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Arts & Entertainment Writers

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Oct 4, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/4/96

The MAAP Talent Network is a new website looking for conservative writers
to contribute their writing talents on the subject of A & E. Since the
site is new, we have not recieved any revenue as of yet so your articles
will be on a contribution basis for now. It's a good place for your
articles to be seen by our visitors.

Some of the topics are Modeling News, Acting News, Arts, Photography,
Videography news and resources from the same subjects. If you are
interested, please go to and go to the Industry News
and Resources section of the site. If you visit, you can see that there
are limited articles there.

I have made it easy to submit articles for those interested. You can edit,
index, and send your online using your web browser so there's no need to
e-mail or download articles.

Thanks for your time reading this and hope this interests you.
< The MAAP Talent Network >
< Preforming and Visual Arts Listing and Free Resources >
< Les Bruno
< Account Executive 909 242 4474 | 909 242 1597fax >

Frank Vaughan / Spectre Gunner

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

There we were, at 17,000 feet over the Ho Chi Minh Trail when (AiM4Prod) keyed the microphone and said:

> To: Frank Vaughan or Spectre Gunner (whoever it was that sent me mail)
> By your e-mail address, I'm assuming that you have something to do with
> the Phillipines. It's sad really, since I myself am part Filipino, that
> you had such a flaming response to my newsgroup post.

Sorry to hear that a Pinoy is so kuripot

> First of all, if you think that you have to get monetary compensation
> every time you sneeze or drop your pants at the mall, I'm afraid that you
> have just described yourself in the "bean counter" comment of your mssg.
> I assure you that I have plenty of self worth and that offering free
> advice or write-ups to others is a regular practice of mine. Not because
> I'm asking anything in return, but I feel pretty good about myself that I
> helped others. How selfish you are to think that you have to get paid
> every time you utter or write a word.

I'm delighted to hear that you are such a humanitarian. However, you
posted in alt.journalism.freelance. Get a dictionary and look up
freelance. Freelance does not mean charity. Freelance does not mean
pro-bono. Freelance does not mean for free.

Freelance journalists are journalists who are not affiliated with a
particular publication or publisher and are free to SELL their work to
any publisher or publication willing to BUY.

> Secondly, you abviously have no need to write for free since you are
> obviously such a successful writer that you don't need further exposure as
> a writer. You have so much time basking in your success that you have
> nothing better to do than to write derogatory remarks about people wanting
> or needing help in running a successful website.

Wrong. I am simply sick and tired of having to wade through posting
by self-styled Ted Turners who expect to become righ and famous by not
paying for the talent that makes their publciations, newsletters, web
sites, etc., successful.

> So why cut down people
> needing an extra hand?

If you were the American Red Cross and were seeking pro-bono work to
help with a campaign or program, then I wouldn't have wasted an
electron. You are simply a publisher wannabe, trying to leverage
yourself off of the work of others.

>If your so successful and have so much free time on
> your hands, why not leave your flames reserved for those who run off-topic
> post in newsgroups that promote "business opportunities" and "porno
> websites", will ya?

You are in the exact same category. You are trying to get something
for nothing and promising something (fame) that you cannot deliver.

> Thirdly, Did you even look at the post? It mentions that the site has not
> yet recieved ANY revenue so I cannot give anything to writers other than a
> place where their work can be seen by future employers, etc.

Oh, get real. You are just underfunded and trying to live out a
fantasy. If you were serious about becoming a publisher YOU would
risk something. You are risking nothing, but you expect writers to
take all the risk for you.

How many "employers" are going to visit your shoddy little web site?
give me a break.

>I'm wondering
> if you charge for employers to see your r sum ?

Try either English or Tagalog, the above was gibberish. If you are
asking if I charge employers to see my resume, then you know nothing
about freelance writing. I don't have a resume. I don't want a job.
I am perfectly content working for myself, thank you. The operative
word here is working. That's right, working. Freelance journalists
work for themselves, put roofs over their heads, food on the table,
clothes on the kids, cars in the garage and pasalubong for the
balikbayan boxes.

