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Vitex success stories (PG Ment?)

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Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
My good friend has been on vitex for a month, and her FSH level dropped she's pretty hopeful...

I'm asking on behalf of her, about the success stories, I know there are a
few. She's taking it at my suggestion because of the successes I've read
about here, I just can't remember WHO they were? Can those of you who got
pregnant while taking Vitex please respond? (header already adjusted just
in case).
Trisha93, ttc 6+ yrs
IUIs,IVFs,FETs, 3m/c


Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
Trisha, I would love to know more about Vitex. I too have a high FSH level.
Thanks for any info.
2nd failed IVF on the 21st.(sad)

Susan & Mark

Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
I don't have a success story yet but took Vitex and wild yam
in October and I did have a normal length cycle (we took
Nov. off.) I have also been drinking the heck out of
raspberry leaf tea. I have no idea if it's worth it but you
never know.
Question: Do you take the Vitex all month?

Susan & Mark

Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99


Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99

Well, I don't think Vitex is the miracle cure all for high FSH. I have
been taking it for a few months, and I even thought my cycles seemed
"younger"....more CM...ovulating a day or so did
absolutely nothing for my FSH levels!! In fact it was higher this
month than the month before.

On Tue, 23 Nov 1999 01:13:27 GMT, (Trisha93)


Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
Sorry to post again, but what is Vitex? I looked in my drug guide and it was
not in there. Is it a vitamin or med and do I need an r.x. for it.

Thanks Trish


Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
In article <>,
(Bunts) wrote: is a website for Vitex Agnus Castus
> Dopt=b
is a webaddress for Vitex and hyperprolactinaemia

Hope these links work..I haven't really investigated this, just mentioned
it to my friend with high FSH levels,and she's got me looking for success

Kate Woodman-Strait

Nov 23, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/23/99
Trisha, I have a buddy on an email list who was on her last legs at the RE's
clinic...he said he wasn't going to let her try again using her own eggs
unless she could have low FSH twice in a row (once before going on BCPs, the
second time just before starting stims on a microdose flare protocol). She
took FSH, and had the requisite *two* months in a row of low FSH--the lowest
she's ever seen, in fact. She's just starting her cycle, so I have no
official success story to tell you, though, hopefully, in about 4 weeks, I



Nov 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/24/99
<<My good friend has been on vitex for a month, and her FSH level dropped she's pretty hopeful...>>

To respond to several posts in this thread...

Vitex agnus-castus (botanical name) is a mediterranean shrub, otherwise known
as chasteberry or chastetree berry.

Its use and effectiveness is to support LUTEAL phase and to minimize PMS. It
does this by elevating LH, therefore promoting/elevating progesterone

One of Vitex's other characteristics is that it lowers FSH. HOWEVER,
artificially lowering one's FSH won't make you more fertile. High FSH is a
*symptom* of poor egg quality, it's not a *cause*.

If your FSH is low one month or for two months in a row, that likely indicates
that the upcoming batch of eggs is of better quality, and are more sensitive to
the effects of FSH. (therefore, the pituitary tells your brain to make less).

High FSH means that your ovaries need a lot of it, to stimulate them.

Taking Vitex to intentionally lower FSH doesn't make sense. (analogy: is like
taking estradiol to make more eggs...doesn't make sense, cuz high E2 is an
*effect* of ovarian stimulation, not a *cause*).

I would be highly suspect of anyone who attributes their ability to
conceive/ovulate, to vitex. Luteal support is another story.


