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Apr 16, 2015, 12:27:12 AM4/16/15
Sábado, 11 de Abril, 2015 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador-Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)


Deseamos ofrecer nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones a las familias de las 148 personas que fueron asesinadas días atrás por yihadistas, en una de las universidades cristianas de Kenia. Cada uno de ellos se encuentra en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque para esto él descendió al mundo sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo derramada a tierra de sus tres cruces envueltas en el fuego del Espíritu Santo, porque la sangre del pacto eterno clama por nuestra salvación día y noche.

Porque éste es el monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces arregladas en línea para que los ángeles desciendan a la tierra y otros asciendan al cielo, visto que esta es la única puerta a la Casa de nuestro Padre celestial que está en el reino de los cielos. Y fue precisamente aquí en donde nuestro Padre celestial llamó inicialmente a Jacobo que se parada delante de sus cruces, para que su Hijo Jesucristo que siempre está en medio de ellas le hablara a él con amor, misericordia, gracia y gran verdad, para no solamente entregarle la tierra de Canaán, sino también a sus hijos para habitarla, para siempre.

Dado que nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo le dijo a Jacobo: Toda ésta tierra en donde te encuentras parado te la he dado a ti con todos los tuyos que nacerán después de ti, en sus millares, para que sean una gran nación y un reino bendito de Dios en el mundo. Entonces Jacobo, después de haber hablado con nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo por un buen tiempo, inmediatamente dijo: Si, realmente, me das de comer, me vistes y te aseguras que yo llegue seguro a la tierra de la parentela de mi padre Isaac, pues tú serás mi gran Dios Eterno, para siempre.

Y luego de haber dicho ésta oración delante de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y del Espíritu Santo, entonces Jacobo ungió con abundante aceite la piedra en donde había reposado su cabeza para dormir aquella noche camino a Padan-aram, en donde encontraría a su esposa entre las hijas de la parentela de su padre Isaac, para empezar su familia magistral. Y desde el día que Jacobo se despidió de Dios para seguir por su camino hacia la tierra de la parentela de su padre Isaac, entonces el Espíritu Santo comenzó a bendecirlo grandemente, porque no solamente le dio de comer de todo y de lo mejor de la tierra, sino que también lo vestía, para que llegase a su destino presentable.

Entonces Jacobo era bendecido por Dios y por su Espíritu Santo en gran manera, porque el monte santo de Jerusalén había llegado a ser parte de su vida, y quizá la parte más importante de sus posesiones, porque no solamente le cambio su nombre a Israel, porque Dios le dijo: No te llamaras más Jacobo, sino que Israel será tu nombre. Y nuestro Padre celestial le había cambiado su nombre a Israel, porque él no solamente había hecho el pacto de vida eterna con el Espíritu Santo cuando hablaba con nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo de entre medio de las cruces, sino que ahora él seria su primogénito y el comienzo de la gran nación de Israel en el mundo.

Porque nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba establecer su reino sempiterno en la tierra, por medio de los hijos que le había dado inicialmente a Abraham cuando ambos se sentaron a comer y a beber de las manos de su Hijo Jesucristo del pan y vino que cada día sirve en el cielo para los ángeles. Entonces nuestro Padre celestial se sentó con Abraham y sus discípulos a comer del pan y a beber de la copa de vino de la mano de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque su Hijo les estaba dando de comer de su carne santa y de beber de su sangre bendita y salvadora, para que puedan entrar en el mundo del Espíritu Santo.

Porque era necesario, de que una vez que Abraham con sus discípulos hayan comido y bebido con nuestro Padre celestial de la carne santa y de la sangre bendita de su Hijo Jesucristo, así como es hecho siempre en el cielo con los millares de ángeles, para que vivan llenos de la perfecta santidad, entonces un mundo nuevo empezaba a existir. Y es en éste mundo del Espíritu Santo que Moisés vio desde grandes distancias por algunos días y hasta que por fin se decidió a subir el Monte Sinaí, para pararse sobre la tierra santa del monte santo de Jerusalén, saturada con la sangre del pacto de vida eterna establecida con Abraham y sus discípulos al comer del pan y vino.

Ya que, éste pan de la carne de su Hijo Jesucristo y éste vino que es su sangre santísima y salvadora, entonces se convertiría en el cuerpo de Isaac que nacería del vientre estéril de su madre Sarai, por el poder del Espíritu Santo, en el cuerpo y en la sangre bendita del Gran Rey Mesías, ¡nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo! Entonces Isaac nació del vientre estéril de su madre Sarai, porque no solamente Abraham y sus discípulos habían comido del pan y bebido del vino que su Hijo Jesucristo siempre sirve para que los ángeles se mantengan santos y perfectos delante de nuestro Padre celestial, sino porque también era necesario que el nuevo cuerpo humano del nuevo mundo naciese ya infinitamente santo.

Por lo tanto, era indispensable que Isaac naciese del vientre muerto de Sarai su madre, por los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para no solamente empezar su nuevo reino celestial en la tierra con la carne santa y con la sangre bendita y salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo, sino también para empezarlo todo como la más alta perfección y santidad posible. Y esto era algo que nuestro Padre celestial no podía jamás empezar con ningún ángel del cielo, por más glorioso y poderoso que fuese, sino que tenia que ser con su Hijo Jesucristo, porque sólo él es su Santidad Perfecta en el cielo para con los ángeles y así también para con los hombres de todas las naciones, empezando por Israel.

Además, ésta es su gloria infinita, la cual no la podía jamás confiar ni menos compartir con nadie, ni con ángel ni mucho menos con el hombre, sino que tenía que ser con su Hijo Jesucristo, puesto que sólo él es su Santidad Perfecta eternamente y en quien por siempre ha confiado desde la eternidad y hasta la eternidad. Por lo tanto, sólo su Hijo Jesucristo de pies a cabeza y con su propia carne santa y con su propia sangre santísima e infinitamente bendita y llena de vida eterna podía empezar su nuevo reino angelical en la tierra con Abraham y así con cada uno de sus hijos como Isaac y Jacobo, y los millares que vendrían después de ellos.

(Porque, imaginasen, momentáneamente, de que nuestro Padre celestial hubiese empezado su nuevo reino angelical con Lucifer o alguno de sus ángeles gloriosos y poderosos del reino de los cielos, entonces ellos en cualquier momento lo podían traicionar, así como lo traicionó Lucifer con una tercera parte de todos los ángeles del cielo, y esto hubiese venido a ser una gran desgracia terrible. Pero con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, éste problema jamás existió ni sucederá, porque sólo nuestro Padre celestial conoce a su Hijo Jesucristo y así también sólo nuestro Señor Jesucristo conoce a nuestro Padre celestial, por lo tanto, el amor entre ambos es mutuo y Todopoderoso, para siempre, y jamás sucederá lo que sucedió con Lucifer y con los ángeles caídos, por ejemplo.)

