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Wild Horses

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Tom Keske

Nov 22, 2014, 1:48:24 PM11/22/14

Preparation of hyperimmune horse serum against Ebola ...

National Center for Biotechnology Information
The Truth from the horse's mouth - AIDS and Ebola Viruses ...

Aug 6, 2014 - Uploaded by UHURUuniversity

True Origin of Aids and Ebola ...

Mr. Ed - the star of that well-beloved sitcom from the 1960s,
oldest living horse, and an equine whose pedigree can be traced
back to the talking horses in Jonathan Swifts Gullivers
Travelshas come out of retirement to issue a press release about
a far greater violation albeit of eohippian rights.

Mr. Ed protests that the Obama Administration since day one has
been enforcing a discriminatory regulation requiring a 60-day
USDA quarantine on any and all horses imported from Africa. The
Administrations thinly-veiled speciest excuse: African Horse
Sickness (AHS). Bear in mind that while Ebola can be transmitted
by handshakes, AHS cant. According to the obscure Center for
Horse Disease Control in Wyoming, this is settled science.

Mr. Ed also protests that, under both Democratic and Republican
Administrations, it has long been illegal to transport horses
(and cows) across state lines without a health certificate and
sometimes also a blood test.

Asked for comment, White House Press Secretary Josh Ernst,
speaking straight from the horses posterior, said: While it is
true that it would be illegal to transport a horse across the
Potomac from Maryland to Virginia, it is perfectly fine with the
Administration for an undocumented Mexican to ride one across
the Rio Grande.

Quoting an anonymous source, Ernst added that any criticism of
President Obama from the Equine Lobby is chickenshit. No comment
on the use of this slur from Chick-Fil-A.

And this is something I love about Ed. Hes working hard for our
ignorance. He could have left out the references to polio and
still fascinated his audience with Oswald and Mary and Ferrie.
Judyth Vary Baker too, of course, the only living member of the
all-dead cast. He might have had a problem though, getting
interest out to the general public. So DMM is about cancer. Its
about AIDS. Its about stacking as many riders on his horse as
the traffick will allow. He says himself, the JFK thing is kinda
incidental to the book.
Bush and the JFK Hit, Part 5: The Mysterious Mr. de ...

Bush and the JFK Hit, Part 5: The Mysterious Mr. de Mohrenschildt

What possible connection could there have been between George H.
W. Bush and the assassination of John F. Kennedy? Or between the
C.I.A. and the assassination? Or between Bush and the C.I.A.?
For some people, apparently, making such connections was as
dangerous as letting one live wire touch another.

In 1976, more than a decade after the assassination of President
John F. Kennedy, a letter arrived at the CIA, addressed to its
director, the Hon. George Bush. The letter was from a desperate-
sounding man in Dallas, who spoke regretfully of having been
indiscreet in talking about Lee Harvey Oswald and begged Poppy
for help:

Maybe you will be able to bring a solution into the hopeless
situation I find myself in. My wife and I find ourselves
surrounded by some vigilantes; our phone bugged; and we are
being followed everywhere. Either FBI is involved in this or
they do not want to accept my complaints. We are driven to
insanity by this situation . . . tried to write, stupidly and
unsuccessfully, about Lee H. Oswald and must have angered a
lot of people . . . Could you do something to remove this net
around us? This will be my last request for help and I will
not annoy you anymore.

The writer signed himself G. de Mohrenschildt.

The CIA staff assumed the letter writer to be a crank. Just to
be sure, however, they asked their boss: Did he by any chance
know a man named de Mohrenschildt- Bush responded by memo,
seemingly self-typed:

I do know this man DeMohrenschildt. I first men [sic] him in the
early 403 [sic]. He was an uncle to my Andover roommate. Later
he surfaced in Dallas (50s maybe) . . . Then he surfaced when
Oswald shot to prominence. He knew Oswald before the
assassination of Pres. Kennedy. I don't recall his role in all

Not recall? Once again, Poppy Bush was having memory problems.
And not about trivial matters. George de Mohrenschildt was not
just the uncle of a roommate, but a longtime personal associate.
Yet Poppy could not recall or more precisely, claimed not to
recall the nature of de Mohrenschildts relationship with the
man believed to have assassinated the thirty-fifth president.

When Poppy told his staff that his old friend de Mohrenschildt
knew Oswald, that was an understatement. From 1962 through the
spring of 1963, de Mohrenschildt was by far the principal
influence on Oswald, the older man who guided every step of his
life. De Mohrenschildt had helped Oswald find jobs and
apartments, had taken him to meetings and social gatherings, and
generally had assisted with the most minute aspects of life for
Lee Oswald, his Russian wife, Marina, and their baby.

Writing back to his old friend, Poppy assured the Mohrenschildt
that his fears were entirely unfounded. Yet half a year later,
de Mohrenschildt was dead. The cause was officially determined
to be suicide with a shotgun. Investigators combing through de
Mohrenschildts effects came upon his tattered address book,
largely full of entries made in the 1950s. Among them, though
apparently eliciting no further inquiries on the part of the
police, was an old entry for the current CIA director, with the
Midland address where he had lived in the early days of Zapata:


The White Russian emigres in the United States were motivated by
both ideology and economics to serve as shock troops in the
growing cold war conflict being managed by Prescotts friends and
associates. No one understood this better than Allen Dulles, the
Wall Street lawyer, diplomat, and spy-master-in ascension.