Nov 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/24/99
I wrote:
<< High FSH is a *symptom* of poor egg quality, it's not a *cause*...>>

I should also mention that elevated FSH can be due to (or indicate) immune
problems, rather than poor/low egg quality/reserve. Still, in such a case, I
don't think that artificially lowering FSH will help...I think the answer would
be to correct the immune issues, instead. Fix the cause, not the symptom. -K


Nov 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/24/99
Kay your posts were very imformative, but I do have to disagree with
just one point. There is no proof that higher fsh means poor egg
quality...only lower ovarian reserve....though there is the obvious
correaltion between getting older and the quality of our eggs starting
to dimish.
high fsh (14-16)
old (42)
5 pg's and 5 losses (1 ectopic)
1 tube


Nov 24, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/24/99
<<There is no proof that higher fsh means poor egg quality...only lower ovarian

I think it depends on which sources of info you read. I agree, high FSH
typically means low reserve, but lots of sites indicate that it reflects
"quality", as well. (not sure if it's "proven" or not..but seems to be a
popular theory, at least).

That is, a single follicle/egg with poor quality likely requires more FSH to
stimulate its maturation (thus, high FSH), whereas a better quality
follicle/egg requires less FSH (thus, lower FSH).

Refer to the following website on "Testing Egg Quality"

Susan & Mark

Nov 25, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/25/99
So would you suggest vitex after ovulation? That's when I
take it but have heard conflicting reports. You sound like
you know what you're talking about.

M Nahm

Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
Susan & Mark wrote:
> So would you suggest vitex after ovulation? That's when I
> take it but have heard conflicting reports.

Here's my story:
For 7 years I tried to get pregnant. A few years ago, I tried clomid
without success. The dr was an idiot and insisted I be tested for the
progesterone level on day 21. Gee, since I didn't ovulate until day 20
it was no wonder my levels were always zero.

I was on clomid for 5 months earlier this year (50mg days 5-11,
different dr). I appeared to be ovulating because my temp charts showed
a dip then higher temps. My 7dpo progesterone ran around 12.5.
Unfortunately, every month my leutal phase got shorter and shorter. I
also didn't have ewcm. In July I didn't take the clomid but took two
capsules of Vitex from days 5 until my temp charts showed that I had
ovulated. In fact, I felt the ovulation pain this time instead of just
feeling "twinges" and I finally had ewcm. I can't say that it was the
Vitex that worked. I am currently at 20 weeks with this pregnancy. My
dr called it a clomid holdover. My husband swears its because I
ovulated on his late mother's birthday. The secretary at work says its
because she called the Pink Sisters and put in a prayer request for me.
At the age of 35, I'm just thankful something finally worked.

Sending fertile thoughts++++++++++++++
ps The Pink Sisters are now online at .
pps The Vitex capsules I took were 400mg each. The bottle said to take
4-6 caps a day but I wanted to start out a little cautiously.

Kati Goth

Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99

Kay wrote:

> One of Vitex's other characteristics is that it lowers FSH. HOWEVER,

> artificially lowering one's FSH won't make you more fertile. High FSH is a

> *symptom* of poor egg quality, it's not a *cause*.

This is not really true. High FSH could reslult from a problem with the pituitary
or Hypothalmus gland. The hypothalmus controls the female hormone system by
releasing hormones, such as gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) and
Follical-stimulating-hormone-releasing hormone FSH-RH, which stimulate the release
of pituitary hormones. In response to the hypothalmus, the pituitary gland
releases FSH and LH. FSH is the hormone primarily responsible for the maturation
of the egg during the first phase of the menstrual cycle.

So, it is the imbalanced FSH that effects egg quality, not the other way around!
Chaste Berry (Vitex) has a profound effects on the hypothalmus and pituitary
functions. As a reslut it is able to normalize the secretions of other hormones;
for example GnRH and FSH-RH which in turn directly effect FSH levels.

I got this info directly out of Dr. Michael Murray's book The Encyclopedia of
Natural Medicine.

I hope this helps,

Kati Goth

Nov 26, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/26/99
I read that some one else was taking 1600-2400 mg a day. Dr.Murray and Enzymatic
Therapy (a nutritional supplement company--I called them to ask) recommend that a
person take between 175-450 mg a day of a standardized extract that is standardized to
contain 0.5 % anguside (the active ingredient). I have found sources that say if you
are not going to use a standardized extract and are just going to use a powdered form
of the herb that you need to take between 4-6 capsules a day, but it still may not be
as effective as the extract form.



