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Dec 14, 2008, 5:55:42 PM12/14/08
Forwarded message from Suraj Prasad

Sanskrit be National Language and English Official

Like Israel where Hebrew is there for Sanskrit.

Instead of Khariboli Hindi spoken by only 15% of Indians
and no better than a regional language!

Though Rajasthani and Bhojpuri are being tried to be
included in Hindi actually they are seperate rich langauges
with seperate culture and literature!

This imposition of Hindi is one of the major causes of
seperatism and anti-Hindi agitations in different non-Hindi

Sanskrit is the mother of most Indian langauges and also
show the power of Hindu nation hence only it should be
national language.

Israels have hence make Hebrew and not later day Aramaic
(like Hindi derived from the mother language) the national

All our philosphies and literature from ancient times are
in Sanskrit which is also teh mother of most Indo-European
languages where Hindu traders and preachers went from
ancient times to reform the wild Germanic tongues of

Khariboli Hindi is spoken by 15% Indians and even total
Hindi family including other labguages like Mewari,
Marwari, Angika, Bhojpuri, Brajabhasha, Maithili, etc form
35% of Indians.

Atmost 5% other Indians understand it. Others mostly don't
including me! Though as a Brahmin I am qualified in
Sanskrit and found it the most scientific and easiest to

So why should the majority 60% follow Hindi a cheap and
relatively new langauge than other Indian languages like
Bengali or Punjabi with 1000s of years of culture!?

Also why should Hindi speakers get an extra advantage over
the majority others and why should others learn an extra
language -- Hindi!?

Hence the only option is Sanskrit!

Who said it was never spoken by like Hebrew in Israel!?

Rather Israelis spoke Aramaic derived from Hebrew like
Hindi, Bengali, etc from Sanskrit!

Sanskrit was spoken in India's glorious period and later
from its Apobhransha several Prakrit languages e.g, Purvi,
Paschimuttari, Dakshini, etc were derieved!

It is also the mother of Malaysian and Indonesian languages
and to make India glorious once again we need to revive it
as the national language.

True classical Sanskrit of Panini is not the mother of
European and Iranian languages but Vedic Sanskrit is.

It spread from Sapta-Sindhu the homeland of Vedic Indians
to Iran and then Turkey (Hittites, Mittanis of Anatolia)
then by its neighbour Greeks and Romans spread it to whole
Europe when Roman Empire covered it!

Arya & Aryan different and later never existed ! Aryan
Invasion Theory is a figment of imagination and inferences
based on that, which was never proved satisfatorily.

Arya in ancient Sanskrit and Iranian texts means 'noble'

Dravidians were also part of Sanskrit -

Oldest Model negated later by British and their agents to
subdue in -

Kautilya's 'Arthasashtr' says that 'Shoodras are
essentially Arya'.

Sanskrit texts say that Dravidas are fallen Kshatriyas like
Yadavas and Kirats who do not follow Vedas strictly, now
Kshatriyas cannot be a diffferent race.

Even in Manusamhita it is clear that there was no Aryan
race and even Shudras were called Arya!

Accepting Hindi automatically means extra advantage for
Hindi speakers against the majority Indians!

And Sanskrit is better than all and we need it if we are
proud Hindus.

Plebiscite on Hindi & Sanskrit for National tongue

Apart from Marathis we Bengalis are strictly against Hindi
except Bollywood and will never let it succeed here as our
Bengali language and literature is much older and richer
including the only Nobel Laureate Tagore in literature from

Gujarat also take pride in Gujarati Ashmita!

And Sanskrit is the best and mother of all so why not it
which is the universal language of the Hindu nation!?

Also problem for the majority is not anything contructive
by making a minority language like Hindi National Language
for which it has no quality as majority of the nation don't
like Hindi at all & I challenge you all Hindiwallahs a
plebiscite on Sanskrit and Hindi!

Sanskrit is also the mother of ancient Tamil

Reverand G K Pope in Introduction to Tamil Text books, 1861
mentioned that the more we enter into Dravidian languages
like Tamil, Malayalam, etc the more we find affinity with
Sanskrit and that their close relation is of most remote

Glover and Bish Caldwell who discovered the individual
characteristics of Dravidian langauges also said that both
Sanskrit and Tamil has numerous exciting resemblances from
the oldest times, quoted in the same book mentioned above.