Dimitri von Mohrenschildt was a star player in this game on a
somewhat exalted level

He took a job in the New York office of a French perfume company
called Chevalier Garde, named for the Czars most elite troops,
the Imperial Horse Guards.

Cutting their way with the breasts of their horses, the officers
first charged through the crowd. Behind them, filling the whole
width of the Prospect galloped the Cossacks. Decisive moment!
But the horsemen, cautiously, in a long ribbon, rode through the
corridor just made by the officers. Some of them smiled, Kayurov
recalls, and one of them gave the workers a good wink This wink
was not without meaning. The workers were emboldened with a
friendly, not hostile, kind of assurance, and slightly infected
the Cossacks with it. The one who winked found imitators. In
spite of renewed eff6rts from the officers, the Cossacks,
without openly breaking discipline, failed to force the crowd to
disperse, but flowed through it in streams. This was repeated
three or four times and brought the two sides even closer
together. Individual Cossacks began to reply to the workers
questions and even to enter into momentary conversations with
them. Of discipline there remained but a thin transparent shell
that threatened to break through any second. The officers
hastened to separate their patrol from the workers, and,
abandoning the idea of dispersing them, lined the Cossacks out
across the street as a barrier to prevent the demonstrators from
getting to the centre. But even this did not help: standing
stock-still in perfect discipline, the Cossacks did not hinder
the workers from diving under their horses. The revolution does
not choose its paths: it made its first steps toward victory
under the belly of a Cossacks horse. A remarkable incident!

Ebola as a Biological Weapon

The concept of using Ebola as a weapon dates back to the 1970s
with the Soviet Union's biological warfare agency Biopreparat.
It was an immense network of secret laboratories focusing on
different types of deadly biological agents for use in a major
war. The research at Biopreparat blatantly violated the terms of
the Biological Weapons Convention, which prohibited bioweapons.
Soviet officials denied its existence for decades. Pathogens
that were under development at the time included Ebola and a
hybrid of Ebola and smallpox called Ebolapox. Ebolapox could
produce a form of smallpox call blackpox or hemorrhagic smallpox.
In such an infection blood vessels leak, resulting in severe
internal bleeding. It would be fatal combination of the high
mortality rate of the Ebola virus and the highly contagious
nature of smallpox. In the early 1990s Ken Alibek, an integral
member of Biopreparat, defected to the United States to alert
Western Intelligence about the covert program. He confirmed that
the program was actually ten times greater than the West
originally suspected. Alibek also claimed that development of
genetically engineering weapons was still continuing, and
included the use of Ebola.

The Possessed

When the Russian Academy of Sciences puts together an author's
Collected Works, they aren't aiming for something you can put in
a suitcase and run away with.

"What are our soldiers?" "What are Cossacks?" "What is Bolshevism?"

Describe the forest."

"Two emaciated horses, describe the horses."

"Describe the air, the soldiers."

"Describe the bazaar, baskets of cherries, the inside of the tavern."

"Describe this unendurable rain."

"Describe 'rapid fire.' "

"Describe the wounded."

"The intolerable desire to sleep - describe."

She had tormented him for not having given the dying clan any
heirs, andthe muzhiks told me thisshe used to beat him with the
coachman's whip."
When all else fails We can whip the horse's eyes ... - Genius

We can whip the horse's eyes. And make them sleep. And cry. from
The Doors The Soft Parade Lyrics on Genius. Meaning.
Ebola, Human Beings, Horses, and Quarantines ... - Patch

Patch Media

Ebola is a dangerous disease. But thank goodness it doesn't
affect horses! To import a horse into the U.S. from Africa, the
horse must be held ...

Well unique time when you tried to make something with digits,
you began to produce such delirium that the further sense to try
to explain you something are not present any.:shuffle:

One muzhik

Hearts should either die, or adapt. They have time to adapt.
Thus viable appear casual search of mutations. Seem not here
the ends with the ends. I.e. if casual search - are not in time ()

The biology is that that though mutations and are casual,
phenotype changes is disproportional viable.

And what exactly you interests? An amount of mutations on
generation? Speed of propagation of mutations in population?

From what horse-radish "the Biology is that"? in this theory
something does not suffice all time - a supervising and
directing role.

And so - there would be infusorians and a horse-radish will die.
Scorpions transfer nuclear explosion. And by the way - probably
there is also any delimiter - why we did not develop in
something of type of "Strangers" to live in a free space and to
guzzle stones? It is convenient

To Steam of lemons on a butt

All right, then I trust. Simply they there become each other on
shoulders and get out of a butt. Last sits . Not the most abrupt,
and most rats. When it is let out by them die from laughter.
Stabilization of peroxidase conjugates used in enzyme
immunoassay systems to detect Ebola and Marburg virus antigens].

[Article in Russian]

National Center for Biotechnology Information


The time course of changes in the activity of solutions of
horseradish peroxidase conjugates with immunoglobulins against
Ebola and Marburg fevers was studied in the presence of
different components. The series of the conjugates of ELISA kits
for the detection of Ebola and Marburg virus antigens, which
were prepared on the basis of the designed stabilizing solution,
preserved at less than 90% of its baseline activity during 10
months at a storage temperature of 2 to 8 degrees C.
Identification of the Ebola virus glycoprotein as the main ... - ... Archiv-º Table of Content-⺠Article


Here we defined the main viral determinant of Ebola virus
pathogenicity; .... vessels were analyzed for uptake of
horseradish peroxidase (top row) or by scanning ...
Classification of chemical and biological warfare agent ...

