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Sep 18, 2013, 8:06:39 PM9/18/13
Sábado, 14 de Septiembre, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

LLUVIAS TORRENCIALES EN BOULDER, COLORADO: Deseamos expresar nuestro amor, condolencias y oraciones a cada una de todas las familias de las victimas de estos terribles torrenciales de largos días que Boulder (norte central), en el Estado de Colorado, ha sufrido con las perdidas de tres vidas confirmadas, y decenas de ellos desaparecidas, según sus familiares y vecinos.
Le rogamos a nuestro Padre celestial que tenga misericordia de cada una de las familias de las victimas, para que estos males terribles de lluvias constantes y de destrucciones por doquier pronto cesen, para que todos puedan regresar a sus hogares y a sus actividades normales para con los suyos.
Los desaparecidos se encuentran en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial y de su Hijo Jesucristo, porque ellos han sido redimidos por amor y comprados con la sangre bendita derramada sobre el monte santo de Jerusalem, para vivir la vida gloriosa del reino angelical y así vivir por siempre llenos del Espíritu Santo.
Ellos comen y beben del fruto del árbol de la vida eterna, el cual nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente estaba dispuesto a servirle a Adam y Eva, sino también a cada uno de sus retoños en el paraíso, para que viviesen llenos del Espíritu Santo eternamente y para siempre delante de nuestro Padre celestial.
Pero como conocemos, Adam y Eva fueron engañados por Lucifer por medio de la serpiente antigua, para comer del fruto prohibido del árbol de la ciencia del bien y del mal, para que ya no sean llenos de la carne santa, huesos inquebrantables y sangre bendita del Cordero de Dios, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, sino del espíritu de error.
Y como Adam y Eva no comieron del fruto del árbol de la vida, sino del fruto prohibido, del cual nuestro Padre celestial les había advertido de que en el día que comiesen de él, entonces dejarían de vivir en el paraíso, para morir para mal eterno de muchos.
Por lo tanto, fue por culpa de Adam y Eva que nuestro Padre celestial no solamente maldijo la tierra, sino también la preñez de la mujer, para que cada vez que ella dé a luz entonces su dolor se incremente considerablemente.
Y fue así que Adam y Eva descendieron a vivir en la tierra, para labrarla con el sudor de su frente, para comer de ella y sostener a su familia e hijos, y hasta que el juicio y la maldición de Dios sea quitada de ella con la venida de una vida victoriosa del cielo, ¡nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo!
Mientras tanto, como Adam y Eva vivían en la tierra y tuvieron hijos, entonces nuestro Padre celestial decidió hacer un Pacto de Vida eterna con todos ellos, para que ya no vivan más bajo el juicio y la maldición del paraíso, por culpa del pecado y la rebelión, sino bajo su amor, protección, prosperidad y bendición eterna.
Y es aquí cuando nuestro Padre celestial establece a su Hijo Jesucristo como el Rey de Salem (presente Jerusalén) y Justicia Perfecta de Dios para con los hombres, mujeres, niños y niñas de todas las familias de las naciones.
Nuestro Padre celestial entonces decide bendecir grandemente a Abram y a sus amigos, con quienes había derrotado a los enemigos de Dios, en una batalla por recuperar todo lo que se habían robado, cuando asaltaron a su familia y amistades de su ciudad natal.
Al regresar de la batalla de derrotar a Kedorlaomer, nuestro Señor Jesucristo y el Rey de Sodoma salieron a su encuentro en el valle del rey, Shaveh, para felicitarle por tan grande victoria en contra de unos enemigos terribles que los habían asaltado, intimidado, robado y atormentado por mucho tiempo.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo entonces bendijo a Abram en el nombre de nuestro Padre celestial como el creador del cielo y de la tierra delante de todos sus amigos que estaban con él.
