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JFK & Occam

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Tom Keske

Nov 9, 2014, 12:54:57 PM11/9/14
To: Scott Bateman (Funny Times cartoonist)


Normally, I am 100% in solidarity with “Funny Times”, which
I must credit for being able to find humor in the maddening
frustration and cancerous ugliness of our nation’s political environment.

However, one point with which I take issue is the joke:

“John F. Kennedy was assassinated by approximately 487 individuals
and cartoon ducks. Seriously, people. It’s called Occam’s Razor; look
into it.”

That sentiment is the kind of naivety and opinionated, self-certain
worthy of the global warming deniers and evolution deniers.

Unlike the global warming deniers, there might actually be some
hope of reasoning with a left-leaning cartoonist who does not
have a partisan-politics, hate-filled axe to grind. So I will try.

Probably a more humorous quote would be “There is not a
shred of evidence. The evidence has all been shredded.”

Or maybe, “There are a lot of scary conspiracy theories out there.
The scariest part is that some of them might actually be true.”

Ridiculing of “conspiracy theory” is an American political propaganda
game, like pushing the image of “big, bad government”. It has an
agenda and hides a host of sins.

When crimes of state are involved, it would be wonderful if things
could be proven with finality, to the satisfaction of our country’s
flag-waving mall-shoppers and TV addicts, but such an existence
of an ability to prove things would be indication that someone
failed to do their job.

After all, the self-stated holy grail of our secretive intelligence
empire is “plausible deniability”.

Because of such a credo as “plausible deniability”, a vigilant citizen
should not be complacent and blindly trusting in an atmosphere of
unspeakable sleaze and suspicious circumstances.

Should it not raise an eyebrow that a man like Lee Harvey Oswald,
who had defected to Russia, would be not only allowed back into
the United States, but loaned the money for his return? This, at
the height of the Cold War? Or if he were generously allowed back
into the country as an act of uncharacteristic, magnanimous forgiveness,
would not be watched very carefully in the anticipation that he might
now be a Russian spy who had been trained and given contacts
while in Russia, then sent back home as a Trojan Horse?

Does it not seem a trifle incongruous to you that a man like Oswald
who had actually defected to Russia would be welcomed back while
at the same time, our government institutions were running around
playing such games as slipping LSD into the coffee of a left-leaning
professor in order to discredit him, or planting drugs on anyone
who had pro-Castro sympathies, in order to smear them, or
spying on students and non-violent civil rights activists? Why so
vicious with most, yet so forgiving of another?

Assuming that Oswald would have been closely monitored, would it seem likely
that he could plan something as monumental as the assassination
of a President, without our FBI, CIA, and NSA becoming aware of it?

It should also be obvious that it would not be the Mafia who arranged
Oswald’s return to the U.S., or the Cubans, or the Russians. It would
have been America’s own far right-wing intelligence empire pulling
off that feat. By Occam’s Razor - the theory that explains
the most facts with the fewest conjectures, - it would seem that
yes, *of course* Oswald had in all probability been sent to Russia as
an undercover agent or sleeper who would have been called into action,
potentially to use his sniper abilities to knock off a Russian leader
of an American leader.

For his bravery in accepting a risky tour in Russia, his reward is to become
a perfect patsy, to make a win-win situation of a right-wing assassination,
by blaming a “Marxist” and helping to fuel more public hate against
an ideology that would dare to redistribute the wealth of America’s
ruthless and vicious mega-wealthy elites. All this, at the same time as
rid of a leader who wasn’t aggressive enough in their eyes in their
hankering for total war on the Left.

Yeah, the Kennedy assassination, a regular laugh-riot.
His brains literally exploded inside his head and with them,
the illusion of American democracy, a fact lost on many Americans
whose brains seem in even worse shape than JFK’s.

Tragically bland American mainstream media like the
Boston Globe reported on day one of the assassination ,
stated as fact with utmost certainty , never mind the murkiness,
that JFK was assassinated by “an avowed Marxist”.

Glad that they had this all figured out, so confidently
on Day One. It chills my blood to look back the 1963
front page and finally see it for what it more likely
really was: The Right killing a figure of the Left, and
blaming it on the Left, with mainstream media acting
as their mouthpiece and obedient lapdog.