>When the site DOES get
> revenue, you can bet that those who contributed will be compensated
> adequately.

Only adequately? Not richly for having gotten you to the point where
you are making money solely because of their efforts.

> Have you ever heard of INVESTMENT? In this case, it's not a
> monetary investment but only an investment in time. Pretty cheap
> investment, wouldn't you say?

Easy for you to say because you are not making any. Try taking a
second mortgage so you can payt he writers, and then come here and
talk about investment. You don't have a leg to stand on.

> Fourthly, If dropping your pants at the mall is about as creative as you
> can get of getting free exposure, I'd hate to see your articles! ;-) just
> my .02

Usually the result is women, children, old men and dogs running away
in stark terror. Last time they called HazMat to have me removed.

> This is aim4prod, keying off over baguio :-)
> I really do hope you are successful in what you are doing. Just blowing
> off steam by sending you this. I guess you just can't please everyone by
> posting in these newsgroups.
> Take care!
> Sincerely,
> Les


Why do so many publications expect people to write for free?
It is, I'm afraid, because the bean-counters of the world have taken over, and since they have no self-worth, they assume no one else is worth anything either.

If I want exposure, I'll drop my pants the next time I'm at the mall.

When replying, remove the asterisks from my return address. The asterisks are used to spoof junk e-mailers.

Frank Vaughan / Spectre Gunner

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

There we were, at 17,000 feet over the Ho Chi Minh Trail when (AiM4Prod) keyed the microphone and said:

> The MAAP Talent Network is a new website looking for conservative writers
> to contribute their writing talents on the subject of A & E. Since the
> site is new, we have not recieved any revenue as of yet so your articles
> will be on a contribution basis for now. It's a good place for your
> articles to be seen by our visitors.


Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

To: Frank Vaughan or Spectre Gunner (whoever it was that sent me mail)

By your e-mail address, I'm assuming that you have something to do with
the Phillipines. It's sad really, since I myself am part Filipino, that
you had such a flaming response to my newsgroup post.

First of all, if you think that you have to get monetary compensation

every time you sneeze or drop your pants at the mall, I'm afraid that you
have just described yourself in the "bean counter" comment of your mssg.
I assure you that I have plenty of self worth and that offering free
advice or write-ups to others is a regular practice of mine. Not because
I'm asking anything in return, but I feel pretty good about myself that I
helped others. How selfish you are to think that you have to get paid
every time you utter or write a word.

Secondly, you abviously have no need to write for free since you are

obviously such a successful writer that you don't need further exposure as
a writer. You have so much time basking in your success that you have
nothing better to do than to write derogatory remarks about people wanting

or needing help in running a successful website. So why cut down people
needing an extra hand? If your so successful and have so much free time on

your hands, why not leave your flames reserved for those who run off-topic
post in newsgroups that promote "business opportunities" and "porno
websites", will ya?

Thirdly, Did you even look at the post? It mentions that the site has not

yet recieved ANY revenue so I cannot give anything to writers other than a

place where their work can be seen by future employers, etc. I'm wondering
if you charge for employers to see your r sum ? When the site DOES get

revenue, you can bet that those who contributed will be compensated

adequately. Have you ever heard of INVESTMENT? In this case, it's not a

monetary investment but only an investment in time. Pretty cheap
investment, wouldn't you say?

Fourthly, If dropping your pants at the mall is about as creative as you

can get of getting free exposure, I'd hate to see your articles! ;-) just
my .02

This is aim4prod, keying off over baguio :-)

I really do hope you are successful in what you are doing. Just blowing
off steam by sending you this. I guess you just can't please everyone by
posting in these newsgroups.

Take care!



Kurt Ullman

Oct 6, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/6/96

In article <>, **

>Why do so many publications expect people to write for free?
>It is, I'm afraid, because the bean-counters of the world have taken over, and
> since they have no self-worth, they assume no one else is worth anything
> either.

Because they can... This isn't so unusual. As a RN, often ar a
party, etc. people ask me medical questions and I have even done some
"curbside consults" with accountants,lawyers, etc. without expecting a bill.
Heck us non-fiction writer types are the worst sponges expecting our
interviewees to give their time for free.


Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

To: Frank Vaughan or Spectre Gunner (whoever it was that sent me mail)

>Sorry to hear that a Pinoy is so kuripot

I can tell what type of a person you are by your name calling. I don't
know if you are Filipino or just know the language, judging from your name

you are kano, but you don't know me well enough to call me that name.
(for those of you who don't know Tagalog, kuripot means "cheap")
Shame on you if you truly are a "journalist" to place such a prejudicial
name on someone you don't know, countryman or otherwise.

>I'm delighted to hear that you are such a humanitarian. However, you
>posted in alt.journalism.freelance. Get a dictionary and look up
>freelance. Freelance does not mean charity. Freelance does not mean
>pro-bono. Freelance does not mean for free.

>Freelance journalists are journalists who are not affiliated with a
>particular publication or publisher and are free to SELL their work to
>any publisher or publication willing to BUY.

I understand what "freelance" means thank you very much and I'm in no
way asking for charity or a freebee. I myself am a freelance writer and
photographer and although I'm not as well reknowned as some on this
newsgroup, I do contribute my work and knowledge to publications
(electronic or otherwise) and to places where it would benefit others.
If I compromised that by posting in a PAY ONLY freelance newsgroup,
my apologies.

>Wrong. I am simply sick and tired of having to wade through posting
>by self-styled Ted Turners who expect to become righ and famous by not
>paying for the talent that makes their publciations, newsletters, web
>sites, etc., successful.

Although I myself can't stand Ted Turner and his business practice, people

like him are the ones that pay the bills to freelancers. You really
should not bite the hand that feeds you by calling THEM names as well.
Again making prejudicial statements, not a very good journalism practice.
Even in editorials, you try to get the facts before you print anything.
Blanket statements such as above is really a diservice and give
jounalist a bad name.

>If you were the American Red Cross and were seeking pro-bono work to
>help with a campaign or program, then I wouldn't have wasted an
>electron. You are simply a publisher wannabe, trying to leverage
>yourself off of the work of others.

You really like calling people names don't you? I guess it's one of the
few ways which makes you feel better or gives you the vision of being
somewhat superior. If you think that I'm a publisher wannabe then I'll
accept that to make you feel better about yourself but if you think that
I'm taking advantage of people, that's not the case at all.

>You are in the exact same category. You are trying to get something
>for nothing and promising something (fame) that you cannot deliver.

Nope, not in the same category at all. I'm not promising "fame" to
anyone. Just a place to post for those interested in contributing
"Conservative A and E Articles". Again, I realize that this newsgroup
is a "pay only" freelance newsgroup.

>Oh, get real. You are just underfunded and trying to live out a
>fantasy. If you were serious about becoming a publisher YOU would
>risk something. You are risking nothing, but you expect writers to
>take all the risk for you.

Again with the name calling. It's really getting quite pathetic the way
you make prejudicial statements. FYI, I've already risk quite a bit
including a secure corporate job, time, and money to set-up and maintain
the website. Get the facts straight before you make your statements. As
a "journalist" it is purely prejudicial and irresponsible to make such
a statement as above before knowing the facts.

>How many "employers" are going to visit your shoddy little web site?
>give me a break.

Your name calling is really unbecoming a professional. I guess now you
are a website critique? FYI, the site has already been visited by
people in Procter and Gamble, Sony, Hewett Packard, Compaq, various
univesity faculty, talent agencies, etc. and the "shoddy little web
site" has over 100 pages and has an index of over 3000 in our database.
I guess if this qualifies as a "shoddy little website" then so be it.
If it doesn't, then check your prejudices before you make statements.
(Not boasting at all here, just giving the facts)

>Try either English or Tagalog, the above was gibberish. If you are
>asking if I charge employers to see my resume, then you know nothing
>about freelance writing. I don't have a resume. I don't want a job.
>I am perfectly content working for myself, thank you. The operative
>word here is working. That's right, working. Freelance journalists
>work for themselves, put roofs over their heads, food on the table,
>clothes on the kids, cars in the garage and pasalubong for the
>balikbayan boxes.