Con este motivo, nuestro Padre celestial nos ha llamado a confiar en su Hijo Jesucristo, porque él siempre será el comienzo de toda su Creación, ya sea en el cielo para con los ángeles en sus diferentes rangos de gloria y de gran poder, y lo mismo para con cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones. Para que por siempre permanezca la perfecta santidad que nuestro Padre celestial le requería a Abraham poseer, si él quería habitar en el reino angelical con él, porque nadie podrá jamás ascender al cielo, si primeramente no nace del fuego y poder del Espíritu Santo, el cual jamás hace daño a nada ni a nadie, sino que simplemente nos bendice progresivamente.

Por esta razón, el primer hombre del nacimiento del Estado de Israel fue en la carne santa, huesos inalterables, y en la sangre bendita y salvadora del Hijo de Dios, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para que todos los hijos e hijas de Dios entonces nazcan legítimamente de su cuerpo infinitamente glorificado, para por siempre agradar a nuestro Padre celestial en todo. Entonces cuando Jacobo hubo hecho su oración de haber recibido al Espíritu Santo como su Dios eterno, e inmediatamente Israel comenzó a tener hijos e hijas nacidos bajo el pacto de vida eterna del Espíritu Santo, para ya no tener relación alguna con el espíritu de error y de su mundo de tinieblas, sino sólo del mundo del Espíritu Santo, perpetuamente.

Por esto, nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Jacobo: Tu nombre no será más Jacobo sino que te llamaras desde hora en adelante: Israel (y cuando nuestro Padre celestial le hablaba así para cambiarle su nombre, y sin tener opcion a nada, entonces estaba pensando en cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las doce tribus de Israel). Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial había entrado con Abraham y así también con Isaac y Jacobo en el mundo del Espíritu Santo, para que no solamente Isaac nazca con la carne santa y con la sangre bendita y salvadora del Hijo de Dios, sino también Jacobo y así también cada uno de sus hijos e hijas de todas las familias de Israel.

Porque solamente así nuestro Padre celestial iba a comenzar a establecer su nombre santo en la tierra, empezando por Israel, para que Israel no solamente sea la nación santa que siempre deseó tener en el mundo, sino también que sea su reino celestial entre las naciones, para que todos hagan su voluntad así como es en el cielo con los ángeles. Ya que, siempre ha sido la voluntad de nuestro Padre celestial de que todos los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones vuelvan a nacer directamente del Espíritu Santo, pero para que esto suceda, entonces él tenia que empezar con Abraham, para que Isaac naciese en el mundo del Espíritu Santo y así sus retoños, también.

Dado que, jamás nadie podrá entrar a la vida eterna del reino de los cielos, si primeramente no renace de los poderes asombrosos del mundo del Espíritu Santo para dejar atrás y enterrado bajo tierra no solamente el cuerpo pecador de Adán y Eva, sino también cada uno de sus pecados y tinieblas terribles que descienden siempre al fuego del infierno. Y la única manera, por la cual el hombre, la mujer, el niño y la niña de todas las familias de las naciones pueden renacer del Espíritu Santo, entonces será por fe y oración, y siempre pensando en el monte santo de Jerusalén; porque sólo sobre ella está la sangre de Jesucristo vertida ante las cruces de Dios, para todo perdón.

Fue por esta razón, que nuestro Padre celestial le dijo a Moisés desde su cruz: Yo soy el Dios de Abraham, luego su Hijo Jesucristo desde su cruz dijo: Yo soy el Dios de Isaac, y finalmente el Espíritu Santo dijo desde su cruz: Yo soy el Dios de Jacobo, para que Moisés no solamente conociese el nombre santo, sino también Israel. Porque era necesario que Israel conociese el nombre santo de Dios que siempre ha estado a través de los tiempos sobre el monte santo de Jerusalén, y éste es un nombre que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba que Israel, después de escapar del cautiverio Egipto, entonces clavarlo sobre todo lo alto de la cruz de su Hijo amado Jesucristo, para reinar victoriosamente.

Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial siempre le decía a muchos, especialmente a David: Como deseo que mi nombre santo sea establecido para siempre sobre Jerusalén, y nuestro Padre celestial deseaba hacerlo así, porque no solamente su Hijo Jesucristo iba a ser clavado sobre el madero sino también su nombre bendito, para destruir a Satanás y a sus obras malvadas, para siempre. Pero esto era algo, que sólo los hijos de Abraham podían llevar acabo después de escapar de Egipto, porque ellos no solamente son hijos de Abraham sino que también lo son directamente de Isaac que nació inicialmente con la carne y con la sangre salvadora de Jesucristo, y luego Jacobo hizo un pacto importante con el Espíritu Santo, para vivir todos bendecidos eternamente.

Ciertamente, nuestro Padre celestial tuvo que esperar años para no solamente hacer el pacto de vida con Abraham al comer con sus discípulos de la Mesa del SEÑOR del pan y vino que Jesucristo siempre ha servido en el cielo a los ángeles, sino que también en la Jerusalén antigua (Salem), para que finalmente Israel nazca en el mundo del Espíritu Santo. Puesto que, solamente en el mundo del Espíritu Santo y más nunca en el mundo del espíritu de error, nuestro Padre celestial al fin pudo establecer su nombre santo sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, cuando su Hijo Jesucristo fue clavado al madero por los hijos de Jacobo, para establecerlo para siempre sobre toda su Creación.

Mejor dicho, nuestro Padre celestial siempre ha actuado a favor del hombre, por medio del mundo del Espíritu Santo, y sin los beneficios del mundo del Espíritu Santo entonces nuestro Padre celestial jamás ha hecho nada de nada por nadie; por ello, cuando nuestro Padre celestial hizo pacto de vida con el hombre entonces fue por medio del Espíritu Santo. Y esto es verdad no solamente con Adán y Eva en el paraíso, por ejemplo, sino también con Abraham y sus 318 discípulos que se sentaron junto con nuestro Padre celestial, para comer del pan y beber del vino que su Hijo Jesucristo siempre ha servido en el cielo a los ángeles y así también en la Jerusalén antigua.

Visto que, cuando Abraham comió pan y bebió del vino de la mano de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, entonces lo hizo con nuestro Padre celestial, porque sólo su Hijo es el sumo sacerdote de su Santidad, y como el Cordero con la sangre redentora derramada sobre tierra de las tres cruces de Dios, para entrar por fin al mundo del Espíritu Santo. Dado que, sólo comiendo del pan y bebiendo del vino de Jesucristo como el Rey de Salem y sumo sacerdote de la Santidad de Dios, entonces estaban comiendo de su carne santa y bebiendo de su sangre redentora, para entrar en el mundo del Espíritu Santo, para que el primer hombre Isaac, tal cual como Jesucristo, nazca en el nuevo mundo.

De otra manera, sin comer del pan y beber del vino de Jesucristo, entonces Abraham con sus discípulos jamás pudo haber entrado al mundo del Espíritu Santo, para que su pan comido y su vino bebido se conviertan en la carne santa y en la sangre redentora del Señor Jesucristo, para que Isaac nazca del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai. Por lo tanto, no solamente Abraham y así también sus 318 discípulos renacieron del Espíritu Santo en el día que comieron de la Mesa del SEÑOR el pan y el vino servido por Jesucristo, sino también Isaac en su día y así Jacobo en su día, para que posteriormente todos los retoños de Israel nazcan en el mundo del Espíritu Santo.