Y luego nuestro Señor Jesucristo, como Justicia de Dios y de la humanidad entera, entonces bendijo grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial desde Salem, la tierra, en el nombre de Abram y de sus aliados y de sus hijos por muchas generaciones venideras.
En otras palabras, nuestro Señor Jesucristo no solamente actuó delante de Abram como el Rey de Salem y Justicia de Dios, sino que además actuó como sumo sacerdote y Cordero de Dios con la sangre santísima que nos limpia del pecado, para no solamente bendecir a Abram y a sus amistades con sus hijos para muchas generaciones, sino también la tierra.
Y al mismo tiempo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo actuó como sumo sacerdote y Cordero con la sangre santísima de Abram y de sus amistades para bendecir grandemente en la tierra a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo en el nombre de Abram, de sus amigos y de sus hijos, por muchas generaciones venideras.
Y después de pronunciar tan grande oración para bendecir a Abram y a sus amigos en la tierra, y para bendecir grandemente a nuestro Padre celestial que está en el cielo, entonces sirvió la Cena del SEÑOR a cada uno de los invitados a la mesa, para comer del pan del cielo y beber de la copa de vino de vida eterna.
En el paraíso, nuestro Padre celestial no pudo sentarse a la mesa a comer y beber del fruto del árbol de la vida, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, con Adam y Eva, porque Lucifer por medio de la serpiente antigua se interpuso con engaño para que esto jamás sucediese, para bien del hombre y de la humanidad entera.
Más en la tierra, nuestro Padre celestial si pudo sentarse con Abram y sus amigos para comer y beber del fruto del árbol de la vida, nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo, para que el fruto de éste Pacto de Vida, entonces nazca milagrosamente por el Espíritu Santo su hijo muy esperado, Isaac, del vientre estéril de Sara su esposa.
Y desde el día que Isaac nació del vientre estéril de su madre Sara, entonces todo hombre, mujer, niño y niña está llamado legalmente por nuestro Padre celestial ha nacer de los poderes asombrosos del Espíritu Santo, para no solamente vivir una vida victoriosa en la tierra y llena de milagros cada día, sino también para entrar desde ya al reino angelical.
Hoy, estamos llamados a comer y beber del fruto del árbol de la vida con nuestro Padre celestial al sentarnos con él a la mesa servida por nuestro Señor Jesucristo, para comer y beber del Pacto de Vida con nuestro Dios y con su Hijo Jesucristo, para ser llenos del Espíritu Santo así como Isaac lo fue en su día.
Actualmente, comer y beber del pan del cielo y de la copa de vino (que es la sangre santísima derramada para el perdón de pecados de muchos), entonces estamos cenando diariamente con nuestro Padre celestial para ser llenos de la vida gloriosa del Espíritu Santo, la cual está llena de milagros cada paso que damos hacia delante hasta entrar al cielo.
Ésta es la vida gloriosa por la cual nuestro Padre celestial te concibió en su imagen perfecta en la presencia asombrosa de la gloria de su reino angelical, para que vivas por siempre conforme a la semejanza de su Hijo Jesucristo y más no de Adam y Eva (los rebeldes y primeros pecadores del paraíso).
En ésta vida gloriosa vivirás cada día acompañado de nuestro Padre celestial, de su Hijo Jesucristo y siempre lleno del Espíritu Santo y de sus grandes poderes asombrosos, para que sus ángeles santísimos te ayuden en todo lo necesario a cada hora del día en la tierra y así también en tu nueva vida eterna del reino de los cielos.

