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Nov 7, 2014, 1:06:52 PM11/7/14
Sábado, 01 de Noviembre, 2014 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Deseamos expresar nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones a cada una de las familias que perdió a su muy amado cuando trabajaba en la mina de carbón del municipio de Amagá, en el departamento de Antioquía, Colombia, el cual de pronto se comenzó a inundar, reclamando así la vida de doce de sus trabajadores. Nuestro Padre celestial recibió estas vidas en la eternidad por amor a su Hijo Jesucristo, porque por cada uno de ellos él mismo derramó su sangre santísima sobre el lugar bendito que fue escogido por nuestro Padre celestial desde la fundación del mundo, para que su holocausto continúo y sin parar sea establecido en su lugar santo y eternal.

Además, para esto él mismo envió a su Hijo amado al mundo, para que nazca del vientre virgen de la hija de David, por el Espíritu Santo, para no solamente darnos la vida eterna sino también el cuerpo glorificado para vivirla eternamente felices desde hora mismo en la tierra y así también en el nuevo reino de los cielos. Y nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació santo y puro sin conocimiento y el poder destructor del pecado de Adán y Eva, porque era necesario que él empezara una vida totalmente nueva en la tierra libre de todo mal del pasado del paraíso y de la tierra, para siempre.

Por cuanto, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente iba a vivir una vida sumamente santa y al pie del Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos para cumplirlos, para infinitamente glorificarlos sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén hasta derramar su última gota de sangre preciosa y expiatoria a la tierra, para perdón eterno de nuestros pecados. Y mientras nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo vivió su vida santísima en la tierra de Israel, entonces lo hizo pensando en cada uno de todos nosotros, desde el primer hombre Adán y la primera mujer Eva del paraíso, sino también de cada uno de sus hijos e hijas de todas las familias de las naciones, para que seamos de él por siempre redimidos.

Porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo tenia que garantizar no solamente el perdón de cada pecado de cada uno de ellos sino también la salvación eterna del tormento del infierno; infierno, lugar infinitamente horrendo, en donde Satanás y sus ángeles caídos están siempre atormentando a cada pecador y pecadora del pasado que murieron sin recibir en sus corazones por fe su única salvación eterna. Ya que, todo aquel que nace en el mundo, de la simiente rebelde y pecadora de Adán y Eva del paraíso, entonces está destinado a vivir cada día de su vida obrando por el fruto de la tierra, para finalmente morir en su ultimo día para regresar al polvo de donde salió por vez primera en el día de su creación.

Visto que, desde cuando nuestro Padre celestial encontró pecado en Adán y Eva, entonces les dijo de la tierra te formé en el día de tu creación, pues a ella has de regresar para de nuevo recrearte de acuerdo a la semejanza de mi Hijo amado, el fruto de vida, y sólo por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo vivirás eternamente. En este día, nuestro Padre celestial no estaba condenando a Adán y Eva con cada uno de sus retoños a morir perpetuamente en el polvo, sino que realmente les estaba diciendo que él los iba a recrear, por los poderes asombrosos de su Espíritu Santo, para que entonces cada uno de ellos pueda renacer del polvo a semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo.

Por ello, era necesario que no solamente nuestro Señor Jesucristo naciese del vientre virgen de la hija de David para cumplir con el pacto de vida eterna del Espíritu Santo que había empezado con Abram y Sara su mujer estéril, para que al fin diese a luz a Isaac, sino que también el Mesías entrase al mundo por este mismo pacto eterno. Visto que, en el día que nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo nació en el mundo, entonces lo hizo por medio del vientre virgen de la hija de David y más no por un vientre sin vida como el de Sara mujer de Abram, para que el nuevo cuerpo que entrase a la vida del hombre entonces sea sin pecado alguno perpetuamente.

Porque en éste cuerpo santísimo y lleno de vida eterna y de la gloria de nuestro Padre celestial y del Espíritu Santo tenia que entonces no solamente nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo vivir su vida como la vive en el cielo desde siempre, sino que también vivir la nuestra (o la de cada uno de todos nosotros de todas las naciones). Y no solamente nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo tenia que vivir su vida santísima como siempre la ha vivido en el reino de los cielos con nuestro Padre celestial y con sus huestes angelicales, sino que también la de cada uno de nosotros, pero sin relación al pecado para siempre, para que por fin verter su sangre santísima por nuestro perdón.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo antes de ser entregado al Sanedrín (justicia Hebrea) con falsas acusaciones no para juzgarlo justamente y de acuerdo a la Ley de Dios y de Moisés, sino para simplemente matarlo: porque temían que pronto ya sus ganancias que recibían de sus feligreses iban a menguar hasta desaparecer por completo. Y los acusadores y alborotadores gritando que lo maten sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén realmente eran del Sanedrín y muchos fieles, para que sea crucificado sobre la cruz de Adán y Eva, para que no solamente la sangre salvadora sea derramada en su lugar eterno, sino que también seguidamente el nombre santo de nuestro Padre celestial sea establecido en Jerusalén perpetuamente.

Y es ésta sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo es la que está aún latiendo vida y clamando por el bienestar de cada uno de todos nosotros en todos los lugares de la tierra, para que nuestro Padre celestial tenga misericordia de nosotros y nos perdone cada uno de nuestros pecados para siempre. Ciertamente, ésta sangre viva de nuestro Señor Jesucristo aboga constantemente por nosotros delante de nuestro Padre celestial así como la sangre de Abel que cayó a tierra después que Caín su hermano le quitase la vida violentamente: porque Caín no entendía el poder de la sangre del cordero que había derramado a tierra agrando así eternamente a nuestro Dios en el cielo.

