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Aug 6, 2013, 3:29:25 PM8/6/13
Sábado, 03 de Agosto, año 2013 de Nuestro Salvador Jesucristo, Guayaquil, Ecuador -Iberoamérica

(Cartas del cielo son escritas por Iván Valarezo)

JESUCRISTO SALVÓ A CHUCHO BENÍTEZ PARA LA ETERNIDAD: Nuestro más expresivo amor, oraciones y condolencias son para la familia y amistades de nuestro héroe inolvidable del futbol ecuatoriano: Christian Chucho Benítez.
Su partida nos tomo a todos por sorpresa; nadie esperaba verlo partir, de una manera tan inesperada, por el cual esperábamos que fuese tan sólo un error; y que lo que se decía de él, no podía ser tan cierto, ya que su vida futbolística parecía recién empezar, y que su nueva vida encontrada tenia un largo camino por recorrer aún.
Pero lo que parecía ser tan incierto, y hasta absurdo, para el entender de nuestro razonamiento humano y de amigo, por ende resulto ser verdad.
Lleno de amor, misericordia y gracia infinita nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo lo levantó hacia la gloria imperecedera del paraíso, en el momento de su partida hacia la eternidad, porque nuestro Gran Rey y salvador Jesucristo vino al mundo para salvar su alma eterna del mal eterno, en días como en los que vivimos en el mundo.
Además, era necesario que nuestro Señor Jesucristo naciese por Chucho Benítez del vientre virgen de la hija de David, para no solamente darle vida eterna con la carne santa, huesos inquebrantables y sangre purísima para que viva perpetuamente, sino que también vivió el Espíritu Santo de los Diez Mandamientos (por él), para que su alma entre al cielo redimido y sin pecado.
Nuestro Señor Jesucristo es el camino, la verdad y la vida; nadie jamás puede escapar de este mundo, en donde el infierno existe en su corazón, si no es tan sólo creyendo en el corazón para justicia, y confesando con nuestros labios para salvación, que sólo nuestro Señor Jesucristo es Rey y salvador de nuestras vidas, para toda la eternidad venidera.
Por deducción, siempre es bueno tener a nuestro Señor y salvador Jesucristo viviendo en nuestros corazones diariamente, porque no solamente sólo él es nuestro sumo sacerdote y Cordero santísimo con la sangre bendita y salvadora de nuestros almas, vidas, cuerpos y espíritu humano, sino que también: únicamente él es nuestra verdad y justicia aceptable delante de nuestro Padre celestial para siempre.
Nosotros seguiremos orando diariamente a nuestro Padre celestial, en el nombre santísimo de su Hijo Jesucristo, para que siga bendiciendo grandemente la vida de su familia y la de sus amistades que están por todo nuestro Ecuador y por las naciones también, y así todos vuelvan a renacer del Espíritu Santo para siempre, en un momento de fe y de oración. ¡Amén!


Jacob started to Paddan-aram to take a wife from one of his uncle Laban’s daughters by his father Isaac’s rule, so our heavenly Father’s promises may pass on to him and his descendants (for the land where he lives was given to Abraham his grandfather initially), then he became tired and took a stone to rest over it for the night. As Jacob felt to sleep over the rock then he saw a succession of steps that were leading towards the gate of heaven—he could see angels walking just about in any direction, and some of them were coming down from heaven to where he was—this was something that he had never seen before on earth until that particular moment.

This succession of steps that Jacob was looking at over the injured-rock where he was resting his head to rest for the night, it was the line of the three crosses that will receive with nails our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach (Jesus Christ), and his two Hebrews brothers as eyewitnesses for the events to take place over it to conquer salvation forever. From the top of the crosses, our Lord Jesus Christ looked down to Jacob and said: This land where you are resting belongs to you, I have given it to your descendants to fill the earth from the North to the South and from the West to the East, because your children will be numberless as the dust of the earth.

