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May 12, 2013, 11:03:04 PM5/12/13
Sábado, 11 de Mayo, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo,
Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

NACIONES: En estos días gloriosos del amor y la paz de nuestro Señor
Jesucristo, les deseamos de todo corazón un Feliz Día de las Madres a
todas nuestras familias ecuatorianas y del mundo entero. Puesto que,
éste es un día glorioso que nuestro Padre celestial nos a dado para
celebrar el primer amor de nuestras vidas, el cual empezó en su seno
santo, cuando nuestro Padre nos empezó a amoldar en su imagen santa
para vivir conforme a su semejanza celestial eternamente y para
siempre, creyendo así sumergidos en el amor infinito de su Hijo
Ya que, éste amor de nuestro Padre celestial hacia su Hijo Jesucristo
no podía nacer en cada uno de nosotros en ningún otro lugar del cielo
ni menos en la tierra a no ser que sea en el seno sagrado de nuestra
madre querida de nuestras vidas terrenales y asimismo renacer del
Espíritu Santo para levantarnos hacia la eternidad celestial. En vista
de que, nuestro Padre celestial desde el vientre de nuestras madres
nos conoció por el Espíritu Santo para que vivamos por siempre
conforme a su semejanza celestial, la cual solamente se encuentra en
el creer en nuestros corazones para justicia y así confesar con
nuestros labios para salvación a su Hijo Jesucristo, como el Santo de
Dado que, éste Dios santo que nuestro Padre celestial nos ha entregado
a cada uno de nosotros desde el vientre de nuestras madres no
solamente es su primogénito, sino que también es el sumo sacerdote y
Cordero de la sangre reparadora que nos limpia del pecado para
librarnos del tormento eterno del infierno y así llenarnos de vida
eterna para siempre. Por ello, nuestro Señor Jesucristo nos conoce muy
bien a cada uno de nosotros desde el vientre de nuestras madres,
porque él mismo nos formó con sus manos santas, en el día que Adam
nació de la imagen santa de nuestro Padre celestial para vivir por
siempre conforme a su semejanza celestial, en toda la eternidad
venidera del nuevo reino angelical.
Además, nuestro Padre celestial nos llama desde la Creación del mundo
ha volver a nacer de su Espíritu Santo no solamente para escapar del
espíritu de error que tanto males nos atrae de vez en cuando, sino
para hacer renacer en su imagen y semejanza celestial en cada uno de
nosotros para poder entrar al reino celestial desde ya. Por esta
razón, nosotros necesitamos cada día de nuestro Señor Jesucristo y de
su Espíritu Santo para comérnoslo como pan fresco del cielo, porque
hemos nacido de nuestro Padre celestial por las manos salvadoras de su
Hijo Jesucristo, para vivir conforme a su semejanza celestial, y esto
es sólo posible volviendo a nacer de los poderes asombrosos de su
Espíritu Santo.
Visto que, cada uno de nosotros ha nacido de la carne pecadora, huesos
rotos, sangre enferma y espíritu de error de Adam y Eva, y por eso es
que sufrimos cada día los males terribles que atrae a nuestras vidas
Satanás y sus ángeles caídos, para que suframos constantemente y así
morir para descender perdidos al mundo de los muertos, ¡el infierno!
Dado que, es el espíritu de error de Satanás inicialmente y que luego
entró en Adam y Eva al comer del fruto prohibido del árbol de la
ciencia del bien y del mal, para morir alejados de nuestro Padre
celestial y de su Espíritu Santo, Espíritu glorioso que nos da a cada
hora a su Hijo Jesucristo, como pan único del cielo.
Y, por eso, para nosotros escapar del espíritu de error de Adam y Eva
y de sus males eternos de cada día, entonces tenemos que volver a
nacer del Espíritu Santo al creer en nuestros corazones para justicia
y así confesar con nuestros labios para renacer delante de nuestro
Padre celestial en la vida gloriosa de su Hijo Jesucristo. Por cuanto,
todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones
(no importando jamás la edad de cada uno de ellos) tiene el potencial
de volver a nacer en la vida gloriosa del Espíritu Santo de Dios con
tan sólo creer en el corazón para justicia y así confesar con sus
labios para salvación a su Hijo Jesucristo.
Por cierto, ésta es una salvación maravillosa, la cual la podemos
comenzar a sentir y vivir desde ya no solamente porque es real y
verdadera en nuestras vidas cotidianas, sino que nos despierta cada
mañana milagrosamente en el mundo maravilloso del reino angelical, en
donde nuestro Padre celestial y su árbol de la vida, Jesucristo,
habitan infinitamente felices hacia la eternidad. Y solamente en ésta
vida gloriosa de nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo podemos realmente
vivir la vida llena de grandes bendiciones, salud, prosperidad, paz, y
felicidad infinita, por la cual nacimos inicialmente en la imagen de
nuestro Padre celestial por el poder del Espíritu Santo, para vivir
conforme a su semejanza celestial en el nuevo reino de los cielos.
Ciertamente en la vida gloriosa de nuestro Señor Jesucristo no
solamente podemos escapar los males de Adán y Eva que nos abruman
diariamente por medio del espíritu de error, sino que también nos
levantara inmediatamente hacia la tierra gloriosa del reino angelical,
la cual Adán y Eva perdieron al no comer en su día del árbol de la
vida, ¡nuestro Señor Jesucristo! Hoy, las madres de todas las naciones
tienen una gran responsabilidad delante de nuestro Padre celestial y
de su Hijo Jesucristo, y esto es de encaminar a cada uno de sus hijos
e hijas en el renacimiento del Espíritu Santo para que siempre vivan
protegidos de los males escondidos del espíritu de error y así puedan
alcanzar la salvación y sus propósitos.
Y el renacimiento del corazón, alma, cuerpo y espíritu humano de cada
hombre, mujer, niño y niña de todas las familias de las naciones es
simplemente en oración: creer en el corazón para justicia y así
confesar con los labios para salvación a nuestro Señor Jesucristo como
nuestro Señor y salvador eterno, delante de nuestro Padre celestial
que está en el cielo. Y sólo así cada madre podrá realmente alcanzar
para si misma bendición, salud, prosperidad, felicidad y salvación
eterna al encaminar a sus hijos e hijas en el camino santo de nuestro
Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque el amor para amar a
nuestro Padre celestial y a su Jesucristo nace en el seno de cada una
de nuestras madres.
Y éste es un amor infinitamente glorioso del Espíritu Santo, el cual
crece sin límite en la vida de cada hombre, mujer, niño y niña de
todas las familias de las naciones y nos lleva día a día a traspasar
nuevas dimensiones espirituales jamás alcanzas por los ángeles en el
cielo ni por el hombre pecador en la tierra. Verdaderamente, éste amor
glorioso de nuestro Padre celestial hacia su Hijo Jesucristo si se lo
cuida por los poderes gloriosos del Espíritu Santo de cada día,
entonces podrá realmente crecer en el corazón de cada hijo e hija de
todas las familias de las naciones para llegar a alcanzar lo que antes
era eternamente inalcanzable para el hombre de toda la tierra.
Por ende, nuestro Señor Jesucristo les enseñaba a sus discípulos a ser
fuertes y valientes, porque solamente ellos al renacer del Espíritu
Santo por medio de la oración, pueden perfectamente caminar por su
camino santo y lleva progresivamente al recién nacido del Espíritu
Santo hacia la vida eterna de la tierra hermosa y de los cielos
glorioso del nuevo reino angelical. Feliz día de las Madres 2013 a
todos nuestros hermanos y a todas nuestras hermanas de todas las
familias de las naciones. ¡Amén!


