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Why don't the racist McKKKain supporters want tax cuts, health care, jobs, a balanced deficit & restored standing around the world?

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Möbius Pretzel

Oct 17, 2008, 8:24:54 PM10/17/08
Why does their racism take top priority?

Jeffrey Laventure

Oct 17, 2008, 10:46:50 PM10/17/08
On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 17:24:54 -0700, Möbius Pretzel wrote
(in article

> Why does their racism take top priority?

Seems most of the racist commentary is coming from Democrat politicians.
Seems we've reached the point where liberals consider disagreement
equivalent to treason against the king.

Lamont Cranston

Oct 18, 2008, 9:04:19 PM10/18/08
Jeffrey Laventure wrote:

Au contraire, mon moron, that is the standard cry of

"Rep. Michelle Bachmann oozes hatred for Obama, accuses
members of Congress of being un-American
Published 27 hours ago by Joe Sudbay (DC)
( at AMERICAblog News| A great nation
deserves the truth
Rep. Michelle Bachmann was just on "Hardball" with Chris
Matthews channeling Sarah Palin. She was ranting, just
ranting, about Obama -- accusing him being un-American
because of his associations. She oozed hatred for Obama. But
the end of the interview was just stunning. Matthews
challenged her to name members of Congress who are
un-American. Watch her: ..."

Oct 25, 2008, 6:32:55 PM10/25/08
Do not feed the Muslim troll. The troll (Faris Jawad) emigrated from
southern India to Canada, where he makes a living as a computer
programmer. One of his IP addresses points to the intersection of
Victoria Ave. and Pinnacle St. in Belleville, Canada, about 200 km
east of Toronto. His account has been banned because he violated the
Google Groups Terms Of Use. The troll uses many sockpuppet names
including: Brain-dead Republicunts, The Pretzel, Islam, Ramabriga,, Cosmic programmer,, LeBlanc, Islamaphobia, Yaako Warrior,,, Matt, Anti-Muslim
Bigots, V-for-Vendicar, fruitella, Zionism equal Racism, The Chemical
Oil Nazi, LORD RAMA RANTER, Muslim With Mission, Wayne, Ian Balchin,
Qahir Al-Ashrar, Venkataraman the Biiiig Hindu, Liu Yan, ISLAMOPHOBIA,
Möbius Pretzel, Buddy III, Mujahid, V i v a P a l e s t i n e!,
Burhan, Farid Ahmed, Kope, Death to Israel..Israel has no Right to
Exist, Franko Pizza, rick murphy, rich murphy, ISLAM - THE SOLUTION OF
MODERN PROBLEMS, Faris Jawad, Sabastawi, The Founding Church, Ilan
Ramon: Kike Lost in Space. Proudly serving Islam and al Quds, Katrina,
Ahura Mazda, TROLLS HUNTER, Kayid Al-Kuffar, Firnando, R Geovani,
Blondes Gaulloises, Zimbawi, Muslims Always Victorious, Islam Will
Replace Collapsing Amerikan Empire, Muslims Are Good Folks, Katucha,
katucha is the zionists worst nightmare, We are Muslims, and we are
extremely proud of it, Born To Serve Islam, All praise is due to Allah
Lord of the Worlds, the Owner of all of the creation, Ardalan
Keykavoussi, Tommy Davis, LORD RAMA. (The 19 terrorists who attacked
our nation on September 11, 2001 used a total of 364 aliases.)

