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Re: Nolte: 2,681 'Journalists' Lost Their Jobs in Joe Biden's Economy

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Served them right

Jan 26, 2024, 5:15:15 PMJan 26
On 13 Feb 2022, Lefty Lundquist <> posted some

> Biden is a total loser and Democrats vote for losers. He cost the
> fools 30% of their retirement savings and the idiots will still vote
> for him.

“An estimated 2,681 news industry jobs were lost through the end of
November,” reports the far-left Associated Press.

That’s what you call a good start, reports the far-right John Nolte

I’ll bet good money that over 90 percent of those who lost their jobs
voted for His Fraudulency Joe Biden. So what we have here is another
case of people getting what they voted for. Boo hoo.

Those 2,681 jobs lost over the first 11 months of 2023 added up to “more
than the full years of 2022 and 2021,” the employment firm of
Challenger, Gray, and Christmas told the AP.

And already this year, the far-left Los Angeles Times has announced 115
job cuts, roughly 20 percent of its newsroom staff.

“Layoffs and buyouts have hit a wide swath of the news industry over the
past year,” adds the AP. “The Washington Post, NPR, CNN, and Vox Media
are among the many companies hit.”

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There are two reasons why all of these left-wing outlets are bleeding
cash and staff: 1) Biden tanked the economy, and 2) see below…

Russia Collusion Hoax
Hands Up, Don’t Shoot Hoax
Jussie Smollett Hoax
Covington KKKids Hoax
Very Fine People Hoax
Seven-Hour Gap Hoax
Russian Bounties Hoax
Trump Trashes Troops Hoax
Policemen Killed at Mostly Peaceful January 6 Protest Hoax
Rittenhouse Hoax
Eating While Black Hoax
Border Agents Whipping Illegals Hoax
NASCAR Noose Hoax
The Georgia Jim Crow 2.0 Hoax
Trump Assaulted Secret Service Agents and Grabbed Steering Wheel of
Beast Hoax MAGA Assaulted Paul Pelosi Hoax
COVID Lab Leak Theory Is Racist Hoax
Hunter Biden’s Laptop Is Russian Disinformation Hoax
Joe Biden Will Never Ban Gas Stoves Hoax
COVID Deaths are Over-Counted Is a Conspiracy Theory Hoax
Mass Graves of Native Children in Canada Hoax
The Trump Killed All the Fish Hoax
Hamas Hospital Hoax
John Fetterman Is Healthy Hoax
If Reelected, Trump Will Execute People Hoax
The Alfa Bank Hoax
In other words, the corporate media suck.

The very same people telling us that the only problem with Biden’s
awesome economy is public misperception have lost their jobs in massive
numbers. If you don’t see the poetry in that, you’re stupid.

And I don’t know of a single normal person who believes the corporate
media contributes anything constructive and positive to our culture
anymore. I don’t know of a single normal person who doesn’t see the
corporate media for what they are: a dishonest misinformation machine
only interested in spreading left-wing propaganda, conspiracy theories,
and political violence.

The corporate media are cancer — an evil, bigoted, ignorant, entitled,
dangerous, elite, fascist cancer on our republic, and I refuse to
pretend I’m anything other than joyful to see these spoiled, entitled
cry bullies shoved off their Ivy League glide paths into the adversity
of the Real World.

Maybe this will mature some of these spoiled babies, force them to walk
a mile in our shoes, wisen them up, thicken their skin, and maybe even
discover some empathy for those who live, worship, speak, and think

I don’t ever want to see anyone physically hurt, but setbacks and
failure are good for the human spirit and breed maturity. And if there
is any institution that could use a dose of both, it is our wretched
corporate media.
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