At this sight, Jacob was surprised to see angels coming down from the steps of the crosses and going up from it, moreover our Lord Jesus Christ allowed the angels to go up and down from the steps to manifest to Jacob (and the nations) that this is the only way back to heaven, thus welcoming everyone to come up immediately. For angels never needed the steps of the crosses line-up over the mountaintop to ascend to heaven or descend to earth, but, our Lord Jesus Christ allowed Jacob to see the angels going up and down from the three crosses line-up as steps over Jerusalem’s holy hill, because he needed Israel to understand forever that he alone is the gate to heaven.

(For this is the reason that our heavenly Father had commissioned our Lord Jesus Christ to become not just the Holy One of heaven for the angels but also for every man, woman and child on earth, beginning with Israel, because the promise of salvation belongs to them, so he may be accepted as God’s Son, high priest and Chosen Lamb forever.) This was a vision-prophesy, nevertheless, that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to Jacob, so his children will understand how one of their brothers will be born from Abraham’s Covenant of Life by the Holy Spirit just as Isaac did initially, but this time Israel’s Holy One would be born from David’s virgin daughter thus to fulfill the Ten Commandments soundly perpetually.

For these commandments that Moses received from his hands were his holy life written in heaven and on earth, for in heaven he had fulfilled it to the full for our heavenly Father’s holy name, however, now he needed it to fulfill it for our heavenly Father’s holy name new glories within the hearts of every man, woman and child in Israel. And this was something that had never been done on earth, however, in heaven these things were done within the hearts and celestial-spirits of the angels that caused one-third of them to rebel with Lucifer against God, so Jesus Christ needed to be born from the virgin daughter of Zion to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments to save humankind.

Certainly, these were commandments that were too holy, and they still are, for any man to fulfill them, because they are the written life of our Lord Jesus Christ in heaven and on earth, so only he may fulfill the Holy Spirit of the letter of the Law to the last tilde thus to destroy sin and conquer earth for humankind forever. However, even though Jacob and his people had not received the commandments yet from Mount Sinai’s summit by the hands of our Rebbe Yeshua HaMoshiach, nevertheless our heavenly Father was preparing everything with Jacob and his descendants yet to be born on earth so, in due time, they will receive it, and so Jacob anointed with oil, love, and prayers the injured-rock.

Moreover, as Jacob anointed with oil, love, and prayers the injured-rock by bowing that if our Lord Jesus Christ that is the God of his fathers protects him with food and clothing until he arrives safe to his father’s home, then he will receive him as his personal Lord and savior just as their fathers had done it in early days. Definitely, Jacob was astonished that our heavenly Father spoke to him through His blessed Son Jesus Christ over the injured-rock that he had chosen at random at Luz to rest his head over it for the night, because this is the place of perfect holiness where our Lord Jesus Christ was immolated initially in heaven for the creation of the world.

That is to say, that this is the place where our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven and over the injured-rock for the creation of all things, including every man, woman and child, so this is the place of great holiness that needed to be manifested eventually within Israel for the salvation of the nations. Meaning also, that our heavenly Father needed every one within Israel, beginning with Jacob and the nations, as well, to come to know the wonderful sacrificed-life of His blessed Son Jesus Christ as he personally shed his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, and over Jerusalem’s holy hill with its three crosses line-up as steps to ascend into heaven.

Surely, this place of perfect holiness is so breathtaking that as Jacob realized what it was, as he rested his head over it to sleep, then he began to see the heaven opening above the three crosses that line-up as steps towards it that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested himself to him by saying: I am the God of your fathers. And since the day that Jacob left Luz to continue his way to Paddan-aram to meet his wife Rebecca for the first time, then our heavenly Father never abandoned him, since our Lord Jesus Christ became his high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood always ready to pray, intercede, advocate, and implore for his daily needs before Him in heaven.