INCENDIO EN HOSPITAL RUSO: También recordamos con mucho amor, condolencias y oraciones a las familias de todas las treinta y siete victimas que sufrieron el mal de morir asfixiados por el fuego, cuando un hospital se incendiaba en la región de Nogorod, noreste de Rusia.
Nosotros le pedimos a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo, que bendiga grandemente y consuele el corazón de cada uno de sus hijos, hijas y amistades por la perdida de tantas vidas en una manera tan inesperada por todos.
Ellos están en la presencia santísima de nuestro Padre celestial, porque nuestro Señor Jesucristo nació del vientre virgen de la hija de David para vivir sus nuevas vidas angelicales en la tierra y así cumplir cada día con el Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos, para morir por ellos y resucitar en el tercer día para vivir la vida eterna perpetuamente glorificada. ¡Amén!


As Abram returned from defeating his enemies that had taken Lot’s belongings and that of his allies, including their wives and children, then the King of Sodom and Melchizedek as King of Salem (Jerusalem) and priest of the Most High God went to meet him at the Valley of Shaveh. The King of Salem needed to bless Abram with all his people in the name of the Most High God, because he had done what pleases our heavenly Father as to go out after his enemies that had looted his hometown and that of his family as well.

Inasmuch as, it was our heavenly Father who had helped him defeat Kedorlaomer and his allies that had attacked his hometown to loot his family and friends, leaving behind total ruin because his enemies had taken with them women and children to make them their slaves. And because Abram defeated his enemies, then the King of Sodom along with the King of Salem that is our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach as God’s Righteousness for forgiveness, healing, blessing, prosperity, wellness and eternal happiness for every man, woman and child on earth, then he stepped out into the valley of Shaveh to meet him with an especial blessing from heaven.

On this day, our heavenly Father needed to start a Covenant of Life with Abram by allowing his high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of eternal Righteousness that not only removes sin forever from the living soul thus to cause every man, woman and child to become born from the Holy Spirit but also enriches the every day life everywhere. And Abram along with his allies needed to be filled with the Holy Spirit of eternal love, healing, blessing, prosperity and the love to serve and glorify our heavenly Father on earth and in heaven forever into eternity within the New Jerusalem from heaven above where everyone really loves our Father through the glorious priesthood-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ.

Therefore, Melchizedek as our heavenly Father high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood of eternal salvation Righteousness to be shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill stood before Abram thus to bless his life and that of his allies, because they have done our heavenly Father’s will by defeating His enemies by the power of His holy presence from heaven above. Immediately, Melchizedek pronounced a great blessing over Abram by saying: Blessed be Abram by The Most High God that has created the heavens and the earth by the power of His word, for He will be the One that will continue to bless your every day life wherever you may go on earth.

And then, Melchizedek, The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, said, blessed be Abram by our Most High God because His enemies are defeated, given that He is the One that helped you defeat your enemies in the front line from heaven above as from within the Holy of Holiest, just as He initially defeated Satan and his fallen angels in rebellion. On this day, our heavenly Father needed to start a bloodline by the power of the Holy Spirit of His living Ten Commandments and of His blessed name that lives in perfect holiness within the heart and atoning-blood of His Son, The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as His only possible temple of perfect salvation for angels in heaven and for mankind on earth.

Consequently, Abram along with his victorious allies over our heavenly Father’s enemies, then they were invited to eat bread and wine from His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because he is the only one qualify to serve the Lord’s Table to eat the bread and to drink the cup of wine with our Father that sits resplendently in the heavenly Throne of Righteousness. Meaning also, that as you eat the bread and wine that Melchizedek served to Abram and his allies, then you are eating and drinking with our heavenly Father in heaven His blessed Son’s flesh (because he is the bread of life), and as you drink from the cup of wine then you are drinking the atoning-blood of Righteousness that saves you forever.

For it is our heavenly Father’s will to sit with you, your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, to eat from His blessed Son Jesus Christ’s sacred flesh and atoning-blood of Righteousness, so you may seal a Covenant of Life with Him just as the angels have done in heaven that will never end on earth much less in eternity. These days, we all have to eat and drink from our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood at the Lord’s Table with the bread and wine just as a baby normally would within his mother’s womb thus to become a living human being ready to be born nine-month later, so he may be the flesh and blood of his parents.

Certainly, at the Lord’s Table as you sit with our heavenly Father to eat from the bread and wine that Jesus Christ is serving every day in heaven for the angels and on earth for every man, woman and child from the nations, then you are being reborn from the Holy Spirit to become as God’s flesh-and-blood and perfect-holiness forever in eternity. Therefore, Melchizedek set the Lord’s Table in the valley of Shaveh, so he may serve the bread and wine from heaven above (the food of angels) thus to start eternal life on earth by the power of the Holy Spirit, for this was the only way possible that the spirit of error was going to be defeated and removed forever from earth.

Abram with his allies ate and drank gladly the food that our heavenly Father had commanded Melchizedek to serve as the high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood that will change their lives in those days and that of their loved one for many generations, so His Son will rule the earth just as he rules the heaven since eternity. Absolutely, this is something that our heavenly Father needed to start with Adam and Eve in paradise a new bloodline in heaven that will never die, because everyone is called lawfully to eat and drink only from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ supreme celestial-sacrifice of the sacred-flesh and atoning-blood to create the world with all things forever.

However, Adam and Eve failed our heavenly Father in His attempt to start eternal life with humankind in paradise, because they both disobeyed Him by eating and drinking from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that He had personally commanded them never to eat but, instead, they were called to eat from the fruit of life to live forever. Therefore, as Abram with his allies ate and drank from the Lord’s Table as Melchizedek served the bread and wine to everyone sitting with our heavenly Father to eat His fruit of life, then they ate and drank with Him from the tree of life that He initially called Adam and Eve to eat in paradise to live forever saved in eternity.

