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JFK Grandson Presents "Courage" Award To Alleged JFK Assassin

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Tom Keske

Oct 11, 2014, 10:16:59 PM10/11/14

Boston - According to the John F. Kennedy Library, JFK's grandson,
Jack Schlossberg, presented a "Profile in Courage" to
"Mr. George Bush of the CIA", aka "Mr. George Bush, CIA Director",
aka "Mr. President George Bush", in that approximate order.

Although Bush had mysteriously lied about not being in Dallas on
Nov 22, 1963, Mr. Schlossberg believed that Bush deserved a
an award and a chorus of "Jolly Good Fellow" for his exemplary honesty
in reneging on his "no new taxes" pledge.

As Schlossberg explained, "Usually when a power-hungry politican
makes a bullshit, pandering campaign promise like that, they are
afraid to go back on it, for fear of losing credibility, and losing
the next re-election. Bush was being honest about his whopper
of a lie, which is a rare thing in American politics, these days."

George Herbert Walker Bush was appointed in 1976 as Director of the
scandal-plagued CIA by the scandal-plagued President Richard
Milhous Nixon. Bush replaced Director William Colby, whose testimony
concerning such things as biological warfare weaponry,
mind control experimentation, assassinations, coups, infiltration
of news media, money laundering, drowning kittens, ritual child abuse,
torture, drug running and so forth and so on had scandalized Congress.

Former CIA Director Colby later died in a mysterious, unfortunate drowning.
CIA Director Bush later unfortunately became Vice-President
and by further mysterious coincidence, President of the United States.

The CIA resented Colby bitterly for having been too open and honest
with Congress. In contrast, the CIA was extremely fond of
Mr. George Bush, who never needed to tell a lie to Congress
because he consistently stonewalled all further requests for information.

As JFK's grandson observed while presenting the "Profile in Courage"
award to Bush, "Silence and secrecy tell no lies, so are the
best kind of honesty."

JFK's Grandson Presents Courage Award to George HW Bush

Former president George H. W. Bush was presented with the John F.
Kennedy Profile in Courage Award on Tuesday in his Kennebunkport,
Maine home by president Kennedy's grandson Jack Schlossberg,
according to the John F. Kennedy Library in Boston.

The award was given in recognition of the political courage Bush
demonstrated when he agreed to a 1990 budget compromise that
reversed his 1988 campaign pledge not to raise taxes and put his
re-election prospects at risk," the library announcement said.

Bush had famously asserted: "Read my lips, no new taxes."
JFK by Pete Moss - Acid Logic ezine

JFK. By Pete Moss. Dad worked rampart Homicide for many years.

He looked kind of peaceful. He did have a bump on his head, and
a little bit of blood on his lips, although it wasn't til the
coroner came that they noticed the blood.

Somebody had gone to a lot of trouble to cause and untraceable
and unprosecutable death. And who was the person they'd killed?

Nobody ever found that out. There was only so much time to
devote to a case of a nobody who was already cold when they came
in. "Who knows?" dada would say. "Maybe that was the guy who
killed JFK. Maybe his soul is still out there roaming the
streets of LA, looking for someone who'll believe his story."
Behind the Bushes - JFK MURDER SOLVED - Reward

The proof for Bush's lie about his CIA past can be found in a
document, ... talking about the reaction of the Cuban exile
community to the Kennedy Assassination.

a memo dated November 22, 1963, from FBI Special Agent Graham
Kitchel to the FBI Special Agent in Charge in Houston. The
subject is "Unknown Subject; Assassination of President John F.
Kennedy." The memo states:

'At 1:45 p.m. Mr. George H. W. Bush, President of the Zapata
Off-shore Drilling Company, Houston, Texas, residence 5525
Briar, Houston, telephonically furnished the following
information to writer by long distance telephone call from
Tyler, Texas.

BUSH stated that he wanted to be kept confidential but wanted
to furnish hearsay that he recalled hearing in recent weeks,
the day and source unknown. He stated that one James Parrot
has been talking of killing the President when he comes to

BUSH stated that Parrot is possibly a student at the
University of Houston and is active in political matters in
the area. He stated that he felt Mrs. Fawley, telephone number
SU 2-5239, or Arlene Smith, telephone number JA 9-9194 of the
Harris County Republican Party Headquarters would be able to
furnish additional information regarding the identity of

BUSH stated that he was proceeding to Dallas, Texas, would
remain in the Sheraton-Dallas Hotel and return to his
residence on 11-23-63. His office telephone number is CA 2-

So we have George H. W. Bush telling the FBI that he did not
know the source of the information but knew that a John Bircher
named James Parrott, who was the same age as Lee Harvey Oswald
(24), wanted to kill President Kennedy in Houston. Bush did not
know much about Parrott but gave the name of two Republican
Party officials in Houston. Of course, Bush's Zapata Off-Shore
Drilling Company had been a CIA front since 1960 and had
supplied the Bay of Pigs invasion (code named "Zapata") force
with two of his company's ex-U.S. Navy landing craft, renamed
the "Barbara J" and the "Houston." In any case, Bush's phone
call to the FBI was a false lead, and Parrott was cleared.