For Jacob needed to meet our Lord Jesus Christ as his personal high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood over the injured-rock with the three crosses line-up in succession as steps into heaven’s glory, because, this is the holiest place of our Lord Jesus Christ to create all things, moreover to save the living-souls of every man, woman and child. That is to say, also that the injured-rock that he had found at random at Luz became his official altar, and (the altar) of his descendants forever, so they will always have a high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood ready to cover sin, for our heavenly Father to bless their lives with the amazing power of the Holy Spirit’s gifts.

For this is the only way that our heavenly Father is going to bless every one within Israel and the nations, given that this is the place of holy power to create all things, including the salvation of the living-souls of humankind, so they may all become born again by the power of the Holy Spirit to become God’s legitimate children forever. Lawfully, this injured-rock with the three crosses that would later receive not only our Lord Jesus Christ as our high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood spilling over Jerusalem’s holy hill to defeat sin, Satan, and death in the lake of fire, but also his two eyewitnesses died with him to descend to hell, and shortly ascend with him to life.

Inasmuch as, it is written in the Hebrew’s Law that by the testimony of one person no one can establish his evidence to be true as to what he has heard, saw or understood, however, with the testimony of two or three every statement will be accepted as true, lawful, and reliable on any court on earth and in heaven, as well. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest in heaven to created the world (and all things), moreover over Jerusalem’s holy hill with the three crosses nailed to one of them, and the others to two of his personal witnesses, so his personal salvation testimony could be established as true, genuine, and reliable forever.

In heaven, our Lord Jesus Christ shed his atoning-blood within the Holy of Holiest’s altar before our Father and the Holy Spirit as perfect witnesses of his love for the creation of the world (and all things), especially the Holy Spirit’s birth of every man, woman and child, then on earth he had to do the same with two of his Hebrew-brothers. That is why also that everyone within Israel, as Jacob did in his days, and the families of the nations of the world, will have to accept our heavenly Father’s injured-rock where our Lord Jesus Christ stands in perfect holiness with his two eyewitness nailed to the three crosses line-up to ascend to heaven, and to descend to earth always without sin.

This is the reason that our Lord Jesus Christ manifested to his apostles that he alone is the way, truth, and life back heaven thus to enter into our heavenly Father’s holy presence never to depart from Him again as Adam and Eve did in paradise, for example; however, we will surely live forever blessed in His presence into all eternity. Unquestionably, our heavenly Father needed sinful-men to accuse His Son Jesus Christ of wrong doing (or sin) to be judged until they may find him guilty in their faulty worldly-law, even though he never knew sin, since he was born sinless according to the Covenant of Life that started with Abraham, so he may be nailed to the cross guiltless for everyone’s salvation.

Inasmuch as, it was impossible for any one to die, and with his death destroy sin, but only our Lord Jesus Christ could die blameless in our place at the cross: to pay in full for the judgment for our sins forever, so with his death then destroy sin on earth, in hell, and ultimate in paradise for Adam and Eve’s children rescue. Certainly, our Lord Jesus Christ descended from paradise to live the perfect holiness of the Holy Spirit of the commandments finally to die for our transgression against it nailed to the cross, so, with his holy death destroy sin, Satan, death and hell forever into all eternity, so we may no longer have to deal with wickedness anymore in eternal life.

This means that as we accept our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts as our personal Lord and savior, then we are fulfilling all truth, law, and justice in heaven to confess with our lips for salvation on earth before our heavenly Father his holy name thus to leave behind our sinful-bodies buried underground with all the sins, curses, and death forever. For our heavenly Father sent His Son Jesus Christ to be born from one of Zion’s daughters in good time, so he may introduce into the world eternal life dressed with the divine-body for all of us to live it perpetually, and this divine-body is constituted of the sacred-flesh, unbroken-bones, and the atoning-blood to enter into heaven’s glories forever saved right now.

