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Harvard President Claudine Gay Hit With Six New Charges Of Plagiarism

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Token Joken Gay Obama

Jan 2, 2024, 8:48:15 PMJan 2
Harvard University president Claudine Gay was hit with six additional
allegations of plagiarism on Monday in a complaint filed with the
university, breathing fresh life into a scandal that has embroiled her
nascent presidency and pushing the total number of allegations near 50.

Seven of Gay’s 17 published works have already been impacted by the
scandal, but the new charges, which have not been previously reported,
extend into an eighth: In a 2001 article, Gay lifts nearly half a page of
material verbatim from another scholar, David Canon, a political science
professor at the University of Wisconsin.

That article, "The Effect of Minority Districts and Minority
Representation on Political Participation in California," includes some of
the most extreme and clear-cut cases of plagiarism yet. At one point, Gay
borrows four sentences from Canon’s 1999 book, Race, Redistricting, and
Representation: The Unintended Consequences of Black Majority Districts,
without quotation marks and with only minor semantic tweaks. She does not
cite Canon anywhere in or near the passage, though he does appear in the

Beyond that, Gay’s first two footnotes are copied verbatim from Canon’s

Canon, like several of the scholars Gay has quoted without attribution,
insisted that she had done nothing wrong.

"I am not at all concerned about the passages," Canon told the Washington
Free Beacon. "This isn't even close to an example of academic plagiarism."

Though Harvard's governing board, the Harvard Corporation, said in mid-
December that it had reviewed Gay’s published oeuvre and found several
cases of "inadequate citation," it did not identify any of the examples
described in the new complaint, which was submitted to the school’s
research integrity officer, Stacey Springs, and obtained by the Free

The discrepancy raises troubling questions not just about the scope of
Gay’s plagiarism, which appears to afflict half of her published works,
but also the thoroughness and seriousness of the Corporation’s probe,
which the board described as "an independent review by distinguished
political scientists."

The review was completed in just a few weeks—far less time than the 6 to
12 months typical of other plagiarism investigations—and the Corporation
has refused to disclose the names of the academics who conducted it. A
Harvard spokesman, Jonathan Swain, did not respond to a request for
comment about whether the school has reviewed all of Gay’s work, and, if
so, how it missed the examples unearthed on Monday.

"The board’s review of Gay’s work was too brief to inspire confidence,"
the complaint reads. "So we now know for certain that the board’s
investigation was a sham."

The allegations filed Monday also include more material from Gay’s
dissertation, which has already received three corrections. In one of the
new examples, Gay, who works in quantitative political science, lifts a
full sentence from her thesis adviser, Gary King, to describe a
mathematical model. She does not cite King in parentheses or put his words
in quotation marks.

While some of Gay’s defenders have claimed that technical descriptions do
not require attribution in the social sciences, since there are only so
many ways to explain a method or a formula, a Harvard handbook from
1998—the year Gay completed her dissertation—says otherwise.

"Citing tells your readers that the strategy or method isn’t original with
you and allows them to consult its original context," the handbook states.
King, who has downplayed previous charges against Gay, did not respond to
a request for comment.

The rest of the new examples center on a 1996 paper by Frank Gilliam,
"Exploring Minority Empowerment: Symbolic Politics, Governing Coalitions
and Traces of Political Style in Los Angeles," that Gay repeatedly quotes
without attribution, changing just a few words here or there. Those
passages describe big-picture findings and do not include technical
verbiage. Gilliam, now the chancellor of the University of North Carolina-
Greensboro, did not respond to a request for comment.

The new complaint comes as an increasing number of Harvard students are
speaking out against Gay, arguing that she has been held to a lower
standard than the average undergraduate. One student on Harvard’s honor
council, a jury-like body that adjudicates allegations of plagiarism and
cheating, wrote in an anonymous op-ed that students are routinely
suspended for doing what Gay did. Some students have called on Gay to
resign, and others seem reluctant to defend their embattled president.

