The following story will be distributed throughout Friday the free
Political Journalist | Presidential Campaign
Mental Illness in Presidential Politics
Should mental illness play a role in presidential politics? Many
believe it should. According to numerous historical, religious, and
genealogical sources including 'Reform Judaism', Senator John Kerry of
Massachusetts has a family history of severe mental illness.
(PRWEB) February 21, 2004--Should Mental Illness play a role in
presidential politics? Many believe it should.
According to numerous historical, religious, and genealogical sources
including 'Reform Judaism', Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts has a
family history of severe mental illness.
In fact, Senator John Kerry's own grandfather, born May 10, 1873 as
Frederick Kohn, committed suicide on November 21, 1921 in the lobby
washroom of Boston's posh Copley Plaza Hotel, by putting a loaded
revolver to his head, and pulling the trigger.
After leaving Austria and trying to hide his Jewish background, Mr.
Kohn changed his name to Kerry while en route to the United States.
Documents verifying the facts of this story consist of Ellis Island
records, ship manifests, old newspaper articles, and additional
materials obtained through genealogists and others in the United
States and in Europe.
In fact, Senator John Kerry's complete historical record of his family
will be available on a new CD being release in early spring by
The irony of the story is that Senator John Kerry himself admits that
his own father had a history of clinical depression. According to the
National Institute of Mental Health and the National Mental Health
Association, clinical depression is a mental disease that is
genetically transmitted to the offspring.
Even with a family history of mental illness, John Kerry who attended
Yale University found his niche in politics and became president of
the Yale Political Union, a forum for political debate. Upon
graduating in 1966, John Kerry joined the Navy. After returning from
Vietnam with three purple hearts, a Bronze Star, and a Silver Star,
Kerry soon began successfully campaigning against the war.
During his childhood, Senator Kerry never knew the truth about his
grandfather but became extremely emotional when reviewing the old news
articles of his grandfather's suicide. While shaking his head back and
forth, Senator Kerry stated; "God, that's awful, Oh, God, that's
awful. This is heavy, that explains why my dad was painfully remote,
shut off, and always angry."
Senator Kerry had great concern for his father as he seemed always
When contacting the campaign headquarters for this article, Senator
Kerry's media contact simply stated, "We have no comment at this
But the question remains, "Will the American people vote for a
candidate with a family history of mental illness and clinical
Mental Illness in Presidential Politics
by Hans Schnauber, Independent Freelance Writer
IPR Newswire and PR Web
Political Journalist | Presidential Campaign
>When contacting the campaign headquarters for this article, Senator
>Kerry's media contact simply stated, "We have no comment at this
>But the question remains, "Will the American people vote for a
>candidate with a family history of mental illness and clinical
I already voted for Kerry and I'm still very happy that I did, family
mental illness or not. Assuming he makes it through all the
politicking, I'll vote for him again as my choice for president.
Depression is not a sin or a fault.
Therese Shellabarger / The Roving Reporter - Civis Mundi /
>In fact, Senator John Kerry's complete historical record of his family
>will be available on a new CD being release in early spring by
A little late for the intended smear effect, you would think.
I'll see your family history of mental illness (which may or may not
affect Kerry himself) and raise you one personal history of substance
abuse (which undoubtedly was Bush's very own).
>(PRWEB) February 21, 2004--Should Mental Illness play a role in
>presidential politics? Many believe it should.
Well you have to be narcisstic to become a politician in the first place.
>After leaving Austria and trying to hide his Jewish background, Mr.
>Kohn changed his name to Kerry while en route to the United States.
Why do I get the feeling the Jewishness is more the reason for the post.
>In fact, Senator John Kerry's complete historical record of his family
>will be available on a new CD being release in early spring by
It isn't quite a funny as Robin William's last one.. but then what is?
>The irony of the story is that Senator John Kerry himself admits that
>his own father had a history of clinical depression. According to the
>National Institute of Mental Health and the National Mental Health
>Association, clinical depression is a mental disease that is
>genetically transmitted to the offspring.
Actually the predisposition is genetically transmitted. It isn't
anywhere 100% even in the twin studies. Also, clinical depression most often
manifests itself before 30 or after 65 unless triggered by an event or Kerry
becomes pregnant and suffers post partum depression. Given the studies, I
would be more worried about his depression if he lost.
>During his childhood, Senator Kerry never knew the truth about his
>grandfather but became extremely emotional when reviewing the old news
>articles of his grandfather's suicide. While shaking his head back and
>forth, Senator Kerry stated; "God, that's awful, Oh, God, that's
>awful. This is heavy, that explains why my dad was painfully remote,
>shut off, and always angry."
I'd love to see the citation for this quote. A little melodramatic early on
and then clinical later. This doen't remotely ring true as a quote.
