jesucristo le hablaba con gran amor, misericordia, verdad y santidad eterna no solamente para con él sino también para con cada uno de los suyos que nacerían de él en generaciones futuras, entonces dijo, aceptando el pacto de vida con el Señor Jesucristo: Acepto tu sangre, Señor.

Y dijo Jacobo, Si tú, Jesucristo, me suples de alimentos y vestido en toda mi travesía hacia Padan-Aram, y llego sano y salvo al pueblo de mi padre Isaac para encontrarme con mi esposa, entonces tú serás mi Dios y único salvador, porque éste pacto es de tu sangre derramada para vida eterna de todos los míos que me has dado por amor. Y con las cruces ascendiendo hacia el cielo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre santa, derramada al pie de la cruz del Cordero de Dios, Jesucristo, entonces no solamente el pacto de sangre santa es establecido por Jacobo en Canaán, sino que la Iglesia de Dios nació para quedarse en la tierra y en el cielo, para siempre.

Y ésta es la Iglesia de nuestro Padre celestial para las naciones, en Canaán, para que todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña tenga ese contacto necesario con la sangre del Señor Jesucristo derramada al pie de su cruz, para establecer el nombre santo de Dios sobre Jerusalén perpetuamente, y para que todos tengan su perdón, bendición, sanidad, prosperidad, felicidad y salvación. A éste lugar santo, donde inicialmente nuestro Padre celestial visita a Abram para contarle todo lo que estaba en su corazón para él y sus descendientes después de él, para que entonces todos ellos lleven sus problemas, dificultades, enfermedades, necesidades, preocupaciones, trabajos, estudios, en fin todo lo que sea carga ó imposible, para que la sangre de Jesucristo entonces los limpie constantemente.

Porque es aquí en donde nuestro Padre celestial recibe todas tus cargas y situaciones que te agobian para ayudarte por medio de la sangre salpicada, bendita y reparadora de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo es nuestra para limpiarnos de todas nuestras cargas y situaciones adversas como agua y jabón y hasta que quedamos totalmente limpios infinitamente. Puesto que, la sangre bendita de nuestro Señor Jesucristo está en su lugar eterno de la tierra, en donde empezó a entrar en ella, y de donde salimos en el día de nuestra creación en las manos de nuestro Padre celestial, para limpiarnos de todos nuestros males y así ayudarnos a conquistar todo lo que parezca ser imposible, entonces hacerlo posible cada día.

Hoy, acércate al lugar santo de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo y de su Espíritu, porque éste es el altar histórico de cada uno de nosotros en estos días y de donde Abram empezó a servirle a él, con la sangre ya derramada de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que los males se separen y sólo quede el bien que nos enriquece siempre. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father called Abram to leave the land where he was born to go immediately to the land that He had personally chosen for him to live with his children that will be born by the power of the Holy Spirit thus to love, serve and glorify Him all the days of their lives into eternity. For this is the place that our heavenly Father had chosen for his servant Abram to become the father of a great nation through the constant service of His nonstop celestial sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning blood shed since Creation day within the celestial Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, in heaven's glory.

It is from this land of Canaan where our heavenly Father will not only bless Abram and his children but also make him famous thus to be a blessing to others as well until the end of time, for the glory of His holy name that blesses and protects those that love unconditionally His Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ). For our heavenly Father was determined, that is, if Abram obeyed Him all the days of his life on earth to bless those that bless him and curse those that curse him, and then, he will be an eternal blessing to the nations for generations to come well into eternity, because of His celestial sacrifice that will be manifested through his children.

Abram took his brother Lot with him from the land of Haran, to the land of the Canaanites, because this is the land that our heavenly Father had separated to give to Abram and his descendants forever to inherit, for the families of all the nations to come to know His great salvation, for their eternal living-souls. Without delay, traveling through Canaan then they set camp in Shechem near an oak tree where our heavenly Father appeared to him and to his people to talk about the things that He was going to do with him and his offspring, because the land where he was standing it had been giving to his children in heaven's glory already.