In other words, what our heavenly Father failed to do with Adam and Eve in paradise as He commanded them to eat from the tree of life thus to start His Son’s bloodline, then He was successful with Abram and his allies by eating the bread and wine that divinely emanates from His Son, granting eternal life on earth for the first time. On this day, our Lord Jesus Christ became Abram and his allies high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood not only on earth but also in heaven, so he may minister within the Holy of Holiest for their well-being and that of their loved ones for endless generations, so they may live a sacred life that pleases our Father in heaven.

That is why that Abram along with his friends had to sit at the Lord’s Table with our heavenly Father to eat from the “seed of Righteousness” that is His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so He may finally start eternal life on earth with every man, woman and child from all the nations thus to serve Him by eating from His Son. That is to say, also that we are called by our heavenly Father to eat and drink each day of our lives on earth from the pristine-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ that not only started angelic life in heaven but also human life in paradise, so we may have eternal life on earth these days heavenly bound into eternity.

Really, this is the way, truth and life that our heavenly Father needed to start with Adam and Eve in paradise but failed, because Eve deceived by the old serpent from Eden ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil, instead of eating from the tree of life that would have pleased our heavenly Father’s every day Righteousness into eternity. Now, because Adam ate from what Eve’s hands that had been deceived by the old serpent by picking from the forbidden fruit that our heavenly Father had warned them that the day they eat from it then they will surely die, then He entered into judgment with them to curse the earth and increase the birth pain from Eve’s womb.

Therefore, our heavenly Father had cursed the earth and increase Eve’s pain as she would give birth to children, then our Father had to start a new bloodline on earth with every one, so His judgment from paradise with humankind may be null-and-void with His Son’s divine-virgin birth thus to bless the earth with a new earth and a superb heaven forever. This is our heavenly Father’s Plan of Salvation in paradise with Adam and Eve but also this is His successful Plan to give birth to His children from the nations in His bloodline, beginning with Israel, through the Holy Spirit that gave birth initially to Isaac from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb, and lastly to His Son Jesus Christ through David’s virgin daughter.

This is paradise on earth where our heavenly Father had established the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, as King of Salem and His perfect Righteousness for everyone’s salvation for the families of the nations, starting with Abram’s family and friends, so He may finally receive in glory those called to be His legitimate children into all eternity. Thereby, as our heavenly Father served the bread and wine through the splendid presence of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, as King of Salem and His perfect Righteous salvation for Abram and his allies, then, He was calling Isaac to be born by the power of the Holy Spirit through his mother Sarah’s barren-womb thus to give birth later to Jacob, Israel.

For this is the meal brought from paradise above down to earth by His blessed Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit to be served as the bread and wine of life to Abram, his allies, and to every man, woman and child, so they may have a new beginning in life regardless of how they have aged through the years. Surely, this was a onetime thing only that had to start on earth with Abram and his allies, because the seed of the bread and wine of eternal life that is our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones and atoning-blood had to be buried under the ground as Mount Sinai’s foot, so it may sprout into eternal life to everyone everywhere that believes.

This seed of the eternal life of the bread and wine that was served by our Lord Jesus Christ as King of Salem and God’s salvation Righteousness within Abram’s heart and that of his companions, then it sprouted into life by the power of the Holy Spirit as Isaac was born from his mother Sarah’s barren-womb later to give us Israel. And this is Jacob that is the father of the twelve tribes of Israel that would bring timely the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ through David’s virgin daughter, so our Father may finally have His children born by the Holy Spirit to become Gods and priest on earth and in heaven for the service of His celebrated name.

For our heavenly Father was seeking to have a nation of Gods and priests on earth holy and perfect before His holy presence thus to love, serve and glorify Him day and night just as the angels do in heaven since ever in perfect Righteousness—all-powerful Righteousness that is only found in the wonderful sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ. Moreover, our heavenly Father was doing all these works with His blessed Son Jesus Christ and the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit, because He needed to have a nation of Gods and priest on earth and in heaven that they will serve Him in perfect holiness just as His blessed Son Jesus Christ has served Him through eternity.