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Classification of chemical and biological warfare agent
simulants by ... two toxin simulants (ovalbumin and horseradish
peroxidase) were studied on multiple ...

The spectra of two endospores (B. subtilis and B. atrophaeus),
two chemical agent simulants (dimethyl methylphosphonate (DMMP)
and diethyl methylphosphonate (DEMP)), and two toxin simulants
(ovalbumin and horseradish peroxidase) were studied on multiple
substrates fabricated from colloidal gold adsorbed onto a
silanized quartz surface. The use of principal component
analysis (PCA) and hierarchical clustering were used to evaluate
the efficacy of identifying potential threat agents from their
spectra collected on a single substrate.
Small molecule inhibitors reveal Niemann-Pick C1 is ...


Ebola virus (EboV) is a highly pathogenic enveloped virus that ...
of 3.98 to NPC1 using streptavidin- horseradish peroxidase (HRP)
(top) and ...

The Gay Mage
Countdown of A Witch's Year

Magical Tools
thin slice of horseradish
One bill of paper money
One coin (if your wallet has a coin pocket)

Magical Spell

On the first day of the new year, place a thin slice of
horseradish in your wallet. Keep it your wallet for the entire
year. At the end of the year, take the old piece out AFTER you
have put a new slice in. Throw the old piece out of the back
door. Put the paper bill, and the coin if using in your wallet
as well. Do not spend this money, but keep it so that it always
attracts more.

Carry the horseradish in your wallet all year. If you change
wallets for any reason, be sure to transfer the root to the new

If you give a wallet as a gift to someone, always make sure that
it has a paper bill and a slice of horseradish root in it.
Giving an empty wallet is an anti-charm that forebodes poverty
for the person receiving the wallet.
Mind Control, The Ultimate Terror -

The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind
Control Slave .... An enzyme called horseradish peroxidase (HRP)
which serves as a marker or ...

Medical science has been probing the gray matter that makes up
the human brain for several hundred years and they continue to
probe it. With the use of various new techniques they can look
inside the human brain in ways that were not available before.
An enzyme called horseradish peroxidase (HRP) which serves as a
marker or highlighter allows brain researchers to visually look
at brain cells on functioning brains. Researchers such as Frank
Putnam, at the National Institute of Mental Health, have taken
PET scans of the brains of people with multiple personalities,
whose brain scans from one alter personality to another are very
different. This doesn't occur in non-multiple people who pretend
to have different personalities. The brain scans have shown that
brains with multiple personalities are physically different than
other people's brains. The different personalities are often in
different neurophysiological states. Medical science has helped
the programmers put people into different neurophysiological
states for programming.
Horseradish: A Chemical Explosion in Your Mouth | Nature's ...

But if you've ever been around a horseradish plant, or fondled a
root, you've noticed that there is no animosity towards you. No
odor, no ...
World Wide Words: Blizzard of horseradish

Horseradish is on record from the 1920s meaning arrant nonsense
or rubbish, a relative of horsefeathers. Both terms are
euphemisms for ...

Possible use of indole-3-acetic acid and its antagonist
tryptophan betaine in controlled killing of horseradish
peroxidase-labeled human cells

It has been proposed that combination of indole-3-acetic acid
(IAA) and horseradish peroxidase (HRP) could be useful as the
basis for targeted cancer therapy involving antibody-, polymer-,
or gene-directed approaches. By circulating IAA in human body,
the cells labeled with HRP could be selectively killed since
cytotoxic radical species are produced by IAAd-HRP reaction. To
enable the finely geared controls in selective killing of the
cells, the author propose the use of a fungal alkaloid,
hypaphorine known to act against IAA in growing plants, in
combination with IAA. Previously, the author and colleagues have
shown that hypaphorine competitively inhibits the IAA-dependent
superoxide generation by HRP. Since hypaphorine is structurally
similar to IAA, the effects of hypaphorine against IAA may be
due to competitive binding to the IAA-binding domain on HRP. Our
in vitro studies on hypaphorine-based control of the IAAâHRP
reaction yielding superoxide, must be re-examined in in vivo
systems prior to clinical examination.
USA-Created-AIDS - Silent Cures

The army lab was renamed the Frederick Cancer Re-search Center. ...
Merck researchers stated: "Since live attenuated or killed virus
vaccines for ..... was involved in a super secret Special Virus
Cancer Program he feels is the cause of the .... obsession' with
development of ethnic biological weapons targeting people of ...
Characterization of Ebola Virus Entry by Using Pseudotyped ...

National Center for Biotechnology Information

Studies analyzing Ebola virus replication have been severely
hampered by the extreme .... at a 1:1,000 dilution and a
horseradish peroxidase-conjugated goat anti-rabbit secondary ...
These solutions were then used to challenge target cells.

Tincture on horseradish-known in Russia for a long time. So,
Peter I in the early XVIII century decreed that in every
courtyard should be 5 quarters shitty vodka, especially for
those people who are engaged in hard labor, and lives in the

"Literary Cafe" hosted a delegation of political leaders from
China, on a visit to St. Petersburg, the head of which was the
first vice-premier of the State Council Zhang Gaoli.