Therefore, each one of us has a divine-body from our Lord Jesus Christ’s sacred-body that was born liberated from sin by the power of the Holy Spirit’s seed (that is our Heavenly Father’s seed), thus to establish a new bloodline on earth that will never know sin, much less succumb to the powers of hell, and the lake of fire. Moreover, for each one of us to receive this glorious eternal life and divine-body to live it forever, starting on earth to ascend into heaven immediately forever saved, then we have to take the injured-rock, just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did it in their days to rest our heads until we sink into a deep sleep with our living-Savior.

That is, sleep soundly until you will hear from our Lord Jesus Christ speaking from over the top of the three trees line-up in succession as steps ready to welcome you into heaven’s glory forever, so he may declare to you how much he loves you, and all the things that he would love to do with your life these days. Make no mistake about it, this is the place of perfect holiness and of eternal powers to speak to you just as he spoke to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and millions of men, women, and children from all the nations, because it is here from where he will present you before our heavenly Father as His legitimate child to enter heaven holy-and-perfect forever.

Therefore, as our Lord Jesus Christ was nailed to the cross along with his two witnesses then he was being nailed unjustly, because he has never done evil to anyone much less caused to suffer the terrible pains of sin, nonetheless, he put down his life on the cross to die for our sins, so we will never suffer hell’s torment. Crucified, our Lord Jesus Christ took on our sins and the punishments that we deserved justly for having been born into the world with the spirit of error, and for having committed so many sins through our entire lives, and because he took our death then he also descended to hell’s torment to rise to eternal life on the third day.

On the third day, our Lord Jesus Christ ascended directly from hell’s torment, after preaching the gospel that he had initially preached in Israel, so they may know that our heavenly Father was faithful to His word to Abraham and his children, and since hell failed to retain him then he ascended back to earth, and finally to heaven forever glorified. Furthermore, because our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead of hell’s torment on the third day, then hell and sin have no longer power to hold us back in its terrible eternal suffering much less death has any power over us, because our Lord Jesus Christ has defeated Satan, and the angel death for everyone on earth for all eternity.

On the third day, our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected from the dead and hell’s torment because he was sinless, the false charge against him could not hold him back in hell forever condemned but, instead, hell had to release him to resurrect in our place back to life on earth, and to eternal life in heaven’s glory forever blessed into eternity. On the third day, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to resurrect for every one within Israel, and the nations, too, because the Covenant of Life that our heavenly Father started with Abraham and his allies then it needed to be honored to the full by him and his atoning-blood as our high priest and Chosen Eternal Lamb from above in heaven’s glory.

On the third day, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to resurrect to life on earth, because he had to return to his glorious place of perfect holiness above the injured-rock where the three trees line-up as the steps to heaven thus faithful to receive every man, woman and child to meet salvation in person finally to enter eternal life forever saved. To this day, our Lord Jesus Christ still is at the mountaintop where the three trees line-up as steps to ascend into heaven’s glory, in a moment of prayer and faith, in the power of his breathtaking name, so every one that wants to enter heaven then he must pass through the door that opens into our heavenly Father’s holy presence forever.

In the line of the three trees, our Lord Jesus Christ is in the middle of his two Hebrew eyewitnesses to his finish work, because the first tree is to receive anyone ascending, and the second tree is him (Jesus Christ) where you may pass through his holiness to become saved, and the third tree is you that made it finally into heaven’s glory. The first tree it is you saying to our Lord Jesus Christ: Lord, remember me today in your perfect kingdom of eternal righteousness and love. And our Lord Jesus Christ says to you: Today you will be with me in paradise to enjoy the glorious presence of our heavenly Father that is your Father and my Father, and my God that is your God from now on into perpetuity, so you will never have to suffer the pain to live in the spirit of error again.

And the third tree, after you have listened to our Lord Jesus Christ replied to your request to remember you in his kingdom, then you are entering into our heavenly Father’s glory thus to enjoy His presence as you have never enjoyed it before, because He loves you more than the heavenly glories, and He needs you immediately next to Him today. That is all you have to say before our Lord Jesus Christ that is the tree in the middle of the other two ascending into heaven: Lord Jesus Christ, please remember me in your Kingdom—and he will embrace you with the Holy Spirit, so you may finally step up to the final step to make it into heaven’s glory forever.