Nov 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/27/99
<<So, it is the imbalanced FSH that effects egg quality, not the other way

How are you arriving at this conclusion?
Where does egg quality come in?? (You don't mention hypothalmic-ovarian

Your first paragraph merely mentions GnRH and FSHRH, and that they trigger FSH
production (which again, in your own example, you imply that high FSH is an
"effect", not a "cause").


Nov 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/27/99
<<Dr.Murray and Enzymatic Therapy (a nutritional supplement company--I called
them to ask) recommend that a
person take between 175-450 mg a day of a standardized extract that is
standardized to contain 0.5 % anguside (the active ingredient).>>

This dose is for what purpose? PMS? LPD? Ovulation induction?

What part of the cycle do you take it?
175-450mg is a pretty broad range...who qualifies for the triple dose of 450?
Is it done in terms of mg/kg?

Kati Goth

Nov 27, 1999, 3:00:00 AM11/27/99

Kay wrote:

> <<So, it is the imbalanced FSH that effects egg quality, not the other way
> around!>>
> How are you arriving at this conclusion?
> Where does egg quality come in?? (You don't mention hypothalmic-ovarian
> feedback).

Like I mentioned before:

FSH is the hormone primarily responsible for the maturation of the egg during the

first phase of the menstrual cycle. FSH causes the egg to mature or not. An
imature egg does not cause imbalanced FSH levels, it is caused by them. It is
possible that ovaries respond poorly to FSH and the "message" that the hormones
carry does not get recieved, but this has nothing to do with the quality of the
egg, only the function of the ovary. When the ovaries do not cooperate, the
hypothalmus will begin to over produce to try to fix the situation. The feedback
that the hypothalmus gets from the ovaries comes after the egg is mature(from the
FSH) and estrogen levels are high, this signals the pituitary to release LH, which
induces ovulation. Then again feedback comes at the end of the cycle when the
fall of estrogen and progesterone are detected by the hypothalmus , which then
initiates another round of GnRH, starting another cycle. According to Dr. John
Lee, in his book, What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause, Dr. Lee
suggests that when a women has high estrogen levels and low progesterone (a common
problem in women), the result can be high FSH levels, and that raising
progesterone levels will help to correct this imbalance.

And, about the dosage, it is irresponsible to tell everyone exactly how much they
should take. They should talk to their health care professional to find that
out. I was merely quoting the dosage listed by Dr. Michael Murray and Enzymatic
Therapy (as I stated), to point out that it is important to note the difference
between powdered Vitex and powdered extract of Vitex (which is much stronger).


Dec 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/7/99
what is vitex, how is it used? My fsh is quite hig, my overies are not
responding to fertility drugs. ' have tried follistim 4 times, got pregnant
with twins on the second try, lost it at 5 months, tried 2 more times,
follicles will not develope.
Please help.


Susan & Mark

Dec 7, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/7/99
Vitex is an herb (chaste berry.) There is absolutely no
proof that it works but it has been said to stimulate the
pituitary and balance hormones. I take it because I've have
two 7 dpo test that say I have low progesterone. I'll try
Good luck.


Dec 12, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/12/99
When in ones cycle do you take Vitex and for how long? Any info on the herb
would be helpful.
Thanks, Trish

Susan & Mark

Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
I would love info on Vitex as well. I have heard that you
should take the recommended dosage from cd 1 until
ovulation. I don't know if that's right but that's the
good luck


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
One more resource on a *lot* of different herbs...
I just found it while looking up "Vitex"

Male & female factors
3 failed IUIs
ttc 2+ yrs
Want to see what your ng friends look like?
Put a face to the name!
Bunts <> wrote in message


Dec 13, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/13/99
Found this online re Vitex: source is

This reproductive balancer is, at present, the only single-herb extract made
by IMH. Vitex is one of the most extraordinary herbs available to women. It
can be used safely from puberty through menopause. There are no
contraindications or side effects. Vitex has a direct effect on the anterior
pituitary gland, bringing the progesterone cycle into balance. By balancing
the progesterone cycle, it has an indirect effect on the estrogen cycle.
Some women respond to this action within ten days, most women respond after
two menstrual cycles. When used to increase fertility, it may take up to six
months before results occur. The pituitary gland is most responsive to vitex
in the early morning and evening. It is best to take Vitex Extract during
these times to coincide with our biorhythms.