LOL - I will raise you one nut and a bottle of coke for a pecan pie -
It's not to late to push for John Edwards
> >During his childhood, Senator Kerry never knew the truth about his
> >grandfather but became extremely emotional when reviewing the old news
> >articles of his grandfather's suicide. While shaking his head back and
> >forth, Senator Kerry stated; "God, that's awful, Oh, God, that's
> >awful. This is heavy, that explains why my dad was painfully remote,
> >shut off, and always angry."
> I'd love to see the citation for this quote.
see the following links as well as the articles above:,2933,77478,00.html
here is another interesting link quoting Kerry saying he is no longer
irish/cathoilc but Austrian.
My question is; 'what is he hiding?'
It is not often that I take something so personal. Day Bird, what do you
know about depression? A person who suffers from depression is not a bad
person nor a bad decision maker.
I will still vote for Kerry. Nice try, Bird.
Bonnie White
Write Angle
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Heather Cobb writes; Per our conversation, please go to to view the National
Mental Health Association's fact sheet on depression that includes
causes of the illness.
Also, you can find information on the genetics of mental illness and
children at
on page 27 under the heading "Mediators of the Relationship of
Parental Mental Illness and Child Outcomes."
Heather Cobb
Director of Media Relations, NMHA
Frankly, I resent attempts to politicize the group by someone who, up
until now, had never posted in ajf.
I also resent efforts as blatant as this one to smear a front running
candidate. And smear with what? Equating a possible (not factual) future
depression as something ugly or sinful, something to fear. You are one sick
"Day Bird Loft" <> wrote in message
The article was NOT written to smear anyone. It was written simply to
promote a question and that is 'Would the American people for for a
candidate with a family history of mental illness?'
The story is already out in the open. It is an issue for the
presidential candidates. see
With 19 million people in this country being effected by clinical
depression each year, it is a major medical and social issue not only
for a candidate but also on the resourses of this great country.
Perhaps you could re-read
Sorry it offended you Barbara as you seemed to not get the point of it
all, or perhaps you yourself have some form of clinical depression.
The article was not meant to disparage anyone, but to creat open
National Political News
> Sorry it offended you Barbara as you seemed to not get the point of it
> all, or perhaps you yourself have some form of clinical depression.
> The article was not meant to disparage anyone, but to creat open
> dialog.
Even more BS. When anyone objects, attack the objector. Sheesh. plonk.
> Even more BS. When anyone objects, attack the objector. Sheesh. plonk.
Give us a break. You must be a Kerry supporter so here is the story
one more time - in detail.
Mental Illness and Presidential Politics
Will the American people vote for a candidate with a family history of
mental illness and clinical depression?
(IPR Newswire) February 21, 2004--Should mental illness play a role in
presidential politics? Some believe it could.
According to the National Mental Health Association, clinical
depression is one of the most common mental illnesses, affecting more
than 19 million Americans each year. This includes major depressive
disorder, manic depression and dysthymia, a milder, longer-lasting
form of depression.
Clinical depression causes people to lose pleasure from daily life,
can complicate other medical conditions, and can even be serious
enough to lead to suicide.
Clinical depression can occur to anyone, at any age, and to people of
any race or ethnic group.
Clinical depression is never a "normal" part of life, no matter what
your age, gender or health situation.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health, clinical
depression is a mental disease that can be genetically transmitted to
the offspring.
According to sources, including The Boston Globe, Chicago Sun-Times,
and Fox News, Senator John Kerry of Massachusetts has a family history
of severe mental illness.
In fact, Senator John Kerry's own grandfather, born May 10, 1873 as
Frederick Kohn, committed suicide on November 21, 1921 in the lobby
washroom of Boston's posh Copley Plaza Hotel, by putting a loaded
revolver to his head, and pulling the trigger.
After leaving Austria and hiding the fact of his Jewish heritage, Mr.
Kohn changed his name to Kerry while en route to the United States. It
has been speculated this was done to give his family an opportunity of
financial prosperity afforded all Americans.
During his childhood, Senator Kerry was never told the facts about the
death of his grandfather and became extremely emotional when reviewing
the documents of his grandfather's suicide. While shaking his head
back and forth, Senator Kerry stated; "God, that's awful, Oh, God,
that's awful. This is heavy."
The irony of the story is that Senator John Kerry himself admits that
his own father had a history of clinical depression. He had great
concern for his father as he always seemed depressed.
Even with a family history of mental illness, John Kerry who attended
Yale University found his niche in politics and became president of
the Yale Political Union, a forum for political debate.
Documents verifying the facts of this story consist of Ellis Island
records, ship manifests, newspaper articles, and additional materials
obtained through researchers in Europe and the United States.
Senator Kerry's complete family history will be available on a new CD
being release in early spring by
When contacting the Kerry for President campaign, Senator Kerry had
'no comment'.