In other words, after Lucifer rebelled against His holy name that lives in perfect Righteousness within His Son Jesus Christ’s heart and atoning-blood in heaven and throughout eternity, then He did not want to have more nations of angels but, this time He is forming a nation of Gods and priest from head to foot just as Jesus Christ is forever. That is why that our heavenly Father demanded from Abram and his children as well through the generations to be perfect and holy on earth as He is eternally perfect and holy in heaven before His holy angels, so they may live in perfect holiness and never have to die as Adam and Eve did because ungodliness was found in them.

This ungodliness that our heavenly Father found in Adam and Eve, He also found in every child, because they have failed to eat and drink from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that emanates in heaven from His tree of life that is the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ: bread and wine to eat each day for Righteousness’ power. Properly, our heavenly Father was calling Abram and his children, including his allies and their families from everywhere, to be perfect and holy as God Almighty is perfect and holy in heaven forever into all eternity to come, and this is only possible these days just as it is in heaven with all the angels by walking day-by-day with Jesus Christ.

Given that, our heavenly Father will only accept the perfect holiness that emanates day and night from the impressive sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, so everyone that stands before Him whether this is an angel from heaven or any man, woman and child from the nations, then they must come into His holy presence only with Jesus Christ’s all-powerful holiness. Meaning that, if you think that you can enter our heavenly Father’s holy presence with a golden calf or any idol of any kind no matter how valuable or great it may be, then you are mistaking again, because you are offending our heavenly Father with something that can never emanate perfect Righteousness as our Lord Jesus Christ does from everlasting-into-everlasting.

This is the mistake that not only Israel made with the golden calf that Aaron fashioned with the jewelry that the Israelites received from the Egyptians as they left Egypt to serve our heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ at Mount Sinai’s injured-rock first, then to conquer the Promised Land, but also Adam and Eve err likewise initially in paradise. And this is that they all failed erroneously to eat the bread and drink cheerfully from the cup of wine that gives eternal life to everyone that obeys whether this is in paradise, in the angelic kingdom, on earth these days, and lastly within the New celestial Jerusalem, so they may be born by the Holy Spirit into a new pristine world.

This pristine world that our heavenly Father has always dreamed to have is filled with the glories conquered by His Son, The Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, and by the powerful presence of the Holy Spirit that constantly pours love, grace, prosperity, happiness and the power for us to live for our heavenly Father’s holy name on earth these days and in heaven forever. It is here where your living soul wants to live these days, since the day you were born, because here is where you will find the eternal love, peace, richness and endless happiness that you have always searched through the years without ever find it until someone told you about Jesus Christ’s salvation work done for you to possess abundantly forever.

Definitely, here is where our heavenly Father needed Adam and Eve to eat from the fruit of life that is the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ shedding his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai’s injured-rock, so Israel may possess Canaan finally to shed over Jerusalem’s holy hill the atoning-blood for the nations’ free ever-present Righteous-salvation. This is certainly a glorious place to be anytime of the day, because our heavenly Father blesses His holy angels and every man, woman and child from all the nations that have been born again by the power of the Holy Spirit to become His legitimate children with all the privileges on earth to enter eternal life in heaven forever saved.

Thoughtfully, this is an all-powerful salvation that our heavenly Father has granted freely to everyone that wills to believe for justice within his heart to confess with his lips for salvation Jesus Christ that serves daily the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table to establish a permanent Covenant of Life with our Father on earth these days and in heaven forever. Today, our heavenly Father needs to eat and drink with you the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ serves daily over the Dinner Table, so you may establish a Covenant of Life that will never fail you in this life and in the next one in heaven above thus to live the pristine life that really pleases you always.

This is the pristine life that will embrace your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit with such a powerful love that you never knew existed that emanates constantly from our heavenly Father through the amazing down pouring of the Holy Spirit over the earth, because now His Son Jesus Christ is part of your life thus to bless and save you always. You will definitely live with our heavenly Father and His blessed Son Jesus Christ, because the power of the Holy Spirit is so rich descending from heaven above as from within the Holy of Holiest over Mount Sinai’s summit and Jerusalem’s holy hill that will transform you immediately only to enjoy constant love, light, peace, richness and everlasting happiness as never before.

This is the world that our heavenly Father has dreamed for you and for your loved ones to enjoy all the days of your life on earth and in heaven above, because He has created it by the shedding of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood just as created in the beginning the heavens and earth for you to live it these days. Moreover, within this new world filled with eternal life and angelic hosts, it is also filled with amazing powers from the Holy Spirit descending into your life and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, because our Father needs other people to see what He is doing with your life—and how He is blessing it with miracles constantly.