No comment, just trying to be funny. :-) I work for myself as well.

>Only adequately? Not richly for having gotten you to the point where
>you are making money solely because of their efforts.

OK, it's just a matter of word usage.

>> Have you ever heard of INVESTMENT? In this case, it's not a
>> monetary investment but only an investment in time. Pretty cheap
>> investment, wouldn't you say?

>Easy for you to say because you are not making any. Try taking a

>second mortgage so you can payt he writers, and then come here and
>talk about investment. You don't have a leg to stand on.

Again, your prejudices preceed you. Refer to above of what I've already
risked. To risk any more would put me into bankrupcy. FYI, I've already
a second to fund my endevours. Your wrong again, I have two legs to
stand on.

>> Fourthly, If dropping your pants at the mall is about as creative as
>> can get of getting free exposure, I'd hate to see your articles! ;-)
>> my .02

>Usually the result is women, children, old men and dogs running away

>in stark terror. Last time they called HazMat to have me removed.

Just LOL... It's good to know that you have a sense of humor at least!

Spectre: If you want to respond to this post, please e-mail me in private
a courtesy to all in this newsgroup so this dialog does not waste any more

of the newsgroup's bandwidth.



I guess that from the above posting, I've come to the wrong newgroup and I

truly apologise to anyone whom I have offended here. I am in no way asking

for any charity of any kind. Just for fellow freelancers (jounalist or
otherwise) for a little help in getting an online publication going. In
the programming community, (I'm also a programmer) everyone in the
is more than willing to give an input or helping hand to those who are in
need. Some for cash, others for a fee. I never got a hostile flame such as

the one I recieved from this newsgroup. I thought that I could have gotten

same help here but I was wrong.

I don't know if everyone has the same personality as Spectre here or
shares the same attitude towards my post but in any case, I don't want to
carry on a flame war here so this will be my last post here to the
contentment of you who share Spectre's position.

Just remember, what comes around goes around (a loose interpretation of
"Golden Rule"). I have helped out others by contributing my "freelance"
stuff to those who needed it, but not to big corporations who can afford
and have been blessed by the practice in return.

If there are well meaning people (not those who run "scams", business
opportunities, porno, and the like) who have posted unappropriately in any
newsgroups, please give them the courtesy of e-mailing them in private
then if the posts persists, then flame them publicly. Let's keep the Net a
"happy" place :-)
Just my .02 cents...

With that, I bid everyone here a faire adieu.

This is aim4prod, keying off over baguio :-)

As always:
> I really do hope everyone here is successful in what you are doing.
> Just blowing off steam by sending this. I guess you just can't please
> everyone by posting in these newsgroups. Thanks for reading this!

Paul S. Waterhouse

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96

AiM4Prod wrote:
> [ A considerable chunk of pointless "why should I pay?" snipped ]

From your web site:

"Please print and fill out this form. If you are not 18 years or older,
please have parent or guardian sign where indicated. We accept Visa®,
MasterCard®, check or money order. Please make checks payable to:
AiM Production. Send completed form, all necessary materials, and
payment to:"

From your post:

> How selfish you are to think that you have to get paid
> every time you utter or write a word.


> It mentions that the site has not
> yet recieved ANY revenue so I cannot give anything to writers

Whether or not you are currently making revenue is irrelevant.

You are running a commercial enterprise. Asking for writers to
submit pieces for nadda until you make money is like asking someone to
pay you to put their info on your website on the slim chance that
someone needing "talent" would go there to look for it.

> Have you ever heard of INVESTMENT? In this case, it's not a
> monetary investment but only an investment in time. Pretty cheap
> investment, wouldn't you say?

Oh, I see. I must have missed those ads in "Help Wanted" this week.
"Acme Roofers needs people. You work 40 hours a week until we make
money. After all, it's just your time. How you buy groceries and pay
the rent is not our concern."

I'd say that contributing material for publication on your website
would be much like joining a conspiracy to rob a bank, except
armed robbers likely hold themselves to a higher ethical standard than
talent agents looking for free material to provide a thin veneer of
credibility for their services.