J C Nesfield in his Brief Review of the Caste System said
that there is no concrete physical or scientific evidences
to prove that Dravidians are totally different from other
Indian races.

In Press Note Released by the Mythic Society, Bangalore at
Seminar on the Aryan Problem, 1991 Dr. R Nagaswamy of
Chennai declared that in Srilanka, Karnataka, Orissa and
Andhra the Tamil speakers have been historically identified
as Dravids or Dramids and that Dravida did not mean any
seperate race but only the Tamil tongue though Karnataka
and Andhra are so called other Dravidian states!

India & Kashmir particularly is Bible's Paradise ! After
the Great Flood which hit civilized Asia in ancient times
mentioned in Bible and even Hindu texts as Mahaplabon
(Great Innudation) few humans survived and mostly in Indian

Sage Kashyap who must have been there is credited to drain
Kashmir and elsewhere after the flood and hence from his
name Kashyap Marg or Kashmir is derieved. Similiarly
Kashyap Sagar or Caspian Sea named after him is there in
Central Asia not too far from Kashmir. He might have ruled
this area after the flood.

Beyond this to the north is homeland of Turko-Mongol people
of ancient times and thus Kurgan culture cannot be homeland
of so called Aryan race. Aryan languages and people end
with Afghanistan and Tajikistan as the northern most
boundary in Central Asia. (V Gordon Childe -- Th Aryans,
London, 1926 & Journal of the Indo-European Studies -- The
Kurgan culture and its substratum by Jan Machinik)

Later they spread through Iran and Turkey to Europe
carrying with them their language and hence most Europe is
today Indo-European speakers whose language has been
derievd from ancient Vedic Sanskrit.

Hence Sanskrit is also the mother of all major world
languages today.

It spread its influence on Chinese, Japanese, Korean also
later through Buddhism and hence Chan/Zen religionists of
these nations derieve their name from Sanskrit Dhyan -

In 1773 Lord Hastings became the Viceroy of India and under
his patronage study of Sanskrit started and he appointed
Charles Wilkins who produced the first English Translation
of Bhagvad Gita in 1785.

William Jones in Asiatic Researches, 02/02/1786 remarked
that Sanskrit is older than Greek and Latin and much
diverse and perfect than them and that their source is one.
Also he mentioned that the Vedic dieties was worshipped in
vogue in Greece and Italy in similiar or altered ways. That
the mythologies and epics also resemblame each other.

30 years after that Indologist France Bopp proved through
his research that Sanskrit is the origin of all European
Languages and that the source is Kashmir. That Kashmiri
Pandits are the purest of anything called Arya. This was
published by this German Scholar and Grammarian in
Adelung's Theory -- Histoirie do I'antisem, VOl III, pg --

Friedrich Schlegel wrote that a group of Indian Brahmins
were the colonizers of Egypt and Israel (Judea) in his
Hitorical Ideas, 1808. The migration started due to
climatic changes in Kashmir and Punjab (sapta-sindhu bhumi)
and also for reaching the mythical Uttar Kuru.

In 1810 Goress proved that Semitic race came from Eastern
Lands and that Abraham was from centre of human evolution,
i.e Kashmir. He went to Palestine from there. This is the
reason some claim that Jesus after resurrection came to
Kashmir tracing this path and his grave is still there!

Like wise between 1810-12 after intense research Cruezer
proved that Brahminical Hinduism is the origion of Judaism.
Abraham/Brahma & Sar/Saraswati were Brahmins from Kashmir.
In true Arya society there is no casteism hence Kashmiri
Pandits are all Brahmins and have no other caste! Barbaric
Hoardes of Turko-Mongols (indigenous to Central Asia and
not Aryans) came and ransacked Kashmir and it was only the
Brahmins who tried their best then to save the light of
true knowledge. (Rene Gerard -- L' Orient et la pensee
romantique allemande, pg -- 132)

Sanskrit is the pride of India & can be National

Speaking it will not be hard if from schools this is taught
as elders are not going to learn Hindi or Sanskrit anyway!
Furthermore if there will be any afternoon coaching classes
for Spoken Sanskrit (Like Spoken English now) in the
eventuality of it being national language many like me will
go to learn it but never for Hindi!

