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Jan 27, 2015, 3:59:03 PM1/27/15
Sábado, 24 de Enero, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Nosotros rechazamos toda clase de terrorismo en contra del pueblo de Israel. Lamentamos los incidentes ocurridos el miércoles por la mañana en Tel Aviv-Yafo, Israel, cuando nueve personas fueron atacadas con cuchillo en un autobús de la ciudad, ocasionándoles terribles heridas que les pudieron haber causado la muerte, pero como fueron atendidos por los médicos rápidamente, entonces el mal no pasó a mayor.

Nuestras oraciones son para las víctimas y sus familias y amistades por este terrible crimen, para que nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre glorioso de su Hijo amado, nuestro Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, entonces los consuele con los poderes asombrosos de su Espíritu Santo, de milagros y de maravillas de cada día. Visto que, las heridas del cuerpo y de la sangre se pueden curar muy bien con asistencia médica e inmediata, pero las heridas del corazón, del alma y del espíritu humano solamente nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Gran Rey Mesías y de su Espíritu Santo, si las puede curar, y para siempre.

Porque la verdad es que nuestro Padre celestial siempre está atento a cada uno de nosotros, para no solamente bendecirnos y guardarnos de todo mal que el enemigo nos traiga por nuestros caminos y de los caminos de los nuestros, sino también para manifestar su gran gloria infinita, por medio de su Hijo amado y de su Espíritu Santo. Puesto que, nuestro Padre celestial siempre tiene que glorificarse grandemente en cada uno de todos nosotros, y esto es no solamente de todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de las familias de Israel, sino también de todas las naciones, para que las tinieblas mueran y su luz prevalezca por siempre sobre todo mal.

Y cada vez que nuestro Padre celestial se glorifica grandemente en cada uno de nosotros, cuando nos acercamos a él, invocando su nombre bendito, entonces lo hace por medio de su Hijo amado y de su Espíritu Santo; visto que no existe otro camino posible para él acercarse a nosotros, o nosotros a él. Porque su Hijo amado, nuestro Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, es el templo bendito de su nombre santísimo, sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre bendita que quita el pecado de cada uno de todos nosotros para siempre, para que el mal del enemigo jamás pueda hacernos ningún daño, sino que siempre estaremos libres para recibir las ricas bendiciones diarias y abundantes del cielo.

Visto que, las bendiciones que nuestro Padre celestial tiene para cada uno de todos sus hijos e hijas de todas las familias de Israel y así también de todas las naciones, son del reino de los cielos, para nosotros gozarlas cada día de nuestras vidas en la tierra, y para la eternidad; ciertamente son bendiciones cotidianas compradas con su sangre derramada. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial siempre descendió sobre su monte santo de Jerusalén y su cruz, con su Hijo Jesucristo en su cruz y con su Espíritu santo en la de él, para dejarnos conocer, por medio de Moisés y de Israel de la cautividad de Egipto, su nombre bendito, para que siempre tengamos poder sobre todo el mal del enemigo.

Y éste es un lugar santísimo para Israel y para las naciones, porque nuestro Padre celestial no solamente se le manifestó a Moisés, para enseñarle a invocar su nombre bendito, cuando dijo: yo soy el Dios de Abraham, y Jesucristo dijo: yo soy el Dios de Isaac, y su Espíritu dijo: yo soy el Dios de Jacobo, sino también para entregarles santidad. Porque era santidad del nombre santo de Dios que Israel necesitaba desesperadamente para empezar a debilitar cada una de las cadenas de las profundas tinieblas y males de Satanás y del ángel de la muerte, para entonces empezar a escapar cada día del cautiverio de hierro eterno de Egipto.

Y esto fue santidad perfecta que no solamente Moisés recibió en aquel día sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén que reposaba con las tres cruces de Jacobo sobre el Sinaí, sino también cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de las doce tribus de Israel, para empezar a luchar con cadenas eternas de las tinieblas de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos. Porque era necesario que cada uno de ellos saliese lo más pronto posible de la cautividad de Egipto, para no solamente bautizarse bajo las aguas profundas del Mar Rojo, al pasar en seco por un camino que jamás nadie había transitado antes, sino que también tenían que pararse delante del Sinaí, para ver el monte santo de Jerusalén, por vez primera.

Porque era necesario para cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todo Israel ver por si mismo el monte santo de Jerusalén con las tres cruces ardiendo en el fuego santísimo, que jamás hacía daño a nada ni siquiera a la grama que lo rodeaba, para dejarles saber que el Dios de sus padres estaba con ellos, para quedarse para siempre. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial hizo del monte santo de Jerusalén un lugar eterno en el corazón de cada uno de ellos, para que siempre tengan a su Dios que los fundó en su más infinito amor, para que sean sus hijos e hijas por siempre en todos los lugares de la tierra, para ser grande entre ellos, para la eternidad.