"President Gay Plagiarized, but She Should Stay," read the headline of a
Harvard Crimson editorial. "For Now." The paper says the allegations of
plagiarism are focused on "her PhD dissertation and two of her 11
published journal articles," leaving out the many allegations relating to
articles that were not peer-reviewed.

The paper's qualified editorial position—"for now"—represents a shift in
tone from the paper’s editorial board, which previously opined that—for
the sake of a "free democracy"—Gay "must not yield" to "partisan attacks"
in the wake of her disastrous testimony on anti-Semitism.

Gay’s most outspoken defenders have been her faculty colleagues. Randall
Kennedy, a Harvard Law School professor, told the New York Times that the
plagiarism charges were ginned up by "professional vilifiers" and "bad
faith" actors—and went on to suggest the university may not cooperate with
the congressional investigation underway into its adjudication of Gay’s

Another Harvard lawyer, Charles Fried, was more explicit, describing the
allegations as an "extreme right-wing attack on elite institutions."

"If it came from some other quarter, I might be granting it some
credence," he told the Times. "But not from these people."

Harvard said in December that Gay’s "duplicative language," while
"regrettable," did not constitute research misconduct because it was not
"intentional or reckless," citing a policy that only governs faculty and
is less stringent than the rules for students.

But as more allegations have surfaced, some professors have begun to break
ranks. A few told the Boston Globe in December that Gay’s treatment reeked
of hypocrisy and double standards. And Omar Haque, a psychiatrist at
Harvard Medical School and a member of the university’s Council on
Academic Freedom, said that the sheer breadth of the examples—especially
those from the pre-word processor days—made it hard to fathom that
everything was unintentional.

"Gay's alleged plagiarism in the 1990s may be more serious than in in
recent years," he told the Free Beacon, "because prior to the use of
computers to highlight and copy/paste text in seconds, plagiarism was more
likely to be non-accidental and intentional and reckless."

Haque, who said he was speaking only in a personal capacity, added that it
took "greater effort" to plagiarize with a typewriter.

The blowback has been exacerbated by the Harvard Corporation’s feckless
response to the allegations, which it initially tried to squash with a
legal threat to the New York Post—and to the unnamed whistleblower who
brought those allegations to the Post’s attention.

Through the bellicose litigation boutique Clare Locke, Harvard said in
October that it would sue for "immense damages" if the Post published a
story on the charges. It also "threatened to use legal means to out who
had supplied the comparisons," according to the paper’s reporting.

That person, a professor at another university, whom the Free Beacon has
identified and granted anonymity, is behind the Monday complaint to
Harvard, as well as a separate complaint last month alleging around 40
cases of plagiarism. While several Harvard scholars have faced plagiarism
allegations since the early 2000s, none have seen such a large percentage
of their work implicated.

Beyond outlining the new charges against Gay, the latest complaint—25
pages of which are devoted to outlining the various examples of Gay's
alleged plagiarism—argues that Harvard’s legal saber-rattling violated its
research misconduct policy for faculty, which forbids retaliation against

"At one point Gay and Harvard asked the Post, ‘Why would someone making
such a complaint be unwilling to attach their name to it,’" the Monday
complaint reads. "I was unwilling because I feared that Gay and Harvard
would violate their policies, behave more like a cartel with a hedge fund
attached than a university, try to seek ‘immense’ damages from me and who
knows what else."

Published under: claudine gay , Harvard , plagiarism


Jan 2, 2024, 10:44:43 PMJan 2
>Harvard University president Claudine Gay was hit with six additional
>allegations of plagiarism on Monday in a complaint filed with the
>university, breathing fresh life into a scandal that has embroiled her
>nascent presidency and pushing the total number of allegations near 50.

She's an embarrassment to all her fellow Trump supporters. When do you
think Trump will disavow himself of their close ties.. It took him months
for Epstein.

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