Y, por ende, la sangre salvadora de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo jamás a cesado de clamar por nosotros delante de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, para que oiga nuestras oraciones, ruegos, peticiones y intercesiones por los nuestros, para que el mal se valla y en su lugar sea lleno de su bien eterno y del Espíritu Santo, también. Y, además, la sangre viva de nuestro Señor Jesucristo clama día y noche delante de nuestro Padre celestial desde el lugar santísimo en donde cayó, entrando así a la tierra a donde el hombre había sido condenado por nuestro Padre celestial no solamente a morir sino también a regresar a ella, porque de ella había salido en el día de su creación.

Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial espera cada mañana, tarde y noche a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, no importando jamás su religión, porque él desea verlos arrodillados donde cayó la sangre santísima de su Hijo amado cuando recibía los clavos en sus manos y pies para ser crucificado, por culpa de nuestros pecados. Y éste lugar es un lugar sumamente santo y hasta quizás mucho más santo que el del Monte Sinaí, en donde nuestro Señor Jesucristo le dijo a Moisés: Quítate el calzado de tus pies, porque el lugar en donde estas parado santo es para siempre.

Y Moisés inmediatamente se quitó los zapatos de sus pies, porque él sentía en su corazón que estaba parado sobre un lugar muy santo, en donde por vez primera nuestro Padre celestial junto con su Espíritu Santo y sus huestes angelicales habían visto como su Hijo Jesucristo era inmolado para crear el mundo y toda vida por doquier, para la eternidad. Por ello, a cada hora, no importando jamás en donde nos encontremos, nuestro Padre celestial siempre está atento a cada uno de todos nosotros, en todos los lugares de la tierra, para que nos acerquemos a su lugar muy santo, en donde la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo sigue clamando por nosotros para que oremos junto con él, por unos momentos.

Dado que, la sangre de nuestro salvador Jesucristo sigue llamándonos a la oración desde el monte santo de Jerusalén y desde los cielos así como él mismo llamaba inicialmente a sus apóstoles a que oren con él por una hora, para que lo que está mal entonces sea transformado en el bien eterno de nuestro Padre y de su Espíritu Santo. Y una vez que nos acercamos al monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo espera por nosotros para orar, por unos momentos, juntos a nuestro Padre celestial que está en los cielos, entonces oraciones y plegarias santísimas serán hechas por nuestro Señor Jesucristo y por su Espíritu Santo para que seamos grandemente bendecidos.

Ciertamente, éstas son oraciones y plegarias que jamás nosotros la podríamos hacer, porque, primeramente no conocemos el lenguaje angelical ni mucho menos el que se habla en el corazón de nuestro Padre celestial, pero nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo y su Espíritu Santo si conocen estos lenguajes, y como orarle a él también hasta agradar grandemente su corazón bendito. Así es que, si tienes problemas, heridas graves, enfermedades, conflictos, logros que alcanzar, trabajo, sueños, relaciones entre esposos y esposas o simplemente amistades como vecinos y amistades de siempre, y tu no puedes con ellos por más grandes e imposibles que sean conquistarlos, entonces tráelos al monte santo de Jerusalén y déjalos ahí, para que la sangre bendita de Jesucristo interceda por ti.

Todo lo que tengas sobre ti, y tú ya no puedes llevarlo más sobre tus hombros, o simplemente necesitas ayuda del cielo, para que todo te salga bien, entonces tráelos al monte santo de Jerusalén, y déjalos ahí, para que la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo te ayude con cada uno de estos problemas, dificultades, enfermedades, preocupaciones y hasta muertes también. Puesto que, para nuestro Padre no hay nada imposible, para él todas las cosas son posibles cada día de nuestras vidas en la tierra y así también en el cielo para siempre, entonces simplemente acércate hoy mismo a la sangre viva de nuestro Señor Jesucristo que cayó a tierra para limpiarte de todos estos males que te agobian tanto.

Y una vez que descubras tu lugar eterno sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, en donde la sangre santísima cayó a tierra por ti, pagando así todo lo que debías a nuestro Padre celestial en su Juicio eterno, entonces comenzaras a vivir libre de Satanás y de cada una de las cargas que él te tenia llevando hasta el día de hoy. Sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, la sangre santísima de nuestro Señor Jesucristo te hace eternamente libre de todos los males que siempre han pesado sobre ti y sobre cada uno de los tuyos también, porque la sangre santísima no solamente te limpia de pecado, sino que te deja libre de los males que salen de Satanás y de sus ángeles caídos.

Y cuando eres libre al fin de Satanás y de sus seguidores, entonces sólo bendiciones descienden del cielo y de abajo en la tierra para enriquecerte cada día más hasta que llenes las expectativas del corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo--porque cuando naciste en el cielo también nacieron riquezas infinitas para adornar tu vida constantemente. Hoy, también deseamos extender nuestro amor, oraciones y condolencias a cada una de las familias de Sri Lanka, en Asia, de las que han perdido a sus familiares en éste terrible deslave de tierra que aparentemente los sepultó mientras se encontraban en sus hogares, y los rescatistas siguen buscando por ellos sin cesar para rescatar todos los que se puedan salvar.

Que nuestro Padre celestial los siga bendiciendo grandemente a cada uno de todos ustedes, no importando jamás en donde se encuentren en toda la tierra, por medio del amor santísimo y gracia inagotable de su Hijo Jesucristo que resucitó en el tercer día para vencer el mal y así seguir amándonos abundantemente para llenarnos de sus ricas bendiciones y fuerzas prodigiosas. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father made His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) His high priest and lamb with the shed atoning-blood within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to create all things, so he may someday be born on earth through David's virgin daughter by the Holy Spirit's power to continue to be the nations' high priest and lamb forever. That is to say, that our heavenly Father recognized only His Son as His high priest and lamb with the atoning-blood in heaven' glory for the angels, and on earth for the nations as well, because he alone is God's Righteousness forever, so His Son is the one to pray for his atoning-blood to work miracles in our every day lives.

