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Algebra/Geometry Education Investment Opportunity

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Mark L. Emerson

Apr 29, 2000, 3:00:00 AM4/29/00

You are invited to participate in an unprecedented
e-education investment opportunity.

A crisis has existed in algebra and geometry education
for more than half a century. Public awareness of this
crisis is on the rise because of recent publicity,
including front page coverage in the Los Angeles
Times. The crisis has triggered accusations of ethnic
and social injustice. The L.A. Unified School Board is
presently engaged in a heated debate on the
algebra/geometry issue.

The problem is that despite the best efforts of math
educators, most students emerge from algebra and
geometry courses without solid logical and abstract
reasoning skills, AND without seeing the relevance of
the material to their lives. Instead, most students
develop math fear and math hatred. This deficiency
profoundly affects citizenry and the work force,

We have a solution that will train and empower algebra
and geometry teachers to achieve consistent,
outstanding results. By experiencing a combination of
superior human teaching in the classroom and powerful
online instruction, students of all ability levels and
ethnicities will truly learn algebra and geometry.

We expect to dominate the emerging math e-education
market through:

1) superior, proven, patented teaching technologies,
2) online training and empowerment of math teachers,
3) accredited online courses for non-classroom students,
4) early Web entry, and
5) aggressive, educational-results-oriented marketing.

Interested? Check us out at:

Kind Regards,

Mark Laurence Donald Emerson
Chief Executive Officer
Teacher Empowerment Corporation

P.S. If you like our web site, please your your

This is neither an offer to sell nor a solicitation of
offers to purchase securities. Offer is made only via
the web site at, in
compliance with securities laws.

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