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The Secret Zodiac of the Illuminati

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26.04.2013, 01:53:0226.04.13

Zodiac Hidden in Plain Sight
Integral Astrological Solution 13 + 13 = 26

Copyright © 2013 by Klaudio Zic. First published by Klaudio Zic
Publications, 2013 The Academic
Zodiac is Copyright © 1972 - 2013 by Klaudio Zic. All Rights Reserved.
No part of this material may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or otherwise, for commercial purposes or
otherwise, without the written permission of the Author. The Academic
Zodiac is privately owned © 1972 – 2013 by Klaudio Zic VIP RTRRT


Linking the world through one zodiac for the planet : the original
zodiac as shared by all astronomical observatories across the planet and
off-planet as well.


The positions of the planets along with their real zodiacal placements
for New Year 2013. 55 Cancri e is of course your Diamond Planet.


So they told you that you have an Aries ascendant? Take a casual glance
at east. Do you see it rising there? You can wait the whole day and you
won’t see Aries rising at east at all. What is this? How is it called?


At flourishing time we had twice the number of ascendants in Egypt than
we have now. As a result, human race was less uniform and more versatile.


Would you believe that there are 16 guardian angels as visible at east?
These constellations and lucky stars are planetary guardian angels.
Since they rise at east for the current epoch, they represent your true
natal ascendants. Aries is not one of them.


You won’t be able to find zodiacal information at all. You will be
tossed between twin absurdities and suggested alternatives but nobody
will ever direct you to your true natal zodiac. You will come across
people who maintain that there is no such thing as real sky.


Why is the zodiac not on Wikipedia? Same as everywhere else, there are
dictates as to delete every possible trace of information due, and this
one is from NASA, so there must be governmental agencies overviewing
other governmental agencies in their own right.


You won’t ever hear of people who produce relevant zodiacal content,
starting from the very creators of the planetary ephemeris. E.g. the
main integrator program does not state who is the creator of the
ephemeris, just the curator is mentioned which is already much.


Despite lack of credulity when it comes to simple facts, anyone can
predict e.g. the day of your next marriage – by memory – in minutes,
even and particularly a toddler.


Zodiac hidden in plain sight? One needs no binoculars in order to spot
the ascendant set, e.g. glorious Orion as rising at east. Many have in
fact seen the eastern ascendants on various occasions, e.g. as Boy
Scouts, but continued to promote superstition instead. Even astronomers
as ensnared within human environment, superstition and default mind have
most probably given up science in favor of superstition. Sai Baba was
born on November 23rd with Sun in Libra. How many of His own followers
know this?


Do observatories know about the zodiac? Observatories have no idea of
the zodiac at all.


The glorious full Moon rises above the canyon at east. The Indian
observes it. The squirrel sees it. The desert brush feels it. All nature
acknowledges the full Moon in unison. Nautili don’t make zodiacal errors
at all. Then where is the problem? The expert takes the laptop from the
van and determines that the Moon will “rise in twenty minutes”. His
default mind install completely discards the obvious: the Moon is
already shining in the eastern sky. In one’s own expert madness, the
zany will discard NASA, primitive Indian or squirrel as irrelevant. The
very moonrise phenomenon has become irrelevant. What is best, there is
astronomic equipment on the market as calibrated to show the wrong
positions of the planets – those as consumed by the masses. As the
market dictates the position of the stars, NASA data gets mangled in
order to affect your children with faux personalities and you will
support this program because everybody does so. Therefore, there is no
need to anonymously occupy anything as you are all bound to serve
default mind anyway: you will support the oppressor even not knowing it
you do it right now as well. But who is the oppressor? We mentioned
default mind. Whose install?


This mind was traditionally installed by the age of three. Its forte is
that it never changes at all, being unable to explore itself. People who
enjoy this mind install can not stop thinking: this mind is not under
anybody’s control. It runs wild.


A collection of craps, failed experiments and foggy presumptions is
often called tradition. The Earth is e.g. traditionally flat where it is
not hollow. Traditionally one can not predict 9-11.

Eris 0 altitude W in Cetus NYC + Osama Moon χ1 Orionis = WTC


If anyone can do it, why do we need to boot the computer at all?
Computers are useful in determining the second of the upcoming event to
be eventually changed by RTRRT.


What is your astrology program based on? Sheer superstition, of course:
but at its basis there is an often outdated NASA integration model. The
new 2013 NASA integration model will never be implemented within such
programs. Amazingly, some programs for the masses do include your own
true natal sky in the form of some truly rudimentary planetarium that of
course no one ever notices at all!