Then, Abel and Cain brought their sacrifice offerings before our Father in heaven, but only Abel's lamb that he had shed the blood to the ground was gladly accepted by Him, His Spirit, His Son, and the angelic hosts began to sing and dance with great joy in the high heavens, because Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is recognized on earth at last. Why are you so angry, our heavenly Father asked Cain. Why do you look so dejected? You will certainly be accepted if you respond in the correct way. However, if you refuse to respond in the correct way, then watch out. Sin is waiting to attack and destroy you, but you must subdue it.

Cain had begun to feel angry at his brother Abel, because our heavenly Father had seen his sacrifice of a burn offering and He had accepted it gladly, because he had chosen the best of his flocks to shed the atoning-blood to the ground before His altar in heaven's glory, commemorating for the first time His Son's sacrifice for humankind. However, Cain had brought the best from the ground that his hands had produced over the seasons, but our heavenly Father did not look with gladness to his offering, instead He continued to appreciate and admire what his brother had presented unto Him that commemorated His Son's sacrificed-life for the creation of the world by shedding his atoning-blood for everyone's salvation.

Surely, Cain had become very angry with his brother Abel because his offering from the best that the ground can produce was never enough to please our heavenly Father's divine expectations, so he felt angry and very dejected that the only thing that he could think of was how he could avenge what his brother had done against him. At once, knowing our heavenly Father the way he looked moreover the wicked ideas that were going through his heart and mind that He without bias called his attention by asking him: why was he so angry?

Furthermore, why feel dejected because the offering of fruit, vegetables and flowers were not enough to please His divine expectations to the point that He will bless him for his work that he had done through the seasons to obtain his much needed blessing that he was so eagerly expecting to receive timely from Him and His Spirit, our Father asked Cain. Undoubtedly, Cain felt that he had been robbed from his blessing by his only brother Abel, so in his anger and blindness asked him to walk with him to the field where he had toiled so hard to please our heavenly Father in heaven, so he may receive his blessing from Him thus to continue to live his life--but heavenly blessed forever.

Indeed, the life that Cain wanted to live with his children was a blessed one by our Father from heaven above but, now, his brother was in the way, and he needed not only to take revenge, but also to ensure that he will never again steal his blessing from our heavenly Father, so he had to get rid of him soon. And although Cain was thinking to avenge the blessing that he had lost moreover kill his brother whenever possible, so he will never have to lose again his blessing because of him and his lamb's blood-sacrifice before our heavenly Father's altar, then, graciously, our Father approached him with great concern for his future--for his blessing is in His Son's shed atoning-blood.

Our heavenly Father wanted Cain to realize that what he was thinking was terribly wrong, and definitely the wrong way to go about solving this problem that was before him, so He asked Cain: Why are you so angry? Why continue to look so dejected? You can do better than what you have done until now in my presence, our heavenly Father said to Cain. In fact, you can also take one of your brother Abel's lamb and shed its atoning-blood to the ground and then you will be accepted just as your brother had been already with great love, so you will not continue to feel angry much less look disconsolate as if there is no hope for you anymore in this world.

Besides, you will be accepted just as Abel was with his sacrifice offering over the same altar that is waiting for your sacrifice offering, because the power of the atoning-blood shed to the ground initially by my Son as heaven's lamb and Eternal Righteousness with the atoning-blood to remove sin will bless and protect you from now on from all evil. Surely, you will always be blessed and protected by the atoning-blood's power shed since Creation day by my only Son, because he alone is my priest and lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin from your life and your loved ones, so you will never have anything to fear because the atoning-blood will be there for you, our Father assured Cain.

Undoubtedly, this is true for every man, woman and child from any nation to live a blessed and protected life all the days of their lives, so they may be able to come to know, love, serve and glorify the Divine God from whom they were born in the day they became human living-beings in heaven's glory through the Holy Spirit. This is the atoning-blood from where Adam was born initially from our heavenly Father by the Holy Spirit's power, because as Adam was born from His image to live according to His likeness then he became a human living-being fashioned in His Son Jesus Christ from head to foot, so he will be His legitimate offspring in heaven's glory into eternity.

However, as our heavenly Father watched Adam lived his first days in heaven then He realized that was not good for man to live alone, so He decided to make him a companion that will be next to him all the days of his life bearing children always for him to fill the earth, and this where Eve was initially born. Timely, our heavenly Father put Adam to sleep then He removed one of his fifth rib from his thorax, and with it fashioned Eve the first woman to be his wife, to bear his children, so she may become the mother of humankind in heaven and earth, for our heavenly Father's holy name many glories yet to come through them into eternity.

Now, Eve was formed in the image of man, while man had been fashioned initially in our heavenly Father's image to live according to His Son's likeness in heaven and on earth forever into eternity, so he may live a Holy Spirit's filled life that will never be compared to another, because humanity has become the cradle of His legitimate children forever. Therefore, the fountain of the blood of the entire human race, beginning with Adam in paradise, is our Lord Jesus Christ as the lasting tree of life, because Adam as the first man to be born in our heavenly Father's image received the blood that gave him life to live the life that He can divinely love Holy Spirit filled everlastingly.

Thus, our beginning in heaven's glory is not only our Father because we were born from Him in His image but also His Son, because we were fashioned in His Son's likeness to live forever filled with the Holy Spirit that can transform us into our Father's legitimate children by invoking His holy name, solely in a moment of prayer and faith. Really, the day we were created in heaven's glory then our heavenly Father said: Let us go down to create man in our image, and here, our Father was speaking directly to His Son Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit, so they may descend with Him from the high heaven in heaven's glory to create man in their individual image-and-likeness.

Subsequently, as we were born from our heavenly Father then we were born initially in His image, immediately His only Son fashioned us in his likeness to eat only from his fruit of life, so we may become our Father's legitimate children forever filled with His Spirit's powers, gifts, and glories that pleases Him, so we may live to love Him everlastingly. Therefore, we were created by our heavenly Father, His Son thus to be reborn heavenly bound into everlasting through the Holy Spirit's new-birth, because we are fashioned by the powers of our Father into His legitimate children to become Gods and priests more glorious and powerful than the holiest angel in heaven, so we may love, serve and glorify Him everlastingly.