Our heavenly Father dealt with Joseph as he was only seventeen-years-
old, because he would be the one that will represent our Rebbe Yeshua
HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ) as the savior that will prepare the land for
his servants to live in it until He will call them to the Land where
His Son Jesus Christ would be born from the Holy Spirit. It all began
with dreams: Our heavenly Father would gave dreams to Joseph, so he
may reveal them to his family that will come about soon in the future,
for He had called them to become a nation that will serve Him by the
power of the Holy Spirit through the years on earth and forever into
eternity in heaven.

For this family would become a nation born to follow the works of our
heavenly Father every day of their entire lives on earth, by the power
of the Holy Spirit that started at Salem as Melchizedek (God’s
Righteousness) served the bread and wine to Abraham and his friends
for Isaac to be born from the Holy Spirit and his brothers, too. Here,
our heavenly Father was looking for a nation not of angels but more
than that, and this is that He needed to have every one from the
children of Abraham, including of those from the nations, to be born
by the power of the Holy Spirit thus to become His legitimate children
to serve Him as Gods and priest into eternity.

For this is the only way possible that our Father can really have
children born from the seed of the Holy Spirit no matter if their
mothers’ wombs are dead as in the case of Abraham’s wife Sarah that
had a barren-womb and Isaac could not be born from her, however Isaac
was born from the Holy Spirit, and he did miraculously. In other
words, if you happen to be already advanced in years and your mother
has already passed away, then for our heavenly Father you still can be
born again into the world from heaven above by the power of the Holy
Spirit, so you may become His legitimate child as Jesus Christ is holy
from head to foot into everlasting.