Furthermore, our heavenly Father needed to talk to him about the wonderful things that were about to take place on earth because He will eventually make several pacts of life that were very important to be established on earth timely, because the things that He was about to do were great not only to bless him abundantly but also the nations. After having Abram talked with our heavenly Father in person, then he decided to erect a very important and historic altar within the land that it had been given from heaven above already to him and to his children for generations to come, because this will be the place where the King Messiah will lay down his life for everyone's salvation.

Therefore, it was at this place where Abram conducted his lamb sacrifices by shedding the atoning-blood over the altar and to the ground, in memory of our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, for the creation of the world. Surely, for this is our heavenly Father's continuous atoning-blood sacrifice shed over His altar and to the ground of heaven's glory to begin creating all things in heaven and earth as well, so, finally Adam may be created along with Eve and the children to fill the earth with human life everywhere, forever.

Therefore, these lamb sacrifices by shedding the atoning-blood over the altar, then Abram was not only commemorating our Father's continuous sacrifice of His Son in heaven's glory for shedding the atoning-blood to create the world but also for the birth of his children that will be our Father's dream nation to establish finally the eternal sacrifice on earth that saves everyone's living-soul. Here, Abram not only prayed before our heavenly Father by thanking Him to have visited him with much love and abundant blessings for him and his offspring that were to be born timely in the generations to come, but also he prayed for the King Messiah that was going to lay down his life for everyone's salvation at this very place.

For this is the place that our heavenly Father by the Holy Spirit's power had led Abram to set up camp with his loved ones, because this is exactly where His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, was going to be nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill to establish His holy name over Jerusalem City, forever. For it will be here where our Lord Jesus Christ will finally shed his atoning-blood over our heavenly Father's altar that is the glorious work of His holy hands that He personally started in heaven with Adam and Eve, so they may live with Him, His Son, the Holy Spirit, and the angelic hosts forever blessed and glorified into all eternity.

This is our heavenly Father perfect altar from heaven above on earth where His Son Jesus Christ will finally shed his atoning-blood as he had to do it earlier within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to create the earth, so, finally over Jerusalem's holy hill let his shed atoning-blood cry out to our Father in heaven for everyone's forgiveness. Therefore, because Abram erected this altar at Shechem and near an oak tree, resembling the old-rugged-cross, immediately our Father became very pleased with him and his children to be born opportunely to establish a powerful nation on earth that will be His heart's delight of perfect Righteousness as milk and honey, then Abram was ready to eat from the Lord's Table.

This is where Abram with his friends from everywhere around the world will sit with our heavenly Father to eat from His Son Jesus Christ's the bread and wine that will launch to establish on earth the new bloodline that will grant every man, woman and child the life that will never be defeated by Satan's lie, because it is divine-and-eternal. Moreover, as Abram with his friends ate with our heavenly Father the meal that His Son Jesus Christ as God's Righteousness and King of Salem (ancient Jerusalem) served to everyone sitting at the Lord's Table, then Abram was ready to start a new covenant of life with the Holy Spirit that will cause his wife Sarai to give birth to Isaac.

Surely, Abram needed this new covenant of life with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, because his wife Sarai had been trying through the years to have a son that will legally inherit all the blessings that he had personally received from our Father in heaven, so no stranger to him will inherit them, but only his newly born son. For this is the son that Abram had prayed for to our heavenly Father to grant him at Shechem and over the altar near the oak tree resembling the living-cross from heaven above, so this son born to him will be the heir that he needed to inherit not only the wealth received on earth but also the promise of eternal life.

Little did Abram know that the son that he was asking to our heavenly Father will not only be born from the Holy Spirit's power through his wife Sarai's barren-womb carrying the seed that will usher the Messiah into the world, but also that this will be the ground to receive the King Messiah's spilled atoning-blood to plea nonstop for everyone's salvation. For it will be here from where our heavenly Father will not only listen to His Son's prayers while he is been nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve over Jerusalem's holy hill but also as His holy name is established at last at Jerusalem City forever, for everyone's prayer for forgiveness, healing, and prosperity to be heard in heaven.