Europe and China - a priority. At the International Economic
Forum in St. Petersburg today, the first Summit. Russian
President Vladimir Putin and First Deputy Prime Minister of the
State Council of China, Zhang Gaoli

And before that, Vladimir Putin welcomed forum Prime Minister of
the Netherlands Mark Rygge

They presented Vladimir Putin its solutions to global problems.
They say old man your horse will die / The Dead Horse

They say old man your horse will die, And they say so and they
hope so. O, poor old man your horse will die, O, poor old man! 2.
For thirty* days I've ridden him,
The Dead Horse Shanty - Shanties and Sea Songs - Lyrics

The Dead Horse Shanty - as sung by the crew of Zawisza Czarny.
Oh, poor old man your horse will die. And we say so, and we know
so. Oh, poor old man your

Since the time of Saltykov-Schedrin the Russian average man has
got spoiled. Previously, he desired, rather uncertainly, either
the constitution or the sturgeon with horseradish; now he
unambiguously wants both the constitution and the sturgeon
without the horseradish, if it is possible.

It means that newly-brought to light latent constitutional
majority wants both the powerful state and the protection of
their rights at the same time

The government opponents are not getting on better: some of them
(marginal traditionalists) hysterically glorify the sturgeon
forgetting about the constitution; the others (marginal liberals)
speak about the constitution as the desired sturgeon. In reality,
people are asked either to preserve the old hateful world or
destroy it again to the ground

The "Putin Doctrine", which is aimed to reconstruct the "small
USSR, is a huge historical bubble that is doomed sooner or later
to burst, uttering a dreadful and obscene sound.
Horseradish essential oilAromatherapy Bible

Horseradish essential oil. ... In cases of bad digestion or
flatulence, drink 5 ml (1 tsp) diluted in a glass of hot water.
For rheumatic conditions and aches and ...
5 Easy Ways to Naturally Boost Your Immune System ...

... Horseradish strengthens your immune system and increases blood flow ...

Jahrling P. B., Geisbert J., Swearengen J. R., Jaax G. P., Lewis
T., Huggins J. W., Schmidt J. J., LeDue J. W., Peters C. J.

Passive immunization of Ebola virus-infected cynomologus monkeys
with immunoglobulin from hyperimmune horses. Arch. Virol. 11
(Suppl.) 135140

Krasnyanskii V. P., Mikhailov V. V., Borisevich I. V., Gradoboev
V. N., Evseev A. A., Pshenichnov V. A. Preparation of
hyperimmune horse serum to Ebola virus.Vopr. Virusol.3919949192
(In Russian.)
"Behold A Pale Horse" by Milton William Cooper

In Behold a Pale Horse Cooper proposed that AIDS was the result
of a conspiracy to decrease the populations of blacks, Hispanics,
and homosexuals. In 2000 South Africa's Minister of Health
Manto Tshabalala-Msimang received criticism for distributing the
chapter discussing this theory to senior South African
government officials.[11] Nicoli Nattrass, a longtime critic of
AIDS denialists, criticized Tshabalala-Msimang for lending
legitimacy to Cooper's theories and disseminating them in Africa

William Cooper was assassinated by covert agents of the NWO U.S.
government on false pretences on Nov. 6, 2001.
JFK JBS Hate Ad - Orwell Today

When President Kennedy woke up that morning in Fort Worth, Texas ...
just hours before JFK was assassinated in DEALEY Plaza (named
after George Dealey, ... "We need a man on horseback* to lead
this nation", he concluded "and many ...

When President Kennedy woke up that morning in Fort Worth, Texas
the Dallas Morning News was delivered with his coffee.
His face turned grim and he shook his head, commenting that
it was unimaginable that a paper could do such a thing.
He handed it to Jackie saying,
"We're heading into nut country today."


During the 13 minute flight from Fort Worth to Dallas,
JFK's mind was still on the morning papers.
"What kind of journalism do you call the Dallas Morning News?
You know who's responsible for that ad?
Dealey. Remember him?

Above is an on-line copy of the hate-JFK ad that appeared in the
Dallas Morning News (published by the DEALEY family) on November
22, 1963 - just hours before JFK was assassinated in DEALEY
Plaza (named after George Dealey, the 1885 founder of the Dallas
Morning News).

Ted Dealey - son of the original founder - was the publisher in
1963, and when asked why he allowed the hate-JFK ad to be run in
his newspaper he said that "it accurately expressed the
editorial opinion of the Dallas Morning News".

Under the sardonic heading, "WELCOME MR KENNEDY TO DALLAS," an
organization styling itself as "The American Fact-Finding
Committee" -- a local coordinator of the John Birch Society and
Nelson Bunker Hunt, the son of H. L. Hunt, it later developed,
were the committee's most prominent members -- asked the
President twelve rhetorical questions. He was accused of
responsiblity for the imprisonment, starvation, and persecution
of 'thousands of Cubans.' The ad declared that he was selling
food to the Communist party, and asked, among other things, 'Why
have you ordered or permitted your brother Bobby, the Attorney
General, to go soft on Communists, fellow-travelers, and ultra-
leftists in America, while permitting him to persecute loyal
Americans who criticize you, your administration, and your
leadership?'..."'Mr Kennedy', the ad concluded, 'we DEMAND
answers to these questions, and we want them NOW.'

