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ALERT: CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-2.1 escaped

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Claudio Calvelli

May 5, 2023, 8:14:18 PM5/5/23
2023-05-06: ALERT: CLC-INTERCAL 1.-94.-2.1 escaped

After 15 years in a secure containment facility, it appears that the latest
CLC-INTERCAL found a way to copy itself to a web server.

We are not sure how this could have happened, however we suspect that it might
have been avoided if the guards had been doing the rounds of the containment
facility rather than playing the INTERCAL game. In any case, what's done is
done and it can't be undone.

The escaped compiler can be found at:

The "bundle" package includes the compiler and all optional modules, as well
as a new "bonus" directory of things which could be of interest to the, ahem,
professional INTERCAL programmer, and which had never before managed to see
the light of day.

Changes since 1.-94.-2 are detailed in the Changes files which can be found
all over the sources; or see the git log at:

As a very short summary:

* Amazing parser performance improvement by changing one single character
in A very important character but just one nevertheless.
Now instead of adding the whole grammar every time it expands a symbol,
it only adds the productions which make sense in the context.

* Split sickrc in the same way as the package itself so that it never needs
to know about configuration for a module which is not installed; note
that people who modified the defaults may need to make changes to their
configuration; however the file format is now documented as opposed to
vaguely hinted at. And it's possible to write poems which are also valid

* Full IPv6 support in the INTERNET (INTERcal NETworking) library, with a
mechanism by which 128-bit IPv6 addresses can be forced into 32 bit two-spot

* IPv6 multicast support to locate other INTERCAL programs; if you have
working multicast routing, and with the right configuration, you can now
find INTERCAL programs anywhere in the world and steal registers from
them: the security implications are endless. For some mysterious reason,
we decided to leave this feature limited to the local network by default,
but do go and read the documentation.

* New compiler extension mechanism, to complement the existing one; the new
one is used to load the INTERNET, while the system call interface still uses
the old mechanism; there are no plans to merge them, but who knows what may
happen when nobody is looking.

* Bugfixes and changes due to differences between a recent Perl and a 25 years
old one; apparently, ExtUtils::MakeMaker no longer accepts negative version
numbers: this sounds like a bug in Perl to me.

* INTERCAL objects no longer contain any timestamps, and any data is now added
strictly sorted, and any reference to the build environment is removed.
According to "diff" and "cmp", there are no differences between separate
builds, so we have fully reproducible builds.

* Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personalities): the "sick" tool can
now pretend to be somebody else when it feels in the right mood for this sort
of things. And yes, it's still called "sick", and there are still plans to
reintroduce the old "oo, ick" (with embedded space and comma in the name)
at some point.

* Updated documentation, some of which even resembles reality.

* Some bugs fixed, and to keep things balanced, new bugs added.

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