So, the people that are living outside this new pristine world that He has created already by the shedding of His Son Jesus Christ’s atoning-blood, moreover the constant descending of the Holy Spirit from within the Holy of Holiest in heaven into your life and that of your loved ones, then they will also want to live in it in fullness. That is why that Jesus Christ taught to his apostles and disciples from everywhere (and through time) that he alone is the way, truth and life to enter our heavenly Father’s holy presence within this new world filled with eternal life and its glorious every day blessing, so we may serve our heavenly Father as Gods and priests in perfect-Righteousness forever.

This also means that as people may see you living in perfect health, happiness and wealth, then they will want to live in this great world with you and your loved ones, because they can see how our heavenly Father is blessing your life through the presence of His Son’s priesthood and Lamb with the atoning-blood to save you from every day evil. Through the desert our heavenly Father guided Moses to take Israel from Mount Sinai, after drinking from the injured-rock the atoning-blood turned into living-water, then our Lord Jesus Christ as priest and Lamb for Israel blessed them with attires that never aged and the sandals on their feet remain as new as the day they put their feet in them.

Moreover, there were no clinics or hospitals to care for the sick, because our Lord Jesus Christ was the priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood that washed them clean from impurities: therefore Israel lived a blessed and enriched life as they enter Canaan to possess it; surely it was our present-day Lamb blessing them every step of the way through the barren-desert. This also means that if you are suffering Satan’s attacks of his usual lies, curses and threats of death, then you may have to wait until things get better (when perhaps they never will), however as you enter into our heavenly Father’s new world of blessings, then Jesus Christ will cleanse you day-after-day from every problem, sickness, and threat of death.

Meaning that, you may come into our heavenly Father’s holy presence just as you are, and as you do it this way because you are sinful, cursed, sick and probably ready to die and descend into hell’s torment forever lost into eternity, lovingly our heavenly Father will receive you as you are for Jesus Christ to make the changes in you. In other words, you may come as you are into our heavenly Father’s holy presence, you do not have to worry as how sinful, sick and cursed you are these days, nevertheless our heavenly Father will receive you through the perfect-Righteousness that exists always within Jesus Christ thus to transform you into the real person that you truly are in eternity.

That is the power of our heavenly Father through the sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ, you can be a slave in this world, as the Israelites were in Egypt, and our heavenly Father will liberate you with amazing miracles slowly-but-surely from the chains-and-shackles that Satan may have placed thus to chain you for his service to deceive others for destruction. Historically, it was our heavenly Father through the sacrificed-life of His Son Jesus Christ that first He manifested to Moses to open his eyes to believe the truth that was standing before him and in the midst of the burning-bush, so he may become a new person born by the Holy Spirit to perform powerful miracles to liberate Israel from Egypt forever.

These days, the same is true within the life of every man, woman and child that needs our heavenly Father to liberate them from the power of problems, difficulties, sicknesses, diseases and even death as well, because it is our Father doing all the all-powerful work that needs to be done for the person (s) to become liberated from Satan’s chains-and-shackles. That is to say, also that our heavenly Father without our Lord Jesus Christ and the magnificent work of the Holy Spirit as he began to pour upon the entire earth right after Creation day, then our Father could hardly be able to do anything in paradise, on earth, in heaven and even in the New Jerusalem from heaven above as well.

That is why that our heavenly Father needed initially Adam and Eve to eat from the trees from paradise, including from the tree of life first, that is in truth, the supreme celestial-sacrifice of His Son’s atoning-blood to create the world with all things, so humankind may inherit to live only to love, serve and glorify His holy name into eternity. Inasmuch as, as Adam and Eve had eaten from the tree of life that is the bread and wine that our Lord Jesus Christ emanates for every angel in heaven and for everyone in paradise, earth and the New celestial Jerusalem, then they both would have eaten from the Lord’s Table with our Father to start a new bloodline for eternity.

That is all what our heavenly Father needed Adam and Eve to do in paradise to eat from the fruit from the tree of life with Him and with the Holy Spirit, so a new bloodline will start to exist immediately in heaven, so the children would have been born into eternal life by the amazing powers of the Holy Spirit. However, as we know, Adam and Eve failed to eat initially from the tree of life that is our Lord Jesus Christ serving the bread and wine from the Lord’s Table, so they may eat and drink with our Father for a new life in heaven but, instead, they both ate from the tree of knowledge of good and evil for destruction.