"It was another 'Wanted for Treason' broadside. But there were
two differences. This denunciation was reaching a vast audience
through the pages of a respected newspaper. And it was appearing
within hours of the President's arrival.

"...In 1963 the Dallas Morning News was published by a man named
Ted Dealey [as in Dealey Plaza]. When criticized for it later,
Dealey said that before agreeing to print the JBS ad, he'd read
it meticulously and approved it, arguing that it 'represented
what the Dallas Morning News have been saying edit

Ted Dealey went to the White House in the fall of 1961 with a
group of Texas publishers to meet the man he had maligned so
frequently in his newspaper. He used the occasion to attack
Kennedy in person. "We can annihilate Russia and should make
that clear to the Soviet government", he advised the president,
to the discomfort of his colleagues in the room. He accused
Kennedy and his administration of being weak sisters (a favorite
Dealey phrase). "We need a man on horseback* to lead this nation",
he concluded "and many people in Texas and the Southwest think
that you are riding Caroline's tricycle".
LBJ Library Releases Home Movies of President Riding ...

Johnson's horses were kept at the family's LBJ Ranch near
Stonewall in the Texas Hill Country. Both the former president
and his wife are ...
The story of Black Jack, JFK's riderless horse - Patheos


Most of you at least will have seen a photo of JFK's funeral
procession. In those photos, you always see that marvelous
riderless black horse ...
Jack Ruby | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers

The Campisi Brothers were lieutenants of Carlos Marcello, the
Mafia boss who had .... Oswald and the CIA, by John Newman (ISBN
0786701315), Carroll & Graf ...... when Ruby struck an employee
over the head with a blackjack.305 In 1951, ...

During one very important CIA operation, its director Saul
Berenson became quite nervous and started searching for
something in his drawer. He then asked his secretary:

Saul: - "I'm out of Black Jack. Any more out there?"

Secretary: "Everything okay, sir?"

Saul: "This the last pack?"

Secretary: "I got you plenty more. Don't worry."

I wasn't aware of Black Jack chewing gum prior to this episode
of Homeland and after reading that it's actually a really old
brand, I thought: an old school CIA operative that became
director (Saul) is a fan of an old school chewing gum (Black
Jack). It seems natural, don't you think?
The Invisible Hand in Popular Culture: Liberty Vs. ...

Paul Arthur Cantor - 2012 - Political Science

Accordingly, Captain Kirk is always paired with his Science
Officer, the brainy ... Trek derived its idea of space as the
final frontier from JFK's New Frontier.3 But, ...
Need My Pain: Reassessing Star Trek V: The Final Frontier ...

It's no secret that The Final Frontier is 100% Shatner's baby. ...
but in The Final Frontier he runs around on rocks, rides a horse,
punches Sybok ...
Star Trek V: The Final Frontier - Wikiquote


The titular "Final Frontier" refers to transcending the
boundaries of our universe, and into the realm of God, truly
where .... James T. Kirk: Be one with the horse.

Rumours began to surface that William Shatner and his latest
wife Elizabeth Martin, had started seeing each other at the
beginning of his marriage to Nerine. Elizabeth Martin, had a
similar interest in horses, It was no coincidence that Nerine
was never allowed to visit Shatner's horse farm in Kentucky.
Shatner saw Nerine, as an obstacle and a liability, he wanted to
move on.


Note; Nerine was a social drinker, but her associates/friends
observed a noticable increase in her drinking during the marriage
White House Horses - Richard Nixon Foundation News

Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace

The world is familiar with the images of the role of horses
today with Presidents and their families, such as President
Reagan's funeral
Riding With Reagan: From the White House to the Ranch Riding With Reagan: From the White House to the
Ranch (9780806526805): ... It was nice to read about Reagan the
man instead of Reagan the president. ... I can picture Reagan
riding his horse on his ranch thanks to the
Vladimir Putin's Crazy Life - All Day

Putin carries a hunting rifle shirtless, because the only thing
manlier than hunting, ... Putin is a fan of letting loose and
going shirtless, including horseback riding.
photo: Mussolini on horseback

Cornell University Library

Image: Mussolini strikes a noble pose atop his white horse. An
equestrian of some talent, he often used his horse as a mobile
podium. (credit: unknown
Bill joined the United States Navy and was a member of the
Office of Naval Security and Intelligence serving as a Harbor
and River Patrol Boat Captain at Danang and the Dong Ha River
Security Group, Cua Viet, Republic of Vietnam. William Cooper
was awarded several medals for his leadership and heroism during
combat including two V for Valor.

Bill served on the Intelligence Briefing Team for the Commander
In Chief of the Pacific Fleet and was privy to classified
information. He was the Petty Officer of the Watch and
designated KL-47 operator in the Command Center at Makalapa
Hawaii. There he held a Top Secret, Q, SI, security clearance.

Bill was also the first to reveal the truth that AIDS is a
bioweapon used to target the homosexual and minority communities.

Rush Limbaugh read a White House memo on the air during his
broadcast which named William Cooper, the most dangerous radio
host in America.

Bill of course also authored, BEHOLD A PALE HORSE

And I looked, and behold a pale horse:
and his name that sat upon him was Death,
and Hell followed with him.

And power was given unto them
over the fourth part of the earth,
to kill with sword, and with hunger,
and with the beasts of the earth.
Cooper is one of the few individuals who, on his 'Hour of the
Time' short wave radio show in June 2001, publicly predicted a
spectacular attack on America to be blamed on Osama Bin Laden.
Five months later, after 9/11, Cooper was shot dead by the FBI,
who had been trying to entrap him by posing as hoodlums outside
his Arizona home.