Hindi is the langauge of Hindi speakers like Bengali for
Bengalis like me but Sanskrit is for all!

India could find a place of pride in the comity of nations
only though National Language Sanskrit which automatically
fills an Indian with pride and honour and respect from

Voltaire in Dictionnarie philosophique -- articles 'Adom' &
'Genes' proved categorically that Adam got his everything
including name from India.

Jean Bailey in Encyclopedia of Deodarot wrote that Indian
Astronomy was much older than Egypt. John Holwell and
Alexandar Dow in 1769 and later French naturalist Pierre de
Sonnerat told that all major Western mythologies had deep
relations with India and were from here. They also proved
that Moses was a Brahmin who denounced Sanatan Dharm and
left and that Prophet Mohammad was a fraud! Also that the
origion of human race is India and not Africa.

Cf. Michelet in A choice of Texts by L. Fevr, Paris, 1946
and Paramesh Choudhury in his The Aryan Hoax, Kolkata, 1995
said that "The mountainoues part in the Auvergene (France)
corresponds to the central of the Himalayas. The
Merovogians are Indo-Persians or Trojans. To clarify these
relationships, migrations and filiations, atleast with
somewhat more care and research than has been devoted to
themso far is very necessary".

Michelet proved that through Persia and Turkey (Anatolian
Hindu Mittani) Indians settled in Europe.

Linguist Esop in 1837 proved that Indians were the origins
of Europeans and Lerux also approved it saying we cannot
cling to only the Abrahamic religions and keep aside the
Great Indian Philosophy the basis of all good and pure
knowledge and spirituality on Earth!

Lastly I must say that it is the Hindiwallahs (Speakers and
propagandits for its national language status) for whom
Hindu Indian unity is not being possible.

These chauvinists forget that it is a mere minority
regional language like many others and get bashed all over
in non-Hindi states which are majority for trying to impose
it upon all others.

Accept Sanskrit and whole India will be proud of you!

End of forwarded message from Suraj Prasad

Jai Maharaj
Om Shanti

Hindu Holocaust Museum

Hindu life, principles, spirituality and philosophy

The truth about Islam and Muslims


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Dec 14, 2008, 7:40:02 PM12/14/08
On Dec 14, 5:55 pm, and/or (Dr.

Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> Forwarded message from Suraj Prasad
> Sanskrit be National Language and English Official

Fully agree Sanskrit should be National language

The Deep

Dec 14, 2008, 11:08:50 PM12/14/08

You fully agree with Shri. Suraj Prasad or Bawarchi Maharaj? The
latter does not know squat in Sanskrit. He only knows affected "burra
sahib" Hindi/Hindustani.


Dec 15, 2008, 5:47:25 AM12/15/08

Do you mind explaining me, what "burra sahib Hindi" means? I am afraid
I am neither familiar with the term "burra sahib" or with the
stylistic nuances of Hindi.


Dec 15, 2008, 1:27:54 PM12/15/08

<> wrote in message

i second uNmaiviLambi .
don't pay attention kirastani dinesh who learns hinduism only to destroy it
like a missionary.

The Deep

Dec 16, 2008, 12:13:34 AM12/16/08

"burra sahib" is the Anglo pronunciation of "bada sahib" (lit. "big
boss"), and to me, represents the kind of affected textbookish Hindi
that Wr. (stands for an appropriate Aussie expression - used in lieu
of the fake Dr. title) Bawarchi Maharaj tries to pass off once in a
while in a lame attempt to claim Indian roots.
For this fraudmeister to cut and paste some else's article on Sanskrit
is particularly rich, when he has not dazzled anyone to date with his
knowledge of Sanskrit. It is amusing to see the organ grinder bring
his monkey ("harmony") along for some old style euro entertainment.