Lawfully, for this reason our heavenly Father has called us to receive His Son Jesus Christ's supreme and nonstop celestial sacrifice of the atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place, so we may live washed clean from sin and purified everlastingly in his perfect Righteousness, because we are His chosen children to become Gods and priest forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father called to Cain's attention to the need not to be angry much less down cast as there is no hope anymore in this world, because there is hope for those that follow his Son Jesus Christ's supreme nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood to remove sin, so Satan will fail always to attack and destroy anyone.

Now, Abel was able to please our heavenly Father, because he was the first one to celebrate on earth the memory of His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood over His altar within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to begin to create the world with everything else, and so, obviously, our Father was very happy with him for his faith. Then, as Cain saw that our Father had become very happy with his brother's lamb blood-sacrifice, then he felt rejected, because he did not see our Father becoming anytime soon so elated over his offering placed before Him with much hope of an eternal blessing that he was looking for to continue to live his life--but heavenly blessed--not cursed.

Really, Cain should have understood that it was more important for our Father to see him believing in His Son's nonstop celestial-sacrifice of the atoning-blood over His altar in heaven's glory then for a basket of fruit, vegetables and flowers that he had brought over to compete with his brother's lamb blood-sacrifice that was covered with the pact of the eternal divine-blood. For sure, Cain needed our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood sacrifice just as anyone else in the entire world, so he may not only live blessed and protected always but also he will have the power to subdue the forces of sin that will come against him to attack and destroy him as he lest expects it to happen without any warning.

Certainly, our heavenly Father tried to make Cain understand that the blessing that his heart and entire being were asking to attain as soon as possible, it was just not any other blessing that our heavenly Father may grant him to feel fulfilled and happy, but, what he really needed it was His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood washing him from sin. Therefore, Abel was able to attain mercy and our heavenly Father's favor for sacrificing a lamb to shed the blood over His altar on earth, commemorating in this way His Son's atoning-blood in heaven's glory to create the world with all things, including him and his family, but, Cain failed to see it this way causing him to sin blindly.

Now, the sin that Cain had committed against his brother Abel was something that had never been done on earth, and our Father warned him to rethink what he was about to do by just taking one of his brother's sacrifice-animal to shed the atoning-blood to the ground just as his brother had done it to win His blessing and lasting favor. Surely, our heavenly Father wanted Cain to do the same that his brother Abel had done earlier with one of the lambs by shedding its atoning-blood over His altar by faith, so he may receive his long-waited blessing upon his life and upon his children in future generations, moreover He wanted him to learn to subdue sin the right way forever.

Inasmuch as, simply His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood cannot only create all things in heaven and on earth, but also, it has the power to subdue sin to the point that it will become powerless upon his life and that of his loved ones likewise, so he may live a blessed and protected life, regardless wherever he may decide to live. That is why, that our Father before He created anything in heaven above, as the holy angels in their different ranks of power and glory, and on earth by creating all things with life under the water, the skies and on earth, then He had His Son's nonstop celestial-sacrifice established firmly over His altar, so sin will never be in His Creation.

That is to say, also that for whatever our Father may need to do anywhere else whether this is in heaven or on earth then His Son's atoning-blood must be acknowledged, honored, glorified and exalted, so when Abel came with his lamb offering to shed the atoning-blood over His altar, then he was accepted, however with Cain He was entirely different. For the reason that, Cain's sacrifice consisted of fruit, vegetables and flowers most likely that had nothing to do with His Son's nonstop celestial-sacrifice atoning-blood shed over His altar in heaven's glory, for sin to be removed always and automatically for Him to continue with His Creation, so with Cain's offering then he could not be blessed as he likely expected.

Really, Cain needed to know that he had to acknowledge our heavenly Father's Son Jesus Christ atoning-blood sacrificed shed since Creation day in heaven's glory by bringing onto the altar a young lamb to have its blood shed over it, acknowledging like this the nonstop sacrifice of His Son's atoning-blood, so his sin may finally be covered for blessing to be possible. For this was the only way possible that our heavenly Father was going to acknowledge anyone in His holy presence, that is, if that person will acknowledge widely on earth His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, so a relationship may take place immediately by removing sin at once from everywhere.

Knowing that, our heavenly Father will never speak to anyone much less listen to that one's prayer if that person has failed to acknowledge His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over His altar in heaven's glory, so all truth and justice may be fulfilled properly, so a relationship between Father and son may take place continually and without ceasing into eternity. Therefore, it is His Son's atoning-blood shed over our heavenly Father's Mercy Seat within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory is what is going to open a communication-line between Him with any of the angels and on earth with any man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, for sin to be removed and blessing descends abundantly.

Then, this is what our heavenly Father tried to communicate to Cain before he was going to kill his brother Abel, in a moment of rage and blindness, because he failed to understand what our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood meant to him and to his children for generations to come--for His lamb's atoning-blood is truly the beginning of everything in anyone's life. And our heavenly Father's lamb with the atoning-blood creating everything in heaven's glory, including every miracle and marvelous-work, and on earth with all life, including every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, is always our Lord Jesus Christ, so whatever is been blessed and created, in a moment of faith and prayer, then it will be sinless.

That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Cain before killing his brother Abel because of his lamb sacrifice offering of the atoning-blood shed over the altar that he needed also to make a lamb's atoning-blood sacrifice immediately, so he may do what is correct in His sight, then he will be accepted and blessed with powerful blessings from heaven above. And this is an act of faith and prayer that every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations is lawfully called to do every day of their entire lives on earth, because they need to be washed clean from Satan's lies that he placed in Eve's heart to deliver to Adam, so he may believe deceptions-and-lies forever.