Blaming the victim is their superb skill and their trademark,
Machiavellian modus operandi.

I have to wonder what I am really seeing in that
front page Boston Globe reporting: cluelessness,
parrots, puppets, pawns, cowardice or complicity?

One of the key factors pointing to something very
wrong with the JFK picture was the hellish and nearly absurd
death festival that followed in its wake, of anyone who
might have known too much or spoken too loudly.

One of the reasons that the JFK assassination will
never be solved with any finality is that our country’s
right-wing: the GOP and conservative movement in general,
might find it to be their death-knell, if the public were
able see through the facade and behold all the sleaze,
the hate, the power-hunger, the violent brutality, that
they really should have expected all along from a country
that could routinely support dictators, torture
and death squads abroad.

Today, you can still find the cutesy journalist at the
Boston Globe, liked a jaded housecat with a cushy
plum job, handed to him like a George W. Bush,
because he was somebody’s son, amusing himself by writing
a potpourri of Trivial Pursuit and hurling pseudo-sophisticated
snide remarks from his peanut gallery, who thinks it tremendously
amusing to ridicule the far-out conspiracy theories rather than to
talk about the tremendously serious ones, the issues of probable
coup d’etat that legitimate theorists have spent their lives researching
and trying to expose.

It would be an understandable stance that what was good enough for JFK would
good enough also for this country’s coup d’etat cover-up artists, the global
deniers, the right-wing professional hate-mongers and war-mongers.

You should understand the strong possibility that many
conspiracy theories are not really even being spun by
“conspiracy theorists” but as decoys and distractions as an attempt
to “muddy the waters.”

If you read one of the better books like “Mary’s Mosaic” by
Peter Janney, you will read of such things as a JFK author
wined, dined, flattered by a CIA honcho, being treated as if
he were being handed crown-jewel secrets and sent in the
wrong direction, to blame Russians, Cubans, anyone but
the CIA’s right-wing coup-planners, dictator-installers
and professional assassins.

A couple other good books would be “Dr. Mary’s Monkey” by
Ed Haslam and “Me and Lee” by Judith Vary Baker.

If you are open-minded enough to read these books fully
and not throw up your hands because it all seems too fantastic,
you might have the epiphany that the most significant thing
about the JFK assassination has little to do with JFK.

The more significant insight might be as to why a strange
new disease called “Ebola” first appeared in 1976 and other
strange new disease called “AIDS” appeared a few year later.

You will read of medical experiments taking monkey viruses
that were known to cause cancer, trying to make them more
potent, injecting them into a slew of animals and even into
human volunteers. You will read of an extensive effort
to create biological weapons under the guise of “cancer research”,
involving some of the same, shady figures who were involved
in the JFK assassination.

You will read of more mysterious deaths, such as
Dr. Mary Sherman, a leading cancer researcher.

It is patronizing to imagine that anyone who has healthy
suspicion about the JFK assassination is unfamiliar with
“Occam’s Razor”. I like to keep “philosophy” as a keyword
for my personal glossary lookup, thank you. I think in fact that
Occam’s Razor points in the other the direction, that it is
so-called “conspiracy theory” that makes what would otherwise
represent mysteries and curious inconsistencies into an
understandable framework, while employing the simplest
and most straightforward explanation.

Regards, Tom Keske
Boston, MA

MacArthur, Dr. Donald M.

Director of the U.S. Army Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA)


H.B. 15090

Department of the Army
Statement of Director, Advanced Research Project Agency
Statement of Director, Defense Research and Engineering


"Within the next 5 to 10 years, it would probably be possible to make a
infective microorganism which could differ in certain important aspects
from any known disease-causing organisms. Most important of these is that
it might be refractory to the immunological and therapeutic processes

A research program to explore the feasibility of this could be completed
in approximately 5 years at a total cost of $10 million"

It is a highly controversial issue and there are many who believe such
research should not be undertaken lest it lead to yet another method of
massive killing of large populations.