This is the forbidden fruit that was never to descend to earth from paradise but, disobediently, Adam and Eve brought the evil from it upon humankind for the dismay of many until this day, because many have found it difficult to receive Jesus Christ as the fruit of life that they must eat to live on forever saved in heaven. Indisputably, it was the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil that Adam and Eve brought down with them from paradise within their hearts and ill blood that have caused so much darkness upon the entire world as conflicts, battles, famine, and wars that have threatened over the years to finish with humankind as we know it until now.

Moreover, the only way that we can escape the evils that the forbidden fruit had taken place within Adam and Eve’s hearts and ill blood is to eat from our heavenly Father’s Dinner Table the bread and wine of life that is served every day by Jesus Christ, as our high priest and Lamb with the atoning-blood that cleanses from sin forever. Definitely, our Lord Jesus Christ is the way to escape sin and every wickedness from the forbidden fruit that Adam and Eve gave us to have on earth these days and in hell’s torment into eternity, because by eating from the fruit of life that is Jesus Christ, then we are truly returning to our heavenly Father’s holy presence forever purified.

Indeed, to be purified by our Lord Jesus Christ’s shed atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over Mount Sinai, and recently Jerusalem’s holy hill, is really to live the pristine life that our heavenly Father has already prepared for each one of us to enjoy within the New Jerusalem from heaven above, by the power of the Holy Spirit. Within this amazing New Jerusalem from heaven above where our heavenly Father’s all-powerful love for our Lord Jesus Christ thrives supremely through eternity, Satan will never be able to touch you with the forbidden fruit, because now you have eaten with our Father the bread and wine that emanates daily from His Son Jesus Christ’s sacred-body to live forever blessed into eternity.

That is why that you need to have our Lord Jesus Christ within your heart these days thus to serve you timely the bread and wine that you must eat with our heavenly Father to escape Satan’s sin, curses and death on earth and in hell’s torment where the worms never ceases to eat human flesh and the fires burn endlessly. For hell is a place prepared by our Lord Jesus Christ for those that have sinned against him by not eating and drinking from the perfect-holiness of his Righteous sacred-body that pleases our heavenly Father in heaven as the angels eat and drink from him constantly, and for every man, woman and child from all the nations of the world, too.

Therefore, if you have the opportunity to eat and drink from the fruit of life that our heavenly Father called diligently to Adam and Eve to receive from His Son Jesus Christ, because he alone is the Lamb with the atoning-blood to grant eternal life to every angel in heaven and to everyone on earth, then you will see heaven’s glories soon. You will see heaven soon as you never thought that you will see it to enjoy it forever into eternity, because you have broken bread with our heavenly Father, moreover you have drunk from the cup of wine that is the atoning-blood that erases your sin to write your name in the book of life to enter eternal life forever justified.

For this is exactly what our heavenly Father did with Abram and his allies, as they ate and drank from the Lord’s Table the bread and wine that grants life from our Lord Jesus Christ’s hands and sacred-body that has been bath with the atoning-blood that erases sin to fill you with his divine-life on earth today and in heaven forever. Our heavenly Father needs you to be humble before Him just as Abram was with his allies, so He may sit with you at His Table to eat from the bread and wine that Jesus Christ serves day-after-day in heaven for angels and on earth for everyone that wants to be born from the Holy Spirit to become His legitimate child instantly.

Obedience before our heavenly Father is the key to have your sins washed clean by His Son’s atoning-blood, so you may have your name written in the book of life to start a new life on earth even before you enter into heaven’s glory to enjoy the Holy Spirit of love, peace, prosperity and eternal happiness that awaits for you since ever. These days, you will never know life much less happiness and the beauty of its every day amazing fruits to have received our heavenly Father within your heart through the perfect holiness of His Son’s atoning-blood shed since Creation day, so you may escape the darkness that is taking you slowly-but-surely into hell’s torment only to know pain and destruction forever.