That is why, that we have always have had liars and those that believe the lies one after another as if they were candy to chew on thus causing our heavenly Father to become so angry that have brought through history judgment, havoc and terrible destruction upon the entire earth because of our Father's progressive wrath against those that are easily deceived. Moreover, Satan wanted to destroy Adam and his children, beginning with Eve his wife in paradise, because they were both born from our heavenly Father's image by the power of the Holy Spirit to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's Righteous likeness, only by eating from his fruit of life that blesses the human living-soul with amazing powers into infinity.

These days, whenever Satan comes against you with his deceptive lies as usual then it will be to attack and destroy you, and you will never be able to do anything against his attacks and deceptions until you cling to our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day (Gn. 1:2), so you may subdue sin at last forever. It has always been His Son's atoning-blood subduing sin, so it may not attack and destroy our heavenly Father's work in heaven with the angels and on earth with every life that He has so graciously created until now, including every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so sin may be subdued always into hell's torment.

For the truth is that sin is powerless over our heavenly Father's lamb with the atoning-blood that not only creates all things in heaven for angels and on earth for the families and the nations but also have the power to attack and destroy sin everywhere until Satan and the angel of death with the fallen angels are destroyed in hell's torment. That is why, that Lucifer became a sinful archangel (Satan) in heaven's glory just as Cain became wicked and destructive that killed his only brother, because he failed miserably to understand that he needed to have acknowledged within his heart our heavenly Father's lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin forever from his life and that of his loved ones, as well.

Cain should have just humble himself before our heavenly Father and acknowledge His Son Jesus Christ that had shed his atoning-blood over the ancient altar within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory to begin to create the world, finally to give birth to Adam in His image to live according to His Son's Righteous likeness in paradise forever into eternity. And because Cain failed to acknowledge our Lord Jesus Christ's ancient sacrifice by shedding his atoning-blood within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, then sin attack and destroy him by killing his only brother that had made a lamb's atoning-blood sacrifice for him and for his loved ones, so forgiveness and grace may be possible timely for his family.

Meaning that, with Abel's lamb as he shed the atoning-blood over our Father's altar in heaven's glory to commemorate His Son's nonstop sacrifice that until now upholds steadily to forgive, heal, bless, prosper and do wonderful things for all those wanting eternal life to live forever saved with our Father in heaven's glory, then you may also be blessed right now into eternity. For the reason that, it is our heavenly Father's will to forgive, heal, bless and enrich everyone's life with powerful richness from heaven above and from the earth below but only as the one standing before Him with his prayers has already acknowledged His Son Jesus Christ, as the ultimate sacrifice of the atoning-blood that removes sin in his life forever.

That is all that our heavenly Father asked the ancients as Abel and Cain to do over His ancient altar in heaven's glory where His Son Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood to destroy sin before it attacks and destroys as it usually does in heaven to the angels and on earth to humankind, so he that obeys may be blessed perpetually. Given that, it is only His Son Jesus Christ that has the power to attack and destroys sin anywhere in heaven's glory and on earth as well, so everyone that may approach our heavenly Father, in a moment of prayer and faith, then that one approaching will be sinless and blameless to stand in holy ground to speak to our Father freely.

That is why, that our heavenly Father needed to speak to Cain by letting him know that there is a better way always to solve any problem invading your life, and this is through the glorious sacrificed divine-life of His Son Jesus Christ that shed his atoning-blood over His holy altar in heaven's glory, so he may subdue and escape sin forever. That is exactly what our heavenly Father was saying to Cain and to everyone else ready to commit any crime as Cain did, so he may solve his problem that was before him but, instead what Cain did was to make it worse that brought a terrible curse upon him and upon his loved ones to be born in future generations.

What Cain needed to do was to listen to our heavenly Father's advice and do the lamb's atoning-blood sacrifice just as his brother Abel had done it earlier, so he will be accepted to receive forgiveness, healing, blessing, richness, peace and endless prosperity for him and for his loved ones that were yet to be born in future generations. Because, our heavenly Father does anything and solves all problems by the amazing powers of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over His ancient altar to remove sin always from his children and from all the things that He may be doing or that He is ready to do as well, so sin will never be present in all His work.

That is why, also that it was important for our heavenly Father to sit with Abram and his friends at the Lord's Table served daily by His Son, so they may eat the bread and wine that gives power to anyone that obeys His call thus to live a pristine life that has always opened doors to enter into amazing blessings. Moreover, our heavenly Father invited Abram with his friends to sit at the Lord's Table with Him, because He knew exactly what they were going to eat from His Son Jesus Christ, provided that the only meal to eat that is true bread and living-wine is his sacred-sacrificed body that has shed the atoning-blood since Creation day, for life to exist everywhere.

Therefore, as Abram and his friends met with our heavenly Father at the Lord's Table then they ate together from the bread that is the sacrificed-body of His Son as God's lamb and Eternal Righteousness, and they drank together from the cup of wine that is the initial atoning-blood shed for the forgiveness of sin, for eternal life to takeoff everywhere forever. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had to sit with Abram and his allies at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son because he alone is the nonstop sacrifice from heaven above that started the creation of the world with all the families and nations, so our Father may start with Abram a new world with a pristine-life that is sinless perpetually.

Moreover, this is something that our heavenly Father had to do with Abram and his friends, because Adam and Eve in paradise failed Him and Cain also (failed) by instead of sitting together with Him to eat from our Lord Jesus Christ's bread and wine then Cain killed his only brother Abel without ever realizing the consequences of his sin. Then, our heavenly Father was very happy to have found Abram and his friends to sit with Him at the Lord's Table to eat from His Son Jesus Christ's bread that is his sacred-body and finally to drink from the cup of wine that represents his atoning-blood shed initially within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place to remove sin from everywhere forever.

Presently, this is exactly what our Father has been telling you and your loved ones until now, and this is that you need to acknowledge His Son Jesus Christ as your personal lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin from your life and that of your loved ones as well, so you may become reborn from the Holy Spirit's power into eternity. Really, this is to become reborn from the Holy Spirit that gave initially birth to Isaac from his mother Sarah's barren-womb and lately to His only Son through David's virgin daughter, so you will no longer have your savior in heaven's glory but also on earth, so you may have the atoning-blood to remove sin causing your problems, sickness and death.

