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Mammon's NASM macro's

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Rod Pemberton

Nov 26, 2007, 8:56:14 AM11/26/07
Mammon's macros.asm for NASM.
Macro's for most C style flow control.
These were once available from here (now dead):

File starts with "High-Level Call" line after my signature.

Rod Pemberton

;----------High-Level Call
; ccall FuncName, param1, param2, param 3...
; pcall FuncName, param1, param2, param 3...
; stdcall FuncName, param1, param2, param 3...
; fastcall FuncName, param1, param2, param 3...
%macro pcall 2-9 ;Pascal Call: push first value first, no cleanup
%define _j %1
%rep %0-1
%rotate 1
push %1
call _j

%macro ccall 2-9 ;C Call: push last value first, cleanup
%define _j %1
%assign __params %0-1
%rep %0-1
%rotate -1
push %1
call _j
%assign __params __params * 4
add esp, __params

%macro stdcall 2-9 ;Windows StdCall: push last value first, no cleanup
%define _j %1
%rep %0-1
%rotate -1
push %1
call _j

%macro fastcall 2-9 ;Borland FastCall: use registers, no cleanup
%define _j %1
%assign __pnum 1
%rep %0-4
%rotate -1
%if __pnum = 1
mov eax, %1
%elif __pnum = 2
mov edx, %1
%elif __pnum = 3
mov ebx, %1
push %1
%assign __pnum __pnum+1
call _j

;----------IF-THEN-ELSE Loops
; IF Value, Cond, Value
; ;if code here
; ELSIF Value, Cond, Value
; ;else-if code here
; ;else code here
;Where Value is a variable, register, or integer -- but not EAX or EBX!!
;Where Cond is the conditional -- a, ae, b, be, e, g, ge, le, ne, nz, z,
%macro IF 3
%push if
%assign __curr 1
; %if %1 != eax
mov eax, %1
; %endif
; %if %3 != ebx
mov ebx, %3
; %endif
cmp eax, ebx
j%+2 %%if_code
jmp %$loc(__curr)

%macro ELSIF 3
%ifctx if
jmp %$end_if
%assign __curr __curr+1
; %if %1 != eax
mov eax, %1
; %endif
; %if %3 != ebx
mov ebx, %3
; %endif
cmp eax, ebx
j%+2 %%elsif_code
jmp %$loc(__curr)
%error "'ELSIF' can only be used following 'IF'"

%macro ELSE 0
%ifctx if
jmp %$end_if
%assign __curr __curr+1
%error "'ELSE' can only be used following an 'IF'"

%macro ENDIF 0

;----------SWITCH-CASE Blocks
; SWITCH Variable
; CASE Int
; ;case1 code here
; CASE Int
; ;case2 code here
; ;default code here
;Where Variable is a variable of INT to DWORD value [eax is used to store]
;Where Int is an immediate INT to DWORD value [ebx is used to store]
%macro SWITCH 1
%push switch
%assign __curr 1
mov eax, %1
jmp %$loc(__curr)

%macro CASE 1
%ifctx switch
%assign __curr __curr+1
mov ebx, %1
cmp eax, ebx
jne %$loc(__curr)
%error "'CASE' can only be used in a 'SWITCH' block"

%macro DEFAULT 0
%ifctx switch
%error "'DEFAULT' can only be used in a 'SWITCH' block"

%macro BREAK 0
jmp %$endswitch

%macro ENDSWITCH 0
%ifctx switch
%error "'ENDSWITCH' can only be used in an 'SWITCH' block"

;----------DO-FOR and DO-WHILE Loops
; DO
; ;code to do here
; FOR min, cond, max, step
;Where Min is a value or variable of INT to DWORD value [eax is used]
;Where Cond is condition -- a, ae, b, be, g, ge, l, le, n, ne, z
;Where Max is an INT to DWORD value [ebx is used to store]
;Where Step is an INT to DWORD value to be added to Min at each loop
;e.g. FOR 0, l, 100, 1 == for(x=0; x<100, x++) do code...;
; DO
; ;code to do here
; WHILE variable, condition, value
;Where variable is a value or variable of INT to DWORD value [eax is used]
;Where condition is a conditional -- a, ae, b, be, g, ge, l, le, n, ne, z
;Where Value is an INT to DWORD value [ebx is used to store]
;e.g. WHILE Counter, l, 100 == while( counter < 100 ) do code...;
%macro DO 0
%push do
jmp %$init_loop
push eax

%macro FOR 4
%ifctx do
pop eax
add eax, %4
cmp eax, %3
j%-2 %%end_loop
jmp %$start_loop
mov eax, %1
jmp %$start_loop
%error "'FOR' must be preceded by a 'DO'"

%macro WHILE 3
%ifctx do
pop eax
mov ebx, %3
cmp eax, ebx
j%+2 %%end_loop
jmp %$start_loop
mov eax, %1
jmp %$start_loop
%error "'WHILE' must be preceded by a 'DO'"

;----------Procedure Declarations
;PROC ProcName Parameter1, Parameter2, Parameter3...
;LOCALDD Dword_Variable [opt]
;LOCALDW Word_Variable [opt]
;LOCALDB Byte_Variable [opt]
; ;procedure code here
;procedure code here
;Note that parameters are set up to EQU to ebp-x
;Note that locals are set up to EQU to ebp+x
;Note that neither LOCALS or Parameters are necessary, as in ENTRYPROC

%macro PROC 1-9
%assign _i 4
%rep %0-1
%2 equ [ebp-_i]
%assign _i _i+4
%rotate 1
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
%push local
%assign __ll 0

%macro ENDP 0
%ifctx local
pop ebp

%macro ENTRYPROC 0
PROC main

%macro LOCALVAR 1
sub esp, 4
%1 equ [ebp + __ll]

%macro LOCALDB 1
%assign __ll __ll+1

%macro LOCALDW 1
%assign __ll __ll+2

%macro LOCALDD 1
%assign __ll __ll+4

;----------Data Declarations
;CHAR Name, String
;INT Name, Byte
;WORD Name, Word
;DWORD Name, Dword
;e.g. CHAR UserName, "Joe User"
; INT Timeout, 30
; WORD Logins
; DWORD Password
;Note that not specifying a value causes the variable to default to 0
;Note that strings are automatically zero-terminated
%macro CHAR 1-2 0
%1: DB %2,0

%macro INT 1-2 0
%1: DB %2

%macro WORD 1-2 0
%1: DW %2

%macro DWORD 1-2 0
%1: DD %2

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