However, Bush's phone call creates more questions about him than
about Parrott. First of all, there is no evidence that Bush was
in Tyler when Kennedy was shot. There was no Caller ID in those
days that would have allowed Special Agent Kitchel to know, for
a fact, that Bush was calling from Tyler. Bush's wife, Barbara,
claimed he was in Tyler but Bush once said he may have been in
Port-au-Prince, Haiti that day. But Bush himself admits to the
FBI that he was booked into the Sheraton Hotel in Dallas on
November 22.

Bush always had a keen interest in what files the government had
on Kennedy's assassination. When he was CIA Director in 1976,
Bush wanted to see all the agency's files on the Kennedy

His memos specifically requested information on Oswald, Jack
Ruby, and others linked to the assassination. In her book The
Family: The Real Story of the Bush Dynasty, author Kitty Kelley
writes that:

"Years later, when [Bush] became president of the United States,
he would deny making any attempt to review the agency files on
the JFK assassination... when he made this claim, he did not
realize that the agency would release 18 documents [under the
Freedom of Information Act] that showed he had indeed, as CIA
director, requested information-not once, but several times-on a
wide range of questions surrounding the Kennedy assassination."

Former President George W. Bush Diagnosed With Ebola ...

TEXAS - Former president of the United States, George W. Bush,
has been just diagnosed with the infamous Ebola virus. Officials
say they will ...
The George Bush Show -


The George Bush Show. Sam T's spoof on the White House is funny
and frighteningly real at the same time! The George Bush Show by

NIH Record--2/18/2003--President Bush Announces 'Project ...

President Bush Announces 'Project BioShield' at NIH During Visit ...
Research Center and whose work on Ebola virus has intrigued not
only President Bush, but ...

President Bush Cures Ebola, Destroys Obamas Plan To Destroy
Jesus and Create A New Age of Liberal Darkness

Late last week, President George W. Bush rushed to the CDC with
an entourage of men. He hurriedly looked over his shoulder, his
small dispatch of secret service agents on high alert.

In his right hand, President Bush held a small, black briefcase.
There was a cooling unit attached to the briefcase.

A sudden raucous appeared up the street. A fleet of black,
unmarked vans sped toward Bushs entourage. His men formed a
human shield in front of the entrance Bush was now quickly
walking toward. Something was definitely going down.

The account listed above is from a security guard from the
Centers for Disease Control (CDC) main campus in Atlanta,
Georgia. The guard had been told a high profile visitor was
expected and little did he know, that the visitor would be
former United States President George W. Bush.

The guard was told to not let anyone else into the facility
after the special visitor and his package entered. The only
exception would be if federal agents showed up with a warrant
signed by nothing less than the Supreme Court of the United

Details quickly spread through the CDC, that President George W.
Bush had on his person the cure for Ebola. A researcher from
the CDC revealed, The President [George Bush] revealed that
several weeks ago, he saw a bunch of strange letters with lines
connecting them after he prayed one night. The next night, he
saw the same letters and the same lines as clear as mud.

Confused, he wanted to visit one of his friends, a chemist at
Texas A&M. The symbols that God was putting in my mind, they
sort of looked chemicallyish in nature, the President told us.
So I figured I would go ask a scientists if he could put two and
two together.

When President Bush went to visit his friend and drew out the
symbols he was seeing in his brain, the professor instantly
recognized them as chemical combinations, very similar to
chemical combinations seen in the most advanced anti-viral drugs.

But there was a difference, there were combinations that not
even the smartest scientists in India or even China had
configured. But God put those chemical combinations in my brain.
That is how you know God was serious about stopping this Ebola
from spreading in America, Bush said as researchers eagerly
removed the cure he held in his briefcase, eager to test it on
an American doctor who had become infected with Ebola several
weeks earlier.
Great Moments in Bowling History - YouTube

Short video of Obama and George H.W. Bush bowling.
Proves politicians can't bowl apparently.
Testimony Of Dr. Robert Shaw

The Kennedy Assassination

Dr. SHAW - I received my B.A. degree from the University of
Michigan in 1927 and ... to perform any medical care for
President Kennedy on November 22, 1963? ..... bowling pins when
they are struck by a bowling ball--they fly in all directions.
American Experience . Oswald's Ghost | PBS

Oswald denies killing President Kennedy, says he's being held
because he was in Russia. .... And you know they ran that
vicious ad the day he came here, "Welcome Mr. President" .....
You see his body bowled over, backwards and to the left. .... So,
in other words there had be a plot session where Shaw had to go
to Dallas
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