As a result, one of the first dreams that our heavenly Father gave to
Joseph caused his half-brothers (sons born to Bilhah and Zilpah
(Jacob’s wives)) to increase their indifferences towards him, because
he told them that he had dreamed that he had a sack filled with grain
just as they all had one, too, but, theirs bow down to his. His
brothers failed to understand the dream that was coming from our
heavenly Father for the days ahead, so they only felt increase
coldness towards him that they could not even say a kind word even
though they knew very well that he was also their kid half-brother
born to their father Jacob in his old age.

Nevertheless, because of this dream revealed to his brothers, then
Joseph became more isolated within the family circle that it became
very difficult for him to have any friends that he could trust, except
that of his father Jacob and mother as well. Days later, our heavenly
Father gave another dream to Joseph, and then he revealed it
immediately to his brothers because it was our heavenly Father’s will
that he would reveal the dream not only to his brothers but also to
his father and mother; this was something that they had to know
because in later days it will save them from famine.

Certainly, within this new dream, Joseph dreamed that the sun and the
moon came down to him alone with eleven stars, and they all bow low as
to render glory and honor to him, so he will show love, mercy and
kindness to them. After hearing this dream, Jacob became upset with
Joseph because he had made them understand that he and his mother will
in later days bow down to him alone with his eleven brothers thus
submitting themselves to his power—and what was this power?—the
question remained upon the air, and unanswered.

No, no one could really tell—this was from our heavenly Father that
was to take place soon and in due time, in a different land where they
will live thus to become a powerful nation—the nation that our Father
was hoping to create on earth thus take it into heaven, by the power
of faith in His Son Jesus Christ. However, even though Jacob became
angry with Joseph because of his dream that depicted him as someone
that wanted to exalt himself above his brothers and his parents,
certainly this was very offensive just to think of it, because only
our heavenly Father could be exalted above Jacob’s family and the
Great King Messiah, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (or Melchizedek).

That is to say, also that Jacob’s family knew very well our heavenly
Father, His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as King of Salem (or
God’s Righteousness to Abraham, God’s Righteousness to Isaac, and
God’s Righteousness to Jacob, therefore, they knew splendidly the
power of the Holy Spirit that always protected them because of the
Covenant of Life at Salem’s gate. Nonetheless, Jacob became very
concern about Joseph’s dreams that he continued to ponder over them in
the days ahead without been able to make heads and tails out of them—
he somehow understood that perhaps our heavenly Father was trying to
tell him something that was very important to him and to his children
for generations to come.

Still, having Joseph’s dreams increased his brothers hatred and
distrust towards him, then they could only think of how to get rid of
him, so they would no longer have to put up with his nonsense,
furthermore Jacob continued to show partially towards him, given that
he was born to him in his old age. Later, Joseph’s eleven brothers had
wondered of their homeland with the flocks of sheep to find pasture in
Shechem that Jacob became concerned about them as the time went by, so
he decided to send Joseph looking for them.

Jacob told Joseph go find your brothers, and when you find them, bring
word to me about their whereabouts—I need to know how well they are
doing with the flocks that they took with them. And Joseph began to
walk all over the country side of Shechem, and he could not find his
brothers, so a man nearby saw him searching for his brothers, and
Joseph asked the man if he had seen his brothers tending the sheep

And the man said to Joseph that he had seen his brothers tending the
sheep in the area but that later he had heard them say that they will
go to the town of Dothan where they could find better grazing for
their flocks. So Joseph started to walk toward Dothan looking for his
brothers and the flocks of sheep, and as Joseph arrived at Dothan he
found his brothers and the sheep pasturing around the area without any
incidents to be concern about, so Joseph was relived and happy to see
from the distance that he had found his brothers with all the

However, as Joseph was approaching his brothers, then they recognized
him immediately that he was their kid-brother, and decided to set up
against him a trap to get rid of him—for this is the moment that they
had been waiting for—and they did not want to let it go—and this time
they could really get rid of him. One of Joseph’s half-brother, Ruben,
was against his brothers for what they were about to do to him, in
truth, he interceded fervently for Joseph’s life, so his brothers
would not kill him as they were hoping to do so whenever the
opportunity came alone—but, instead just let him live until he will
eventually die of natural causes.

(Secretly, Ruben was against his brothers plan to kill Joseph, so he
had in mind to let him be thrown into the empty well but later he
would return to pull him out from it, and take him back to his father
Jacob.) Immediately, they decided to grab Joseph as he approached
them, and just throw him into the deep empty well that was nearby, so
they may abandon him there without water and food until he will surely
die of hunger and thirst, or perhaps end up been devoured by a wild
animal from the area.