Además, porque éste es el monte santo que nuestro Padre celestial usó inicialmente para comenzar a crear todas las cosas en el reino de los cielos y sus huestes angelicales por sus millares, y así también fundó el cielo y la tierra, para que el hombre habitase en ella gobernando por siempre todas las cosas de su gran creación. Y desde éste monte santo de Jerusalén, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Jacobo: Toda ésta tierra, en donde estás parado, se la he dado a todos tus hijos que vendrán después de ti, para que la posean para siempre; porque ésta es una tierra buena que fluye leche y miel--por tanto, es la mejor del mundo entero.

Y, además, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Jacobo: Yo mismo multiplicare tu descendencia como la arena del mar que no se podrá contar jamás por nadie, por lo numerosa que es, pero tu descendencia será aún mayor que toda ella, si solamente me sirvieres sobre éste monte santo, para siempre. Entonces Jacobo le dijo a nuestro Padre celestial, después de haber ungido con aceite la roca sobre la que descanso su cabeza, por aquella noche: ciertamente, tú serás mi Dios, si te aseguras que no me falte jamás comida ni vestimenta, y que llegue seguro a la tierra de los parientes de mi padre Isaac, para encontrarme con la que será mi esposa.

Y Jacobo ungió con aceite la roca sobre la que descanso su cabeza, para soñar con el monte santo de Jerusalén y con el Dios que le hablaba de entre las cruces que ascendían hacía el cielo con los ángeles que subían y bajaban, porque vio la sangre del pacto salpicada sobre la cruz y derramada al suelo, por todos lados. Por ello, toda bendición, ya sea para una persona, familia, pueblos, ciudades o naciones descienden siempre de Dios, podemos recordar, por ejemplo, la gran bendición que Israel recibió sobre el Monte del Sinaí, y esto fue directamente del monte santo de Jerusalén, para despertar del mundo de las tinieblas, al mundo reluciente del conocimiento de Dios y de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Y es desde éste monte santo que nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Hijo Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo que nos continua hablando bendiciones de todas clases para cada uno de todos nosotros, porque no solamente hemos llegado a conocer su nombre bendito, para que nos guarde y nos bendiga siempre, sino también para llevarnos a hacer su voluntad santísima. Porque la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha sido para con Israel y así también para con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, que se acerquen cada día al monte santo de Jerusalén, para que su Hijo Jesucristo les empiece a hablar a sus vidas así como le hablo a Jacobo, por ejemplo.

Porque cada día de nuestras vidas por toda la tierra, nuestro Padre celestial siempre tiene unas palabras de amor, de vida y de salud eterna para entregárnosla, porque las necesitamos desesperadamente, para enriquecer grandemente nuestras vidas y así no nos falte jamás la felicidad ni ningún bien del cielo ni de la tierra. Y es entonces nuestro Padre celestial que siempre nos está hablando por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo, desde el monte santo de Jerusalén, para que las palabras de mentira y de muerte eterna de Satanás y de la serpiente antigua ya no nos sigan haciendo daño, así como se lo hizo inicialmente a Adán y Eva.

Porque solamente las palabras que salen de su boca santísima, nuestro Padre celestial nos habla por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo y de su Espíritu Santo, para perdonarnos nuestros pecados, sanarnos de todos los males que nos estén agobiando día a día y así nos va enriqueciendo nuestras vidas, ya que progresivamente estamos creciendo y siempre hacia él, en el cielo. Hoy, nuestro Padre celestial nos sigue llamando como siempre, desde su monte santo de Jerusalén, para que nos acerquemos a hablar con él sobre todas las cosas que deseemos hablar con su Hijo Jesucristo y con su Espíritu Santo, para ser guiados por el buen camino que debemos transitar hasta llegar a la victoria que alegra nuestros corazones y almas eternas.

Por ello, lleguemos cada vez más cerca a nuestro Padre celestial por el camino, la verdad, y la vida que él mismo estableció soberanamente, desde mucho antes de la fundación del mundo, para que vivamos en paz con él y con su Espíritu Santo a través de la vida gloriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo. Porque sólo por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo cada uno de nosotros es bienvenido delante de nuestro Padre celestial, para alcanzar el perdón, la bendición y la sanidad eterna de nuestros corazones y de nuestras almas vivientes, para vivir nuestras vidas infinitamente saludables y prosperas, alcanzado siempre victorias jamás nunca antes pensadas ni mucho menos vistas por los ángeles del cielo.