The CIAs Medical Manhattan Project

stuartbramhall says:

I am well aware of the role of Robert Gallo and Fort Detrick in
the apparent creation of the HIV virus. I was engaged in AIDS
research myself (from a treatment perspective) in the late 1980s
and was advised by the Seattle police to stop as I was
potentially endangering my life.

This was around the time Ted Strecker and Douglas Huff (an
Illinois legislator) suddenly turned up dead for trying to
publicize the true origin of HIV.

I wrote about this in my memoir The Most Revolutionary Act:
Memoir of an American Refugee.
In the death of Doctor Mary Sherman, strange myths pale ...

The Times-Picayune

In the death of Doctor Mary Sherman, strange myths pale next to
stranger facts. 1 / 23 ..... I would ride Sammy`s horses for him
back in the 70`s.
Dr. Mary's Monkey - New Orleans Magazine - July 2007 ... New Orleans Magazine July 2007

He has written Dr. Mary's Monkey, a required book for conspiracy
lovers. ... Sherman conducted experiments there to mutate monkey
viruses to assist a CIA plot ...
United States Biological Warfare during the Korean War

Furthermore it is claimed that the United States policy barred
the armed forces from using biological warfare except in
retaliation. (4) It is the purpose of this ...
Korean rapper takes 'horse dance' viral - YouTube

Korean rapper Psy has become an internet sensation with his
unique horse- riding dance. CNN's Paula ...
Mental Hypnosis - The Latest Mental Control Techniques ...

Internet Archive

Covert hypnosis, mind control techniques, PSYOPs used daily to ...
as well as ... and North Korean use of mind control techniques
on U.S. ...
United States biological weapons program - Wikipedia, the ...


It has been rumored that the U.S. employed biological weapons
against the Communist island nation of Cuba. Noam Chomsky ...

"Bathing of a Red Horse," the famous painting by Kuzma Petrov-
Vodkin (1878-1939) may well be considered to the main painting
of the Russian revolution.

Petrov-Vodkin found his own inimitable style quite late in life
when he had the idea to paint using just three colors: red,
yellow and blue. That was how his trademark three-color palette
was born.

It was in that palette that he created his most famous work,
"Bathing of a Red Horse." It is a stunning painting: unsettling,
powerful, mysterious. It seems to be very simple: just a boy and
a horse. But what spellbinding intensity these figures project.
Speaking in Tongues in Sign Language - Google Groups

Prawns on rocking horses! ..... The boy and the rocking horse
got chased by a jelly giant bull dog. .... Conception Chili,
ptkeske, 3/7/10 7:58 PM
comments on POLYUSHKA POLYE - ORIGINAL ... - YouTube

USSR makes such a beautiful song-. long live my ancestors
country! ......

... The images of horses are perfect for spirit of the song - to
understand that, must ride a horse and experience a connection
to it as it runs.

One muzhik did not start up in the apartment of court
enforcement officers.

The Flying torch from a human body, shout of the wife which
costs in a court yard, a body blazing on the earth, the canister
burning down nearby-.

...Where a horse with a hoof, there and a cancer from claws.

In my city there is TV an aaplet, something like the Moscow road

Well what horse-radish, the muzhik gasoline poured above sits,
and here adjusted, firemen-
Number 1 ingredient in Coca-Cola? Horse Urine! - YouTube

Uploaded by TheMedicalConspiracy

Don Tolman gives us a compelling insight into the number one
ingredient in Coco-Cola and Pepsi. What they ...
Ebola, Coca-Cola & FEMA Coffins Atlanta Connection ...

The Elite are mocking us with this Ebola outbreak and are ... In
a Coca-Cola commercial from Africa, they show a flash of the End
Of The World message. .... to follow up on, as its yet one more
key within this crazy World Order puzzle. ... Hold No Man, NO
Symbol, nor Idol above GOD the Father.

IN a recent interview with CNN, Coca-Colas CEO Muhtar Kent
stated, I think we have to evolve it [capitalism] to make sure
it is better socially connected to the peoples wishes and needs
to create a better harmony in the world.

Well we at SHARK have news for you Mr. Kent, sponsoring animal
abuse events such as you do at the Cheyenne Frontier Days Rodeo,
Reno Rodeo, and Pendleton Rodeo amongst many others (http://www. is not moving forward to creating a more
harmonious world or paying attention to the peoples wishes.

Animals die or are horrifically injured on a regular basis and
there is no turning away from the fact Mr. Kent, that if Coca-
Cola wants to move forward then you need to pay attention to
what you are sponsoring. We know that you love to ignore rodeo
cruelty, pass the buck to your local bottling companies who also
love to ignore the dead bodies being carted out of the rodeo
rings, the illegal shocking of bulls and horses with electric
prods, the terrorizing of horses in events like the wild horse
race and the breaking of necks, backs and legs in the calf
roping and steer busting events, but we know better. We know
that the corporate Coca-Cola buck stops with you!
Sonny Bono, skis, horses and hitting some trees Who Knew

Sonny Bono died from injuries that he got from being stuck in a
couple of trees while skiing on the Nevada side of Heavenly Ski
Resort near South Lake Tahoe, ...
Sonny Bono Assassinated! Say FBI Agent, Tabloid - Idolator

Law officials, Sonny Bono's family, and Eminem were all
satisfied with ... a potential whistleblower brutally murdered
by the Mafia while skiing?