Then as soon as Joseph got close to his brothers, violently they
grabbed him, and as they threw him into the empty well finally to get
rid of him (just as they all agreed, including Ruben), they pulled his
beautiful colored poncho from him, so they can use it to prove that he
never came close to them. That is to day, to prove to their father
Jacob that Joseph had disappeared and that probably he was dead
somewhere in the wilderness, then they took his beautiful poncho that
his father had given to him few days earlier as a special gift
(because he is his especial lad), and then dipped into one of the
daily sacrificial lamb’s blood.

This was a sacrificial offering that Jacob’s wicked sons were
presenting to our heavenly Father in heaven by staining Joseph’s
colored poncho with the sacrificial atoning-blood that they had to eat
on that day, so their offering could be accepted by our Father in
heaven—even though they still failed to know the wickedness that they
were doing to their kid-brother. Certainly, in good time, this was a
sacrificial offering presented to our heavenly Father and to His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, because they killed a
sacrificial lamb to burn it over the fire and then stained Joseph’s
poncho with its atoning-blood, so their kid-brother’s life could be
offered instead of theirs to cover their sins before our Father in

On this day, Joseph represented our Lord Jesus Christ on earth and
within the Hebrew’s family that one of their kid-brothers could be
offered before our heavenly Father in heaven as a sacrificial lamb by
offering his life through the lamb’s atoning-blood that they all have
eaten on that day, so salvation could come through him in days ahead.
Properly, it was important for Israel and the families of the nations
to have Joseph’s life given to our heavenly Father by staining his
poncho with the sacrificial lamb’s atoning-blood that they all had
sacrificed on that day to burn it over the fire, so Jacob may know in
later days that his son had been placed in God’s hands at last.

After all, it was Judah’s idea not to kill their kid-brother by
throwing him into the empty well without water and food to let him die
of starvation much less kill him in any other way, since this would
only bring a terrible guilty conscience, so Judah suggested to sell
the kid to the Ishmaelite that were heading to Egypt with goods.
Therefore, as the Ishmaelite came close to them, they pulled Joseph
from the well and held him tight close to them for they had decided
unanimously to sell him to the caravan of Ishmaelite that were heading
toward Egypt with goods to sell there as usual; Joseph did not make
any resistance as he was sold, for this was our heavenly Father’s

The Ishmaelite gave Joseph’s brothers twenty pieces of silver for him,
and they took him to the land that our heavenly Father had chosen to
carry out His glorious will with Abraham’s children for they had a
Covenant of Life that not only blessed, enriched and protected them
but also it had to unfold into something even greater and powerful.
Later Ruben return to the empty well to see that his kid-brother was
missing, so he tore his cloth in anger and despair because he though
the worse, given that his brothers wanted to eliminate him at any
cost; however, shortly he learned that they got twenty pieces of
silver for him from the passing traders—meaning that Joseph was still

In the mean time, Joseph’s wicked brothers gave the bad news to Jacob,
knowing that they were lying to their father, and gave him also the
beautiful colored poncho stained with the sacrificial lamb’s blood
that they had all eaten as their daily sacrifice on that day, before
our heavenly Father that is in heaven. Truly, Joseph’s wicked brothers
had done our heavenly Father’s will, without ever realizing what they
were doing to his kid-brother by selling him to the passing caravan of
Ishmaelite traders that were heading to Egypt with goods to be sold
there, including their kid-brother Joseph, probably for thirty pieces
of silver—Jesus Christ was sold for thirty pieces of silver by Judah

For in the days ahead famine was going to spread as wild flower
throughout the land leaving many families without food and water for
years, so Jacob needed to have his lad living somewhere else under the
care of our heavenly Father, so he may become their savior at the
right time from the power of this terrible darkness afflicting the
nations. Nevertheless, as Jacob received the bad news from his
children about their kid-brother Joseph never reaching to them, and by
seeing the colored poncho stained with dried blood, then he could only
think that probably a wild animal had devoured him on the way to
Shechem, and that he would never see him again.

Truly, as a father Jacob was devastated to learn that he will never
see his son Joseph again, so the only thing that he could do now was
to remember his son’s dreams that infuriated his children and caused
him also to become upset with him at times, in either case he failed
to make head and tails out of Joseph’s dreams. Meanwhile, Joseph was
been sold to Potiphar by the Ishmaelite traders as a house-servant in
Egypt; and Potiphar was a captain of the Pharaoh’s palace security, so
Joseph landed in good hands because our heavenly Father was with him
as he entered to live in Egypt a new life that he had never dreamed of
that he will ever enjoy so much.