Nuestras oraciones serán siempre por todas las familias de Israel, para que nuestro Padre celestial las bendiga y las guarde y así su Hijo Jesucristo les mire con sus ojos llenos de amor y de alegría de su corazón que late la sangre bendita que borra todo pecado y rebelión, para renacer del Espíritu Santo hacia la paz eterna del cielo. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father said to Moses: You must take the blood of the lamb that you have sacrificed before me and smear it over your home's doorframe, so it will serve as a sign between you and me, because as I may pass you then I will see it, and my judgment will not strike your family to kill the firstborn. This is the blood that was going to cover for their sins temporarily by hitting it from top to bottom with a hyssop twigs their home's doorframe thus forming the crosses that Moses had seen over Jerusalem's holy hill, on Mount Sinai, because our heavenly Father was going to visit with the destroyer everyone's sin.

And whenever He may pass the home of any one family and fails to see the lamb's atoning-blood smear from top to bottom their doors with a hyssop twigs, then, He will allow the destroyer to visit the sin of that one family, so judgment against sin may be passed swiftly to kill the firstborn of man and the animals alike. This was something that Moses had to do according to what he had seeing over Jerusalem's burning bush on Mount Sinai, because it was the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach's (Jesus Christ) atoning-blood that had descended from the tabernacle of reunion's Most Holy Place from heaven's glory to save them swiftly from sin and the Egyptian's eternal captivity of more than four-hundred years.

Moreover, Moses had to do it this way just as our heavenly Father had instructed him with the lamb's blood always hitting with a hyssop twigs over the every home's doorframe thus to draw and form the crosses that he had seen distinctively over Jerusalem's holy hill on Mount Sinai, because this was the only way and door escaping captivity forever. Meaning to escape captivity to live within Canaan's life initially promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob where they will not only introduce Jerusalem's holy hill over their heads through the Red Sea and the desert, but also they were to strike violently the crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill by smearing them with the atoning-blood as the heaven's gate for everyone's salvation.

In other words, the doorframe smeared with the branches deep in atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill, on Mount Sinai, with our Lord Jesus Christ on the middle cross along with our Father on His cross and His Spirit on the other one, it was the only escape-door to abandon captivity finally, and so: they had to do the same on their homes' doorframe. Given that, if Moses along with every Israeli family living within Egypt had failed to do this, and this is to sacrifice a one year-old unblemished lamb to smear its shed blood by hitting violently with branches over their home's doorframe to fashion the crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, on Mount Sinai, then they would have failed to escape Egypt's captivity.

Meaning that, the Israelis as a nation would have disappeared from the face of the earth years ago, if not millenniums already, because they would have died without salvation and devoid of an eternal savior to amend for sin, however, since our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill nonstop sacrifice, then they were saved to escape Egypt's captivity. Moreover, as our heavenly Father descended over Mount Sinai with Jerusalem's holy hill crosses erected with the atoning-blood spilled over the ground to remove sin from everyone willing to ascend to it, then, Moses was not only called to have his sins purged but also the entire nation of Israel, by hitting with branches deep in the atoning-blood over their home's doorframe.

Legally, the same crosses and atoning-blood shed to the ground over Jerusalem's holy hill resting on Mount Sinai had immediately to show not only within their uncircumcised-hearts but also from top to bottom at their home's doorframe, purposely hit and smeared with branches deep in atoning-blood, for sin to cover momentarily thus to escape quickly into the desert to stand at Mount Sinai. Certainly, the Israelis had to escape Egypt in a big hurry, and this is right after they had hit and smeared every home's doorframe from top to bottom with twigs, because the atoning-blood from the one year-old and unblemished lamb could only cover sin temporarily--meaning that, their sins will be uncovered as before in a short time--and escape would be impossible.

Therefore, now the Israelites after having escaped Egypt' captivity by hitting and smearing their home's doorframe with a group of twigs on hand, so they may fashion the crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill visible on Mount Sinai from long distances, then they had to cross the Red sea in dried ground to get to safety and away from the pursuing Egyptian army. For now the Israelis were walking in a new path on earth that had never been walked on before, nevertheless they were there because they had hit and smeared their home's doorframe with the atoning-blood from top to bottom fashioning the crosses over Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may have power to stand faithful at Mount Sinai to see it for themselves also.

Surely, the Israelis had to stand at Mount Sinai's foot, because they were not only going to see Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses flaming fire into the high heavens and shining powerfully into the horizons as touching the nations, but also because they had to have their drink from the atoning-blood turned into living-water to quench their thirsty living-souls. Timely, at Mount Sinai our Father said to Moses: You will come along with the leadership to show you exactly where the rock is, and the one that I will indicate, you will hit it twice as you hit your home's doorframe to burst into living-water for Israel and the livestock to drink thus to quench the thirst that is killing you.

For it was important for our heavenly Father to have Israel drink from Jerusalem's holy hill the atoning-blood turned into living-water, because they had seen the burning-bush just as Moses had seen it earlier with the three-crosses ascending into heaven's glory, and from the middle one our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to him with love and amazing-grace about Israel's soon coming deliverance. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed the Israelis to drink from the nonstop sacrifice atoning-blood turned into living-water, because they were going to be eating and drinking from it all the way into the Promised Land, since Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses will be over their heads hidden in the SHEKINAH (God's glory) as they cross the desert to conquer Canaan forever.