Seguramente, si la persona que desea acercarse a Dios no es nacida del Espíritu Santo, en un momento de fe y de oración, pues no podrá jamás entrar en el cielo, porque para entrar allá arriba, toda persona tiene que pararse sobre la tierra salpicada en la sangre del pacto de vida de Jesucristo, y así ascender por la escalera de Jacobo. Entonces, toda persona tiene que hacerlo así, porque el monte santo de Jerusalén, en las palabras de Jacobo, es puerta al cielo, Casa de Dios, y yo no lo sabia, dijo Jacobo, asustado, porque él podía ver mucho de lo que se relata en las Escrituras, además de haber hablado con Dios y de ver como los ángeles suben y otros bajan.

Porque Jacobo viendo hacia arriba, por las tres cruces que están arregladas en línea y ascendiendo hacia el cielo, para entrar en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, entonces podía ver claramente no solamente a los ángeles en sus millares, sino también la misma gloria antigua de Dios, porque la gloria de Dios está allí mismo, pasando por la puerta al cielo. Entonces es solamente por ésta puerta, la cual siempre está abierta para todo aquel hombre, mujer, niño y niña que no solamente quiere entrar a la vida eterna, sino que también quiere descender de nuevo a la tierra, para decirles a las multitudes, que por la escalera de Jacobo, al pasar por la puerta, la cual es Jesucristo, existe ya un mundo mejor.

Por eso, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente le dejó saber a Abraham y así también a Isaac y a Jacobo, que sólo él es la puerta al cielo, para entrar no solamente ante nuestro Padre celestial, sino también para ver sus numerosas y hasta colosales glorias nunca antes vistas, a no ser que uno suba por la escalera de Jacobo. Y aquí está el mundo angelical y de gran gloria, en donde todos nosotros hemos nacido inicialmente de la imagen de nuestro Padre celestial para vivir a semejanza de su Hijo amado, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, y sólo por los poderes de su Espíritu Santo, porque el mundo que verdaderamente es compatible con nosotros es el mundo del Espíritu Santo.

Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial siempre lo hizo todo con su monte santo de Jerusalén y con la sangre de su Hijo Jesucristo vertida a la tierra de sus tres cruces y de su Cordero Santísimo, para crear no solamente el reino angelical, sino también toda la tierra y sus naciones, para que todo siempre exista en perfecta santidad eternal. Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial hasta hoy continua llamando a todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel, a que entren en el mundo de su Espíritu Santo, en donde no solamente Isaac nació del vientre estéril de su madre Sarai, sino que también Jacobo hizo pacto de vida eterna con el Espíritu Santo.

Aquí es donde necesitas estar a cada hora de tu vida, así como Jacobo lo hizo en su sueño con el monte santo de Jerusalén, y luego Moisés sobre el Monte Sinaí, para que vuelvan a nacer del Espíritu Santo para entrar inmediatamente como ciudadanos del mundo de arriba y así disfrutar de sus dones espirituales que nos enriquecen cada día. Aquí es donde todos los dones comenzaran a actuar en tu favor, para no solamente resolver tus problemas, dificultades, conflictos, enfermedades, y hasta muertes terribles en la tierra y en el infierno, sino que comenzaras a ser enriquecido por el mundo glorioso del Espíritu Santo, para que solamente conozcas riquezas que jamás terminaran en ti, sino que siempre incrementaran cada vez más.

Por ello, tú tienes que hacer hoy igual que Moisés, y esto es de pararte descalzo sobre la tierra del monte santo de Jerusalén y de sus tres cruces salpicadas con la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para que seas limpio del pecado y así puedas entrar en el mundo del Espíritu Santo, ascendiendo por las tres cruces que te llevan al cielo. Aquí es donde te encontraras con nuestro Señor Jesucristo, porque él te estará esperando a cada hora, de entre en medio de las cruces de nuestro Padre celestial y la del Espíritu Santo, para que entres al cielo por la puerta que es él mismo, limpiándote así de todo pecado; porque sólo los que son sin pecado entran siempre al cielo.

Por este motivo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo siempre les decía a las gentes de Israel: Yo soy el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie jamás podrá ascender al cielo, por medio de la escalera de Jacobo, la cual está siempre sobre todo lo alto del monte santo de Jerusalén, para encontrarse con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Espíritu Santo. Por todo ello, fue a nuestro Señor Jesucristo a quien Abraham conoció primeramente, porque no solamente recibió de él los diezmos de sus grandes victorias en contra de sus ejércitos enemigos, sino que también oró por él ante Dios en el cielo, y luego le sirvió pan y vino sobre la Mesa del SEÑOR, para entrar de lleno al mundo del Espíritu Santo.

Ya que, era necesario que Abraham junto con sus discípulos entrase al mundo del Espíritu Santo, para que no solamente Isaac naciese del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai, sino que también para que cuando Jacobo naciese con la carne y la sangre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo, y como primogénito de Dios, inmediatamente estableciese el pacto con el Espíritu Santo para Israel nacer. Y esto era que Israel tenia que nacer en el mundo del Espíritu Santo para volver a nacer de sus poderes asombrosos tal como todos los demás antes de ellos habían renacido, como Abraham, Isaac y Jacobo, por ejemplo, porque el reino que nuestro Padre celestial necesitaba establecer entre las naciones tendría que ser un mundo nacido de su Espíritu Santo, para siempre.

Y el nuevo reino de nuestro Padre celestial seria por siempre una nación nacida del Espíritu Santo, del cual no solamente Isaac nació con la carne santa y con la sangre redentora del Cordero de Dios, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, sino que también cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña, para que sean formados en dioses, sacerdotes y reyes de su nuevo reino venidero. Puesto que, el nuevo reino angelical de nuestro Padre celestial tiene que estar formado no tanto de huestes angelicales por sus millares, sino por cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña no solamente de Israel sino también de las naciones, para que retomen todos los lugares celestiales que abandonaron los ángeles caídos por seguir a Lucifer en su rebelión en contra de Dios.

Y estos son lugares gloriosos del reino de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Espíritu Santo, de los cuales jamás nuestro Padre celestial se los puede volver a confiar a otro ser a no ser que sea uno lleno abundantemente de la perfecta santidad de su Hijo Jesucristo, al renacer del Espíritu Santo, en un momento de fe y de oración. Por esta razón, nuestro Padre celestial llama a cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones, para creer en su corazón para justicia y así confesar con sus labios para salvación el nombre santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que lleguen a ser sus hijos legítimos que él necesita ya viviendo en el cielo con sus ángeles.

Puesto que, fue por esta razón que nuestro Padre celestial los creó en el comienzo en el paraíso y en la tierra, para que retomen todos esos lugares gloriosos que los ángeles caídos abandonaron por seguir a Lucifer en su rebelión angelical en contra de él y de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque deseaba exaltarse aun más alto que su Hijo Jesucristo. Pero como Lucifer quería exaltarse más que nuestro Padre celestial y que su Hijo Jesucristo, entonces no solamente lo humillo lanzándolo fuera del cielo con sus seguidores angelicales, sino que él también nos exaltó grandemente a todos nosotros en lugares celestiales, para que seamos como su Hijo Jesucristo y así hagamos sus obras y aun mayores haremos, para gloria de su nombre santo.