Paul S. Waterhouse -0- -0- Professional Heretic for the Conch Computer Geek Cayporium. weekly column archives now available on the Cayporium.
For proof that the Key's does have at least one computer see

Steve Miller

Oct 7, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/7/96
to Wazoo

AiM4Prod wrote:
+ Bunch of stuff snipped for space and some snipped for clarity +

> To: Frank Vaughan or Spectre Gunner (whoever it was that sent me mail)

> Thirdly, Did you even look at the post? It mentions that the site has not
> yet recieved ANY revenue so I cannot give anything to writers other than a
> place where their work can be seen by future employers, etc.

Do you see a pizzaria starting up and requesting that people help set
the place up, spend weeks painting, scrubbing, walking advertising
around town and etc. -- in the hope that the place will turn a profit
and then they will get paid? Or in the hope that someone will see how
good they work for nothing and be willing to pay them?
NO, you do not. Employers must have capital and they must be prepared to
share it. If they lack captial they must find it. Asking writers to
donate capital with no binding agreement on return is asking a lot,

>I'm wondering
> if you charge for employers to see your r sum ? When the site DOES get
> revenue, you can bet that those who contributed will be compensated

> adequately. Have you ever heard of INVESTMENT? In this case, it's not a

> monetary investment but only an investment in time. Pretty cheap
> investment, wouldn't you say?

The problem here is that a writer's time is *not* cheap and that you
it *is* cheap is clear disregard for what a writer's product is.

A writer's product is -- or should be -- unique word-work leading to
information sharing, entertainment, education, or call to action. If I
spend ten hours writing something that is given away on the net for free
that's ten hours of time lost unless there's clear alternative benefit.

What we see in this group -- constantly -- is an effort to declare that
a writer's time is worth little or nothing. And that's wrong. I can't
speak for Frank, but I've seen my name in print. I've seen it in print
on books, in magazines, in newspapers, even on greeting cards. I've seen
it on top of article I couldn't really read because they were translated
in to the spanish, the french, the italian.

s much as I like to see my name on a book sitting on a shelf in Barnes &
Noble what I *really* like is sitting down to dinner at a meal that was
bought with a check I got from Barnes & Noble, or Random House, or the
Central Maine Newspapers.

Look: I did some reviews when I was starting out, reviews that paid two
copies of the publication and the book, record, or tape that I was
reviewing, or that paid admittance to a concert and gas money, or that

That's the key, you see: it must be clear that the writer is getting a
benefit in hand, tangible return, for work peformed. This is how one
becomes a professional. By insisting that transactions have the term
"For value recieved" in them.

Offering exposure by itself isn't enough. Especially what appears to be
unedited, unjuried exposure. Winter is coming on. And in Maine, people
die of exposure.

And I have invested my time on this letter on purpose. My purpose is to
inform new writers that once you give a story or article away it's very
hard to make any money from it. Ever.

My purpose is to help people eat.

Steve Miller

Visit The Authors of the Liaden Universe page

Frank Vaughan / Spectre Gunner

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96

There we were, at 17,000 feet over the Ho Chi Minh Trail when (AiM4Prod) keyed the microphone and said:

> I understand what "freelance" means thank you very much and I'm in no
> way asking for charity or a freebee.

Duh! You are asking that people sumit material to you. You are not
paying them. Maybe, someday, if you make money, you will pay them.

Explain to me again how you are not asking for something for free.

Or when your waterfall of money comes in, are you going to send
everyone backdated checks?

>I myself am a freelance writer and
> photographer and although I'm not as well reknowned as some on this
> newsgroup, I do contribute my work and knowledge to publications
> (electronic or otherwise) and to places where it would benefit others.
> If I compromised that by posting in a PAY ONLY freelance newsgroup,
> my apologies.
> >Wrong. I am simply sick and tired of having to wade through posting
> >by self-styled Ted Turners who expect to become righ and famous by not
> >paying for the talent that makes their publciations, newsletters, web
> >sites, etc., successful.
> Although I myself can't stand Ted Turner and his business practice, people
> like him are the ones that pay the bills to freelancers.