• WHAT RISES AT EAST? – What doesn’t? Uterine little Aries! Not only you
don’t rise at east for the epoch, but are also wet with your little
stars! The ascendant of Our Lord Jesus Christ is as tiny as most
improbable – at the time – star in Aries – the Lamb. Most zodiacal
watery constellations like Capricornus (T1 & T2 ), Aquarius (t ), Cetus
(I, II & II), Pisces (I & II), Taurus and Eridanus are co-ruled by
Pegasean Salacia and Aquarian Neptune. As Salacia stalks for Venus in
Pegasus, we present the Age of Pegasus as encapsulated within the
present Eon of Cetus. In the year 2011, Jupiter went through Cetus along
with a majority of planets. On spring equinox 2012 and 2013, Uranus is
with the Sun in Cetus.
• Q: Which zodiacal stations do not rise as eastern ascendants for the
• A: Aries, Libra, Gemini, Scorpius, Scutum, Sagittarius and
Capricornus; to name some. If you have been told that you had
Capricornus ascendant, it was probably Cetus or Pisces instead. If they
classified you like Scorpius, it was peradventure Serpens or Ophiuchus.
• WHAT DOES IT MEAN – No one you know has possibly an Aries, Scorpio or
Capricorn ascendant: that is technically impossible. The list of
impossibilities continues with Libra, Gemini; Cancer and so on.
• Uterine little Aries! Not only you don’t rise at east for the epoch,
but are also wet with stars! Most zodiacal watery constellations like
Capricornus (T1 & T2), Aquarius (t), Cetus (I, II & II), Pisces (I &
II), Taurus and Eridanus are ruled by Pegasean Salacia and Aquarian
Neptune. As Salacia happens to wait for Venus in Pegasus, we present the
Age of Pegasus as encapsulated within the present AEon of Cetus. In the
year 2011, Jupiter went through Cetus along with a majority of planets
(Libya, Odyssey Dawn). On spring equinox 2012, Uranus is with the Sun in


Also known as zodiac, IAU zodiac or astronomic zodiac; as determined by
Klaudio Zic, had 26 zodiacal constellations prior to Pluto’s demotion
from planetary status, now 22.


The zodiac is based on the IAU principles, thus NASA JPL powered. The
orbital elements for most objects of interest also come from the Harvard


Some popular zodiacal examples are Uranus in Cetus, Venus in Pegasus and
Moon in Sextans.


The ascendant set for the current epoch counts 16 ascendants, also known
as guardian angels. E.g. Aries is not among them but Taurus does rise
for 5 daily minutes.


Some popular ascendants are Monoceros, Eridanus or Ophiuchus.


Formerly regarded as “13th ascendant”, Ophiuchus features as ascendant
in many popular horoscopes. Some examples are Kim Kardashian, Justin
Bieber, Korean president and the USA.


At the time it was believed that Eris was a new planet. The zodiac or
X-zodiac had 43 constellations.


The zodiac is a collection of 22 constellations. 26 are mentioned
regarding Pluto.


16 ascendants rise at east. Aries e.g. does not rise at east; Orion does.


Hundreds of objects swarm the horoscope. The Astrologer works with those


The directions are predictive techniques that enable minute precision in
a prediction.


13+13=26 means that you miss 13 zodiacal signs, assuming you assume 13.


Improve your astrological knowledge by adding 14 missing signs to your
zodiac. Assuming that you assume 12 signs, you are not only missing 14
of them – assuming you peruse Pluto “as planet”, but also contracting a
growing zodiacal offset which presently shoots towards fantastic seven
signs for wintertime nativities as born on the northern hemisphere of
this planet. Earth.


The reasons for your trouble lie in lack of understanding of precession,
e.g. you can not possibly have an Aries ascendant at all; however you
try to fake it: the reason is simple: it dos not rise at east.


Astrology is simple. It was meant for anyone, so anyone can do it right
now. It takes minutes in a three-year old child in order to predict your
next date. Anyone can predict e.g. your next marriage in minutes. So why
not you? Here is what you do.