However, as time passed-by Joseph continued to be able to dream and to
interpret them as well; for he interpreted the dreams of many people
within Pharaoh’s palace that he gained respect from others everywhere.
As time continued to pass, Joseph landed in jail because he refused to
lie down with Potiphar’s wife, even though she insisted that he would
lie down with her in bed while her husband was away as usual carrying
out his daily duties as captain of the palace guard for Pharaoh.

At one occasion, Potiphar’s wife wrestled with him after pulling him
into bed to lie down with her that he ran away and left his shirt in
bed, so she used Joseph’s shirt to scream until she was heard by the
guard that came into her room just to hear what she had to say about
Joseph’s false attempt of rape. She accused Joseph of trying to force
her to lie down with her in bed, when the truth was that she was the
one that wanted him to lie down with him in her husband’s bed while he
was away from home on that day, carrying out his usual duties as the
palace’s captain of the guard.

At nigh, as Potiphar came back home, his wife had a story of lies to
tell him about his Hebrew servant that she accused him of trying to
make a fool of her by forcing her to lie down in bed with him. And
because she refused to lie down with him, then she screamed her lungs
out for help, and the palace’s guard came into her aid, and this is
the moment that Joseph escaped, leaving behind his shirt to prove that
he attempted to rape her in her own home and in her own bedroom.

Shortly after this incident, Joseph found himself incarcerated: In
jail our heavenly Father was with him because He blessed everything he
did there, so the jail captain began to realize that God was with him
because everything where he put his hands then it was blessed beyond
measure for everyone to see that the blessing came only because of
Joseph’s work. In the mean time, a cup-bear and a baker had a dream
each one: they were both in jail because they had upset Pharaoh with
their daily work within the palace.

However, both of them had a dream each one from our heavenly Father
but they failed to understand what they meant, so they became sad
because they really wanted to know what the dreams meant, and they had
no one close by to interpret them. Then Joseph noticed that both men
were sad, and he could not tell why they were so miserable, so he
approached one of them, the cup-bear I think, to ask him: Why you look
so sad, what is going on with you? What is making you sick? Tell me,
right now!

The cup-bear said to Joseph, I had a dream last night but I do not
know the meaning of it; I would like to know what it means to me now,
and I do not have any one to interpret the dream. Then Joseph said:
The interpretation of dreams belongs to our heavenly Father that is in
heaven; you tell me your dream, and I will tell you what it means to
you, so like this you may have a happy face again. How about it?

The cup-bear said: I dreamed that I had three branches over my head. I
reach up to one of them and I was able to grab clusters of full-grown
grapes that I squeezed with my hands in a cup, and gave it to Pharaoh
to drink from it. Upon the conclusion of the dream, Joseph said to the
cup-bear: This is the meaning of your dream, the three branches are
three days, and in three days Pharaoh will release you to your old job
as cup-bear within the palace.

Then Joseph said to the cup-bear: Remember me as you return to your
master’s favor; mention me to him, so he can release me from jail; I
do not want to stay here, for I have not done anything wrong to any
one; I am here because someone lied about me, so remember to mention
me to Pharaoh as you get there. Next, seeing the chief baker that the
interpretation of the cup-bear’s dream was good, and then he decided
that he wanted Joseph to interpret his dream also, hoping that the
meaning from it would match the cup-bear’s dream or, perhaps, turn up
even greater because he was tired of been in jail—he yearning daily to
return to his job.

Immediately, the chief baker said to Joseph, this is my dream that I
had last night: I had three baskets of cupcakes over my head, and
birds descended to eat from them until they finish eating from all the
cupcakes. Then Joseph said to the baker, this is the interpretation of
your dream: The three baskets of cupcakes are three days, in three
days Pharaoh will call you from out of jail to have you hang on a tree-
branch, and birds will descend from the sky above you to eat from your

In three days, both of the men were released from their cells: the cup-
bear was reinstated to his old job because it was Pharaoh’s birthday,
so he wanted to celebrate it with his relatives, friends and the
palace’s staff. The chief baker was sentenced to be impaled by
Pharaoh’s explicit orders, and birds descended to eat from his flesh
just as Joseph had interpreted his dream days earlier while he was

Two years later, Pharaoh had a terrible dream: Seven healthy fatten
cows came out of the waters from the Nile river to graze at its bank.
Soon after, seven other ugly and thin cows came out from the same
waters of the Nile river to stand next to the fattened healthy ones
that had come out first. As the ugly thin cows stood next to the
fattened ones, then they began to eat them slowly one by one, however
as the ugly thin cows were eating the fattened ones they still
continued to be ugly and thin without showing any changes in their
bodies, and this really scared Pharaoh that he awakened from the dream
terrified with fear.