Initially, the first tree is Adam descending on earth with Satan’s lies embedded in his heart, our Lord Jesus Christ is in the middle cleaning you from these terrible lies with his truth, and the third tree is you on earth born from Adam, but, miraculously ready for heaven forever saved by the power of the atoning-blood and the Holy Spirit. Our Lord Jesus Christ will certainly say to you: I verily, verily tell you the truth, today you will be with me and my Father’s holy angels in heaven thus for you to enter into His holy presence from where you were born the day you became a living human being in His image to live according to His likeness into everlasting.

Indisputably, this is the perfect holiness above the injured-rock where Jacob met our Lord Jesus Christ as he manifested himself as the God of Abraham and the God of his father Isaac, so he may become on this particular day his God and of his children—children soon to become Gods and priest born by the Holy Spirit to serve Him everlastingly. And it is here where our Lord Jesus Christ waits patiently for you just as he waited for Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in their days, so they may listen to allow him to become their God and savior, so by the power of his atoning-blood you may become clean from sin today before our heavenly Father, and his angels in heaven.

Our Lord Jesus Christ is no longer nailed to the cross with his two Hebrew eyewitnesses of his finish salvation-work, he descended from it because men brought him down to bury him on a rock carved by the rich to be bury there, however, he will meet you at the mountaintop these days because this is where you need to meet him. Today, each time you see a Hebrew grave wherever you may go on earth, then you will see a rock as the stone with the name of the person bury there, well this stone is where our Lord Jesus Christ was bury, too, and resurrected from it on the third day to burst into living-water for everyone that invokes his anointed name.

In other words, the stone at the Hebrew grave is our Lord Jesus Christ on top of it ready to burst out with living-water to everyone that has ceased to live in this life, so they may all ascend in due time into heaven’s glory after drinking from the living-water that is our Lord Jesus Christ forever into eternity. In a gentile grave, you will see the cross, well this is our Lord Jesus Christ there as well, but he has resurrected already victorious over sin, Satan’s hidden-deceptions, curses, death, and hell’s torment on the third day, nonetheless he stands there firm in perfect Righteousness waiting for resurrection day to gather his beloved ones into eternal life in heaven forever.

Truly, our Lord Jesus Christ is granting you the same call that he gladly made to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob at the mountaintop with the three trees line-up as steps into heaven’s glory by just believing within your heart for justice to confess with your lips for salvation that he alone is your high priest and Chosen Lamb’s atoning-blood for salvation. He is the companion that you will ever need on earth and in heaven, because he is our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial sacrifice of the atoning-blood for the creation of the world (with all things), including you, and he continues to be His supreme celestial-sacrifice to create new things that you must receive within your heart to enter heaven’s glory forever blessed.

Definitely, there is no one greater than Jesus Christ in heaven much less on earth that has not only created you in our Father’s image to live according to His likeness into infinity, but also he is your thrust-worthy high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood to erase sin, moreover grant you the divine-body to live eternal life in heaven. Currently, our Lord Jesus Christ is closer to you than ever because he was not born in vain by the Holy Spirit from David’s virgin daughter to grant you eternal life much less lived a sacred life within Israel lastly to die crucified over the three trees that Jacob saw over the injured-rock that he elected to bring life into you today.

Our savior allowed wicked-men to crucified him over the crosses line-up as stairways to heaven over the injured-rock where Jacob slept, because someone like him (sinless, perfect, all-powerful) needed to die in your place on the cross, so he may have the holy power to descend to hell with you but also resurrect with you on the third day to life. This was something very difficult as to fulfill the Holy Spirit of the commandments without ever breaking them before our heavenly Father in heaven, however only someone very holy had to be born by the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter that with his divine-body then live the commandments finally to die crucified to defeat sin, Satan’s hidden-deceptions, hell, and death forever.