The FBI source said Chaz Bono has been obsessed since childhood
with a scene from The Godfather where a man wakes up in bed with
the bloody head of his prized race horse.

Starting out as a night club manager in San Francisco, with his
passion of entertaining his patrons; he created his own bar the
"Horse and Cow" in 1953. Dedicating this establishment to
serving submarine Sailors he created an atmosphere that the
submarine sailors can call home. The wild antics of the crews of
the "Silent Service" that visited the bar became notorious
throughout the entire Submarine Force and the United States Navy.
He continued to run the "Cow" until 1997 when he retired to
provide care for his wife Jeanette Looby. He maintained a close
relationship with the submarine community and became known as
the "The Godfather". The traditions and legacys he established
are being carried on by his family today and you can still get
an Upside Down Margarita in Guam.

To all who knew Jimmy The Godfather - this is "From the Heart."

The tradition of throwing the effigy of a dead horse is an old
one. It dates back to the practice of shanghaiing sailors onto a
boat against their better judgments. A crimp would drug the
unlucky soon-to-be sailor using alcohol and opium. The sailor
would wake up the next morning in the damp hold of a ship, with
only the clothes he was wearing and a bad hangover, his first
month of wages received in advance by the crimp. The sailor was
essentially buying a dead horse, until, after a month of working
for free, he and his peers would celebrate beginning to earn
wages by throwing a replica of a dead horse overboard.
Officer fired over hazing of gay sailor on nuclear submarine ...

NBC News

A gay sailor on a Navy nuclear submarine was hazed for months ...
the Navy will take swift and decisive action to stop undesirable
behavior, ...
Royal Navy Gunner and his fiance become first gay men to ...

Daily Star

Gay couple host wedding reception at a nuclear SUBMARINE base ...
I knew I was gay from when I was 15 or 16 but it took me until I
was 25 to ...

Horse-drawn submarine

First used in WWII, the Horse-drawn submarine (or HDS) was one
of the more successful inventions of JFK. The system was widely
used in submarines throughout America, as their former form of
propulsion was simply not powerful enough. They did try using
the amazing nuclear-power that Captain Nemo developed, but since
this required using too many flux capacitors they gave up, and
used horsepower.

The horse could be placed to the front of the submarine, where
it would be connected via a long strand of spaghetti, and where
it would swim by thrusting its MIGHTY LEGS generating whopping
amounts of Kinetic energy.

For those who are easily amused, Uncyclopedia has a totally
unrelated article about: Gay Pride
Example Essay on Gay Marriage. Same Sex ... - EssayLib

It was Frank Sinatra who sang that love and marriage go together
like a horse and carriage. You can't have one without the
Unhitched Love, Marriage, and Family Values from West ...,_Ma...

Occupy Tampa

Unhitching the Horse from the Carriage: Love and Marriage among
the Mosuo, .... campaign for same-sex marriage, gay parenthood,
or other divisive issues.
Unharness the horses, gays - Lyrics Translate ... Rospriahite hloptsy koni

Unharness the horses, gays from Ukranian Folk lyrics Ukrainian
to English translation. ... Cossack is the name of ukrainian
(russian) warriors.

Unharness the horses, gays

Unharness the horses, gays
And fall to have the rest.
And I will go in the garden green,
To dig the little well there.


Mary one! two! three! Guelder rose,brunette girl,
Took the berries in the garden (twice)

Why is Jesus going to return on a white horse?

s about Marriage ? ... upon the wicked, the apostle John tells
us that Jesus is returning on a white horse: Then I saw heaven
opened, and behold, a white horse!

The Slippery Slope of Same-Sex 'Marriage'
By Timothy J. Dailey, Ph. D. Senior Fellow, Center for Marriage and Family

A Man and His Horse

In what some call a denial of a basic civil right, a Missouri
man has been told he may not marry his long-term companion.
Although his situation is unique, the logic of his argument is
remarkably similar to that employed by advocates of homosexual

The man claims that the essential elements of marriage--love and
commitment--are indeed present:"She's gorgeous. She's sweet. She'
s loving. I'm very proud of her. ... Deep down, way down, I'd
love to have children with her."1

Why is the state of Missouri, as well as the federal government,
displaying such heartlessness in denying the holy bonds of
wedlock to this man and his would-be "wife"?

It seems the state of Missouri is not prepared to indulge a man
who waxes eloquent about his love for a 22-year-old mare named


RT @GenBoykin: Tomorrow (11/11) I am launching my new novel #
TheCoalition, co-written with @koomeministries

Our mission is to provide a fun and safe showing experience for '
lower level' riders, green horses, people tuning up their horses
and for people who want to practice in a show atmosphere before
entering a 'recognized' show.

For the most part we will follow the official rules.

FRC special rule: Fall of horse or rider is automatic
elimination, even if a competitor falls during the warm-up they
are automatically eliminated from that phase of the competition.
They may petition the ground jury (show organizer, technical
delegate or whoever is designated as such for that show) for an
exception. If it is determined that the horse and rider are fit
to continue and the fall was due to an exceptional circumstance
(such as tripping over a root or a saddle slipping) and not due
to a horse too excited to safely continue then the ground jury
may give permission for them to continue.
FRC Triple-Six Series | Haunted Horses

FRC Triple-Six Series by Haunted Horses, released 21 September
2014 1. Crown of Twelve Stars 2. Pariahs 3. Servant 4. Wands PRE-
FRC shooter: I targeted them because SPLC list said they ...