Thus, now Jerusalem's holy hill had not only been seen by Moses and every man, woman and child from Israel but also they have drunken and eaten from it, because this was going to be their food from no on as they may enter Canaan victorious over the enemy nations, moreover for their children's children to ascend saved into heaven's glory. Certainly, if Israel had failed to stand at Mount Sinai to see for themselves Jerusalem's holy hill with the three ascending tall-crosses to drink from it the atoning-blood shed to holy ground since Creation day, then, they would have also failed to receive it over their heads to take it into Canaan, moreover starve and thirst prostrated in the desert forever.

Surely, they would have never known our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit over Jerusalem's holy hill as the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob much less serve God as they were liberated from Egypt's captivity to do so every day of their lives on earth and in heaven's glory forever into eternity. For our heavenly Father had said to Moses explicitly: You will return with Israel to this mountain to serve God forever, and this meant to return to Jerusalem's holy hill and its holy ground, and not necessarily to Mount Sinai, because the holy ground that our heavenly Father was speaking about to Moses was over Jerusalem's holy hill, and never Mount Sinai.

And we know that is Jerusalem's holy hill that our heavenly Father was speaking about to Moses and the entire house of Israel, even before they were liberated from Egypt's captivity, not only because the holy ground was never Mount Sinai but because the holy ground where Israel was to shed the nonstop atoning-blood was Jerusalem's holy hill at Canaan only. For the reason that: It is at this very holy ground that our heavenly Father along with His Son and the Holy Spirit was going not only to remove sin from every man, woman and child from Israel and the families of the nations, but also, because sin was going to die forever along with Satan and the angel of death.

Definitely, this is our heavenly Father's altar in heaven for the angels and on earth for Israel and the nations where every man, woman and child will be received before the ancient tall-cross with His holy name established over Jerusalem forever, so He may bless them as His legitimate children thus to receive immediately every blessing, miracle, deliverance, and power available. It is from here that our heavenly Father from His holy-cross, His Son from the middle one and the Holy Spirit from his will continue to tell Israel and everyone else within the families of the nations that they are the Gods of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, so they may live accordingly with the covenants of life established with them (Israel), forever.

Meaning that, everyone that believes in our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit living over Jerusalem's holy hill and on their respective crosses, then they will be blessed powerfully, because this is the place from where our Father has not only started a covenant of life with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also to bless the nations, everlastingly. That is why, that it was important for Israel to stand at Mount Sinai, so they may not only drink from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into living-water but also to see the three lineup crosses on fire as the burning bush that Moses saw initially, and from the middle tree our Lord Jesus Christ spoke blessings for Israel to receive immediately.

Therefore, as Israel drank from the injured-rock, moreover saw Jerusalem's holy hill with the burning bush ascending into heaven's glory, as Jacob's ladder with the angels ascending from earth to heaven and others descending from heaven to earth to bless the nations, then, this site became part of Israel's national-folklore, because they are divinely called to serve God over this mountain everlastingly. That is why, that it was important for Israel to stand at Mount Sinai's foot to live and experience profoundly the every day blessings that descends from Jerusalem's holy hill as the crosses with our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit continued to burn as in a holocaust fire that is endless in heaven's glory and on earth.

And because this holocaust fire over Jerusalem's holy hill burning wildly from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven, because our Father can move His holy mountain with the three lineup-crosses to anywhere that He may wish or deem necessary, then, Israel was not only able to defeat enemy nations through the desert, but also miraculously continues to exist until now. It is the existence of Jerusalem's holy hill from heaven's glory with the three-crosses above it flaming as always with the holocaust fire that destroys darkness wherever it may appear at our Father's will, that Israel until now has been blessed, because words of love, grace and mercy rain down upon Israel and the believing nations, as well.

This is the holy ground from heaven above that our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ as God's Angel with the Holy Spirit began to speak to Moses as he stood close to the holy-cross bathed in the atoning-blood blazing wildly with fire everywhere, and the voice said: Remove your sandals, because the ground where you are stepping is holy. Moses was obedient to the voice, because it was our Lord and savior Jesus Christ speaking to him from the middle of the crosses, and so, he removed his sandals immediately for our heavenly Father to announce to him that He is the God of Abraham, His Son Jesus Christ the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit the God of Jacob.

Then, having our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit announced to Moses that they are the Gods of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the three covenants of life that were established with each one of them until then and forevermore, immediately, Moses understood that he was in the presence of a very holy God--totally unknown to Israel. Provided that, Moses could sense deep love, grace and mercy emanating directly from the three-crosses that were on fire before him, and the voice that continued to speak from the middle of the burning bush that he understood that it was God speaking, and so, he became lost in fear that it frightened him to continue to stand on holy ground.