Furthermore, because our Lord Jesus Christ resurrected on the third day, it was because he is the Holy One in heaven and on earth that fulfills the Holy Spirit of the commandments before our heavenly Father thus to glorify it perpetually that hell’s torment with its terrible devils and demonic-forces failed to hold him, so you may rise to life today. Surely, it was because of the Holy Spirit of the commandments fulfillment that Jesus Christ had power to nail his divine-life for you on the cross at Jerusalem’s holy hill where Jacob rested to speak to him momentarily, but also he had power already to enter hell’s torment to resurrect on the third day, so you may live Holy Spirit born today.

Meaning also, that if our Lord Jesus Christ had not fulfilled to the full the Holy Spirit of the commandments during his lifetime within Israel, before our heavenly Father’s demanding holy-heart, then it would have been impossible for him to be nailed to the cross with your sins to die then dive into hell’s torment, and finally resurrect on the third day. Therefore, our Lord Jesus Christ needed to be born from the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter to live your sacred-life within Israel, die for your sins on the cross crucified, and finally resurrect on the third day, so you may ascend into heaven by walking up-and-down as the angels do the three trees line-up to enter heaven’s glory forever saved.

This is no more than the house of our heavenly Father in this place, Jacob said, this is heaven’s gate, and I failed to know about it—for no one ever told me this; I can see angels going up to heaven and coming down to earth to do our Father’s will around he clock by using the ladder over the rock. Here, Jacob prayed over the injured-rock thus to worship our Lord Jesus Christ, because he felt by the Holy Spirit that he needed to anoint it with olive oil, so he may return to pray over it with his children as they will execute our heavenly Father’s perfect will within their daily lives thus to enter eternal life eventually through this old-ladder.

This rugged-ladder over the injured-rock is anointed with olive oil by Jacob furthermore is anointed with the atoning-blood of our heavenly Father’s supreme celestial sacrifice of His blessed Son Jesus Christ that He personally conducted with the angels within the Holy of Holiest in heaven, over Mount Sinai, and lastly over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may anoint it with tears today. And as you anoint this injured-rock with your tears, and that of your loved ones as well, then our Lord Jesus Christ will wipe your tears from your eyes thus to bless you richly with the powers of the Holy Spirit’s gifts that our heavenly Father has commissioned to enrich you beyond measure on earth these days and in heaven forever.

There are great blessings waiting for you to begin to take place within your life, and that of your loved ones, including your friends from everywhere, that you will never be the same suffering person on earth because miracle after miracle will develop within your life that you will fail to count them because they are nonstop descending from heaven above. Entirely, this is a wonderful life to live by the line-up crosses at the mountaintop that are always open for you to ascend into heaven’s glory of the Holy of Holiest to speak to our heavenly Father through the glorious sacrificed-life of our Lord Jesus Christ, so He may wipe your tears moreover grant you all the desires of your heart.

Since problems, difficulties, infirmities, diseases, and even death brings tears into your life, and they come from Satan’s lies and terrible transgressions against you, your loved ones, and even your friends, too, that our heavenly Father will love to wipe them out from you to put His lovely smile within your heart thus to fill your face with incredible divine-happiness forever. (One thing I can tell you for sure these days, that there is no telling what our Father will do with your life, and that of your loved ones, including your friends, as you anoint with tears of repentance from sin His ancient injured-rock that stands true to life forever in heaven to this day waiting for you to pray over it.)

Our heavenly Father needs you to pray over His ancient injured-rock just as Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and so many millions have done it through the years, so you may anoint it with your tears that are welcome into heaven always as they ascend by the succession of the three trees that are line-up as steps to enter into His holy presence. Our heavenly Father’s holy angels will carry each one of your tears into His glorious presence, as they ascend into heaven by the ancient ladder of the three trees that are faithfully always line-up as steps into heaven’s glory, so you may have the assurance these days that your prayers and tears will remain in heaven until they are answered properly.