Funded for $10,000 000
12/8/69 (306 yes votes 330-no votes 33)

What might have been the background and basis for above Congressional
testimony that was so cheerful about the prospect of developing
biological weapons? One strong possibility dates back to 1963 and the
era of the JFK assassination:

-Tom Keske

James T. Grace Jr. and
Edwin A. Mirand
Roswell Park Memorial Institute, New York Dept. of Health, Buffalo, N.Y.
Article first published online: 15 DEC 2006
DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1963.tb13439.x

In 1957 Bearcroft and Jamieson noted an outbreak of subcutaneous tumors
in a rhesus monkey colony in Yaba, Nigeria. The initial tumor was detected
on the face of a rhesus monkey which was housed in an open air pen.
similar tumors appeared in 20 rhesus monkeys in the same colony.
No tumors developed in African monkeys housed in the same area although
one dog-faced baboon did develop a lesion. The tumors were composed of
large pleomorphic cells, some of which contained cytoplasmic inclusion
thus strengthening the suspicion that those lesions might be of viral

Subsequently, Andres and co-workers demonstrated cell-free transmission
of the tumors and identified the etiologic agent as a virus which
resembled members of the pox virus group. Niven et al in a study of the
histopathology of the tumors concludes that the cell of origin was probably
a fibroblast or fibrocyte. However, a detailed pathogenetic study by
et al indicated that the cell was the tissue histiocyte and that the
lesion might be properly termed a histiocytoma. This point will be expanded
in a later section of this paper.

Susceptibility to this virus appears to be limited to primates.
studies involving inoculation of newborn and adult rabbits, guinea pigs,
rats, mice and doges by a variety of routes failed to produce proliferative
lesions or evidence of virus replication. The virus produced no lesions in
embryonated egg following inoculation of the chrioallantoic membrane or
yolk sac. Subsequent inoculation of the egg passage material into monkeys
revealed no evidence of virus. Similarly extensive attempts to propagate
virus into tissue culture were unsuccessful. Table 1 shows the types of
cultures employed and the results. In none of the cell culture systems
was there evidence of cytopathogenicity or replication of the virus.

Table2 shows the susceptibility of various monkeys to the virus. Generally
the rhesus and cynomolgus are the most susceptible. Six human volunteers
with far advanced cancer were inoculated with virus obtained from monkey
tumors. These tumor filtrates were cell-free, and as determined by animal
embryonated egg and tissue culture studies, were free of extraneous simian
viruses. The humans developed lesions quite similar to those of the monkeys
The level rose progressively
for three weeks and then remained at that level for four months at which
he developed a nodule at the site of the needle puncture

For more about what might have become of the biological weapon
ambitions and how it relates to the AIDS epidemic, please see:

: lk -w Occam

Occam's Razor : philosophy that simplest explanation is best.
"law of parsimony"; also spelled "Ockham";
pronounce with short "O" ("Ah-kams")

: lk -w -b -k philosophy

ad hominem : personal attack;

antithesis %KEY=opposite,philosophy

a fortiori %KEY=logic,philosophy,debate,rhetoric,legal,Latin

a posteriori : derived by reasoning from *observed* facts

a priori : characterized by derived from *self-evident*
propositions; %KEY=Latin,philos

cogito ergo sum : "I think, therefore I am."

epistemology : study limits of knowledge (see also "ontology")

eschatology %KEY=religion,philosophy,EndTime


ex nihilo : "out of nothing" - e.g., the creation of the universe

fideism : reliance on faith alone rather than scientific reasoning

holism %KEY=philosophy,whole,health,New,Age

Keynesian %KEY=economics,philosophy

logical positivism : asserts that only statements about empirical
observations %KEY=philosophy,scie

objectivism %KEY=philosophy,Rand,capitalism

Occam's Razor : philosophy that simplest explanation is best.

ontology : study of reality (see also "epistemology")

phenomenalism %KEY=philosophy,material,objects,perception

positivism %KEY=philosophy,Ayers

post-structuralist : In direct contrast to structuralism's claims of
culturally %KEY=philosophy

prima facie : based on immediate impression; apparent; self-evident

rationalism %KEY=philosophy,reason,Descartes

ressentiment %KEY=resentment,French,existential,philosophy

Satyagraha %KEY=Gandhi,philosophy

scholium %KEY=philosophy,proof,logic

solipsism : is the philosophical idea that "My mind is the only thing

structuralism : an approach in academic disciplines that explores the
relationships %KEY=philosop

syllogism : a logical scheme of a formal argument consisting of a

tautology %KEY=philosophy,redundancy,logic,taught


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