Islam is a supremacist political ideology. The Arabs, especially the
Quraish tribe, are, according to Islam, the master race of the
universe. Other Muslims are their helpers, and the rest of us are
called kuffars. According to the sharia law, Arab women cannot marry
non-Arab men because Allah has chosen the Arabs above others. The word
kuffar is as pejorative as the word nigger; it means a non-Muslim
beast in a human form. Muslims who treat the kuffars as human beings
are apostates, so they must be killed, preferably by their own
families. (According to the hadith, a special reward in paradise is
reserved for the killers of apostates.) Muslims broke world records of
genocide (270 million victims), slavery, religiously sanctioned rape,
abuse of human rights, and prohibition of scientific inquiry. Two
years after Adolf Hitler became the Chancellor, the Haavara Agreement
permitted emigration of German Jews to Palestine. Haj Amin El-
Husseini, the mufti of Jerusalem, persuaded Adolf Eichmann and Adolf
Hitler that Jews should be killed before they flee Germany. Islam
forbids Muslim emigration to the lands of the infidels because a
Muslim minority cannot enslave the infidel majority. Despite this
prohibition Muslims emigrate to the West, not as migrants, but as
conquerors. They live in sharia mini-states and expand these mini-
states by terrorizing infidel neighbors and driving them out. Any
society not willing to subjugate itself to Islamic authority is,
according to Islam, in a state of war, or Dar al-Harb, with Islam.
Arabic proverb says "first comes Saturday, then Sunday." It means that
Arabs are going to exterminate Jews before they exterminate
Christians. It also means that Israel is the first line of defense
against Islam. Another Arabic proverb (al-fikr kuffar) says that the
very act of thinking (fikr) makes one an infidel (kuffar). Islam, like
cancer, has the sole purpose of making more of itself. It will kill
our civilization unless it is cut, poisoned, and radiated into

Brigitte Gabriel founded ACT, the most effective anti-Islamist
organization in the U.S.:

ACT also has international chapters:

“I have been made victorious with terror.” - Muhammad (according to
Bukhari: 4.52.220)

"Human blood is the life-line of Islam, violence its hallmark, and
hate its foundation. In the beginning, Islam lives on the blood of
infidels. When that is unavailable, or becomes difficult, Islam must
cannibalize itself." - Abul Kasem

In a poll taken for the Davos World Economic Forum, stunning numbers
of Europeans fear a "threat" from Muslims with whom they "interact":
79 percent of Danes, 67 percent of Italians, 68 percent of Spaniards,
65 percent of Swedes and 59 percent of Belgians. source:

Islam is already the fastest-growing religion in Europe. Driven by
immigration and high birthrates, the number of Muslims on the
continent has tripled in the last 30 years. Most demographers forecast
a similar or even higher rate of growth in the coming decades. source:

Europe’s Muslim population is set to increase from around 13% today to
between 22% and 37% of the population by 2025. source:

The average European couple now has fewer than 1.4 babies, compared to
3.6 babies born to the average Muslim immigrant couple in Europe.
Across Western Europe 16 to 20 percent of babies are being born into
Muslim families… By 2025, one-third of all European children will be
born to Muslims… In Italy, 95% of all rapists are Muslims. Eighty-five
percent of all murderers are Muslims… France will have a Muslim
majority in less than 25 years! Another telling statistic is that
although the Muslims are 12% of France's population, 70 percent of a
total of 60,775 prisoners in France are Muslims! All of France's urban
suburbs are being roamed by Muslim black African or Arabic gangs… A
very high proportion of French Muslims are in the underclass, that
segment of the population that relies not so much on education and
work as on welfare and predatory activities. In fact, over one
thousand Muslim neighborhoods are under monitoring throughout France.
Seven hundred of those Muslim neighborhoods are listed as "violent"
and nearly 400 hundred are listed as "very violent." Violence ranges
from rape (95% of rapists are Muslim), murder (85% of murderers are
Muslim), theft and looting of cars (58% committed by Muslims) and
street fighting to assault on teachers and civil servants… source:

Muslim per-capita arrest rate on terrorism-related charges in the
United States is 2.5 times higher than in Europe… If the United
States, despite the much better socio-economic standing of its
Muslims, suffers from 2.5 times more terrorism per capita than does
Europe, socio-economic improvements are unlikely to solve Europe's