For it is our heavenly Father's will that you may become reborn from His Holy Spirit, in a moment of prayer and faith, so you may become the person that He knows forever moreover know His love, mercy and endless favors, so you may live a wonderful life on earth these days but also in heaven's glory with the angelic hosts. That is why, that without His Son's atoning-blood over His altar in heaven you will never be seeing by Him as His loved one, because you are still living in Adam and Eve's rebellious blood that you were born from them initially, but as you may acknowledge Jesus Christ's atoning-blood burning Righteousness for you everywhere then you are recognized in heaven perpetually.

Moreover, as you are recognized in heaven's glory, because of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood burns today for you as it burned over Mount Sinai's summit for Israel to be liberated from Egypt's captivity, then your name will be written in the book of life, because your heart is opened for our heavenly Father forever to deposit abundantly His daily blessing. Unquestionably, you will be living a new life that is not run by Adam's rebellious blood from paradise that sinned against the fruit of life by eating from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, but you will be living instead in His Son's atoning-blood that is full of daily blessings for you and for others from everywhere, as well.

Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood will be running through your heart and entire veins system of your body thus to enrich your entire being from inside out, so you will always know that you are loved in heaven by our heavenly Father and His holy angels, because now you are really pleasing His very holy demanding heart for justice forever. That is to say, also that every time that our heavenly Father will see you from heaven above then He will not see your ill blood but instead He will see His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood running through your entire body, so He will never be able to see your sins again but only His Son's Righteousness that pleases Him everlastingly.

Moreover, as you may please His very holy demanding heart for perfect Righteousness then our heavenly Father will only want to bless you and your loved ones, because you are so perfect and holy in His presence that even before He may begin to speak to you He is already blessing your every day wherever life may take you in this world. Indeed, our heavenly Father will never again will see your sins but only perfect Righteousness because of His Son's atoning-blood running through your heart and entire being instead of Adam and Eve's rebellious blood that caused Him so much trouble in paradise the day they both ate from the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil.

Hereafter, our heavenly Father will only see you eating the bread and drinking from the cup of wine that His Son Jesus Christ served not only to the angels in heaven's glory but also to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob along to millions more throughout history, including you and your loved ones, because this meal is also for you to enjoy everlastingly. That is why, that our heavenly Father wants you to realize that every time you sit at the Lord's Table at your home with your loved ones, for example, then you are partaking of the Lord's Supper that His Son Jesus Christ gladly serves daily to everyone willing to eat to the joy of His heart and of the Holy Spirit's.

For this is the bread and wine that enriches your entire being because this is a meal that enriches our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood within your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit, so you may become reborn from the Holy Spirit from the world of darkness into the world of light where you truly belong forever. Given that, this is our heavenly Father's wonderful world of light created with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, so you may become alive into it, so you will no longer live chained-and-shackled in Satan's realm of darkness and destruction as hell is forever these days to so many lost souls, but you will live hereafter filled with eternal life.

This is our heavenly Father's world of light and everlasting blessing that He has paid in full with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over His ancient altar in heaven's glory, so you may finally live the glorious life that you were born from His image to live according to His Son Jesus Christ's Righteous likeness forever into eternity. It is in this wonderful world from heaven above where you are truly happy every day of your life, because His Son's atoning-blood is running through your heart and veins thus to enrich your entire new being with love, health, happiness, and even incredible wealth that you would have never been able to possess with Adam's ill blood running through you instead.

That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ's sacrifice of his atoning-blood over our heavenly Father's altar in heaven's glory was very important to create the world with all things but also to wash you clean from sin these days, moreover grant you the wonderful glorified body that you will need to have to enter heaven's eternal life forever justified. Meaning that, today our Lord Jesus Christ possesses the glorified body that you will need to have not only to live a blessed life these days on earth but also to live the eternal life that our heavenly Father has prepared for you since the foundation of the world, so you may live with Him your newly found life to the full.

This is the glorified body that he had to win for you after he shed his atoning-blood over Jerusalem's holy hill as he was nailed with our heavenly Father's holy name to Adam and Eve, so his blood will enter the ground just as Abel's blood did to begin to cry out to our heavenly Father for you to be blessed. Our Lord Jesus Christ ever since he won your glorified body over Jerusalem's holy hill as he was nailed to the cross of Adam and Eve to establish forever our Father's holy name over Jerusalem City, then his atoning-blood has not ceased to cry, beg, groan, implore, wail, moan before Him always asking for your well-being and your loved ones, too.

Presently, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill needs to touch you with the Holy Spirit's power so our heavenly Father will listen to your prayers, so whatever you may need in life then He will supply it to you immediately, because you need to have your sins erased forever, for blessing to enter into your life in abundance. This is our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood that has always cry out to our Father in heaven while he was been sacrificed over His altar within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place, so He will not only speak to Moses face-to-face to give daily commands for Israel to follow diligently, but also for you these days thus you may receive your much-needed blessing.

For it is over the tabernacle's Most Holy Place where the Mercy Seat is where our heavenly Father sits to speak to Moses and every man, woman and child from everywhere willing to speak to Him concerning anything where they may need His attention and blessing, because this is where His Son shed the atoning-blood to cover sin forever in heaven's glory. Our heavenly Father is at this glorious place these days just as He was for Moses initially after the events of Mount Sinai and the desert, so He may receive everyone's prayers from within Israel and the nations, because He needs to forgive your sin moreover bless you powerfully thus you may have your name written in the book of life.

That is why, that it is urgent for you to approach Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is where our Lord Jesus Christ shed every drop of his eternal life to begin to cry out to our heavenly Father for your well-being in this life and in the next one to come in heaven's glory, because you need to be blessed promptly. At Jerusalem's holy hill where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood cries out loud your name to our Father in heaven just as he began to moan, pray, and intercedes for you over the cross as he was been nailed, so our heavenly Father's holy name may finally rest over Jerusalem's holy hill but also for you today to find your much-needed blessing.