Porque de tal manera amo Dios al mundo, que nos ha dado a su Hijo unigénito Jesucristo, para que todo aquel que crea en él, entonces no se pierda jamás, sino que venga de condenación por culpa de sus pecados a salvación eterna, por tan solo confesar su nombre santo con sus labios y así creyendo en su corazón para justicia eterna. Visto que, nuestro Padre celestial no envíó a su Hijo Jesucristo a condenar el mundo, sino para que el mundo sea salvo por medio de él, porque solamente él es el sumo sacerdote de su Santidad perfecta ante los ángeles en el cielo y antes los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel.

Por ello, nuestro Padre celestial no solamente nos ha entregado desde siempre su monte santo con sus tres cruces ascendiendo hacia el reino de los cielos, Su Casa Grande, para que nos purifiquemos de todos nuestros pecados con la sangre salpicada desde la cruz de su Hijo Jesucristo, la cual es la puerta para pasar ya al reino angelical, para siempre. Y nosotros podemos pasar por ésta puerta que se abre hacia la Casa de Nuestro Padre celestial, porque el velo que nos separaba del LUGAR SANTO DE LOS SANTOS fue roto de arriba hacia abajo, el día que nuestro Señor Jesucristo murió para pagar por el rescate de nuestras almas del fuego eterno del infierno, al resucitar en el tercer día.

Por esta razón, cada uno de todos nosotros de todas las familias de la tierra tiene libre acceso no solamente al paraíso, el reino de los cielos, sino que también podemos acceder al LUGAR MÁS SANTO, en donde solamente el sumo sacerdote Levita podía entrar una sola vez al año para hablar con nuestro Padre celestial y con su Hijo Jesucristo. Y éste no es un lugar de ídolos, como figuras de piedra, de metal o de madera, sino que está nuestro Padre celestial en persona junto con su Hijo Jesucristo con la carne santa y con la sangre bendita, con la cual primeramente Isaac nació del vientre muerto de su madre Sarai listo para ascender al Monte Moriah para ser sacrificado por Abraham.

Dado que, nuestro Padre celestial no es un Dios que se le ama o adora por medio de esculturas de grandes ídolos o de vírgenes o de cuadros religiosos, sino que se le ama a él, sólo en espíritu y en verdad de la carne santa y de la sangre bendita y salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo, resucitado en el tercer día. Además, nuestro Padre celestial no acepta jamás a ningún ídolo, sino sólo a su Hijo Jesucristo y en la carne santa y en la sangre bendita y salvadora, con la cual entregó su espíritu sobre la cruz del monte santo de Jerusalén, para perdón, salvación y bendición eterna de cada una de todas las familias de las naciones, empezando por Israel.

Ya que, escrito está en Los Diez Mandamientos, para dejarnos saber el sentir del corazón santísimo de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo hacia cada uno de todos nosotros, al decirnos: No te harás imagen o escultura de ninguna cosa que está en la tierra o arriba en el cielo o debajo de las aguas de la tierra. No te inclinaras a ellas ni las honras, para servirme, sino que solamente me amaras en espíritu y en verdad; porque todo aquel que se arrodilla ante las esculturas hechas a manos de los pecadores, entonces no le están obedeciendo a su palabra santa ni a su Ley viviente, ni mucho menos están amando el sentir fiel de su corazón santísimo.

Con este motivo, nuestro Padre celestial nos ha entregado su monte santo de Jerusalén con sus tres cruces ascendiendo hacia el reino angelical, para pasar por la puerta que nos pone en su presencia santísima y de sus santos ángeles, y ésta puerta, que está siempre con sus brazos abiertos para recibirnos con el mismo amor de la cruz, es Jesucristo. Y con nuestro Señor Jesucristo no existe ningún ídolo o virgen de ninguna clase que valga jamás, sino que sólo su carne santísima y su sangre bendita y redentora están con él, para recibirnos con sus abrazos eternos, para no volvernos a dejar ir lejos otra vez por culpa del pecado, sino que estará con nosotros perpetuamente, para enseñarnos muchas cosas.

Por eso, todos nosotros tenemos que acercarnos a nuestro Padre celestial, por medio de su Hijo Jesucristo que siempre está en su lugar eterno, en donde Jacobo lo conoció y oyó su voz por vez primera, para que establezca el pacto de vida eterna con el Espíritu Santo, para que Israel nazca de la carne y sangre del Gran Rey Mesías Jesucristo. Visto que, solamente los que vuelvan a nacer del Espíritu Santo para entrar en el mundo de nuestro Padre celestial y de sus huestes angelicales, entonces todos nosotros tenemos que entrar no con la carne pecadora y con la sangre enferma de Adán y Eva, sino con la carne santa y con la sangre bendita y salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo.

De otra manera, en la carne rebelde y en la sangre enferma de Adán y Eva, entonces nosotros no veremos jamás ninguna bendición del Padre y del su Espíritu Santo, sino que su ira y sus juicios estarán siempre contra los que le desobedecen, porque únicamente con la carne santa y con la sangre salvadora de su Hijo Jesucristo entraremos en el cielo. Y nuestra salvación completa está ya lista para no solamente recibirla desde ya, sino que la podemos vivir cada día y con todas sus bendiciones, porque nuestra salvación solamente puede existir en el mundo del Espíritu Santo, para enriquecernos en todo momento con grandes milagros, maravillas y prodigios que necesitamos con amplios poderes para vivir nuestras vidas normales en nuestros días.

Por esta razón, nuestro Señor Jesucristo le decía en oración a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo: Padre, no te pido que los quites de este mundo, sino que los guardes en tu nombre, en el nombre que tú me has dado a mí, en éste nombre yo los he guardado a cada hora que han estado conmigo. Padre, te pido que les guardes en tu nombre, porque ellos no son de éste mundo, sino que son del mundo de arriba, y esto es del mundo del Espíritu Santo, en donde no existe el pecado, sino solamente la pureza de tu amor infinito hacia tu Hijo amado y cada uno de tus discípulos de todas las familias de las naciones.

Y desde el día que nuestro Señor Jesucristo le pidió que nos guarde de los males terribles de este mundo y de Satanás y de sus obras malvadas de profundas mentiras escondidas en las tinieblas ascendientes del infierno, entonces nuestro Padre celestial ha honrado grandemente ésta oración cotidiana para guardarnos no solamente en su nombre santísimo, sino también para bendecirnos asombrosamente.

Nosotros seguiremos orando por todas las familias de Kenia que sufrieron la pérdida de sus muy amados cuando fueron asesinados 148 personas por manos criminales y ciegas a toda verdad y justicia de Dios y de su Hijo Jesucristo; ellos están ya en la presencia de nuestro Padre celestial, porque fueron comprados con la sangre bendita y salvadora de Jesucristo. ¡Amén!


As our heavenly Father began to call Moses to ascend Mount Sinai, because the Jerusalem's holy had descended over it with the three crosses of God and of His Lamb with the atoning-blood shed to the ground to remove sin forever, then it was because He was ready to take him along the entire nation of Israel into heaven's glory. Our heavenly Father needed to prepare not only Moses but also every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel to ascend into heaven through Jacob's ladder, which are His three crosses and of His Son, the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), because he alone is the way, the truth and the life to ascend into The New celestial Jerusalem.

