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Re: DOJ declines to charge Meadows, Scavino with contempt of Congress for defying Jan. 6 committee

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Nutless Buzz Lightyear

Jul 30, 2022, 5:50:02 AM7/30/22
In article <rv6mfb$i64$> wrote:
> I believe Biden is insane. Facts speak for themselves.

The Justice Department has declined to prosecute two of Donald
Trump’s closest White House advisers — former chief of staff
Mark Meadows and social media director Dan Scavino — for
refusing to cooperate with the Jan. 6 select committee,
rejecting the House’s recommendation that the pair be charged
with contempt of Congress.

Matthew Graves, the U.S. Attorney for Washington D.C., delivered
the news to House Counsel Douglas Letter earlier Friday,
according to a person familiar with the correspondence.

The news came despite the Justice Department’s decision earlier
in the day to unseal charges against former Trump White House
trade adviser Peter Navarro with contempt of Congress for
similarly defying the select committee’s demands. DOJ charged
Trump ally Steve Bannon with contempt last year for refusing to
engage with the select committee.

Navarro was still in the White House when Trump tried to
overturn the election results, but Bannon was fired from Trump’s
White House in August 2017, although he remained in contact with
Trump in subsequent years.

Unlike Bannon and Navarro, Meadows and Scavino engaged in months-
long negotiations with the select committee, haggling over the
terms of potential testimony and the bounds of executive
privilege. Meadows also turned over thousands of text messages
and communications he had with members of Congress and other
White House advisers.

The select committee opted to pursue contempt charges against
Meadows and Scavino, however, after the negotiations failed to
result in plans for either of them to testify. Meadows had been
scheduled for a December deposition but withdrew at the last

Committee chair Rep Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.) and Vice Chair Liz
Cheney (R-Wyo.) called decision “puzzling” in a statement.

“Mr. Meadows and Mr. Scavino unquestionably have relevant
knowledge about President Trump’s role in the efforts to
overturn the 2020 election and the events of January 6th. We
hope the Department provides greater clarity on this matter,”
the statement said.

Meadows’ attorney George Terwillger III did not immediately
respond to a request for comment. Scavino’s attorney Stan Brand
did not immediately comment on the news. The U.S. Attorney’s
office for Washington D.C. declined to comment.

Though House Democrats welcomed the decision to charge Bannon
and Navarro, both were somewhat ancillary figures in Trump’s
orbit during the former president’s attempt to overturn the 2020
election. Meadows and Scavino, however, played central roles and
were at Trump’s side as a mob attacked the Capitol on Jan. 6,
2021 in support of his effort to prevent the transfer of power.

The New York Times first reported the Justice’s Department’s
decision not to charge Meadows and Scavino with contempt of

Fuck you Nancy Pelosi!

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