"Like children playing with dynamite, Western intellectuals,
journalists, and diplomats fantasize that they are achieving results
in the Middle East with their words, promises, apologies, money, and
concessions. Yet how can such innocents cope… with polities and
societies whose basic ruling ethos is that of the serial killer?… Can
anyone really expect a stable society capable of progress in Pakistan
when a large majority of the population expresses admiration for Usama
bin Ladin? And what about the Saudi system where, as one local writer
put it, the big Usama put into practice what the little Usama learned
in a Saudi school?… The radical forces in the region are not expecting
to retain or gain power by negotiating, compromising, or being better
understood. They believe they are going to shoot their way into power
or, just as good, accept the surrender of those they have intimidated.
That is why so much of the Western analysis and strategies for dealing
with the region are a bad joke." - Barry Rubin, source:

"Europe is being targeted for deliberate colonization by Muslim
states, and with coordinated efforts aimed at our Islamization and the
elimination of our freedoms. We are being subject to a foreign
invasion, and aiding and abetting a foreign invasion in any way
constitutes treason. If non-Europeans have the right to resist
colonization and desire self-determination then Europeans have that
right, too. And we intend to exercise it." - "Fjordman" source:

It is Islamic violence which threatens Holland and all of Europe.
Exactly as in the 1930s, it is the weakness of European leaders which
allows the threat to grow. Just as the League of Nations refused to
stand up to fascism in pre-WW2 Europe, the United Nations grovels
before Islam today. source:

"There does not exist an identifiable body of Muslims, substantive in
number or an outright majority, who could be described as "moderate"
by their repudiation of Muslim extremists. Violence has been an
integral part of Muslim history, irrespective of whether it is
sanctioned by Islam, and Muslims who unhesitatingly use violence to
advance their political ambitions have created a climate within their
faith culture that any Muslim who questions such practice is then
deemed apostate and subject to harm. Consequently, what might pass for
"moderate" Muslims, the large number of Muslims unaccounted for as to
what they think, in practical terms constitute a forest within which
extremists are incubated, nurtured, given ideological and material
support, and to which they return for sanctuary." - Salim Mansur

"A Muslim apostate once suggested to me a litmus test for Westerners
who believe that Islam is a religion of peace and tolerance: try
making that point on a street corner in Ramallah, or Riyadh, or
Islamabad, or anywhere in the Muslim world. He assured me you wouldn't
live five minutes." source:

“Muslims who share the same goals as Osama bin Laden but are pursuing
them through non-violent means are celebrated by gullible Westerners
as moderates.” - Robert Spencer

65% Muslims favor Caliphate, 71% Muslims favor “strict application of
Shari’a law in every Islamic country.” source:
(Only the Caliph can wage offensive jihad and offensive jihad is his
main duty.)

Muslims support terrorism:

"To say that moderate Islam is the solution to radical Islam implies
several things: that moderate Islam exists; that it represents the
true (though perhaps currently disregarded) norm of Islam; and that
radical Islam is a departure from that norm." - Lawrence Auster

At what point is it okay to fight dictators like Saddam or the al
Qaeda terrorists who want to take his place? It turns out that the
answer, according to Gandhi, is NEVER. During World War II, Gandhi
penned an open letter to the British people, urging them to surrender
to the Nazis. Later, when the extent of the holocaust was known, he
criticized Jews who had tried to escape or fight for their lives as
they did in Warsaw and Treblinka. “The Jews should have offered
themselves to the butcher’s knife,” he said. “They should have thrown
themselves into the sea from cliffs.” “Collective suicide,” he told
his biographer, “would have been heroism.” source:

What Islam is not:

Tears of Jihad:

Muslim persecution of Christians:

American Muslim leader Khalid Abdul Muhammad speaks about whites (2

Muslims in America:

Islam's war on freedom:

Islam is conquering England:

Young Talib beheads Ghulam Nabi:

The Third Jihad (32 min. video):

History of Jihad:

Islam = illiteracy, poverty and backwardness:

Obsession - Radical Islam's War Against the West:

Brigitte Gabriel explains Islamic terror (40 min. video):

Latest offerings from the religion of peace:

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