At Jerusalem's holy hill our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood will help you pray, moan, wail, cry to our heavenly Father with every one of your prayers until He will not only listen to you but also begin to bless you as you may need to be blessed these days to solve those problems, cure the infirmity, and escape from hell's torment forever. Your blessing was left over Jerusalem's holy hill and His Son's atoning-blood is crying out to heaven's glory for your name, so our heavenly Father will not only have mercy on you and your loved ones but also that you will have the courage to approach it to receive your much-needed blessing, so you will have a bright-future with your family always.

Over Mount Sinai's summit our Lord Jesus Christ said to Moses: Go to my people and sprinkle the lamb's atoning-blood over every doorframe, so when the destroyer, sin, will come around to attack and destroy you then my atoning-blood will cover you, so he will not see you and go on his way to attack and destroy where the atoning-blood is missing. On that night, the entire house of Israel walked away from certain death because of our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day over our heavenly Father's altar within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place, so they may learn to walk with His Son through the desert into the Promised Land to conquer Jerusalem City for His holy name to reign forever.

Thus, as Israel stepped out from slavery to cross the Red sea in dry ground to stand finally at Mount Sinai to see the living savior that had shed his atoning-blood to liberate them from certain death, then our Father showed them the rock from where His Son was hidden ready to satisfy their thirst finally to walk to the Promised Land. At the rock that our heavenly Father showed Moses and Israel then our Lord Jesus Christ gave them to drink from his cup of wine that he had given initially to Abram and his friends to drink at the Lord's Table, so they may start a new pact of life that will never die but only continue to increase into eternity.

This is an eternal pact of life that our Father established with Abram and his friends at the Lord's Table, because they had eaten and drunk from His Son the bread of life and cup of wine, red as his atoning-blood that gives life to anyone that believes thus to reach new glories and sanctities that have never been reached before. These days, to become blessed by our heavenly Father then we just need to enter into the pact of life that will never die but only increase into all eternity because its glories manifested to Abram and his children until now it have only been few, but what is yet to come is greater than all the glories from the past.

Graciously, the only thing that our heavenly Father is asking us to do is what He asked Adam and Eve in paradise, and this is to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son's atoning-blood shed since Creation day for miracles to take place abundantly everywhere, because He needs to manifest His great wonders and powers much more than ever. But, what is amazing about the whole thing is that even greater wonders and powers are going to wrought on earth than the ones that we have learned from the past, because our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is still faithful at the same holy place as in day one blessing us from heaven above as we profess our faith in him.

That is why, that you need to believe in our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood doing our Father's nonstop work in heaven's glory and on earth also as over Jerusalem's holy hill since he was mortally wounded for our sins, nailed to the cross, so he may pay in full for our transgressions, and like this escape hell's torment forever. Today, His Son's shed atoning-blood is very important in our heavenly Father holy presence so we may approach Him anytime and for any given reason, so we must always acknowledge the atoning-blood within our hearts, for wonderful things to take place within and around us, because our Father really needs to bless each one of us every day until kingdom comes.

Meaning that, also our heavenly Father after He allowed Israel to see His Son Jesus Christ from afar off just as Moses had met him earlier moreover drink from the rock his atoning-blood turned into abundant refreshing-water, so they may become blessed, then He commanded them to continue to conduct blood sacrifices every step of the way into the Promised Land. Thus, the Israelis once they began to sacrifice their lambs to shed the atoning-blood to the ground and over the designated altar as within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place, then they were doing in remembrance of His Son that had shed his nonstop atoning-blood earlier in heaven's glory to begin Creation in heaven with the angels and on earth with humankind.

Moreover, the shedding of the atoning-blood never stopped because it was absolutely necessary to continue to shed every lamb's atoning-blood to the ground and over the tabernacle's Most Holy Place and altar as well, so truth and justice may be fulfilled before our Father in heaven for Israel to continue on their way to the Promised Land constantly subduing sin forever. Divinely, our heavenly Father had to have Israel to continue to shed the lamb's atoning-blood every step of the way into the Promised Land because this was done timely and according to the nonstop atoning-blood shed initially in heaven's glory to begin Creation, so sin may not attack and destroy Israel but instead subdue it forever with His lamb's atoning-blood existing powers.

Presently, amazing powers from His Son's atoning-blood that was continually raining down from heaven above (Gn. 1:2) as from within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place and Mercy Seat, because our Lord Jesus Christ had to take Israel into the Promised Land soon and defeat every enemy also on the way to establish our heavenly Father's holy name at Jerusalem's holy hill forever. To this day, His Son's atoning-blood continues to rain down from heaven above as from within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, because his atoning-blood shed at Jerusalem's holy hill continues to plea for your forgiveness, healing, blessing, enrichment and, above all, your eternal salvation that only his atoning-blood can truly pay in full to enter heaven's glory forever saved.

Millions have been saved until now, because His Son's atoning-blood removes sin progressively from within the Most Holy Place in heaven's glory for every man, woman and child from all the families and religions of the nations, as they may feel liberated invoking his holy name that our heavenly Father granted His only Son, so you may become His legitimate child today. For it is written everyone invoking the name of the Lord Jesus Christ in the last days, then that one must be washed clean from sin by the power of his atoning-blood still running alive and well through the lamb of God that takes the sin from the world, so you may become saved to enter into heaven's glory anyday now.

This is our heavenly Father's love and amazing grace manifested to you these days, because you need to receive His Son's atoning-blood to remove sin immediately from your life, so you will no longer be constituted His enemy but instead you will become one more of His eternal sons/daughters because His Holy Spirit is in you to stay forever. Moreover, the Holy Spirit within you will confess His Son's holy name with your lips for salvation believing within your heart for justice that he has been born from David's virgin daughter through His Spirit to fulfill the Ten Commandments, so your savior may finally be nailed to the cross to pay in full for your sins with his saving atoning-blood.