Dec 16, 2008, 1:20:44 AM12/16/08
In article <4946a1ac$0$5472$>,
"harmony" <> posted:

> <> wrote in message

> On Dec 15, 6:08 am, The Deep <> wrote:

> > On Dec 14, 4:40 pm, uNmaiviLambi <> wrote:
> >
> > > On Dec 14, 5:55 pm, and/
> >
> > > Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > > > Forwarded message from Suraj Prasad
> >
> > > > Sanskrit be National Language and English Official
> >
> > > Fully agree Sanskrit should be National language
> >
> > You fully agree with Shri. Suraj Prasad or Bawarchi Maharaj? The
> > latter does not know squat in Sanskrit. He only knows affected "burra
> > sahib" Hindi/Hindustani.
> >
> > Dinesh
> Do you mind explaining me, what "burra sahib Hindi" means? I am afraid
> I am neither familiar with the term "burra sahib" or with the
> stylistic nuances of Hindi.
> ---------
> i second uNmaiviLambi .
> don't pay attention kirastani dinesh who learns hinduism only to destroy it
> like a missionary.

Elsewhere, Dinesh K. Prabhu aka 'The Deep' has defended Pakis, Islam and Arabs.

Facts about terrorist Islam and Muslims:

Jai Maharaj

आलोक | Alok

Dec 16, 2008, 2:57:11 AM12/16/08
> Sanskrit be National Language and English Official

हाँ, बस आप संस्कृत में यूज़्नेट पर लिखना शुरू कर दीजिए। नहीं तो खड़ी
बोली में ही सही।


Dec 16, 2008, 3:37:26 AM12/16/08
In article <>,
=?UTF-8?B?4KSG4KSy4KWL4KSVIHwgQWxvaw==?= <> posted:
> PiBTYW5za3JpdCBiZSBOYXRpb25hbCBMYW5ndWFnZSBhbmQgRW5nbGlzaCBPZmZpY2lhbAoK4KS5
> 4KS+4KSBLCDgpKzgpLgg4KSG4KSqIOCkuOCkguCkuOCljeCkleClg+CkpCDgpK7gpYfgpIIg4KSv
> 4KWC4KSc4KS84KWN4KSo4KWH4KSfIOCkquCksCDgpLLgpL/gpJbgpKjgpL4g4KS24KWB4KSw4KWC
> IOCkleCksCDgpKbgpYDgpJzgpL/gpI/gpaQg4KSo4KS54KWA4KSCIOCkpOCliyDgpJbgpKHgpLzg
> pYAK4KSs4KWL4KSy4KWAIOCkruClh+CkgiDgpLngpYAg4KS44KS54KWA4KWkCgo=

Alok, the newsreader I am using could not render the above properly, so
suspecting that it is in Devanagari I read your post on the web, using
Google. By the way, you wrote "yooJnet" instead of "youZnet" (the dot
under J is missing).

Sanskrit mein bhee likhoongaa aur Hindi mein bhee, laykin yooznet mein
devanagari mein likhanay kaa tareekaa ayk din seekhanaa par(r)aygaa |

Dec 16, 2008, 5:54:13 AM12/16/08
On Dec 16, 7:13 am, The Deep <> wrote:
> On Dec 15, 2:47 am, wrote:
> > On Dec 15, 6:08 am, The Deep <> wrote:
> > > On Dec 14, 4:40 pm, uNmaiviLambi <> wrote:
> > > > On Dec 14, 5:55 pm, and/
> > > > Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > > > > Forwarded message from Suraj Prasad
> > > > > Sanskrit be National Language and English Official
> > > > Fully agree Sanskrit should be National language
> > > You fully agree with Shri. Suraj Prasad or Bawarchi Maharaj? The
> > > latter does not know squat in Sanskrit. He only knows affected "burra
> > > sahib" Hindi/Hindustani.
> > > Dinesh
> > Do you mind explaining me, what "burra sahib Hindi" means? I am afraid
> > I am neither familiar with the term "burra sahib" or with the
> > stylistic nuances of Hindi.
> "burra sahib" is the Anglo pronunciation of "bada sahib" (lit. "big
> boss"), and to me, represents the kind of affected textbookish Hindi
> that Wr. (stands for an appropriate Aussie expression - used in lieu
> of the fake Dr. title) Bawarchi Maharaj tries to pass off once in a
> while in a lame attempt to claim Indian roots.