Kate Woodman-Strait

Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
I posted a few weeks ago that I had a friend whose RE was only going to let
her do another IVF if her FSH was lowered significantly...he was pushing her
towards donor eggs. Well, she took Vitex for a few months, and it made her
FSH go down to 6.5 on one test, and 7.something on the second, so her doc
allowed her to do the IVF after all.

Well, just got the news: she's pg., with a beta of 1729 at 17 days past

Since it's such a good beta number, thought I'd pass the info along.
Doesn't sound like there are likely to be any problems there! So I think
y'all can safely chalk this one up as a "vitex success story"!


Susan & Mark

Dec 15, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/15/99
Great news!

Lynn Dickerson

Dec 16, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/16/99
Could you tell me how much she is taking and how many times a day? I
have been taking Vitex for about a month and a half. And different
companies tell you to take different amounts and different times to take
them. It would be very apprecitated.


Kate Woodman-Strait

Dec 22, 1999, 3:00:00 AM12/22/99

Lynn Dickerson wrote in message
: Kate,

: Could you tell me how much she is taking and how many times a day?

Well, my friend had her first ultrasound today, and her doc saw FOUR sacs!
One didn't look as healthy as the other three, but still...WOW. What a
comeuppance for her doc, who had to be *argued* into doing the cycle for

I asked her if she could pass on her dosage, and she sent the following,
which she had sent to someone else on another list:

I had a few elevated FSH levels (14, 16, 19), but mostly they were ~10. To
do IVF, I needed to have low FSH to start my bcps,and then low FSH (<12) to
start stimulation, so I wanted to try vitex, as I'd heard it lowered FSH.
Also, I heard it was good for PMS and endo and luteal phase defect, and
since I have all of these, I thought it wouldn't hurt, especially since my
IVF prospects were dying away. I first took Natures Resource (from CVS
Pharmacy) Vitex or Chastetree berry. It was 325 mg capsules and I took
1/day (even though they bottle recommends more). I took a whole bottle of
these and didn't notice much of anything. It could be that the dose was too
low, the efficacy of this brand is low, or it might take a few months for
the effects to start taking place. Then I got Nature Fingerprint Vitex from
GNC. These were 500 mg capsules and I still took 1/day. Now, I started
noticing changes. My cycles which were normally ~ 24 days were 28-30 days.
I felt more "progesterone-y" - like when you're supplementing. After 2
months of seeing these changes, it was time for my IVF cycle and my FSH was
6.8, E2 of 24 - never had an FSH that low! I continued taking 1 vitex/day,
along with my bcps and my FSH was 9.1 before I started my stim. meds. I
stopped the vitex before I started my stim. meds. For the few months before
when we were trying naturally, I took the vitex all month long. You aren't
supposed to take it in pg, but I've heard some women that took it for the
early part of their pg and it turned out fine. But I would stop vitex if I
got a positive pg test.

Vitex did make my natural cycles more "normal", and clearly increased my
progesterone. Now, there's the big issue of whether lowering FSH has any
effect at all on egg quality. I'm not sure. I would have said that high
FSH is just an indication that ovarian reserve is lower, so "tricking" the
system into lowering FSH probably isn't going to make any more eggs (since
we're born with what we got). I needed to make the FSH cutoff to try IVF, so
I was glad that I could lower my FSH with Vitex, too. I'm not sure if it had
any other lasting effects, but I am pg from my second IVF/ICSI cycle. I
don't know if the vitex just got my system running more "normally" or if it
was just IVF magic, but I'm grateful for both things.
<end quote>

Hope this helps!


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