 Direct. Simply predict by rudimentary arithmetic methods. Do you know
how to count to ten? Then you are Astrologer already. It should take
less than quarter an hour in order to calculate the dates and qualities
of all the loves in your lifetime.
 Now that you know how to predict anything, learn the basics. There are
16 ascendants. Observe them: they are visible with naked eye. There are
13+13=26 zodiacal stations. If you want to exclude Pluto, then 22 are
official. All these of course pertain to the Tarot. The Tarot is the
zodiac. Now we speak initiation.
 Anyone can predict. Life seems so boring. It is yawn to know things
ahead: stocks, lottery, next seduction… Bored of predicting? Life is
getting nowhere? You know how it all ends? Try RTRRT. Change any
eventualities ahead of their due time. Change future. Play with


Grab a copy and - in minutes - you should have a spread of all the loves
in one’s own life. Quarter an hour will do for the calculi. Love affairs
come as rendered by date and quality, so you know how to embrace or
reject proposal in advance. You can do it yourself for your favorite
star as well. When will she marry? The answer is seconds by memory.
Astrology is – of course – simple arithmetic as perused in daily life.
Is he the love of my life? Will there be another one? When? Year, month,
day, hour, minute, second of my next date? Will he date me soon? When do
I marry? Will they marry soon? What if I pick Palladium stocks? Is he
the right one? Such things are solved by memory in minutes – no tools
needed. Solving emotional problems by memory is natural prerequisite in
anyone who had a crash course in Astrology, the infamous “20 Minutes
Astrology” e-booklet.


Q: How many signs does the horoscope have?
A: 88. The horoscope has a total of 88 constellations.

Q: How many constellations are zodiacal?
A: 22 constellations are zodiacal.

Q: What if we close an eye on Pluto?
A: 26 with Pluto. 43 with Eris.

Q: How many ascendants do we have?
A: 16 ascendants: guardian angels: for the current epoch.

Q: Is Aries rising at east for the current epoch?
A: You can’t observe Aries rising at east.

Q: Do the zodiac signs rise at east?
A: Some of them do: e.g. Ophiuchus, Cetus and Sextans.


My horoscope does not stop with Ophiuchus at all? Whereto further does
it go? It ventures into two – but not twin - distinct directions.
Ophiuchus is a zodiacal ascendant for the current epoch. Meaning? One
can see the angel of Ophiuchus rising at east at its prescribed time,
with naked eye. Also: all planets do venture through Ophiuchus, much as
it is the case with Orion and Cetus. As Ophiuchus is both zodiacal and
ascendental for the present epoch, it is member of both clubs. Thus,
your horoscope goes both in pursuit of the 22 or 26 directions –
depending whether you prefer Pluto as planet or not – and in the
direction of them 16 guardian angels as well. Since the popular –
meaning Pluto included - zodiac is made of 26 stations, Ophiuchus is
member. Since the ascendant set for the present epoch is made of 16
ascendants, Ophiuchus is member as well. Counting from the ecliptic, the
next station would be Serpens Cauda, the ascendant of the USA. And Kim


2007 Age of Hydra
2010 Era of Eridanus
2012 Aeon of Cetus ^
2014 Aeon of Cetus ^^
2014 Age of Scutum
2017 Age of Pegasus ^^


Who are they? What do they represent? The 16 angels are simply
ascendants rising at east that are visible to the naked eye. Are they
rising at east? See for yourself.


Want to tweak on something within one of your futurities? No problem:
with RTRRT you create any future you like, even now! And forget about
that “bad transit”: it’ll never happen at all!

Nostradamus did not invent the zodiac. We did.


Enjoying the basic 13 Sun-signs does not resolve the problem of the
ascendant. Luckily, this problem was resolved back in the year 1973.
Thus, the Academic Zodiac celebrates its 1973 – 2013 jubilee.

• 22 zodiacal signs.
• 16 ascendants .
• Pluto nostalgic ? Enjoy 26 zodiacal signs .
• More Sun-signs? Workable 15, extended to 16.
• Cartesian house system: works everywhere : ocean floor , Himalaya ,
spacecraft .
• 1008 delineated planets: the complete solar system is yours for the

1008 Planets

Full services catalog for the current year along with elaborations on
the times we live in as marked by the zodiacal constellation like
Pegasus, Scutum, Eridanus, Hydra or Cetus. As future scanning ideally
proceeds future-changing, the stress is in a detailed acquaintance with
the Academic Zodiac and ascendant set in an RTRRT Instant Magick
initiate. All initiations can be accomplished by self-initiation as
presented within our RTRRT and Academic Zodiac series.

#Manifest #personal #PROSPERITY in minutes!
#RTRRT #Money #Abundance #Wealth #Success #Health

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