Shortly after, Pharaoh continued to have dreams from our heavenly
Father, and this time he could see a sack of grain that had seven
grains that were plump and full but, from the same sack, seven other
ugly dried grains came out from it that began to eat the full and
plumped ones. Then Pharaoh decided to have his best people come to
him, so they may listen to his dreams with the hope that some of them
may be able to interpret them, because he needed to know what these
dreams mean to him and to the land of Egypt.

Unfortunately, no one from Pharaoh’s people could interpret the
dreams, so he became very upset with them that he was ready to send
some of them to jail and others have them executed since they failed
to come up with the dreams’ interpretation. Seeing everything the cup-
bear by coming in-and-out from Pharaoh’s presence with the usual
drinks, then he remembered Joseph; the cup-bear remembered how Joseph
was able to interpret his dream and that of his friend also that his
friend’s dream resulted in the end of his life, hanging on a tree-
branch and with birds descending from heaven to eat his flesh.

After Pharaoh hearing what the cup-bear had to say about Joseph
ability to interpret dreams, then he called Joseph to stand before
him, because he wanted Joseph to hear his dreams, so he may be able to
interpret them for him just as he had done it for the cup-bears’ dream
and that of his chief baker’s as well. Then Joseph heard Pharaoh’s two
dreams about the fattened healthy cows emerging from the Nile river to
graze along its bank, soon after seven other ugly thin cows emerging
from the same water to stand next to the fatten ones to eat them
without showing any increase in size or appearance for they continued
to be ugly looking.

In the second dream the sacks that contained seven golden kernels that
were fluffy and plump but, immediately, out of the same sack seven
other ugly looking kernels of grain appeared to eat the good ones,
then Joseph was ready to give Pharaoh the interpretation of his
dreams. Immediately, Joseph said to Pharaoh that both dreams that of
the healthy and ugly cows alone with the seven kernel grains of the
good ones been eaten by the bad looking ones meant seven years of
prosperity followed by seven years of total famine throughout the
land, and this included the nations around the world.

Therefore, Joseph recommended to Pharaoh to have his wise people rule
Egypt next production years of the land with a wise well-prepared
program that would not only serve the people of Egypt but also be able
to store all its goods in warehouses, so they may have food for the
years of famine that were surely coming upon the land. Pharaoh having
been satisfied by Joseph interpretation of the dreams, then he
commissioned him as second-in-command throughout Egypt, so he may
develop a program that will be able to store up all the goods of the
land for the seven years of prosperity thus to be ready for the seven
years of famine that was coming upon Egypt and the nations.

Within the first seven years of prosperity, Egypt’s warehouses were
full beyond capacity that no one was able to record its wealth,
including Joseph, for Egypt was ready for the seven years of famine
that was going to hit hard not only Egypt but the nations all over the
world, as well; Egypt’s famine was worldwide in those days. However,
during these years of prosperity Joseph was able to gather so much
good from the land as it gave up its produce in abundance that Egypt
had food for herself but also to feed the entire world for years to
come—and still enjoy immeasurable surpluses throughout their
warehouses into many years ahead.

And the reason that our heavenly Father blessed Egypt so much from the
produce of the land, it was because Jacob with his children was going
to live in Egypt not only for few years but for four-hundred and
thirty-five years; therefore there was food stored by God for everyone
to feed to the full for years to come. In other words, our heavenly
Father gave the produce of the land for seven years of prosperity
because Abraham’s children were going to live within Goshen (Egypt)
for many years until they will reach the number that only our heavenly
Father knew, so He may call them out liberated by the power of the
Lamb’s atoning-blood to inherit the Promised Land.

Meaning also that the Hebrews within Egypt only ate in abundance what
Joseph had gathered from the seven years of prosperity all the produce
from the land to be stored up in gigantic warehouses, so neither the
Hebrews nor the Egyptian nor any other people throughout the land
would ever suffer hunger for years to come; indeed, abundant
prosperity was everywhere. For it was our heavenly Father’s plan to
feed the Hebrews and everyone else throughout the land from the
produce that the land had given abundantly to Joseph within those
seven years of prosperity, so His plan to give birth to an exceptional
nation within Egypt ready to possess the Promised Land would never
fail but, instead succeed everlastingly.

For our heavenly Father wanted the Hebrews, the Egyptians, and
everyone else throughout the land to eat abundantly from the best of
the land that had produced massively for the seven years of
prosperity, for He wanted to show His glory in the years to come
within Egypt, through the desert, within the Promised Land, and
throughout the world until now. Furthermore, our heavenly Father had
brought the Hebrews to live within the land of Goshen (in Egypt) not
just because Joseph wanted to have it this way but mainly because our
heavenly Father needed the Hebrews to live next to His Mount Sinai’s
summit where His Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, had shed his
atoning-blood since Creation day for everyone’s eternal salvation.

