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A little truth.

6 katselukertaa
Siirry ensimmäiseen lukemattomaan viestiin


23.9.2002 klo 2.14.4323.9.2002
Bob Zale wrote this:

"If you sue us, and only stop using our software ten (10) months later
when the court orders you to do so, ..."

In fact, the court made no such order. The only order is that
PowerBasic's offer, made in open cout to pay Plaintiff, is to be upheld.

As of today, PowerBasic has not paid.

I know may people may think I am a jerk for goint to court. But so far,
two judges have reviewed this matter and found that PowerBasic is the
party that does not keep its word.

PowerBasic may assert that they have a return policy that is fair, but
if you follow all their procedures, you still will not get your money

That is what happened to me. It is PowerBasic that offered in court to
bring this matter to an end. Yet they still have not paid.

Even with an agreement made in court, PowerBasic has still not refunded
my money. They have the product and my money.

You can call me a jerk if you like, but I would not trust the return
policy of PowerBasic.

If anyone wants the court transcript just ask.

eric @ no-spam

P.S. I have never asked for a refund for the core products (PowerBasic
DOS, DLL and CC).
I only returned some add-on products that I relized would not be usable
for my applications.
I returned them only after reading some docs. I never installed the
returned products.

Rick Rothstein

23.9.2002 klo 5.00.4423.9.2002
The way I see it, you are wasting your time and ours by posting messages
such as this. If you in fact have an agreement made in court, before a
judge, then you should be able to go back to that judge and advise
him/her that the agreement of which he was a party to was not being
honored. He/she should then contact the PowerBASIC people and threaten
them with a contempt citation if they don't honor the court approved
agreement. After you have done that, you can make a single post telling
us of the finalized outcome (assuming your purpose is to smear the
company's name and not simply retrieve the money you spent). Until then,
I don't particularly care to read your whining posts. On the other hand,
if the facts are not as you have stated them (so that a judge won't aid
you in your attempted settlement), then I definitely don't care to read
your posts.


"SeeMessage" <> wrote in message

Peter Manders

23.9.2002 klo 10.54.5123.9.2002
On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 06:14:43 GMT, SeeMessage <> wrote:

>I know may people may think I am a jerk for goint to court.

No, going to court is probably just a lack of common sense on your
part. I didn't call you a jerk for that.

You were a jerk for posting your serial numbers publically. All the
more since you've now revealed that you're in the software business

At least you made me realize, and hopefully mr. Zale as well, that
it's a good idea to write that in your software's license agreements:
A person who gives out serial numbers, especially in a public medium,
will be sued.

I hope you'll both be able to resolve your differences in a way that
doesn't involve the rest of the world. It almost appears as if you're
trying to damage PowerBasic Inc. Some people make a living using their
products, that's probably one more reason why you get replies you
don't like.

Peter Manders.
Every woman's a 10. It just depends upon which base you're counting in.

Please remove the 'u' to reply.

John Larkin

23.9.2002 klo 23.07.1723.9.2002
On Mon, 23 Sep 2002 06:14:43 GMT, SeeMessage <> wrote:

Why don't you do the world a favor and sue Microsoft instead?


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