You must sit with our heavenly Father at His Dinner Table to have His Son Jesus Christ serve the bread and wine, because He must eat and drink with you the sacred-bread from heaven and the cup of wine shed since Creation day, so you may escape evil moreover be filled with the eternal life from heaven’s glory to know only joys everlastingly. These days, you are troubled not because Satan has lied to you thus to curse you until you drop dead with one of his terrible diseases/lies/traps but, instead you are troubled because you are hungry for the bread from heaven above and thirsty for the cup of wine of eternal life that only our Lord Jesus Christ can serve to you today.

For once you eat and drink from our Lord Jesus Christ’s hands, then you will never hunger again on earth much less in eternity, because you have eaten the true bread that gives eternal life to your living-soul, moreover as you drink from the cup of wine you will never thirst again, because his atoning-blood truly satisfies your every day life everlastingly. To put off for another day what you can do today, then you are only causing your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit to hunger even more, thus fail to drink from the cup of wine that our Lord Jesus Christ serves you to drink with our heavenly Father then you are causing more suffering to your already troubled life.

This is true these days with many parts of your entire body, as your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit each one may go hungry or thirsty first for the bread from heaven and the cup of wine shed since Creation day to create all things that you must satisfy as soon as you can to return to eternal life immediately. In other words, parts of your body (as organs) may become hungry and thirsty, so before they get sick as the Israelites did in the desert because of lack of water until they arrived at Mount Sinai where our Father had told Moses to return with Israel to serve Him, and this was to drink and eat the manna (bread) from the injured-rock.

Thereon, you must eat and drink with our heavenly Father at His Dinner Table the bread and wine while our Lord Jesus Christ serves his sacred-body to everyone willing to please Him on earth with his life and in heaven with the newfound life already ready to receive him thus to love, serve and glorify our Father as the angels do perpetually. Certainly, this is the amazing life filled with happiness that you will never know unless you are born by the Holy Spirit just as Abram and his friends were reborn by eating and drinking with our heavenly Father the bread and wine served by our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacrificed-body, because he alone is always the food ready to eat from the Lord’s Table.

This is our high priest Jesus Christ that will always say to everyone: You must eat from my flesh, because my flesh is true food that whoever eats from it, he will never hunger again; then, you must also drink from my atoning-blood, because he that drinks from it, he will be drinking the true drink that quenches his thirsty living-soul forever. You may say these days, for instance: how can I eat from Jesus Christ’s sacred-flesh and drink from his cup of wine that is the shed atoning-blood, if he has raised already from the dead and the abyss, furthermore he no longer is with us physically on earth but he is with our heavenly Father and the holy angels in heaven?

Well, you can still eat and drink from our Lord Jesus Christ the bread and wine that Abram and his allies ate and drank with our heavenly Father over His Dinner Table, because His Son is always faithful serving the food that will fill you with life that never hungers nor thirsts on earth these days and in heaven forever. Meaning that Jesus Christ is the Lamb over the Lord’s Table to eat for Abram and his friends as he alone is the priest of Righteousness of the Most High God serving the bread and wine, so Isaac may be born by the Holy Spirit from Sarah’s barren-womb thus to give birth to Jacob (Israel), and finally to the King Messiah.

This also means that regardless where you may live on earth these days, you still have to sit with our heavenly Father at His Dinner Table, so His Son Jesus Christ as Lamb over your dinner plate will be the bread and wine to eat and drink, so you may enter into a Covenant of Life that will bless you perpetually. Moreover, if, for any reason, you fail to sit with our heavenly Father at His Dinner Table to eat the bread and wine that His Son Jesus Christ each day serves faithfully to everyone from all the nations, then you will hunger and thirst on earth, and in hell you will beg for water but it will too late to drink.

Today, our heavenly Father will sit with you to eat from His Table the bread and wine that Melchizedek as king of Salem and as His personal priest served to Abram and his allies, so Isaac may be born with a new bloodline that it was impossible for Sarah’s barren-womb to bear, but through the Holy Spirit it became possible perpetually. Surely, our heavenly Father has descended with His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit of His commandments and holy name to sit with you to eat the bread and wine that His priest is serving you and to your loved ones thus to satisfy your hunger and quenches your thirst with the manna and the atoning-blood that grants eternal life.

You have to eat and drink from our Yeshua HaMoshiach, Jesus Christ, the bread from heaven and the atoning-blood turned into wine and living-water that pleases our heavenly Father’s perfect Righteousness that required from Abraham and his children to eat every day on earth thus to enter into heaven’s never-ending glories forever purified to live the amazing life that blesses you perpetually. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.
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