That is all that our heavenly Father needs you to do, for the Holy Spirit to begin to work amazing miracles within your life and that of your loved ones, because His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed at Jerusalem's holy hill still remains faithful to you until now as your living-savior praying constantly for your forgiveness, health, prosperity, happiness and eternal salvation. At Jerusalem's holy hill, Jesus Christ has not ceased ever to moan before our Father in heaven by His Spirit that brought him into Israel through David's virgin daughter to live the holy life that saves you but also nailed him to the cross as your high priest and lamb shedding the atoning-blood to the ground declaring you liberated from sin forever.

That is why, that our heavenly Father needs you to approach Jerusalem's holy hill through prayer and faith to stand in holy ground before His Son Jesus Christ just as Moses did at Mount Sinai, and lay down your problems, difficulties, infirmities, needs, and threats of death where his atoning-blood entered the ground for you, so powerful miracles will liberate you forever. It is here where our heavenly Father has made you the most happy man, woman, and child on earth, because it is here where His Son lay down his divine life to shed his atoning-blood to the ground just as he did initially in Creation day in heaven's glory, so he suffered, wailed, and moaned, so you may become blissfully joyful starting today.

That is to say, also that His Son lay down his divine life on the cross with nails that pierced his sacred-body, so he may suffer your punishments, so you may finally become joyfully happy into eternity, because our Father wants you to return to Him the sooner the better washed clean from sin with His Son Jesus Christ's all-powerful atoning-blood. Truthfully, our Lord Jesus Christ has only known suffering and pain since the hour he laid his sacred-body to the cross pierced with nails and the roman's spear to his fifth rib to pay for your sins, so you will only know eternal happiness these days and in the next life already prepared for you with abundant love from his cross.

But, nothing will ever hurt our Lord Jesus Christ more than the nails piercing his hands, body and feet than to know that you continue to reject our Father's holy name that he bears everlastingly in eternal Righteousness that wants to love, bless, and heal you, so you may become reborn in the Holy Spirit's powers bearing His holy name lovingly forever. This is certainly more painful than all the nails that have ever pierced our Lord Jesus Christ as he laid voluntarily his sacred-body on the cross than to have you continually rejecting His Father's holy name that he bears with Israel since he first started to walk with Moses and the Israelis through the Sinai's desert to conquer the Promised Land.

This is a terrible sin that you must remove from you by the power of his atoning-blood that cries constantly for you from under the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill, so you may become Holy Spirit reborn from the world of darkness into the world of light, so you may receive gladly our Father's holy name with much love and kindness. Because, this is what our Lord Jesus Christ descended from heaven above to do, and this is that he needed to establish our heavenly Father's holy name forever within Jerusalem City but with the amazing power of his atoning-blood shed to the ground for you to become washed clean from sin, so you may receive His holy name in your life today.

This is our Lord Jesus Christ greatest suffering in his resurrected-life into heaven before the Father and on earth before you these days, because you have not been born from the Holy Spirit to abandon forever the world of darkness to enter into the world of life and light where our Father's holy name is widely loved, honored and exalted everlastingly. Now, if you really would like to stop our Lord Jesus Christ from suffering because of your sin to have rejected him and our heavenly Father's holy name that he bears in perfect Righteousness, and these are pains and suffering greater than the pains and sufferings from hell's torment, then you must receive him as your Lord and savior right now.

That is the truth these days, our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood is calling out to you from the grounds of Jerusalem's holy hill before our Father in heaven, so you may stop causing more pain and suffering to him (your only living-savior possible) that has defeated sin, death and hell's torment, so you may enter eternal life filled with everlasting happiness. Our heavenly Father wants His Son to stop suffering and crying because you still are indifferent to him and to His holy name that his sacred-body and atoning-blood conveys in perfect holiness to remove sin, sickness, curses and poverty, so you may find riches for you and your loved ones in this world and in the next one in heaven above.

That is why, that our heavenly Father asked Cain: Why are you so angry? Why you look so pale and dejected? Think about it, for a moment's time. If you do the right thing, you do not think that you will be accepted? Watch out, and look around you: sin is ready to attack and destroy you when you lest expected. Sin has no mercy or compassion for anyone, and the only thing it wants to do, if you are not careful, is to attack and destroy you until there is nothing left from you and your loved ones in this world. So, you must be wise now, and do that which is correct, and this is to receive the atoning-blood that has already been shed over the ancient altar within the tabernacle's Most Holy Place in heaven's glory, because only my Son's nonstop atoning-blood will subdue sin for you, for your loved ones, and for anyone else forever, our Father assured Cain.

Therefore, receive God's lamb with the atoning-blood shed since Creation day to subdue not only sin but also Satan and every one of his usual liars that are going around the world destroying peoples' lives, because they have failed to come to know the living-savior that loves them from heaven above on earth into eternity. Receive His Son's atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill, because this is the best thing that you will ever do in this life before passing into the next one, since Jesus Christ is your high priest and lamb with the atoning-blood that makes you shine in darkness to turn you into an everlasting paradise of incredible richness filled with amazing lasting-happiness.

These days, as you may receive His only Son as your personal Lord and savior, then he will cease to cry, moan, and suffer the terrible pains not only of the nails that pierced him to the cross but also of knowing that you had rejected our Father's holy name without ever knowing the sin that you were committing against your living-soul. Right now, our Lord Jesus Christ will sink deep into a vast celestial ocean of eternal happiness for his sacred-body and living-soul, because you have not only received him as your Lord and savior for eternity but also because now he has established our Father's holy name in your life just as he established it over Jerusalem City forever.

These days, you can cause our heavenly Father's holy angels to sing and dance with joy before His Eternal lamb with the atoning-blood shed for your well-being in heaven's glory and over Jerusalem's holy hill, by just acknowledging him within your heart, in a moment of prayer and faith, for your name to be written in His lamb's book of life forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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