In heaven, our heavenly Father’s holy angels record within books every prayer, tear, worship, and act of love that are made continuously by the hearts of those men, women, and children from all the nations that love our heavenly Father through the glorious sacrificed-life of His blessed Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, so our Father may read and answer them timely. Today, if you approach our heavenly Father through the way, truth, and life that He has personally set for you to enter, so you may reason with Him about your problems, difficulties, infirmities, and needs that you may have, and that of your loved ones, including those of your friends from everywhere, too, then He will humble Himself to do great things.

Our heavenly Father will do great things for you these days, because that is His divine-nature: He loves to bless what He loves dearly within His holy heart, so you may live filled with miracles and great wonders around you, for your loved ones, and friends thus always to know that you love, serve, and glorify perpetually a great God in heaven. Today, if you would have momentarily Abraham, Isaac or Jacob just to mention few from the millions that are living in heaven, then they will certainly tell you that you have to rest (offload your burden) over the injured-rock that has been anointed with oil by Jacob, and with divine-tears and the atoning-blood that saves you from sin to be liberated forever.

You will meet your personal salvation in person at the mountaintop just as Abraham, Isaac and Jacob did in their days besides the millions of men, women and children throughout history after them, that they have gone up and down at will from the long-standing ladder thus to enter the Holy of Holiest to converse with our Father for blessing to turn up immediately. Presently, our Lord Jesus Christ is next to you, because he waited for you to meet him in person, just as others have done since he was born in Israel by the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter, so he may fulfill truth, law, and justice with you by granting eternal life, and the divine-body that you need to live it eternally.

Besides, if you allow our Lord Jesus Christ to enter into your life now, then he will be your high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood heavenly bound immediately, and this is to return to your “home-sweet-home” in paradise, where you belong to live the sinless life that you will never know unless you accept his eternal salvation right away. These days, our Lord Jesus Christ continues to feel that paternal love that he feels for every one within Israel and the nations that he manifested through his messianic life within Israel, and as he was nailed to Jacob’s cross with his two Hebrew eyewitnesses to his sides where he suffered crying abundantly for your salvation to our heavenly Father in heaven.

The injured-rock with the three crosses line-up in succession as a ladder to ascend into heaven is still there in the same place as usual, where Jacob found (and left) it with our Lord Jesus Christ over the summit to speak to you and to everyone willing to approach him, so he may tell them how much he loves them into eternity. Surely, our Lord Jesus Christ has not changed at all, because he still remains as perfect and holy as ever, so he may impart his perfect salvation into your heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit thus to transform you from the sinful-life of the spirit of error, into the glorious life of the Holy Spirit to enter heaven forever blessed instantly.

Today, more than ever, our Lord Jesus Christ wants you to know that he was born in Israel, by the power of the Holy Spirit through David’s virgin daughter, so he may live your unique perfect life by fulfilling the Holy Spirit of the commandments, and then die for your sins crucified over Jerusalem’s holy hill, so you may live every day blessed. That is why that our Lord Jesus Christ declared openly to Israel by assuring that he alone is the door to heaven that whoever passes through him into our heavenly Father’s Kingdom in heaven, then he can go in and out through him to become forever liberated thus to do whatever his heart may please to conquer new glories into everlasting.

Now, in case our Lord Jesus Christ becomes your God and savior as he became God and savior of Abraham, God and savior of Isaac, and God and savior of Jacob, then the injured-rock with the three trees line-up in succession over it as steps into heaven’s glory for you and your loved ones will become part of your entire life forever. Our Lord Jesus Christ’s injured-rock with its three crosses line-up as the stairway to heaven has been waiting for you through the years until this day, so you may rest your troubled-head over it just as the ancients did as Jacob, for example, to receive that wonderful manifestation of the Holy Spirit into your life that will never end into eternity.