For our heavenly Father needed to increase the Hebrews in number as
the seashore’s sand or the stars above in heaven, moreover make sure
that they will drink abundantly from the atoning-blood turned into
living-water as Moses would strike the injured-rock with his twig, so
they may take His Son’s DNA (nuclei acid that carries human genome in
the cell) into Canaan. Therefore, the Hebrews lived for more than four-
hundred years next to Mount Sinai’s summit where our heavenly Father
and His blessed Son, Jesus Christ, had always stood mightily over the
nations of the entire earth, so they may conduct the rituals of
salvation not only for the Hebrews to escape Egypt but also for the
nations to awaken from darkness forever.

Somehow, Satan knew that our heavenly Father was watching closely with
His Son Jesus Christ always standing faithful for hundreds if not
thousands of years over Mount Sinai’s supreme celestial-sacrifice of
His Son’s atoning-blood not only to create the world and the nations
but also Israel, for His Son was to be born from David’s virgin
daughter by the Holy Spirit’s amazing powers. Therefore, Satan had the
Pharaoh of Egypt that once was a friend to Joseph and the Hebrews, but
now he had become their eternal enemies because they were growing in
number, moreover they were becoming more prosperous than the
Egyptians, so Pharaoh feared Israel to the point that he wanted to see
all the male babies dead at birth.

However, our heavenly Father was wiser than Satan and his followers as
Pharaoh and his people that before the Hebrew women were ready to give
birth, then our heavenly Father caused them to give birth prematurely,
so the Egyptian midwives could not reach them much less lay hands on
them or do anything to endanger their incipient lives. These children
were being born by the power of the Holy Spirit because Abraham with
his allies had made a Covenant of Life with our heavenly Father as His
blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as Salem’s King (God’s
Righteousness), served the Lord’s Table bread and wine to eat daily
for life to prosper everywhere on earth and in heaven forever.

Therefore, the Egyptians failed to know our heavenly Father’s Plan of
Salvation that He had made with the Hebrews, beginning with Abraham
and his allies, so whatever Satan would try to do with the Egyptian
midwives or anyone else for that matter, then it would fail to come to
nothing, meaning that the Hebrews continued to grow despite Pharaoh’s
opposition. Therefore, what caused the Hebrews to grow in number
despite Pharaoh’s opposition to their prosperity, it was the Covenant
of Life that our heavenly Father had made with Abraham and his friends
that brought Isaac into life by the Holy Spirit’s powers since Sarah’s
womb was infertile, furthermore granted them the celestial-sacrifice
of His Son’s atoning-blood over Mount Sinai’s summit for liberating-

Surely, these are the amazing powers that our Lord Jesus Christ
manifested plainly at Mount Sinai’s summit by assuring to Moses that
he is God’s Righteousness to Abraham, God’s Righteousness to Isaac and
God’s Righteousness to Jacob, therefore, he is eternally God’s
Righteousness to every one of their children, so they may become born
from the Holy Spirit into heaven’s eternal life. Therefore, in our
Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach we have powers that cannot only bless us
mightily despite Satan’s opposition for us to grow and prosper before
our heavenly Father for the glory and honor of His eternal name in our
homes, but also defeats any Satanic power that may threatens our
liberties on earth these days and in heaven forever into infinity.

Officially, these are glorious powers that will never cease to work in
our favor day by day before our heavenly Father and His blessed Son
Jesus Christ, so the Holy Spirit may enter into our lives abundantly
thus to do wonderful things for us, our loved ones, and even our
friends these days, too, from everywhere around the world. Timely, our
heavenly Father needed to pull the Hebrews from Egypt because He
needed them to walk His Son’s footprints on earth, starting by walking
through dried ground in the middle of the Red sea, with walls of
waters on both sides, finally to stand at Mount Sinai’s foot to drink
from the injured-rock the ancient atoning-blood turned into living-

Moreover, the Hebrews needed to cross the Red sea in dried ground,
with walls of water on both sides, because this is the way, truth and
life to become baptized with water finally to receive the Holy Spirit
from the atoning-blood turned into living-water at the injured-rock
for the Hebrews to receive our Lord Jesus Christ’s DNA to take it into
Canaan. Expediently, our heavenly Father needed to do this marvelous
work with the Hebrews, and this is to take into the Promised Land His
Son’s DNA because He yearned through time to have His Son Jesus Christ
born from David’s virgin daughter through the Holy Spirit, so His
Son’s supreme service of love, truth, and consecrated-life may become
part of Israel’s life forever.