Moreover, our Lord Jesus Christ is also known in heaven's glory by every holy angel as the door not only to enter into the angelic kingdom but also into our heavenly Father's presence and of the Holy Spirit, because he alone is His perfect Righteous as the way, truth and life where only those that live in holiness will walk in perfection. Now, for our heavenly Father to get not only Moses but also everyone else from Israel to ascend into The New Jerusalem from heaven above thus to enter into eternal life forever blessed, by the power of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed since Creation day, then He had to have Moses make contact with the blood shed already to the ground.

For Jerusalem's holy hill is saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, because he is His personal Lamb to begin to create all things in heaven with the angels and on earth with every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, so His Creation or whatever He may create after, then it will be created sinless for eternity. Furthermore, by Moses making contact with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses blazing in the fire of the Holy Spirit, then he was really making contact with His Son as God's Lamb and high priest to intercede for their liberation from Egypt's captivity, so the power to escape may descend upon them without delay.

For Israel needed power from Jerusalem's holy hill with the atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses, of God and of His Son Jesus Christ, so they may begin to receive the amazing powers from the Holy Spirit's gifts that they needed so much not only to become born again, but also to escape captivity at last. That is why, that it was very important for our heavenly Father to have Moses see from great distances, as he was pasturing his father-in-law, Jethro, herds of lambs and goats, the great fire of the Holy Spirit engulfing His three crosses and of His Lamb that was ready to fight with perfect holiness for Israel's deliverance from captivity.

Therefore, it was the Holy Spirit the first God that Moses saw from great distances for several days, because our heavenly Father was calling him to ascend to the Jerusalem's holy hill resting over Mount Sinai, so he may not only make contact with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground but also receive the Holy Spirit as God. Moreover, Moses was destined not only to walk over holy ground where our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood had been shed since Creation day, but also he was destined to meet our Lord Jesus Christ face-to-face just as Jacob had done it in his days while dreaming, because he needed to become Holy Spirit born to liberate Israel from captivity.

For our heavenly Father wanted to fight for Israel's deliverance from Egypt's captivity, confinement for more than four-hundred and thirty-years, by the power of the His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground that engulfed the entire site with the Holy Spirit's fire, and so, it was with the power of the Holy Spirit's powers that He liberated Israel from captivity. Therefore, it was urgent for our heavenly Father that Moses would become Holy Spirit born by stepping over the holy ground of His three crosses spilled with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, because Isaac had been Holy Spirit born through his mother Sarai's barren-womb and Jacob while dreaming with Jerusalem's holy hill, then Moses needed to become Holy Spirit born, too.

Otherwise, our heavenly Father could have never begin Israel's deliberation from Egypt's confinement, because this a covenant of eternal life that He had personally started with Abram and his 318 disciples that sat down with Him at the Lord's Table to eat the bread and wine from his Son Jesus Christ's hands, and so, He had to have Moses Holy Spirit born. Indisputably, our heavenly Father had to have not only Isaac Holy Spirit born through his mother Sarai's barren-womb but also Jacob in good time, because Jacob was going to be Holy Spirit born as His firstborn at Jerusalem's holy hill as he believed in His Son Jesus Christ, so he may finally receive the Holy Spirit as his children eternal God.

Certainly, our heavenly Father had to stay faithful to the covenant of life that He started with Abram and his allies with few pieces of bread and a Jar of wine, because this is His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and the atoning-blood, but also by having Isaac and Jacob Holy Spirit born then He could now have Moses Holy Spirit born. Therefore, as Moses ascended to Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai, then he found himself stepping on holy ground that had been saturated with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood prepared not only for Creation day but also for Moses, so he may make the much needed contact with the shed atoning-blood that will cause him to become Holy Spirit born instantly.

For Moses not only needed to become Holy Spirit born after making the much needed contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's three crosses, but also that he may become filled with the Holy Spirit's power, after believing within his heart for justice to confess with his lips His holy name for Israel's deliverance from captivity. Surely, it was very important for our heavenly Father to have Moses Holy Spirit born by the same powers that not only gave birth to Isaac from his mother Sarai's barren-womb but also to Jacob at Jerusalem's holy hill as he accepted the Holy Spirit as God, because God's leader leading Israel away from captivity had to be Holy Spirit born.

For it was here from where our heavenly Father confessed that He is the God of Abraham, Jesus Christ confessed that he is the God of Isaac, and the Holy Spirit confessed that he is the God of Jacob, so Moses may believe in God's holy name thus to become Holy Spirit filled with power to lead Israel from captivity into Canaan. Then, only as Moses became aware of our heavenly Father's name and that of His Son and of the Holy Spirit, miraculously he became Holy Spirit born, because he was stepping on holy ground and standing before God's Lamb bathed in the atoning-blood of the covenant of life that started with Abraham that gave life initially to Isaac and later to Jacob.

It is here also when our Lord Jesus Christ declares to Moses that he should be known by the Israelites as the Great I Am that I Am, because he is God's Lamb bathed in the atoning-blood pact of eternal life with Abraham that gave life not only to Isaac but also to Jacob and his children for generations to come. Meaning that, our heavenly Father needed every one from the twelve tribes of Israel to know His Son as the Great I Am The One Who Always Is, so they may become cleansed from sin, moreover become Holy Spirit born in a moment of faith and prayer, given that they were moving into a new land where milk and honey flow abundantly.

For His Son Jesus Christ will be giving them to drink from his atoning-blood turned into living-water and give them to eat from his sacred-flesh that is the daily bread from heaven above: the manna, so they may not only go thirsty and hungry again through the Sinai's desert but also stay away from contamination, since they are Isaac's covenant flesh-and-blood descendants. Meaning that, everyone born from Isaac lineage, then, they are born with the Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Son of David) sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood pact of life that will have to become our heavenly Father's ultimate and continuous sacrifice of His Son Jesus Christ, as he was finally taken to be crucified over Jerusalem's holy hill to destroy sin, forever.

For this is the nation that our heavenly Father had always dreamed to have living with Him not only on earth but in heaven's glory as within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where everything is ruled and based upon His unfailing love towards His Son Jesus Christ and every man, woman and child that has confessed him as Lord and savior. Given that, everyone believing within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation His Son's name, then they are not only cleansed from sin but also their names are written in the book of life that our heavenly Father keeps with love over Jerusalem's holy hill, thus to read the names of those that have believed in His Son.

For the reason that, only those names that are written in the book of life will enter into heaven's glory as within The New Jerusalem from heaven above, because they have washed clean themselves from sin by the atoning-blood saving-power shed to the ground of His three crosses, thus they could very well ascend Jacob's ladder into eternal life forever justified. This is our heavenly Father new angelic Kingdom from heaven above, where not only His Son Jesus Christ is born from the power of the Holy Spirit through David's virgin daughter but also every one from all the families of Israel and from the nations, because our heavenly Father will never have anything to do again with sin and darkness, forever.