Nevertheless, Jesus Christ gave him power to stand before his holy-cross, because he not only needed to hear our Father confess to him that He is the God of Abraham, and His Spirit the God of Jacob, but also he needed to understand that he is the God of Isaac, thereof the Living-Lamb with the atoning-blood that liberates Israel from Egypt. Now, Jesus Christ needed Moses to stay with him and not become too afraid about him, his heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit that were both next to him, so Moses will not only receive the all-powerful name that it had been manifested already to him, but also he needed to know explicitly that Jesus Christ is the Great I AM that saves.

Besides, Jesus Christ needed Moses to know him as the GREAT I AM that had spoken to him from over the cross at Jerusalem's holy hill, so as he may descend to Israel, then he was to say that the Gods of their forefathers were on site but also that the GREAT I AM was ready to liberate them from Egypt's captivity. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ said to Moses: You must tell your brothers that I AM that I AM is over Mount Sinai ready to liberate them from captivity, because it was the knowledge of this great name that it was going to grant them power of perfect holiness to walk away from Egypt finally after four-hundred and thirty-years.

For this is God's Lamb with the atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill, on Mount Sinai, flaming with great power and holiness to liberate them from powerful darkness, from Satan and his fallen angels that were established in Egypt ready to destroy them forever, so our heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation will die out for Israel and the nations, too. Therefore, Israel needed to hear, believe within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation his name that is I AM THAT I AM that has spoken to Moses for Israel to receive, so they may believe alike and as a one man, because salvation is at hand after centuries of endless slavery to inherit the Promised Land.

Moreover, it was because of this great name from our Lord Jesus Christ as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood shed at the holy-cross that Israel began to open their eyes in darkness for the first time to see the door out into the wilderness, because they needed to travel through the desert to enter the Promised Land forever liberated at last. This is our Lord Jesus Christ's holy name that began to work great miracles within every man, woman and child within Israel so the chain-and-shackles that had enslaved them for hundreds of years, then they will begin to weaken until they will finally break away from their bodies to let them go to inherit the Promised Land.

For this land that our heavenly Father had granted to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob needed to be possessed forever by their children and their children's children after them, because they were all divinely called to serve God over Jerusalem's holy hill thus to hit and shed the atoning-blood for themselves to the ground for everyone's salvation to ascend wholly justified into heaven's glory. Furthermore, Israel needed to take Jerusalem's holy hill from Mount Sinai, and carry it through the Sinai's desert hidden within the SHEKINAH cloud over the Israelis' heads, because they needed to continue to eat daily the manna and drink from the injured-rock the living-water, so they may defeat powerful nations on the way to Canaan but also conquer it victoriously forever.

This was something that Israel needed to accomplish for our heavenly Father, His Son and the Holy Spirit, because God's Lamb with the atoning-blood had to be shed by them over Jerusalem's holy hill, for this is the mountain that our Father said to Moses: From the rock that I will show you, then you will hit it twice to give you water. For this is Jerusalem's holy hill that needed to be hit not only by Abraham, Isaac and Jacob's children but also by the gentiles living in Israel, because as they hit it then they will be nailing His Son Jesus Christ with His holy name to the holy-cross to burst the atoning-blood into living-water for everyone from everywhere to drink for salvation.

For Israel along with the families of the nations needed to drink persistently from Jerusalem's holy hill, but this time, by hitting it with hammers and nails to nail His Son Jesus Christ with the holy name to the holy-cross of God forever, so people may drink and eat to the full from it as the Israelis did through the Sinai's desert. That is why, that it was important for Israel to take Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses lineup as ascending into heaven's glory from Mount Sinai to introduce it into the Promised Land, because the King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, was going to be born by the Holy Spirit from a virgin womb, for life to sprout everywhere forever.

Our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ needed to be born by the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, because he alone will bringing into the world eternal life but also the glorified-body dressed with the sacred-flesh, unbroken bones, and atoning-blood to dress our living-souls not only to enter into heaven's glory but also stand before our heavenly Father perfectly holy into everlasting. That is why, that as our Lord Jesus Christ was about to be born then holy angels announced his virgin-birth and his salvation-name to Mary his mother, moreover wise men from the East arrived with their people and caravans filled with gifts for Israel and to the newly born King Messiah, for he was to do amazing things in Israel for eternity.

This was something that our heavenly Father had never done with any nation on earth, because His only Son Jesus Christ, known in heaven's glory by the angelic hosts as God's temple for the holy name, high priest, and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever, and now, he will be the same for Israel and the nations into eternity. However, much more than this, our Lord Jesus Christ was going to be born from the Holy Spirit's power through David's virgin daughter, without relation to sinful man, so he will grant us eternal life and also the glorified body to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the Ten Commandments, something that no man could ever accomplish in his sinful-state.