That's right...and you don't pay. end of discussion. Go peddle your
website in where hundreds of writers who
write for free are gathered.

> You really
> should not bite the hand that feeds you by calling THEM names as well.
> Again making prejudicial statements, not a very good journalism practice.
> Even in editorials, you try to get the facts before you print anything.
> Blanket statements such as above is really a diservice and give
> jounalist a bad name.

Thanks for the ethics 101 lecture. I took copious notes and am ready
for the final exam.

> >If you were the American Red Cross and were seeking pro-bono work to
> >help with a campaign or program, then I wouldn't have wasted an
> >electron. You are simply a publisher wannabe, trying to leverage
> >yourself off of the work of others.
> You really like calling people names don't you? I guess it's one of the
> few ways which makes you feel better or gives you the vision of being
> somewhat superior. If you think that I'm a publisher wannabe then I'll
> accept that to make you feel better about yourself but if you think that
> I'm taking advantage of people, that's not the case at all.

If you think being called a publisher wannabe is being called names,
then I invite you to visit Planet Earth, because the name calling
hasn't even begun yet. For someone who claims to be creative, you
have might thin skin!

"Oh, look, mean old Frank call him another name."
"What name?"
"Thin skinned."
"Why, he can't get away with that, call the Internet police. Have
Frank arrested and shot on sight!"

> >Oh, get real. You are just underfunded and trying to live out a
> >fantasy. If you were serious about becoming a publisher YOU would
> >risk something. You are risking nothing, but you expect writers to
> >take all the risk for you.
> Again with the name calling.

Name calling? Gawd, quit being a crybaby. I said you were underfunded
and living out a fantasy. That is not name calling. You ought to
hear yourself whine: "Oh, he called me another name. Mommeeeeee!
help me."

> It's really getting quite pathetic the way
> you make prejudicial statements. FYI, I've already risk quite a bit
> including a secure corporate job, time, and money to set-up and maintain
> the website. Get the facts straight before you make your statements. As
> a "journalist" it is purely prejudicial and irresponsible to make such
> a statement as above before knowing the facts.

Gee, another ethics lesson. thanks, but no thanks.

Get your facts straight. Freelance journalists do not work for free.
We occasionally work pro-bono. Coming into a working journalists
newsgroup and asking for handouts is patently offensive to a good
number of us.

I can, however, see from your comments below, that you understand what
is being said here, and recognizing that, I will get off your ass.


Why do so many publications expect people to write for free?
It is, I'm afraid, because the bean-counters of the world have taken over, and since they have no self-worth, they assume no one else is worth anything either.

If I want exposure, I'll drop my pants the next time I'm at the mall.

jeff woosnam

Oct 8, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/8/96
to AiM4Prod

Proving that he arrived in alt.journalism.freelance clueless, AiM4Prod reinforces
the perception as he leaves (apparently in a chaueffered huff) when he (it *may* be
she but I think a woman would demonstrate lots more intelligence in this regard)
(Snip a lot of back and forth with Frank Vaughan or Spectre Gunner, who attempted
to teach several lessons in Being a Publisher 101)

> To ALL:
> I guess that from the above posting, I've come to the wrong newgroup and I
> truly apologise to anyone whom I have offended here. I am in no way asking
> for any charity of any kind. Just for fellow freelancers (jounalist or
> otherwise) for a little help in getting an online publication going.

What the hell do you call it then, if *not* charity?

> In the programming community, (I'm also a programmer) everyone in the
> newsgroup is more than willing to give an input or helping hand to those who are > in need. Some for cash, others for a fee.

Funny thing, us writers are the same way *with other writers*, not publishers or
those who wannabe.

> I never got a hostile flame such as the one I recieved from this newsgroup. I
> thought that I could have gotten same help here but I was wrong.

What you got, but are unable to recognize or acknowledge, is the aforementioned
lesson. And, ya got it for free. Who says writers don't have a heart? ;-)

> I don't know if everyone has the same personality as Spectre here or
> shares the same attitude towards my post but in any case, I don't want to
> carry on a flame war here so this will be my last post here to the
> contentment of you who share Spectre's position.