Meaning that, for our heavenly Father was important that Moses will see the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit engulfing Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses of God and of His Lamb bathed in the atoning-blood pact of life established with Abraham and his allies as they ate the bread and wine to enter into the Holy Spirit's world, forever. Therefore, it was the Holy Spirit's fire that Moses saw first as he wondered why it was not spreading as it would normally do thus to burn the entire site if possible, and so, his interest for the fire failing to spread widened that he needed to see it for himself thus he ascended Mount Sinai to stand at Jerusalem's holy hill.

And without knowing Moses found himself standing in holy ground that was saturated with the power of God's three crosses and of His Lamb bathed in the atoning-blood pact of life with Abraham that gave him power to eat with his friends the bread and wine that led them into the world of the Holy Spirit to live forever blessed into eternity. It is here where our heavenly Father needed to manifest to Moses His holy name, so Israel may know it thus to become liberated from Egypt's captivity, forever, and that he may receive also power from His Son Jesus Christ to become born again from the Holy Spirit into the leader that Israel needed to conquer the Promised Land.

Timely, Moses became filled with the power of the Holy Spirit that not only gave birth to Isaac with our Lord Jesus Christ's personal features as his face, color of his hair, eyes and personality as he is widely known in heaven's glory by the angelic hosts, but also he had his divine-flesh and atoning-blood for Israel to be born immediately. Furthermore, since Moses was born from the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac from his mother's barren-womb to become The King Messiah or Jesus Christ representative on earth with the seed of everyone's eternal salvation that he was to conquer over Jerusalem's holy hill, then Moses had the power to ascend into heaven's glory anytime to speak to God.

Moses had received powers by been Holy Spirit born the day that he ascended upon Jerusalem's holy hill to speak to Jesus Christ from the middle of the three trees, burning in the Holy Spirit's fire, so he may not only descend to Israel with good news but also return to Jesus Christ anytime to ascend into heaven's glory through him. Besides, everything that our heavenly Father did with Moses over Jerusalem's holy hill as he spoke to our Lord Jesus Christ face-to-face, then He wanted to do with every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel, because He wanted them not only to conquer Canaan but also The New Jerusalem from heaven above, where His love thrives everlastingly.

For this is an angelic Kingdom of love that thrives constantly within the heart of every one that has believed within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation His Son Jesus Christ's holy name that not only saves us from the power of sin and hell's torment, but also fills us with the Spirit of His love. For it is here where our heavenly Father has always dreamed to have not only Moses along with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but also the families of the 318 men that helped him to defeat his enemies in the battlefield, so he may love, serve and glorify our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ within his heart, forever into eternity.

Meaning that, our heavenly Father wants every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations to ascend into heaven's glory through Jerusalem's holy hill just as Abraham did along with Isaac and his son Jacob along with Moses and Israel liberated from captivity, because this is His dream kingdom of love that will never fail Him, into eternity. That is why, that our heavenly Father had shown initially to Jacob in his dream, on the way to Padan-aram to meet his wife to begin a family and the nation of Israel on earth Jerusalem's holy hill with His tree crosses bathed in the atoning-blood pact of life with Abraham and the holy angels ascending to heaven and other descending.

Surely, our heavenly Father wanted Jacob and Moses to understand that this is the Gate to His new angelic Kingdom in heaven's glory where everyone that is cleansed from sin will live forever saved, because they had become His legitimate children by been Holy Spirit born from the world of darkness to ascend instantly into the world of light and lasting-richness. That is why, that our heavenly Father had not only Jacob but also Moses to see holy angels ascending to heaven and others descending to earth with gifts to bless everyone that loves our heavenly Father through His Son Jesus Christ, furthermore that they may understand once-for-all that this is the only way to enter heaven's glory forever saved into everlasting.

For the holy angels go up and down constantly through Jacob's ladder that are really God's three crosses with His Lamb in the middle of them speaking not only to Jacob but also to Moses and everyone else that is willing to listen to his voice, moreover receive power to become Holy Spirit born to enter into heaven's glory forever blessed. For this is why that our Lord Jesus Christ did not only tell Jacob but also everyone else, including Moses and Israel that he alone is the way, the truth and the life to ascend into heaven's glory forever cleansed from sin that leads into hell's torment eternally cursed, so they may live forever blessed with our Father in heaven's glory.

Meaning that, our Lord Jesus Christ is the only way, truth and righteous life into heaven's glory, because he is always waiting as the door not only for the holy angels to descend and others to ascend but also he is at Jacob's ladder for everyone from the nations to ascend into heaven's glory, cleansed from sin and everlastingly saved, forever. Furthermore, given that Moses became saved by making contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Lamb, then he could speak to Jesus Christ face-to-face thus to receive blessings and powers to become Holy Spirit born as God's leader for Israel's deliverance, moreover ascend into heaven's glory whenever he needed.

Moses, since he was Holy Spirit born over Jerusalem's holy hill just as Isaac had been born from his mother Sarai's barren-womb through the Holy Spirit, and then, he had gained powers to enter into the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place anytime, because he had become God's child thus to execute His will within Israel, then he had become heaven's legitimate citizen, forever. And this was something that our heavenly Father wanted to do with everyone within Israel, because He could call them to Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai thus to stand over the atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses and of His Lamb, so they may make contact with His Son to become Holy Spirit born as Moses was.

But for this to happen, then they had to have had seen the Holy Spirit's fire burning the ground of Jerusalem's holy hill and God's three crosses and of His Lamb bathed in the atoning-blood pact of life with Abraham and his disciples as they ate the bread and wine, so they may enter into the Holy Spirit's world forever saved. Meaning that, once Moses stood over Jerusalem's holy hill with the ground saturated with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, then, he not only made contact with our Lord and savior of Israel but also the Gate to heaven was opened for him, so he may ascend with the holy angels into The New Jerusalem from heaven above to see the Tabernacle.

That is to say, also that Moses ascended Jerusalem's holy hill over the three crosses blazing with the Holy Spirit fire that never caused any damage over Mount Sinai much less to him, and so, he ascended into heaven's glory to see and study the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, because it had been given to Israel thus to possess perfect holiness always. Moreover, our heavenly Father needed Moses to see-and-study, and even live in it, for forty-days and forty-nights, because he had to learn that this holy unit is not the only one in heaven's glory for angels to receive always perfect holiness from His Son as high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood but also for Israel to possess it, forever.

In other words, provided that Moses had not only made contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses of God and of His Lamb, then he may become Holy Spirit born instantly, but also he could ascend through Jacob's ladder with the holy angels into heaven's glory to possess officially forever the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place. For the reason that, it was our heavenly Father's will that Moses may not only ascend into heaven's glory at will, because he had become His son by been born from the Holy Spirit's powers that gave life to Isaac and to Jacob, but also because he had become an inheritor for what is in heaven's glory for Israel to possess, forever.

That is to say, also that our heavenly Father wanted to have the Israelites themselves running the perfect rituals of constant holiness that emanates directly from His Son Jesus Christ, as he physically ministers as God's high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood to remove sin within the Most Holy Place, so Israel may live saturated with His perfect holiness, always. In truth, our heavenly Father needed the Israelites to live just as the holy angels live in His presence in heaven's glory through the years, because His Son Jesus Christ has always been the high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood shed since Creation day not only to create all things but also to secure everyone's perfect holiness into all eternity.