Certainly, this is a very important place from where Abram began to pray to our Father in heaven because He had descended from His Great White Throne to visit him with news for him and his children to come in future generations for Israel to be born on earth, starting with his only son Isaac born from the Holy Spirit to bring Jacob. For Jacob was going to be the one that will not only return in later days to this unchanged area of Canaan to sleep over the rock where Abram first erected his altar to thank our heavenly Father for visiting him, but also it will be here where he will have a dream to establish a covenant of blood with Jesus Christ!

Because, it was our Lord Jesus Christ that appeared to him in a dream while he rested his head over the rock to sleep through the night as he was heading to Padan-aram to pick a wife from his relatives, because he was ready to start a family, and his father Isaac wanted him to have a wife from his relatives only. In this dream, our Lord Jesus Christ began to speak to Jacob from the middle of two other crosses that were one to his left side and the other to his right side, and, as Jacob saw these lineup trees ascending towards heaven, then he thought that this was a ladder, because he could see angels descending and others ascending.

Certainly, while he was still dreaming, then he said: This most be the House of our heavenly Father, and I did not know it, because the angels are descending and others ascending into heaven's glory where no man or woman seems to go up to heaven or down to earth at the moment as the angels do persistently and without stopping. Moreover, from the middle of the lineup trees our Lord Jesus Christ spoke directly to Jacob to tell him the same words that not only Abram had received in his days but also his father Isaac, and the Lord Jesus Christ said to him: I am the Eternal God of Abraham and the God of your father Isaac, too.

And today, you are standing here before me just as your father Abraham did in his days and your father Isaac also in his days to make a covenant of life with me, because I am the God that blesses them by granting them the land that you are standing today, for this land will be inherited by your children. This is the land where your people as numerous as the stars in the sky above will inherit from you, because I have given it to you already in heaven's glory as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood was timely shed over the ancient altar and to the ground of the Most Holy Place, so you may return to heaven's eternal life soon.

For the atoning-blood that has been shed within the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory will also be shed over the altar and to the ground of this earth, because this is the place that our heavenly Father has chosen since even before Creation day to be shed for every man, woman and child to be blessed with forgiveness for salvation. This is the place that our heavenly Father had chosen not only for his children to live forever within a blessed land that flows with milk and honey from heaven above, but also this is the place from where His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood for the well-being of his children throughout the nations will cry their names until they are blessed everlastingly.

Inasmuch as, it is from this eternal place over the altar that Abram first erected thanking our heavenly Father for visiting him but also because it was from here where he began to ask Him to grant him a son to inherit all his blessings that rightfully belong to him forever on earth and in heaven above into all eternity to come. Certainly, our heavenly Father answered Abram's prayer over the altar that he had built at Shechem and near an oak tree resembling the cross where he was finally not only to take his only son Isaac to Mount Moriah to offer him as a sacrifice to our Father in heaven but also His only Son Jesus Christ at Jerusalem's holy hill.

For the reason that, both were given to Abram by our heavenly Father that had started to pray to have a son born to him to inherit his blessing from earth below and from heaven above, and that is why that Isaac was Holy Spirit born to ascend Mount Moriah and later Jesus Christ was born to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill. In both instances, our heavenly Father was the one providing His lamb with the atoning-blood to be shed over the altar built by Abram at Mount Moriah and later to the altar built at Jerusalem's holy hill by his children, because our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood had to be shed finally for every one's forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity, and lasting happiness.

At Moriah, our heavenly Father was testing Abram with his son Isaac as he prepared the altar site to sacrifice with much pain to his heart his only son that had been born to him trough his wife Sarai by the Holy Spirit's amazing powers, and he certainly did not want to kill Isaac, but he had to obey God's calling. And as Abram was ready to sacrifice his only son by shedding his blood over the altar and to the ground as well of the hill, because this is how Jesus Christ was first slain in heaven's glory to begin Creation with all things, then a voice broke through the blue sky to stop him from hurting mortally his dear son.