Our Lord Jesus Christ right after been born from David's daughter by the Holy Spirit then he had to live a divine-life that will meet the every day standard of the Holy Spirit of the commandments without ever offending any of them, so Satan with his abominable lies may finally die in Adam and Eve's lives and their children's, as well. For the reason that, Satan's lies and curses that he pronounced against our heavenly Father and His fruit of life that is His Son Jesus Christ as the tree of life to eat from every day of our lives in heaven, on earth and within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, then, they had to be defeated forever within the Promised Land.

That is to say, also that our Lord Jesus Christ had to visit towns, villages and cities of Israel, so he may reach every man, woman and child thus to confront every wicked lie, curse and infirmity that was not only destroying them but also had spread worldwide into the nations, and he had to preach and teach to destroy sin forever. For this is what our Lord Jesus Christ had been born in Israel by the power of the Holy Spirit, through David's virgin daughter, so he may confront and destroy every sin, sickness and disease that had been attacking and destroying the entire human race, since the day that Adam and Eve descended from paradise to live on earth.

Really, the way to do this was to live the Holy Spirit of the commandments every day of his entire messianic-life before his brothers within Israel without ever breaking much less offending any one of the commandments, so through his way, truth and life by glorifying the commandments then sin will be defeated forever along with Satan and the angel of death. Moreover, for this to be possible then our heavenly Father had to say every word that needed to be said from heaven above as from His Great White Throne of Eternal Glory to attack and destroy sin, sickness, diseases, offenses and darkness, and so, His Son Jesus Christ just repeated before the people the every word that he heard from the Father.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ had to say to the Israelis many times wherever he needed to go always guided by the Holy Spirit that the words that he had said, since the days he manifested himself to Israel, were not his words, but that they were words that belong to the Father in heaven alone. And so, whenever people would approach him to inquire about the words that he had said to them, because they had impacted them with great power and authority, then our Lord Jesus Christ would declare to them openly by assuring them that the words that he had said were not his but that they belong to the Father in heaven.

Furthermore, the same thing happened time and time again, and this is when he would at times perform certain miracles and at other times the miracles were to marvelous and wonderful that the Israelis would question him about the miracles, and then, he would assure them again that they did not belong to him. Our Lord Jesus Christ will always guarantee the Hebrews that the miracles and great wonders that they had seen him perform before their eyes to heal the sick and liberate the oppressed by the devil, moreover even resurrect people from their graves that they had already been dead for days, then he will also claim that these works were not his altogether.

However, whatever he saw the Holy Spirit do for the people of Israel then that is exactly that he will do from time to time, wherever he would be led by our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit to go through the villages, towns and cities of Israel, for sin, sickness, diseases and even death may be destroyed at last, forever. For this is what our heavenly Father had sent him to Israel, and this is to live his divine-life fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the commandments from top to bottom until every sin, lie, curse, darkness and death may be destroyed, so he may finally ascend to Jerusalem's holy hill to declare eternal victory against Satan and the angel of death.

Meaning that, if our Lord Jesus Christ had failed to live his divine life just as he normally lives it every day in our heavenly Father's presence and that of the Holy Spirit's angelic hosts in heaven, then, the Holy Spirit of the commandments would have never been fulfilled to destroy Satan's lies, curses, infirmities, offenses, and death in hell's torment. For the reason that, it was the fulfillment and eternal glorification of the Holy Spirit of the two tablets of the commandments, by our Lord Jesus Christ's divine-life lived not only in heaven's glory but mainly before the eyes of his brothers in Israel that were going to attack and kill Satan's lie, cruses, infirmities, offenses, and death in hell's torment forever.

Moreover, whenever our heavenly Father spoke to every man, woman and child within Israel then He had to do it through His Son Jesus Christ as His personal temple for His holy name, high priest, and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin miraculously, so the Israelis heard directly from our heavenly Father's words to destroy Satan's lies and curses forever. And because our heavenly Father was speaking to Israel through His Son as His personal temple for His holy name, high priest, and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin without explanation, then, the Holy Spirit was able to do all the works necessary to destroy every wicked work from Satan in the midst of Israel, so the people may live liberated.

Meaning that, every time that someone would ask our Lord Jesus Christ for prayer, and this is to have his sins remove, so healing may be possible in his life and that of his loved ones as well, then, the Holy Spirit will perform miracles that the lame walked, the mute spoke, the blind saw, and the dead resurrected to life again. That is to say, also that the Holy Spirit of the commandments was doing miracles and wonders at times on earth and in heaven above, because our heavenly Father was speaking to Israel through their King Messiah, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, so they may abandon Satan's lies and curses of eternal death to embrace His pristine-life with even greater blessings than ever before.