Thus, Moses needed to see how our Lord Jesus Christ will minister constant perfect holiness for every angel, archangel, seraph, cherub, and other very holy creatures in heaven that are always serving our heavenly Father and His holy name with perfect holiness from the Holy Spirit that emanates into their celestial beings, from the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place. Therefore, our heavenly Father had the Tabernacle with its Most Holy Place transferred through the Holy Spirit into the camp of Israel, so they may become as perfect and holy as His Son Jesus Christ has always been in His holy presence, since this is what He personally told to Abraham that he needed to be to enter heaven's glory forever saved.

For there was no other way possible for Abraham to become as holy and perfect as He has always been with His Son Jesus Christ, so he needed to become as perfect and holy as God is everlastingly thus to enter into heaven's glory to live eternal life: otherwise it was impossible for him to become save much less enter heaven. That is to say, also that what our heavenly Father was requiring from Abraham to become saved and thus to qualify to enter into heaven's glory with Him to live eternal life forever blessed by His Son Jesus Christ, as he ministers daily perfect holiness from the Tabernacle's Most Holy Place, then He was requiring the same from his children, as well.

That is why, that Moses needed to ascend not only to Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses on fire of the Holy Spirit to stand over holy ground saturated with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood, so he may learn God's holy name, moreover become Holy Spirit born to become Israel's leader, but also he needed urgently to ascend Jacob's ladder. Meaning that, the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit that he saw from great distances burning passionately from Mount Sinai's summit, then he needed to enter into this wonderful world of the Holy Spirit by ascending with the holy angels through the steps of the threes crosses arrangement towards heaven's glory, so he may meet God to receive lifesaving instructions for Israel.

That is why, that as Moses ascended into heaven's glory, through the door (Jesus Christ) to the House of God, then he was always welcome into heaven by our heavenly Father and His holy angels, because he had received Jesus Christ as his personal Lord and savior, furthermore he had become Holy Spirit born to become God's legitimate child, into all eternity. And this is something that our heavenly Father wanted to do with every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel, just as he had done it with Moses and Aaron, so they may become His legitimate children always ready not only to listen to his voice but also to execute His will on earth for His name's glory.

Certainly, our heavenly Father had only blessings of love, peace, prosperity and happiness for their hearts, and the only thing they needed to do thus to please Him, it was to do as Moses had done already over Jerusalem's holy hill by standing over His Son shed atoning-blood to the ground of His three crosses to receive the Holy Spirit's gifts. Provided that, by the Israelis becoming holy enough by stepping with their bare feet over Jerusalem's holy hill of the threes crosses of God and of His Lamb, then they would have become very holy living human-being on earth: holy enough not only to receive the Holy Spirit in a powerful baptism but also qualify to enter heaven anytime, as Moses did.

Besides, this is something that our heavenly Father wants to do with every man, woman and child from the twelve tribes of Israel to this day, because His love for Israel has not changed at all, though Israel has in many different ways walked away, nonetheless He remains the same God that Abraham knows along with Isaac and Jacob until now. Divinely, our heavenly Father has not changed whatsoever, not even His Son as His personal high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood ready to remove sin forever, much less the world of love and light from the Holy Spirit, for everything continuous to be the same until now, and you can still access heaven's glory through grace by humbly ascending Jacob's ladder.

These days, people from all the families of the nations are ascending Jacob's ladder into our heavenly Father's holy presence, because they have believed within their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that His Son Jesus Christ is the door to heaven, and that he alone will cleanse them from sin to enter into eternal life forever saved. Truly, our Lord Jesus Christ is still faithful and true to his words that he speaks daily to Jacob, Moses and millions from all the families of the nations, because they need to hear from him to remain perfect and holy in heaven's glory and before our heavenly Father, so the Holy Spirit may continue to enrich them powerfully through eternity.

Really, this is a wonderful life that our heavenly Father had brought into Israel's life through His Son and the Holy Spirit as they manifested together over Jerusalem's holy hill and with the atoning-blood shed to the ground for the Holy Spirit's fire to embrace them with perfect holiness, so people may unite with them to become a one big family. This is true until now, and the only thing that our heavenly Father is asking everyone from all the families of Israel and the nations, it is to believe in His Son within their hearts for justice and to confess with their lips the holy name that He has given to His Son, so he may save them from every day trouble.

Moreover, our heavenly Father is asking every man, woman and child from Israel and the nations what He personally asked Abraham, and this is to become as perfect and holy as He has always been in heaven, so they may all enter into heaven's glory forever saved through His Son that is the only door stained with the atoning-blood that saves. That is why, that our Lord Jesus Christ told to every one within Israel that he alone is the way, the truth and the life to enter into heaven's glory thus to see our heavenly Father in person, and these are the same words that he not only told Abraham, Isaac, Jacob but also to Moses, for Israel to follow always.

For the reason that, the Promised Land that our heavenly Father had hidden in His very holy heart to grant to every man, woman and child from all the families of Israel to possess forever into eternity, it was The New Jerusalem from heaven above that it was just steps up Jacob's ladder to ascend into it at once forever saved. However, for the Israelis to be able to enter into it, then they had to meet our Lord Jesus Christ standing at Jerusalem's holy ground of the three crosses of God and of His Lamb stained with the atoning-blood that removes sin, so they may become reborn from the power of the Holy Spirit as God's legitimate children filled with perfect holiness.

Because, for anyone to live with me our heavenly Father told Moses, then you must be Holy Spirit born, so by being reborn from the Holy Sprit then you will no longer be living in the spirit of error that you have inherited from Adam, but now you will be living in His Son's perfect holiness ready to enter heaven forever saved. That is why, that our heavenly Father needed Moses to learn the importance of Jerusalem's holy hill and its constant power and authority that the atoning-blood shed to the ground of His three crosses and of His Lamb, so they may learn that the daily love, peace, prosperity and happiness descend faithfully from it, only as they are Holy Spirit born.

In truth, what our heavenly Father was teaching Moses and the Israelis was that they would not only become cleansed from sin because of His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of the three crosses and of His Lamb since Creation day, but also they would become Holy Spirit born again to ascend into heaven forever Justified into eternity. For this was the main reason that our heavenly Father descended with Jerusalem's holy hill with His Son Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed freshly over the ground of His three crosses and of His Lamb to become liberated and cleansed from sin, forever, but also that they may become Holy Spirit born instantly to enter into the world of the Holy Spirit.

Thus, the notion to become Holy Spirit born again is old as the fruits of life that our heavenly Father commanded Adam and Eve to eat from every tree, including the tree of life from paradise, but they were never to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, because as they may eat from it, then they will die. And the reason that our heavenly Father needed Moses to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill over Mount Sinai, it was because it was time for him along with every man, woman and child to eat from the fruit of life that is His Son in the middle of the three trees, engulfed within the blazing fire of the Holy Spirit's new birth.