Distinctly, the voice said to Abram: Now I know that you will obey our heavenly Father in everything that He will personally command you, and that you will teach your children after you to obey Him in heaven just as you have obeyed Him this far--for this is the faith and obedience that He wants to see in your children forever. Immediately, after Abram heard the voice from heaven above and through the clouds that was stopping him from killing his only son, then Abram was greatly relieved that he did not need to do this blood shed but, instead, our heavenly Father had provided the young lamb for the blood to be finally shed over the altar and over the hill.

Instantly, Abram looked around to see from where the leaves, dust and sounds where coming from, and there it was a lamb caught by the horns to the branches of two withered-trees, then he took the lamb to sacrifice it instead of his only son Isaac finally to please our heavenly Father to conduct the shedding of the atoning-blood over the hill. And with the two rugged-trees cut into pieces Abram not only was able to sacrifice the young lamb to shed the atoning-blood over the altar and to the ground but also he was able to set a big fire from it that could be seen from miles around Mount Moriah, for the nations to see the important sacrifice that was in progress.

Our heavenly Father with His Son Jesus Christ in heaven's glory along with the Holy Spirit and the angelic hosts were very astonished to see such a great fire blazing powerfully for every one to see around the world, because this was a great foresight for what our Father was ready to do with His only Son at Jerusalem's holy hill. Prophetically, the fire blazed violently for miles and miles that could be seen by everyone around the world because our heavenly Father wanted every one to know that He was going to send His only Son to die in Isaac's place at Jerusalem's holy hill for the salvation of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations.

But, before this great day was to take place then the entire world will see the same flaming blaze over the mountaintop but this time it will be over Mount Sinai, for Moses and Israel to see along with Egypt and the surrounding nations, because the King Messiah would be there to liberate God's children from an unlawful captivity. Moreover, the day that Abram began to descend Mount Sinai then he descended as a new man along with his son Isaac because our heavenly Father had transformed their lives never to be the same before, since now Isaac will be the new bloodline that will spread around the world for eternal life to be established on earth, forever.

Indeed, this is the bloodline that Israel received Holy Spirit born by our heavenly Father's will, so no sinful man will be the father of Israel and the nations to be born into future generations on earth but only Him through the Holy Spirit's will be the Father God and only savior of everyone forever, into all eternity in heaven's glory. For this is our heavenly Father's dream nation that He had dreamed in His holy heart since even before Creation day, so it will soon become an eternal reality, because it is the nation giving birth through the Holy Spirit's amazing gifts to Gods and priests to love, serve, and glorify Him on earth these days and in heaven's glory into eternity.

This is the nation from Holy Spirit's born families that will love, serve and glorify everlastingly our heavenly Father's holy name on earth heavenly bound, because these are the peoples that our Father spoke to Abram about that he will father to ascend into heaven's glory to love Him and serve His holy name as the angels do into eternity. Because, our heavenly Father still has great vacancies that were left behind by the fallen angels as they rebelled against Him and His holy name that lives in perfect holiness in His Son Jesus Christ, in heaven for the angels and on earth for every man, woman and child from all the nations.

And these vacancies to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name, our heavenly Father does not want to fill them with more angels that He can very easily create at will, but He wants to fill these vacancies instead with men, women and children from all the nations reborn from the Holy Spirit as Gods and priests. Surely, that is why that our heavenly Father sent His Son to earth, so he may be Holy Spirit born from David's virgin daughter thus granting us eternal life with the glorified body to live it these days on earth heavenly bound into heaven's glory to occupy these vacancies to continue to love, serve and glorify Him and His holy name everlastingly.

That is why, that it was not only important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from His Son's hands as God's Righteousness, but also to have His Holy Spirit make a covenant of life with Abram and his wife Sarai's barren-womb to give birth to Isaac. Now, Isaac had to be born from the Holy Spirit's amazing powers, because not only Sarai's womb failed to give birth to him in a normal way but also because what our heavenly Father needed to do was to establish a covenant of life with the Holy Spirit for the bloodline to be pure for Jacob to be born at last.