I see. Yes, I am quite familiar with the true colours of "Jai
Maharaj", including the fact that he was baptized Jay Stevens.

> For this fraudmeister to cut and paste some else's article on Sanskrit
> is particularly rich, when he has not dazzled anyone to date with his
> knowledge of Sanskrit.

Well, learning Sanskrit would involve effort, work - and we know how
foreign that very idea feels to Jay Stevens. Spamming newsgroups is
much easier.

आलोक | Alok

Dec 16, 2008, 7:03:35 AM12/16/08
On 16 दिस., 13:37, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:

> Alok, the newsreader I am using could not render the above properly, so
> suspecting that it is in Devanagari I read your post on the web, using
> Google.  By the way, you wrote "yooJnet" instead of "youZnet" (the dot
> under J is missing).

वैसे ज में नुक्ता लगा हुआ है। शायद आपको अक्षर बड़े करने होंगे।
तो क्या, देवनागरी में लिखने के लिए संस्कृत के राजभाषा बनने का इंतज़ार


Dec 16, 2008, 7:10:09 AM12/16/08
On Dec 14, 5:55 pm, and/or (Dr.
> relations with India and were from here. They also proved ...
> read more »

SANSKRIT was the language of HINDUS in the GANGES valley Civilization.
PALI language too a product of the same region. When Hindu religion
spread, those languages too went to those areas.

You cry that no ARYAN invasion. But the GYPSIES, who claimed later
they are Brahmins, came to india and settled. These gypsies came from
Eastern Europe and Niddles East. They became Hindus with their GYPSY

MANU was a GYPSY asshole and wrote many racist rants against the
NATIVES of India.

For example: NEHRU is a POLISH NAME and nothing to do with SANSKRIT!
KASHMIR is another POLISH word. These GYPSIES became PANDITS later.
Their main occupation was SHEEP MINDING. How did this POLISH NEHRU
became a BRAHMAN PANDIT later.?

These gypsies always become the part of any invader of Indian soil!
That is why these GYPSY NEHRU and Iranian GANDI went against the REAL

Bengal, Bihar, or Orissa were the cradle of HINDU and BUDDHIST
Civilization. Current Pakis are the product GYPSY and ARAB RAPISTS.
That is why the so called HINDU BJP always run to appease PAKI
CRIMINALS instead of addressing the Hindus who were affaected by the
invaders for more than 1000 years!

These GYPSIES now look down at the original HINDUS in the South or in
the EAST. That is why Catholic Mafia Sonia become a leader.

SANSKRIT is almost dead and it must be learned for research along with
PALI which was the language of Emporer ASHOKA!

Your GUJJU GYPSIES are the worse assholes like you in India.


Dec 16, 2008, 7:12:06 AM12/16/08
On Dec 16, 1:20 am, and/or (Dr.
Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> In article <4946a1ac$0$5472$>,
>  "harmony" <> posted:
> > <> wrote in message
> >

> > On Dec 15, 6:08 am, The Deep <> wrote:
> > > On Dec 14, 4:40 pm, uNmaiviLambi <> wrote:
> > > > On Dec 14, 5:55 pm, and/
> > > > Jai Maharaj) wrote:
> > > > > Forwarded message from Suraj Prasad
> > > > > Sanskrit be National Language and English Official
> > > > Fully agree Sanskrit should be National language
> > > You fully agree with Shri. Suraj Prasad or Bawarchi Maharaj? The
> > > latter does not know squat in Sanskrit. He only knows affected "burra
> > > sahib" Hindi/Hindustani.
> > > Dinesh
> > Do you mind explaining me, what "burra sahib Hindi" means? I am afraid
> > I am neither familiar with the term "burra sahib" or with the
> > stylistic nuances of Hindi.
> > ---------
> > i second uNmaiviLambi .
> > don't pay attention kirastani dinesh who learns hinduism only to destroy it
> > like a missionary.
> Elsewhere, Dinesh K. Prabhu aka 'The Deep' has defended Pakis, Islam and Arabs.
> Facts about terrorist Islam and Muslims:
> Jai Maharaj
> Om Shanti- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

You live in Hawai and support Republican shits who support Pakis and
Muslims. You are a supporter of Muslim morons because you are a born
Muslim from Mombassa, Kenya!