This is Jacob’s ladder where the angels go up and down endlessly because they are very busy as never before these days to do our heavenly Father’s perfect work within the heart, soul, mind, body and human spirit of every man, woman and child, so sin may be forgiven for a new life of the Holy Spirit to start within them immediately. Jacob’s ladder is the cross that our heavenly Father needs you to meet His high priest and Chosen Lamb with the atoning-blood for heaven and earth, so you may see the cross where His Son took your place to erase your sins by the power of his atoning-blood as he shed it over the injured-rock, so you may enjoy salvation today.

Jacob’s ladder is the cross where Jesus Christ became Israel’s high priest and savior, and it will never cease to manifest the greatest love that has ever touched this world just to forgive you right now thus to fill you with richness, prosperity, blessings, and eternal salvation saturated with happiness that you will never know unless you finally have Jesus Christ. And when you have our Lord Jesus Christ over the three trees that run in succession as a stairway into heaven’s glory over the injured-rock, then you are the most happy person on earth that you will want to tell others about this great love, and salvation work that has been attained for you to enjoy on earth and in heaven forever. Amen!

Culture and peace for every one today and always!

Cordially yours,

The Bible says there EXIST only one way to heaven!

JESUS said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life, no man comes unto the heavenly
Father, but by me" John, 14:6

Nobody else can save you. Trust JESUS today!

That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the L-rd Yeshua, and shalt believe
within your heart that GOD hath raised him from the dead, then thou shalt be saved."
Romans 10: 9

You must do the Following:

Put your faith to work and pray right now in your heart and soul.
Admit you are a sinner. See Romans 3:10

Be willing to turn from sin (repent) See Acts 17:30

Believe that JESUS died for you, was buried and rose from the dead. See Romans
10-: 9-10

Through prayer, invite JESUS into your life to become your personal Savior. See
Romans 10:13

What to pray? Or what to say to the HEAVENLY FATHER in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST in Prayer...?


That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

For it is with your heart that you believe and are justified, and it is with your mouth that you confess and are saved. As the Scripture says, "Anyone who trusts in him will never be put to shame." For there is no difference between Jew and Gentile, rich or poor, small or great, wise or not-- just the same, the Lord is Lord of all and richly blesses them who call on him, for, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved." Romans 10:9-13

Dear GOD, I am a sinner and in need of forgiveness. I believe that the L-rd JESUS
shed His PRECIOUS BLOOD and died for my sin. I am willing to turn from sin. I
now invite JESUS to come into my heart and life as my personal Savior.

If you said the above PRAYER, then YOU ACCEPTED Jesus Christ as your ONLY WAY

Did you receive Jesus Christ as your LORD and Savior TODAY?

YES _____? or, NO ______?

Date____/____/___ YES ______? or, NO ______?

If you trusted JESUS as your Savior, you have just begun a wonderful new life with Him. Now:

Read your Bible every day to get to know JESUS CHRIST better. Talk to GOD in prayer in the NAME of JESUS CHRIST everyday. Be baptized in water submersion and in the power of the Holy Spirit of God, worship, fellowship, and serve with other Messianic Jews and gentile believers as well in a Temple where JESUS is preached and the Bible is the final authority.

Tell others about JESUS.

Now, a reminder, do not forget to pray for me; please include me in your prayers for me and my loved ones, for your prayers are very important in heaven. You do not have any idea how important your prayers are in Heaven; Jesus suffered, anguished, prayed, cried, shed His Precious Blood and Died on the Cross of Golgotha for your prayers to be heard in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest. That is CORRECT. The Holy Father, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit, and all the Holy Angels hear your prayers in Heaven in the Holy of Holiest too. I most add that THERE is a GREAT FESTIVITY with GOD and all the HOLY ANGELS in HEAVEN when you do the SINNERS PRAYER and SPEAK to GOD in the NAME of HIS WONDERFUL King Messiah and HOLY SON, JESUS CHRIST. Thank you.

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