Because, our heavenly Father needed to make a covenant of life with Jacob, but, this time, it was going to be not a covenant of bread and wine or from the Holy Spirit as in the case of Isaac to be born on earth by our heavenly Father's will, but, this will be a covenant of the atoning-blood to be shed timely. For this atoning-blood that was going to be shed ultimately by our heavenly Father and His Son over Jerusalem's holy hill nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve to establish His holy name over Jerusalem City forever, as Abram and his only son Isaac at Mount Moriah to light up the world finally with the blazing fire shining over darkness forever.

Moreover, this is the blazing fire that is knowing in heaven's glory by the angelic hosts and on Mount Sinai by Moses and Israel, because they saw the King Messiah on the old-rugged-cross from heaven above, since he alone is God's Lamb with the atoning-blood shed for Creation, so the earth with Israel may exist these days along with the nations everlastingly. For this is same blazing fire of love, grace, mercy, reconciliation, healing, prosperity and salvation peace over Jerusalem's holy hill these days where the atoning-blood is crying for our every day well-being to our Father in heaven, because we need to ascend and descend from Jacob's ladder into heavens' glory with blessings, for those that are suffering tremendously around the world.

For our heavenly Father allowed Jacob to speak to His Son from the midst of the crosses, because, He wanted Jacob not only to receive the promised blessings for his children to be born from this new bloodline established on earth already by Isaac, but also to start ascending to heaven and descending to earth at will as the angels do always. Moreover, Abraham's children are called to ascend to heaven's glory anyday now and to descend also to earth at will through prayer and faith as the angels do always, because Abram with his only son Isaac descended from Mount Moriah, so his children may ascend to heaven and descend to earth at will as they angels did repeatedly in Jacob's dream.

That is to say, also that if Isaac descended from Mount Moriah after he had the lamb sacrificed by shedding the atoning-blood over the altar and to the ground, moreover set ablaze the two old-trees that had the lamb caught by the horn to be offered to heaven, then his children today may also ascend and descend at will from the mountaintop. Meaning that, just as Jacob saw the angels descending from heaven and the others ascending through the tree crosses lineup towards heaven's glory then every man, woman and child from everywhere may ascend to heaven's glory to descend anytime as they may need to, so, the people that they know may also become blessed as they are every day into eternity.

For it is our heavenly Father's will these days as He was with the ancients that people from all the families of the nations, regardless of their religious believes, also may ascend into heaven's glory through faith, love, grace, and mercy of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that is shed at the foot of the Jacob's ladder ascending into heaven's glory. For our heavenly Father had His Son not only nailed His holy name to Adam and Eve cross erected at Jerusalem's holy hill to establish it within Jerusalem City forever, but also to have His Son's atoning-blood washing and purifying every man, woman and child from all the nations willing to ascend into heaven's glory anyday now that they may wish.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill is as a cleansing and purifying mat/filter for every man's living soul, so as they may step up the ladder to ascend into heaven's glory to enter into the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, then they will do it sinless, because they will be as holy as angels. For this is our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood that not only started Creation in heaven's glory with the angels and on earth with the nations, but also it is the cleansing power for every man, woman and child from all the nations to step up these days at Jacob's ladder at Jerusalem's Gate to ascend into heaven's glory sinless forever.

That is why, that our heavenly Father had Abram to abandon his relatives with their idol worship that they had then to start a new life over the rock at Shechem near an oak tree resembling the old-rugged-cross from paradise, so he will be visited by Him thus to let him know that Canaan is already given to his children forever. Certainly, while Abram erected an altar with many sacrifices for our heavenly Father because He had visited with many blessings and long-term promises for his children to come in future generations, then he was fundamentally praying over the eternal place where our Lord Jesus Christ will shed his atoning-blood to wash him clean from sin to ascend into heaven's glory forever saved.