Likewise, Israel was ready to enjoy a glorious life within Canaan that our heavenly Father had chosen for Abraham's children to enjoy everlastingly, because this land will flow with milk and honey, since the King Messiah would destroy Satan's lies, curses and terrible works afflicting humanity for millenniums, and so, now the land was clean to enjoy life without Satan, forever. Now, for this to happen then Israel has to acknowledge His Son Jesus Christ, because the moment that Israel acknowledges our Lord Jesus Christ as God's Son and high priest, and temple of the holy name, and His Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, then, they will be exalted as a nation above the nations of the world.

And Israel will experience these wonderful blessings at once, because this is our heavenly Father's will that they may receive His Son Jesus Christ as His King Messiah that they most serve, worship and love all the days on earth and in heaven's glory forever, for this is the new angelic Kingdom that our Father wants to live in heaven into everlasting. This is the new angelic Kingdom that our heavenly Father had always dreamed to possess someday, and that He will speak about to the angels in heaven's glory and to his servants within Israel and the nations, an endless Kingdom with His Son Jesus Christ reigning over Gods, priests of sons and daughters that will always love Him dearly into eternity.

Certainly, this will be an endless kingdom of Gods, priests from His children that were reborn from the power of the Holy Spirit, because they believed in their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that His Son Jesus Christ is Lord, for the life of this eternal Kingdom was bought with the price of His Son' s atoning-blood. For we will continue to eat from His tree of life that is His Son Jesus Christ serving as always the daily bread and wine over the Lord's Table, so, not only holy angels will eat from his wounded hands but also every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, Holy Spirit born as God's legitimate children forever.

We will certainly live in mansions from heaven above that were constructed by our heavenly Father and His holy angels, for the love that we have manifested over the years, as we believed in His Son Jesus Christ for justice within our hearts to confess His holy name with our lips for salvation, but also we will continue to live on earth. Because, by this time our heavenly Father would have created a new earth with wonderful and spacious skies by the power of His word and the holy name with the help of His angelic hosts, since the old earth will have passed away already to give way to the new one with His Son Jesus Christ reigning over the nations into everlasting.

Moreover, Jerusalem's holy hill will be the center of adoration for the angelic hosts from heaven above and for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, because they will continue to love, serve and worship our heavenly Father on this mountaintop through His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, as Moses was told initially by God. Provided that, Jesus Christ had ascended victorious over sin and evil to Jerusalem's holy hill with the cross of Adam and Eve to be nailed with the holy name to it forever, so, his atoning-blood to be prostrated at the foot of the holy-cross of God, for everyone's forgiveness, healing, prosperity, peace, happiness, and lasting salvation into all eternity to come.

Courteously, Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood gladly to the ground of the holy-cross of God, because he had lived his divine-life by fulfilling to the full the Holy Spirit of the commandments thus to defeat Satan and every lie and curse against His Son Jesus Christ that has been the birth of every human's sin, rebellion, maladies, and death in hell's torment. For his atoning-blood shed to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill is what makes it perfectly holy forever, because this is the atoning-blood of a very holy life that lived within Israel only to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to destroy every lie, curse and infirmity that belonged to Satan's mouth against our Father and His Son Jesus Christ.

And this is something that our Lord Jesus Christ could only accomplish by fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the commandments in Israel, because he never went anywhere else, except to Egypt to fulfill the Scriptures stating: I will call my Son from Egypt, because he had to destroy Satan's lies within Israel for Adam and Eve and the children's lasting freedom. Now, if Jesus Christ, for any reason, had failed to defeat Satan and his lies from paradise in Israel, because what has been destroying Adam and Eve and the children, it has always been Satan's unrelenting lies placed through the serpent into their hearts then we were dead, and so, Jesus Christ had to liberate them from evil at Jerusalem's holy hill.

That is why, that the daily importance of Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at the foot of the holy-cross to saturate the holy ground with his divine-life that defeated sin and illness, including everyone's death in hell's torment, by glorifying to the full the Holy Spirit of the commands finally to destroy Satan, sin, and the angels of death forever into eternity. Thus, every time you stand at our heavenly Father's holy-cross, then, remember, you are standing before His holy name saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that is a divine-life lived within Israel that has destroyed the power of sin, curses, offenses and even death, so you may be washed clean from sin, infirmities, and any threat of death in hell's torment.

For the reason that, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only atoning-blood that has defeated Satan and the serpent from paradise with all the lies that they placed in Adam and Eve's hearts to destroy the children, moreover cause them to live in darkness where they will fail to acknowledge Jesus Christ as their only possible savior for salvation. That is why, that our heavenly Father descended with Jerusalem's holy hill with the three-crosses flaming in the nonstop holocaust fire that burns all sins forever, because the atoning-blood is making the holy-cross and the ground sacred forever, so people may stand there through prayer and faith to become God's sons and daughters, to ascend into heaven's glory forever justified at last.