And so, by Moses approaching Jesus Christ by stepping in holy ground drenched with the atoning-blood that removes sin forever from the middle of the three crosses, then he really ate from him the fruit of life that was initially offered to Adam and Eve in paradise, so he may become as holy and perfect as God is in heaven's glory, forever. Mostly likely, by our heavenly Father having Moses standing at Jerusalem's holy hill of the tree crosses and of His Lamb bathed with the atoning-blood, then he ate the fruit from the tree of life that not only cleanse him from sin but also cause him to become Holy Spirit born, so he may ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven forever justified.

Besides, because Moses had established contact with our Lord Jesus Christ's atoning-blood shed to the ground of God's tree crosses and of His Lamb, then Israel was also receiving the every day power from the Holy Spirit to become reborn, because to enter into heaven's glory then you must be Holy Spirit born, otherwise no one can ever enter heaven, forever. That is why, that our heavenly Father was constantly pleased with Moses, because he had not only been washed clean from sin by stepping in holy ground saturated freshly from heaven above with the atoning-blood, but also because he became Holy Spirit born thus ready to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory as God's legitimate child ready to inherit God's abundant richness.

For it is our heavenly Father's will that everyone that believes within his heart for justice to confess with his lips for salvation his Son's name, then he will not only become cleansed from sin to be Holy Spirit born instantly but also he has rights to ascend Jacob's ladder to claim God's richness for himself and for his loved ones. That is why, that our heavenly Father continuous to send until now His Jerusalem's holy hill blazing with the Holy Spirit fire into the dreams, heart, mind, and visions of every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, starting with Israel, so they may learn the importance that this divine site has in their lives these days.

Miraculously, this is just as how Jerusalem's holy hill had it within Jacob initially in his dream, with Moses over Mount Sinai, and with Israel as His Son was physically nailed to the cross to shed his atoning-blood to the ground thus to begin a new Creation with humankind that will never die but continue into everlastingly in His holy presence. These days, our heavenly Father is calling every man, woman and child from all the families of the nations, beginning with Israel, just as He personally called Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses, and Millions more, to pay attention to His Jerusalem's holy hill that is saturated with the atoning-blood to remove sins, forever, so you may become Holy Spirit born for heaven's glory.

Given that, once you are Holy Spirit born, because you have made contact with His Son's atoning-blood, so he may not only cleanse you from sin but also be your high priest and Lamb, then you are Holy Spirit born ascending the three crosses with the holy angels into our heavenly Father's presence thus to be embraced with divine-happiness into everlasting. Besides, it is here where you will be the happiest person in the world, because once you approach our Lord Jesus Christ, then automatically his atoning-blood shed to the ground and over the crosses will remove sin to feed you the fruit of life thus to cause you to become Holy Spirit born ascending Jacob's ladder into the world from heaven above.

It is here where you belong, it is here where you need to be, and so, as you are cleanse from sin, because this is what Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses of God and of His Lamb do in your life and of your loved ones, too, then you will escape darkness ascending Jacob's ladder into the world of light. Indeed, our Lord Jesus Christ was astonished to learn that the leaders from Israel never knew that they needed to be Holy Spirit born from the every day power of Jerusalem's holy hill, so they may not only live an enriched life on earth supplied daily from heaven above with angels' food and richness, but also to ascend into heaven's glory forever saved.

That is why, that Jesus Christ found himself at times telling them repeatedly through the street of the cities of Israel by saying: You are really telling me that you did not know that you needed to be born again from the Holy Spirit to ascend Jacob's ladder thus to enter into heaven's glory forever justified by the power of the atoning-blood? And the Israelis would say to him: it is that so, we have to be born again to enter into heaven's glory these days; then how can we enter into our mother's womb, and many of our mothers are already dead and buried underground to be born from them to enter into heaven's glory?

Immediately, our Lord Jesus Christ would say to them: You must be born from the Holy Spirit by believing in me, for this is God's will, so you may abandon darkness to enter immediately into heaven's glory forever justified, because any one that fails to be born from the Holy Spirit then he will never be able to see heaven's glory. That is why, that our heavenly Father has made every day of your life to be born from the Holy Spirit as you may ascend into Jerusalem's holy hill with prayer and faith, so you may be cleansed from sin, moreover be Holy Spirit born instantly to ascend Jacob's ladder into heaven's glory, where truly your life is waiting for you.

Moreover, our heavenly Father wants you to step into holy ground right now not only to be cleansed from sin at His Son Jesus Christ's cross, because he alone is your door to heaven these days, but also because you need to be Holy Spirit born to ascend Jacob's ladder to enter into your life that is in heaven waiting for you. In other words, what our heavenly Father is telling you is that your life is not below Jerusalem's holy hill with the ground of the three crosses and of His Lamb bathed with the atoning-blood but above is where your life is really waiting for you, and you may only get to it by ascending Jacob's ladder as the angels do always.

That is to say, also that you will never know your life, the one that our heavenly Father called you to live in it since the day you were born in His image by the power of the Holy Spirit to live in His Son Jesus Christ's likeness these days into eternity, unless you ascend Jacob's ladder before it is too late. That is why, that our heavenly Father descended physically with His Son Jesus Christ over Jerusalem's holy hill drenched with the atoning-blood and engulfed in the Holy Spirit's blazing fire, so He may grant them all the power necessary to liberate them from Egypt's captivity, because He needed them to return to Jerusalem's holy hill to serve Him over it, always.

For there is no other place or holy ground possible in the midst of humankind where our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ may be pleased with truth and justice, but only at Jerusalem's holy hill descending from heaven above with the three crosses and of His Lamb, so they may serve His holy name every day for blessing. That is why, that our heavenly Father said to Moses: You will return to this mountain with Israel to serve God every day of your entire life, because this holy mountain will wash you clean from sin, so you may become Holy Spirit born instantly and filled you with the power that will break every chain to destroy Satan's work everywhere, forever.

Therefore, our heavenly Father by granting Moses to ascend Jerusalem's holy hill with the three crosses and of His Lamb bathed in the atoning-blood pact of life with Abraham and his allies at the Lord's Table as they ate the meal, then it was to ascend Jacob's ladder into The New Jerusalem from heaven above where love and life thrive supremely. It is here where you belong to with your loved ones our heavenly Father is saying, that is why, that you need to approach Jerusalem's holy hill, so His Son may speak to you words of love, life, healing, and richness thus to become Holy Spirit born into your real life that is in heaven above presently, waiting for you long-sufferingly as ever.

The life that you love, and the one that you have longed for since the day you were born is in heaven's glory these days, since Creation day, because you were born in our heavenly Father's image by the Holy Spirit to live in the likeness of His Son Jesus Christ forever blessed by his atoning-blood shed over Jerusalem's holy hill. While great minds are trying to find earth like ours, so they may transfer themselves with their loved ones in search for better days in far away galaxies, our heavenly Father already thought of that for Israel and for any one else willing to come along with Him, and this is through Jacob's ladder into the Holy Spirit's world of vast richness.

Physical Jerusalem's holy hill is our heavenly Father's way through His Son Jesus Christ's sacred-flesh and atoning-blood ready to take you up with the holy angels through the steps of the three ancient crosses array towards the Holy Spirit's world of incredible richness, and where your only life is waiting for you to return humbly to live eternal life in everlasting happiness. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work, and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST every day. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest, too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN's glories as you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you. d=1

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