For this reason, our heavenly Father wants you at this eternal place where His Son shed his divine-life, so the atoning-blood will plea for your well-being every day of your life on earth until you finally kneel at the foot of the cross to be washed clean from sin to ascend into heaven's glory immediately as the angels do--sinless always. For it is here where our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood is crying nonstop your name to our Father in heaven just as Abel's blood as it entered the ground began to cry for his brother Cain, so he will not be punished to hell's torment for the evil that he had done to him without a reasonable cause.

Really, our heavenly Father heard Abel's shed blood to the ground because immediately as He understood that it was Abel's blood crying out to Him in heaven for his brother's forgiveness, then He approached Cain to inquire what he had done to his brother, because our Father said: Listen, your brother's blood is crying out to me from under the ground. Well, every day our heavenly Father is asking to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, regardless of religion, to listen to their brother Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill crying out their names to Him in heaven, so He may forgive their sins thus to enter into heaven's glory forever justified.

In other words, our heavenly Father is saying to everyone around from all the families of the nations: What have you done to your brother Jesus Christ, listen--can you hear it--his atoning-blood is crying out to me loudly your name from under the ground, so you may be forgiven immediately to enter heaven's glory forever washed clean from sin. Historically, this is the atoning-blood that you had to shed at the entrance of the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place to enter into the place of the holiest finally to have access to where our heavenly Father was sitting at the Mercy Seat where Moses will meet Him continuously to solve problems that were serious, and only He could solve them with power.

Well, the same is true today, the entrance into the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory is at Jerusalem's holy hill, and His Son already left his atoning-blood shed to the ground crying for you before the altar's old-rugged-cross, so you may be washed clean from sin to stand at the Mercy Seat to speak to our Living-Father in person. That is why, that you need to approach our heavenly Father at Jerusalem's holy hill, because His Son's shed atoning-blood still is there as fresh and holy as it first entered the ground drop by drop to intercede fervently for your well-being in heaven's glory, so our heavenly Father may forgive your sins, moreover grant you every desire of your heart.

At this holy eternal place, you may bring your loved ones as your brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandfather, grandmother, cousins and even your friends as well as those that may live near and those far away from you, so through the pleading atoning-blood they may be considered in our heavenly Father's holy presence for forgiveness, healing, blessing, eternal happiness, and lasting salvation. Moreover, if you have problems, difficulties, curses, diseases, infirmities, and even death that you cannot control because only our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ can, then you may lay them one by one at Jerusalem's holy hill old-rugged-cross, for the atoning-blood to intervene before Him in heaven, for His prompt consideration and blessing that is going to liberate you mightily.

For there are mighty powers working wonders at Jerusalem's holy hill due to our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood presence before the old-rugged-cross that received with nails our Father's holy name over Jerusalem City everlastingly to forgive your sins, bless you as you have never been blessed before, so you may live a healed-life on earth these days and in heaven forever justified. For the reason that, our heavenly Father is still forgiving sin, moreover healing every one that is sick that is suffering rebellious illnesses that science cannot longer help, even raising people from the grave because the power is there to do so anyday now, so people may live a liberated life from Satan and his hidden lies cursing you constantly into hell.

Because, Satan has entered the world to kill, to steal and to destroy, but His Son Jesus Christ has been Holy Spirit born into Israel through David's virgin daughter, so he may not only grant each one of us eternal life with blessings from heaven above and from the earth below, but also granted us the divine-body to live blessed everlastingly. Satan has definitely entered the world to kill, to steal and to destroy but His Son entered it through David's virgin daughter and the Holy Spirit's powers, so he may live the divine-life for each of us, from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, finally to leave us his atoning-blood at Jerusalem's holy hill pleading constantly for our well-being.

Truly, our Lord Jesus Christ has never taken anything from us but, instead he has come into the world to lay down his divine-life to give everything that he has always owned with our heavenly Father and with the Holy Spirit in heaven's glory, so we may no longer have to be poor but only eternally rich into all eternity to come. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ lived his very divine-life for each one of us just as he lives it in heaven's glory before our Father and the Holy Spirit, so we may take this pristine-life as our own to live forever blessed on earth and in the new creation from heaven above where we will enjoy eternal happiness.