Provided that, as our Lord Jesus Christ ascended with the cross to Jerusalem's holy hill then it was because he had destroyed Satan and the old serpent with all their lies against God and His dear Lamb, so he may pour on ground his atoning-blood of a very holy life to atone for everyone's sin thus to become God's children forever saved. For this is the atoning-blood that cries out loud to our heavenly Father and the Holy Spirit, so they may hear our prayers and supplications thus to have our sins remove by the power of the atoning-blood shed to the ground with much love, mercy and compassion for our living-souls, but also to bless and protect us always from all evil.

Furthermore, Jesus Christ's atoning-blood has not only washed us clean from sin but also prayed for our well-being constantly, then: Today, our Father will speak to each one of us just as He began to speak to Israel by His Son born by the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter, thus granting us eternal life at last into eternity. Meaning that, Satan with the old serpent will fail to speak lies to us as they initially spoke to Adam and Eve in paradise, so they may eat from the forbidden fruit, from the tree of knowledge of good and evil instead of eating from the fruit from the tree of life, so they will always know darkness instead of life.

However, now Satan's lies as in the serpent will fail to have power in us again, because we are standing in holy ground saturated with our Lord Jesus Christ's shed atoning-blood that defeated evil and the old serpent's wickedness against God and His Son in Israel, so we may only live hereafter from the words that will emerge daily from Jerusalem's holy hill. Surely, Satan and the old serpent will never again speak to us the wicked words from paradise that caused Adam and Eve to abandon Jerusalem's holy hill and the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ as God's Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin, but now only words of life God will speak into our every day life, forever.

Meaning also that we will live a life liberated from Satan and the old serpent with their usual lies that were nourishing problems, difficulties, infirmities, and death in us and in our loved ones, including our friends, as well, because from now on only our heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit will speak to us: Daily blessings! And this is a wonderful life to live liberated from Satan's every day lie that was consuming us and our loved ones, too, because Satan with his dishonesty can only empower problems, difficulties, infirmities, conflicts, and even death, so we will never have the chance to listen from our Father, His Son and His Spirit's words that are compatible to us always.

That is why, that you must visit every day Jerusalem's holy hill, because our heavenly Father along with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit is still there for you listening to the atoning-blood crying out loud your name, just as Moses was called to approach the holy-cross, so words of life may saturate your entire being once-in-for-all. Remember, that the blood of the animal sacrifice could never cover your sins forever but only our Lord Jesus Christ, because once his divinely seeded atoning-blood covers your sins then you will forget them forever, since you will never hear from them again--and it was never like this with the animal blood sacrifice, because it covers sin only temporarily.

However, Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of our Father's holy-cross at Jerusalem's holy hill is forever removing sin to the point that you will be Holy Spirit reborn as Isaac was miraculously from his mother Sarai's barren-womb and later our Lord Jesus Christ from David's daughter virgin-womb, so you may be Holy Spirit reborn instantly by these powers today. It is in this Holy Spirit amazing birth that you will go through the middle cross that is our Lord Jesus Christ as the opened door for you to ascend from earth into heaven and return as you may wish from heaven to earth again, but filled with blessings this time, so people may know the abundant love existing already for them.

Meaning that, you will be going up from earth into heaven then later at will return from heaven to earth, with amazing blessings overflowing within your heart to share with the people failing to understand Jacob's dream of the ladder ascending into heaven with the angels and others descending, because now we are the holy angels going up-and-down Jacob's ladder into eternity. Now, people from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, can go up-and-down Jacob's ladder ascending into heaven's glory as to where our heavenly Father is waiting for us to enter into His very holy angelic Kingdom of eternal life, but washed clean from sin by His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, and filled with his amazing love always, as ever.

These days, with our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ shed atoning-blood to the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill and at the holy-cross, you have an indelible right to ascend and descend at will from earth to haven and then from heaven to earth, since, you are now the ones made holy angels by the atoning-blood to use Jacob's ladder as you may please. You have already hit the doorpost of your home with the bunch of hyssop branches to smear them from top to bottom with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood your going in and out, because now you can ascend into heaven's glory just as the holy angels in Jacob's dream to gather the fruit from the tree of life for your daily enrichment.

Jerusalem's holy hill is filled with the fruit of life dropping-ripe from the tree of life that is our Father's holy-cross always given out His daily fruit for every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, to gather immediately that rightfully belong to you, so you may become heal to live a happy life always. Our heavenly Father is certainly calling you again to hit your heart's doorframe with a group of twigs deep in His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at Jerusalem's holy hill cross, so you may become Holy Spirit reborn from the world of darkness, into the world of light, where His Son reigns over the nations sitting at Jerusalem's throne forever victorious. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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