Where do you think you'll go that you won't receive the same response when you
propose your little scheme to legitimately talented people? Or do you think ours is
the only group over whose eyes you could, as we say not in Tagalog but in good ol'
'murrican, pull the wool?

> Just remember, what comes around goes around (a loose interpretation of
> the "Golden Rule"). I have helped out others by contributing my "freelance"
> stuff to those who needed it, but not to big corporations who can afford
> it and have been blessed by the practice in return.

You're well advised to remember *what goes around comes around.* Or hadn't *that*
aspect become clear to you yet?

> If there are well meaning people (not those who run "scams", business
> opportunities, porno, and the like) who have posted unappropriately in any
> newsgroups, please give them the courtesy of e-mailing them in private
> then if the posts persists, then flame them publicly. Let's keep the Net a
> "happy" place :-)

And yet you plan to skip off to another NG with your cockamamie scheme and expect
the net to remain happy? Whatareya,nutsorsumthin'?

> Just my .02 cents...

And worth far less.

> With that, I bid everyone here a faire adieu.

Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out. Come back when you're ready
to talk bidness with bidnesspeople.

> This is aim4prod, keying off over baguio :-)

More like off key.

Golly, I feel so much better now.

Jeff--willing to let anyone make a fool of hisself in front of millions--Woosnam
Stanhope NJ

D. Citron

Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

Kurt Ullman ( wrote:
: In article <>, **
: wrote:
: >Why do so many publications expect people to write for free?
: >It is, I'm afraid, because the bean-counters of the world have taken over, and
: > since they have no self-worth, they assume no one else is worth anything
: > either.
: Because they can... This isn't so unusual. As a RN, often ar a
: party, etc. people ask me medical questions and I have even done some
: "curbside consults" with accountants,lawyers, etc. without expecting a bill.

If I could write an article as quickly as you could answer curbside
questions, I would.

I *DO* write news releases and resumes and other *short* items for
CLOSE FRIENDS AND FAMILY for free. But NOT for people I don't know
who solicit me by e-mail or on Usenet.

If someone you never heard of placed an ad in the newspaper asking for a
free physical exam, would you reply, and then do it?

Even if you were just out of nursing or medical school and "needed
exposure?" <g>

I sincerely doubt it!

* David H. Citron * Tech Writer/Journalist/Copywriter/Web Author *
* e-mail: *
But how is this legal plunder to be identified? Quite simply. See if
the law takes from some persons what belongs to them, and gives it
to other persons to whom it does not belong. See if the law benefits
one citizen at the expense of another by doing what the citizen
himself cannot do without committing a crime.
....THE LAW, by Frederick Bastiat
Chapter: How to Identify Legal Plunder

Kurt Ullman

Oct 10, 1996, 3:00:00 AM10/10/96

In article <53j40r$>, (D. Citron) wrote:
>Kurt Ullman ( wrote:
>: In article <>, **
>: wrote:
>: >Why do so many publications expect people to write for free?
>: >It is, I'm afraid, because the bean-counters of the world have taken over,
> and
>: > since they have no self-worth, they assume no one else is worth anything
>: > either.
>: Because they can... This isn't so unusual. As a RN, often ar a
>: party, etc. people ask me medical questions and I have even done some
>: "curbside consults" with accountants,lawyers, etc. without expecting a bill.
>If I could write an article as quickly as you could answer curbside
>questions, I would.

I would guess that you probably could... like I really know the
possibility their chest pains will require triple bypass surgery(g)

>If someone you never heard of placed an ad in the newspaper asking for a
>free physical exam, would you reply, and then do it?
>Even if you were just out of nursing or medical school and "needed
>exposure?" <g>
>I sincerely doubt it!

No. Actually I don't (although for liability reasons as much as
anything) give the curbsides. I am just saying that trying to sponge off the
expertise of others is an accepted method to try and attempt. Thus, we should
not be terribly surprised when it happens here too. I still don't charge for
pelvic exams on women between 18 and 35 (g).

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