Dec 16, 2008, 12:31:38 PM12/16/08

He is willing to write his Hibdi in Roman but is waiting to write his
Sanskrit untill he finds time to learn how to write Devanagari on


Dec 17, 2008, 2:00:33 AM12/17/08
prateekshaa snskrt koe raajbhaashaa bunanay kee naheen laykin is
newsreader (News Xpress) mein nayee suvidhaa kee hai |

In article <>,
=?UTF-8?B?4KSG4KSy4KWL4KSVIHwgQWxvaw==?= <> posted:
> T24gMTYg4KSm4KS/4KS4LiwgMTM6MzcsIHVzZS4uLkBtYW50cmEuY29tIGFuZC9vciB3d3cubWFu
> dHJhLmNvbS9qYWkgKERyLgpKYWkgTWFoYXJhaikgd3JvdGU6Cgo+IEFsb2ssIHRoZSBuZXdzcmVh
> ZGVyIEkgYW0gdXNpbmcgY291bGQgbm90IHJlbmRlciB0aGUgYWJvdmUgcHJvcGVybHksIHNvCj4g
> c3VzcGVjdGluZyB0aGF0IGl0IGlzIGluIERldmFuYWdhcmkgSSByZWFkIHlvdXIgcG9zdCBvbiB0
> aGUgd2ViLCB1c2luZwo+IEdvb2dsZS4gwqBCeSB0aGUgd2F5LCB5b3Ugd3JvdGUgInlvb0puZXQi
> IGluc3RlYWQgb2YgInlvdVpuZXQiICh0aGUgZG90Cj4gdW5kZXIgSiBpcyBtaXNzaW5nKS4KPgoK
> pLngpYHgpIYg4KS54KWI4KWkIOCktuCkvuCkr+CkpiDgpIbgpKrgpJXgpYsg4KSF4KSV4KWN4KS3
> 4KSwIOCkrOCkoeCkvOClhyDgpJXgpLDgpKjgpYcg4KS54KWL4KSC4KSX4KWH4KWkCuCkpOCliyDg
> pJXgpY3gpK/gpL4sIOCkpuClh+CkteCkqOCkvuCkl+CksOClgCDgpK7gpYfgpIIg4KSy4KS/4KSW
> 4KSo4KWHIOCkleClhyDgpLLgpL/gpI8g4KS44KSC4KS44KWN4KSV4KWD4KSkIOCkleClhyDgpLDg
> pL7gpJzgpK3gpL7gpLfgpL4g4KSs4KSo4KSo4KWHIOCkleCkviDgpIfgpILgpKTgpJzgpLzgpL7g
> pLAK4KS54KWIPw==

Gaurav Goel

Feb 11, 2009, 10:05:06 AM2/11/09

Yes, we should put our effort to make Sankrit our National Language of
India. Below is the link to a post for the same. Please sign the
petition. Thanks.


Gaurav Goel

Feb 11, 2009, 10:27:02 AM2/11/09
On Feb 11, 5:05 pm, Gaurav Goel <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Yes, we should put our effort to make Sankrit our National Language of
> India. Below is the link to a post for the same. Please sign the
> petition. Thanks.

Whatever, but keep that shit out of our linguistic group. We have too
many fucking crackpots here already, without your saffron brigade
messing with threads.

Gaurav Goel

Feb 11, 2009, 11:34:43 AM2/11/09

Why do you keep this thread then? It should be very easy to delete it.
Heading of this thread says - "SANSKRIT BE NATIONAL LANGUAGE..." Is
Sanskrit only confined to so called saffron brigade? If you can not
see beyond and do not mind using the offensive words you should
moderate the posts in your this linguistic group. Please go ahead and
ban me. That will prevent me from making further posts. Thank you.


Feb 11, 2009, 5:47:45 PM2/11/09

"Gaurav Goel" <> wrote in message

don't pay attention to the brown kirastanista monotheist zombies.

0 new messages