“Glory!:” could only start within the Promised Land with a new sinless-
life and not with a barren-womb as in Abraham’s wife Sarah where the
Holy Spirit gave life to Isaac, but, instead from a virgin one from
David’s daughter, so eternal life may enter Israel with a glorified-
body of a sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and atoning-blood to remove
sin, curses, and death forever. This is truly our heavenly Father’s
Son, high priest, Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood running
constantly throughout his body that will never die, and therefore, the
savior of Israel and of the nations to remove Satan’s spirit of error
from everyone’s life for ever and ever, so a new world with glorious
skies may begin on earth and in heaven forever.

Here is where the birth of the New Jerusalem from heaven above takes
place for every man, woman and child that believes within his heart
for justice to confess with his lips for salvation that Jesus Christ
is His blessed Son that ministers before Him as high priest and Chosen
Lamb with the atoning-blood that saves everyone’s living-soul from
hell’s torment forever. However, this DNA from our Lord Jesus Christ
could not only touch and pass into everyone’s life by believing within
their hearts for justice to confess with their lips for salvation that
Jesus Christ is Lord and savior of our entire lives on earth these
days and in heaven forever, but also implanted into us God’s perfect
Righteousness for all eternity.

Lawfully, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to do with
every man, woman and child from all the nations, starting with
Abraham’s children within Israel, so the Covenant of Life that He
started with Abraham and his friends may become fulfilled eventually
in His Son Jesus Christ’s sinless-life, for the Holy Spirit’s glory of
His name and eternal Ten Commandments. Meaning also that our heavenly
Father’s Covenant of Life has always been honored, exalted, and
glorified within the life of every one that has always acknowledged,
accepted, and professed it throughout his/her life on earth, so our
Lord Jesus Christ that was born by the Holy Spirit through it may save
him/her from hell’s torment thus to enter heaven’s glories

And our heavenly Father has always touched everyone’s heart through
the years all over the earth, so they may knowledge that there is
wonder-working power from the Holy Spirit that descends every day
directly from heaven as from the Lord’s Table of the bread and wine
that started the Covenant of Life that gives life to all that believe
in Jesus Christ. Inasmuch as, our Lord Jesus Christ is the beginning
of this glorious Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father started
with Abraham and his friends from all the nations that ate with him
from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ
serves since ever every day to every one that believes in him for his
personal salvation.

Therefore, as Joseph’s brothers sold his life for twenty-pieces of
silver to a passing caravan of Ishmaelite heading to Egypt, and then
they took his beautiful colored-poncho to stain it with the atoning-
blood from the sacrificial-lamb that they had put to fire earlier
before our heavenly Father’s altar, and then they ate it gladly, has
brought salvation to the nations until now. Someone, or perhaps a
caravan of ministers of the Most High God may be coming to you to
present you not Joseph this time but our Lord Jesus Christ, so you may
buy him not with money, silver, gold or precious stones but, instead
pay for him with your soul, so he may save you from sin, curses, and
hell’s torment forever.

For it is our heavenly Father’s dream since ever that you may receive
these days within your heart our Lord Jesus Christ as your personal
Lord and savior to erase your sins by the power of his atoning-blood
shed initially within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount
Sinai’s injured-rock, and lately over Jerusalem’s holy hill thus to
save you forever. The old question remains before you these days: Are
you still going to have our heavenly Father continue to dream every
day to see you saved by the atoning-blood powers that His blessed Son,
our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, shed for you since Creation day—and if
the answer is yes, then how much longer will you have Him waiting for

Remember, this is the glorious atoning-blood of His blessed Son Jesus
Christ shed within the Holy of Holiest, over Mount Sinai’s injured-
rock, and finally over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may come up to
Him, because He wants to embrace you with an eternal hug that will
never let you depart from Him again forever into eternity as Adam once
did. Our heavenly Father needs to have you washed clean from sin by
the amazing powers of His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood
that still continues to flow through his heart, veins, and wounds of
his sacred body, because you are still delaying to come up to Him that
unmoving He waits for you with open arms to welcome you into heaven.

Every day our heavenly Father still dreams of you as in the day you
were born from His image to live according to His likeness to be saved
at once by the amazing powers of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood
that can wash your living-soul clean from sin thus to fill you with
His glorious Holy Spirit’s everlasting happiness for eternity. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto
the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou
shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead.
See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal
Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of
JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?

Do the following and ASK HIM to GIVE YOU, RIGHT NOW, the POWER of the
YOUR SOUL and LIFE) and HE will listen to you AND DO IT:

That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in
your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it
is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture
says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there
is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or
great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly
blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of
the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from
sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful
new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to
GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in
water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship,
fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers
as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in
your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very
important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your
prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed
His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers
to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The
Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels
hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add
that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in
HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of

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