Definitely, these days, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground at Jerusalem's holy hill still is waiting for you just as it waited for the first man, woman and child to approach it for forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity, peace and lasting salvation to have your name written at last in the Lamb's book of life, in heaven's glory forever. And so, you have things to do these days, primarily that you can not longer keep our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood waiting at Jerusalem's holy hill eternal place where it continues to think and pray for your well-being, so you may approach it thus to start a brand new relationship that you never thought that it existed, but it is there.

Our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood at this holy site is as holy and perfect as the one running through his resurrected body, so you can be sure that it is going to bless you just as powerful as in the hour that first entered the ground at Jerusalem's holy hill thus to bless your life, as you have never been blessed before. This holy site at Jerusalem's holy hill where the old-rugged-cross received our Lord Jesus Christ with nails to the lifeless bodies of Adam and Eve, for our heavenly Father's holy name to be established at Jerusalem City forever furthermore granting them progressive eternal salvation from hell's torment, so this ancient site has become a loving-heart with the atoning-blood begging for your blessings always.

That is why, that if you these days lay your problems, infirmities, concerns of life, job, studies, needs, conflicts, people that you know that are going to hell's torment because their names are not written in the book of life, then our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood at Jerusalem's holy hill will intercede for you without ceasing ever until you are helped. Besides, our heavenly Father wants you to go to this holy ground, and make it your personal altar with the old-rugged-cross that received with nails our Lord Jesus Christ to be nailed to Adam and Eve with our heavenly Father's holy name to be established forever over Jerusalem's highest point on earth, so everyone may come from all the nations for blessing.

Right now, you have your blessings waiting for you one after another, and these are blessings that you have always wanted inundating your life, but you have not received them yet, because you failed to know where you can get them, and this is Jerusalem's holy hill where you will find them filling you abundantly with forgiveness, healing, richness, and lasting peace. Our Lord Jesus Christ used to say to his disciples wherever he went by the Holy Spirit's leading-power: You have not received anything from heaven above yet, because you have failed to ask for your blessings that rightfully belong to you; that is why I say, ask and they will be granted on to you, so you will live a filled-and-successful life.

Truthfully, the same is happening to every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, because Satan has entered the world to kill, to steal and to destroy, but our Lord Jesus Christ entered Israel to be our high priest and God's lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, so we may receive our abundant blessings always. That is why, that our heavenly Father wants you to move quickly to Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may have a personal encounter with His Son's atoning-blood that it is still to this day praying for your well-being and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere around the world, so you may live a blessed life that enriches always.

This is a glorious life to live these days that you will never find it anywhere else on earth except that you make your final stop at Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the only ground that has received drop by drop the atoning-blood that removes sin moreover makes you a very rich person that will never know weakness much less defeat. Constantly, you will only know happiness with our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, because our Lord Jesus Christ will be your high priest and lamb with the atoning-blood removing sin for miracles to take place day after day within your life, and that of your loved ones as well, since our heavenly Father has declared glorious richness for your entire life already.

For it is our heavenly Father's will these days for you to be seen as His legitimate child filled with the Holy Spirit's blessings that enriches your life, so others may be enriched as well for the reason that He wants everyone to know that He is the One that can solve all your problems, and meet your every day need. Therefore, if you have a need of anything no matter how impossible it may be for you and your loved ones, or if you have problems, sicknesses, and you are suffering the pains of a terrible disease or virus, then our heavenly Father wants you to come immediately to Jerusalem's holy hill because His Son's atoning-blood is still there for you.

There is a plethora of miracles descending upon your life, because our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood cries for you and for your loved ones are still heard in heaven's glory, so, soon you will see the much needed help that you need to receive from our heavenly Father and His Son to bless your life with the Holy Spirit's amazing powers. Furthermore, if you do what is correct in our heavenly Father's sight, because He really is looking at you from heaven above to see when you will approach His Son's atoning-blood crying out loud for you from under the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill, so He will immediately take care of you as He only knows best, then you are finally happy.