Hot Air

Apr 24, 2013 - Family Research Council (FRC) officials released
video of federal ... Shooter used SPLC map to target Family
Research Council (video at link) ...

Family Research Council (FRC) officials released video of
federal investigators questioning convicted domestic terrorist
Floyd Lee Corkins II, who explained that he attacked the groups
headquarters because the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC)
identified them as a hate group due to their traditional
marriage views.
Jesus Married?: Ancient Papyrus Mentions 'Wife' - ABC News

ABC News

Harvard professor finds evidence that suggests Jesus may have
been married.

Papyrus (19201941) was a British Thoroughbred racehorse and sire.
In a career that lasted from spring 1922 to October 1924 he ran
eighteen times and nine races. He was a leading two-year-old in
1922 and in the following year he gained his most important
success when he won the Epsom Derby. Later that season he gained
international attention when he was sent to New York for an
unsuccessful match race against the Kentucky Derby winner Zev.

Zev's Testimony

What is Truth?

Usually a cloud is cloudy, but this cloud was shiny and through
that cloud was a very bright light. Then I heard a voice call my
name twice. The voice said in Hebrew, Zev, Zev, Isaiah 53 is the
Messiah of Israel! Isaiah 53 is the Messiah of Israel! It is

I began to shake violently. I knew that I knew THE TRUTH.

As a religious Jew from a rabbinical family, I had been raised
to believe that I had a relationship with God because I am a Jew.
But this was the first time that I had ever actually experienced
the presence of God. I was feeling something I had never felt
before in my life. I had connected directly with God the Father
through His Son Yeshua.

I woke up my wife who had heard and seen nothing, and I said,
Lin! It is true! The Messiah of Israel is Yeshua! Lin, still a
Buddhist, said, Go back to bed, Zev. The guy from the Internet
is brainwashing you. Usually a cloud is cloudy, but this cloud
was shiny and through that cloud was a very bright light. Then I
heard a voice call my name twice. The voice said in Hebrew, Zev,
Zev, Isaiah 53 is the Messiah of Israel! Isaiah 53 is the
Messiah of Israel! It is true!

I began to shake violently. I knew that I knew THE TRUTH.

As a religious Jew from a rabbinical family, I had been raised
to believe that I had a relationship with God because I am a Jew.
But this was the first time that I had ever actually experienced
the presence of God. I was feeling something I had never felt
before in my life. I had connected directly with God the Father
through His Son Yeshua.

I woke up my wife who had heard and seen nothing, and I said,
Lin! It is true! The Messiah of Israel is Yeshua! Lin, still a
Buddhist, said, Go back to bed, eZev. The guy from the Internet
is brainwashing you.

Let us now return to Rev. W. M. H. Milner and see what he has to
say about HORSES AND HORSEMEN: Horses and Horesmen are thus
mentioned prominently in connection with the Army of Gog. On the
steppes of inner Russia between and beyond the Caspian and Aral
Seas are reared multitudes of horses. The Kirghiz who roam the
steppes are said to devote themselves entirely to the care of
their horses. When it comes to riding they are indefatigable
(tireless), and will go hundreds of miles without seeming tired.
Their small hardy animals are capable of enduring extremes of
cold and heat, and of going long distances without fatigue. For
short distances their speed is very fast. The main instrument,
writes Vambry, the one to which the Turcoman gives the
preference over all others in his forays beyond all question is
his horse, which is really a wonderful creature, prized by the
son of the desert more than his wife, more than his children,
more than his own life. These fine animals are well worth all
the pains bestowed upon them, and the stories of their speed and
powers of endurance are far from being exaggerated. Like the
Turcomans, the other Cossacks are ever ready for war and swift
horsemen on horseback from their youth, they are all warriors.
In Hepworth Dixons Free Russia, we are told that men and boys
all ride, and every child appears to possess a horse. An old
Almanach de Gotha gives the number of horses employed in the
Russian army at that time, in wartime, as 368,206! So the
Russian armies have always been largely composed of HORSES and
HORSEMEN. It would appear that the horses and horsemen of Gog,
Magog, Meshech and Tubal are more symbolic than anything else.
It is evidently an identifying mark so we can recognize who they
are which Ezekiel is prophesying about. It would be quite a
stretch of the imagination to believe that the Russians would
try to invade the United States with an army using cavalry. When
we consider the logistics of such an undertaking, it would be
similar to putting all those animals, and the food to feed them,
on Noahs ark. If anything, the horses are symbolic of the
horsepower in the engines of their equipment, and the horsemen
are the drivers of that equipment.

Now we will return to Bertrand L. Comparet: Then the Bible goes
on to name Russias (allies not just conquered satellites).
The Last Train From Hiroshima - The New York Times

The New York Times

On a bridge located in central Hiroshima, a man could still be
seen leading a horse, though he had utterly ceased to exist.

His footsteps, the horse's footsteps, and the last footsteps of
the people who had been crossing the bridge with him toward the
heart of the city were preserved on the instantly bleached road
surface, as if by an accidental new method of flash photography.

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