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Identity Theft? Or where is Michael Aquino

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Oct 15, 2008, 5:03:30 AM10/15/08
For those not following this, work with me here

I understand "Claire" that there is a possiblity that
you and "John" may have doctored photographs
and had Michael Aquino include those photos in
the writings on his web site. But perhaps not and
I stand a correction.

There are several plates or photographs in this
particular writing which I've downloaded in multiple

In Plate No 27, the nose is straight. In Plate
No. 28, it looks like a different nose and the face
is too wide. In Plate No. 35 the upper lip looks

In Plate No 35 it looks like it could be Lilith.

However, in the fictional work the "Dark Side"

Pg 17, there is a purported picture of Lilith. The
eyes could match. But a brow lift could manifest
that "Claire." To me the nose is not the same
as early photographs show and the face has a
germanic cast to it. Nikolaus Schrek and Zeena
La Vey are reportedly in Germany. Are they still?
TOS member Stephen Flowers was also interested
in Norse occult or Germanic Occult.

What is the language in the chant and music on
the TOS web site.

Although it is possible to doctor photographs, early
untouched film from the Geraldo show and the
Oprah Winfrey shows in which he appeared should
clarify matters a bit.

If he is consciously avoiding appearing for some
reason, and he chooses to appear, all I would
say is "See you in court, I'm just investigating."

But perhaps the real reason why there is no
message in writing from him is that all of you know
that you cannot fake his brilliance. And perhaps
his writing style has left him. No DNA available?
Only close friends like Lavey and Shreck and a family
member could provide an "identification" if the
police show up? Perhaps Robert Menschel?

Wrong motivation.

Are both Michael and Lilith Aquino going to appear
at the SF conclave in two weeks?

If anyone has any film footage of Michael and Lilith
Aquino, please send it to me. All info sent to me
regarding these matters is resent to multiple parties.

Diana Napolis, M.A.

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