But the question remains, "Will the American people vote for a
candidate with a family history of mental illness and clinical
Mental Illness in Presidential Politics
by Hans Schnauber, Senior Political Editor
IPR Newswire and PRWeb
>In article <>,
>>Day Bird Loft goes:
>>>In fact, Senator John Kerry's complete historical record of his family
>>>will be available on a new CD being release in early spring by
>>A little late for the intended smear effect, you would think.
>>I'll see your family history of mental illness (which may or may not
>>affect Kerry himself) and raise you one personal history of substance
>>abuse (which undoubtedly was Bush's very own).
> Of course the substance abuse is also a non issue given the
>many years of sobriety.
Yeah, right. Not much experience of drunks, then?
>You can't really pick and choose which mental illness
>you care to stigmatize based on your policital outlook.
Except that one is an illness of the candidate, and one is an illness
in the candidate's family, but not the candidate himself.
Barbara, I can't believe I was reading the thread and didn't killfile him
sooner. Guess it was the hour.
Once again, this is NOT alt.politics. You want to talk about freelance
writing, specifically journalism, the business aspects of it and so on,
welcome! Otherwise, please go play in another sandbox.
pine (feeling really snarky)
Starve a troll, feed a fever, that's my motto.
This alleged journalistic article is a bunch of hooey. You've
completely misquoted, twisted & distorted not only Kerry's family
history, but the article in Reform Judaism. Kerry's grandfather
committed suicide due to bankruptcy and severe asthma, NOT mental
illness. While of course anyone who commits suicide is depressed, not
one of us--even the the most sunny & well-adjusted among us--can say
what we would do facing the same set of horrid cirucmstances.
Kerry does NOT say that his father was clinically depressed in the
article you refer to. He says his father was remote and that he had a
difficult relationship with him. THat's a far cry from clinical
depression. And by the way, if you lost your father to suicide at the
age of 5 might it not be a tad difficult for you to be the happy,
giving, emotionally available father that you otherwise would like to
This post is part & parcel of the smear journalism that runs rampant
these days in presidential politics. You've done the equivalent of
faking a photo of John Kerry with Jane Fonda. I hope all (even those
who dislike Kerry) will see through your nonsense.
>With 19 million people in this country being effected by clinical
>depression each year, it is a major medical and social issue not only
>for a candidate but also on the resourses of this great country.
Yeah, well, you got our answers. *We* don't consider it an issue. As
for the "resourses" (sic), what the h*ll are you talking about? I
assume if he ever did get depressed, he can afford treatment.
We were giving a plug for Reform Jewdism - but since you made
uninformed statements read the following articles:,2933,77478,00.html
and here is another just for kicks:
perhaps you can also read
if thats not clinical depression i don't live in the United States
So what if his grandfather suffered from depression? What if prostate cancer or
diabetes ran in his family?
By the way, clinical depression is treatable, ya know.
What exactly is the point you are trying to make? All you've done is quoted or
pointed to other sources. And what does it all have to do with freelance
journalism, other than there are probably a few of us here who also afflicted.
freelance journalism - thanks for the data.
however you kids should learn to be a tad more perceptive.
with so many journalist reading these post i thought someone would of
figured something was going on by now. the words were nothing - the
program was everything. i.e., what do pigeons have to do with
if you do a search on specific political phrases: 3 examples included
election coverage -
political journalist -
or presidential campaign -
you will find that the docs are ranked at the top. being good usenet
members and JOURNAIST i thought someone would go beyond what is seen
and find what was being done.
as we all know, words can be manipulated in any fashion and in any
order - but can anyone figure out how the docs were manipulated to the
this demo was for a tech test - politics was just the subject - for
the record, any subject could of been used.
the point of this whole exercise is to help those that do a little
research [ which any good journalist would do ] in how they can write
a story and send it to the forefront.
i will not explain how it is done but i can say it is quite easy if
you have the formula. which is there if you layer the text.
by the way, my name is hans and i have been working with the internet
and computers for quiet sometime. if you would like you can read,1284,9655,00.html
or many other documents and news clippings.
recently we have designed a formula to send any story we choose to
promote to the forefront of any knowledge base. during our test - on
live subjects - meaning different newsgroups only one individual came
close to understanding what we were doing - and he was one on MITs
greatest achievements in science and technology see
within the next 12 - 18 months i will reveal the total design in
relationship to journalism and the media. but until then, i hope i
didn't offend anyone to bad.
cheers :-)
by the way, pinenut or pinecone, or whatever. it is better to be slow
to speak than to speak and seem slow.
>the point of this whole exercise is to help those that do a little
>research [ which any good journalist would do ] in how they can write
>a story and send it to the forefront.
Oh, bother, go away! What makes you think we don't know what we're
doing? Or that you do? Obviously, if you were so good, you wouldn't
have time to come here and "teach" us lowly skrivers.
Therese Shellabarger -
"Beam Me Up, Scotty, There's No Intelligent Life Down Here"