These days, there are amazing working-powers from our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground at Jerusalem's holy hill that thinks and feels for your well-being, because you have sins to remove from your life, and finally Satan to take a dive into hell's torment, because he has no business at all in your every day life with your loved ones. Surely, our Lord Jesus Christ wants to enter into your opened-heart this very moment, so he can take Satan's lie from out of your heart and make it clean as his into eternity, because only he along with the Holy Spirit can truly clean your heart from the gutter that Satan has left behind through the years until now.

Of course, our Lord Jesus Christ wants to make you whole and everlastingly pure with eternal Righteousness that you will only find in him, because his Righteousness comes with him since the early days of eternity that has no beginning much less an end, so you will stand in our heavenly Father presence sinless and eternally holy as He is perpetually. That is why, that as you open your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation his name that angels in heaven's glory worship constantly, then you will be Holy Spirit born, in a moment of faith and prayer, because you will be leaving behind the spirit of error to become a new person in God's sight into eternity.

For this reason, our Lord Jesus Christ left his very holy atoning-blood at the eternal place that our heavenly Father has personally chosen, since even before Creation day, so you may stand over it where you will have a direct contact with salvation Righteousness to make you a new person washed clean from sin everlastingly to enter heaven anyday forever saved. That is why, that it was important for our heavenly Father to call Abram from the land of Ur to abandon his hometown and relatives to go to the land that He had chosen for him to live with his children for the generations to come, because this is the land that flows with milk and honey filled with salvation's richness-and-glory.

Timely, our heavenly Father visited Abram at the place that He had personally taken him by the Holy Spirit's power, so he may kneel before His ancient altar of the rugged-cross that was the oak tree nearby in Shechem, so by kneeling before it His Son's atoning-blood shed to the ground will make him whole for the service of His holy name. Moreover, because Abram knelt at the place that our heavenly Father had shown to him and to his people that was near the oak tree representing the old rugged-cross from heaven's glory where His Son Jesus Christ had shed his atoning-blood for the foundation of the world, then Abram was touched with perfect Righteousness forever.

For it was here where our heavenly Father finally saved Abram from the power of sin and hell's perdition-darkness, because the lamb's atoning-blood sacrificed shed over the altar and to the ground was in representation of His Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood in heaven's glory for the creation of things that made everything clean from sin forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father is calling you to do what Abram did with his loved ones, and this is to abandon the sin of your family of idol worship to kneel at Jerusalem's holy hill just as His servant did, so you may be washed from sin to become a new person Holy Spirit born into eternity forever.

For this is the life that our heavenly Father has prepared for you since Creation day as His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood from the middle of the lineup crosses ascending towards heaven's glory over Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may be washed clean from sin to go up and down from heaven to earth as the angels do always. For Jerusalem's holy hill with the lineup tree crosses ascending towards heaven is still there always present in your mind, heart, soul and human spirit as it was for Jacob in his dream for our Lord Jesus Christ to make a pact of life with his shed atoning-blood to the ground always ready to wash you clean from sin right now.

Certainly, this is a pact of life with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground from the midst of the lineup trees that Jacob had to establish within Canaan, so our heavenly Father's Living-Church may come alive, because the King Messiah needed to be born in Israel thus to take His holy name and word to the nations for salvation. Meaning that, also Israel is our heavenly Father Church that had to be born from Jacob's pact of life with His Son Jesus Christ as he began to speak to him about Canaan and the children that he had given unto him, because now he had started a pact with his atoning-blood shed initially in heaven's glory that will never end.

Everlastingly, this is the glorious place on earth and in heaven where our heavenly Father needs you and your loved ones to be right now, so you may not only become Holy Spirit born to abandon the sinful-life that you have lived until now, but also live this wonderful enriched-life to be blessed constantly from heaven above through His Son Jesus Christ. For our heavenly Father's holy angels are still going up and down from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven, and you need to go with them, because that is why that they continue to this hour to go up and down Jacob's ladder, so you may get onboard with them to enjoy blessings that you have missed from heaven above. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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